Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 19 May 1955, p. 4

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ii‘Liljiliimhill And District News Around The Village Mrs. J. S. Glen, Elizabeth St. left Tuesday for Quebec City where she will sail in the "ba- maria” for London, England. She will join her eldest daughter Elinor who has been studying at the University of London for the past year. Together, they will tour the continent from mid-June until the first of Aug- ust. Dr. Glen will join them in July at Geneva. Switzerland when he will attend the Presby- terian World Alliance Confer- ence of which he is an Executive Member. The regular monthly meeting of the Mothers Auxiliary, lst. Thornhill Cubs and Scouts, which usually takes place every third Monday will be held on the fourth Mondayn May _30 at 8:15 uvAn TELEPHONE AV. 5-1338 Jun.“ vu .uvn p.m. in the'ffriitéli'Church Hall due to Monday 23 being a holi- day. It will be a social evening. SALES 8: SERVICE BAKER ' YONGE ST. RICHVALE TU. 4-1114 like geiting money from a rich uncle... /". f HIDDEN. TREASURE or ExmA - Come In and we will give you full Information; Authorized Studebaker Dealer In 1752. men and women in Halifax were reading the first Canadian newspaper. The Halifax Gazelle. Anthony Henry waa ils publisher from 1-761 on. THE LIBERAIJ, Richmond Hill, Ontario, ThUrsda'jt May Congregation Votes To Buy New Church Site Missionary Speaks At Bapiist Churches At a congregational meeting of Thornhill United Church, pre- sided over by Rev. E. E. Kent The Rev. R. E. Wilton, Miss- ionary to India for the past 28 years was guest preacher last Sunday at Thornhill Baptist Church. During the past 80 years. two churches have been established every year. some churches having over 1,000 membership. The underprivil- e ed were the first to receive the ospel but today caste people are joinin the churches in large num ers. The result of much sacrificial work on the part of the missionaries has resulted in there being, in the Baptist “area, four church members to every five in the Convention of Ontario and Quebec. The In- dian churches have their own convention and Mission Board which decides where to send the missionaries before they leave Cancel Picnic In Favour Of Garden Party Canada. The Ladies Guild of Thornhill United Church met May 12 in the Church Hall when it was de- cided in order to raise money for the new church annual pic- nic should'be cancelled and a Garden Party held. Ms. G. Spring‘offered her garden for the occasion, the date of which will be announced next week. Rev. Douglas Reid, Assistant to the Rev. Dr Ray McCleary of Woodgreen United Church was guest speaker. Mr. Reid is vital- ly interested in young people and he talked about his work at the Woodgreen Community Cen- tre. ' Many aprons were finished and donated for the Bazaar to be held next November. They were‘ on display and Miss Loret- ta ‘Dean won first prize for a reversible apron. Tha Liberal is always pleased to publish items of interest contributed by its readers in the Thornhill area . . . . Our representative in Thornhill is Mrs. Elizabeth Sumner. In order that your items may appear in The Liberal sim- ply phone AV. 5-1338. The Gazelle had depended on government support. When this patronage shifted. The Gazelle died. Bu! Henry was determined. In 1769 he hunched The Now Scolia Chronicle and Weekly Advertiser, first Canadian newspaper entirely dependent on the support of the general public. Men like Anthony Henry depended upon their all-important associates â€"the far-sighted lending institutions and banks of Canada. They are always ready to help men of sound resolve . . . to help create the achieve- ments that make Canada great. When you deposit your savings or do business with your Bank. you and held May 11. the congrega- tion voted to authorize the Board of Trustees and the Board of Stewards to negotiate the .pur- chase of a new church site. The congregation also authorized the Boards to arrange for the dis- posal o. 1 the present parsonage and the property on which it stands. The church property in ques- tion is an area of 2.2 acres direct- ly behind Thornhill Farmers Market and adjacent to the new High School . Entrance to the property is east on Elgin St.. then south on newly created Dudley Avenue. G. D. Dobson presented the reâ€" port of the fact finding commit- tee regarding the new slte. The report stressed the advantages which would accrue from the purchase of this property name- ly, that it is in the centre of a fast-developing suburban area; the parking facilities of both the farmers‘ market and the high school could be used; the exist- ence of a traffic light at Yonge and Elgin Sts. to control traffic. In the opinion of the committee this site would best meet the needs of future development. The congregation was unanimous in its approval. It was announced that the campaign for the Church Build- ing Fund, which has been temp- orarily delayed will be resumed the first week in October. Brownies Presentéd Awards At Banquet The Mother and Daughter ban- quet of the First and Second Thornhill Brownies was held May 10 in the United Church HalL when District Commissionâ€" er, Mrs. J. E. MacNeil, who is retiring next month, was in charge 0! the evening. During the presentation of a- wards, Lynn Turner of First Thornhill was presented her Gardener’s Badge and her Col- lector‘s Badge, and Angie Mick- leborough of Second Thornhill received her House Orderly and her Book-Lover Badges. The girls who sold the greatest number of cookies in First Pack on Brownie Cookie Day were Judy Grimshaw, Wendy Vaxvick and Sheryl McKean. Those in Second Pack were Pat Harding, Gail Howe and Jean Gilbert. The BANK of NOVA SCOTIA 19, 1955 Your BNS Manager is a good man to know. In Richmond Hill he is G. H. Bawden. contribute to its power for progress. '01: become a partner with your Bank in the many enterprises which shape the future of our country. Drop in for a chat with your Bank of Non Scotia mmager. Your in- itiative can profit from his sound financial advice and assistance. You'll find him a good man to know. Mrs. Jenny Plaxton owner of Jenny’s Dress Shop, Thornhill, watches a happy customer, Stephanie Kramer, drop the stub from her free draw ticket in the Lions con- tainer. photo by lagerquist Merchants in the Thornhill area who are supporting the ‘Thornhill District Lions Club in ‘the distribution of free tickets with fiurchases of goods, are en- thusiastic about the program. Customers who buy in an am- ount which exceeds a nominal charge get free draw tickets. Stubs are placed‘in a container and the draw will take place at the Lions Carnival in Thornhill June 22 and 23. - Chairman Lion Roy Bick re- ported that when the first con- tainers were emptied into the big drum it was found that a number of customers had put the wrong end of their ticket in the container. Holders of these tickets should bripg the stubs to Harley’s Drug Store, Thornhill, and get the proper portion of the ticket which they retain: 84809 83840 Mrs. J. E. MacNeil. Dist- rict Commissioner Thornhill Guides and Brownies, issued her resignation May 16, at a meeting of the local assoc- iation. Mrs. MacNeil's resignation was accepted regretfully. Her position will be filled next September by Mrs. Charles Sissons. Mrs. Mac- Neil, however, will continue to be in charge of Second Pack as Brown Owl. Mrs. Grant Gibson, Tawny Owl of First Pack is to take over as Brown Owl of that pack. Commissioner Resigns 84817 84841 84847 84854 84946 84677 84904 86015 86413 86482 83906 83915 84228 84272 84293 84329 84465 84505 84630 84639 The Lions Club reports that it cannot undertake to publish any more numbers. Customers are advised to be sure to put ‘the stub only in the containers. On Saturday, May 14, a very successful hike was held, 36 Scouts and Cubs, attending. Leaving the Gamble farm at 9.30, they were transported to the Maple side road, and hiked from there, down the Humber Valley. At'4.30. they were picked up by bus, and brought home. Under the able leadership of Scouter Alf Wille, and his assis- tants, more of'these hikes are in demand by the boys, but transportation is the difficulty. Now is the time for interested parents to show what they can do. The group committee sug- gests that the parents form a transportation committee. On Sunday, May 15, the annu- al Church parade, York Central District was held in Willowdale. Fifty Scouts and Cubs atténded the parade, and when the ser- vice was over, were served cold drinks, supplied by the group committee and Cub mothers. ' Scout News Welcome News PLAN NOW TO MAKE NEEDED REPAIRS,ALTERATIONS 0R ADDITIOI‘ HOME For the first time sinee before the war, new government regulations money you need for home improvement at moder ate interest. And you c to five years to repay, depending on the size of your loan. You can borrow as much as $2,500 on a promissory llOte’ With no guarantor reqmred’ and you repay in equal monthly installments. NEW N.H.A. HOME IMPROVEMENT LOANS AT 5% PER CENT INTEREST ARE NOW OBTAINABLE FROM YOUR BANK To name a few examples, you can get a loan. to moderni: rooms, a garage or porch; to equip your home with screens reation room; to add living space in your attic, or to remodel y any’ home betterment project you may have in mind can n( Why wait? Start now to improve the “livability” and never have a better opportunity. We’ll gladly give you all the facts you need to carry improvement plans. Loan application forms are ¢ offices . . . see us soon for full details. STOP 23 YONGE ST. RICHVALE TUI BRANCH YARD â€" 4845 YONGE ST., WILLOWDALE â€" BA. 1-9316 For Home Owners Helped Bring Natural Gas To ' Tomnto Edward John Tucker. 65. fa- ther of Frank Tucker. Thornhill, often referred to as the man who brought natural gas to Toronto. died Monday, May 9. He was for nine years vice-president and general manager of The Con- sumers' Gas Co. of Toronto. A prime organizer in the de- velopment of the Canadian gas industry. Mr. Tucker initiated negotiations in the United States which resulted ‘in Toronto being served with natural gas. The transition climaxed 45 years’ service with Consumers‘ Gas which began in 1910 when, as a young man of 20. Mr. Tuck- er came to Canada from his home town, Bristol. in 1931, general manager in 1936, director in 1939 and vice- president and general manager in 1945, the‘position he held un- til his retirement last year. His rise in office with the com- pany was rapid -â€"- assistant gen- eral manager in71928, secretary He was president of the Cana- dian Gas Association in 1936-37 and a director of the American Gas Association from 1941-47. Mr. Tucker was an active Tor- onto Rotarian for many years, serving as president of the R0- tary Club in 1944. Last year he received the first presentation to be made of the “president’s orchid” â€" an honor bestowed on former Rotary presidents for outstanding service. In his younger days. Mr. Tuck- er was an enthusiastic canoeist and golfer and one of Canada’s top cricketers. He was a past master of St. John’s Lodge, a membbr of the Scottish Rite Toronto Lodge of Perfection, a charter member at St.- David's Donlands Church and more recently, a member of Christ Church, Deer Park. He also belonged to the Board of Trade and St. George’s Society. He leaves his wife, the fiormer Helen Ethel Curtis of 30 Rose- dale Heights Dr.; two sons, Frank E. of Thornhill and Lieut. John B. Tucker. RCN, of Philadelphia; a daughter, Mrs. Arnold Lonsâ€" dale of‘ Kitchener, and ten grand- children. BRADFORD : Thomas Whitfield Evans. Q.C., 87, who has prac- tised law here for 61 years, pass- ed" away last week. Still in ac- tive practice at the time of his death, Mr. Whitfield was the oldest practising lawyer in the County. Our 75th Year Of Service Write or Phone HARRY CHARLES, Richmond Hill, TUmet ATTRACTIVE TOWN & COUNTRY PROPERTIES FOR SALE SOIL INVESTIGATIONS and TESTING LTD. to modernize your kitchen; to build additional with screens and storm windows; to make a rec- to remodel your home's exterior. In fact, almost mind can now be financed through your bank. Free estimates on soil boring: and diamond «In-mm anywhere in Ont. HEAD OFFICE - 5 Yonge St. 8., Box 147, Richmond Hill OUTSIDE AREA TORONTO AREA TUrner 4-2751 Dial 110 and ask for Richmond Hm ESTABLISHED OVER 50 YEARS Excavating 7% Grading Front-End Loaders & Trucks For Hire 61 Crosby 11042., Richmond Hill BA. 1-4144 I TU. 4-1764 New Work Piumbing & Heating REPRESENTING J. A. W|LLOUGHBY AND SONS TORONTO AREA Dial 110 and ask for ZENITH 33100 SAND * STONE wk GRAVEL LOAM * TOP SOIL * FILL “mun °‘“"" Mobile Unit W. J. 3-29“ B. H. WILSON, Vice-President as General Man-[er ANDREWS 8 GRAY DALTON HICKS Richmond Hill, Box 206 Phone TU. 4-1879 the value of YOUR home. You'll HEAD OFFICE: 46 Egllnton Ave. B. carry out YOUR home are available at our Alterations 5 allow you to obtain the can take as long as three . TUrner 4-1121 NS TO YOUR 50 EXPERIENCED SALESMEN Repaifs 4-1872

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