aRIGHMONI) HILL . . UXBRIDGE : After part of the roof collapsed on top of him. Alex Lubinsky. 74, fought his way out of a blazing implement shed on his farm, four miles norht of here last Tuesday night. He had salvaged his car. a mall tractor and seed drill from the ï¬re, and was trying to start a large tractor when the roof fell. a Tarzan of Richmond, owned by Mrs. G. E. Probert, 242 Rich- mond Street. Richmond Hill. placed fourth in the Canadian Bred Class at the Ontario Ken- nel Club Show held at Whitby last Saturday. The Richmond Hill Brownies have invited their parents and the members of the Local Assoc- lation of Guides and Brownies to be present at their annual Church Parade being held Sun- day, May 8, in St. Mary’s Angli- can Church, Richmond Hill, at The three sections of the Rich- mond Hill United Church Sun- 'day School will hold a joint Family Service at 9.45 this com- ing Sunday morning in honour of Mother's Day. Parents of all the children in the unior. inter- mediate and senior sections of the Sunday School are invited to intend this special Family Serv- ee. The Evening Auxiliary of the Presbyterian Church enjoyed a pot luck supper in the newly decorated Sunday school on Wed- nesday evening. _ A choir of mothers will assist the Junior Choir at the Family Day Service at the Presbyterian Church next Sunday. The Richmond Hill W.I. will meet Thursday, May 12, at 2 p. m. in the Presbyterian Church basement. The program is un- der the convenorship of Mrs. H. Howarth. The subject will be Citizenship and Education. It‘s a mysterious thipg, and since it’s a condition you can’t see, vapor lock is a diiemma that’s not too wen under- stood. Vapor lock usually happens on the season's first warm days when some service stations haven’t received their supply of summer-time gas. The difference is important, for in the winter gasoline is made to vaporize easily for ready starts. In the summertime, that advantage becomes a disadvantage. If it is vapor lock, it can be cured easily by pouring Gold water over the fuel pump and fuel ï¬nes to condense the gas. You’re driving merrily along at a good highway clip on one of the first warm days in spring. You have to slow down at a traffic jam. Suddenly the car stalls and won’t restart. Open ,8 mm. - 9 p.111. TU. 4-1491 Serving this area for 40 years Evergreens - Flowering Shrubs - Roses Shade Trees Fruit Trees Grass Seed & Fertilizers k‘ \.~\ It’s obviously the fuel pump. you say, and sometimes it is. But one of the possible canoes people seldom ihink about is "vapor lockâ€. When you slowed down in that trafï¬c jam. the engine heated up a bit and the gasoline in the carburetor. fuel line and pump began to vaporize. But the pump is made to force through liquid gas, not vapor. The engine stops. It looks like a case for a new fuel pump. That's a simple answor to a complicated problem. Only experience can give you he answers. and it's oxperience that gives a good mechanic iho ability 10 re}! whan you need repairs â€"â€" and when you DON'T need repairs. That’s just one of ï¬re reasons so many owners have heir cars ii! :he can“ hands at on- oouiu depart-om. But if you remember about it. you my an route}! the expense of a new fuel pump. ENDEAN NURSERIES invite you to visit Metropolitan Toronto’s largest Sales Station -vr--_ _, H ._ , unvonhmn‘pï¬uumufl one mile north of Richmond Hill YONGE STREET Eu! etauria Morley \Beynon. Arnold St.. who recently suffered a heart at- tack will be conï¬ned to his home for the next few weeks. His family reports he is progressing favourably. Miss Edna Izzard attended the graduation ceremonies of the Toronto Bible College in Var- sity Stadium last Thursday when Miss Marilyn Panke, one of Miss Izzard's former students and a graduate of Richmond Hill District High School was among the graduates. Members of the Presbyterian W.M.S. held an all-day quilting and pot luck lunch on Wednes- day. Thursday. April 28, was Fam- ily Night. sponsored by the Men’s Club of St. Mary‘s Anglican Church. Featured guest was Jim- my Thompson of the Toronto Maple Leaf Hockey team. After an interesting talk on the joys and griefs of professional sport, Jimmy conducted a question and answer period which produced some informative as well as amusing results. A cartoon ï¬lm and lots of hot dogs and ice cream concluded an enjoyable evening for over 100 youngsters. Over 100 friends and relatives called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Morley Hall, Church Street South, on April 30, on the 00 casion of their 25th wedding anâ€" niversary. Among those pres- ent were Mrs. Allan White of Richmond Hill and Roy Hall of Bellevllle who had attended Mr. and Mrs. Hall at their wedding. Also present was Mr. Hal's mo- ther, Mrs. Richard Hall of Whitby. During the day, a four generation picture of the family was taken. Pouring tea in the afternoon were Mrs. Muriel Smith and Mrs. Wm: Neal and in the even- ing Mrs. W. J. Taylor and Mrs. Jack Hart. TAYLOR, Harriet Ellen â€" At the Toronto General Hospital, Fri- day, April 29, 1955, Harriet Ellen Copeland, beloved wife of Reverend Dr. John T. Tay- lor of 81 Arnold St.. Richmond Hill. retired missionary from central India. Dear mother of Dr. A. C. Taylor, Regina; Mrs. F. V. Winnett (Margaret), Tor- onto; Reverend Dr. W. S. Tay- lor, Vancouver; and Mrs. M. D Parmenter (Eleanor), Toronto. Service held Richmond Hill United church, Monday, May 2, at 3 o'clock. Interment Rich- mond Hill cemetery. *1w45 Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wilson Reid announce 'the engagement of their daughter Carol Ann’to Albert Charles Hoare, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hoare, Toron- to. The marriage will take place on May 28, 1955, at 7 o’clock p. m. in Richmond Hill United Church, Richmond Hill, Ont. Mr and Mrs. Alvin Stephen- son, Gormley. announce the en- gagement of their daughter Iso- bel Marie to Beverley Lawson Neill. son of Mr. and Mrs. How- ard Neill. King City. The mar- riage will take place on Saturday, May 28, at 3 o'clock in Mt. Pis- gah United Church, Gormley. ' c1w45 In ï¬lemuriamg BASKERVILLE â€"â€" In loving memory of a dear wife and mother. Elsie Elizabeth Bas- kerville, who passed away May 7, 1950. Five years have passed away and gone Since one we loved so well Was taken from our home on beneath Shall never fade away. â€" Lovingly remembered by husband Silas, Beulah, James. c1w45 KILLIPS â€"- In loving memory of my dear mother, Cora Beat- rice Weldrick, who passed away on May 7, 1954. Past her suffering, past her pain, Cease to weep, for tears are vain. She who suffered is at rest, Gone to Heaven with the blest. earth With Jesus Christ to dwell. The flowers we place upon her grave May wither and decay. But the love of her who sleeps KILLIPS â€" In loving memory of our dear gister, Cora Beat- rice Weldrick, who passed aw- ay May 7, 1954. Resting where no shadows fall, In perfect peace she waits us all, Our' God will link the broken SNIDER â€"â€" In loving memory of our dear mother, Rose Snider, who passed away, March 28, 1946; also our dear brother, George William Snider, who ‘passed away May 11, 1946. Someone remembers, someone cares, Your name is whispered in our prayers, A smile,‘ a tear, a thought sin- cere, How often we wish that you were here. â€" Sadly missed by Elsie, Gla- dys and Ella. *1w45 â€"â€" Lovingly remembered by daughter Evelyn, Jess and grand- children. chain, As one by one we‘ll meet again â€" Sisters and brothers. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Charles Peelar wishes to thank her friends and relatives for the lovely cards and flowers she received while in Toronto General Hospital, also to thank Rev. A. Donald for his many calls. ch45 D. E. C O O K GENERAL CONTRACTOR ï¬ngagements Domestic & Industrial Ralph W. Paris Hardware 34 Yonge St. S. Phone TU. 4-2161 RICHMOND HILL 18†Cut _ $89.95 TAYLOR-FORBES HAND MOWERS $18.95 OAK RIDGES TU. 4-3075 QUALITY GARDEN SUPPLIES CHOICE GARDEN SEEDS bulk and packaged So Green Fertilizer for the Lawn Vigoro & 4-12-10 Garden Fertilizer fleatb Alterations SPRING SPECIALS POWER LAWN MOWERS 18†Cut ._ Special $69.95 LAWN BOY DELUXE *1w45 c1w45 A missionary in Central India for 46 years, Harriet Ellen Tay- lor, wife of Dr. J. T. Taylor. 81 Arnold Street, Richmond Hill, died Friday, April 29 at the To- ronto General Hospital. She had been a resident of Richmond Hill since 1945. Mrs. Taylor was born at Port Hope, Ontario, and spent most of her life as a missionary in India for the United Church go- ing to that country with her hus- band in 1899. Her work among the people there continued until 1945 when she and her husband returned to Canada. Much of Mrs. Taylor’s work in India was among the women. She was a faithful member of Richmond Hill United Church. where she took a great interest in the work of every organization. Harriet Ellen Taylor Missionary 46 Years Survï¬/ing _are her husband two sons and two daughters. Dr‘ Richmond Hill Horticultural Society is holding its ï¬rst show of the season Thursday, May 12, in the Lions Community Hall. The show will be open to the public from 8 to 10 pm. Lawson Mumberson is con- venor ,assisted by R. D. Little and Bill Beatty. Featuring daf- fodils, it is expected there will be a large display of other sea- sonal flowers at the show. Plant Sale By Richmond On Sunday last, a lovely‘sun- ny afternoon thirty members of the Naturalists spent a couple of hours studying birds, plants and frogs and toads. We were espec- ially pleased to have Carl Teet- zel and Lynn Jackman take the leadership of the ten boys pre- sent. The balance of the group was divided among Messrs Large and Longworth, Mrs. Addison and Dr. Lillian Langstaff. At the end of the afternoon the following observaitons were reported: Purple Martin, Tree Swallow, Barn Swallow, English Sparrow, Chipping, White-Throa- ted and White-Crowned Spar- rows. Also Song Sparrow. Palm, Black-throated green; Black and White and Myrtle Warblers. Red- winged Blackbird, Phoebe, Chic- adee, Winter Wren, Robin, Gold- finch, Ruby-Crowned Kinglet that showed his ruby crown for some observers. Brown Creeper, Bronze Grackle, Yellow-bellied Sapsueker, Cowbird, Pheasant, Junco, Bobolink, Evening Gros- Horticulturalists Sponsoï¬ng Plant Sale At Daffodil Show Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church Recently Redecorated On Sunday, May 1, the congre- gation of Richmond Hill Presby- terian Church worshipped in a newly decorated church auditor- ium. This work was very cap- ably carried out by V. Phinne- more and his assistants without interruption to the regular church services. The walls of the auditorium and halls have been painted an eye-pleasing turquoise and the balcony grille-work has been re- gilded. The W.A. assumed ï¬n- ancial responsibility for the work. At the service Sunday morning, Mrs. C. Duncan sang, “Bless This House." Downstairs a change has been made also, with the Evening Auxiliary decorating the Sunday School room by volunteer labor. The color scheme is camellia pink for walls and woodwork, with a pale blue ceiling. New cupboards for the use of the Sunday School and the Choirs, are also a gift from the Evening Auxiliary. The W.A. provided materials and a group of men of the con- gregation have constructed 16 new banquet tables with attached folding legs, which will be in use for the ï¬rst time this week at the Spring Luncheon sponsor- ed by the W.A. This work culminates two A plant sale will 'be held in Nature Notes A. C. Taylor, Regina, Dr. W Taylor. Vancouver, Mrs. F. Winnett, Toronto and Mrs. M Parmenter, Toronto. The funeral service was held May 2 from Richmond Hill United Church. Rev.. C. G. Hig- ginson officiated at the service. A message was brought by Presi- dent A. B. Moore of Victoria Uni- versity, chairman of the Board of Overseas Missions. and Dr. A. A. Scott. a former moderator of the United Church and an associate of the deceased in In- dia. Interment took place in Rich- mond Hill Cemetery. Pall bear- ers were Dr. A. C. Taylor. Rev. Dr. W. S. Taylor, Dr. F. V. Win- n‘ett, Robert Cranston. Q.C.. Alec Copeland and Isaac Khemla, an Indian minister who is spending a year in Canada. conjunction with the show. Members are asked to share their plants with other flower-lovers, the success of the sale depend- ing on the contributions of members. Timely Advice Hill Naturalists Philip Delf will explain the use of garden sprays at the meet- ing, and premiums will also be given out. The society has been fortunate in obtaining a ï¬ne se- lection of gladiolus corms as pre- miums. beaks - a pair‘ Lyn and Carl reported a Chim- ney swift and a Whippor-will earlier in the day. Nests of the crow, red-shouldered hawk and squirrel were seen. Blue and yellow violets. dog-toothed vio- let, marsh marigold, spring beauties, hepaticas, bloodroot, are all in bloom and trilliums opening. Mourning cloak and cabbage butterflies were noted. Leopard frog. and tiny toads were seen. Spring peppers, wa- ter spiders, perch and chub were seen by one boy whose interest lay especially in the water. Toad eggs were collected for study. The next field trip will take place next Sunday May 8th to Purpleville. Cars will leave the water tower at 2 pm. All inter- ested are invited. It is expected there will be cars for all. Fees may be paid at any time to the secretary, Mrs. Peter Ad- dison or to the treasurer, Mrs. Y. T‘. Lambert. years of repair and redecoration for the congregation. In 1953, the manse was redecorated, many repairs made, and modern kitchen cupboards installed. Since that time new oil-ï¬red fur- naces have been installed in both manse and church; the pipe or- gan was completely overhauled and the console rebuilt and con- verted from pneumatic to elec- tronic activation. Last year, David Patton don- ated modern'upholstered choir chairs to replace the old wood- en ones; and the Young Peoples and Sunday School presented a silk Union Jack and Canadian Ensign to be placed at the front of the Church.. The newly or- ganized Junior Choir was gownâ€" ed. by the Evening Auxiliary asâ€" sisted by other women of the church, and a new pulpit Bible was the gift of the minister, Rev. J. N. Hepburn. Fifty stack- ing chairs Were also donated re- cently lgy the Evening Auxiliary. The Richmond Hill Presbyter- ian congregation has an inter- esting history. It was organized in 1817 by the Rev. Wm. Jen- kins, a, graduate of Edinburgh University, and became the mo- ther church of a very large dis- trict reaching from Whitby to Halton Co. and from York (Tor- onto) to Lake Simcoe. The ï¬rst services were held in the pine grove which stood on the site of the present cemetery, but in 1821 the ï¬rst church, a two- storey frame building was er- ected. The present church was built in 1880. The original pewter commun- ion service has remained in pos- session of the church and last year was placed on view. along with the second set. of silver. in a glass cabinet presented by Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Moore and family, where it provides a tan- gible link with the days of the pioneers. Rooï¬ng, Eavestroughing Chimney Brick a; Cement Work, Caulking, Paint'mg. Drain, Genera! 32pm of all kinds HOME REPAIR SPECIALISTS In all kinds of leaks. Work Done Immediately; Contractor W rlt‘een Guarantee TU. 4-3344 RICHMOND HILL PRESBY’I‘ERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. N. Hepburn, Minister SUNDAY. MAY 8, 1955 MOTHER’S DAY Sunday School . . . . . . . . 10 am Nursery Dept. 11 am Morning Worship . . . . . . 11 am RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. G. Higginson. B.A.. 8.0.. Minister SUNDAY. MAY 8, 1955 MOTHE ' '5 DAY 9.45 tun. â€" Su ay School 11 am. â€" Mother's Day Service and Baptism (Junior Choir) 7 pm. â€" Evening Service 81'. MARY’S CHURCH ' RICHMOND HILL (Anglican) Rev. A. A. Chote. B.A.. 3. 1-11.. SUNDAY. MAY 8. 1955 4th After Easter “No good thing will the Lord withold from them that walk uprightly" 9.45 am. â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€" Morning Prayer Rev. A. Cathcart Junior Congregation 2 pm. â€" Teen-age Bible Class “A Wonderful Mother" 7 pm. -â€" Evening Prayer Annual Church Parade of Rich- mond Hill Brownies The Rector Wed. Night 7.30 pm. â€" Bible Study Fellowship Holy Spirit, dwell with me; I myself would gracious be, Love and words that help and heal Would Thy life in mine reveal. Hour, CHML 9 3.111. Sundu 8 p.111. â€" Sunday School THORNHILL UNITED CHURCH Minister Rev. E. E. Kent. Th. D. SUNDAY, MAY 8, 1955 MOTHER’S DAY 11 am. â€" Family Day Service Mrs. E. N. Meuser speaker Sunday School unites with con- gregation for service RICHMOND HILL FREE METHODIST CHURCH Corner of Elmwood and Rugglu SUNDAY. MAY 8, 1955 MOTHER’S DAY 8 am. â€" Holy Communion 11 am. â€" Morning Prayer 7 p.111. â€" Evening Prayer THORNHILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. C. H. Chambers, B.A., B.D., SUNDAY, MAY 8, 1955 MOTHER’S DAY 11 a.m.‘ â€" (3) Wanted â€" More Christian Families 7.30 pm. â€" Adult Bible Study in the Manse Fri., 7 pm. â€" Happy Hour Sat. 7.30 pm. â€"- Young Liï¬e Club Wein'ér'Roast SUNDAY, MAY 8, 1955 r CHRISTIAN FAMILY DAY 11 â€" The Minister The Markham Male Quartette Sunday, May 15, Foreign Mission Sunday Rev. Leslie Wilton, India Wed.. May 18, 8 pm. â€" Women’s Missionary Thankoi‘fering Baptist Choral ‘Society You are cordially invited to all the services of the church mun ANGLICAH CHM Thomhlll CARRVILLE UNITED CHURCH ~ Minister. Rev. E. E. Kent. TILD. SUNDAY, MAY 8, 1955 MOTHER’S DAY 2.30 p.m. â€" Family Day Service Mrs. E. N. Meuser, speaker CHURCH OF CHRIST Meeting in Concord School Home Each Lord’s Day evening at 7 pm. Gospel Message Tune in CKEY (580) at 9.15 am. Matthew 15:13 â€" Every plant which my Heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up. WILCOX GOSPEL CHURCH Wildwood Ave" Wilcox Lake Pastor Allan Mack SUNDAY, MAY 8, 1955 MOTHER’S. DAY 11 am. â€" Morning Worship 2.30 p.m. â€"â€" Sunday School '1 pm. â€" Evangelistic Service Midweek Prayer 8: Praise â€" Thursday 8 pm. Ouk Ave-Io SUNDAY. MAY 8. 1955 MOTHER’S DAY 9.45 am. â€" Breaking of Bread 11 am. â€" Sunday School and Bible Class 7 pm. -â€" Evening Service Tues., 8 pm. â€" Prayer and Bib- LANGBI'AH BAPTIST cm SUNDAY, MAY 8, 1956 MOTHER'S DAY Speaker: Rev. Wm. Large Services Sunday, 11 am. â€"â€" Bible School classes for all ages 7 pm. â€" Gospel Service Tues., 8 p.111. -.- Young Peop- le's meeting Wed, 8 pm. â€" Prayer Meeting Thin-5., 2 p.111. â€" Women's Missionary meeting Fri. 7 Bring W‘E SPRAY ORCHARDS Rev. Earl S. Bull, Mink“; Church of the Light and [Ale TEORNHILL BAPTIST CHURCH Yonge Street, Stop 17 Minister, Rev. Percy C. Blot. 5 Old Orchard Grove, Toronto J. BEN EDICTUS Custom Spraying MAPLE R. R. 1 Phone Maple 101R33 RICHVALE CHAPEL 19 Study 30-830 p.m. - Happy Hour your Bible for Sword Drill All welcome. Reserve Us Now e sure of some fruit next fall YES! THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, May 5.. 1955 MAPLE CHARGE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. A. G. Donald, M.C., Minister SUNDAY, MAY 8. 1955 MOTHER’S DAY Church Service Sunday School Hope 10.30 a.m. . . . . . . Church Service 9.30 a.m. . . . . . . Sunday School Maple 10.15 a.m. ... .. . Sunday School 11.30 a.m. . . . . Church Service Edgeley 1.30 pm. . . . . . . Sunday School 2.30 pm. . . . . . . Church Service 0n lulu-rub An. I... 1. Pub: I. Vaughn. I. II. SUNDAY. MAY 8, 1955 MOTHER’S DAY 9.50 a.m.'-â€" Sunday School Bible Class for mothers and ia- thers 11 am. â€" Morning Worship Sermon. “A Godly Mother". A trio of mothers will sing. Flowers will be presented to all mothers. 6 p.m. â€" Young-Peoples 7 pm. â€" Evangelistic Service This is Family Night. The larg- est family present will be spec- ially honoured. The Senior Choir will sing. The ordinance of Believers’ Baptism will be observed. All welcome. Anglican Sunday School Langstafl-Richvale District We invite the parents and new- comers of the Community to have their children attend our Mission Sunday School. We meet at 9.45 am. every Sunday morn- ing at the Charles Howitt School Every child should come to know the Lord Jesus and be giv- en good solid Christian Instruc- tion. ‘Train up a child in the way he' should go and when he is older, he will not depart from it.†9.45 am We also make RAILINGS â€"- inside & out LIONS’ BINGO EVERY MONDAY Soft Drinks, Chocolate Bars, etc., obtainable at the hall. Budget Plan VISIT OUR SHOWROOM Carrville Rd. & Yonge St. Richvale Iron Works ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH A. ‘J. BARRACLOUGH mmoox m CIUICI Frames King Sideroad 4th After Easter 45 am. â€" Sunday School Charles Howitt School . a.m. & 7 pm. â€" Services held in St. Mary’s Anglican Church, Richmo Hill God is. God is love. God loves you. SAVE 50% l'l'. MINABAB H188"). ORNAMENTAL IRON FURNITURE COME AND HAVE FUN AND ALSO HELP A GOOD CAUSE (2 miles south of Maple) SUNDAY. MAY 8. 1955 - - For Service at its Best - . ' Try Your Friendly Local Dairy RICHHOND HILL DAIRY SUNDAY, MAY 8. 1955 Starting Time 8 PM. Don’t Forget INSIDE & OUT Store Fixtures CUSTOM BUILDING Langstafl’ DOOR PRIZES BRUCE MOUNTJOY TELEPHONE TUR ERA-1622 Kitchen Cabinets OAK RIDGES lnstantPuddings 2 ms 15c JELLO- NEW PUREX OR WHITE SWAN Toilet Tissue TODD’S FANCY Pink Saimon HELLMANN’S REAL Tomatoes Mayonaise :2." 49c CHECKERS CHOICE AYLMER CHOICE Apricots SAVE-ALL Pork & Beans Wax Paper SPECIALS CLARK’S Tomatoes Celery Stalks FIRM RIPE FLORIDA PASCAL FIRM CRISP Iceberg Lettuce Self Serve RICHMOND HILL Estimates & References Gladly Furnished MORLEY’S General Woodworkhg BS TU. 4-2550 AV. 5-1867 100 N. Roll Cello Pkg. Vz’s Rolls 20 oz. Tins Stalks Jumbo Heads 18c 23c 19c 27c TU. 4-2550 23c 33c 19c 35c