Congratulations are extended to. Neil Munro. 72 Grandview Avenue, who graduated from Dental College. on May 27. His parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Mun- ro entertained in his honour, on May 28 at the Four Winds Coun- try Club. Many out of town guests. were present including his grandparents and aunt from Winnipeg and an aunt and uncle from Detroit. Prepare For Pageant - .--.._V- Great activity is going on It Powell Road School r with the preparation of the Pageant to be held on June 14. Each classroom will take part and a treat is in store for all who attend. Child- SATURDAY, JUNE 4. 1955 Property of LEE FOSTER AND OTHERS Property of Lee Foster 1 Westinghousp 8 cu. ft. Refrig- erator (good) 1 Modern Wooden Bed with The First Aid course held by Powell Road Home and School Association proved most success- ful. Results of exams held in March were recently received and of 14 trying exams, 13 suc- cessfully completed the course and were awarded certificates. The Home Nursing Course will be held in the early Fall season. This course will run for 12 weeks two “WE‘VvJ‘r‘L'ly. and for the mall sum of $3.00 I wealth of menu unuhuuflon can be gain- ed. Dental Graduate OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. Westinghouse Refrigerator. etc. at Prentice’s Auction Rooms. Franklin House†MARKHAM VILLAGE and near new 1 Chesterï¬eld Bed 2 Chesterï¬eld Chain 1 Small Writing Desk 1 Parlor rug 10x10 1 Duncan Fyfe Table 1 End Table 1 Floor Lamp 1 Bed Lamp 1 Table Lamp 1 Kitchen Table. gray arborlte top 2 Chrome Kitchen Chair 3 Pair Drapes 1 Spring Filled mattress 1 Electric Rangette 1 Set Limoges China Dishes No. of Odd Dishes 1 Hail Tree 1 Sunbeam Cooker, deep frier 1 Electric Washing Machine. Locomotive, with new electric motor 1 General Electric Floor Polisher new 1 Trunk 1 Kitchen Cupboard 1 Chrome Ash Tray and stand - 1‘Clothes Horse 1 Bedroom Box No. of pictures and other articles Property of Others 1 Living Room Rug 9xi2, wine color 1 Singer drop head sewing ma- chine ] Rocking Chair Other furniture, some garden tools. etc. Sale at 2 pm. Terms cash. No reserve. _ James Smith, clerk Fourteen Pass 7 Test Auctioneers Markham, Ont. Phone 348 Milliken. ph. AXminster 3-5987 For your fuel needs Ca’l JONES COAL CO. TU. 4-1851 We also carry tile- brick, lime, cement KEN 8.: CLARKE PRENTICE, AUCTION SALE springs Modern Dresser. round mirror Modern Dressing Table, round mirror Modern Chest of Drawers Above bedroom suite is good Compare These Rates With Those You 'Are Now Paying â€"â€" Public Liability & Propert}; Damage 5;10i1 . . . . . . . . . . . . $15.30 Collision $100. Deductible . . . $22.10 Fire & Theft ...... . . . . . . $ 2.55 Total ... . . . . . . . . $39.95 Total ... . . . . . . . . $39.95 The above rates are to cover 1954 Chevrolet. Dodge, Plymouth, Pontiac. or any vehicle in this price range operated by}! driver over 25 years of age, and with no claims in the past three years. The balance of our Automobile Insurance rates are comparatively lower than standard rates. Our Policies are issued by a Stock Company through Li- censed Agents. Call or write K. H. Doyle_ 83 Westwood Lane, Richvale, AVenue 5-2067. or Ontario Insurance Service, 62 Richmond St. West, Toronto, EM. 6-9628 ANTHRACITE THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hm, 01mm,7 nursauy, June 2, Richmond Hill BITUMINOUS AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE CORRESPONDENT: MRS. WALTER SANDERS 23 Mendowflew Mad Telephone AV. 5-2116 Pass Test ren will have tlckets rst Aid course held by in the near future load Home and School Celebrates Birthday HIGHLAND PARK NEWS 01' Second Richvale Guides had a successful rally last week, dem- onstrating their skills in sema~ phore, compass, knots and games pertaining to Guide activities. The Bluebird Patrol. Marilyn Taylor. leader, were the winners with 33 points fol-lowed by the Orioles, Peggy Rae Gottschalk. leader, with 30 points and the Scarlet Tangers with 28 points. Mrs. M. Lawson, Mrs. M. Jar- man. leaders of lst Richvale Guide Co‘. were judges. Variety Night Twenty-five Cubs and their leaders enjoyed a trip to Niagara Fal-ls and district last Friday. as guests of the Group Committee and Mother-5' Auxiliary. This was the result of the efforts of the groups to give the boys one special day with no expense in- volved. ’I‘ h e y visited Queenston Heights. Fort George. Brook‘s Monument, the Welland locks Niagara-on-the-Lake. (where the big Scout Jamboree will take place this‘ summer) and Niagara Falls. in this Way they combin- ed educational values with their pleasures, learning much of vital Canadian History pertaining to famous spots. In Niagara Falls they were taken on a most comprehensive trip through the Nabisco Shredâ€" ded Wheat factory, which was a highlight of the day. Each per- son was presented with three boxes of cereal. Cub Badges At the last Cub meeting. Akela Mrs. Smith. presented Kenneth McLai-en with his first star, and Kenneth and Gary Macey, Dean Wainwright and Wayne Zubeck with their lst Aiders badges. Guide Rally Birthday wishes are extended to David Ariss, 19 Meadowview Rd.. who will be two years old on June 4. Entertainment Night On June 15 and 16 Henderson Avenue School will hold its en- tertainment in conjunction with the area-wide programs being carried out. Both evenings, a rhythm band, school choir, minâ€" strel show and various other numbers including song and dance routines will be presented. The Henderson Avenue Senior Boys’ baseball team has been en- joying a steady series of wins. The girls team, however. has been less fortunate and is sulfer- ing the reverse. Annual Outing The date for the Variety night at Richvale school has had to be changed to June 8 or the 9th in case of rain. All the children attending the school will be participating in their first outside public perfor- mance. A special stage will be built. with a sound ‘system. light- ing effects and plenty of seats for the audience. For the sake of the pupils and teachers,.who have spent many hours preparing this evening’s entertainment it is hoped there will be an extra large turn-out. H. A. Martin, Music Supervisor for the Area is in charge of songs and Mrs. Ralph Wood. accom- panist. Admission charge will be 35c to defray expenses of cos- tumes and equipment. which can be used in future years. Personal Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wood, Spruce Avenue, had a family re- union over the weekend, when their daughters and Mrs. Wood’s mother visited them. Joan. and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Mercer, Woodbridge and Kath- leen and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Al Smith, who are now livâ€" ing in Brockvllle, joined Mrs. S. E. Hall in the weekend visit. Mrs. Wm. Webb. Long Island, New York. is staying at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ince. Mr. arid Mrs. L. Burnett and family have driven to Vancouver for a month's holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beatty and their three month old son. Robert JR. visited friends in the neighbourhood over the week- end. They are now living in Royal Oak, Michigan. Their other son. Ronald, is with the U.S.A.A.F. ‘ Many happy returns to Jimmy Gottschalk. who celebrated his 12th birthday last Saturday. Correspondent: MRS. STANLEY FIGHT Telephone TU. 4-3023 RICHVALE have tickets available key to ll plans for Ontario YOU AND YOUR FAMILY beneï¬t in many ways from this Liberal Program. Briefly, it offers you: More hospital beds - help in long-term illness - health insurance for the uninsur- able â€" lower taxes on your home by helping your municipality - increased grants for education - and other important aids to better living. To help lower the ioxes on your home A liberal Government will: Take over and pay all costs of suburban roads; pay for all costs of highway connecting links through municipalities with- in the county road system; take over 10% of c0unty roads; increase grants for township and county roads,- legislate to cut road taxation in towns and villages by at least2 mills. Pay all costs of indigem patients in hospnals Assume the cost of all county and city ioils, as the ï¬rst step in reducing the cost to municipal taxpayers of the administra- tion of iusticeJ I In addition, hold a ProiIincioiimunicipal conference to correct the whole unfair distribution of costs between the Province and the municipalities. litnit powers<of the Ontario Municipal Board so as to give more freedom to municipalities†rote IF YOU HAVE CHILDREN AT SCHOOL FIND PROPERTY TAXES TOO ,/ HIGH . .. ‘ FEAR COST OF LONG ILLNESS . . . WANT HONEST ,â€" HIGHWAY /‘w CONSTRUCTEON «é MUNICIPAL our Liberal Candidate As a ï¬rst step in assisting the municipal taxpayer to bear the heavy cost of education, the Liberal Government will increase the grant for education by $10.00 per pupil. Help to reduce the cost of construction of schools by paying grants on the actual cost and not on a lower assumed cost, and by paying all the Provincial share of school debentures at the time they are issued instead of annually. Improve teacher training and plan for increased school enrolment When the Federal Government is able to institute a nationo‘ wide health and hospital plan, a Liberal Government will fully co-operate. Until it is ï¬nancially possible to institute a com- plete health and hospital plan, a Liberal Government will take the following deï¬nite steps to protect the citizens of this Province from the ravages of accident and sickhess: OWN on f; RENT A HOME 01m“ Provide hospital and surgical insurance at standard rates through existing agencies, including those not presently in. surable because of health, age or non-memberchip in a group. Provide for insurance against the disastrous cost of long-term hospital or medical care, in excess of normal coverage. Pay all costs of maintaining indigent patienis in hospiials, thus relieving hospitals and municipal taxpayers of this burden. WAIT TOO LONG “RN/{Q FOR A HOSPITAL BED... â€â€™ ARE OUT OF A JOB... OI. EDUCATION HEALTH WANT TO BUY AN OLDER HOME CAN'T BUY HEALTH INSURANCE NEED A LARGER OLD AGE ' PENSION . .. Will doubie the grams for hospital construction from the present $1,000 per bed to $2,000. Increase the amount of old age pension: to the needy wifh- ouf charge to the municipalities. Pay half the cost incurred by municipalities for all unemploy- ment relief, including relief to employables, A Liberal Government will: Enable citizens to purchase existing homes on the instalment plan by means of insured mortgage loans. Promote low rental housing for low income families. Pay all the municipal share (799%) of land assembly cost for government housing schemes. Double grants torlocal conservation authorities and assist them to set up parks, playgrounds and other recreational facilities. Take active steps to prevent'the erosion of lake shores and to control floods. Set up a water commission to ensure adequate Water for all areas suffering, or likely to suï¬er, from a shortage. CONSERVATION HOUSING WELFARE