i 93 Yonge Street South T U rner 4-2791 Rich) 63 Yonge St. S. TU. 4-1261 Richmond Hill BE SAFE AND SAY â€" "THE TORONTO lAUNDERERS’ WAY" 12 LAUNDERERS 63 Yonge St. 175 ossmsrou Ava, 'rqnomo o PHONE LL. 2175 GEO. McMURRICH SONS LIMITED 24 Elizabeth St. N. Richmond Hill You Just Guide It Does All The Work No longer need you dread the back-breaking job of polishing floors with a weigh- ted brush. It is so easy to have gleaming floors every- one will admire when you have a G. E. Polisher. Richmond Hill TUrner 4-1312 TU. 4-1541 Regular Price $54.50 Paris Auto Supply Ltd. INSURANCE Special TERMS We repair all makes of Vacuum Cleaners Our photographers know how to make superb pictures of these precious minutes, so call us today and make an Ippointmcnt for your child. ’ " lagerquist studio Those precious baby days slip away all too fast... preserve those golden moments with baby pictures that will live forever. photographs you will treasure for years... L ONSTRUCTION co. CONCRETE WORK â€"- DRAINS 126 Elmwood Ave., Richmond Hill TU. 4-2612 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, May 12, 1955 A36 HERBERT R. BUTT GENERAL ELECTRIC -FLOOR POLISHER THE LIBERAL I'HAT DOES THE HEAVY WORK FOR You‘ All flat pieces ironed. Wearing appare- ireturned damp ready for ironing. Shirts fully finished, if desired, 15c each extra LOCAL AGENT Dependable Associated With Service Telephone Richmond Hill 4 Wellington St. E. Toronto Richmond Hill EXTRA LBS. Toronto EMpire 4-3317 12‘ 3' Mrs. E. A. Terry. chairman of Jefferson School Board announ- ced last week that the tender for the addition to Jefferson school submitted by L. C. Scott Con- struc on Co., has been accepted by t e Department of Education. 30 HEAD OF SHORTHORN CATTLE Ferguson Tractor & Equipment, Farm implements, Furniture etc. The Property of MAX REESOR Lot 13, Rear Con. 7 Markham Twp., Entrance at C.N.R. Station, Markham Village THURSDAY, MAY 19 1. Si i thorn Cow, fresh time of V'Five teï¬ders were received and Scott Construction’s bid of $38,000. was the lowest submit- ted. 6’ IHC Grain Binder 2 Rubber Tired Farm Wagon Gears 2 Flat Racks Set Farm Bob Sleighs Scuï¬ler 2 Walking Plows Speight Wagon Box Set of 4-Sec. Drag Harrows McCormick-Bearing Grain Bindâ€" The tender calls for two com- pletely ï¬nished class rooms and one unï¬nished room. The un- Tractor Ferguson Side Rake new 13 Disc IHC Grain Drill Plow Ferguson Power Mower, 7’, new model, rear cut Cultivator for Ford or Ferguson 2 3 4 5. 6 7 8 9 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. éhorthorn Cow, fresh. calf at side ' . Shorthorn Cow, fresh calf at side . Shorthorn Cow, fresh 1 mon., calf at side Shorthorn Cow, fresh 2 mos. calf ,at side. . Roan Shorthorn Cow. due to calf . Shorthorn Cow, fresh, calf at side . Shorthorn Cow, fresh in Jan. calf at side Shorthorn Cow, at side Shorthorn Cow supposed to calf in June Shorthorn Cow, supposed to calf in June Shorthorn Heifer, 3 yrs. old Roan Shorthorn Heifer, due to calf Shorthorn Heifer, 10 mos. old Shorthorn Heifer. 10 mos. old Shorthqrn Steer. 12 mos. old Shorthorn Steer, 13 mos. old Shorthorn Heifer, 11 mos. old Shorthorn Heifer, 9 mos. old Shorthorn Heifer 10 mos. old Shorthorn Heifer, 11 mos old fresh, calf Farm Implements & Machinery. Ferguson Tractor on rubber com- plete with lights, starter, PTO, etc., near new I Ferguson Tractor Plow, 2-furrow Ford Dearborn 2-furrow Disc Five Tenders Submitted For Jefferson Addition C. STUNDEN Richmond Hill TU. 4-1245 er Other Implements Miscellaneous Articles 18 Basswood Planks, 6" x 16' 11 Basswood Planks, 4†x 13' Number of Sacks Fanning Mill Set of Scales Stone Boat 2 Electric Fencers complete with wire Bob-A-Long Power Lawn Mower, Manure Iron Kettle Number of Stock Watering Tubs Pile of Fence Rails 20 Rod Snake Rail Fence Number of Barn Timbers Number of Cedar Fence Posts Number of Cedar Anchor Posts Colony House 2 Small Buildings Outside Toilet Pile of Fire Wood Number of Bales Hay Forks, Shovels, Hoes, > Chains, Neckyokes, Whifl’letrees and a number of other useful articles not mentioned Furniture _ 3~piece Chesterï¬eld Suite Upholstered Rocking Chair Ca_mp Cot with Spring Filled Mittress Nuimber of 1. 2 and 3-Gallon near new Lawn Mower Electric Broader Cutter Quantity of Lumber Copper Kettle, originally came with Reesors from Pennsylvania Number of Bushel Hampers 2 Poultry Fountains Large Quantity of good Cow Cream Cans Number of Milk 8: Cream Pails Number of Fruit Jars Poultry Time Clock Number of other useful articles Articles Belonging to Estate of THE LATE ART ROBINSON M-H Blower Cutting Box, com- plete with 30' piping. Cockshutt No. 33 one-way Disc, 11-plate M-H Forage Harvester 2 Forage Wagons ~ Elevator 18†wide. 13' long Quantity of Hardwood Lumber Pump Jack Rotary Pump. medium size Set Chain Harrows Jointer Planer Wagon and Large Feed Box 10†Grain Grinder Line Shafts with Hangers and Septic Tanks Pumped Drains Cleaned & Repaired 24 Hour Service Pulleys Other articles TERMS, CASE No Reserve, Farm Sold Sale at 1 13.111. D.S.T. KEN 8: CLARKE PRENTICE. Auctioneers harkham P.O. Phone 346 Ml liken P.0., ph. AX. 3-5987 AUCTION SALE Sanitary Contractor Sand Jas. Smiih, clerk Heifer, 10 mos. old Heifer, 10 mos. old Steer. 12 mos. old Steer, 13 mos. old Heifer, 11 mos. old Heifer, 9 mos. old Heifer 10 mos. old Heifer, 11 mos. old ents & Machinery» NORTH YORK : The cornerstone of the new $534,000 municipal hall was laid‘ by members of council last week. NEWMARKET : The tax rate for the town this year will be 78 mills. an increase of 7 mills over last year. ï¬nished room will be built be- low the new south-east classroom and will be made accessible by a stairway in the schopl corridor. Official acceptance of the ad- dition is still pending as the ten- der and plan have yet to go be- fore the Ontario Municipal Bd. As soon as the necessary approv- al is forthcoming work on the addition will commence. The construction company has agreed to have the work ï¬nished within 16 weeks from the date work commences. Mr. Gibbins 'said that the dust situation was so bad that it was impossible to keep it out of the houses. He also stated that it was rolling across the ï¬elds in clouds making it almost imposs- ible to see. He said he counted one gravel truck every four min- utes on his particular road. “We’re willing to do anything we can but our money is limited and we can’t spend it all on one lifad,†declared Reeve McLaugh- n. Gravel Pits Costly VThe 'tender also includes re- painting of the existing school inside and out. Whitchurch Residents Protest Dust Problem Messrs. Elmer Wells and Reg. that there was nothing in the Gibbins, farm residents on the Blomington sideroad between the 6th and 7th concessions of Whitchurch Twp., appeared be- fore council at their regular meeting Thursday night to seek a solution to the dust problem which is irritating many resi- dents in the area. township that cost the taxpayers as much money as gravel pits. He said that no road with less than ten inches of asphalt would stand up under loads carried by heavy gravel trucks. “The ratepayers in the Town- Ship shouldn't have to pay for such truck damage,†dpnlarnd “The dust stirred up by gra- vel trucks is so thick it’s like a fog," declared Mr. Gibbins, “one is almost suffocated by it.†“We have a double problem, mud and dust at the same time,†stated Reeve Ivan McLaughlin. “A coating of oil would settle the dust but it's too early yet." Wait Roads Settle Councillor Delos Graham pointed out that it would be im- possible to do anything until the roads were completely settled and properly graded. Dep. Reeve P. S. Legge noted GO WELL TOGETHER YOU LIVE IN THE COUNTRY YOUR CAR IS PARTICULARLY IMPORTANT TO YOU! We’re just approaching the time of year when everyone enjoys a new car most . . -. and actually it’s a good time to buy, with miles of hard summer driving ahead of you. If you live in the coun- try, the signature of the dealer you buy from is one of the most important things on your car. And if you get one from us it means that you’re assured of interested service, trained mechanics, and an understanding of the needs and problems of country drivers. Everything that can be said about the unusually powerful new Chevrolets and Oldsmobiles has already been said. The Ohly way you can really learn all about them is to try one on the highway . . . and we will be PleaSEd to arrange a demonstration drive at your convenience. We suggest you come and See the new mOdels ROW. While we have a good stock on hand, ready for immediate delivery. Five members of one family were injured Saturday after- noon on Yonge St. a half-mile south of Thornhill, when their family car was struck in the rear by a truck. Mother And Four Children Hurt In Car - Truck Crash In serious condition in Toron- to‘s Hospital for Sick Children is Michael O'Brien, 5, of Rich- vale, with head injuries. His brother, Peter, 2, is also in hos- pital with head cuts, but his bro- ther, Allan, one, and a sister, Sheila, 3. were treated for bruis- es and allowed to leave the hos- pital. Driver of the car, the child- ren's father, Edward O’Brien, was unhurt, but his wife receiv- ed minor cuts. The driver of the light truck that struck the car was Donald Rose, 24, of Mt. Albert. The accident occurred as the O’Brien car was stopped to make a left turn police said into a supermarket about 100 yards beyond Steeles Ave. “The ratepayers in the Town- Ship shouldn't have to pay for such truck damage," declared Reeve McLaughlin. The Reeve informed the delegation that an effort would be made to ,put the road in shape as quickly as poss- ible and then apply oil to keep down the dust. Road Supt. E. R. Davis stated that due to the condition of roads in the township it would be impossible to grade the streets in Stouï¬ville at the pres- ent time. Lovell’s Tee-Vee & Radio Service All Work Guaranteed Tee-Vee Service Warranty R. S. Kane driver of the North York ambulance that rushed the boy to hospital. hit 80 miles an Open until 9 pm. Monday to Friday, and Saturdays until 6 pm. 1 Year Year 51 HALL ST. TU. 4-3290 CHEVROLET - OLDSMOBILE o FRIGIDAIRE hour as the vehicle raced, under police escort. to the hospital. 'blue 0] > P R I C E S 0 Down, down; down come‘ coal prices for Spring! So here is your chance to order famous ‘blue coal’ and save. Place your order now. You’re sure of a good supply on hand when you need itâ€"with cash savings in your pocket into the bargain! But make sure it’s ‘blue coal’ you order. Famous ‘blue coal' is colour-marked for your guarantee of heating satisfaction. save dollars on famous 'hlue coal’ The world’s ï¬nest hard coal Ground was broken Mon- day for the new 10-room Public School which is being built on a site in the Allen- court Subdivision, Rich- mond Hill. The site fronts for nearly 500 feet along Markham Road. Overall cost of the school is $170,000. It is hoped to have the building ready for occupancy by September. The Allencourt School will be the second one completed in the village within the year if construction progresses according to schedule. TELEPHONE KING 50 'blue coal’ Turn First Sod ’ Mommm‘ 55W KING,0NTARIO-TELEPHONE50 Richmond Hill I. D. RAMER 8: SON J. FOX & SON HEATING & APPLIANCES Oil Burners Installed & Repaired Furnaces Vacuum Cleaned ,Over 25 Years In Business TU. 4-1610 The 'bluo oonl' Temp-Master changes furnace controls automatlcallz. Saves tlmoâ€"uvos stopsâ€"soon pay! [or Itselfl Phone today for a tree domonstratlon. STEADY CONTROLLED HEAT FROM YOUR LIVING ROOM TU. 4-1313