Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 12 May 1955, p. 10

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mule & Surroundinq Mr. and Mrs. H. Bryan spent the week-end 1n Gravenhurst with Mr. and Mrs. M. Garner. "u... .... . Mrs. J. Pollock has returned from Grand Valley where‘ she spent several weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gillespie, who are the proud parents of a‘daughter Bonnie. Mrs. Gillespie was the former Evelyn Pollock. f‘Mâ€"i'fahd Mrs. Edmund Harris spent the week-end at their cot- tage at Tgiplg Bay. _ -_;., , , ‘ Mr. and Mrs. James James and daughters, who have been residing in the late Mrs. Samuel Ireland‘s house on Keele St., have moved into their new home on Naylon Ave., in the new subdivision; Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Lloyd and family have moved into the house vacated by hte James, while they are build- ing in the subdivision. There are now about 30 houses in various stages going up in the subdivision. Mr. and Mrs, Jack Saigeqn have sold their home on Keele Street to Mr. and Mrs. Howard Nests of Lansing. and intend building in the subdivision. Mr: and Mrs. D. Allen and Brian spent Sunday in Agin- court with Mr .and Mrs. Ken- neth Walker. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Van Der Weerd and Raymond of Buffalo, are visiting with Dr and Mrs. Cam MacKay. Guest speaker at the recent meeting of Maple and Commun- ity School Club was E. K. Mc- Kay of the Ontario Safety Lea- gue. ' Mr. McKay spoke on Traffic Accidents and showed a film re- lating to his talk. Friends of Miss Janet Walking- ton will be pleased to know she has returned to her home at Maple YEREX ELECTRIC on all nationally advertised appliances YEREX ELECTRIC Richmond Hill TU. 4.1552 CITY PRICES The most compact baler ' ever built! . °fi new HOLLAND'S genAa/tmta/ MODEL 10 The Liberal is always willing to publish interesting items regarding contributed by its readers in Maple and surrounding communities. in Maple ls Mrs. Donald Allen, telephone Maple 191: Edgeley, Mrs Maple 110R3. Engine Driven or Power Take-ofi Makes hay baling practical on almost any farm . makes square, man-size bales Costs hundreds of dollars less! $05513; 1561' a. y¢ PRIVETT, 18-24” â€" $20.00 per 100 24-30” -‘â€" $25.00 per 100 CHINESE ELM, 15” â€" $6.00 per 100 Large Variety of Shade Trees, Evergreens, Fruit Trees Maple Socials DONCASTER NURSERIES THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, May at STOP 14A YONGE STREET Phone AVenue 5-1688 HEDGES Martha Ann Keffer Dies In Eighty-Fourth Year Early Friday morning. April 29, Martha Ann Keffer, widow of the late John A. McKinnon pass- ed away, after a lingering illness at her home in Vaughan Town- ship in her 84th year. Mrs. McKinnon had a quiet disposition and was favourably known. The community sincere- ly mourns the passing of one so dearly loved and respected by 2111.: She left the darkness and shadows of this earth to enter the glorious and eternal sunlight of the life beyond. The late Mrs. McKinnon was the eldest daughter of Freder- ick Kefier and Elizabeth Monk- man and was born on April 23. 1872, on Con. 3. Vaughan, Lot 12, on the farm now owned by Wilfred Kefier. She attended the public school at Concord. In later years the family moved to Lot 10, Concession 4. After her marriage on April 15. 1908, she moved with her husband to Con- Colour Film To Be Shown Next Sunday At St. Stephen’s A film will be shown at St. Stephen's Anglican Church, at Maple. on Sunday evening. May 15. following a short prayer ser- vice at 7 pm. The 1m is in full colour and sound nd is technically of a very high standard. Edgeley W.|. Honors Members With Mother’s Day Awards demonstraban Edgeley Women's Institute met at the home of Mrs, C. S. Stong in Weston, on May 5 when Mrs. Alf Bagg and Mrs. Snider received prizes for being the oldest and youngest mothers in attendance. The executive and directors in charge of the meeting. The members exchanged plants as the roll was called. Mrs. R. J. Darlington gave a summary of John Bradshaw‘s talk on “Home Beautification" which he gave at the April meet- ing of the Vaughan Federation of Agriculture. Now you can enioy fhe bene- fits of having your own baler on fhe farm. You can bale your hay fhe momenf if's ready +0 come in. and bale if $an for minimum spoilage by sun or rain. New pre-compression baling ac- +ion gives fhe "66" unusual capacify. If can kick oui’ 6 square bales a minm‘e . . . pack- age up 1‘0 7 fons of boy an hour! And if bales anyfhingâ€" cIOVer. prairie hay. suden gross. I . ma-ze. ifs pfirpose is to demonstrate 2 items regarding people and events or communities. Our representative 19.1; Edgeley, Mrs. Raymond Stuart. cession 5, Lot 20, where she liv- ed till her death. _ ~â€" The funeral took place Mon- day in‘Zion Lutheran Church and was conducted by Pastor E. J. Fischer. Many relatives and friends paid their last respects. Her death removes a pioneer of Vaughan Township, and one who lived a useful life. She was true and faithful and a devoted member of the Lutheran Church in which she had always taken an active interest. ter. She leaves to mourn her loss three sons, Norman of Teston. Arthur and Elmer at home. five grandchildren, three sisters, An- nie, Alice and Minnie (Mrs. Hod- sdon), of Maple. She was prede- ceased by a brother, Arthur who died in 1909. Interment took place in the Lutheran Cemetery. how God has again and again anticipated in the world of na- ture about us, the most amazing of man‘s inventions. The pall-bearers were William Windas, David Julian.‘ Fred Hodsdon, Laurence Kefier, Gor- don Burbridge and Arthur Fos- WFollowing the film there will be a social hour in the Parish Hall. servéd Mrs. Bert Cook read poems on Mother’s Day and Mrs. C. H. Boake conducted a survey on Selecting shower gifts and wed- ding presents. Murray Snider was winner of the door prize. Mrs. Boake, Mrs. Frarfk Locke and Mrs. Nelson Peelar were the _social committee for the meet- mg. Tripfie Trio Wins Shield The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. A. Godfrey on Thursday afternoon June 2 with Mrs. Ella Whitmore, con- cenor of Citizenship and Educa- tion in charge of the meeting. Maple Public School Triple Trio won the shield for the trio class for the second year in suc- cession at York Music Festival at Woodbridge, May 5. The trio was given 85 marks for their work. Members of the trio are: First Soprano, Mary Lou Lund. Gayle Hollingshead, Lynda Downey; Second Soprano, Tom White, Monte Wagner, Marilyn Hollings- head; Alto, Janet McCowan, Lin- da Radley and Bill Weir. Music Supervisor at the school is Wm. Wrigler and conducting the trio was Principal R. R. Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ash and Mr. and Mrs. Percy Ash are cel- ebrating their 22nd wedding an- niversary on May 13. Miss Linda Beaims and Douglas Boron have birthdays this week. Pte. Charles Jones, who has been visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Jones for the past 10 days is leaving Thursday for Arkansas where he will re- sume training prior to his de- parture for Germany in two months time where he expects to be stationed for the next 27 months. Mrs. W. Clapham was hostess last week at 21 miscellaneous shower for Miss Doreen Gordon of No. 7 Highway, Concord. Enumerators Irene I‘ocke and Lois Spurgeon of Concord are making their rounds this week listing the names of persons in the district who are entiled to vote at the forthcoming election. Mrs. Law, Keele St.. was host- ess for the May meeting of Elia WA. on Tuesday evening, May Earl Law is expected home on leave this week from an RCAF training station in Western Canada. Light refreshments will be The finest method of soil preparation for Garden or Lawn CUSTOM ROTAVATING JOHN HUGHES Elia Socials King 39- Order Now 12, 1955 Concord Socials Phone Christian Famiiy Sunday Observed United Church Christian Family Sunday was observed at all points on the Maple charge of the United Church on Sunday. when Rev. A. G. Donald preached on the theme. “That Home of Yours". His text was taken from Paul's Letter to Timothy. "1 am remind- ed of your sincere faith, a faith that dwelt first in your grandmo- ther Lois, and your mother Eun- ice, and now I am sure dwells in you. Continue in what you have learned and firmly believed, knowing from whom you have learned it". Exceptionally large congregations were present. At Hope church two children were received into the member- ship of the church through bap- tism: Shirlie Marie Foster, dau- Maple Lions Sponsor Community Hwby Show The hobby show sponsored by Maple Lions and held last Sat- urday at the Community Centre proved a great success with a high quality of entries received for the show. The committee in charge in- cluded â€"â€" Chairman Jack Yorke, Bruce Langille, Bill Weir, Bob Julian and Jim Jones. The sports program was organized by R. R. Thompson, principal of the Public School and William Grieg of Hope Public School. Boys' events at the show were won by (6-7) John Rumble lst, Chris Moore 2nd, Barry Ingram 3rd, Tom Johnson 4th; (8-10) Bruce Payne lst, David Grey 2nd, Keith Boeckner 3rd,’&4th; (1143) Model Building, David Langille lst, Ronny Miller 2nd, Tom White 3rd, Ronald Brice 4th; (11-13) Woodworking, Ray Schuyler lst, Ross Duff 2nd, Tom White 3rd, Ross McKinnon 4th; (11-13) Open class, David Langille lst, John Jackson 2nd, Ronny Miller 3rd, Ralph Cooper 4th; (14-16) Stewart McCowan lst, Marvin Stephenson 2nd, 3rd and 4th. Girls’ Events: (6-7) Mary Ellen MAY IS SAFETY MONTH Check your car . . . check accidents Have ygg &riven a Be up to date with First thing you’ll feel behind the wheel of a Ford V-8 is the split-second safety-response you get from Trigger-Torque V-8 powerâ€"that Whisks you in a wink from standstill to legal limit. And what a reassuring feeling it gives you to know that the power’s there when you need it! Trigger-Torque’s like nothing you ever felt SEE YOUR FORD-MONARCH DEALER TUmer 4-1115 Ford M ofiarch EMpire 5-3155 RECHMOND HILL ' 1.1:”. 5225'?“ was, . ‘11:», ,i:": ,.e,-;u. r455: l H l ' :m Efl' I - 5-": 2 if? ' ‘ ~' 0 O O 0 It’s a totally- new experience! ghter of Mr. and Mrs. George Foster and Kenneth William Orr, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Orr. At Maple. M. J. Kinnee. presided over a special session of the Sun- day Schoo and at Edgeley. members f the Sunday School worshipped with the adult con- gregation, Frank Bagg. general superintendent, assisting in the service. Special music was ren- dered at all services. Next Sunday, Sunday School Anniversary service will be con- ducted at Hope Church at 11 o‘- clock. Rev. M. R. Jenkinson of King City will be the guest prea- cher and the choir of Teston Un- ited Chu'rch will be in charge of the service of praise. Services will be conducted at Maple and Edgeley at the usual hours. a Hamilton lst. Beverley Taylor 2nd. Susan Scott 3rd, Junia Lan- gille 4th; (8-10) Ann Constable lst, Carole Clarke 2nd. Phyllis Julian 3rd; (11-13) Sewing, Mary Lou Jackson lst, Janet McCow- an 2nd, 3rd, Ellen Coe 4th; (11- 13) Knitting, Katharine Wilson 1st; (11-13) Open Class, Margar- et Scott lst, Ann Thomas 2nd, Ellen Coe, 3rd, Kathryn Durham 4th; (14-16) Patricia Lund lst. Marilyn Hollingshead 2nd. Bare bara Baker 3rd, Carole Reid 4th.’ Art Exhibit The annual exhibit of Maple Studio of Art was held in con- junction withrthe Hobby Show, The work done by the child- ren whose ages range‘from 3-15 years, included a large display of drawings, paintings, and cut paper work which they have been doing during the past four months. * There was also an attractive display of the work done by the ladies’ classes, including hand- painted china and glassware, and the decorating ‘of many use- ful articles used in the home such as trays, canisters, and bas- kets. at no extra cost beforeâ€"because there’s never been perfor- mance to match what you get from Ford’s brand-new overhead-valve V-8 engines (162- Hp. or 182-Hp.) â€"-each one the smoothest, most eager V-8 in its class! Your Ford Dealer invites you to try this totally new experience now! .1 r r v - _ Cerium feature: Illustrated ar mentioned are "Standard" on tome models. optional at extra cost on amen.) Articles Donatd Cancer Cupboald A meeting of the W.A. of Map- le United Church was held on May 3, in the Sunday School room. Mrs. D. Jarrett took charge of the business meeting. Many articles were donated for the Cancer Comfort Cupboard. The devotional was given by Mrs. R. Ramsay and Mrs. Lorne Wells rendered a vocal solo. The speaker for the afternoon was Mrs. A. Donald. Iagerquist studio Bridal ‘ Portraits The convenors of Hope Community and School Club Bake Sale and Tea sched- uled for the end of May, are Mrs. George Calder. and Mrs. Elmer Orr. who is hos- tess for the afternoon tea. There are to be two ad- ditional features during the afternoon â€" a white ele- phant table. convened by Mrs. James France, and a display of kitchen conveni- ences looked after by Mrs. F. MacKay of Willowdale. bridal portraits th at you will alwayl treasure as lasting keepsakes of your wedding day. Come in to pee our bridal portraitsâ€"or ml! today for an appointment. know how to make beautiful Our experienced photographer: YOU WILL CHERISH FOREVER a totally new overhead-valve V8 standard t . c 1 men 111 9% model 93 YONGE ST. S. RICHMOND HILL TU. 4-2791 Tea onvenors Thomhill. Ont. Richmond Hill No need to use costly. time-consuming building materials when you can get your home erected quickly with CONCRETE BLOCKS â€" too, you'll find its lower maintenance returns sub- stantial savings through the years. 1ormley, Ont. See Love For Lovely Lumber John C. Love Lumber Company, Ltd. GORMLEY BLOCK CO. Washing Machines, Radios, and Small Appliances REPAIRED BY EXPERTS Television Aerial Parts Radio and TV Tubes PARIS AUTO SUPPLY LTD. Yonge Street At Woodward Avenue (Just North of Steele'n Corners) H YOU’LL THRILL T0 '[HUNDERBIRD You'll marvel at the way Ford’s new ballâ€"joint front suspension smooths out all the rough spots, on every kind of roadâ€"makes smooth roads seem even smoother! You’ll enjoy mile after milF of easier steering, steadier road-holding, more relaxed driving! YOU’LL ENJOY ANGLE-POISED o CONCRETE BLOCKS o CINDER BLOCKS o BACK-UP TILE MEETS ALL A.S.T.M. SPECIFICATIONS 1' LIMITED Phone Gormley 5300 TU. 4-1541 CUSTOMLINE FORDOI AVenm 5-1143 FORD THUNDERBIBD

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