Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 26 May 1955, p. 14

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DOUBLE BED. maple finish, with springs, good spring mat- tress; dinette set. walnut finish. table, buffet, china cabinet: Chesterfield Suit cottage, good 'condition; rose Wilton Rug. 9 x 10%; power lawn mower, Bob-o- Lawn; Cistern pump and 10’ of piping; space heater, with pipes and 45 gal. oil tank; single iron bed, enamelled grey. 29 Centre St; W. TU. 44600. *1w48 POWER LAWN MOWER attach- ment for Waterloo Garden Tracâ€" tor. Perkins Farm & Home Eq- uipment, TU. 4-1229. c1w48 PORTABLE Immgrsiop Heater, ,, _4__ i.§66-§Etâ€"ts_â€"éék for demonstra- tion. Bryant Hardware, Richvale. c1w49 Fezard playér. good for summer cottage, $6.00. Phone after 7. TU. 4-3166. c1w48 PLAY PEN with floor $4; drop side cot, mattress. blankets $6 complete. Small tricycle $3. TU. 4-3237. c1w48 WALNUT VdininrgA‘roqm _su§te, Ph01 GENERAL ELECTRIC modern combination electric and coal ange, as new, bargain at $125. - U. 4-3037, 35 Carrville Rd. W., CROSLEY Shelvador, refrigefâ€" ator. 9 cubic ft.. Bendix automa- tic washer. 21" TV General El- ectric, all like new. Call TUrner 4-2953 after 6 pm. c1w48 LARGE SIZE TRICYSJEE, re- COMBINATION 351310 flBY CRIB, large size, ivory; solid walnut duplex table, seat six, both reasonable. AV. 5-2817. c1w48 Richvale LIFETIME all metal Venetian Blinds. aluminum or steel baked enamel finish. any colour tapes. Kirsch Drape tracks and drape arms, free estimates and install- ations. Phone 755 or write box 496, 40 Ontario St.. West, New- market. Ont. Please reverse 'phone charges. tfv34 fieppeirgrvngét-J;_z;finfials. Afi- derson, 165 Richmond St. *3w47 Mizgvvu y-..â€" conditioned, $15.60; TUrn’er 4- 2.715. c1w48 PLAYER PIANO and bench for quick sale. $100.00 cash. Phone TU. 4-2332 after 5 pm. *1w48 GENERAL ELECTRIC Refrig- erator. 60 cycle. Excellent condi- tion for home or cottage. Reas- onable. AV. 5-1447 after 5 pm. c1w48 FREEZERS â€" Special pre-sea- son discounts on all our freezers, new and used. We specialize in home freezers. General Refrig- eration, Woodbridge, Ontario. res TOMATO PLANTS. 4 ‘varietieifi; sâ€"FTA BREEZE elgctrjc ironer in -4...» _~" Dun “AI-“Adana ..V __ good condition. Coé£v$120, sell for $40. TU. 4-1395. c1w48 COCKSHUTT manure spreader, horse-drawn. E. Clarke, AV. 5- 2428. c1w48 REFRIGERATOR SALE 7, 8. 9. & 10 cubic ft. models. well-known makes, Admiral. Kelvinator McClary. Prices low ghairs $7.50. Good'ice box 50 lb. $9.00. Electric rangette 314.00 Lot on Roosevelt Dr. Cottage at Wasaga Beach for rent. TU. 4- 3169 *1w48 PLANTS TOMATO, cabbage, cauliflower, sprouts. A wide variety of an- nuals. Will deliver. Call George Pollard. 19 Elizabeth St. S.,. TU. 4-1274. c2w46 CANSO SEED For- ,,,,, An RANGETTE, Tudhope, $25 4-2839. I ‘ LADY'S Bicycle, good condition. Maple 95 after 6 pm. c1w58 WEAVER'S Leclercr72 spool rack $14.00, worth $28. HU. 9-7066. now/1n DINETTE droP bufiet. in good 4-1310. gl Sacrifice Auto Supply Ltd Hill, TU. 4-1541. DISCONTINUED AUTOMOTIVE PARTS & ACCESSORIES Sacrifice at half price. Paris Auto Supply Ltd., Richmond Hill, TU. 4-1541. c1w47 SMALL KITCHEN TABLE 14 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, ngay, May 26, 1955 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES CARE RATES, first insertion 3c per word, min. charge .. l Second and subsequent insertions i! wording unchanged, 30 per word min. charge. . . . . . . . .. FOR BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of . . COMING EVENTS NOTICE: per type line We min. charge CARDSl 0F THANKS. IN MEMORIAMS, DEATHF. ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES, per insertion l BIRTH NOTICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Classified advertisements should be in as early in the week pos‘ble but not later than noon on Wednesdays. DISCONTINUED AUTOMOTIVE PARTS & ACCESSORIES :rifice at half price. P: TIones, Mafilé 54311. c2w47 ARTICLES FOR SALE CLASSIFIED FOR SALE and WANT ADS drop-leaf, table and good condition. TU. c1w48 3. Paris Richmond c1w47 *1w48 c4w46 c2w48 c1w48 and BOATS New marlne plywood boats, 8 ft. prams, 12 ft. car-top, 14 ft. run- abouts $65 and up. Best mater- ials used, no down payment nec- essary. All boats guaranteed not to leak. Free delivery within 50 miles. Also boats for rent. TU. 4-2732. ficfi AV. 5-1595 3-BEDROOM bungalow on 1 acre good garden land. Also grecdlhouse. Immediate posses- sion. ‘ For further particulars, call TU. 4-2669. c1w48 WILLOWDALE â€" Frame bun- galow” 4 rooms and bath, full basement. new furnace, garage, 40 ft. lot. 1% blocks from Yonge, substantial down payment re- quired, balance in rent. BA. 1- 9779. *1w49 5 ROOM Cottage at Lake Wilcox, heavy wiring, insulated. Fenced garden. $900 down. Take over mortgage. $38 monthly. K. Seager, Box 70 Lake Wilcox, TU. 4-3032. c1w48 11/3 ACRE SCENIC LOT. Situat- ed near King, just north of Ea- ton Hall farm. Land is high ov- erlooks'pond. Excellent for split level bungalow. Completely fen- ced. Surveyed. Phone Mr. Ken- nedy, 82 Unionville, 'Mihorean 8: Dahl-Jensen, Brokers. c1w48 BUGS BROADLOOM Save 50%. New rugs made from your old rugs, carpets, woollens, etc. ANNUALS, tomatoes, cabbage and lettuce plants, geraniums, begonias, on sale at the green- house every day. Saturday at York Farmers Market, Thornhill. Hughes Gardens, Ruggles Ave.. Langstaff, 2nd street east of Yonge ofi No. 7 Highway. Phone AV. 5-2637. *4w46 CAR FRONT axle and spring as- semblies. Ideal for trailers. Also used 600x16 tires and wheels. 650x16 tires, also 710x15 tires. Phone TU. 4-2236. tfc36 RICHMOND HILL, 6 building lots. Terms arranged. Call HUdson 9-4679 evenings. No brokers please. c4w46 R. H. KANE REALTOR Member Toronto Real Estate Board IN RICHMOND HILL â€" $7,900 buys a good home with town water and sewer, modern bath and kitchen, hot air oil furnace; hot water e1¢ctric heat- er. etc. IN RICHMOND HILL â€" COBBLER seed potatoes; also Katahdin seed and table stock. Ed. Mashinter, 11,; miles north of Elgin Mills on Bathurst. Phone King 11R25. *3w46 Blankets also made Phone TU. 4-1804. SEWING MACHINE SALES 85 SERVICE Free Estimates on repairs of any make of sewing machine. Satin. faction guaranteed or double your money back. Phone Gunnar Tall- oring 00., TU. 4-1362. Richmond Hill. tfc28 On sewers and water. $40 a foot buys a choice residential lot suitable for duplex or rambling house. Phone Cliff Hill TU. 4-1671 YOU’LL BE PROUD Located in the Markham Village is this 3-bedroom completely mo- dern bungalow with air-condit~ ioned oil heat, large living room, smart kitchen. tiled bath, garage, and comes fully equipped with electric stove. refrigerator, Thor Washer. TV aerial, storms, screens, awnings, and even the garden planted. Taxes $95. $15,- 000. To inspect phone Mr. Scott, 82. Unionville. MIHOREAN & DAHL-JENSEN Brokers c1w48 ment. Frank Gites,'TUrne1* 4- 2547. 63W“) 2 OR 3 ROOMS, unfurnished; wanted in Richmond Hill or Maple. Apply Box 170 The Lib- el‘al. * 1 “‘48 MARRIED MAN, 5 children \four of school age) requires 4 or 5 room house. Can pay $50 or $60 month rent. AppLy Box 168 The Liberal. *2w47 WANTED â€" house to rent â€" 5 room house in or around Rich- mond Hill-Thornhill vicinity. preferably with‘ garage or base- ARTICLES FOR SALE cont. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE WANTED TO RENT BUY FENN SELL FENN REAL ESTATE BA. 5-2411 tfc17 50° 50¢ *1w48 tfc45 ‘ MISCELLANEOUS ,_____.__..â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" DnrrAxrArmmr: Annh: w (Ira CHIMNEYS Chimneys cleaned, built and re- paired. Free estimates. Expert workmanship. Phone Walker and Mitchell. AV. 5-2526. tfc15 CUSTOM BULLDOZING Basement excavating and back- filling, grading, digging ponds, and cleaning fence rows. . Pickering, Victoria Square, ph. Stouffville 64012. tfc15 cultivating, also front-end load- ing, backfilling and grading. Lance Willis, TU. 4-2096. tfc41 Subl'u-ban Roofers, AV. 5-1240 or GL. 7368. Experts on shingles, flat or insul-bric siding. Free estimates. tfc50 FOR FAST, efficient service and repairs on your washing machine, electric motors, ranges, vacuums, polishers and all small applian- ces, please call Ground Electric. 90 Yonge St. N.. TU. 4-2722. tic15 'ROTAVATING. Appl‘y E. Gra- ham. TUrner 4-2884. tfc46 SAWS, shears, mowers sharpened and repaired. Robt. Sanders, 121 Richmond St.. TUrner 4-1786. *1w48 PLASTERING, repair work a specialty. work guaranteed. no job too small. William Faulkner. AV. 5-1932. th6 AV. 5-1595 CARPENTER, alterations and repairs, kitchen cupboards and recreation rooms. No job too small. G. Carson, TU. 4-2448: CALL US for your sand, gravel, fill, top soil and black loam. Prompt delivery. Reasonable rates. DeFerrari and Muylaert. Maple 54R12. tfc7 SEPTIC TAIKS We are now in a position to in- stall your septic tanks and weep- ing beds by machine at lowest possible prices. Murray Baker, phone Newmarket 651. tfc37 DEAD STOCK removed from your farm promptly for sanitary disposal. Telephone collect: Tor- onto EM. 3-3636 or Woodbridge 6J. GORDON YOUNG LIMIT- ED. c51w27 ROTOVATING with large trac- tor,“ makes perfect seed beds. Terms cash. Apply Harvey Mash- inter, Top Notch Gardens, at Oak Ridges, King Sideroad. Phone TUrner 4-2577. tfc42 LOCKS REPAIRED Keyed alike or master keyed. Door closers repaired and ser- viced. Keys cut while U wait. Auto keys-cut to "Code." Craig’s Lock and Key, Oak Ridges (south of The Windmill). tfc52 SAND & GRAVEL. stone, loam, manure and fill. L. Willis, TU. 4-2096. tfc51 ANYTHING in painting, paper- ing, decorating. Phone A. Rollin- son. TU. 4â€"2587. tfc13 Joy, Brookside Road, Elgin Mills. *2w47 BRICK, BLOCK & stone work, also repair of all kinds. Call AV. 5-3441 after 6 pm. *1w48 CUSTOM PLOUGHING. discing, CARTAGE, moving, freight, pick up and delivery service. Any- where, anytime, reliable. TU. 4-2613. tfc44 UPHOLSTERING and repairing. Apply F. Graham. Lake Road, Oak Ridges. Phone TU. 4~2f231. ‘ t 1327 DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK? Call WELLS DUG reasonble. C. W A. MARINOFF Well digging, Septic trenching. TUrner 4-1372 CARPENTER WORK. Alterations and repairs. TU. 4-2896 evenings. Ruben Lahn, Richmond Hill: HOUSEHOLD alterations, tering repairs. Guaranteed reasonable prices. No jo small. PA. 7-5353. ALTERATIONS and repair work. Sidewalks, cement work, septic tanks. soft water cisterns, car- pentry work. For prompt service, call Walker and Mitchell, AV. 5- 2526. ttc45 PHONE KING 218 to call for all excavating equipment. We have bulldozers, shovels, draglines, backhoes and road graders, etc. No job too small or too big. Har- old Millard Contracting Co. REPAIRS on British and Ameri- can motorcycles, power mowers, garden tractors, chain saws, also air cooled baler and combine en- gines. Charles Jennings, Keele St., two miles north of Maple, phone Maple 51R14. tfc44 LEARN TO DRIVE Pick-up Service Thorough Instructors Dual Controls, reasonable rates for Richmond Hill and ALL sur- rounding districts. Call TUrner 4-2781 Thompson's Driving School tfc47 SEPTIC TANKS, 3-4 bedroom capacity, pre-cast concrete, steel reinforced. We will sell you a tank or a complete installation. York County approved and in~ spected. Richmond Hill represen- tative. Quality Utilities, phone TU. 4-3251. Cy Bellman Assoc- iates, call Stoufiville 290. c4w47 BUY FENN SELL FENN REAL ESTATE N 0 job too c2w47 BA. 5-2411 tfc17 tanks, *4w48 c4w46 tfc31 plas- work tfc34 MRS. SCHRE'I'I‘ER’S Hairdress- ing. AVenue 5-1814. WELL DIGGING, expert service. T. Jerrett. BA. 1-4898. c4w45 pairs and alterations. TU. 4- 3143. C4W45 For sand, gravel. manure. loam and fill. TU. 4-3341. tfcl R. H. REID. Delivery service. Pickup and delivery. light mov- ing. TU. 4-3391. tfc37 FURNACES cleaned. installed and repaired. All types and makes. Phone TU. 4-2641. tfc16 FQR_ odd carpenter jobs, repairs window screens, etc TU. 4-1614. SAND _AND GVRAVEL. crushed stone, loam and an. L". Charity Richmond Hm, TU. 4-1701. ELECTRKC WELDING Highest quality work done by ex- pert. Texaco Station. Richvale Motor Sales. Stop 22A Yonge St. TU. 4-2081. tfclS VACUUM CLEANERS Sold at bargain prices. We re- pair all makes. Paris Auto Sup- ply Ltd., Richmond Hill. TU‘ 4- 1541. tfc40 ladies' and children’s clothes. Also alterations. Mrs. Warwick, 24 Hunt’s Lane, TU. 4-3206. WANT PULLETS? For the good Grade A Large markets~early fall? Bray has them, dayold, started, or mixed chicks, immed- iate shipment. July broilers should be ordered now. Ask us for current prices. Agent Fred Wise, Richmond Hill, phone TU. 4-1862. c1w48 HEAVY roasting chickens and eggs will be a good price this Fall and Winter. Order some Tweddle High Quality Chicks and cash in. We have three special Egg Breeds and three special Meat Breeds. Send for full de- tails and catalogue. Also Turkey Poults. Tweddle Chick Hatcher- ies Limited, Fergus, Ont. c1w48 BRICK & BLOCK WORK, re- ALL KINDS FURNITURE re- pairs. upholstering. cabinet work. wood carving. Estimates given. N. G. VanDyke, 96 Hunt Ave., Richmond Hill. tic ROOF, Eavestrough, Chimney brlck work. painting, general re- pair work of all kinds. prompt service. Phone TU. 4-3344. tfc22 EDYTHE DRESSMAKING -â€" SAME DAY TV and Radio Repair Service. Reasonable. Victor Draper Agen- cies, Oak Ridges. TU. 4-3181. WELL DRILLING George’s Well Drilling and re- pairing; pump installed & repair- ed. George Adams, Woodbridge R. R. 2, Maple 67R3. tfc45 SUMMER PRICES on Kitchener Big-4 Chicks. Ask us for them. Chicks, dayold, started. Pullets, mixed. Variety‘breeds, crosses. Over-cautious spring chick buy- ing we feel may result in better than usual prices. Be prepared with good stock. Agent, Wesley Clark, R. R. 2 Gormley. Rraise Neuhauser Chicks These famous chicks now avail- able for immediate shipment. Hatched from the best product- ion strains in the U. S. 'A. and Canada. High quality chicks at new low prices. 20 pure breeds and 15 crossbreds- to choose from. Also special broiler stra- ins. Shipping twice weekly. Livability guarantee with every order. No order too large, none too small. If it is chicks ,â€" we have them. Write toâ€"day. Neu- hauser Hatcheries, Essex, on- tario. c1w49 MALE accounting, general or cost. TU. 4-2210 after 6 'p.m. BABY SITTER. TU. 4-2768 CHILD DAY CARE An hour, a day or a week. Rates on request. TUrner 4-1788. tfc44 wmngw CLEANER with equip- ment. Puts up screens, awningâ€"s. etc. AV. 5-1524. tfc47 EXPERIENCED woman willing to look after family in mother’s absence; also baby sitting. TU. 4-3158. tfc43 CAPONS, toasters and fowl, highest prices paid. Don’t sell until contacting W. S. Appleton, Oak Ridges Poultry Grading Sta- tion, phone TU. 4-2643. ttc17 MISCELLANEOU S EMPLOYMENT WANTED A. MILLS & SON Richmond Hill Plumbmg and Heating TUrner 4-1711. POULTRY FOR SALE (continued) ROOF REPAIRS POULTRY WANTED ERIC FISH Phone c4w44 *2w48 c3w46 tfc50 dcl'l tfc40 flc13 PART TIME help for Richvale Coffee Shop. TU. 4-2681. c2w48 LABOURER for the week-ends. TU. 4-1970 after 7 pm. c1w48 HERE IS YOUR CHANCE to make big money. Become a Jito Dealer and earn from $50.00 to $75. per week by selling from door to door 225 Jito products: Toiletries, Culinaries, Medicines, Domestic, Tea, Coffee, etc. Splen- did territories vacant. $18.00 needed. Money reimbursed in case of failure. JITO: 5130 St. Hubert, Montreal. c4w48 TO CUT WEEDS and grass at observatory in return for all hay. Call AV. 5-2600 evenings. c1w48 WOMAN full or waitress in snack Madill Bros., No. Dufferin St. WAITRESSES WANTED, ex- perienced, good wages, good Working conditions. Apply Cou- sins’ Dairy, Aurora. c1w48 CLEAN CUT young man to work during summer months'as start- ter at local Golf Club Saturdays, Sundays and holidays. No exper- ience necessary. Apply Mr. Geo. Clifton, 42 Centre St. W. Phone TU. 4-1672 after 8 pm. c1w48 SERVICE STATION attendant, experienced, good working con- ditions. Jack Stephenson, White Rose Service Station, corner Don Mills Rd. and No. 7 High~ way. Phone AXminster 3-5671. , *1w48 METAL WORKERS, for orna- mental iron work, experienced in welding and blacksmithing an advantage. Steady work for good local men. Also summer work for young man with chauffer’s licence to drive truck and help in factory. EXPERIENCED waitresses. days and nights. Thornview Restaur- ant. Thornhill. c1w48 WAITRESSES wanted for Rich- mond Theatre Grill. Good work- ing conditions. Apply E. Neiger. proprietor. clw48 SERVICE STATION attendant. Must have chaufieur’s license. See John Buchanan, R. D. Little & Son, Richmond Hill. c1w48 RELIABLE woman for house- work three mornings weekly. Telephone TU. 4-1151, between 8-5, after 5 TU. 4-2813. ~c1w49 HOUSEKEEPER for one lady. Live in or out. Carrville Rd. W. Transportation arranged. TU. 4- 3363 after 5 o'clock. c1w48 METALSMITHS CO. LTD. Spruce Ave., Stop 22A, Richvale c4w47 DAVID McLEAN LIMITED Have an’opening for one real estate salesman in their busy Thornhill office. An excellent opportunity for the right man to become associated with an ac- tive, long-established firm. Ex- perience is not necessary. A complete training program is given with continued ofiice as- sistance. For interview appoint- ment call S. J. Carlisle, AV. 5- 1176, evenings TU. 4-1574. c1w42 SUPERVISOR for summer re- creation programme. 5-day week, 4 hour day. Experience preferred but other qualifications consid- ered. AV. 5â€"1287. c1w48 USED CARS AND TRUCKS JUNIOR clerk-typist, with some shorthand ability, required for office in Richmond Hill, 5 day week. Reply giving details of experience or training to Box 171 Liberal. c1w48 TRANSPORTATION WANTED from Langstafi stoplight to Eg- linton and Bathurst arriving 9 a.m., leaving 5 pm. AV. 5-2623. c1w47 YOUNG LAD wanted for farm work. Must be interested in farm machinery. John M. Cruick- shank, R. R. 2 Gormley, 30J4 Unionville. *2w48 BOOKKEEPER (Male) wanted for business in Richmond Hill. Work half day each day. Morn- ings preferred. Apply in writing. Box 172 The Liberal. c2w48 1947 Ford 1 ton 1% ton license, battery, good $395. TU. 42695 TRANSPORTATION WANTED, from Concord to Trethewey Dr. TRANSPORTATION available. Leave Richmond Hill at 7 pm. daily going to Bloor St.. return- ing 5pm. Phone TU. 4-2839. 1950 AUSTIN, dark green sedan, good running condition, operated daily, $375 or best offer. Phone AV. 5-1849. c1w48 1951 MORRIS Oxford. $585.00, terms $98.00 down, $29.00 for month. 237 Oak Ave., Richvale. *1w48 TRANSPORTATION L Jane St., arriving 7.30'a.m., leaving 5 pm. AV. 5-1035. c1w48 BUDGIE, green & yellow, an- swers to “Andy”, in Elgin Mills. TU. +2175. Reward. clw48 SPARE TIRE 650x16, and car- rier, from Studebaker truck. Lost last week. Possible Rich- mond Hill-Thornhill-Maple area. G. Cullen & Son. TU. 4-1900. HELP WANTED LOST stake truck with new motor, new tires and body. part time as bar. Apply 7 Highway at clw48 c1w48 c1w48 clwé8 FLOOR SANDER to rent. Phone AVenue 5-2101. tfc22 Richmond Hill Hardware. TU. 4- 2101. tfc15 CEMENT MIXER. AV. 5-1238. Thornhill. c4w48 ELECTRIC FLOOR SANDER ELECTRIC FLOOR Polisher for rent. Richmond Hill Hardware. TU. 4-2101. tfc18 1 FURNISHED housekeeping room, 1 bedroom. 177 Yonge N.. Richmond Hill. *1w48 TYPEWRITERS for rent by day, week or month. TU. 4-1745. 3 ROOM FLAT, unfurnished. call Mrs. Sutton, WAlnut 1-6001 or Unionville 37. *1w48 LARGE furnished room, with twin beds and large cupboard. in Richmond Hill. TU. 4-2201. c1w49 3 ROOM rear cottage to rent. Suit business couple. References required. 31 Edgar Ave., AV. 5' 3397. clw48 3 ROOM heated apartment. 5 Dufi'erin St.. cor. Yonge in Rich- mond Hill, phone TU. 4-2845. 2 BEDROOMS, kitchen and bath. Hydro included, private entrance. On Don Mills Rd., $45 per month. PA. 7-4375. c1w48 FLOOR SANDERS Heavy and light disc hand sand- ers; floor polishers; floor seals. Bob’s Smoke Shop, 55 Yonge St. N., open 7 days and evenings till 10.30 p.m. tfc46 DO IT YOURSELF RENTALS Lawn Rollers, Seeders, Fertilizer Spreaders Portable saws, sanders, jig saws, drills and hand tools. CHARLTON HARDWARE BACHELOR Apartment, furnish- ed. Equipped kitchenette, bath, separate entrance. Phone. Love- ly large grounds. 1 or 2 business people. Aurora, PA. 7-5597. tfc47 TUrner 4-1331 OFFICE SPACE Thornhill. Excellent Yonge St. 2nd floor space. Self-contained. Private entrance and bathroom. Suit professional firm. Mr. McLean, AV. 5-1176, David Mc- Lean Ltd. ' c1w48 «mumnmnmmmuumnmumumnmmmuuuuummum ROOM & BOARD or room to rent, clean cosy home. Reason- able. 1‘15 Baker Ave., Richmond Hill. *1w49 CUT FLOWERS, FUNERALS, WEDDINGS RICE’S FLOWER SHOP 3 UNFURNISHED rooms and bath, suit business couple or couple with one child. Phone TU. 4-2688. c1w48 3-ROOM sélf-contained apart- ment, sink, heavy duty wiring. Mrs. E. C. Peters. Elgin Mills Sideroad. c1w47 FURNISHED 6-room bungalow, June to October, adults, refer- ences, 1 block to shopping and transportation. AV. 5-2513.' 23 YONGE ST. SOUTH Richmond Hill 'All Hours TU. 4-1812 mummmummmmmmmmummm SELLING? We are now in the midst of the active selling season. Due to our unprecedented volume we are in need of houses and building lots in all price classes and dis- tricts. Our salesmen, fully quali- fied and equipped with the Toronto Real Estate Board’s most advanced services, are available at your conveni- ence. SELF-CONTAINED apartment, adults, on'Yonge Stréet, Rich; mond Hill. Apply Yerex Elec- tric, TUrner 4-1552. *1w48 CALL AV. 5-1176 or BA. 1-1121 We offer a friendly, efl’ec- tiv,e, confidential service, without obligation. David McLean Ltd. Head Office, Thornhlll FLOWERS F OR EVERY OCCASION TO RENT *1w49 c1w48 tfc28 tfc46 CARS & TRUCKS wanted for wrecking. Phone TU. 4-2236. CARS & TRUCKS wanted for wrecking, highest prices paid. A. Marinofl. TUrner 4-1372. *4w48 TU. 4-1687 TUES., MAY 31 â€" Auction sale of Deluxe Kelvinator Refrigera- tor (like new), Mofiat electric range (like new), Connor electric washer (good), 3 pc. Chesterfield (good). hanging lamp, chest of drawers (antique). 3 pc. congol- eum (good), dishes, etc. The property of Mrs. R. J. Wilson. on German St., Markham Village. NOTE: This is an extra good lot of furniture. Terms cash. Sale at 1 pm. Sellers & Atkinson, auctioneers, phone Stouff. 363. ROOMA& BOARD, Yonge Stree MODERN accommodation, ex- cellent food. bathroom with plenty of hot water. Rates $16- $24. TU. 4-2052. *1w48 SALE REGISTERS ROOM & BOARD Outstanding ' Allowances! on ’49 - ’50 - ’51 Cars on a ’55 Ford or Monarch R. D. LITTLE & SON LTD. EM. 6-3166 Up to $110“ for ’51 Models Only actual reconditioning costs will be deducted from above prices OFFER LIMITED! SO ACT NOW! WANTED Look At These Trade-In Values! /p to $ 350 for ’49 Models 7p to for ’50 Models ]p to for ’51 Models Ford-Monarch Richmond Hill Open Evenings Stree c1w4 tfc36 HOMES for two little kittens, will make good pets, accustomed to children. AV. 5-1849. c1w48 DOGS BOARDED Glen-El-Tee Kennels Reg‘d., Yonge St. N.. R. R. 1 Richmond Hill, TU. 4-1603. tfc40 BUDGIES, many colours. Lack of space, forces sale of all our birds. Apply G. R. Phippen. Unionville, phone 36 day or night. c3w47 FULL LINE of farm machinery. including M-H 10 ft. self-pro- pelled combine. John Deere Tractor “AR”. seed drill, oneo way disc plough, 10 ft. cultiva- tor. packer. disc and wagon. TU. 4-2900. tfc49 BEAUTIFUL accommodation for retired people, pleasant home. near T.T.C. bus. Excellent board. personal attention, Richmond Hill, TU. 4-2052. *1w48 REST HOMES LIVESTOCK FOR SALE TU. 4-1116 fie PRINTER

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