THURS, MAY 19 â€"â€" Auction salq of 30 head of Shorthorn cattlc. Ferguson tractor and equipment, farm machinery, fur- niture, (1th on Lot 13, rear Con. 7, entrance from Markham CNR station; Property of Max Reesor. Sale at 1 pm. sharp. Terms cash. No, reserve. Farm sold. Ken & Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. SAT., MAY 21 â€" Auction s_ale of IHC tractor. Co-op tractor, threshing machine, farm imple- ments, furniture. etc., at Lot 29, Con. 5.'Pickering Twp. ‘79 mile east of Whitevale. Property of Howard A. Turner Sale at 2 p. m. sharp. Terms cash. No reserve Farm sold. Ken & Clarke Pren- tice, auctioneers. WED. MAY 25 â€"- Important auction sale of purebred regis- tered Holstein cattle, pigs. sheep. laying hens. spring chickens. mo- dern farm machinery, combine, baler, tractors, etc., on Lot 10, Con. 3 King Twp Property of C. L. Gray, near Eaton Hall Farm. Sale at 1 pm. Terms cash. No reserdve. Ken & Clarke Pren- tiée, auctione‘er‘s. WED, MAY 25 â€" Extensive auction sale of garage equipment and farm machinery. consisting of King Motor Analizer, Steam Jenny, Van Dom Valve Refacer. New Acetylene Torch. Brake Reliner, Champion Sparkplug Cleaner. 3 Joyce Floor Jacks. Exlde Battery Charger, Air San- der, Bench Vises, Alemite pres- sure grease gun. 3 power emerys, line shaft and pulleys, air com- press complete with motor, Budd wheel wrench (the above are all nearly new). Number of electric WED. MAY 25 â€" Auction sale of new Dion Thresher, Cockshutt 30 Tractor, M-H Binder, Farm Machinery, Holstein cattle. Surge Milker. Milk Cooler. etc., at farm of A. H. Carr, located on the 7th line one mile east of stoplights at Melton at one o'clock D.S.T. A. P. Chcyne, auctioneer, phone Brampton 546.12. *2w46 Benedetto MILAN, ITALY and - VS. and Alex Jensen Irish Jack Phelan SWEDISH BOMBER WAR! Jacques DuBois vs. Bobby Pryor Flying Frenchman Mountain Boy Central Canadian Wrestling Assoc. Turkish Powerhouse FIRST IN TRAVEL COMFORT-HANDLING EASE- SMARTNESS-YET COSTS LEAST T0 BUY AND RUN! VS JOE GREENFIELD ALL SEATS 75c â€" Free Parking TUESDAY - MAY 1'] - 8:45 PM. THURNHILI. MARKET 178 Yonge St. N. HASSAN BEY Langstaff Hey Folks! Tune in 0W1]! Dimy I’m-cum Roy McMAHON, Matchmaker SALE REGISTERS HUNT & COOK MOTORS MAIN BOUT SEMI-FINAL Disneyland on CBC-TV. See TV ï¬sï¬ngs for Time and Channel. motors, %. M. 3. 5 hp, Heavy- Duty Ataco Wagon (new), auto steering, New 3 h.p. Woods elec- tric grinder, new M-H double- disc. quantity new galv. water pipe, in and .1" size, 33‘" alumin- um pipes large quantity M-H re- pair parts. for farm machinery, number special garage tools, compression gauge, ignition test- er. new farm tires, new belting, number parts bins. new Mâ€"H No. 22 tractor hydraulic equipped, 101 Jr. reconditioned. Many oth- er items too numerous to men- tion. Property of Jos. G. Watson. Uxbridge town opposite the CNR station. NOTE: This sale is clos- ing out the Massey-Harris dealer- ship and garage business and will be sold without reserve. Terms cash. 2 auction rings, nev- er a dull moment. Sale 12.30 noon. Sellers 8; Atkinson, auc- tioneers, phone Stoufl’. 363. TUES., MAY 31 â€" Auction sale of Deluxe Kelvinator Refrigera- tor (llke new). Moï¬at electric range (like new), Connor electric washer (good), ‘3 pc. Chesterï¬eld (goodnhanging lamp. chest of drawersiantique), 3 pc. congol- eum (good), dishes, etc. The property of Mrs. R. J. Wilson. on German St., Markham Village. NOTE: This is an extra good lot of furniture. Terms cash. Sale at 1 pm. Sellers & Atkinson, auctioneers, phone Stoufl". 363. SIX NATIONS CHAMP. . and John Martin. principal of Thornhill Public School, was taken ill this week, but will return this Monday to reâ€" sume his duties. He expects to undergo an operation early in June. Co-ordinating Principal. Da- vid Smith, reported the staff was doing an exception- al job in carrying pn school activities in Mr. Martin's absence Little Beaver Rugged Hungarian VS JIM HOPKINS RON RONESC U IRISH SENSATION Principal TU. 4-3151 Willowdale Ill [DISTRICT SPURT NEWS Littie Beaver Teams Up With Irish Jack Phelan Benedetto Lima and Alex Jen- sen have teamed up for this week's wrestling show at Thorn- hill Market Tuesday. May 17, and will take on two very popu« lar wrestlers in Chief Little Bea- ver and Irish Jack Phelan. Al- though teamed up with Harold Van Dyke last week and despite the fact it was a very good com- blnation the Indian said that he didn't approve of Van Dyke’s ring tactics and asked the pro- moters for another partner. With Phelan as his partner the Bea- ver feels that he will do better than ever. Although Jensen and The Benedetto have never been teamd up before both are of the rugged type of grappler and feel that they can out quite a swath through the various teams in action throughout On- tario. Aurora Tennis Club Presents Main & Bentley To Local Fans A special invitation has been extended to Richmond Hill ten- nis fans to attend the demonstra- tion by Jim Bentley and Lorne Main, No. 1 player of the Davis Cup Team, at Aurora Tennis Courts next Thursday, May 19. A really outstanding semi-ï¬nal has been arranged with hand- Courts Ploy “ Ladies high flat games: Maud Murphy 257, Ruth Charity 242, 227, lJessie Yerex 233, Marj Beresford 233, Isobel Savage 230. Ruth Cowan 211, Minnie Ground 210, Ursula Chatterley 203, Beth Rice 201, Anne Reid 200. Demonstration Next Thursday The Thursday Nighters ï¬nish- ed thejr season's bowling April 28 and will be having their ban- quet May 12. The team standing according to points is as follows: Indians 113, Strike Outs 99, Bombers 94. Pogos 89, Tigers 86, Handi- cappers 85, Lucky Strikes 83, Red Sox 79. The teams were divided into two groups for the playoffs. In the ï¬rst group the Pages won with 10 points and in the second group the Handicappers won with 12 points. Report Largest Trout Season Opening In History Of Area Saturday and Sunday, April 30 and May 1, ushered in the trout season for 1955. Lake Simcoe District was literally “taken ov- er†by enthusiastic anglers dur- ing the opening days. It was the largest opening day in history Richmond Hill, .oy will begin Admission is THURSDAY NIGHTERS at 7 free and anyone some Bobby Pryor clashing with the Flying Frenchman Jacques DuBois. Pryor has been having a lot of hard luck of late and feels that a win over the French Flash would set him right back in the public's eye again. We feel that a win over DuBois would help him no end, but this writer picks DuBois over Pryor, but you never can tell. Hassan Bey, the Turkish Steamroller, will be back in action again and will meet his old enemy Scissors Joe Greenï¬eld, who will return to action after a long lay off. Joe is tired of being a referee. He says that wrestling is a lot easier esp cially after having people holle at you for two months. Joe hopes the fans will holler for him against the Turk next Tuesday. so do we. In‘the opening bout Ronnie Ransecu, rugged little Hungarian Canad- ian. will lock holds with clever Jim Hopkins of Willowdale. in the district who is interested in the game is invited to attend. Further information can be ob- tained at the meeting of Richâ€" mond Hill Tennis Club next Tuesday. May 17, at St. Mary's Anglican Church. The meeting is open to both adult and High school players and will begin at 7:30 pm. FRIDAY NIGHT BOWLERS The Friday Night Bowlers completed their season Saturday, May 7, with a banquet at the Richmond Grill. About 60 mem- bers enjoyed a turkey dinner. Trophies were distributed and the Captains along with the secâ€" retary, Bob Littleford, were pre- sented with gifts. Each one at- tending received a momento en- graving with their team name. Following a brief business meet- ing all enjoyed bowlings, The Co-Captains are to be commend- ed for planning and carrying out such an enjoyable evening. Men's high ï¬at games: Harold Ground 283, Hugh Yerex 28.1, 217, A1. Rice 247, Fred Bovaird 244, 202. Ben Thompson 242, 213. Vic Broderick 232, 228, 228. Bill Hall 228, Tubby Barrow 206, Eric Charity 205, Tim Murphy 202. Many good ï¬sh were taken with rainbow trout to 8% lbs., speckles up to 2% lbs. and Ger- man browns up to 6% lbs. belng reported. No doubt most ï¬sh- ermen were quite happy to set- tle for a mess of 7†to 9" brook trout which would be tops in the culinary department. Most good catches‘were secur- ed from 6 to 10 a.m. Saturday morning but Sunday also was a perfect day and many families took the opportunity to really enjoy themselves in the outdoors. Picnic parties were observed on many, stream banks and regard- less of whether the catch was a sucker or a record breaking trout. everyone seemed quite satisï¬ed. according to reports insofar as number of ï¬shermen and volume of road traffic. Every stream and bridge had its quota of Isaac Waltons and new spinning reels were noticeably in evidence. When the Mystery Man is defeated and unmasked, $10.00 cash and a season pass to the_ lucky one who guesses who he is. CLUE: First name the same as WILL IT BE THIS TUES.? $10900 WHO IS MR. ’1“ Get your form at the door next Tuesday- LonUU CASH & A SEASON PASS a famous name in English History A r m y, N a v y Airfmce League In the ï¬rst game of playoffs, Alley Cats lead with 3046, Tpp Hats are in second place kthh 3005. and Kibitzers next with 2931 pin falls. Chief Little Beaver and Har- old Van Dyke had too much on the ball for Mr. X and Alex Jen- sen ldst Tuesday at the Thornhill Market as they slammed their way to a convincing win over the roughouse twosome. Little Bea- ver was very successful with his death lock and took two out of three falls from Mr. 'X with this hold. Van Dyke and he Chief seemed to be-having a iï¬erence of opinion a few times but they managed to hang together long enough to win over Mr. X and The other three teams playing for playoff monies were Hell Drivers 3138, who took ï¬rst Place. Goofers second with 3004. and Blow Pots third with 2747 pin falls. Election of officers was held with the following executive el- ected: Pres. John Stewart. 214 Oak Ave.. Richvale; secretary, Frank Shorter, 51 Palmer Ave.. Richmond Hill; treasurer. Bob Leece, Concord. Chief And Van Dyke Slam Victory Over Mr. X - Jensen Sports Day Held In Conjunction With Maple Lions Hobby Show Winners of the sports events held in conjunction with Maple Lions Hobby Show last Saturday at the Community Centre are listed below. Entrants number- ed 155 and organizer of the events were R. R. Thompson. principal of Maple Public School and William Grieg, principal of Hope School. Officials and judges were Lorne Wells. Bruce Langille, Jim Jones, Dick Taylor, William Grieg Sr., Dr. and Mrs. Cam MacKay, Miss Phyllis Beamer, Miss Betty Jackson and Mrs. Gordon Ingram. Senior Boys 13 years and over, lst Larry Epworth. 2nd Ray Rumble, 3rd Robert Sowdy, 4th Tim Weir. ‘ Senior girls lst Arrabel Kowâ€" licki, 2nd Marilyn Hollingshead, ‘3rdVirginia York. 4th Katherine flhrham.†- Intermediate boys (11 and 12 years? lst David Rutherford. 2nd Dennis Cooper, 3rd Bob Robson, Two Richmond Hill ladies, Mrs. .Jack Stanway and Mrs. Wm. Stone entered the Fred Cannon Trophy Tournament held at Wil- lowdale on May 7. Mrs. Stone was eliminated in the semi-fin- als but Mrs. Stanway went on to win the Cannon Trophy with a score of 729. She competed against 9 other bowlers from North York to win the trophy in- cluding 2 professionals. George Keroff presented the trophies and prize money. Ev. Knuckey received the trophy for the wizards. In 2nd place Capt. Donnelley received the aw- ard for the Hotshots. Mrs. Jean Hadcock received the prize for the Elms. Consolation prizes went to the Maples and the Hap- py Gang. Third point money was received by Ev. Knuckey. Wiz-‘ ards: Terry Donnelly. Happy Gang; Albert McMillan. Walâ€" nuts; Gord Rowe. Oaks; Ev. Crior. Maples; H. Reid, Good Luckers; Ted Vigis, Cedars; Gar. Knuckey, Pines; Jean Hadcock. Elms: Charlie Donnelly, Hot- shots; Vic Piirto, Rinky Dinks; Vern Sheldrake. Willows. Other awards were high average ladies Toni Wright, men‘s H. Knuckey; high 3 flat Kay Wallace and Geo. Lawson. High 3 handicap Edith Pantling and Stan Steph- aney. Ladies high single flat, Verna Knuckey, Men‘s G. Knu- ckey. Perry Hadcock and Jean Reid. high single handicap. The trophies presented were donated by the merchants of Oak Rid- ges. Wins COnnor BowlingTrophy Oak Ridges Bowling Club Presentations Oak Ridges Bowling League held its banquet on Friday May 6th at the Highland Golf Club, Aurora. All team members were present to enjoy a chicken din- ner. Election of officers saw the return of the same executive as last year. G. Rowse, president; H. Knuckey, secretary and G. Margerum, treasurer. Visitors present were Mr. and Mrs. J. Smith, Capt. and Mrs. E. Haw- man, Mr. and Mrs. F. Coon, Mr. and Mrs. F. Price, Mrs. John- son. Geo. Keroff, Mr. and Mrs. F. Southwood. Mrs. J. Armstrong. Draws for bowling glasses, donated by Patchell‘s Engraving were won by Art Manoch. Edna Graham, Grace Donnelly. Jerry Gaï¬â€™ney. Mrs. Marie Lawson won a Richard Hudnut set and a set of dishes each went to Jim Smith, Gord Craig, Vern Plant and Dora Manoch. Mr. Reid presented H. Knuckey and G. Margerum with gifts in apprec- iation of their work in the lea- gue. The evening concluded with dancing. er Bob Hamilton» and Doug Brock‘ Malton Hill Billy groped. Jim Spittles to gain the nod in the opener. Joe Greenï¬eld was In the other two matches cardâ€" ed Hardluck Bobby Prior~ came up with a hard fought victory ov- referee the Swede Jack Flicker won over popular Bobby Davies but had to go all out to get the win and in the opinion of many was a very lucky boy that he emerged on top. Junior boys (8, 9 and 10 years) 151: Ed Leece, 2nd Ray Baker and Paul Weir. 3rd Clayton MacKay, 4th Ken Farrows. Junior girls ls,t Carole Clarke, 2nd Martha MéKinnon, 3rd Lyn- ne Jackson, 4th Anne Constable. Primary boys (6 and 75 years) lst Wayne Rumble, 2nd Ken Payne, 3rd Ken Blakelock, 4th Tom Johnson.: 4th Ralph Cooper‘ Intermediate' girls, Margaret Scott, 2nd Janet McCowan, 3rd Linda Radley, 4th Sheila Orr. Primary Girls lst Linda Oue- llette, 2nd Maureen Johnson, 3rd Elizabeth Walker. The relay race was won by Vellore School, the team ponsist- ing of D. Rutherford, M. Shore- man, D. Jackson and R. Schuy- ler. Traphics The Districf Sports Shield was won by Hope School. Baseball Contest Second highest points, girls- Margaret Scott 57 points Boys Dennis Cooper 51 points. Wal- lets and key cases were present- ed to second place winners. ‘ Hope Public School was win- ner of the baseball contest," win- ning two out of the three games. In the first game, Vellore oust- ed Maple 11-8,‘ Hope winning the second game against Carr- villev 4-3. In the final game Hope defeated Vellore 18-1. Trophies were awarded to the following: Highest points, girls- Carol Clarke (entered all events and came first in all events) 65 points. Boys-David Rutherfond 51 points. Double Header Opens ‘ K. V. W. A meeting of the K.V.W. Leaâ€" gue was held on May 4 at the home of coach R. Hymes. Oak Ridges. The schedule was drawn up and it was announced the op- eninggame will be a double- header at King City on May 24. The dance program was arrang- ed with'program sales coming along very well. A draw will take place during the dance. Mr. Doughty, past president of the Sunnyside League has been invited to attend the opening. Mr. Doughty made a donation to this league and has oflered his assistance in helping to have organized ball clubs in the sur- rounding“ districts. MAIN & BENTLEY IN ACTION AT AURORA coum's ON THURSDAY, MAY. 19th 7P.M. Jim Bentley and Lorne Main, No. 1 player of Canada’s Davis Cup Team will give an exhibition and ‘iemon- stration at the Aurora Courts. ADMISSION IS FREE Further information for Richmond Hill players regarding the match may be obtained at a meeting of the club next Tuesday, May 17, at St. Mary’s Anglican Church at 7.30 p.m. Anyone interested in tennisin the district] ’2 a special invitation to the Richmond Hill - Thorn/till - Maple clubs, is invited to See the demonstration. AURORA TENNIS CLUB THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, May 12, 1955 Cardinals Take Series I. :i~,.“,_f.:.:‘~>._‘u : 13:45:13â€? :.:is‘,§,'~:v§,t-.T“ .‘ .;. t. r' 3‘ Jack Cook Aims For The Carling Trophy At Speedway Holding their individual trophies are (l. S. J'. Waters, Mrs. I. E. Bamford, Mrs. W. J. Hambly, Mrs. V. Laurie, Mrs. R. Bijown and Mrs. J. Duncan. â€" photo by lagerquist The Cardinals, championship winners in the Rich- mond Rollers League, at the Richmond Bowl are shOwn with their trophies following th ebanquet and presenta. tion held May 5 at the Richmond Theatre Grill. ' Two series were played in the league: Cardinals winners of 1st-series and Finches winners of 2nd. The Car- dinals ou‘hbowledï¬he Finches in playoffs to take 1st place, Jack Cook. who came within an eyelash of winning the Car- ling trophy and season’s point crown last fall at Pinecrest Speedway, doesn’t plan to be runnerâ€"up this term. On May 2, 1955, at the Rich- mond Grill, the Monday After- noon Bowling terminated its season with a luncheon and pres- entation of prizes. A business meeting followed conducted by Mrs. Jean Thomson. Awards were made ‘to the fol- lowing: First team, captained by Edna Chote; Second team cap- tained by Reta Hall; Third team captained by Jean Thomson. Consolation award, captained by Kay Wallace. Monday Afternoon League Ba nq uet Individual winners were: high average, 'Jean Hayes; Jessie Yel‘ex, Ethel Hastie: high 3 with handicap,. Jessie Yerex. Mary Cornell, Helen Ellis; high single with handicap, Mary Cornell, Helen Ellis, Mabel Barnett. EVERY FRIDAY PRESENTS 8.30 PM. Cookie, at the moment, is headman in the point parade at the No. 7 Highway track follow- ing his second place finish in last Friday‘s feature race. How- ever, the ex-Willowdale speedâ€" ster now living in Barrie. hasn't much of a margin. His 25 points are but one better than the 24 boasted by Tononto's Fred Bur- nett. And close behind come Guelph's Bill Hamilton and Bill Cromb. Cromb copped the first Friday night main event by best- ing Cook. Tomorrow night (Friday) Jon- athan hopes to have his No. 31 steed back in operation again. The transmission fell out of his buggy just before race time lasf week and he borrowed Car No. 5 to grab the point lead. ', Gents like Buffalo’s Bill Nu- gent, Brampton’s Scotty Herkes, Brantford's Jack Burbridge as well as Burnett, Hamilton and Cromb will be out to stop Cook and pick up a few points - as well as money - themselves this Friday right from the 8:30 pm. starting time. .u that the town will receive 51 $10.3 000 subsidy on repairs to the dam at Fairey Lake this year. , NEWMARKETV; It is expected