Presentation Last Friday evening. muowmg the rehearsal of the Senior Choir of the United Church the members held a social meet- ing at the home of, Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Morton, Thornbank. On behalf of the choir and in rec- ognition of her/faithful service ‘Mrsï¬ Morton presented a Hymn- ary to Mrs. W. M. Edwards who is leaving the community. Mrs. ‘Edwards has been a member of the choir for'many years and her absence will be keenly felt. Parish Guild -â€"... ~.,,L TELEPHONE AV. 5-1338 ; in no" The ladies of Trinity Church Parish Guild recently held their annual dinner at the Richmond Theatre Grill. Following din: ner twenty of the members en- joyed an evening of bowling. Mrs. G. Ackhurst won the ladies high single prize with a score of 226. Other members present at the dinner attended the Rich- rho'ndwiZI-i-lrlv Theatre and a lucky draw ticket for this event was won by Mrs. D. Higginson. Mrs. SHIP COLLECT T0 0"\' Registered Warehouse No. 1 Weston, Ontario Reliable Grading Direct Settiementv Obtain sacks and twine without charge from Wéï¬i‘GROWERs LIMITED 217 Bay Street, Toronto, Canada 01‘ by writing to CANADIAN COâ€"OPERATIVE BAKE R ’ S suns & same: YONGE ST. RICHVALE TU. 4-1114 % L“fléï¬i£ ‘5 “L .51.“? 5:3; like getting money from a rich uncle... Authorizéd Studebaker Dealer THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, V. G. BOWES R. R. 2 Maple VEHde eveping, foll’gwipg ascmmn 3, ‘2‘ 8 Cu. Fl. Capacity 0N SALENOW AT $323.95 NO MONEY DOWN “ms °¥%ï¬Â§c36E%AVA'LTï¬%‘eE TO S A 'â€" U†You CHEST TYPES,TWO UPRIGHTS Regular Price $389. Sealed refrigeration unit has 5- vear guarantee. Latest Dry wall construction -- no sweating. New type Fibleglas insulation is half an inch thicker than in oï¬hers. Exclusive type of door seal protects |pw_ temperatures: Has signal light to warn of temperature lise, Automatic in- teriov‘ light is operated by Mercury switch. Has No baskets and divider, ice cube may: and flown iuice ruck. FREEZER Plans were made for a picnic for the members and their child- ren to be held on Thursday June 16 at the home of Mrs. J. Robin- son on Bayview. Those wishing to attend the picnic are to meet at the church with their lunches at 4 pm. This event will bring to a close the activities of the Parish Guild until September. D. W. 'Berg.also wpn g spot Rrizg W.|. Plans For District Annual The members of Thornhill W. I. met for their monthly meet- ing at the Masonic Hall with the new president. Mrs. A. Crow- hurst acting as chairman of the meeting. About ,25 members answered the Roll Call of “Some kind deed our mother did.†Plans for the District Annual to be held at Agincourt, May 25. and the Guelph holiday for mem- bers July 18â€"22, were discussed. This year's Thornhill W. 1. Picnic. June 16, will be a bus trip to Peterborough. ‘ A picnic will be held July 7 at Dalziel Park. Woodbridge. when Mrs. Agnew will be hos- tess, and the York Pioneer Pic- nic will be held June 18 at Sharon. ‘ An extension service has been applied for, the subject to be “How to conduct meetings". Richmond Hill, Mark-Vaughan are expected to join Thornhill, the date and place to be publish- ed later. NOBLETON : King Township Planning Board is at present considering a proposed 400Lacre auto race track which if built will exceed the size of the fam- -ed Indianapolis traék. A short report on Welfare. by Mrs. Spanton and the President’s talk on her visit to the Presi- dents’ Conference at Guelph end- ed the meeting. Cartoon MAN NATURE’S HALF ACRE Cartoon News MAY 26. 27 Thurs, Fri. ANNE OF THE INDIES The Liberal is always pleased to publish items of interest contributed by its readers in the Thornhill area . . . . Our representative in Thomhill is Mrs. Elizabeth Sumner. In order that your items may appear in The Liberal sim- ply phone AV. 5-1338. (Technicolor) Jean Peters Debra Paget Louis Jordan ATOMIC PERIL Commando Cody Sat., Mon. WITH A MILLION (Technicolor) Gregory Peck Jane Griffiths MAY 28. 30 News May 26, 1955 One hundred and sixty choir members from Deanery of North York took part in the Choral Ev- ensong service in Trinity Church on May 19th. The service com- memorated the Ascension of Our Lord. The office was taken by the Rector, Rev. S. A. R. Wood and the Lessons were read by the Rev. Hugh McClellan of Au- rora and Rev. A. B. Cathcart of Woodbridge. The Rev. Rex 'Sy- mons of Schomberg took the State prayers. The preacher for the occasion was the Rt. Rev. F. H. Wilkinson, M.A., D.D., Coad- jutor Bishop of the Diocese of Toronto. In addition to the choirs from 11 parishes the Boys Choir from St. Andrews College was also in attendance. After .the service a presentation was .made to MrsJohn Cozens, the .choir director. Mr. Cozens was responsible for the organizing and the rehearsing of the choirs and the choice of music. Mr. Mr. Chris Zaikos, proprietor of the Thornview Res- taurant, Thornhill, is shown with his bride following their marriage Sunday, May 15, at St. George’s Greek Orthodox Church on Bond Street, Toronto. _Mrs. Zaikos is the former Giannoula Andonopolous and recently arrived in Canada from Greece. The wedding supper was held at 300 Bathurst Street in Toronto. 160 (horisters Take Part |n Ascen'sion Day Evensong Thornhill Horticultural Society Held Flower Show On May 17 The regular monthly meeting and Flower Show of the Thorn- hill Horticultural Society was held last Tuesday, May 17, in the United Church hall. Mr. R. C. Poulter, president, announced that the Society would once more hold a flower show in conjunc- tion with the Lions’ Carnival at the end of June. He urged the members to support the occasion with as many displays as pos- sible. He also gave a short re- port on the activities of the Park Beautiï¬cation Committee and suggested that evervone make a visit to the park to see the devel- opment of the shrub beds. Mr. Ernie Kohler gave a short talk on flower growing, Chrysan- themums in particular. This was followed by a question and anâ€" swer period, questions covering everything from asters to zinnias. Mr. R. D. Little of Richmond Hill, who judged the evening‘s flower show gave a commentary on it and offered some helpful critcism. It was option night also and most members picked up their options or availed them- selves of the plant sale. The show itself was a Tulip Show and as usual it was beau- tifulln addition to the tulips there were lilacs ,daï¬odils. iris, lily of the valley and sprays of flowering shrubs. The baskets of spring flowers and the special table arrangements were most attractive. The prize list follows: Specimen Flowers - All Members 3 Tulips, single, one colour: Mrs. Dolan, Mrs. F. Teasdale, Miss H. Welsh. 3 tulips, single, mixed: Mrs. F. Teasdale, Mrs. Riley, Mrs. J. M. McLaren. 6 Tulips, single, one colour: Mrs. F. Teasdale, Mrs. Riley, Mrs. Martindale. 6 Tulips, single, mix- ed: Mrs. Riley, Mrs. W. Thomp~ son, Mrs. Martindale. 1 specimen Tulip, double, any colour: Mrs. G. Crutcher. 3 Cottage Tulips, double or single, any colour: Mrs. L. J. Smith, Mrs. G. Crutcher, Mrs. Dolan. 3 Lily-flowered tu~ lips, any colour: Mrs. Crutcher, Mrs. W. Thompson, Mrs. C. B. Atkinson. 1 Parrot Tulip, any colour: Mrs.J. Bridges. Mrs. Ril- AURORA : With the approval o£ King Township Council. the Aurora Council is preparing for steps towards the annexation of 400 acres of King Township. Cozens, who is a member of the Canadian College of Organists and Musical Editor of the Can- adian Churchman, brought to the training of this group his wide knowledge 'of the newly established form of Response singing. It is called speech rythm, and replaces the old Vic- torian form whose limitations and irregular emphasis made the singing of responses unnatural and ponderous. ‘- It is interesting to note, that in connection with this occasion a Deanery of Music has been established. This consists of a Library of Church music to which all the parishes have ac- cess. They may borrow for a specified length of time, such anthems as they require. One of the anthems. bought and sung especially for this Ascention Day Service was formally presented to the Deanery‘ ey, Mrs. W. Thompson. 3 Parrot Tulips, any colour: Mrs. J. Bridges, Mrs. F. Teasdale, Mrs. L. J. Smith. 1 spray Flowering Shrub, any varietyz: Mrs. R. Hea- ley, Miss C. Shaw. Mrs. Riley. 3 Narcissi, one each three varie- ties: Mrs. Riley, Mrs. G. Crutâ€" cher. Mrs. W. Thompson. 3 Nar- cissi, one variety: Mrs. Riley, Mrs. G. Crutcher, Mrs. W. Thom- pson. 3 Narcissi, long trumpet (daffodils): Mrs. Horton, Mrs. G. Crutcher, Mrs. Whatley. 3 Nar- cissi, multiple-flowered type: Mrs. R. Healey, Mrs. W. Thomp- son, Mrs. Horton. 1 Panicle Li- lac (1 head): Mrs. F. Teasdale, Mrs. G. Crutcher, Mrs. P. Bone. 1 Iris, bearded. any colour: Mrs. Gribble, Mrs. Riley. Any potted rock plant in bloom: Mrs. J. Bridges, Mrs. L. J. Smith. Decorative Arrangements Basket spring flowers, tulips to predominate: Mrs. W. Thomp- son, Miss C. Shaw, Mrs. L. J. Smith. Collection Pansies with own foliage, not more than 12 blooms: Miss C Shaw, Mrs. R. Healey, Mrs. R. E. Dean. Vase of spring flowers: Mrs G. Crutch- er. Mrs. McMullen, Mrs. Riley. Miniature arrangement (must be 2" over-all, not to exceed 6"): Mrs. Horton, Miss C. Shaw, Mrs. McMullen. Modernistic arrangeâ€" ment of Lily of the Valley. Dec- orative foliage: Mrs. Horton. A basket of lilacs: Mrs. Crutcher, Mrs. F. Teasdale, Mrs.. W. Thompson. Arrangement of se- ven Tulips. own foliage, in vase or bowl, prize donated by Dr. and Mrs. Lundy: Mrs. Horton. Mrs. Dolan. Miss C. Shaw. Vegetables Six spears Asparagus: Mrs. Gribble, Mr. Martindale, Mr. Teasdale. 3 Stalks Rhubarb (leaves cut to 1") Mrs. Riley. Tom Pherrill, Mrs. Crutcher. 3 Green Onions: Mr. Martindale. Tom Pherrill. Mrs. Riley. 6 Radishes with tops: Mrs. Riley. There were no entries in the new members or Junior sections. Award for the mostioutstand- ing entry, specimen, Mrs. Dolan, Arrangements, Mrs. Horton. Lions & 0.P.P. Sponsor Campqigrl District Motorists Urged Take Advantage ’Of Safety Clinic The safety campaign sponsored by the Thornhill Dis- trict Lions Club in cooperation with the Thornhill detach- ment of the O.P.P. got off to a good start recently when it was officially opened by S/Sgt. Raymer of the O.P.P. and Lion President Jack Bentham of the Thornhill Lions. The safety campaign, which will run for one month, is oper- ated every Tuesday and Thurs- day afternoon at Loblaw's super- market, at the south entrance to Thornhill. All motorists who pass the tests receive a wind- shield sticker signifying that their car is in good condition for safe driving. On opening day three of the ï¬rst twelve cars tested were re- jected for faulty hand brake Thornhill‘ Public School To ‘ Present H. M. S. Pinafore: “H. M. S. Pinafore†will be the highlight of a musical pro- gram by the students of Thorn- hill Public School on Jurie 2 and 3 at 7:30 pm. in the school audi- torium. Pupils of grades 5, 6, 7 and 8 will perform the Gilbert and Sullivan opera. There are two casts, one for each evening and two choirs of 60 voices each. Grades 3 and '4 will do songs. dances and choral work and grades 1 and 2 will give-a short musical play “The Elves and the Shoemaker." The music for these two even- ings is under the direction of Hugh Martin, School Area Music Supervisor. Costumes and seenâ€"o ery are being made by the child- ren 1 n the art classes under the supervision of Mrs. Jac Elliott. The accompanist for “ inafore†is Mary Davidson who has given a great deal of her time to rehearsals. This is a first attempt in the performance of an opera and it should point the way to further evenings of merit. The students, many of whom are face to face with Gilbert and Sullivan for the first time in their lives have worked tirelessly and with great delight and enthusiasm. fj 0 m e * An addition to your home * New rooms in the attic * A recreation room * A new roof * New screens or storms * A garage * Conversion to duplex * A remodelled exterior * A porch or patio * A modernized kitchen or bathroom a ANY OF THESE IMPROVEMENTS CAN BE FINANCED: w Loan application forms are available at our office. See u/s NOW for full details. STOP 23 YONGE ST. BRANCH YARD â€" 4845 YONGE ST., WILLOWDALE â€" BA. 1-9316 windshield wipers, and tail lights. The Ontario Provincial Police are anxious to point out these de- fects in the hopes that motorists will have them corrected, and in so doing. prevent accidents._ All area motorists are advised to check the days and bring their cars in for this free safety in- spection. They will ï¬nd the Provincial Police oï¬icers court- eous and co-operative and more than anxious to help. In fact “We Sail the Ocean Blue" has now become the theme song of the corridors. It would ap- pear that Davey Crockett has finally been interred at the Ala- mo and it is now the turn of Dick Deadeye ,and Sir Joseph Porter K. C. B. AURORA : The Board of Trade has presented a scheme to im- prove town parking. The plan is now under consideration. Our 75th Year Of Service Combined services will be held “during July and August as follows: July 3, 10 and l7â€"United Church, Rev. C. H. Chamâ€" bers B.A.. B.D. July 24, 3‘1, August 7â€"Bap- tist Church, Rev. E. B. Eddy, August 14, 21, 28â€"Presbyâ€" terian Church, Rev. P. Buck. B.A. Services at 11 am. Sun- day School for 10 and under at same hour. ~ Combine Church Services A new N.H‘.A. Home Improvement Loan Provides the money! * Borrow as much as $2,500. * Pay just 51/4 % interest. ~k No gnarantor is needed. * Take 3to 5 years to repay in equal monthly installments. WE’LL BE GL‘AD TO DISCUSS ANY OF THESE PROJECTS WlTH YOU. RICHVALE Write or Phone HARRY CHARLES, Richmond Hill, TUrner 4-1872 REPRESENTING Excavating 7% Grading Front-End Loaders & Trucks For Hire 61 Crosby Ave., Richmond Hill BA. 1-4144 TU. 4-1764 ATTRACTIVE TOWN & COUNTRY PROPERTIES FOR SALE ESTABLISHED OVER 50 YEARS SAND ‘k STONE * GRAVEL LOAM wk TOP SOIL * FILL J- A- \X/ILLOUGHBY DALTON HICKS HEAD OFFICE: 46 Egllnton Ave. I. TUrner 4-1121 50 EXPERIENCED SALESMEN AND SONS