Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 26 May 1955, p. 3

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3.15 m. 5100 IMHPLT t 0 LEGION HALL - 9mg _On Monday evening, May 16. the Curtain Club of Richmond Hill celebrated its first anniver- sary with an annual meeting and election of officers for the fol- lowing year The club room at 8A Yonge street was beautifully decorated with spring flowers for the occasion by the hostess of the evening. Mrs. William Hall, who also as membership secretary welcomed several new members to the group. Mrs. M. Thamsan Pres. Curtain Club for 55-56 The officers elected for the 1955 - 56 season were as follows: President. Mrs. Malcolm Thom< son; vice-president, R. D. Little; secretary. Miss Frida Lagerquist; membership secretary, Mrs. William Hall; treasurer, R. T. Hutchinson: publicity manager, Mrs. Woodburn Thomson. The retiring president. Stuart Parker, in giving his report, said that working with the Curtain Club had “not really been work at all. Things started to roll right from the beginning". He felt that the club owed a great deal to the “wonderful enthus- iasm shown by_ the village," for this new community enterprise. Miss Frida Lagerquist moved a vote of thanks to the retiring ex- ecutive. A When’ the warm weather comes, the smart housewife lhakes out the heavy 'winter clothes, gets them cleaned and moth-proofed before storing them away. She brings out the lighter summer clothes and has the'm cleaned too. down any may not 11 For inskncc. an engine that starts hard and idles too fast may be traced to a broken windshield wiper line. Slow acceleration when you try to step on the gas may mean only that the carbureior needs to be set for warmer weather. Even if it trouble, this is t time to go over lot-more driv longer drives ( figuratively is Mrs. Malcolm Thomson was Taking time out after winning the Square Dance Competition at Richmond Hill Fair, May 23, are (l. to r. in coup- les) -â€" Beth Smith, John Leman, Barry When there is misfiring, 8 Hugh engine and hard start- ing, you may have despaired of the engine lasting through For about :he same reasons, the smart car owner takes the rum to warmer weather as a signal to "shake out“ the car for summer driving. The winter->15 tough on engine. transmissicn and battery; it's tough sledding for just about every part cf the car. The important thing is that our factory-trained boys (and how we're proud of them) will find what's wrong, even if you haven't noticed it yet. And, just as important. they'll make the simple, inexpensive adjustments to fix the conditions you may have shuddered over. fearing a major repair bill. another year. Probably isn’t the engzne a: all: more likely the coniaci painis of the disSrihumr are gawk-marked on; aren’t syacsc‘ grapesâ€"1y. The warn of th spot te‘ summer get spoiled til] wearing its long appears to have survived the winter without. he time to have one of our mechanics take the the car from the belt to exhaust. He can track 3 little weaknesses you may halve sppttedâ€"or >otted â€" through the winter. \V e fun Dru mean lhen‘installed in her new oHiCc. and announced that the (late of the next meeting would be June 6. [She anticipated that there would be word as to the name and date of the next full length play to be presented to the. pub- lic at that time. Mr. Rex Sev- enoaks has consented to direct the Curtain Club's first Fall pro- duction. ' Suggest New Site Municipal Offices Shore and Mofiat, archi- tects for the proposed new municipal building in. Vau- ghan Township have recom- mended that Council consid- er changing the site. It has been suggested that the buil- ding might be more suitab- ly located in the north end of Maple. on property adja- cent to the Community Cen- tre. Until now, it has been presumed that the.building would be erected on Town- ship property at the south end of Maple. A drainage survey is being made on the new site before any further cansideration is given to the suggestion. OU’I‘E m’t be fun if the hotter. because the car,‘ speaking winter underwear. a aria o be doing Roy. Lenore Longworth, Bob Johnson, Lynn Battler, Cathy Todd and Barry Smith. Barry and Lenore were also winners of the Best Couple Award. â€" photo by lagerquist Pat Paxton lnj ured In Yonge Crash Eighteenâ€"year-old Patrick Paxton of Ri'chmond Hill is in St. Michael‘s hospital, Toronto. suffering a ruptured spleen and other injuries sustained when the car in which he was riding was involved in a serious acci- dent at Stop 24 Yonge St. last week. Paxton who had ridden as far as Langstafi with fellow employ- ees of the Remington‘Cm Tor- onto, was given a ride by Rich- ard Amodeo of Lake Wilcox. Re- ported to be driving at high speeds along the highway. Am- odeo swung into the centre lane to pass a vehicle ahead when he met a southbound auto making a left turn, careened across the road and struck a tree. demolish- ing his late model car. The driver was not seriously hurt. but Paxton received his in- juries as the side of the car slammed against the tree. He was taken to the home of his sister. Mrs. Frank Piercey,. Rich- mond Hill, where he was attend- ed by Dr. R S. Ideson and Dr. James Langstaff. Later he was rushed to St. Michael's where he underwent a major operation and is now reported to be progress- ing favorably. Bridal Portraits The following bowlers in Richmond Bowl Leagues are asked to pick up their prizes at the Liberal Ofiice. Marion Strugnell. high single with handicap; Reta Golden. high triple: Marie McLean. high triple with handicap: D, Masters, high single with handicap. lagerquist studio At a recent meeting of Vaughan Township Council, Council approved the hiring of T. Griffiths, 21, of Wood- bridge. as a constable for the Township. Mr. Griffiths has been employed as a member of the Woodbridge Police Department. and will come under the recently ap- proved wage schedule for Vaughan Township Police Force. The hiring of an addition- al constable is part of the township plan to expand the Township force to meet with the growing .municipality. It is expected that one more constable will be hired at this time treasure as lasting keepsxkea of see our- bridal portraitsâ€"or (all Ma'av know how to make beautiful your Weeding nay Our experienced photographer: fldl Hire Police For Vaughan YOU‘WILL CHERISH FOREVER portraizs that you will alwayl for an appointmgm. 93 YONGE ST. S. RICHMOND HILL TU. 4-2791 Bowling Prizes ‘ome in to 6,000 People At Annual Fair (Continued from page 1) Class 43, Best. Carriage Turn- out -â€" Dr. E. E. Foster, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Wright. Class 46, Team of Ponies. over 11 hands and not over 141/: â€" Dr W. W. Bartlett. Class 49. Ladies’ Driving Con- test â€" Mrs. J. L. Wright, Dr. W. W. Bartlett. ‘ Class 51, Single horse shown to bike in colours -â€"- Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Wright. Dr. E. E. Fos- ter, Bob Maggish. Heavy Horses Clydesdales Class 16. Clyde Brood Mare in foal or foal by side â€"- C. F Holiday, Chesley, R. A. Fleming Elmvale; R. Storey. Elmvale. Class 20. Clyde Filly. gelding or stallion. 1 yr. old â€" R. Storey (lst and 2ndl. Class 24, Clyde Filly or geld- ing. 2 yrs.,- A. E. Taylor, Grand Valley (lst and 2nd). Class 24, Clyde Filly or geld- ing. 2 yrs., A. E. Taylor, Grand Valley (lst and. 2nd). Class 28. Clyde filly or geld- ing, 3 yrs.â€" A. E. Taylor, R. A. Fleming (2nd and 3rd». Class 32. Clyde yeld mare or gelding. 4 yrs. and over â€" C. F. Holiday (lst and 4th); A. E. Tay- lor (2nd and 3rd). Class 36, Best Clydesdale. Don Head Trophy â€" C. F. Holiday. Class 40.’ Best Agricultural, Agricultural Society Trophy â€" C. F. Holiday. Class 48. Clyde Team, light or heavy draft -â€"-â€" A. E. Taylor. C. F. Holiday (2nd & 3rdv, R. A. Fleming. Percherons & Belgians Class 22. Percherons or Be]- gian filly. gelding, stallion. 1 yr. â€"â€"- Doug Palmer, Schomberg; W. B. Reid & Son. Brampton. Class 26 â€"â€" Percheron or Be]- gian filly or gelding. 2 yrs. â€"-- W. B. Reid & Son; J. W. Howell, St. George; Ted Graham, Lindsay. Class 30. Percheron or Belgian filly or gelding, 3 yrs. â€" J. W. Howell, Doug. - Palmer, W. B. Reid & Son. Class 34, Percheron or Belgian yeld mare or gelding, 4 yrs. and over: Doug Palmer. McCutcheon Form Committee Re Gas Pipeline At a recent meeting under the sponsorship of Vaughan Town- ship Council, representatives of the Bechtel-Mannix-Hester Co., interests sponsoring the Trans Canada Pipeline, met with Vau- ghan property owners across whose properties the pipe-line will cross. There was consider- able discussion regarding the easement of the line across prop- erty and of its effect on property values and future development. A committee chmprising the following property owners: Mrs. Annie Stephens, Richmond Hill, RR. 1; My; _J. Nesbitt. Maple RR. 2; Mr Bruce McClelland. Maple RR. 1; Mr. John Green- wood, Maple RR. '1; Mr. Bruce Maltby, Woodbridge RR. 2; Mr. Russell Rowntree. Woodbridge RR. 2: Mr. Albert Rutherford, Woodbridge RR. 2, exrofficio has been set up to act on behalf of the property owners concerned. Consider Dumping Regulations' The operation of the Vau- ghan Township Dump, a sub- ject of considerable worry to municipal officials in re- cent years may receive some valuable assistance. Vaughan Council learned recently. Council was advised that the York County Health Unit is preparing a list of mini- mum standards for the oper- ation of dumps. The Health Unit is also making provis- ion for the disposal of septic tank effluent, a further prob- lem which in recent months has become a public health threat in this area. Council is planning a township by-Iaw which is designed to controhdump- ing in the township. ‘CHANCE MEETING Wednesday. Thursday JUNE 1. 2 “3 HOURS TO KILL" “REVENGE OF THE CREATURE" Friday. Saturday MAY 27, 28 STERLING HAYDEN EVENINGS DOORS OPEN 6.30 SAT. MAT. 1.30 Monday. Tuesday MAY 30, 31 Thrilling Spy Story “TIMBERJACK” ALL COLOR snow "LION IN THE STREETS" 2 THRILL HITS JAMES CAGNEY Plus “OUTLAW STA LLION” {Y IHEATR mum! Technicolor Dana Andrews Donna Reed Phil Carey Technicolor John Agar also Bros, Rockwood; Ted Graham (3rd and 4th). Class 38. Best Belgian. Rich. Hill Farmers‘ Trophy â€" Doug Palmer. Class 42. Best Percheron, L. H. Clement Trophy â€" McCul- cheon Bros. Class 50. Percheron or Belgian Team â€"â€" Doug Palmer, Ted Gra- ham, McCutcheon Bros. (3rd 8: 4th). Class 44, Best Draft Homerâ€"Avg: ricultural Society Trophy 'â€" Doug Palmer. Class 45 â€" Best three horses owned by one exhibitor, T. Eat- oanx‘ophy, Doug Palmer: Class- 52'; Best feam. H. A. Mac- Lean‘ Trophy. Doug Palmer. Class 53, ’Four-horse _team â€" Doug Palmer. C. F. Holxday. Mc- Cutcheon Bros. Showmanship Competition -â€" Barbara Palmer. Schomberg: Grant Ritchie, Allanvale; Don- ald Tribbling. R. R. 2 Gormley; Alice Taylor. Grand Valley. Palominos Class 1. Open Parade Horse â€" A. E. Boug, London; Emilio Pompilio, Toronto; Fillner Con- struction. London, A. E. Boug. Class 2, Stallion, mare or gelding â€" A. E. Boug llst and 2nd»; Fellner Construction; A1- bert Greco. Toronto. Tractor Driving Competition Class 1: Bob Clarkson, Geo. Clark. Owen Hoover, Alvin Thompson. Class ‘ 2: Peter Christensen. Jim Curtis. After- noon Class. Gordon Brumwell, Bob Clarkson. Jack Cooper, Peter Christensen. Guernsey Calf Competition Junior Class â€" Carol Sissons, Concord; John NageL King; Gordon Henshaw. King; Phillip Kudelka, Newmarket. Sr. Class: Charles Saunders, Concord; Pat- sy Macklin, King; Bobby Moses, King; P. Nagel, King. Show- manship: Girls. Patsy Macklin, P. Nagel; Kingfield Halters, Charles Saunders and Judy Sis- sons. » One of Markham Township's earliest farms has gone on the auction block. The 90-ac‘re farm of Max Ree- sor, purchased for 150 pounds sterling in 1805 by his great, great grandfather, Peter Reesor, one of the township's first Men- nonite settlers. has been sold to a real estate firm for $89,000. Pioneer Farm Seils $89,000 One of a series of auction sales held at the pioneer farmhouse on May 21 saw an antique wood- en turnip drill sell for S6. A cop- per kettle brought by Peter Ree- 501' from Pennsylvania in 1804 sold for $27. -The farm is part of 1.300 acres being annexed by Markham Vil- lage» for residential and indusâ€" m‘al development. MARKHAM : Council has voted in favour of a municipal vote for the installation of sewers. BRAMPTON : A 14-year‘old boy carried his 11 year old cousin from the town dump to the Peel Memorial Hospital recently af- ter the younger lad had been hit in the abdomen by a stray bullet thought to have been fir- ed by two unknown boys nearby. Consider Further VLA Sub-Division Whitchurch Township Council will hold a special session this week to determine whether or not ,they will endorse a plan‘ put forward by the Vet rans‘ Land Act to sub-divide the Gar- field Kellington farm on the 91h concession. A proposal to an- nex the property to Stouffville and allow the subâ€"division was recently turned .down by the Stouffville municipal council. Messrs. Harvey and Barrett of the V. L. A. appeared before Whitchurch Council on Thurs- nay night and urged that action be taken for a decision as soon as possible. Greatest problem confronting council on the pro- posed sub-division was the pro- vision for school facilities al- ready over taxed at Ringwood. Deputy-reeve Legge pointed out that the total assessment of the Ringwood school section was $153,000. The Kellington farm of 75 acres is assessed for $3,800. ‘ Swill-Feeding A resolution was presented to council from the Planning Board recommending that counâ€" cil move to place control on swill feeders in the municipality. Members agreed that the clerk should contact the township so- licitor regarding this matter. Aurora and District Ken- nel Club will hold its annual International All-Breed Ped- igree Dog Show at Aurora Arena this Saturday. Three hundred dogs will be exhibited, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.rand a lucky draw will be conducted by the Aurora Board of Trade. First prize will be a three-piece Sam- sonite Luggage Set plus $25. in cash, if the winner is present in the arena when the'draw is made at 7.30 p. In. Other prizes, groceries. etc.,v will also be drawn. the prdceeds of the draws to go in aid of charity. Kennel Show May 28 Meet To Discuss Church Extension At the request of the Official Board of Richmond Hill United Church. and in accordance with instructions given at the annual meeting. a special meeting of the congregation will be held on May 26 at 8 pm. in the church. At this meeting the planning committee will present plans for the building extension. and the recommendation of the 0f- ficial Board in regard thereto will be considered. ”' It’s a fact . . . . our used machinery stock is getting dangerously low! And bal- ers are what we want. Right now we'll give you more for your old equip- ment. We really must re- stock our used equipment Sales lot. Farmers every- where are clamoring for used balers . . . and yours will be sold FAST. Talk to us right away about trading in your USED BAL- ER for a brand new. mod- ern baler. There are new models to choose from this year . . . if you like to bale with wire or twine . . . if you want an engine-power- ed or a power-take-off mach- me. HAROLD MORTSON FOR A REAL DEAL TEL- EPHONE TU. 4-1722 RIGHT NOW! We‘ll be glad to give you an appraisal on your used haler without charge or obligation. Your Local Massey-Harris- Ferguson and New Holland Dealer 29 Yonge Street S. Richmond Hill TU. 4-1722 WANTED: USED HAY BALERS WAR ON MUD AND POT HOLES! - - - - - Why not let us call and survey your requirements? Convénient Monthly Payment Plan Available NEW EQUIPMENT ‘ 'AVENUE 5-2211 7 THORNHILL‘ SAND GRAVEL CRUSHED STONE LOAM FILL Six Years Experience in Municipal Government THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday. May 26, 1955 HAVE YGUR DRIVEWAY PAVED! THE COST IS SURPRISINGLY LOW 0N ASPHALT PAVING Your Liberal Candidate In York North . W. REID EXPERIENCED STAFF ublished authority York North Liberal Association Markham Township Pi‘opel'fi! Owners Association is sponsoring a public election rally to be held on Tuesday, June 7, Cherry Hill Farm (located on No. 7 Highway east of Unionville) The meeting will commence at 8.30 pm. Don't miss this opportunity to hear and meet your Provincial Candidates for the riding of York North. EVEREONE IS CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND THIS MEETING. WILLIAM CHAMPION. "I sure wish I had a foopricH" PRWINCIAL ‘ ELECTIG‘N RALLY gwaagvmp for the Municipalities in OVERTAXED YORK COUNTY VOTE FOR Reeve Joe Dales ON JUNE 9TH Quality Workmanship at Reasonable Prices. JOB PRINTING THE LIBERAL TU. 4-1261 WORK GUARANTEED For A SQUARE DEAL We Can Supply Everything in the Building Line President You’ll be pleased with our thrifty selection of builders’ hardware â€" the right styles, shape and size for every need. Call on us today.

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