12' i THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, 'April [his is the San Francisco Opera House where ten yéars ago the U.N. Charter was born. This coming June, delegates from the 60 Member States of the United Nations, including the 51 original members, will [fleet once again in the Opera House to rededicate the pledge of the peoples they represent to the principles embodied in the Charter. people Birthplace of U.N. Charter LIBERAL Phone TU. 4-1261 for Results such a little cost for such a big coverage .. hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of -WANT-Ad Richmond Hill & District will read yourinexpensive “7 ft! Henderson Ave. Home & .Schpol Contrary to the general opin- ion concerning the effects of television on children's reading. more books are being taken home from Public Libraries by children, said Mrs. Dean, who was guest speaker at the April meeting of Henderson Ave. Home and School. Mrs. Dean of Willowdale branch of the North York Public Library gave interesting information on types of good books for children to in- clude in school and home librar- ies. Parents were invited to bring good children‘s books to this meeting. ‘ and many books were donated to help augment the libraries in the classrooms. The speaker was introduced by Mrs. Angus MacDonald and thanked by Lloyd Haynes. Bob Priestman, as a repre- sentative from the Thornhill Area Recreation Committee gave a resume of activities in this area available for both children and adults. As a result of this inâ€" formation. the association in- structed the secretary to re- quest that the ARC consider some sort of summer playground for Henderson School grounds. Another bird picture by Allan Brooks will grace the walls of Mrs. MacDonald’s classroom, as the attendance prize for the month. On Saturday, April 23, the afâ€" ternoon; movie program. sponâ€" sored by Henderson Ave. H. & S. was very successful, both from the standpoint of audienk ap- SAME DAY SERVICE Open 7 am. - 12 Midnight DAILY Victor Draper Oak Ridges Ontario TU. 4-3181 EMA-9559 RELIANCE SERVICE STATION Radio â€"â€" Washer Repair Service 28, 1955 Conversion To 60 Cycle TELEVISION CORRESPONDENT: MRS. WALTER SANDERS 23 Meadowview Road m Ave. Home & School ry to the general opin- icerning the effects of 1 on children‘s reading. oks are being taken )m Public Libraries by said Mrs. Dean. who Telephone AV. 5-2116 preciation and numbers of child- ren attending the event. Several adults were on hand to help the convenor Jack Forrest. with Allan Martindale running the projector. Powell Road Home &_ School A Agencies HIGHLAND PARK NEWS OI Monday. April 25. despite rain and mud, a fair attendance was on hand for the annual meeting of Powell Road Home & School. Reports were read by oï¬icers of the past term and were prepar- ed in mimeograph form for each member to have a copy for fur- ther study. S. G. Burgis, Unionville. Who is vice-president for east area of York-Simcoe Home and School Council, gave a very interesting talk on a trip he had recently to Chicago. and pointed out that he had visited Home and School As- sociations there. or Parent-Tea- chers as they are called in the States, and found they carry on the same good work we do. Officers for 1955-56 were in- stalled: President E. Higgs. vice- presidents. Mrs. W. Hodgins, Mrs. W. Sanders. secretary Mrs. N. Jeens. treasurer' Mrs. P. For- rester. corresponding secretary, Mrs N. Geno. executive members Mrs. A. Bradbeer. Mrs. P. Fran- cis. Mrs. L. Dobesensky. and Mrs. V. Bragan. Mrs. Pollock introduced those who provided entertainment for the evening A recitation was given by Willa Dair. guest pupil from Charles Howitt School; Va- lerie Jackson and Diane Burton favoured the group with a dance number; Jerry Pollock played piano and harmonica selections, and Donnie Calvert entertained with his puppet show. Correspondent: Mrs. Guy Frazer Telephone AV. 5-2467 Home & School The Thornlea Home & School held its regular monthly meet- ing on April 20 with the presi- dent. Mrs. G. Frazer was in the chair. The presentation of the scholarship was discussed and it was decided to present it at the picnic in June. Mr. G. Learn the new Thornlea principal was present and made a very favor- able impression. Mrs. J. Robin- son showed an hour of really beautiful slides which she has taken herself over several years. It was decided to hold the exâ€" ecutive meeting on Thursday ev- ening at 8 o’clock at Mrs. Fraz- er‘s home. The social convener and com- mittee served tea. ""Chhgf‘éiulrations to Mr. and Mrs. G. Martin on the birth 'of their son. THORNLEA NEWS The first practise of the sea- son was held at Charles Howitt School last Wednesday. Cec Turnbull is well pleased with the response to the girls‘ ball team and would still be interested to hear from anyone else who would care to participate in this fine sport. . School Baseball Richvale boys first ball game of the season in area competition will be held on Monday May 9 and the girls first game will be on Tuesday May 10. Guides and Brownies. Captain M. Lawson presented the Needlewoman and Little House emblem badges to Carol Bursey at the Guide meeting a week last Tuesday and Brown Owl enrolled Janet Taylor as a Brownie on Wednesday night.‘ At the Guide and Brownie mothers meeting the draw was held for the beautiful hand- made magazine rack that Mr. Frank Millman had made for the Brownies and donated to them to assist their activities. Mrs. Rob- ert Miller was the winner. The banquet and camp were the main topics of discussion and enthus- iasm is mounting amongst the mothers and girls. Mrs. A. Peck and Mrs. R. F. Paul were chosen as representatives of the Guide and Brownie organization to the Recreational Association. Petition For Water Mains There will be representatives at the Community Hall again on Saturday April 30 and Sunday May 1, between 1 and 3 p.m., to EARLY SPRING FISHING attracts thousands’t'o Ontario's well- stocked streams. Scene is Nottawasaga Rive: in Georgian Bay district. CORRESPONDENT: RICHVALE NEWS TU. 4-2800 complete the signing of the pet- ition which will be presented to Council on Monday May 2. at which meeting Mr. R. V, Anderâ€" son will submit to Council a full report and costs for the water system. Personals There have been several cases of measles and German measles in the community but luckilyï¬ot too severe, Lloyd Smith, and Janice Austerberry were the most recent victims but progres- sing well. Belated congratulations to Mr. and Mrs, Ken Hough‘ who now have a baby girl as sister for their four sons. Langstaff Scout & Cub Mothers At the meeting held last week of the mothers auxiliary, tenta- tive plans were made for a Fall bazaar and the family picnic to be held in May at Camp'Samac. Birthdays Guy Markle celebrated his 8th birthday last Sunday with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Kiddie and Mrs. D. Fraser visitâ€" ing for dinner. On Saturday Guy had a party with Ronnie Bickerstaff, Bobbie Morris, Doug McLellan, Bob Boulder, David Gilmore, Ronnie Spears and Chuck Parker attending. Wayne Mills was unable to join the boys owing to a case of mumps. The bbys had sports and baseball before lunch and watch- ed television in the afternoon. Many happy returns to Mr. Allan Peck whose birthday was last Saturday. MRS. R. F. PAUL BUS. AV. 5-2288 The Bryant Hardware 1/3 OFF MONDAY 8: TUESDAY SPECIALS WOMEN’S & CHILDREN’S SOCKS, HANDKERCHIEFS, CHINA, ORNAMENTS British, Foreign & American Car Specialists To make room for more hardware, variety & houseware stock, we are discontinuing' and clearing the following â€" SLIPS, NIGHTGOWNS, PANTS, BRASSIERES, GARTER BELTS, AND GIRDLES STARTING FRIDAY SUPERTEST STATION Clarke and Henderson Avenue THORNHILL, ONTARIO H A N K ’ S GARAGE 8c SERVICE Stop 22A'Yonge St. at the Post Office, Richvale TU. 4-1302 Under New Management Gas & Oil RES. BA. 5-2405