Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 2 Jun 1955, p. 5

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I: RICHMOND HILL . . (in the McLatchy Block) - FORMERLY JEANMARIE FASHIONS Will give FREE for every $10.00 purchase or over â€" 1 pair of nylons . A Free Rose For Every Customer Ofier Good For'Fir'st Three Opening Days 78 Yonge St. South Richmond Hill ‘ TU rner 4-2961 £-uuuuummuumuuun“umuuua\mummmuumumm . ‘\\\\\lnnmummmmlmmumunuuumm1m1mnmmnmmnmuuumu ‘ mummmmmumlmmmmuummumnumummmmmmnummnmn Members of the Richmond Hill Lions Club held their an- nual Club Church Parade to St. Mary's Anglican Church last Sunday morning when they at- tended the 11 am. service. Piano Tuner & Technician Authorized Dealer For Mason & Risch New Pianos The Rev. David McGuire, of St. Ti iotliy‘s Anglican Church. Toronto, is to be the guest prea- cher on Sunday morning at St. Mary's Anglican Church, Rich- mond Hill. The Iris display on Centre St. west in the gardens of Mr. Mur- ray Smith is now at its best and anyone interested in seeing the display may view hundreds of named ~varieties. YERY LIBERAL TRADE- IN -ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD PIANO Miss Eleanor Smith is enjoy- ing a two-week vacation visiting in {Miami, Florida, Washington. DC. and Elmira, NY. She is accompanied by Miss Joyce Mc- Donald of Toronto. Among those from Richmond Hill attending performances of thé Metropolitan Opera Company in Toronto last week were Mrs. Eugene Lazar, Miss Freda Lag- erquist and Mr. Donald Leno. Any W. I. members who plan to attend the Institute Picnic, June 23. and who have not noti- fied those in- charge. are asked t0 Bill Turner of Rumble Ave., left Monday morning to spend a few days in Sarnia, Ont, on a business trip. Lions Hall Mrs. I. Spooner, Ealing, Lon- don, was a recent guest of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Hunt. 85 Hunt The Well Baby Clinic will be held Monday, June 6, at the Street Reconditioned pianos for sale or rent 26 Grace St., Newmarket Phone 80 OPENING SPECIAL Cartoon Cartomi GIRL FROM GUNSIGHT Cartoon News Cartoon KEN PONTING EoHifiEi Mrs. Jarfies Pollard Tues. Wed. JUNE 7, 8 MAN ON THE EIFFEL TOWER (Technicolor) Charles Laughton Franclmt Tone JUNE 2. 3 CAPTAIN HORATIO HORNBLOWER (Technicolor) Gregory Peck Virginia Mayo Sat. Mon. JUNE 4, 6 TAKE CARE OF MY LITTLE GIRL ALONG THE GREAT DIVIDE Kirk Douglas Virginia Mayo mm (Technicolor) Ronan Reagan Rhonda Fleming Thurs., Fri. JUNE 9, 10 TROPIC ZONE (Technicolor) Joanne Crain Dale Robertson RIVER BEAT uuuuuluuuuuummuuuuumlmuumnnummumllmwmmumummnml1uuu“aluminiumumuuumiuu\umg Phyllis Kirk John Bentley Thurs.. Fri. The leonl ls always glad to receive soda] and personal items for this me and a all to TUrner 4-1261 will receive com afieltiou. M newspaper will also welcome new: report about church organizations .wom’l ud IIOI'I M lodges and other group. While my will be ne- cepted up to Wednesday 0! «ch week, It h dcdnblo mhavcnmcuflerflmmbmhnw cation. BEGINNING JUNE 2 The .Patti-Lu Shop Smith is enjoy- vacation visiting (Ia, Washington. a. NY. She is News News 'ews In aid of Guide 8: Brownie work the local Association held a very successful Garden Tea at the homelof Dr. Lillian Lang- staff on Saturday May 28th. There were displays of badges and awards, the Brownie nature collection and their banner which won points a the Rally. Commissioner Mrs. Ernest Red- elmeier, Dr. Lillian Langstafi, and Miss Edna Izzard welcomed the guests. The pretty tea table A theatre party of members of the Richmond Hill Curtain Club attended a performance of Hay Fever at the Crest Theatre last week. Those attending were Mrs. W. Hall, Mrs. J. Anderson, Mrs. D. ’Gillard, Mrs. W.Thom- son, Mrs. G. Sweeney. Mrs. M. Thomson. Mrs. G. Grierson and Mrs. J. Boyer. Akela Mrs. M. Styan and her Cub Pack were very pleased when Constable R. Robbins vis- ited their meeting recently and gave a most interesting and edâ€" ucational talk on "Safety on the Road, and Dangers of Swimming. District Akela Mary Hood from King, 0nt., attended the Investi- ture. and those invested into 'B‘ pack were John Collier. and Jim Ashworth. on the lawn was presided over by Mrs. R. D. Little, Mrs. T. Lamb. Mrs. Hugh MacKay and Mrs. B. L. Anderson... Mrs. Hickson who has owned the house for the past 12 years plans to move to Toronto short- 1y. At the recent district Guide & Brownie Rally held in Aurora, Richmond Hill First Guide Co- mpany placed 3rd (4 marks below the Richvale Company who won the shield for the North York Division). The First Richmond Hill Brownie Pack placed 3rd in the Division winning two firsts for various events. Mr. and Mrs. Colin MacDon- ald moved two weeks ago from Ottawa to Edmonton where Mr. MacDonald was transferred by the Proctor and Gamble Com- pany. Mrs. MacDonald is the former Sally Hogg of the village. They expect to be in Edmonton six months. Mrs. H. Hickson has sold her home at 29 Centre Street West to Mrs. James Hunter 9f Eliza- beth Street. David Hogg. son of Mrs. Frank Hogg, Richmond Hill, has successfully completed his sec- ond year at Queen‘s University. receiving first class honours in his Honour Physics course. David is, atrpresent, at Lake Erie, where he is working with a lamprey survey project. Miss Norma Gallanger has re- turned from New York City where she attended Miss Beat- rice Ainslee at her wedding last Saturday. Miss Ainslee is a graduate of Richmond Hill High School and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Ainslee, formerly of Richmond Hill. Congratulations are extended to Kenneth Hepburn. son of Rev. J. N. and Mrs. Hepburn. of the Manse, Richmond Hill, who pass- ed with honours. his first year exams in Electrical Engineering at the University of Toronto. Winner of the draw for hand- made Dresden Plate quilt which was drawn for at Richmond Hill Fair, May 23, was Mr. H. Alle- way of Islington. The draw was sponsored by the Marian Guild of \St. Mary’s Catholic Church. Among those from Richmond Hill who attended the Trinity College Garden Party in the col- lege quadrangle last Saturday afternoon were Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hill, Mr. Douglas Hill and Mr. Donald Leno. The Rummage Sale held by Richmond Hill Scout Mothers in the Masonic Hall Saturday. May 28. was an overwhelming suc- cess. Mrs. J. Brodrick conven- ed the committee in charge of the sale. Douglas has received a Fellowship from Trinity where he will attend next year to study for his MA. degree. Douglas Hill. son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hill. Church St, Richmond Hill. grad- uated last week in Philiso- phy and English from Trin- ity College, University of Toronto. Girl Guide Notes To Take M. .4. Degree C. STUNDEN Richmond Hill TU. 4-1245 CARD 0]" THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Bert Peelar wish to express their appreciation for the many acts of kindness, mess- ages of sympathy and beautiful flowers from their relatives and friends extended to them during the recent illness and death of a loving mother. c1w49 Septic Tanks Pumped Drains Cleaned & Repaired 24 Hour Service Lou and I would like to ex- press our heartfelt thanks to the people of Concord and commun- ity for the lovely evening and beautiful gifts. YOur kindness is deeply appreciated. AT HOME Mr. and Mrs. Luke ‘Auckland, King City. will be at home to their friends and neighbours. on the occasion of their 55th wed- ding anniversary, Sunday, June 12. from 3'to 5 pm. and 7 to 9 LUNAU. Harriett Burnham â€" At the home of her daughter, Mrs. R. Perkins, Victoria Square, Thursday. May 26. 1955. Harriett Burnham, wid- ow of Jacob Lunau, in her 90th year. dear mother of Mrs. R. Perkins (Alice) and Mrs. Ev- erett Brown (Greta). Funeral from Wright & Taylor's Funer- a1 Home, Richmond Hill, on May 30. Interment Victoria Square Cemetery. CARD 0F THANKS Mrs. Nelson Street and Mr. and Mrs. C. Street wish to ex- press their heartfelt thanks to all the friends. neighbours and relatives for the many acts of kindness extended to them dur- ing their recent sad bereave- ment. Also thanking all who sent cards. letters of sympathy and beautiful floral offerings. AT HOME Mr. George Sims. 46 Denison Rd. W.. Weston, will be at home and pleased to receive friends who call on the occasion of his 80th birthday, Tuesday, June 7, 8-10 pm. *lw49 CARD 0F THANKS clw49 PUTERBAUGH. Alvin â€" On Sunday, May 29, 1955, Alvin Puterbaugh. Lot 13, Con. 5, Vaughan Twp., in his 82nd year. Funeral service at the home of Mrs. A. W. Lawrie. Maple. Wednesday. June 1. Inâ€" terment Lutheran Cemetery, Sherwood. *1w49 Carl French wishes to thank friends and neighbours for their many kind acts shown to him during his stay in the hospital. *1w49 CARD 0F THANKS Mrs. Percy Basinger would like to express her appreciation for the many kindnesses extended to her during her recent illness. Mrs. Percy Basinger c1w49 CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Michell announce the engagement of their daughter, Olive Patricia. to William John Saunders. The marriage to take place June 18. 1955, 2.30 o'clock. at St. Paul‘s Avenue Road United Church. Mr. and Mrs. Geo‘rge Gardiner of Toronto. Ontario. announce the engagement of their daugh- ter. Marion Elizabeth to Mr. Morton Albert Charles. Lang- stafl'. son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Charles of Langstafi, Ont. c1w49 L aMARRE â€" Mr. and Mrs. Pierre LaMarre (nee Elsie An- tle) of Richmond Hill are proud to announce the birth of a daughter, Johanne, on -May 27. 1955. at Newmarket Hospital. Mother and baby well. c1w49 BURNIE â€" Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Burnie are pleased to an- nounce the birth of their son. ' James Alfred. May 20, 1955, at York County Hospital, New- market. c1w49 Sanitary Contractor The 286 members of the 1955 graduating class come from Australia, Canada. Germany. Hawaii and the Union of South Africa as well as from 35 states of the Union. Twenty-one differ- ent denominations are rep- resented among the graduâ€" ates, who plan to go to all parts of the world as for- eign missionaries or to var- ious parts of this continent as Christian education wor- kers, musicians. youth work- ers. evangelists, teachers or radio workers. Since it was established 69 years ago. the famous Moody Bible Institute has trained some 58,000 men and women for Christian service. «Engagements Miss Florence Hills, dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Hills Elizabeth Street. Rich- mond Hill. graduates from the Moody Bible Institute, Chicago. Illinois, June 10. Bible Institute Graduate 292mg Sincerely, Dorothy Duke *1w49 c1w49 Light refreshments were serv- ed and the guests studied the pictures which will be exhibited in the library for the ensuing month. The National Film Boérd short entitled “Brush Techniques" was shown, giving the artists present some ideas for water colours to form the coming fall exhibit of Summer Sketches. In the absence of the chair- man, Mrs. Ruth Rabinowitch, Mrs. Rosalind Anderson intro- duced Dr. Lillian Langstafi who spoke briefly on one of the Villâ€" age's oldest landmarks, the resi- dence of.Dr. J. R. Langstafl’ on Yonge Street. Many local artists and mem- bers of the Canvas Club present- ed an exhibition of "Landmarks" in Richmond Hill Public Library on May 25. William John Nelson Street, resident of Richmond Hill for the past 34 years, died at his home on Markham Road, Thurs- day, May 19, in his 7lst year. Mr .Street had been ill for two weeks but had enjoyed fairly good health prior to his death. rnd Miss Edna Izzard. It was a fortunate circumstance that the bird was still in the same vicin- ity for the observers. While the Local Artists Present Exhibit An exceptionally early season has compelled the local commit- tee to advance the Convention dates by one week to June 5, 6 and 7; after having established,- the original dates three years ago. Having t1 5 Convention at the height of ie Iris season is of the utmost importance since a major portion of the program is‘ garden visiting. For the past three years, Iris hybridists from Canada, the Un- ited States and Britain have been sending their newest seedlings so that they would be on View at convention time in the gardens on the itinerary. Facilities at the Royal Botani- cal Gardens, Hamilton, have been used to acquire and dis- tribute some 400 ‘Guest lrises’ to eight gardens in the Hamil- ton-Niagara-Toronto area â€" a considerable feat with import permits, inspection and custom regulations. Born at Newtonbrook on March 23, 1885, he had farmed at Victoria Square; later doing carpentry work following his move to Richmond Hill. He was married in June 1908 to Ethel In the afternoon of Sunday, May 29, Richmond Hill .Naturalâ€" ists met at the Township offices and proceeded to the 7th Con- cession of Vaughan and environs for a bird hike. Fortyâ€"four dif- ferent varieties were identified. The big thrill of the afternoon was, an excellent View of a yell- ow-throated vireo. This had pre- viously been noted a few days earlier by Dr. Lillian Langstafi The engagement is announced of Alice Elizabeth Delf, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Delf of Richmond Hill, to Mr. Bryan Napier Mitchell, son of Mr. and A highlight of the Convention will be the opportunity of dele- Nelson Street Refida’en 0f Village For 34 Local Iris GKWE‘ RMio Guest Of John For the first time in its his- tory, the American Iris Society is holding its Annual Convention outside the United States. Head- quarters for the event this year is the Royal Connaught Hotel. Hamilton‘ The Canadian Iris Society which is Region 16 of the International group. is host to the parent Society. N dture N ates By Richmond Hill Naturalists i ENJOY SMOOTH sm mums! ietie‘s where placed at the service. Interme mond Hill ceme Pallbearers w of the deceased 9 a.m., 1 Hill abou for two rr Members make this Mrs. Pete so that cars may Be arranged 0] Valliere ant his 47th w this month. wife, one s el‘s. He wz Richmond The fune from Wrigh Mrs. Frederick N. Mitchell of Islington. The wedding will take place on Saturday; June 11, 1955, at 7 pm. in_ St. Mary‘s An- glican Church, Richmond Hill. gates to hear the distinguished Irisarian, Harry Randall, Presi- dent of the British Iris Society, who is flyingover to deliver the main address at the final ban- quet, Tuesday evening. In ad- dition, Mr. Randall will have the 'arity, he avc ellow Drive your auto p'ro- blems into US â€" and leaye them here for GOOD! Our reliable workmanship is your best guarantee for safe Huht GENE 00th throat it is z 11 Ric} ichmond Hill TU. 4-3151 Sund: nson iste 2d vireo is not a n unusual sight for )ird-watcher. Sever- ervations Were also indigo bunting. )uld have marked ing anniversary is survived by his L" and two broth- ffiliated with the United Church. service was held rid Taylor Funer- iay, May 22. Rev. 1 officiated at the ent was in Rich- ofl‘lcmted at the mt was in Rich- atery. ere six nephews field trip to ical Gardens, :1 Coote's Par- Cars will Vright Sts., at to Richmond Picnic lunch Id be brought. :15 planning to Lsked to phone at TU. 4-2787 here Speaker: Rev. W. Hiltz Services Sunday, 11 am. â€" Bible School classes for all ages 7 pm. â€" Gospel Service Tues., 8 p.m. “- Young Peop- le's meeting Wed., 8 pm. â€" Prayer Meeting Thurs.. 2 p.m. â€"- Women’s Missionary meeting ‘ SUNDAY, JUNE 5. 1955 11 am. -â€" Morning Worship 2.30 pm. â€"- Sunday School 7 pm. â€"- Evangelistic Service Midweek Prayer 8: Praise â€" Thursday 8 pm. ST. MARY'S CHURCH RICHMOND HILL (Anglican) Rev. A. A. Chute. B.A., B. 111., SUNDAY, JUNE 5. 1955 Trinity Sunday “The Lord is nigh unto'all them that call upon Him“ 9.45 am. â€" Sunday School .11 am. â€"- Holy Communion Rev. David McGuire, Guest Prea- Cher Junior Congregation 7 pm. â€"â€" Evening Prayer The Rector God is a tender Pruner, For He knows Who falsely tender, spares the knife But spoils the rose. SUNDAY, JUNE 5, 1955 3 pm. â€" Bible School â€"â€" Classes for all ages -â€" Come and bring a friend. 7 pm. â€" Evangelistic Service â€" Special Accordian Music ' by' Miss Marylin Lowry Masonic Hall, 15 Yonge St. N. Tues, June 7 â€" Prayer Meeting Detailed announcement Sunday All Welcome SUNDAY. JUNE 5. 1955 Worship Service and Sunday School . . . . . . . . 11 a.m. Women’s Missionary meeting, â€" Wed., June 8, home of Mrs. A. G. Barber, 52 Hall St., Richmond Hill. Sunday, June 12 â€" Children’s Day Service “The Lord is nigh unto htem that call upon Him” (2 miles south of Maple) SUNDAY, JUNE 5, 1955 Church Service 2‘30 p.m Sunday School . . . . . . 1.30 p.m RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. G. Higginson, B.A., B.D., Minister SUNDAY. JUNE 5. 1955 9.45 a.m. â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€" Communion Service 7 p.m. â€"- Evening Service . Dr. George Trimble THORNHILL UNITED CHURCH Minister Rev. E. E. Kent, Th. D. SUNDAY. JUNE 5, 1955 8 a.m. â€" Holy Communion 11 a.m. â€" Morning Prayer THORNHILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. C. H. Chambers, B.A., B.D., SUNDAY, JUNE 5. 1955 Encounters With Christ 11 am. â€"- (5) Our Lady of the Scriptures Fri., 7 p.m. â€" Happy Hour Clos- ing Party Sat, 8 pm. L- Young People‘s Club Hay Ride at Mr. 0. James’ farm, Bathurst St. SUNDAY, JUNE 5, 1955 Sunday School . . . . . . . . 10 3.111 Nursery Dept. . . . . . . . . . . 11‘a.m Morning Worship . . . ... 11 a.m Corner of Elmwood and Ruulex Rev. Earl 8. Bull. Minister Church of the Light and Lil. Hour. CHML 9 Ian. Sunday SUNDAY, MAY 29. 1955 3 pm. â€" Sunday School 7 p.m. â€"â€" Worship Service Messages in song by Miss Mary and Miss Alberta Mof’fatt and TRINITY ANGLICAN CHURCH Thomhlll R07. S. A. R. Wood. B.A.. Rector the minister preaching. Wed., 8 pm. â€"â€" Prayer Meeting A Welcome for Everyone SUNDAY, JUNE 5. 1955 11 am. â€" Sunday School Anniv- ersary Everyone welcome RICHMOND HILL FREE METHODIST CHURCH THORNHILL BAPTIST CHURCH Yonge Street, Stop 17 Minister, Rev. Percy C. Buck, B.A., B.Th. 5 Old Orchard Grove. Toronto RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. N. Hepburn. Minister WILCOX GOSPEL CHURCH Wildwood Ave” Wilcox Lake Pastor Allan Mack RICHMOND HILL BAPTIST CARL E. HILL, M.D.. M.O.H‘ We regret that no other children may receive this treatment at this time. Please be sure that if your child is eligible that he is in school at the hour when the treat- ment is being given at your school. During the period June 7 to June 10. second doses of polio vaccine will be given to those pupils in Grade III whose parents signed request forms for this treatment. Pupils in Grades I and II who were prevented by illâ€" ness from receiving the sec- ond dose previously and for whom consent forms are on file are also eligible to re- ceive the second dose during the same period. ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH DEPT. OF HEALTH TWP. OF NORTH YORK Paston - R. H. Galbraith LANGSTA" BAPTIST CHURCH SUNDAY, JUNE 5. 1955 A Reminder Re Polio ‘~Vaccihe THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, June 2, 1955 31-. nuNAnAs mssmn Anglican Sunday School Langstafl-Richvale District We invite the parents and new- comers of the Community to have their children attend our Mission Sunday School. We meet at 9.45 am. every Sunday morn- ing at 'the Charles Howitt School Every child should come to know the Lord Jesus and be giv- en good solid Christian Instruc- tion. ‘Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is older, he will not depart from it.” SUNDAY. JUNE 5, 1955 Trinity Sunday ‘ 9.45 am. â€" Sunday School Charles Howitt School 11 am. 8: 7 pm. â€" Services held in St. Mary’s Anglican Church, Richmond Hill I am thy God â€" do think of this When all things seem to go Meeting in Concord School House Each Lord’s Day evening at 7 p.m. Gospel Message Tune in CKEY (580) at 9.15 am. Matthew 15:13 â€" Every plant which my Heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up. SUNDAY. JUNE 5, 1955 9.45 a.m. â€"â€"-Breaking.of Bread I1 a.m. â€" Sunday School and Special Speaker: Mr. Ross Gardiner 7 pm. â€" Evening Service Speaker: Mr. Fred Peer { Tues., 8 pm. â€" Prayer & Bible Study Wed., 2 pm. â€" For the ladies â€" children welcome Fri., 7.30 pm. â€" Special Festiv- ities are planned for this closing meeting of the Happy Hour for the summer. All are welcome WONBBOOK m CHURCH One Block Em at You” On Ml‘l'alkl Ave. Stop 118‘ lel' l". Vaughan. 3. Ti. 9.50 am. â€"â€"â€" Sunday School . SUNDAY, JUNE 5, 1955 9.50 a.m. â€" Sunday School Bible Class 11’ a.m. â€" Morning Worship Major Christian Responsibilities Sermon No. 4 “Kindness” 7 p.m.'â€" Evangelistic Service A timely Bible message by the pastor. The Junior Choir will sing. We stand without apology for the faith once delivered to amiss This turns the darkest night to day Saving the heart from sad dia- may. AUTOMOTIVE PARTS & ACCESSORIES Sacrifice at Half Price CARRVILLE UNITED CHURCB Minister. Rev. E. E. Kent. “.0. SUNDAY. JUNE 5, 1955 2.30 pm. â€" Sunday School An- . niversary All Welcome Rev. A. G. Donald. M.C.. Minister Edgeley 9.30 am. â€" Divine Worship 10.20 am. â€"'- Sunday School Hope 9.30 a.m. â€" Sunday School 10.30 am. â€" Divine Worship Maple 11.30 am. aâ€" Sunday School An- niversary Miss Gertrude Patmore of Toronto. Superintendent of Sun- day School in the home, by mail and air, guest speaker. Special music by Sunday School choir. the Saints. Drive-In Church Services begin this month. MAPLE CHARGE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA MILK .. i . & SANDWICHES DISCONTINUED Elgin Mills = For Service at its Best - ; Try Your Friendly Local Dairy mammal) mu. DAIRY SUNDAY, JUNE 5. 1955 PARIS AUTO SUPPLY Richmond Hill TU. 4-1541 n. to? ,4 1752/1756“, awn/x”: Strait/(,1. CHURCH OF CHRIST RICHVALE CHAPEL Oak Avon-o BEDDING PLANTS Colourful Hybrid Petunias TELEPHONE TURNER-44622 Annuals, Geraniums, HANSON & SON re of of Sun- by mail Special choir. MAPLE LEAF TENDERFLAKE Bananas CALIFORNIA NEW New Potatoes Tomatoes' SHERRIFF’S INSTANT Puddings TOP OF THE MORNING Coffee 1323:1336 FIRM RIPE Self Serve RICHMOND HILL Lard Cherry Jam Tomato Catsup gut"- 21c Sardines LIBBY’S Pineapple Juice SUN BRITE SMITH’S AYLMER MILLIONAIRE Margarine MORLEY’S FIRM RIPE SPECIALS Cello Pkg. I 22;: 29c :12.”- 33c 1 lb. Bag 1 lb. Ctn. Pkss. lbs. TU. 4-1171 1 lb. Ctn. 23c 93c 27c 17c 19c 69c 29c 19c

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