Telephone TU. 4-1650 Every Passenger Fully Insured LATE MODEL CARS Careful, Courteous Drivers Weddings, funerals, out-of-town trips Call for information about our rates 'l‘Urner 4 - 1731 Builders! Home Owners! L 0 0 K .' ! 12 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, April 21, 1955 Lincoln Oil Burners INSTALLED - 200 gal. Tank COMPLETE 200 GAL. TANK, ETC. $1724 Hour Service to all other makesiz N0 ‘ DOWN PAYMENT 3 YEARS TO PAY 161 Norfolk Street. RICHMOND HILL Ralph W. Paris Hardware Spring Time is Work Time! WE HAVE THE TOOLS Phone TU. 4-216] 34 Yonge St. S. Ric} Lincoln Oil-Fired Forced Air Units 11m CABS NEW WORK â€"- ALTERATIONS â€" REPAIRS Controls - 1 year service Lincoln Heating Sales RICHMOND HILL 24-HOUB PAST SERVICE Have that faulty mower given one of our 'tune-ups’ before grass mow- ing time. LOCAL CALLS - 40c LAWNMOWER REPAIR SERVICE LAWN ROLLERS FOR SALE OR RENT FURNACE SALE ROGER PROULX Within 2 mile limit ofiRichmond Hill We do it for LESS regardless PLUMBING & HEATING I Free Estimates Gl'adly Given 10 CENTRE STREET EAST CALL ANY TIME YOU DO THE JOB No Heat Interruption Richmond Hill 221 Lawrence Ave. Richmond Hill $479.00 $265.00 TUmer 4-3203 BAldwin 1-6801 Miss Patsy Macklin was a guest of her aunt, Mrs. Murray Macklin and family of Agincourt over the week-end. As her. cous- in was taking part in the Union- ville Skating Carnival on April 16, the girls enjoyed that event. Mrs. Rankin br‘ Toronto and Miss Boys, L'askay. visited Mrs. Umehara on April 16. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Macklin were dinner guests of Mrs. Mack- lin of Agincourt on Sunday. Patsy‘l‘eturned home with them. Birthday greetings to Miss Beth Gellately who celebrated the event on April 13. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hewins of Toronto were 0 week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Simpson. I Little Ann Paxton suffered a broken collar bone last week. While playing with her asiste'r Elaine, she .tumbled from the wagon causing .the (break. Garret‘ Herrema has been a good neighbour indeed this past week as he was kept busy remov- ing vehicles from the bog hole on the road in front of his home, with the tractor. The second concession, both north and South to the townlines, has .been prac- tically impassable. There has been no bread or milk Heliveries possible north of Temperance- ville this past week. W. I. Joan H3136 celebrated her 12th birthday on Tuesday. Apr 12.‘ Little Ann Paxton suffered a broken collar bone last week. While playing with her sister The April meeting of Temper- anceville W.I. was 'held at the home of Mrs. Clayton Beynon on April 13. With the roads in very bad condition a number of the members were unable to get transportation. The roll call “Things money cannot buy." was answered by 13 members two visitors were present. As a number of persons in the com- munity had been ill last month, several letters of‘ appreciation were read. The District Annual of Centre York will be held on June 2 at Laskay. A letter of thanks was-received from York County Hospital Auxiliary for the Institute’s donation of $25. The Red Shield appeal for as- sistance from the organization in canvassing this school sec- tion will take place between now and May 2, if the roads are pass- able. Miss Irene Mashinter, Mrs. Nelson Thompson, Mrs. Wilbert Jennings, Mrs. Everett Phillips Mrs. Fred Hare and Mrs. Gor- don Baldwin will canvass. A discussion was held regard- ing an exhibit for the Women‘s OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. DISHES, BEDDING PILLOWS, at LOT 69. GARDEN AVE. At Stop 20 Langstaï¬â€˜. 1 mile west of Yonge Street on SATURDAY, APRIL 30 The property of R. CHENERY 1 Large ( 1 Chrome chairs 1 Cement 1 Combin Quantity 1 Stool- Quantity Quantity Quantity SPECKLED TROUT FISHING OPENS 'APR. 30 iri Ontariolï¬is year because usual‘May 1 openmg falls on Sundayu This ï¬sherman was snapped looking oveg hxs ï¬les at White River., ‘ Number 0! Jars Many o‘ther articles too numer- ous to mention. ALVIN tion Spring Mattress Wash Stand 3-Section Book Case Dressing Stool Small Table with drawer Coffee Table Lamp 1 Radio Lamp Card Table v Bed, spring and mattress Large Dressing Mirror Large Chest of'Drawers Utility Table Bedroom Box Electric Toaster Dresser 1 Electric Iron Iron Bed. spring and mattress End Tables Dresser. medium size Large Chime Clock Chrome Kitchen set, table and AUCTION SALE Dining Room Suite China Cabinet Writing Desk Small Stand Magazine Table Bed Spring & Mattress Dressing Table V Large Dresser, in good condi- CORRESPONDENT: MRS. ED. PAXTON. R. R. 3, KING Phone TU. 4-3059~ TEMPERANCEVILLE NEWS of Garden Tools of Odd Dishes of bedding and pillows ather Pillows Mixer ation Door of Carpenter Tools 'o reserve FARMER, din auctioneer Because the president and hostess for the May meeting, will be leaving for Guelph on May 11, it was decided the meeting be held a week earlier on May 4 at 2.30 pm. On Monday, April 25, a meeting will be held at/the school at 8 pm. to plan the W.I. year‘s program. Standing 'com- mittees are asked to have their program lined up. Section of the Aurora Horse Show on June 11. Two sugges- tions were aprons and flowers for every occasion. Further plans will be made at the May meet‘ mg. Splendid reports for 1945-5 were written by all standing committees and given at the Ap- ril meeting. Beginning 1954-5 with a balance of $55.14. receipts amounted to $785.42. Expenses were $725.85. Euchres brought in $85.05 net. All donations of prizes etc. were greatly apprec- iated. The 1955-6 officers are: Hon- orary presidents. Mrs. F. Wil- kins, Mrs. Howard Clark; past president, Mrs. Clayton Bey'non; President. Mrs. Nelson Thomp-' son; lst Vice Pres. Mrs. Wilbert Jennings; 2nd Vice Pres. Mrs. Clayton Beynon; secretary-treas. Mrs. Gordon Baldwin; assistant sec.â€"treas. Mrs. Burton Palmer; directors, Mrs. C. Beynon. Mrs. F. Hare. Mrs. Maurice Beynon, Mrs. W. Jennings; auditors, Mrs. Everett Phillips Mrs. Fred Boys; district director, Mrs. C. Beynon: pianist, Mrs. Fred Hare; social convenors. Mrs. E. Phill- ips, Mrs. B. Palmer, Mrs. C. Beynon Mrs. F. Hare, Mrs. ,Jack Macklin; visiting committee. Mrs. W. Turner, Mrs. Wesley Lloyd, Mrs. Frank Bell, Mrs. Joseph Levison; standing com- mittees: Home Economics, Mrs. J. Levison; Health Mrs. Stella Paxton: Citizenship and Educa- tion, Mrs. N., Price; Agriculture, Mrs. J. Macklin; Canadian In- dustries. Mrs. M. Beynon; His- torical Research & Current ‘Ev- ents, . Mrs. Wilbert Jennings: Community Activities and Pub- lic bRelations; Mrs. Burton Palm- er; news scouts Mrs. J. Mack- lin, Mrs. J. Levison, Mrs. F. Boys, Mrs. J. Gillham. Mrs. W. Turner. . Church News Mrs. Jack Macklin read the current events paper prepared by Mrs. E. Phillips for this meet- ing. While lunch was being prepared, Miss Florrie Beynon showed pictures in color which she had photographed locally. Mrs. Roy Bowen presided over the election of officers for 1955- 6 while Mrs. Gordon Baldwin acted as secretary. Communion Sunday will be held at Temperanceville Church on__Sunday evening, April 24. The CIG.I.T. g'r'oup‘ {viï¬ï¬‚re- sume their meetings on April 21. Misses Darlene Anderson and Phyllis Citron student teachers, are boarding at Mrs. Nelson Thompson‘s while teaching at Temperanceville School. Mrs. Scott is back on duty after her illness. Septic Tanks Pumped Drains Cleaned & Repaired 24 Hour Service C. STUNDEN Richmond Hill TU. 4-1245 Sanitary Contractor A. E. F. WRIGHT Real Estate SPECIALIZING INA Suburban & Country Properties WHEN BUYING 0R SELLING Call BA. 1-4343 or AV. 5-1902 >â€"qng. pat! panama {m PEG (Too Late For Last Week) Belated birthday greetings to Harley Homer, whose birthday was last week, also to Sharon Johnson. Many happy returns also to Jim Curtis and son Elgin who each have birthdays this week. The beautiful weather of East- er seems to have created an urge among Headford folk to go vis- iting. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Leek visited in Cameron. as did also Mr. and Mrs. William Wellman, who called on Mr. and Mrs. Wes Wellman there; the Murray Acremans, with Mrs. Morris. spent Easter at Havelock and Hal and Mrs. Acreman were at Peterborough for a few days. Mrs. Ralph James (Jane Stew- art) and her children have been staying with her sister. Mrs. George Barker for a few days. but leave on Thursday for their home in Fort Frances. A deer was seen in thé back lane quite near the barn on the farm of Mr. Charles Homer one day last week. It showed no fear as some of the folk appro- ached quite near. Headford W. A. held its April meeting on Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Elmer Leek. with about thirteen or fourteen members present. Mrs. Freeman Barker presented a film strip which had been shown in the Sunday School on Easter Day. and Miss Joyce Perkins entertained with a reci- tation. Vice-president, Mrs. Cummer Lee, conducted a Bilfle quiz and Mrs. Leek served a de- lightful lunch. Visitors were Joyce‘s mother. Mrs. Flo'yd Perk- ins and Mrs. Reaman, mother of Mrs. Perkins and Mrs. Leek. Letters received this week from Mrs. Hugh Deverell, one of the members of Headford W. A.. and who is at present visiting in Vancouver. BC. tell of much rain out,there. In contrast, some work on the land, and much work in gardens, is prevalent here. On Thursday evening last. Mrs. Freeman Barker invited Mrs. William Wellman and Mrs. Acreman to accompany her to the Richmond Hill Horticultural Society‘s April meeting to hear Professor J. A. Weall, of the O. A. C. Guelph. His talk was on landscaping the small 101, which he most ably demonstrat- ed with chalk and blackboard, while keeping up a ‘running com< mentary. freely interspersed with the Professor’s own brand of, whimsy. Road conditions at the time were certainly had. but the lecture by Professor Wea,l1 made it all very much worth while. It was very nice to see Mr. and Mrs. John Simpson and Nor- een in church on Sunday morn- ing. The guest, Bill Drï¬akwater Motors Brodies also had Cora's Miss Margaret Ecse of King City CORRESPONDENT : MRS. H. ACREMAN R. R. 2 Gormley â€" Phone TUrner 4-2236 motoramz’c A GENERAL MOTORS'VALUE HEADFBRD NEWS evrolet Headford W. A. will hold its Annual Church service in the evening of May 15 and for speak- er have secured Rev. E. A. Cur- rey of Acton who will bring with him a goodly part of his choir. Markham. .In church also was Mrs. Marshall. mother of Mrs. Melvin Wellman. Mrs. Marshall was for years organist in the church where Mr. Huston spent part lof his student ministry: Vis'itors over the weekend at the Acreman's were Mr. Lloyd Jones and son Lloyd of Scarboro Mr. and Mrs. Mel Jones and Mr. and Mrs. Stan Gay of Toronto, and Mr. Perce Brown of Stouff- ville. Again this year, Canadians continue to buy more Chevrolet: than any other car] E’s Domestic Fuel Oils Our trucks are equipped with Government Inspected Printo-Meters'for your protection. ME. BURNER PARTS & SERVICE A. SMITH UPHOLSTERING Free Estimates 'AV. 5-1682 Special Prices On Commercial Work Over 25 years experience in the Better Shops in Toronto Plume King 50 Now Open For Business SMITH UPHOLSTERING PHONE TU. 4-2061 2 PIECE CHESTERFIELD RECOVERED For as low as $65.00 (Including materials) 5 Year Guarantee C.2l55€