Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 2 Jun 1955, p. 9

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'J * CONCRETE * CINDER Personals We would like to express sin- cere sympathy to Mrs. Chas. Ley and daughters in the passing of Mr. Ley. on Friday. He was laid to rest in Maple Cemetery on Monday. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Morris on their fifâ€" teenth wedding anniversary on Monday June 6. Birthday greetings to Mrs. .las. Hobday who celebrates her birth- day on Monday .lune 6. Belated greetings to Kenny Kowal who was seven on May 25. Don't forget the Sunday School anniversary service at Carrville United Church on Sunday June 5. * SLAG BLOCKS Z MAPLE . BLOCK & TILE Limited BACK-UP TILE EM. 6-5373 MAPLE 6 PLANT : MAPLE, ONT. SEPTIC TANKS warn and cuuio Complete Septic Tank Repair Service Accurate Septic Tank Service FRANK PASSER ‘ l R. R. 1 Willowdale BA‘. 1-8000 Greenfield-Wood A very pretty spring wedding took place in Carrville United Church on Friday evening. May 20 at '1 pm. when Inez Anita. youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley H. Wood. became the bride of Richard E. Greenâ€" field. son of Mr. and Mrs. .lohn Greenfield. Langstafl‘. The church was tastefully decâ€" orated with mauve and white lilacs. The officiating minister was Rev. E. E. Kent. Mrs Heath was at the organ and Mr. Jack Oliver soloist. Given in marriage by her father. the bride looked lovely in a gown of white chantilly lace. cocktail length. Her shoulder length veil was topped by a seed pearl crown and she carried a white Bible with streamers of lily-ofâ€"the-valley. Her only attendant was Mrs. Faith Mason of Markham. as matron of honour. in a cocktail length gown of cornflower blue net. with a lace overskirt and ' errâ€"V MA. 1313 IN ONE EASY OPERATION Comfortable extra-long handle keeps hands and clothes dry "‘ . ____’ â€" IT'S A CANADIAN TIRE SUPERâ€"SAVlNGS â€"- That will help you get set to en|oy new car washing case, the like of which you‘ve never known before. The generously thick genuine horsehair bristles in the big 4V2" diam. brush headgive more positive dirt removal, permanently set in indestructible no-mar plastic head. You‘ll really go for the EXTRA LONG FEATHE'RWElCHT ALUMINUM HANDLE â€" This Wash Brush is a whopping big 28" overall. and is fitted with convenient corrugated rubber handle grip and V2" hon couphng Mata-Master Auto Polishes and Cleaners Lombswool Natural Nliokoro Wash Mitt Auto Sponge Polish Tinter .98 1.29 M .32 1.29 33:74:13, "*0 impart-d quality. “no”. N", “mi,” Gives the benefits and bond. Use wet or dry â€" Ior washing or polishing. Lon-n you our to perfect .hlpa (or wulnt. Worth 35. .49 PASTE wax caveats???“ mi" "m- 59 UPHOLSTENY OLEANEN ... 16â€"”. S‘LMONIZ LIQUID KLEENEN m SIMONIZ BOOYSHEEN if?" ______________ 1.19 SIMONIZ BOOYUAN 34°C 1.19 AUTOBBITE SILIOONE POLISH 13:" .98 LINSEEO AUTO SOFT SOAP ""- (In Cellulose Sponges â€" 5"xl"xl" . .1. Others cf .34 L .5. smart look of tinted windshield. Complete Ind road lcurn. R0- floros original lunro. “‘_ __ , Whitewoll Cleaner MINI-I - .v:.-,....-..-...-..- Simply spray on â€"wipo o" and rlnso with clear water and your vhitowollc will be A gleaming white. ‘ For IO tires ,llllllllllllllll e... . /.- .-.-.-;-;.-.-,;t .- Speciol Value Hard Lustre Armor-Coot Wonder Wash Spray Wax Cleaner-Polish Chamois .29 .49 1.... .54 .93 We! 1.75 Cub car wash time in Worth 90‘. No wulhlng -â€" u u. half; self-drying â€" no Pun cornuubo wax in Mild no rubbing. Conhlnl SIIlâ€" Approx' .20 x” ' “Fun. chemo" nodded. Dries wlth- form in 12-91. orcoul any out (with loulll â€"- pro- '9' GINRMI and polnhin. our checks. can. Jun rpm onâ€"wlpo off. not up to 6 months. can, windows, etc. _-____._. incessant I175: if to R‘ E. 25 YONGE 57. Noth RICHMOND HILL P on TUrnor 4-1561 'l mmmumml CARRVILLE NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. BERT MIDDLETON Telephone Maple 13033 jacket and carried a cascade of red roses. Best man was Mr. Ed. Mason of Markham. brother of the bride and Clarence Greenfield of Langstat’l. brother of the groom. The reception was held at the Community Hall. Richvale. with Mrs. E. Perring catering, assist- ed by the Vaughan Women Workers. Receiving the guests were the bride's mother wearing dusty rose crepe with lace trim and navy accessories and a corsage of white carnations and pink roses; and the groom's mother in a dress of blue and white flowered nylon with white acces- sories and a corsge of white carâ€" nations and pink roses. Following the reception a dance was held at the hall which over 100 guests of both families enjoyed. . For the honeymoon trip to Detroit. Michigan. the bride chose a light blue suit with white accessories and corsage of red roses. Mr. and Mrs. Greenfield reside in Richvale. Outof-town guests were from Tomnto. Markham. Stouffville. will Kettleby and Unionville. LANGSTAF F NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. M. J. ROY AV. 5-2496 Personals Mr. and Mrs. M. Holt Garden Avenue. attended the Silver Wedding Anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. J. Pulford. Weston, on Tuâ€" esday of this week. We are sorry to report that Mrs. K. Palmer. No. 7 Highway at Bayview. was rushed to St. Michaels Hospital last Thursday evening. where she is undergoing treatment. Another new family in Lang- staff to whom we extend a wel- come, Flying Officer and Mrs. A. Rokeby. who are living in the house formerly occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Campbell. Yonge St. Mr. and Mrs. M. Roy and fam- ily. Sussex Avenue. will be at- tending the Golden Anniversary 0 f Mr. Roy's par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Roy. 667 Annette Street. Toronto, on Sat- urday. June 4th. Mr. and Mrs. Roy. Sit. will be at. home to their friends from 2-4 pm. and from 7-9 p.m. Langston Junior Women’s Insti- tute The June meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. C. Jones. Boyle Drive. on Wednesday. June 8th. The roll call “Bring a Spring Flower". Program will be in charge of Miss M. Chenery. Cub New: The Cubs and Scouts report a very successful picnic held at Camp Samac last Sunday. About 100 people, including cubs and scouts and their families took part in the activities 0 f the day and arrived home tired but hap- P)" Cub John Smith. Yongeview . Avenue received his 1st Star. and Ronnie Bowyer. Helen Avenue. was invested at the last cub meeting held on Tuesday. May 24th. School News * There were 30 children regis- tered last week for first grade in the fall, and this number will no doubt be increased by opening of school in September. The teachers were very pleased to have so many registering in ad- vance. The Langstat’f boys lost their baseball game last week. and the girls game scheduled for Monday was cancelled due to rain. Report cards were issued on Wednesday. Let‘s hope they are all showing a gradual improveâ€" ment throughout the year. AUCTION SALE F HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE Applances, PIok-up Truck, Lumber. etc. To be held at the residence of THE LATE ORLA HEISE Lot. 26. Con. 3. Markham Twp. 1a mile West of Victoria Square SATURDAY, JUNE 4 Westinghouse Electric Range. like new Westinghouse 7 cu. ft. Electric Refrigerator Dining Room Suite. table. chairs. buffet 3-Piece Chesterfield Suite -Library Table Typewriter Secretary Desk Standard Sewing Machine Bed. Springs & innerspring mattress Single Bed. springs & mattress Hall Tree Arm Chair 2 Parlour Rugs 9'x12' and 11‘x12' Quantity 1 and 2 Quart Sealers 19-17 Mercury Truck, legth Pick- up Cement Mixer 34' hp. Electric Motor. 60 cycles Emery Quantity New Red Brick Lawn Mower Quantity Lumber, ash and pine. various SIZQS Carpenter Tools Numerous other articles Terms: Cash. Sale at 1.30 pm A. S. FARMER. auctioneer PEAT MOSS Completely decayed to fine mellow texture. Id- eal for lawn dressing and flower beds. 50c per bushel â€" please bring containers. OTTO PICK Agricultural Service Ltd. No. 11 Highway South of Orange Home 4-1602 TU. Wedding - Keith Sully President Of Richmond Hill Home 8. School At the Annual meeting of the Richmond Hill Home and School R. Middleton Dies Mr. Ross Middleton. l former official with the Markham Twp. Road Department passed away on May 17 at Sunnybrook Hospi- tal after a lengthy illness. He was in his 461h year. He was employed with the municipality for approximately 15 years and was a veteran of World War 11. a member of the 48th Highlanders. He went over- seas in 1939 and returned the following year as a result of rheumatic fever. Ross Silas Middleton was the son of Mr. and Mrs, Herb Mid- dleton. and his great-grandfather John J. Lunau. settled in the township in 1794. He married Muriel Florence Martin before going overseas. He was employed for some years at Donalda Farms. Surviving are his wife. and children. Ross. Shirley. Dean. Dale. Barry. Lnda. Ronald Dav- id and Bonnie; four brothers. all of this district. William Elmo. Nelson and Walter. May Arbitrate York-Metro Dispute The Ontario Municipal Board may have to rule on three important issues beâ€" tween York county and Met- ropolitan Toronto. Last week Metro executive decided the county would be given until June 30 to come to an agreement on division of costs in 1954 and 1955 for administration of justice. in- cluding operation of the juv- enile and family court on Adelaide St. E. York county iii also ask- ing compensation from Met- ro for certain roads costs in the county. which through the separation of the 12 Toronto suburbs from the county. have resulted in which it claims is an undue financial burden. The OMB will likely have to decide ownership of the York County park near Jackson's Point on Lake Simcoe. Metro would like to buy the 500-acre site but the continuing county of York wants ownership. Ground Observers At Scarboro Meet Ground Observers from Richâ€" mond Hill. Stoufiville. George- town. Cooksville, Toronto, New- market and as far north as Bor- rie attended 3 Ground Observer Corps meeting at the new Frigi- daire auditorium on the Golden Mile. Scarboro. recently. Pres- entations of lapel wings and first. aid certificates were presented to a number present. The guest speaker was S/L Cairns of No. 3 Air Defence Control. who spoke on corps work and how observ- ers can aid the RCAF. At the conclusion of the prose entations. refreshments were served and those present enjoy- ed a tour of the Frigidaire plant. School A rea Budget In the budget brought down this year by the Townâ€" ship School Area Board No. 1. Markham and Vaughan, and which was published in April. the item originally headed Transportation, Rec- reational Supplies. etc, $5,200.. should have been designated Recreational Supplies and Group Insur- ance $5,200. The other items listed did not apply. The heading Other Expen- ses $15,250, should have in- cluded the item Transpor- tation. l THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday. June 2, 1955 wimmuluumummmnmnummmmmm T E N D E R TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN TENDER for earth moving and road construc- tion for Cockburn Bridge â€" Sealed Tenders addressed to the Clerk, Township of Vaughan. will be received at the Township ofl’ice, Maple. Ontario. up until 10 a.m. E.D.S.T., on Monday, Association held recently in the McKillop Memorial School. the following \\ ere elected as officers gghhhe Elm“ yegriicfipfgsfiffgstii June 6. 1955.7for the earth moving and road construc- Mrs, G. E, Madden and Lewis tion lei-the Cockburn Bridge between lots 15 and 16, Clement. Recording secretary. Concessmr. 7. “7323. A. F. Dlinn. corresponding secâ€" retary. Mrs. H. Sanderson. treas- urer. Frank Southwell. Executive Members: Arthur Spence. Ray Gemmell. Mrs R. S. Ideson. Mrs. M. Strymo. Eric Charity. Plans and specifications for these works may be obtained from theofl‘ice of the consulting engineer for a deposit of $10 (cheque only) refundable on re- turn of the plans and specifications in good condition within seven days after the above closing date. ‘ - _ ‘ glibr‘V‘iAL-mxigkegi 5323910}; The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be 22,5 “Ad Mrs James Langstaff accepted and no award Wlll be made until approval is received from the Department of Highways. MARSHAL]. McMURCHY J. M. McDONALD Reeve Clerk DUNCAN HOPPER AND ASSOCIATES. ] D Consulting Engineers y. uring the counting of the .- . ballots an amusing and int-0mm. 38A Mattson Road. Downsvie“. Ont. “V9 mm "Amiden‘ally “W5” WW loaned by Molsons was shown. LAWRENCE MOTORS ' O P F E R S T H E S E rail-noun“ SPECIALS 54 Nash Metropolitan Convertible, radio .. 531mm... . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....$1099 53Pontiac........... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1139 . . _ . . . . . . . . . . ..531299 . . . _ . . . . . . $1399 53 Ford Convertible . .. . . ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . $1699 52 Meteor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 51 Ford . .. . . . . . . ... . . . . . ._.-,_.,........._... .- . $299 on behalf of all the members. thanked Lewis Clement for asâ€" suming the presidency in the in- augural year of the association. The new President. Keith Sul- ly thanked Jack Rice for having chaired the elections so efficient- l 53 Ford Ranch Wagon . . . . ' 53 Mercury, . ...... ...... . . . . . 19 Austin AND A LARGE SELECTION OF USED TRUCKS, ALL MAKES, ALL MODELS, ALL SIZES. READY. TO GO! For A Better Deal See LAWRENCE MOTORS LTD. ' TWO LOCATIONS Stop 22A Yonge St. Richvale TU. 4-1232 3501 Yonge St. at the City Limits MA. 7641 01' All he has learned... The experience and judgment of this man are of dirccr importance to a large number of people in his community. He is the manager of a branch of one of the chartered banks. Behind him are years of training in various branches as teller, accountant, assisrant manager. Back of him, too, are the special skills and broad experience of the bank he represents. Everything he has learned about people, and business. and sound banking practice is put to work every day in the service of his customers. He directs a banking service-centre where a wide range of banking services, designed for specific purposes. are available to everyone in the community. Of proven ability, tested by years of pracncal experience, he is 1 key man in the Canadian banking system. THE CHARTERED BANKS Only a chartered bank of”: 4 full range of banking “Nicer, including: COMMERCIAL lOANS For business or industrial firms. large and until: producers. processors, retailersâ€"every [’pr of enterprise. PERSONAL lOANS To finance your personal needs; repayment in regular insul- mcnts from your earnings. HOME IHPIOVEMENT LOANS For repairs. alterations of additions to your home. MONEY TRANSFERS By mail, telegram or cable to anywhere in the world. SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY i.

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