BABY CARRIAGE. Lloyd. like new. Phone AV. 5-1228. c1w46 DEEP FREEZE. like new. large size, 3 yrs guarantee. $395.00. TUrner 4-2811. c1w46 1 BARREL TYPE'sprayer Ex- cellent condition. TU. 4-2106. An MASSEY-HARRIS ‘pony Itractor. __ L-‘ SMALL GARDEN TRACTOR. Baby carriage like new. Maple 131w. 01w46 BIRDSEYE MAPLE drawers. mirror and TU. 4-2149. POTATOES FOR SALE. No. 1 table stock and seed. Ruston Fol- llott, TU. 4-3175. c2w46 Junuuu .- .......... plough and cultivatbr. 'Also bal- ed hay. TU. 4-1908. c1w40 REFRIGERATOR, Frigidaire, good condition. Reasonable. 4-2390 after 6 pm. *2w46 MAN'S BICYICLE. rspinnllng v ..‘w Qv‘l‘wel, cuttâ€"lï¬Ã©rbox. 'scythé, win- dow glass. AV. 5-2513. c1w46 ~________f OUTBOARD MOTOR, 31/3 h.p. Champion. perfect shape; boy’s bicycle. English, good condition. AVenue 5-1118. c1w46 EIDEWALK BICYCLE C.C.M. good condition $25. TU. 4-1886. c1w46 USED electric refrigerator, com- pletely rebuilt Ideal for summer -nttnnn nr email home. FOX 16 Eéiéégé idr small home. Appliances, TU. 4-1610. GARAGE DOOR, overhead, com- plete. Apply cottage rear of 153 Yonge St. N.. Richmond Hill. *1w46 WALNUT diï¬ing room suite, 9 pieces. 72 inch buffet. Apply 31 Wright Street, Richmond Hill. TU. 4-1293. c1w46 REFRIGERATOR? electric. Suit summer cottage. Reasonable. Ac- cordion, good condition. TU. 4- 1538. *1w46 ADMIRAL Refrigerator. 7 cu. ft. new 5 year warranty, across-the- top freezer. Fox Appliances. phone TU. 4-1610. c1w46 EASY WASHER, new 5 year warranty. A-l. Bargain. Fox Appliances. Phone TU. 4-1610. c1w46 VACUUM CLEANER, also large size baby crib, spring and mat- tress. In good condition. cheap. AV. 5-2056. c1w46 GREY small-checked bolero suit. size 14; also pair white dress pumps, size 6. Both like new. T0,. 4-1961. 58 Hall St. *1w46 GARAGE. 12x20 feet, prefab. with overhead door. cedar siding and rolled rooï¬ng. Call AV. 5â€" 1511. ' c1w46‘ GARDEN TRACTOR, seldom used. disc. plough and grader at- tachment. Bargain at $120. 119 Arnold Ave., Thornhill. c1w46 LLOYD CONVERTIBLE, silver white. baby carriage, and foam rubber mattress, like new, cost $50., sell $30. Maple 111R14. ,‘HJn IRISH COBBLER, Katahdin, Canso seed potatoes. table pota- toes. and 2-year-old asparagus roots. Phone Herb Jones, Maple 54R14. c3w45 SAVE MONEY by using rough lumber. A11 standard sizes. Tim- bers sawed to order. Taylor’s Sawmill, R. R. 2 Aurora. TUrner 4-1581. *3w45 COBBLER seed potatoes; also Katahdin seed and table stock. Ed. MaShinter, 11,4 miles north of Elgin Mills on Bathurst. Phone King 11R25. *3w46 ALL STEEL double garage. Ov- erhead doors. 18’ x 18'. In good condition. $100. Can be moved intact. Sam Mashinter. '11,; miles north Elgin Mills on Bathurst. King 11R25. c1w46 WHY NOT USE PITTSBURGH SUNPROOF HOUSE PAINT? Costs no more to begin with. Costs far less over the years. KNAPP'S PAINT SERVICE 10 Yonge St. 5.. Richmond Hill TU. 4-1321 c1w~16 20 FT. CABIN‘TRAILER. win- terized. Large double bed with breakfast nook and built-in cup- boards. Fully wired. $350. Can be seen at Gillies Flying School at Buttonville. clwÃ©ï¬ CHESTERFIELD and two chairs, chrome kitchen table and two chairs. stove. refrigerator, wash- er, all in ï¬rst class condition. Going to U.S. Make offer. TU. 4- 2756 *1w46 FREEZERS â€" Special presea- son discounts on all our freezers, new and used. We specialize in home freezers. General Refrig- eration, Woodbridge, Ontario. CASE RATES, ï¬rst insertion 3c per word; min. charge . . 50o Second and subsequent insertions i! wording unchanged, 3c per word min. charge. . . . . . . . .. 400 FOR. BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of . . 250 COMING EVENTS NOTICE: per type line We min. charge 500 CARDS 0F THANKS, lN_ MEMORIAMS, DEATHS. ENGAGEMENTS. MARRIAGES, per insertion 75o BIRTH NOTICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 560 Clauiï¬ed advertisements dlouid he in as early in the week as poo-ibie but not later than noon on Wednesdays. ARTICLES FOR SALE CLASSIFIED FOR SALE and WANT ADS THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, ThursdAay, may 12,13» DOOR, overhead, com- CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES PLE Ehest of and wash stands. *1w46 c1w46 c1w46 c4w46 THERMAPANE WINDOWS â€" two 48â€x36", $40 each; one 48"x 24â€, $25.00. AV. 5-1959. tfc44 BAGGAGE TRAILER. two- wheeled box. suitable for camp- ing or cottage, $25. 41 Arnold St. TU. 4-1416. *2w45 BUGS BROADLOOM Save 50%. New rugs made from your old rugs, carpets. woollens, etc. WATERLOO TRACTOR. 2% hp. with all attachments. Plow, cul- tivator. harrows, weeder, grader, snow plow, lawn mower. Used four months. First class condi- tion. G. H. D. Bryson, 24 Fair- view Ave., Langstaff. Ont. *1w46 ANNUALS, tomatoes, cabbage and lettuce plants, geraniums, begonias, on sale at the green- house every day. .Saturday at York Farmers Market, Thornhill. Hughes Gardens, Ruggles Ave., Langstaï¬, 2nd street east of Yonge off No. 7 Highway. Phone AV. 5-2637. *4w46 AVON Beauty Counsellor will call at your home. TU. 4-2229. KELVINATOR 'refrigerator, 41,9 cu. ft. Motor 2 years old. $35. AV. 5-3328. c1w45 CAR FRONT axle and spring as- semblies. Ideal for trailers. Also used 600x16 tires and wheels. 650x16 tires, also 710x15 tires. Phone TU. 4-2236. ‘ tfc36 Bllnkets also made Phone TU. 4-1804. SEWING MACHINE SALES 8; SE VICE Free Estimates on r pairs of any make of sewing machine. Satis- faction guaranteed or double your money back. Phone Gunnar Tail- oring Co., TU. 4:1362, Richmond BOATS . New marine plywood boats, 8 ft. prams, 12 ft. car-top} 14 ft. run- abouts $65 and up. Best mater- ials used, no down payment necâ€" essary. All boats guaranteed not to leak. Free delivery within 50 miles. Also boats for rent. TU. 4-2732. . tlc46 Hill LIFETIME all metal Venetian Blinds. aluminum or steel baked enamel ï¬nish. any colour tapes, Kirsch Drape tracks and drape arms. free estimates and install- ations. Phone 755 or write box 496, 40 Ontario St., West, New- market, Ont. Please reverse phone charges. “C34 TOURIST CAMP CLEARANCE SALE 3 Cabins 12x14; 3 cabins 10x12; 3 cabins 8 x10. Washroom 26x8 complete with plumbing. Bed springs and mattresses. Quanti- ty be dsheets and pillow cases, pillows and\ hand towels, blankâ€" ets. bedspreads, many other it- ems too numerous to mention. Hall's Service Station, Elgin Mills.,Phone TU. 4-2061. c1w46 WASHING MACHINE specials, Simplicity with pump, regular $169.50, tub slightly damaged. Sacriï¬ce $119.50. Easy washer with pump and skirt to floor, reg. $189.50, Re- possessed, sale price $118.50 Frigidaire hot water heater, glass lined. Top & bottom ele- ments, 331.5 gal. capacity, reg. $165.00. special $145. PARIS AUTO SUPPLY LTD. TU. 4-1541 Richmond Hill CLEARANCE 0F TV SETS AT YEREX ELECTRIC 21†Electroholme console, 22- tube chassis. This is†one of the hest chassis available today. Sale price $299.95. Philco 21" TV, $249.95. C.G.E. 21" TV’$249.95. Phillips 17†table model in lim- ed oak, with base, reg. price $329 for $229.00. Two new Admiral sets $179.95, 17". 1 Electrohome table model with top tuning, in bleached mahogany $179.95. A real buy, 1 Deluxe Admiral tab- le top range left. This is one of the most advanced’ ranges. Reg. price $449.00. Sale price $319. This is it, if you want a 40" range. Mechanic’s opportunity! 3 Electric Refrigerators (trade- ins) for $100.00. Two are freez- ing satisfactorily. Clearance of line materials. hi-voltage insul- ators, braces. clamps, pole arms. etc, at one-third cost. Beautiful Chippendale radio, phono com- bination with FM. band. Sold for $589.95, for $165. Looks like new. City prices on Appliances at Yerex Electric, TU. 4-1552, opp. Theatre. until contacting W. S. Appleton, Oak Ridges Poultry Grading Sta- tion, phone TU. 4-2643. tfc17 CAPONS, masters and fowl, highest prices paid. Don’t sell until contacting W. S. Appleton, ARTICLES FOR SALE cont. POULTRY WANTED c2w45 tfc45 c1w46 tfc28 CARTAGE delivery, any time. anywhere. TU. 4-0022. c4w44 ï¬'OTAVATING. Apply ham. TUrner 4-2884. STND & GRAVEL. stone. loam, manure and ï¬ll. L. Willis, TU. 4-2096. tfc51 ANYTHING in painting. paper- ing, decorating. Phone A. Rollin- son. TU. 4-2587. tfc13 EARPENTER WORK --â€" kitchen cupboards, stairs and repairs. TU. 4-1014 evenings only. SAWS,‘ shears, mowers sharpen- ed ,and repaired. Robt. Sanders, 121 Richmond St. TUrner 4-1786. *6w42 UPHOLSTERING and repairing. Apply F. Graham, Lake Road, Oak Ridges. Phone TU. 4-2231. . tfc27 CALL US for you: sand, gravel, ï¬ll, top soil and black loam. Prompt delivery. Reasonable rates. DeFerrarl and Muylaert. Maple 54R12. tfc7 CUSTOM PLOUGHING, discing, cultivating, also front-end loadâ€" ing, backï¬lling and grading. Lance Willis, TU. 4-2096. tfc41 PLASTERING, repair work a specialty. work guaranteed. no job too small. William Faulkner, AV. 5-1932. tch DRESSMAKER-FURRIER. A1- terations. Drapes: Estimates cheerfully given. AV. 5-1854} CARPENTER WORK. Alterations and repairs. TU. 4-2896 evenings. Ruben Lahn, Richmond Hill._ MISCELLANEOUS Suburban Roofers, AV. 5-1240 or GL. 7368. Experts on shingles, flat or insul-brlc siding. Free estimates. tfc50 DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK? Call CHIMNEYS Chimneys cleaned, built and re- paired. Free estimates. Expert workmanship. Phone Walker and Mitchell, A_V. 5-2526. tfc15 SEPTIC TAIKS We are now in a position to in- stall your septic tanks and weep- ing beds by machine at lowest possible prices. Murray )3aker, phone Newmarket 651. tfc37 FOR FAST, efficient service and repairs on your washing machine, electric motors, ranges. vacuums, polishers and all small applian- ces, please call Ground Electric, 90 Yonge St. N.. TU. 4-2722. tfc15 CUSTOM BULLDOZING Basement excavating and back- ï¬lling, ‘grading, digging ponds, and cleaning fence rows. D. Pickering, Victoria Square. ph. Stouï¬ville 64012. tfc15 or to buy existing lst ox mortgages. W. W. Conroy. Willowdale, Phone BA. 1-7484. DEAD STOCK removed from your farm promptly for sanitary disposal. 'Delephone collect: Tor- onto EM. 3-3636 or Woodbridge 6J. GORDON YOUNG LIMIT- ED. c51w27 PIT RUN GRAVEL, concrete sand and gravel. Sand' ï¬ll. Top- soil. Harold and Jim Burns. R. R. 2 Maple, phone 54R2. DOMINION RENTALLS We buy, sell, rent and repair garden tractors, & appliances, pumps, motors. Unionville Telephone 53 ROTOVATING with large trac- tor, makes perfect seed beds. Terms cash. Apply Harvey Mash- inter, Top Notch Gardens, at Oak Ridges, King Sideroad. Phone TUrner 4-2577. tfc42 LOCKS REPAIRED Keyed alike or master keyed. Door closers repaired and ser- viced. Keys out while U wait. Auto keys cut to "Code." Craig’s Lock and Key, Oak Ridges (south of The Windmill). tfc52 ALTERATIONS and repair work. Sidewalks, cemeht work. septic tanks, soft water cisterns, car- pentry work. For prompt service, call Walker and Mitchell, AV. 5- 2526. tfc45 PHONE KING 218 to call for all excavating equipment. We have hulldozers,’ shovels, draglines, backhoes and road graders, etc. No job too small or too big. Har- old Millard Contracting Co. REPAIRS on British and Ameri- can motorcycles, power mowers, garden tractors, chain saws, also air cooled baler and combine en- gines. Charles Jennings, Keele St., two miles north of Maple. phone Maple 51R14. tfc44 LEARN TO DRIVE NOW Why put it of! any longer? You can drive that car all summer. picnicking, visiting friends and doing your shopping. Good in- structors. Dual controls, so you won‘t have that nervous feeling. Thompson‘s Driving School TU. 4-2781 tfc44 SEPTIC TANKS 3-4 bedroom capacity, pre-cast concrete, steel reinforced. We will sell you a tank or a complete installation. York County approved and in- spected. Richmond Hill repres- entative, Quality Utilities, phone TU. 4-3251. Cy Bellman Assoc: iates, call Stouï¬ville 290. c4w43 FUNDS AVAILABLE FOR MORTGAGES . buy existing lst or 2nd Telephone 53 c1w46 *1w46 c1w‘47 c3w44 c5w42 tfc46 c4w46 tfc34 tfc18 Ont. Era- MRS. SCHRETTER’S Hairdress- ing. AVenun 5-1814. tfc50 WELL DIGGING. expert service. T. Jerrett. BA. 1-4898. c4w45 ROTOTILLING gardens. TU. 4-3278. c3w45 ROTOTILLING done. free esti- mates. J. L. Grainger. TU. 4- 1278. c2w45 BRICK & BLOCK WORK, re- pairs and alterations. TU. 4- 3143. c4w45 For sand, gravel. manure. loam and ï¬ll. TU. 4-3341. tth FURNACES cleaned. installed and repaired. All types and makes. Phone TU. 4-2641. tfc16 R. H. REID, Delivery service. Pickup and delivery. light mov- ing. TU. 4-3391. “037 FOR odd carpenter jobs, repairs, window screens, etc. Phone TU. 4:1614. c4w44 SAND AND GRAVEL. crushed stone, loam and ï¬ll. E. Charity, Richmond Bin/TU. 4â€"1701. CUSTOM PLOUGHING Cultivating and discing. Reason- able rates, hourly or contract. Bill Burns, TU. 4-3154. c6w41 CARTAGE. moving, freight, pick up and delivery service. Any- where, anytime. reliable. TU. 4-2613. tfc44 EXPERT LANDSCAPING, and rockery work, prompt and cour- teous service. Contact A. Van Huis“, Maple P.O. *2w45 MISCELLANEOUS ELECTRIC WELDING Highest quality work done by ex- pert. Texaco Station, Richvale Motor Sales. Stop 22A Yonge St. TU. 4-2081. tfc13 CARPENTRY of all kinds, re- pairs, alterations, kitchen cup- boards, recreation rooms and new buildings. TU. 4-1904. c2w45 SAME DAY TV and Radio Repair Service. Reasonable. Victor Draper Agen- cies, Oak Ridges. TU. 4-31811 ALL KINDS FURNITURE re- pairs, upholstering, cabinet work. wood carving. Estimates given. N. G. VanDyke, 96 Hunt Ave.. Richmond Hill. ‘ tic WELL DRILLING George’s Well Drilling and re- pairing; pump installed & repair- ed. George Adams, Woodbridge R. R. 2, Maple 67R3. tfc45 ‘ROOF REPAIRS ROOF; Eavestrough, Chimney brick work, painting, general re_- pair work of all kinds. prompt service. Phone TU. 4-3344. tfczz VACUUM CLEANERS. Sold at bargain prices. We re- pair all makes. Paris Auto Sup- ply Ltd., Richmond Hill, TU. 4- 1541. tfc40 l‘adies’ and children‘s clothes. Also alterations. Mrs. Warwick, 24 Hunt’s Lane, TU. 4-3206. EDYTHE DRESSMAKING â€" AV. 5-1595 CARPENTER, alterations and repairs, kitchen cupboards and recreation rooms. No job too small. G. Carson, TU. 4-2448. PLUMBING, Heating and sheet metal. All types of furnaces in- stalled, cleaned and repaired, eavestroughing. TU. 4-2641. USED CARS AND TRUCKS 1939 FORD. Would make fast stock car. Best offer. TU. 4-2090. c1w46 40 DODGE pickup, motor just overhauled. Best offer. AV. 5- 0030. _ c1w46 48 CHEV.. radio, heater, excell- ent condition. Terms arranged, if desired. AV. 5-0030 or BA. 1- 4302. I Clw46 51 CHEV. COACH. excellent condition. 4 new tires, radio, heater, sun visor, directional sig- nals, backâ€"up lights. $995 or best cash offer. TU. 4-1634. *1w46 TRACTOR double disc, good as new, $125.00. Phone Stan Burns, Maple 54R2. *1w46 c1w47 TRANSPORTATION WANTED from May Ave., arriving Castle- ï¬eld-Caledonia 8.25. TU. 4-2172. c1w46 3 H. P. Garden Tractor, plough and cultivator. cheap. J. Smith, 169 Elmwood Ave. Richmond Hill. *2w45 TRANSPORTATION Richmond Hill Plumbmg and Heating TUrner 4-1711. IMPLEMENTS FOR SALE (continued) A. MILLS 8: SON BUY FENN SELL FENN REAL ESTATE ERIC FISH DON FURSE BA. 5-2411 tfc17 tfc42 tfc13 tfcl'l tfc40 tfc31 PART-TIME bookkeeper for gar- age. TU. 4-1188. clw46 TYPIST required for part time work at home. Apply Box 163 The Liberal. c1w46 GARDENER, handyâ€"man, either part-time or steady. Live in or out. AV. 5-2145. c1w46 OFFICE CLEANER required. Few hours weekly. Phone TU. 4- 1417. c1w46 KITCHEN WOMAN; also part- time help for dining room. Lad- ies Golf Club, Thornhill. c1w46 REGISTRY for all nurses, Regis- tered and practical, and baby sitters HELP Home. 5-1766 WAITRESSES for modern resâ€" aurant. Apply Richmond Theatre Grill. E. Neiger. c1w46 COOK-HOUSEKESPER, for mo- dern country home near King. All conveniences. Good wages. References necessary. Box 161 Liberal. c1w46 STENOGRAPHER required by manufacturing ï¬rm in Rich- mond Hill. 5 day week. Apply in writing, giving details of ex- perience to Box 165 Liberal. STENOGRAPHER required for office in Richmond Hill. Perm- anent position, good salary and working conditions. $45 to start. R. D. Little & Son. Richmond Hill. ’ c1w46 WANTEDâ€"Boy or girl (15 years or over) who is fascinated with colour and- design to be- come apprentice in modern stained glass. Telephone BA. 1- 0364 for appointment. Angus Macdonald. clw46 DAVID McLEAN LIMITED Have an opening for one real estate salesman in their busy Thornhill office. An excellent opportunity for the right man to become associated with an ac- tive, long-established ï¬rm. Ex- perience is not necessary. A complete training program is given with continued office as- sistance. For interview appoint- ment call S. J. Carlisle, AV. 5% 1176, evenings TU. 4-1574. c1w42 SECRETARY - Treasurer. ï¬eld man for York County Federation of Agriculture. Particulars as to duties and rate of pay may be obtained from the secretary, W. J. Buchanan, R. R. 1 Downsview, BA. 1-8677. Applications must be in the hands of the secretary by May 19. clw46 ACREAGE, 11% acres, Maplé area, close to No. 400 Highway, $690 an acre. Phone Maple 67R 31. c4w44 RICHM9ND HILL, (5 buildiï¬Ã© lots. Terms arraï¬ged. 7 HUdson 9-4679 evenings. brokers please. SOLID BRICK house, oil hot wa- ter heating, one to three acres. reasonable down payment, mort- gage arranged. TUrner 4-1251. clw46 AV. 5-1595 5 ROOM BUNGALOW, bath, cement block. Good lot close to transportation and school. Scen- ic view. Just north of Weston. CHerry 1-8315 after 5 pm. LOT FOR SALE on Mill St., Richmond Hill, 105 x 80. Water, sewers. Close to High and Pub- lic School. Fine Duplex or Ranch Bungalow site. TU. 4-1656 or TU. 4-2783. *lw46 Richmond Hill, 9 room brick split level with built-in garage. This nearly new house has large living room with floor to ceiling ï¬replace with tempered glass dooss. A crystal ï¬xture in love- ly dining room. Modern kitchen with touch latch cupboards. Built-in breakfast nook. Tiled 2- piece washroom off front hall. TV room or study off side en- trance. 3 large bedrooms with twin walk-in closets. Tiled 4- piece coloured bathroom. Divided basement with unï¬nished recre- ation room. Plenty of extras. Conveniently located and suit- able ior a doctor or dentist. Full price $29,500. A. E. F. Wright, Real Estate, 5447 Yonge St. Will- owdale. AV. 54902., HELP WANTED TO RENT BUY SUMMER CHICKS by name. Kitchener Big-4. Ask for summer prices. We believe ex- cellent markets are ahead for poultry-keepers, maybe due to short buying of early chicks. Dayold, started, variety breeds, crosses, Agent. Wesley‘CIark, R. R. 2 Gormley. ' STARTED PULLETS. Or dayold. Bray Hatchery has them for prompt shipment. Or mixed chicks. Be sure you have stock to produce on better markets when prices are on the up. Signs point to possible scarcity of lay- ers. Be prepared. Ask us for the list. agent Fred Wise, Richmond Hill. phone TUrner 4-1862. FOR THE EXECUTIVE OR > A PROFESSIONAL MAN REAL ESTATE FOR SALE WANTED, female, Rest Yonge St, Thornhill. AV. Phone between 6 and 7 c1w46 POULTRY FOR I SALE Phone AV. 5-1766. c1w46 BUY FENN SELL FENN REAL ESTATE BA. 5-2411 tfc17 c1w46 *2w45 c2w46 FLOOR SANDER to rent. Phone AVenue 5-2101. tfc22 ELECTRIC FLOOR SANDER Ridhfnond Hill Hardware. TU. 4- 2101. tfc15 ELECTRIC FLOOR Polisher for rent. Richmond Hill Hardware. TU. 4-2101. tfc18 TYPEWRITERS for rent by day, week or month. TU. 4-1745. mond Hill, Yohge St. TU. 4- 1502. c1w45 LARGE unfurnished room and kitchenette. Sui-t business people. Maple 202. clw46 FURNISHED ROOM suit gentle- man. Supper optional. TU. 4- 2095. c1w46 LARGE front room. Huge cup- board, twin beds, suit 2.7TU. 4- 2201. C1W46 OFFICE SPACE, 2 rooms about 12x12, heated, $50 month rent. Phone TU. 4-1541. c1w46 LARGE furnished room, suit working couple. 177 Yonge N. Apply evenings. *1w46 PARTLY furnished 3-room 2nd floor apartment. washroom and sink. Business couple, no child- ren. 107 Baker Ave. *1w46 2 0R 3 ROOM furnished apart- ment, July and August. Central Richmond Hill. Adult dbstainer. Box 164 Liberal. c1w46 3 ROOM FLAT, and bath, suit- able for business couple. or coup- le with one child. TU. 4-2688. ONE ROOM cottage to let fur- nished or unfurnished; also fur- niture for sale. Phone AV. 5- 2559. *1w46 3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS, all conveniences. in Richvale. Ad- ults, reasonable. Immediate pos- sesion. TU. 4-2675. c1w46 3 FURNISHED ROOMS, private entrance, electric refrigerator. hot water, private 3-Diece bath, available June 1 to Nov. 1. Adâ€" ults. Mrs. L. Kerswill, Maple, phone 179M. c1w46 CEMENT BLOCK factory 2,000 sq. ft. close to Yonge St., heavy wiring, toilet facilities. 159‘ Spruce Ave., Richvale. VPhone TU. 4-1251 after 5 pm. Monday to Friday. c3w46 LOVELY Furnished apartment, self-contained. Equipped kitchen. Separate entrance. Couple with baby or business couple welcome Large grounds. Phone Aurora. PA. 7-5597. c1w46 FLOOR SANDERS Heavy and light disc hand sand- ers; floor polishers; floor seals. Bdb’s Smoke Shop, 55 Yonge St. N., open 7 days and evenings till’ 10.30 pm. tfc46 DO IT YOURSELF RENTALS Lawn Rollers, Seeders, Fertilizer Spreaders Portable saws. sanders. jig saws, drills and hand tools. TUrner 4-1331 EXPERIENCED woman willing to look after family in mother’s absence; also baby sitting. TU. 4-3158. tfc43 LAWNS mowed and trimmed. Jas. Rice. TU. 4-2612. c1w45 MALE accounting. general or cost. TU. 4-2210 after 6 p.m. c3w46 CHILD DAY CARE An hour, a day or a week. Rates on request. TUrner 4-1788. tfc44 MAN will do painting, paper hanging, ver yreasonably. Years of experience. TU. 4-2902._A WANTED TO RENT by July 1, a 3-bedroom house or apartment. Phone TU. 4-3925 between 9-5 pm. *1w46 SMALL HOUSE, flat or 4 rooms wanted June 1-15, Aurora. Rich- mond Hill, Thornhill, or Mark- ham Township district. Box 162 The Liberal. ‘ *1w46 HOUSE WANTED 2 or 3 room cottage in Maple, King, or Richmond Hill districts wanted. 3 young gentlemen by May 27. Non-drinkers. ,Phone CHerry 1-8315 after 6 p.m.7 BABY SITTER. TU. 4-2989 PART TIME WANTED : German Cabinetmaker and Carpenter, with best references and exper- ience, desires evenings or week- ends work. Has own tools. If you need any help, call Mr. H. Ger- ecke, Thornhill, AY. 5-3573. COUPLE, 3 children, require 5 rooms unfurnished. Not over $60. Willowdale, Thornhill, Richmond Hill. Urgent. Mrs. Rose, TU. 4- 2291. ‘ c2w46 YOUNG COUPLE, no children, requires furnished rooms or ap- artment from June 4 to August 31. Daytime WAlnut 1-1115. af- ter 6 pm. ROger 2-9394. c1w46 YOUNG reliable couple with small baby require small house or 3 rooms unfurnished," vicinity north of city limits. Reasonable rent. TU. 4-1578. c1w46 BEDROOM apartment iquich- EMPLOYMENT ‘ WANTED CHARLTON HARDWARE WANTED TO RENT c1w46 *2w46 tfc28 c2w46 *1w46 *2w46 tfc46 BEAUTIFUL BRIGHT comfort- able rooms. furnished or unfur~ nished. single or separate apart- ment. Board optional. Quiet lo- cation, TU. 4-1860. *1w46 PAIR OF GLASSES on Mill St. TU. 4-1360. Reward. *1w45 TRICYCLE, 5-7 yr size, evenings. TU. 4-1171. c1w46 CARS & TRUCKS wanted for wrecking. Phone TU. 4â€"2236. ROOM & BOARD 53 Ford Convertible 52- Chevrolet Sedan Whitewalls, Dark Blue Retail $1095. 51 Chevrolet Sedan R. D. LITTLE & SON LTD. EM. 6-3166 New paint job, whitewalls Retail $995. 50 Meteor Custom Sedan Torch Red, fully equipped Retail $1895. 53 Meteor Deluxe Coach One owner, spotless Retail $1395. 53 Chevrolet Coach 26,000 miles, very clean Retail $1395. Radio & Heater Retail 8850. 51 Morris Oxford Sedan Trades Considered At These Prices Open Every Evening SALE REGISTERS 0N PAGE 7 WANTED USED CARS LOST " T0 Tm: punuc ALL THIS WEEK Retail $495 Compare These Prices! Tompare These Values! Ford-Monarch Richmond Hill tfc36 WANTED good homes for kit- tens, house broken. Phone Maple 148J. c1w46 ORDER YOUR BUDGIE and cage today; or canary. Phone TU. 4-2363. cZw46 YOUNG TAMWORTH boars for sale. Mervin Summerfeldt. Phone Newmarket 211J22. c3w44 DACHSHUNDS, 7 weeks. small breed, smooth. AV. 5-2524. NUTRI-A. fur~bearing animal. choice breeding stock. Informa- tion call TU. 4-3015. c2w45 DOGS BOARDED Glen-El-Tee Kennels Reg'd.. Yonge St. N., R. R. 1 Richmond Hill, TU. 4-1603. tfc40 LIVESTOCK FOR SALE TRY A LIBERAL CLASSIFIED TU. 4-1116 Wholesale $1695 $1150 1125 $845 $745 $595 $375 *lw46