II lounge 3!. 3. Richmond Hill, Ontario Phone With the approach of the Ontario provincial election. it is interesting to note thepart local ratepayers associa- tions are playing in promoting: public, service meetings in the riding: Across the North York ,area,.prope1‘t_\' owners" associations and ratepayers groups are enabling then-.membeits to hear the can- didates seeking election‘discuss ,their respective policies . . . . . l 7. .. The taxpayervisplay-ing~an-i11c1jeas~ ingly important role in ~the- everyday life of the provinces andlof» the entire country. Therefore it is appropriate that groups representing- this~in1port~ mt e‘lemert in- our society should spon- nor meetings of this nature. Until- re- cent years, politics were the chgef con- In contrast. the Liberal Party plodâ€" ged itself to support a mdistrihulimi of taxes to remove the heavy burdrm from the home ownet; Education and \rcl- fat-e would be shifted to the u‘enoi‘ul 1'3"; level. which is only fair. for all Ontario‘s citizens receive the advantages of these services. whether or not they are prop- Qrty owners. ' Such a shift of tax levies as admâ€" «ted by the Liberal party would do It is evident that ()ntxr'iol: administration plavs nnihim-c i" in the line of province-municipuI tions, nothing to immune {I‘D .w. rite educational trends. nothing- municipalities in meeting the 9:10 tax burdens â€"â€" in short. the non Ontario are being offered nothing than they have at present. With the date of the forthcomin Ontario election just one week awn) the Conservative government. its pren' ier and its candidates, are still conlen to say to the electors “Look at our re; ord. it speaks for itself". It does SDL'Jl for itself in effect â€" it may l)" inl‘cl'rc from this statement that the ('3m‘(‘l‘\'zl tives are quite satisï¬ed about the (an rent burden of municipal taxation 3 comparison with general taxe: 4;: may gather that the pi'escnt‘lfrmt rd ministration is quite proud of the 1' grade movement in education â€"~ 521 l' the record does speak for i: ':'1'. 0111-2; 10': taxpayers are hearing: the nrnm': of nothing better â€" they are only 1):.2; told that the record is there, there i nothing better to ofl‘er. No.1 ouTsIDE WHITE PAINT This is the outside white paint that has long been preferred by' many professional painters. And now "it is in great demand by homemmers. 1 gal. ' $1 Ryan are planning to paint your home this year, 1 m suggest that you come in todayâ€"while we qt' ' s I†have complete stocks. RICHMOND E‘iiii HARDWARE STAN WNW? LONGER M008 AND MOULD RESISTANT WY m APPLY won 308%: on CRACK HST DRYING THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, June 2, 1955 Subscription Rate $2.50 per year; to the United States $3.00; So Member Audit Bureau of Circulations ' Member Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association J. E. SMITH, M.P., Publisher ‘ DOK, Editor ALVERNA SMITH, Associate Editor Telephone TUrner 4-1261 “Authorized as second class mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa†An Independent Weekly: Established 1878 H 05112 iihetal t the Co about t pal taxa ll taxes esentj‘r ml of th 2601) â€"â€" ook At Our Rgcord" An Important Role ontent t0 lie, 01 more cern of a select group, monied interests and those of higher social standing. Recent advances in social and industrial development, however, have brought about a renaissance of political interest and responsibility on the part of the av- erage citizen. Ontario’s citizens in the days of Upper Canada rose up‘in rebellion ag- ainst the Family Compact government and handed down to their descendants a. heritage of. government by represenâ€" tation. It is every citizen’s duty to exercise his orher franchise and it is to the credit of any organization to enâ€" courage Canadian citizens to take a conscious interest in their government and to justify the struggle for respon- sible government by going to the polls. 7 The federal government has 'made it much easier for a small wage earner to own his own home â€" the Liberals in Ontario want the opportunity to co-onâ€" erate with federal authorities in mak- ing it easier for a man to carry the ex- pense of maintaining a home. The eas- ing of the tax load on real estate would have the advantage of encouraging home ownership in Ontario. A com- munity of owner-homes gives added so- cial stability -â€" yet with the present burden on real estate taxes. this desir- able widescale ownership is restricted to a limited group. _ The Liberals are advocating chan- ges in many ï¬elds, but most important, at the municipal ‘level, where so many injustices lie. -A government with new ideas can mean a vigorous new approach to the problems of Ontario -â€" a govern- ment which is content to rest on its laurels cannot expect the support of an intelligent and vigorous electorate. muc‘h towards the foundation of a solid social structure. Families ï¬rme es- tablished in a community are a much happier group than those who for Tea- sons of living accommodation ï¬nd it necessary to move from place to place. The. mam who must leave a community because of lack of accommodation of: ten ï¬nds it difficult to re-establish in a new centre and to ï¬nd new employment. A family unable to locate a home or‘a job becomes the responsibility of the municipality, thus causing a. fluctuating N0. 1 GLOSS WHITE 10111311 lgal. - $6.95 1 (It. - $1.98 5c single copy TU. 4-2101 /MEMBER‘ UDIT ,Incuunofls UREAU York County Council Tuesday accepted a recommendation by the Attorney-General’s Depart- ment that the 150 year old force cease to exist on September 1. Ever, since the County was split by the establishment of Metro, the fate of the force'had been uncertain. Council in re- peated briefs to the Attorney- General‘s Department indicated that it could not pay the operat- ing costs of the 16-min police department. Chief function o! the to the last 10 years has heel of escort and court duties The Attorney General's partment indicated that it place four members of the Council will endeavour to York County Police Depart- ment, one of the oldest law en- forcement bodies in Ontario, is to be disbanded. Interest on Bank Loan . Miu‘ellaneous Council Agrees To Disband Police Force In York County General Government Salaries 8: Allowances . . . . . . . . . . . . Printing. Postage, Telephone, Advert'g Insurance Election Expenses Planning Board Maintenance - Municipal Hall . . . . . . Miscellaneous . Discount on Taxes .‘ County Rates Balance of 1954 Levy 1955 Levy . . . . . . Richmond Hill Village Mill Rate Protection to Person: t Property Fire. Dept. Salaries Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . Maintenance - Truck Insurance & Telephone . Hall Repairs . . . . . A . . . . . Hydrant Rental . . . . . . . . Debenture Pnyments Principal Interest .. Excavating it; Grading Front-End Loaders & Trucks For Hire 6'1 Crosby Ave., Richmond Hill BA. 1-4144 TU. 4-1764 SOIL INVESTIGATIONS and TESTING LTD. Free estimate! on son boring: Ind diamond drilling any-when in Out. HEAD OFFICE - 5 Yonge St 8.. Box 747, Richmond Hill TORONTO AREA ours"): um TUrner 4-2751 \, mu no “d "k '" Richmond um ‘g zzm'm 3310. Mobile Unit W. J. 3-1905 Public Health Hospitalization . . . . Social Weliaire Direct Relief . . . . . . . Post Sanatorium Care Charity Recreation & Community Scrvice Public Library . . . . . . . . , . . Village Park Street Lighting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Building Inspector ‘Expenses Public Works - ' Salaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3,225.00 Streets «5: Sidewalks - subsidized 25,000.00 Streets 8: Sidewalks - non-subsidized 13.000.00 Truck Operation ..; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,500.00 Education ' Public School Board Levy . High School Board Levy .. Separate School board Levy Sanitation & Wute Removnl Garbage Collection Disposal Plant Operation Sewer Maintenance Police Dept. Salaries â€". . . . . . . . . . .. Mileage . . . . . . Office Expenses . . . . . Equipment a; Uniforms LOAM * T6? SOIL *VFiLil; SAND * STONE * GRAVEL '. WILSON. Viee-Preddent A General Manner DALTON HICKS the force in (Continued from p53. 1) EXPENDITURES been thii De- could force. place Nine girls from the C. G. I. T‘. group of the United Church and their leader Mrs. A. Martindale. ‘Awound up the.year‘s activities last Saturday with a hike to the west branch of the Don River. Many flowering trees and wild- flowers were out. the most not- able being huge clumps of yellow ‘water iris just coming into bloom. Virginia Peak and Ida Hawes were the winners of a nature identification contest. One of the most enjoyable as- pects of the hike was dinner' ‘cooked over an open fire. United Church C.G:|.T. Outing other members on other police forces. ~ $15, 384.00 2,100.00 1,100.00 800.00 300.00 2,300.00 1,110.00 76,619.20 28,984.88 8,718.69 27,673.56 10,960.00 2,500.00 650000 400.00 48,903.71 39,726.72 2,500.00 500.00 300.00 380.00 300.00 1,200.00 5,200.00 5,000.00 1,500.00 2.500.00 300.00 100.00 3,493.12 1,800.00 200.00 $347,338.88 $ 23,094.00 109,097.20 36,392.25 14.510.00 3.200‘00 1.800.00 88,630.43 300.00 910.00 43,725.00 11,700.00 2,200.00 2,900.00 2.00000 1,700.00 5,180.00 Richmond Hill. 0ntario THURSDA CON WUMPHE MONDAY. . TUESDA Fine Workrr JOB PRIN TI Telephone TUmer 4-1212 6‘ 2 SHOWS DAILY 7-9 pm. Saturdays & Holidays â€" 6 pm. I he best-selier that rips the steel Matches off a ship and reveals the raw emotions seething beneath her decks! llU szuiar Admission Prices nA‘7 Liberal†- TU. 4-1261 m ROBERT FRANCIS ~ MAY WYNN NG REQUIREMENTS hip â€" Reasbnable Prices SATURDAY â€" JUNE 2. 3 Y, WEDâ€"JUNE 6, 7, 8 Diredzd by WWM :N 2nd ALBERT R. angï¬cw MW R0880?! mpumqmwmwom -w~mm i' ASTNWWPROO.