14 amount.ch sonnmc LOAM Call TUrner 4 -2795 Residents of the Township of Markham take notice that the Headford Dump Will be open for‘ your con- venience on the following dates:â€" May 137 & 14 No decéyéd vegetables, dead animals or birds or inflammable material permitted. By resolution of Markham Township Council. CHAS. HOOVER, Clerk THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, May BRADFORD DUMP A friend wanted to know why so many people are buying in the Thnrnhill‘ Area. - - - He found out that the merchants are offering, AT NO EXTRA' COST. FOR YOU AN EXTRA BONUS ABSOLUTELY FREE SAVE THE FREE DRAW TICKETS GIVEN WHEN YOU BUY AT THE PLACES OF BUSINESS LISTED BELOW MERCHANTS SUPPORTING THORNHILL CAMPAIGN SHELTON-MANSELL MOTORS AV. 5-1337 Willowdale AV. AV. AV. 5-1422 Thornhill RICHARDSON'S GENERAL STORE Morgan Ave. AV. Henderson Ave. Henderson Ave. A BRAND NEW 1955 PLYMOUTH COUPE BARBOUR'S GENERAL STORE HANK‘S GARAGE & SERVICE F. MORRIS â€" GROCERIES 5-2133 Lan; LANGSTAFF MOTORS 5-1588 Lam 5-1744 THORNHILL HARDWARE VILLAGE HARDWARE and and FILL May 20 & 271, Doncaster Doncaster Doncaster Langstaï¬ Langstaff Thornhill YES, Youtoo may win one of these [MAJOR PRIZES MCCOY 8; SON. B & A SERVICE STN. Langstaï¬ WILCOX DRIVE-IN RESTAURANT Stop 14, Yonge St. ‘ Highland Park AV. 5-1577 SCANLON BAKERY LIMITED AV. 5-1611 Thornhfl‘ ENGEL‘S SERVICE STATION AV. 5-0002 Thornhill MCFARLANE'S MEAT MARKET AV. 5-1811 Thornhill Rev. Chote Speaks On Need For Church In Richvale Area Rev. Arthur Chote. minister of St. Mary's Anglican Church Richmond Hill. was guest speak- er at the general meeting of the association held on Monday April 25 at the school. Nb, 1-... I'MLI:."G.MI.V.unan. convenor for Religious education introduced the guest speaker._ "liigvâ€"fâ€"Chiéte spoke on "The need for a Church in the Richâ€" vale-Langstaff area: _Whi1§‘ qn County Jr. Farmers Livestock Judging a trip to the U. S. A. Rev. Chote had attended the hearings of some juvenile delinquents and told the meeting the authorities young people committing offens- Plans have been laid by the directors of the York County Junior Farmers to hold their annual Livestock Judging,Com- petition on Saturday. May 28. which will be {0110\ved by a ban- quet in the King George Hotel, Newmarket. in the evening. With separate contests for those under 21 and those 21 to 26, classes of beef and dairy cat- tle. swine and sheep will be jud- ged on some of the best stock farms and afterwards the boys will give oral reasons to the jud- ges for their 'placings on each class. This is one of the‘oldest Jun- ior Farmer activities and the Junior Farmer Clubs are holding coaching classes not only for their members but also for any- one interested ' in getting into this project. found that a number of these Tenders will be received by the undersigned until 12 o‘clock noon Thursday, May 19, 1955. for the collection and disposal of Garbage in the following areas: Wilcox Lake and Oak Ridges Area, two times per week com- mencing on the lst day of June, 1955. until the 3lst day of May. 1956; Musselman's Lake Area, two times per week commencing lst day of June, 1955. until 30th day of September, 1955; Pres- ton‘s Lake Area, one time per Week from July lst, 1955, until 7th day of September, 1955. Signed -- JOHN W. CRAWFORD Clerk-Treasurer HAL HARLEY DRUG STORE TENDERS FOR GARBAGE COLLECTION ADA-LANE FAMILY SHOP Ladies‘ & Children's Wear Thornhill Township of WHITCHURCH 12, 1955 Thornh-ill es. were from homes of comfort- able means rather than from poor families. He also told of the work he is called on to do in our own area and mentioned. on several occas- ions where young people had found themselves in trouble of some kind, worried parents had called on him for advice which was gladly given. However, in most cases many had never at- tended church regularly or sent their children to church or Sun- day school. Churches of other denomin- ations had tried to start Sunday schools in the area, but in most instances had been forced to close down throught lack of sup- port. St. Barnabas Mission. he related. was being carried on at a loss and help had been asked repeatedly, but with the excep- tion of a few faithful members none had been forthcoming. Sunday school teachers could be brought down from Rich- mond Hill but it was felt more advisable for the people in this area to run this mission on their own. But the community must show the mother church it is strong enough in numbers to qualify for a church in this area. A strong group must attend the mother church and when big enough. break gently away from St. Mary‘s and stand on their own feet. A committee would be appointed on this occasion and a local church started. Rev. Chote emphasized these were his own views on the mat- ter and the people were perfect- ly free to agree or disagree with them. Rev. Chote continued by saying he hoped he had not been too harsh with the meeting. Quesâ€" tions were invited and numerous ones were presented. One being “Should a child be made to go to Sunday School, if he isn’t so in- clined?†Mr. Chote answered by saying a child is usually made to clean his teeth while still a youngster. they are not left to go rotten till he is old enough ‘to decide for himself. Therefore, he felt the same should apply to the child going to Sunday school. Children need to start Sunday school when they are very young and parents should also bring them to_worship and stay with them. At the conclusion of the meeting Mr. Gilmore thanked the Rev. Chote for his excellent talk and the time he had spent with the groups. A movie was shown ance with the subject ening. NEWMARKET : Three young children were trapped in the mud on the bottom of Fairey Lake which was drained after the Hurricane. The children were gathering turtles and had sunk down to their knees in the mud before they were rescued. You are cordially invited to buy in the Highland Park-Thornhill-Lang- staff area. . ANDY’S SERVICE STATION AV. 5-1410 Con MRS. W. SMOOK BEAUTY PARLOUR AV. 5-1323 Highland Park McGEE SMOKE & GIFT SHOP AV. 5-1871 Highland Park APPLEBY’S VARIETY WEAR AV. 5-1144 Highland Park KLIMITZ PHARMACY AV. 5-2052 Highla: AV. 5-0030 NUMEROUS ADDITIONAL ‘ PRIZES SPENCE'S HARDWARE in accord- of the ev- ROSS MOTORS Thornhill On Friday May 6th, the Cub Mothers’ Auxiliary held a suc- cessful neighborhood bake and apron sale and the proceeds will go toward camp equipment. Many thanks to all who helped and patronized same. The Scouts were presented with their flags on Tuesday May 3rd by the Don- caster Ladies Club and their kind and generous gift was greatly appreciated. On Saturday, May 7th. on Yonge St.. at Meadowview Rd. 3 rather serious accident took place when a car coming out of Loblaws was struck by a truck and two children. Michael and Peter O'Brien of Richvale were quite seriously hurt and taken to Sick Children's Hospital. Mrs. Edward O’Brien and her other two children Sheila and Allan were treated and allowed to go home. Mr. O’Brien and Donald Ross of Mount Albert, driver of the truck were unin- jured. ‘ Many cases of German meas- les, chicken-pox and mumps are prevalent in the distnct. ' 2%???25855 Wrowmm 2 HJ’. 4 . v - 24yc|e Iron-Horse engine; ' ‘ COMBINATION '- ,.,, ...... . Choke&Stap-Swï¬th. ' - ‘ ‘ ' * non-(LOGGING HOUSING . "A‘W'BOY "AWN‘BOY LAWN-BOY AUTOMM’IC RECOIL Dams“- Ewm' mm H. . . .. .2H.P. $104.50 58450 7450 OFFSET WHEELS RICHMOND HILL gamma." HA RDWARE 5mm 24 YONGE ST. SOUTH "HG-"P STORAGE RICHMOND HILL TU. 4-2101 5‘15 3- SERVISE in your mnmomty. Cut neatly through the thickest. tallest weeds. Purr slickly over the smoothest lawn. Ask for a demonstration l 6'. today I ‘g' LAWN-BOY LAWN-BOY LAWN-BOY Deluxe 21". Original 18". Economy 18". 2 HP. 1.2 H.P. .2 HP. 810450 584.50 7450 Thgï¬moï¬Ã©r with. All. ’rhe extra P‘" features § CORRESPONDENT: MRS. WALTER SANDERS 23 Meadowview Road Highland Park HIGHLAND PARK NEWS Thornhill Concord Telephone AV. 5-2116 C. NELS GAGE MEAT MARKET AV. 5-1526 Thornhill GRANDVIEW SERVICE STATION AV. 5-0027 Highland Park AV. 5-0014 AV. 5-1833 DON INNES SHELL SERVICE STN. AV. 5-1533 Thornhifl BART EDWARDS I.G.A. MARKET Ionge St. Any rummage for the Thorn- hill District Ass'n.. sale to be held May 20th will be apprec- iated and can be left at Mr. Bo- cquet. 48 Steeles E., or 1“. Sand- vers. 23 Meadowview Rd. G. MUNDY â€" ,A. FANTINATO White Rose Service Station mummlemumumnnmmumnnmmnmummm CUT FLOWERS, FUNERALS, WEDDINGS RICE’S FLOWER SHOP 23 YONGE ST. SOUTH Richmond Hill All Hours TU. 4-1812 mmmummmmmmmmmm 7 DAY ALL EXPENSE TRIP For TWO to BERMUDA FLOWERS FOR EVERY OCCASION V. W. GRIFFIN Painters’ Supplies ALL PRIZES WILL BE DRAWN AT THE SUMMER CARNIVAL, FARMERS’ MARKET THORNHILL â€" JUNE 22 - 23, 1955 conditions. The offset wheels ride smoothly over bumpsâ€"contours. These rugged Lawn-Boys adapt themselves to all Th ornh 111 Thornhill ‘hornhill Hi-Test Gas â€"- Low Price Yonge Street Richm Specializing in Ignition Work, Electric 8; Acetylene Welding TUNEâ€"UPS 24-HOUR TOWING SERVICE STOP 24 A YONGE ST., Richmond Hill TU. 4-1242 ALWAYS RICHMOND THEATRE GRILL mcumomn mu. Williams’ Sunoco Station A GOOD PLACE TO EAT Yongé St. THORNHILL GARAGE AV. 5-1535 T THORNHILL PHARMA CY AV. 5-2503 The AV. 5-0015 THORNHILL CLEANERS & TAILORS MADILL BROS. SERVICE STATION AV. 5-2409 Concord REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES 0F CARS THORNVIEW RESTAURANT FRANK’S GARAGE MUNROE'S IMPERIAL ESSO DEALER Ricâ€"liiï¬ond Hill“ Thornhill Thornhill Thornhill Thornhill Thornhill