Odd sizes at Special Clearance Prices Phone TU. 4-0001 PITTSBURGH 'AND BENJAMIN MOORE PAINTS WALLPARERS _ WALL & FLOOR TILE COMPLETE DECORATING SERVICE 46 Females 27 Bred Heifers 4 Yearlings 15 Jr. & Sr. Calves Accredited Vaccinated For your Summer & Fall Milk Supply Plan to attend \ Buy Ayrshires WM. A. BOYES MORLEY COOK 10th ANNUAL SPRING S-A-L-E 216 Essex Ave. sponsored by Toronto District Ayrshire Breeders’ Club at the Arena RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO SATURDAY, MAY 14, 1955, 1 RM. IF YOU NEED IT WE CAN BUILD IT DAIRYMEN ATTENTION MEL’S GARAGE “Do It Yourselfâ€- Advice Given TURNER’S WELDING SERVICE 10 Yonge St. 8., Richmond Hill TU. 4-1321 Pickering President COLOR TINTING & CONTRACTING ESTIMATES KNAPP’S PAINT SERVICE AYRSHIRES Gov. Certiï¬ed Richmond Hill Fabricating, Erection & Repairs to Tanks. Smoke Stacks, Breechings. etc. Broken Lenses Replaced Optical Repairs Prescriptions for Glasses Filled Home on. 3242 Yonge Street Opp. Park Theatre BU. 8-8949 F. L. LOWRIE R.0. OPTOMETRIST will be at 41 Yonge St. 8., ï¬rst door north of new Bank of Nova Scotla WEDNESDAY. MAY 18 From 9.30 a.m. to 12 noon and the lst and 3rd Wednesday of each month EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED Secretary-Treasurer IF YOU BREAK ['1‘ WE CAN WELD IT Armitage TUruer 4-1591 Sale at 1 pm. sharp. KEN & CLARKE 1 Markham, Ont, phone 346 3. Cow, Ellen Sovereign Rag Apple, No. 986360, born Dec. 9/51, bred May 1/55, heifer calf at foot 4. Cow, Oriole Lodge Sovereign Gloriatto, No. 801128, born June 14/48 fresh ,bull calf at side 5. Cow, Rag Apple Segis Maple Mathy, No. 967854, born Sept. 10/51, fresh, heifer calf by side 6. Cow, O.H.O. Francy Ace Har- tog, No. 91996, born Feb. 22, ’52 bred Oct. 12/54 ‘ 7. Cow, Supreme Maggie No. 601439, born Mar. 16/44,due to calf 8. Cow, O.H.H. Pietze Alcartra Lass, No. 917392, born Nov. 28/50, fresh 9. Cow, Sandra Rag Apple Sup- reme Pabst, born May 17/52 bred March 18/55 . 10. Cow, 0.N.B. Damess Opal, No. 1019361, born May 17, ’52, bred Nov. 5/54. 11. Cow, Gladys Rag Apple Patsy No. 1003449, born Mar. 20 ’52. bred Feb. 23/55 12 Cow, 0110. Lady Hartog, No. 1015778, born June 23/52, bred Nov. 22/54 13. Cow, O.H.H. Edith Segis No. 672430, born Jan. 8/50 fresh calf at foot 14. Heifer, Graybrook Florence Rag Apple. No. 108077, born App 5/53. bred Dec. 16/54 15. Jean Rag Apple Supreme No. 108883, born May 5/53, bred Feb. 8/55 ‘ 16. O.H.H. Segis Anna, No. 104- 5481, born Dec 13/52, bred Jan. 28/55 17. Heifer. Graybrook Marie Elmcroft Hartof, born Jan. 6/54 18. Heifer, Graybrook Rag Ap- ple Admiral, No. 1124673, born Feb. 17/54 19. Heifer, ‘ Supreme Roeland Rag Apple Maid. No. 1147- 396, born June 29/54 20 Opal Brock F. H. Grace, heiâ€" ferQNo. 1147393, born July 23/54 21. Heifer, Graybrook Sovereign Grace. No. 1163990, born Oct. 13/54 22. Heifer, Graybrook Sover- eign Betty. No. 1173476, born Nov. 14/54 23..Heifer, Graybrook Marion Achilles. No. 1168124, born Feb. 6/55 24. Heifer Graybrook Muriel Pabst No. 1188124, born Feb. 4/55 25._He_ifer, Reg, born Apr. 2155 Cattle are ail vaccinated Arid bred by Toronto District Cattle Breeders‘ Association. Present day industrial and social conditions have made of the eating place a great public institution, where a great numb- er of workers lunch daily, and where many people breakfast, lunch and dine regularly. It is, therefore, one of the important responsibilities of the Health Unit, as well as of the many engaged in the victualling busi- ness, to ensure that. in so far as lies within their powers only strictly wholesome foods are used. and that every practical precaution is taken during their From the standpoint of pre- venting the spread of communi- cable diseases and the contract- ion of illnesses from the con- sumption of unwholesome foods, there is no more important in- spection than that of places where foods and drinks are pre- pared and sold to the public for consumption upon the premises. Such places include restaurants, lunch counters. refreshment stands. hotel kitchens and din- ing rooms, etc. Gray‘ Brook Farm. directly across the road from Eaton Hall Farm, Green House, Barn Sanitary Inspector Bill Burns of the York County Health Unit is caught by the camera as he checks the cleanliness of eating utensils in a district restaurant. (Editor’s Note â€" This is the ï¬rst in a series of ar- ticles designed to better acquaint the residents of this district with the work of their County Health Unit. Fur- ther articles in this series will be presented to the readers of “The Liberal†during the next few weeks. Registered ï¬alskini Cgtfle '1I'ébkv,'Linden1ea Deliska Pabst No. 53633, born June 21/42, fresh, her heifer calf by side 2. Cow, Pabst Helbon Clairbel, No.592137, born Jan. .11/44 bred Sept. 19/54 OF HERD OF REGISTERED HOLSTEIN CATTLE, Pigs, Sheep, Modern Farm Machinery, etc., on Lot 10, between Cons. 3 & 4, King Twp. Restaurant Inspection IMPORTANT AUCTION SALE WEDNESDAY, MAY 25, 1955 L. GRAY,» Property of kp- 73, md 47- lei- uly ign )rn 61'- )l'D ion )rn 'iel )rn / 55 md cart No. fence rails Pile of Scrap Iron I-‘HD-‘I-‘H H v-u-n-n-u-‘H HH rubber tired wagon Good Flat Rack Farm Wagon and‘ rack Steel water tank Set electric stock clippers, new complete with sheep shearing attachment . ' McC-D milking machine, comâ€" plete with piping and outlets almost new Electric motor for same Electric McC-D cream separa- tor Electric motor, 1% h.p. Steel Bull Pen Fanning Mill Electric chick brooder Eaton tractor grain grinder Bun Saw, complete with frame and mandrel He 3 Poultry Shelters Many other‘ useful articles Terms cash. No reserve. PRENTICE. Auctioneers I Milliken, ph. AX. 3-5987 Germany Sheep 18 Good Suflolk ewes with lambs 1 Leicester Ram Farm Machinery 1 G.M.C. l-ton panel truck 1942, in real good condition 1 McCormick-Deering W4 Trac- tor on rubber complete with all extras, in perfect condition 1 McC-D 3â€"furrow ace bottom tractor plow, good 1 Set IHC tandem disc harrows 1 power mower, 7’, IHC, new 1 McC-D combine, model 64, mo- tor driven threshed only 50 acres 1 New Holland pick-up baler, automatic, complete with motor 1 near new side rake, new IHC 1 1 1 1 1 1 .1 McCormick-Deering 15-disc grain and fertilizer drill, pow- er lift, tractor hitch, near new McCormick-Deering tractor, power lift, spring tooth culti- vator Marvel Grain Elevator, power driven, new Cement Mixer, large size. good set 4 section drag harrows M-H 6 ft. grain binder Steel Land Roller IHC manure spreader Large pile of ï¬rewood 1 sprayer mounted on 2-whee1 13 1 registered Yorkshire Boar, 2 yrs. old 15 Store Hogs Poultry 500 white Leghorn spring chick- ing good 2 Geese 1 Gander 2 Ducks 1 Drake Geese and Gander imported from Pigs ‘ 1 White Brood Sow, due to pig 1 White Brood Sow, supposed to pig time of sale 1 White Brood sow, due to pig 1 White Brood \Sow, due time of, A regular inspection is made by the sanitary inspector of all eating establishments in the county, to ensure that the prem- ises are kept clean and painted, the foods properly handled, stor- ed. and refrigerated, that the dishes are properly washed and sterilized (verified by means of a swab test), that an adequate supply of potable water is avail- able, that sanitary accommoda- tion is provided and properly maintained, and that personnel are acquainted with proper care in the handling of foods and in matters of personal hygiene, etc. It is the aim and desire of the Health Unit to have every eating establishment inspected at least once a month. ‘ ens, 10 weéks oldâ€" 600 Rhode Island Red hens, lay- storing, preparation. handling. and serving to prevent their de- terioration and contamination. These certain requirements by the Health Unit, if applied. will go far to guarantee to the con- sumer the wholesomeness and the safety of the foods he is served. sale White Brood Sow, bred Feb 15 White Brood Sow, bred March Markham Police Get 20 Dog Complaints The matter of dog control still presents a problem to the police of Markham township. In his April report to council. Police Lnin C. Wideman stated that his department handled 20 dog‘ complaints during the past month. Chief Wideman also reported that since the delivery of the two new police cruisers on April 17, and up until May 1. the new cars had covered a total of 4,109 miles on patrol duty. During the month of April. Markham law enforcement of- ï¬cers handled a total of 444 calls. A breakdown of these calls is as follows: Accidents investigated 18. theft 6. burglary 3. liquor seizures 1, missing persons 3, domestic complaints 6, false pretences 1, malicious damage :5, stolen cars recovered 3. GENERAL ELECTRIC APPLIANCES Sale Price '- $279.95 YOU CAN BE SURE OF SERVICE IF YOU BUY FROM pérs with stacking features 0 Two Redi-cube and one Jiï¬y- .Spacious, economy-priced re- frigerator with over 9 cu. ft. of food storage space 0 Styled with many deluxe fea- tures normally found onlyi i111 much higher priced mod- e s O The perfect, big-family re- frigerator with years-ahead styling .Across the top freezer holds 39 lbs. of frozen foods 0 Stor-a-door shelves .Big, sliding vegetables cris- - Cube ice trays 0 Full width chiller tray .Three chromed-steel shelves (two adjustable) .Garden Green interior, with copper trim TUmer 4-1552 at City Prices ' at YEREX ELECTRIC YEREX ELECTRIC MODEL' JLB 92L $28.00 Down Payment 16 More New Homes For Markham Twp. Markham township‘s Building Inspector W. Craig reports that his department issued 26 build- ing permits during the month of April to cover a total estimated $220,100.00 in construction. Call JONES COAL CO. TU. 4-1851 Richmond Hill For your fuel needs ANTHRACITE Sixteen of the total permits will cover new homes costing an estimated $183,000.00 in value. The largest Commercial develâ€" opment is a new $22,000.00 hydro building. - We also carry tile’ brick, lime, cement BITUMINOUS THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday, May 12, $20.00 Down Payment MODEL RSB42 Jâ€" SIMILAR TO R842 With standard oven units, but Without light in oven. USED FARM MACHINERY 1 No. 200H Manure Spreader on rubber 1 7 Ft. Grain Binder 1 C254 Scuï¬ler 1 Ebersol Grain Thrower‘ 1 Farmall H Tractor 1 Farmall M Tractor 1 Farmall C Tractor KING CITY Here Is The Finést Range Vaiue In Its Field Sale Price - $189.95 '. Pushbutton Surface Unit Controls 0 Large, spacious oven 0 Famous Extra Hi-Speed Calro'd Surface Unit .Master Oven with" 3,000 watt Fo- cused Heat Broiler, 2500 watt Calrod Bake Unit .5-Heat Hi-Speed Calrod Surface Units .Full Width Storage Drawer .Deluxe copper and chrome auto- matic oven timer, clock and full Width lamp available at small additional cost Regular Price $235.00 M. A. WILSON Opposite Theatre GENERAL MACHINERY SPACEMAKER MODEL' RS 42 Sale Price TRACTORS 6 Only $169.95 PHONE 48