Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 26 May 1955, p. 8

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Ernie Broc‘k. Mrs. Ernie Brock, Miss Helen Thomas. Mrs. Kirby Brock. were hostesses at the latter's home on Wednesday evening, May 18. when they entertained a number of friends at a linen shower for Miss Ruby Puterbaugh in honour of .her forthcoming marriage. Mrs. H. Bryan spent several days last week in Buffalo. . Dr. and Mrs. R. G. MacKay of Thamesville visited with Dr. and Mrs. R. A. Bigford on Monday. May 23. Wednesday when they of friends Window Cleaning SERVICE Richmond Hill 8: District Experienced Workmanship Prompt Service ridge Miss Marlene Orr spent the oliday week-end in Fenelon .3115. N ‘ The [.lberal is always willing to publish interesting Items regarding people and events contributed by its readers in Maple and surrounding communities. Our representative ._ ""1. a: Mr: nuns!!! Allen. telephone Maple 19.1; Edgeley, Mrs. Raymond Stuart. DON GILES Phone TU. 4-2892 RICHMOND HILL uvâ€"v..-_.-, ,v in Maple is Mrs. Donald Allen, telephone Maple Maple 110R3. THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Lillie McNeil of Wood- visited last week with Come in and look around and save â€"â€" Listed below are some of the items -â€" Mechanics Tools â€"- Spanners â€" Sockets â€" Flexible Shafts â€" Grinders â€" M andrels â€" Lathes â€"â€" Cross-Cut Saws -â€" Tail Pipes â€" Exhaust Pipes â€" Flexible Tail Pipes â€"â€" Floor Mats â€" Truck Clearance Lights â€"- Can Heaters â€" Chain Blocks -â€" Truck Flares. TU. -4-1541 Maple Socials SALE CONTINUES Paris Auto Supply Ltd. Hundreds of items will be sacrificed to clear â€"- ‘ DISCONTINUED AUTOMOTIVE STOCK & ACCESSORIES Don’t YOU Be The Cause Of An Accident. DRIVE SAFELY and WITH CARE on our busy highways. TO BE SOLD AT HALF PRICE! St. Andrews’W.M.S. Luncheon Meeting St. Andrew's Presbyterian W. M.S. met at the home of Mrs. Earle Magee on Tuesday. May 17. Members and several visi- tors met for a luncheon at 1 p. aftrefix; which the regular meex- ing was held. The president. Mrs. Eric Brice presided. and Mrs. W. Hodge led in prayer. The topic in the Study Book was taken by Mrs. G. W. Matheson and Mrs. Hodge. A piano duet was played by Mrs. E. Wade and Mrs. Hodge. During the business period, a committee was appointed to con- vene the afternoon tea to be held at the home of Mrs. Jame Kingsburg In June. , _ WE SPRAY ORCHARDS Reserve Us Now To be sure of some good fruit next fall J. BEN EDICTUS Work has begun on the new four-room public school at Maple by C. V. Morrow Construction Company of Colgan, Ontario. The successful tender of Morrow Construction was for $61,750 and was the low- est submitted. The boiler room, plumb- ing and electrical facilities will be installedrto facilitate easy expansion to an eight- room school. Phone Maple 101R33 Construction Begms Custom Spraying MAPLE R. R. 17 YES! “Space contributed in the service of the community by John Labatt Limited RICHMOND HILL May 26, 1955 Percy Walton, President of the Maple and District Ratepayers’ Association has announced that the ratepay- ers are sponsoring a public election rally to be held in Maple Community Hall on Friday, June 3. The meet- ing is scheduled to begin at 8.30 pm. iinle purpose of the meet- ing". stated Mr. Walton. “is to afford the people 9f Map- 1e and surrounding districts an opportunity to hear and meet the three candidates seeking office in York North." Three candidates are vying for the honour of representing York North at Queen’s Park. They are Joe Dales. Liberal. Lex Mac- Kenzie, Conservative, . and Larry Sheffe, C.C.F. Each candidate will be al- lowed to address the gath- ering for 20 minutes. The speech-making will be fol- lowed by a question and an- swer period. Mexhbers of Vaughan township council will be in- vited to attend the rally. 7 With the close proximity of voting day on June 9, everybody is Invited to at- tend this important rally. Guest speaker at the June meeting of Maple Commun- ity and School Club will be Douglas Boyd, a member of the newly formed Richmond Hill Naturalists Club. This is the last meeting of the season and will be held in the school, Wednesday evening, June 1, at 8 pm. Provincial Candidates To Address Election Rally Speaker From Richmond Hill Honour Fischer Family At Cherry Hill Farm Mrs. Bruce Cameron for the La- dies Aid. The appreciation of me Couples Club was expressed by Ross Percival and by Frank bmith for the Luther League. Entertainment was provided by solos by Mrs. Peters and a duet by Misses Lynda and Carol Kei- fer At the conclusion of the ad- dresses Earl Beckner and How- ard Stiver presented Rev. and Mrs. Fischer with a new electric range and a purse. Frank Smith presented Miss Grace Fischer with a pin in appreciation of her work in the Luther League and as organist of the Sunday School. Besides carrying on a very ac- tive Pastorate in Sherwood and Unionville. Rev. Fischer has or- ganized the Lutheran Chaplain- cy Service which arranged calls by 'Lutheran pastors to patients in Ontario hospitals and Sani- toria. He and his family have made many friends in the com- munity and will be sadly missed. The best wishes of their friends go with them to their The May meeting of Maple United Church W.M.S_. was held on May 18, at the home of Mrs. E. Hemphill. Mrs. H. Jackson conducted the business session. United WMS Pack Bale On May 31st Members were asked to be present to pack the bale on May 31, and it was pointed out that articles for the layette were still needed. Mrs. G. Bailey gave a report of the Spring Rally held in Aurora. The Devotional was given by Mrs. R. Ramsay. Mrs. L. Laver gave a short talk on Christian Stewardship and Mrs. L. Wilt- shire presented the Study Book. On Friday, May 20, a success- ful Tulip Tea was held in the Sunday School room, uncfei‘"th‘é‘ convenorship of Mrs. R. A. Big- ford. the proceeds going to- wards the furthering of W.M.S. Supply work. Mrs. Ross Percival, Richmond Hill, was hostess for the regular meeting of the Women' of the Lutheran Church, Sherwood, on Wednesday evening, May 18. For her topic, Mrs. Guest chose “The Bible and Missions” and after- wards held a discussion period relative to lthe topic. There is to be a convention in Waterloo on June 15, in connec- tion with the Women’s Auxiliary of Waterloo College to which a number of women of the Sher- wood church are looking forward to attending. This is e an- nual meeting of the \ omen’s Auxiliary and banquet of the College. Lutheran Women To Attend Convention Mré. Lahn assisted Mrs. Perciâ€" val__in serving lunch. The next Ifieeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Eric Winter, Thornhill, on June 15. INDUSTRIAL WORK FACTORIES - SERVICE A STATIONS - SUBDIVISIONS - FOOTINGS FOR BRIDGES PRIVATE WELLS Phone 174W3 Newmarket DOUG. LOUGHEED Armitage WELL DRILLING Commencing next Sunday, May 24, and continuing each Sunday until Fall. Worship service in Edgeley United Church will be held at 9.30 am. and the Sunday School at 10.30 am. Sunday next, May 29, be- ing Whitsunday, there will be a celebration of the Holy Communion at St. Stephen’s Anglican Church, Maple at See Its Quality! SAFE SOLID FUEL no FLASH ‘ WE“ FIRES 303T DOMINEDN COAL 6: WOOD LTD HL’. 9-1126 TU. 4-2775 City 8; Suburban Delivery N0 FLASH FIRES ‘ lam: 308T No Colour Added It’s Natural Black Mark Whitsunday Change In Service new field of work at Brodhageq which is in Western Ontario. near Mitchell ' On Tuesday evening, May 10. members and friends of Zion Sherwood and Bethesda Union- ville Lutheran congregations ga- thered at the John Madsen Folk School to honor and bid farewell to ReV' .and Mrs. Fischer and family who leave this week to take up the work in their new charge at Brodhagen, Ontario. ' After a short sing-song led by Mrs. Peters of the Sherwood COD-v gregation, representatives of the various congregational associa~ tions reviewed their work and paid tribute to the part Rev. and Mrs. Fischer have played in their success in the past five years. ' Roland Keffer and E. J. Stiver spoke *on behalf of the Church Councils and David Julian and ‘Neil'S'tiver for the Sunday Schools and Mrs. Percival and W.A. Makes $36. At Variety Concert Sixteen members and three visitors attended the regular meeting of the W.A. of Edgeley United Church Thursday after- noon,‘May 19. at the home of Mrs. Fred Hendry, Edgeley. The roll call was a verse from the Bible, quoting “Queen.” Missionary convenors, Mrs. Eldon Fierheller and Mrs. Gar- net Kefl'er were in charge of the program with Mrs. Fierheller giving a talk on "One Chapter in Education". taken from the Stu- dy Book, “Face to Face with In: idia.” Mrs. Keffer read the Scrip-‘ ture lesson and Mrs. A. Mitchell read the Lesson Thoughts. Miss Janice Boake and Miss Margaret Hendry added enjoy- ment to the afternoon program by singing “Melody of Love” and “Hymn of Praise.:’ it was reported that the W.A. cleared over $36 as a result of the Variety Concert on May 11. Mrs. Geb. Poole. Mrs. A. Bagg and Mrs. W. Atkinson were the social committee for the meet- ing. Thornhlll. Ont. See Love For Lovely Lumber John C. Love Lumber Company, Ltd. Richmond Hill Branch: By improving the appearance of your home, a garden increases the value of your property. You will enjoy, too, the good impression it creates. Bleakness gives way to beauty when youplant a garden around your home. The first step is to make a plan which provides for a garden of the right size and type for your property. Yonge Street At Woody-rd Avenue (Just North of Steele’s Corners! " Carrville Sunday School The Sunday School Anniver- sary service will be held Sunday, May 29. H. Fowler. organist of Rich- mond Hill United Church was guest organist at Carrville on Sunday last and Jack Oliver was soloist. Arbor Day was held at Carr- ville Public School on Friday, and while the boys cleaned the school grounds, the girls did some tidying up inside. After- wards the teachers. Miss McKin- non 3nd hh‘.‘ Green. treated the children to party refreshments. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Evring- ham of Toronto visited with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Wood at the week-end. . , . Lynn Morris. Bob Hudson and Jim Busheil bicycled to Uxbridge Saturday and pitched a tent for the night, returning on Sunday. Gretta Middleton spent Sun- day night with her cousin, Helâ€" en Oliver in Richmond Hill and hhey attended the fair on Mon- ay. Mr. and ’Mrs. John Harding and Carol and Kathie finding of Bathurst St. are leaving for Ireland on May 25 after spend- ing a few years in Canada. We are sorry to lose the Harding family, but wish to welcome the Taylor family who are going to take ~their place at “Ruskie”. Miss Lilley Kingsley of Tor- onto visited with the J. Williams family on Carrville Rd. over the holiday week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Wilson of Toronto accompanied by Noel and Johnny and Sam Davidson, also of Toronto. formerly of the Barbados, B.W.I.. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Barton and family. For your fuel needs Call JONES COAL CO. TU. 4-1851 Richmond Hill We also carry tile' brick, lime, cement Correspondent: Mrs. Bert Middleton Telephone Maple 13033 ANTHRACITE BITUMINOUS (ARRVILLE Menu 5-1143 . Powell IF YOU NEED IT, WE CAN BUILD l'l‘ 216 Essex Ave. Washing Machines, Radios, Vacuum Cleaners & Small Appliances REPAIRED BY EXPERTS Television Aerial Parts Radio and TV Tubes PARIS AUTO SUPPLY LTD. Richmond Hill TU. 4-1541 YOU'LL ALWAYS Fm? oua COAL 11p Top we NEVER LET ourz STANDARDS DRop » A Q“£é-_\"% the three candidates seeking election in the riding of YORK NORTH in the JUNE 9th PROVINCIAL ELECTION A public election rally will be held on FRIDAY, JUNE 3 at 8.30 at‘ MAPLE COMMUNITY HALL The three candidates, JOE DALES, Liberal LEX MacKENZIE, Progressive- Conservative and LARRY SCHEFFE, C.C.F., will address the gathering and answer any questions. Meeting Sponsored by Maple & Dis- trict Ratepayers Association Everyone is cordially invited-to attend this important meeting. PERCY WALTON, Gormley, Ont. No need to use costly, time-consuming building materials when you can get your home erected quickly with CONCRETE BLOCKS â€" too, you’ll find its lower maintenance returns sub- stantial savings through the years. STANDARD SIZE UNITS build your home quickly! WRNER’S WELDING SERVICE ELECTION RALLY GORMLEY BLOCK CO. Here is your opportunity to hear Gov. Certified Richmond Hill Fabricating, Erection & Repairs to Tanks, Smoke Stacks. Breechings. etc: . CONCRETE BLOCKS . CINDER BLOCKS . BACK-UP TILE rams ALL A. 5.1.». LIMITED Etni‘lsulc COAL PRICE REDUCTION A nnouncing Phone Gormley 5300 IF YOU BREAK ['1‘ WE CAN WELD IT President SPECIFICATIONS TUmer 4-159]

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