The monthly meeting of Ever- sley W.A. was held at the home of Mrs. Aubrcy Wade May 4. The scripture was read by Mrs. Scott Bovair and prayer was giv- en by Mrs. Art Bovair. Readings were given by Mrs. Watson Fer- guson and Mrs. Ross, Bovalr, Mrs Roy Bowen conducted a contest Cups and saucers were presented to Mrs Scott Bovair and Mrs Murray Boys, members who have moved out of the Ev- ersley district.’ The bazaar will be held Nov. A in King City Un- ited Church. Fireman's Association The monthly business meet- ing of King City Firemen‘s As- sociation was held May 2. Plans for the forthcoming bingo and a dance were discussed. Fire drill dates for the month were YEREX ELECTRIC YEREX ELECTRIC The monthly meeting of the Strange W.M.S. was postponed from Wednesday to Friday even- ing, May 13, at the church. The bale will be packed at’ this meet- ing. _ _ a The bale for Eversley PreSby- terlan church will be packed on Wednesday evening, May 18. at the home of Mrs. Fred Curtis. Church News Rev. Dr. Joseph McLelland. interim moderator of the Presby- terian churches of trange, Ev- ersley and West Kng, was re- cently presented with the new Doctor’s Geneva Gown with the University of Edinburgh, Ph.D. Hood, by the congregations of Bolton and Nashville. T. M. Mc- Kennell, B. Sc., 3 second year student at Knox College will be the preacher at the three churâ€" ches on Sunday, May 15. Dr. J. B. Skene will be the preacher for the last two Sundays in May. CiTY PRICES on all nationally advertised Cartoon Mickey Rooney Cartoon No Colour Added It's Natural Black Richmond Hill TU. 4-1552 THE LOVE LOTTERY COCKEYED WONDER. See Its Quality! MAY 14,, 18 Sat... Mon. LAWLESS BREED (Technicolor) Rock Hudson MALTESE FALCON Humphrey Bogart Mary Astor King City Notes appliances THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, May 12, 1955 (Technicolor) David Niven MAY 17. 18 Tues., Wed. King City, Lake. Wilcox News News Mrs. Robtrt Farren and Mrs. Fred Curtis attended the month- ly meeting of the executive of the Toronto West Presbyterial at Victoria Presbyterian Church. Toronto on May 6. Miss M. L. Tew, Toronto. Recording Secret- ary of the Presbyterial will be the special speaker at the June meeting of_Strange W.M.S. Quilting bees were again held at the home of Miss Jessie Gel- Iatiy last week. Two quilts were made for the Strange WMS bale and one_for Eversley WMS bale. Yonge St. N. Mrs. Len Robb. King City and Mrs. Evelyn Green, Toronto, spent last week-end at Niagara Falls at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Kemp. ‘ Mrs. T. L. Williams, King City, is convalescing from a recent ill- ness at the home of her daughter Mrs D. F._ Merchant. Toronto. Donna Jane. two-year-old dau- ghter of Mr .and Mrs. Bruce Hall, Heritage Park, was baptiz- ed May 8, in King City United Church. Donna Jane's great- grandmother, Mrs. Alfred Mac- Gowan, 79. Toronto, came up for the special day. Baptism ; Miss Claire Barrie and her mo- ther, Mrs. J. H. Barrie, flew back last week from England. Claire attended a private school for the fall and winter term while stay- ing with her grandmother, Mrs. F. G. Castleton at Ilkley, York- shire. Mrs. Barrie recently went to England to bring Claire home. set as May 16 and May 30 at 7 R055 Duncan, 3% month old son of Reeve and Mrs. Marshall McMurchy, and Mary Louise, 9 month old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Glass were baptized in Laskay United Church May 8. Rev. M. R. Jenkinson performed the baptismal service. Social Notes STAN TROYEB Richmond Hill The Liberal is always pleased to publish items of in- terest regarding people and events in the Oak Ridges- Lake Wilcox and King City districts. Our news corres- pondent in King City is Mrs. Donald McCailum, telephone King 132M. and in Oak Ridges and Lake Wilcox, Mrs. J. Armstrong. telephone TU. 4-3312. Oak Ridges Lions Jim McDonald and Jack Parsons played a medley of Old South tunes to open the program. The interlocutor was John Nim- mo and he was assisted by end men Vic and Jim Bodi, Bert Ar- chibald and Jim Langdon. A chorus of 20 pupils from King City school sang the musical numbers. They were black faced and wore red bandanas. The chorus sang a medley of Stephen Foster tunes. While they sang “No, No, A Thousand Times No," Wendy Gamble, Shirley Bowen, and Rosemary Davidson panto- mimed the roles of the village blacksmith, desperate Desmond, and the maid of the village. Three-year-old Grant Peter de- lighted the audience with a pan- tomime of Davey Crockett El- aine Armitage and Barbara Bill- ings received an encore for their pantomime. Roger Rawlings sang three selections. Julia Bell and Sandra Lynn Berry played piano selections. Mrs. Adam Davidson played the accompaniments. Over 200 people attended the King City Lions Club King Spring Thaw. a minstrel show in two acts on May 6, in Langdon's Bus Terminal. Approximately $100 was realized from the pres- entation. Lions Arnold Peter. George Bodi and John Nimmo were on the program committee. Looking after tickets were Lions Ken Sutton and Jack Parsons. 5.5. No. 2 Choir Wins Shield At Woodbridge, Music Festival S. S. 2 King, King City School competed with two other schols in the class for four-room schools and under‘at the York County Music Festival at Woodbridge on May 6. King City School won the shield for the third time with a mark of 88. The other two schools in the competition recei- King Lion’s Club 'Spring Thaw’ Attended By Large Audience TUrner 4-1124 DYER’S FURNITURE WithOntHydro For 25 Years ved a mark of 87. As this was the third consecutive win for King City school, they will be able to retain the shield perm- anently. Mr. Illtyd Harris con- ducted the choir of 46 voices in Grades 1 to 8. The choir sang “The Song of the Music Mak- ers". ~ Lion Adam Davidson present- ed Mrs. Arnold Peter and Mrs. Davidson with cups and saucers in appreciation of their efforts. These two ladies had directed the chorus and pantomime num- bers. Final reports on the hockey banquet for King City Midgets Nichols Flyers were given at the dinner meeting of King City Lions May 3, in King City United Church. The committee report- ed proceds from the banquet and donations from people in the community and businessmen had amounted to $140. The mon- ey will be kept in trust by the Lions and given to the team next season to 'purchase equipment. At the dinner meeting Lion Herb Ross told the highlights of his trip to the southern United States last winter. The draw for the convention fund prize was won by Bruce Hall. Show Film At All Saints King A ï¬lm will be shown at All Saints Anglican Church, King, on Sunday evening next, May 15. following a short service of Evening Prayer at 7.30. Lion Arnold Peter presented B. Langdon with a set Of ash- trays for his kindness in permit. ting the show to be performed in the bus terminal. During therintermission re- freshments were sold. The Lions treated the young perform- ers to refreshments. Mr. George Harvey. president- elcct of King City Lions and Cub- master for King City Cubs was presented with a clock radio on April 25 by the Ontario Hydro- Electric Power‘ Commission. G. J. Alexander, mechanical main- tenance engineer in the Head Office section of operations div- ision presented the clock to Mr. Harvey in recognition of his 25 years of service with the hydro. Their. assignment for this month is to plan and plant flow- er gardens. Next month the girls will be cooking green and leafy vegetables. Next meeting will be on June 4 at the home of Fran- ces Forrester. Show Film The ï¬lm is in full colour and sound and is techni‘cally of a very high standard. Its purpose is to demonstrate how God ‘has again and again anticipated in the world of nat- ure about us the most amazing of man’s inventions. The 4-H Club of Laskay held its ï¬rst meeting May 7 at the home of Grace Glass. Mrs. Whatley Finch is the leader of the group and is assisted by Mrs. F. C. Buddin. ‘The ï¬ve members elected the following officers for the coming year; President Janet Mary Finch, vice-president Margaret Cairns, secretary Margaret Ruth Finch, treasurer Frances Forrester. The members chose the name of Las- kay Green Thumbs for the Club. Mr. Harvey has been employ- ed in the engineering depart- ment of the Ontario Hydro since 1929 with the exception of two breaks in service†one of a year in 1933, and three years spent in the Naval service from 1943 Raise $140 For F lyers Elect Janet Finch Pres. 4H Club 1946. May 3 pupils from Grade 3 to B of King City school had an all day educational jaunt to the city. Accompanying the children on the trip were the principal, Miss E. Dennis ,teachers Carson Bice and Mrs. Hemphill. In the morn- ing Grades 3 to 6 were taken by a lecturer to the room on Con- servation. Grades 3 and 4 were also impressed with the mum- mies they saw in the room on Egypt. Grades 5 and 6 visited the rooms on Mexico and the Az- tec Indians. Grades 7 and 8 were greatly interested in the armor King City Pupils Spend Enjoyable Day In Toronto in the British History room. They heard a lecture on the dif- ferent rock formations. After lunch in the museum the older pupils went on a self-conducted tour, while the younger pupils were taken to see the dinosaurs. After the tours at the museum the pupils went to the CBC stu- dio and saw the radio broadcast of the Happy Gang. Mr. and Mrs. C. Hind and dau- ghter June, Mimlco, spent the week-end with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. F. Baron, Aubrey Ave. Rally Day The Ladies Auxiliary of the lst Oak Ridges Boy Scout and Girl Guides held a Country Fair on Saturday May 7 at the public school. The class room was very nicely decorated with potted plants by the guides. A general store was operated by Mrs. Beau- tlier, Mrs. Piirto and Mrs. Gra- ham, where aprons, plants and tinned goods were displayed. Mrs. H. Knuckey looked after the parcel post for which par- cels from as far as British Co- umbia were received. Mrs. E. Clarke and Mrs. Jean Baron took care of the home baking. jellies and candies, Sheila Hill and Betty Hill served refreshments to the younger children. In the Tea Garden. Mrs. J. Armstrong poured with the able assistance of her junior hostessess, Pat Smith and Karen Davidson. Other Guides assisting were Sharon Brown, Hazel McConnell Carole Hine and Edith Pantling. Mrs. Nash was in charge of the draw and tea service. Herb Pantling, George St.. who has been convalescing at home. has now returned to hospital with blood poisoning in a cut caused by a recent accident. Ladies of Aubrey Ave. sur- prised Mrs. Teirney of the same street with a gift of a play pen for her new-born son. Let us Rotovate your gar- dens now and get your seeds away to an early start. (Rotovation Specialists) N OBLETON Phone Bolton 2275 or TU. 4-1124 (Stan Troyer) lst Guides, Brownies of Oak Ridges are preparing for their Rally\Day on May 14 at the Aur- ora town park. Parents and friends are invited, but'must pro- vide their own transportation. A bus for Guides and Brownies will leave the school at 12.45 sharp. Each Brownie and Guide is taking her own lunch and ICC for refreshments. Pallister Baby Dies From Blood Clot At 3 Months The baby appeared in excellent health when given her night feeding at 1:30 am. on Wednes- day but when Mrs. Pallister went to wake her at 8 am. she had passed away. Dr. R. S. Ideson attended. The proceeds of this day will go towards the support of the Cubs, Guides, Brownies and Scouts. The community was shocked to hear of the sudden passing of threeâ€"month old Frances Helen Pallister, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eric Pallister of Oak Ridg- es on Wednesday. May 4. The sudden death of the little girl was attributed to a blood clot. Funeral services were held at Thompson Funeral Chapel on May 5 and interment was in Au- rora Cemetery. Left to mourn her passing are her parents and one brother Tommy. Ladies’ Auxiliary Hold County Fair The Parliament Buildings were TOM BALDING & SONS ' Don’t Be Late Rotovate Oak Ridges Lake Wilcox Socials also visited. The pupils sat in the members chairs, while the guide told them where the im- portant members of the govern- ment sat. A discussion period followed. The older pupils were taken on a tour of the halls while the younger ones toured the grounds to complete the day. Mr. Henry Wilmot (Harry) Towse passed away in Calgary, Alberta, on May 7. He was the eldest son of the late John C. and Emma Towse. and the grand- son of Rev. John Towse..the ï¬rst minister of Eversley Presbyter- ian church. Mr. Towse grew up in Eversley community. and is a brother of Mrs. Elizabeth Fol- llott. King (Janet) Mrs. Walter Shropshire. King, Nelson, Mal- colm of Toronto, James, (Mina) Mrs. Philip Bridgeman, King. and the late Annie Towse. He is survived by his wife, Emma Towse. The funeral service took place at Calgary, Alberta. on May 10. Henry Towse Dies At Calgary Alta. RUBBER 1.79 KICK SADDLE STAND quibh, “Variable and Mammal. LOADED WITH FLASH Ann sum 7 THE NEW HIGH_3TYL uSUPER-CYCLEH_AMAZINGLY Low PRICED ' '" 5mm *‘MWWW“TW Also see the newest famous C.C.M. 1955 models . . YESâ€"only $39.95 is all you need pay for a top-ranking bicycle-â€"any sizeâ€"â€"boys’, girls’ or adults’. YOUR BEST BUYâ€"The new 1955 SUPER-CYCLE is an achievement in style and periormance . . . at an amazinqu low price. We believe the new SUPER-CYCLE is equal to bikes selling up to $15 mot. around town. There's been no sacriï¬ce in quality to bring you. according to our shopping experts. the belt all-round bike value on the market. Gleaming enamel on rustprooied rugged tubular steel borne, Built to exacting standards in one oi Canada'l largest and best known bicycle building iactoriee. You'll be a: proud to own. al we are to otter this outstanding SUPER-CYCLE. Equipped with popular Perry Coaster Brake, English chain and pedals; comionable weatherproof Iaddle. Bright part! are triple chromedâ€"including rims. Super-cycle 3-SPEED ROAD BAGER 49.95 Super-flycle SIDEWALK BIGYGLE 3|.95 Holds but. maig _. Foul out of way.†.79 $395 Paget's I Auto Service Austin Sales & Service ELGIN MILLS ; TU. 4-1 $295 1947 Austin Sedan $150 1950 Morris Panel Truck â€"- Half Ton 161 Main St, NEWMARKET FREE DELIVER 1" GENERATOR .95 SET toll-hm; and wiring. ' Povg-Ilgh 1953 Austin Convertible Coupe QUALITY USED CARS $1,095 1952 Austin Somerset Sedan $795 1949 Austin Sedan Two to choose from, good condition‘ New motor, very good condition Excellent condition, Guarantee I â€" *‘WWWW Beeuflhl chroma, bot- hrin includ-d. lIEHTS 2-tone .79 ME SIREN at Canadian Tire 3 Shril’l piercan womb. “god. Plchd. MIlEAEE '29 INDICATOR Flt: on from uh a. 28" wheel; mum“. TU. 4-2191 TERMS TO SUIT YOUR BUDGET