Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 2 Jun 1955, p. 11

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COMPETITION Is TOUGH I In all ifs operations From 00an to coast, Imperial Oil faces competition which is vigorous: and resourceful, benefih'ng both. the industry and rhe consumer. 1 In 45 \r'efinefiés'frobfin‘ Halifax +0 Vancouver, 24 companies Mine +his crude oil imo hundreds ‘ ofuseful oil prodycfssiy” Compe’rifion is +0th ih’rhe oil businessjoo. While we believe Imperial is fhe best oil company in Canada, i’r'S Far From the , , h only one.We're besef on all sides by healthy compefi’rors. IMPERIAL on. LIMITED 3; In all 0? Canada. scores in“ 1 Wing companies compete for the mo’rorisr's__ «. and home owner's dollar. ‘ From Mafifimes +0 BriHsh Columbia more+han 240 companies are compefing in the semi: Fogcgude 09.1% Pm Couples Clurb The regular monthly meeting of the Couples Club was held last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Johnston at Gorm- ley. The Scripture Lesson was read by Margaret Rumney. Rev. A. Huston led in prayer. Mrs. Garnet Francy gave an'illustrat- ed travellogue of the trip she and her husband and Mr. and Mrs. Herman Mortson took dur- ing the winter months down through the Southern United States and New Mexico. ‘ In the absence of the presi- dent, John Buchanan, vice-presi- dent Lloyd Tennyson took charge States and New Mexico. In the absence of the presi- dent, John Buchanan, vice-presi- dent Lloyd Tennyson took charge of the business. Memorial Service will be held in Victoria Square United Church on Sunday. June 5 at 2:30 pm. Rev. A. Huston will be the speaker. The guest soloist will be Miss Carol Babcock, of Richmond Hill. A special of- fering will be taken at this serv- ice for the cemetery mainten- ance. Baby Band Party The annual Baby Band Party will be held in the Sunday School room on Saturday June 11 at 2:30 pm. The guest speak- er will be Mrs. J. G. 'Lundy, Baby Band leader of the Toronto Centre Presbyterial. The W.M.S. members and the Mission Band are invited to attend. There will be a Baby Band graduation when children will graduate from the Baby Band to the Mission Band. Sympathy Sympathy is extended to Mrs. R. Perkins and family in the passing of Mrs. Perkins’ mother Mrs. J. Lunan, who was in her 90th year. Church News Lovell’s Tee-Vee & Radio Service All Work Guaranteed Tee-Vee Service Warranty 24 Hour Service ‘ EVERY PASSENGER 7;; FULLY INSURED ,; NEW CARS "’5 LOW RATES Weddings, Funerals, Out- of-town Trips The guest soloist at the church 1 Year JIFFY CABS GARDEN AVE. RICHMOND ‘HILL HA RDWARE 24 YONGE ST. SOUTH RICHMOND HILL TU. 4-2101 Richmond Hill A TU. 4-1731 ' LAWN-BOY LAW’N-BOY beluge 21'. CORRESPONDENT: Mrs. -W. Sandle. Victoria Square Telephone Gormley 5421 51 HALL ST. TU. 4-3290 5104.50 HEATING & APPLIANCES flil Burners Installed & Repaired " Furnaces Vacuum Cleaned Over 25 Years In Business HENRY SEARLE 3.9 5:5“ WWM/ with " g features The (5mg We 6,. “A [W VICTORIA SQUARE NEWS , A. Huston will be The guest soloist Carol Babcock, of 11. A special of- taken at this serv- cemetery mainten- $50.00 Plumbing & Heating WEE". fab-Thr'rif 1'83. J. FOX & SON rAV. 5-1691 TU. 4-1610 LAWN-BOY service on Sunday afternoon was Miss Vera Roseinsky of To- ronto. Miss Roseinsky is a grad- uate of Victoria College, Univer- sity of Toronto. also a Gold- Medallist in .Music. Sr. Women’s Institute The June meeting of the Sr. Women‘s Institute will be held on Tuesday evening. June 7 at 8 pm. at the home of Mrs. Arn- old Mortson. Roll Call. “My Wedding Bouquet". Mottoâ€" “God gave us memory so that we might have roses in December.” will be given by Mrs. R. Brum- well. Mrs. F. McRoberts will give a report of the Institute Rally. There will also be in dem- onstration. Hostesses will be Mrs. A. Mortson, Mrs. N. Boyh- ton and Mrs. M. Jarvis. Neighbourhood Notes "if sfipfieieidy fééoiléfs' is wished for Marcus Jarvis who has been ill with the measles. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Boynton attended the Graduation Exer- cises of the Graduating Class of the Grace Hospital, Torontp._ mi‘rienrdsi of Mért. Brown will be pleased to see that he i; able to be out again following his re- cent illness. Dr. E. E. Kent of Thornhill visited last week with Rev. and Mrs. A. Huston and Betty. Miss Grace Boynton arrived by plane from England on Satur- day. Grace spent the past five iveeks with her cousins in Eng- and. Birthday greetings to Betty Glover for June 4; to Mrs. Carl Walker for June 6; to Mary Lynn Snider who will be 4 years on June 7. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rumney have moved into their new home which they recently built._ Mr. and Mrs. Sam Ritchie and family of Toronto, Mrs. Cud- more of Ottawa visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Nichols and family. Mr. and Mrs. John Empring- ham, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Empring- ham and girls called on Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Mason, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Forsythe of Agincourt on Sunday afternoon. R. E. Sanderson and Miss‘Ma- bel Sanderson, Mr. and Mns. Larry'Sanderson. Gail and Lynda spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Will Thompson and family at Oro Station. ‘- Miss Vera Roseinsky of Tin-on- to spent the weekend with Miss June Collard. Several windows in homes in the community were broken or knocked out by the hall storm on Saturday afternoon. Jim Dennis and Maurice Farquharson' had their silos blown down by the strong wind. 7574,50 Mrs. Nellie Snider. Mrs. D. Parsons, Mrs. F. McRoberts, Mrs., R. Brumwell and Mrs. S. Boyn- ton, attended the Sr. Women‘s Institute Rally at Aglncourt on Wednesday of last week. The Sr. Women's Institute members from Victoria Square attended the 25th anniversary of the Stouffville Sr. Women’s In- stitute on Monday afternoon at Stouffville. LANGSTAFE 'POWERFUL 2 ELF. 24ycle Iron-Horse engine. COMBINATION Choke & Stop-Swath. NON-CIOGGING HOUSING AUTOMATK RKOII. STARTER OFFSET WHEELS prevent sculping FRONT 8. SIDE TRIM â€"no hand trimming. [OW-TONE muffler HANG-UP STORAGE SAlES 8. SERVICE in your community. These rugged Lawn-Boys adapt ; themselves to all ‘ conditions. The ofl' set wheels ride smoo‘thly over bumpsâ€"contours. SAT.. JUNE 4, 1955 â€" Auction Sale of Household Furniture, etc., at Prentice's Auction Rooms Franklin House. Markham, Ont., property of Lee Foster and oth- ers. Sale at 2 p.m. Terms cash, no reserve. Ken 8; Clarke Pren- tice. auctioneers SAT.. JUNE 4 â€" Auction sale of Household Furniture. electric refrigerator, Westinghouse; elec- tric stove, Westinghouse; dining- room Chesterfield suite; bedroOm sets, dishes. glassware. carpen- ter toolsI cooking utensils, 1947 Mercury Truck, 1,5 ton. The Estate of the late Orla Heise, 1/2 mile west of Victoria Square, at Lot 26. Con. 3 Markham. Terms cash. Sale at 1.30 D.S.T. Alvin S. Farmer, phone Stouffville 5311. M of two barns â€" 40x80. 20x50; pig pen 20x30: feed barn 15x20: garage 20x30 (near new): cement block silo 13x35: 165 ft. B. T. lit- ter carrier track and long hang- ers; water bowls: 28 stanchions; head rail, partitions and ends; 2 steel bull pens; 2 steel calf pens. Also the 26x32 insul-bric house. The property of F. Pow- ell on No. 2'7 Highway. 2% miles south of No. 7 Hy. on the Bruce Naylor Farm. Note: These buildings and stable' equipment are in extra good condition, buildings vacated July 30 to move. Terms cash. Sale at 7 p. MON.. JUNE 6 â€"- Auction rsalre m. shar'p (twilig t). Atkinson, auction ers. SAT., JUNE 11 â€" Auction sale of farm implements, Woods threshing machine. Co-op tractor, farm machinery, furniture, etc. at Lot 20, Con. 3, North York TWp., on Finches Ave, IA mile west of Dufi'erin St. Property of W. J. Buchanan. Sale at 1 pm. Terms cash. No reserve. Farm sold. Ken 8: Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. SAT.. JUNE 18 â€" Auction sale of two properties and house and household furniture. electric stove, Findlay cook stove. piano, dishes, antique articles and gar- den equipment at lot 11. rear Con. 2 on No. 7 Highway at Con. 3 Markham Twp. The property of W. C. Gohn. At same time and place will be offered for sale, subject to a reserve bid, part will be offered for sale subject to a reserve bid, part of lot 11, Con 2 east consisting of two 14 acre lots with 105 ft. 6 inches frontage each, on curve at Con. 3, with two dwellings of six rooms each. One with double garage and one with single, plus other outbuildings. Will be of- fered separately. Possession on one immediately, the other can a. FARM IMPLEMENTS. .I’ TRACTOR, : é THRESHING MACHINE, Y FURNITURE. ETC. ' The property of - W. J. BUCHANAN Lot 20, Con. 8 W., North York Tp SATURDAY. JUNE 11 Machinery 1 No. 2 Co-op. Tractor on rub- ber. in good condition 1 Buck Rake to fit tractor 1 Oliver 2-furrow Tractor Plow, near new 1 IHC Tractor. Cultivator, 8’, spring tooth, good as new Bissel Tandem Disc Harrow Wood Threshing Machine 21 x 36, with clover attachment, grain elevator in exceptional- ly good condition 100’ Endless 6 inch 4-ply rub- ber drive belt 10 inch Fleury Grain Grinder Small Grain Grinder 6' M-H Mower 7’ M~H Grain Binder good 10' Steel Dump Rake 13-disc M-H Grain Drill 13-tooth MH Culitvator - Fleury Walking Plow 3-drum Steel Land Roller Hay Loader "t 1 Set 3-sec. Heavy Drag Harrows 1 Set 4-sec. Light Drag Harrows 1 Set 3-sec. Spring Tooth Har- rows 1 Buggy 1 Heavy Farm Wagon with springs & box. good 1 Rubber Tired Wagon and Rack Other implements 1 M-H Manure Spreader 1 M-H Corn Binder 1 M-H Corn- Cultivator 2 Set Sloop Sleighs 1 SetdWagon Wheels and axles, 00 HH HHIâ€"‘HHHHHHO‘ H 1 utter 1 Wagon Box 1 IHC 5’ One-way Disc Fanning Mill Wheelbarrow Set Weigh Scales Several Oil Drums No. of 8x8 Pine Timbers, new No. of Sacks No. of Cotton Grain Bags 1 Rope, and block and tackle 1 Fence Stretcher 1 Underground 100 gal. Gasoline Tank with pump 1 Pump Jack 1 Pile of Good Fence Rails 1 Speed Jack No. of Fence Anchor Posts 1 Work Bench Quantity of Fire Wood Several Piles Scrap Iron 1 Riteway Milking Machine, com- y plete With 1 sihgle unit 1 Electric Motor 60’ 1 inch Line Shafting, com- plete with pulleys Forks, shovels. tools and other implements Furniture Chest Drawers Bed Spring Rolls Linoleum Empire Kitchen Range, good Dressers Kitchen Cabinet ‘34. Bed with spring and spring mattress v Upholstered odd chairs Small Parlor Tables 1 Glass Top Cupboard 6 Dlning Room Chairs Quantity of other furniture. tab- NN HHNHNlâ€"IH Jas. Smith, clerk KEN & CLARKE PRENTICE, Auctioneers‘ Milliken. ph. AXminster 3-5987 Markham. phone Markham 346 les, etc. 1 Fumed Oak China Cabinet 1 Music Cabinet 1 Fumed Oak Bufiet 1 Round Oak Dining Room Table Terms cash, No reserve. Sale at 'AUCTION SALE IMPORTANT SALE REGISTERS Sellers be arranged. Ten per cent of the purchase price on day of sale. half cash within 30 days. Balance can be arranged. These proper- ties are valuable in that they are on the corner of No. 7 Highway with excellent service station or commercial possibilities. Prop- erties to be sold at 3 o'clock on day of sale. Terms on chattels cash. Sale at 1 pm. A. S. Far- mer, auctioneer, phone Stoufl- ville 5311. WED, JUNE 22 â€" Important auction sale of registered Hol- steins and Guernseys, fully ac- credited. vaccinated, R.O.P.. 1m- plements. M-H tractor No. 44, power mower. binder. side rake, tractor spreader, plow, ‘double disc, fertilizer grain drill, Surge milker, milk cooler. electric oat roller. silo,‘ Beatty stable equip- ment, dairy equipment, litter carrier. feed carriers. etc. (see bills for details). at,Elhara Farms on lot 11. con. 4, North York. Don Mills Rd.. 1 mile south of Sheppard Ave., property of Har- ry J. Addison. No reserve, farm sold. Terms cash. Sale at 12.30 pm. Sellers & Atkinson. auc- ‘tioneers, phone Agincourt AX. 3-4771. L. Turner. clerk. STUART PAXTON Electrician WIRING LINE WORK ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS Phone TUrner 4-2881 BARGAINS IN OTHER SIZES TOO! W NO CHARGE FOR MOUNTING â€" N0 EXTRAS OF _ANY KIND THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, June 2, 1955 ow valuable is your driver’s licence? Does your iob or business depend on it? Do you really need to drive? Does that vacation you are planning'includx the operation of your car? ,THINK Don’t take your licence for granted; The operation of a motor car or motor truck is a privilege which can be suspended. __ REMEMBER Your driver’s licence will be suspended if you are convicted of a criminal offence or of any offence arising out of an accident. 21,000 licences were suspended in 1954. Many of those whose licences wgre suspended lost their jobsâ€"others had to find a new line of business. What would YOU do without a driver’s licence? THINK and keep‘ybur licence; PAT DECIANTIS Building Repairs and Alterations DECIANTIS - RICE Flagstone Walks and Walls Drain and Concrete Work General Contractors TUrner 4-2741 F. L. LOWRIE R.0. - OPTOMETRIST will be at 41 Yonge St. S., firs! door north of new Bank of Nova Scotla From 9.30 am. to 12 noon and the 15% and 3rd Wednesday of each month Broken Lenses Replaced Optical Repairs Prescriptions for Glasses Filled Home 03. 3242 Yonge Stg'eet Opp. Park Theatre HU. 8-8949 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 15 EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED MINISTER JIM RICE

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