Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 2 Jun 1955, p. 7

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When the Mystery Man is defeated and unmasked, $10.00 cash and a season pass to the lucky one who guesses who he la. WILL IT BE THIS TUES.? 18-Hole Reg. Miniature Golf Course Dpen 10 am. to 11 pm. Dally Golf lessons 1.00 Morning or Afternoon Enroll Now â€" Classes Limited Marty Charles. Morty Charles. Golf Counsellor CLUE: First nlme the same as a hmoun name in English History. On Monday, June 6, at 8 pm. in the Maple Park there will be a meeting to organ- ize the league. Any team in- terested in entering have two representatives at the meeting. ° Tops in Resale â€" Handling Easg gcquofi! ' Yet Rambler Costs Least to Hui/“aim Run! WHO IS MR. ‘X’ $10.00 60 Cycle SAME DAY SERVICE Maple & District Men’s Softball League Oak Ridges Onturio TU. 4-3181 EM. 8-9550 Open 7 mm. - 12 Midnight DAILI Victor Duper Agencies New Work Plumbing 8: Heating Radio .-â€" Wash-r - Repair Set-via Get your form at the door next Tuesday. 310.00 CASH & A SEASON PASS RELIANCE SERVICE STATION DUFFERIN FAIRWAYS GOLF RANGE DUFFERIN ST. AT NO. 7 HIGHWAY Phone AVenue 5-0032 Conversion To TELEVISION ANDREWS 8 GRAY 178 Yonge St. N. :9" on. man- ,M» Richmond Hill, Box 206 Phone TU. 4-1879 Hey Folks! Tune in May!“ on CBC-TV. See TV lisfings for Time and Channel. HUNT 8: COOK MOTORS 'Alterations The grand opening double- header of the K. V. W. Girls' Softball league scheduled for May 25 was called off because of rain. The reeves of the townships of Vaughan, King and Whitchurch, as well as the pipe band from St. Andrews College were to have been present at the opening. However, though the opening was cancelled the games were played the next night. In the first game of the doub- leheader Thursday night, King City defeated Oak Ridges 8-1 in a five-inning game. Doreen Rut- ledge caught the first four in- nings for King City, and was re- placed by Nancy Patton. Lenore Robb was pitcher for King City and others playing were: Lorne Allees. June Peck, Helen David- son. Joan Patton, Alma Cadden, Lin Ralph and Mary Cadden. Coach is John Dew with Carson Bice assisting. The Oak Ridges line-up is: Pitcher, Jackie Miller, who last year pitched her team to the championship; catcher Ann Stewâ€" art; lst base, Diane Coon; 2nd base E. Webb; 3rd base J. Cobb; pearance in Canada for both girls. Wsnufl spam maws The girls, practically born in the saddle, were trained to ride from infancy on their fathers' ranches in Montana. Susan, not con- tent to learn to ride with' the best, had to learn to perform thrilling- ly on the back of a horse going a full gallop. Balanced precariously on the back of a running horse and, at times, supported by her hands alone, Susan gives an almost unbelievable exhibition of per- fect balance and symmetry in motion. ' Gayle and Susan are two of the stars'who will appear with the ents and is known as one of the best in rodeo circles throughout the West. She is a popular figure at many of the established rodeos and her fans in the range country are legion. This is the first ap~ The girls who could pass for teenagers in town except for their western garb are expert riders. Gayle shows the strength and nerve of a man when she mounts and rides the toughest of the buck- ing horses out of the chutes. Susan is the expert trick and fancy r1der.. Gayle Mitchell and Susan Stewart are a couple of ordinary girls in many ways. They have permanents. use lipsticks and nail polish and like pretty clothes. In fact they are just like most other girls in every way except one; they are also rodeo performers. Gay] and Susan are two of the stars who will appear with the famed Cherokee Ranch Rodeo at Pinecrest Speedway. No. 7 High- way. Wed.. Thurs, Fri., Sat. June 16, 17, 18 at 8.30 pm. King 8 - Oak Ridges 1 in K.V.W. League Opener TU. 4-3151 Rodeo A t P inecresl Repairs In the second game, Vellore defeated Richvale 16â€"2. The game went for six innings. Ethel Burbidge pitched and Joan Hefio net caught for Vellore. Other team members are Sylvia Kerr, Agnes Foster, Melva McDonald, Ann Foster, Isobel Bishop, Mar- ion Bishop and Joan Constable. The coach is George Old and manager is Nelson Kerr. Doubleheaders will be played at King every Wednesday even- ing at 7.30 with the official open- ing on June 8. Participating in this afi‘air will be F. Dougherty, post president of the Ladies Fastball Club of Sunnyside, Reeve Elton Armstrong of King Twp., Reeve Ivan McLaughlin of Whtichurch and Reeve Marshall McMurchy of Vaughan Twp. shortstop Shirley Payne; left field Shirley Swan; centre field C. Adamac; and right field Mar- ion Dion. Subs Kathy Coon, Joyce Roffey, B-arb Sangster, B. Mastrey. Pat Fuller and Pat Hutchinson were absent through illness. Pitching for Richvale was Norma Turnbull, catching was Sheila Sutclifie and others on the team were Marilyn Taylor, Jill Facer, Carol Hirtz, June Rose ,Clara Burns. May Spires, Helen Boys. Mary Brennan, Peggy Rae Gottschalk and Gay Lewis. Coach is C. Turnbull, and manager Herb Hudson. The game between King City and Humber Summit May 24 was called in the sixth inning be- cause of rain. Manager Bruce Hall of the King City team says it will have 30 be played again. King City defeated Richmond Hill 6-4 on May 26; Monday, June 6, King City will play the Schomberg team in King City Memorial iPark. Richmond Hill. Winners At Aurora Show The Elgin Mills Girls Softball Club is reforming again to enter into the Markham Softball Leag- ue this year. It may be recalled that the Elgin Mills girls batted their way to victory and the championship last year. A Richmond Hill entry.’ Tarz- an of Richmond, owned by Mrs. J. Probert was awarded first in Canadian Bred, German Shep- hred Class and third in'the open Magiscroft Brackley. a ten month old Labrador Puppy owned by Mrs. Maurice de Chev- igne, Sutton and bred by Mrs. E. C. Noble. RR. 1 Richmond Hill. won his championship in three shows â€" recently complet- ing the championship rating with several wins at the Aurora Ken- nel club show last week, where he was awarded Best of Breed, 2nd in the sporting group, Best Puppy in Sporting Group and Best Caanadian Bred Puppy ,in the show. Brackley has gone Best of Breed in three successive shows. class. 7 Compete For Carling Trophy Elgin Mills Ball Team Organizes This year’s organization will be under the management of Bill Morrison of Elgin Mills and Tom Mashinter will act as coach. Any girls interested in joining the team are urged to attend the first meeting at Richmond‘ Hill Park next Monday night. Pinecrest Stock Car point standing as of May 30, 1955, for Carling trophy are as follows: Jack Cook Barrie . . . . . . .... 50 Bill Hamilton, Guleph .... 43 Fred Burnett. Toronto .... 34 Bill Cromb, Weston . . . . . . . 32 Don Grant, Dunkerron ..... 28 Bob Watson, New Toronto . 24 Jim Hallahan, Etobicoke 18 Bill Hamilton won the May 28 ZO-Iap feature, his first win of the season Somewhere in the vicinity of Beeton, a deer was recently left to die, by an unknown hunter according to a report from the Conservation Officer Fred Mar- shall, Dept. of Lands & Forests. Deer Killed By Poacher Mentioning, also, that tWo small fawns were probably left uncared for, the Officer stated that the wounded deer had sought protection in a fenced meadow near the woods. In mak- ing his investigation, Mr. Mar- shall found the animal suffering from a broken foreleg and loss of blood caused by a body shot. Unable to capture the deer due towet, marshy ground. the Offi- cer left to secure a suitable wea- pon so that it could be humane- ly destroyed. On his return, af- ter a two hour search in the dark. with the help of volunteers, it/was found that the animal had dragged itself under a fence and disappeared into heavy cover to await a lingering death. Acts of this kind are an offence against sportsmanship and ar- oused protests from property ow- ners where the ofience was com- mitted We also make RAILINGS â€" inside & out Budget Plan VISIT OUR SHOWROOM Carrville Rd. & Yonge St. Practice The Junior Boys Class of Victoria Square United Church had hardball' prac- tice last week with the Oak Ridges boys who are mem- bers of the Pee Wee League for this district. Oak Ridges coaches kind- ly gave of their time to help the boys with the basic knowledge of league hard- ball. The Roman Mc-Kee Powâ€" erhouse at last Thursday’s softball game between 'Rich- mond Hill and King City kept Richmond Hill within one run of a tie game. At the game played in Rich- mond Hill park, the final score was 5-4. The complete schedule for the Peel and York County Softball league is contained in this issue. SAVE 50% ORNAMENTAL IRON FURNITURE INSIDE & OUT Richvale Iron Works King City Wins 5-4 Hardball Mr. X To Face Blonde Bomber Van Dyke Matched With Davies It begins to look as if Mr. X, the mystery wrestler, has come to the end of his mat career. at least as a masked man. because next Tuesday at Thornhill mar- ket he will face the tiger of the ring, Alex Jensen, the Blonde Bomber. This is the match all the fans have been waiting for and the promoters have had more re- quests for this bout than any other. Both Jensen and The Mask are of the rough and ready type of grappler and should give the aficianados plenty to get ex- cited about. Even though the fans hate the blonde Swede they will all be pulling for him to pull the mask from the stocky little mystery man. The semi-final is of special in- terest to the fans as it will bring together two very fast middle- The Lake Simcoe District is 'noted for its trout fishing and many good trout streams. For- tunately too, most of these streams are open to the public. thanks to the generosity of the farmer landowners. To main- tain this privilege all care should be taken to respect the rights of the farmer. Acts of vandalism by irresponsible individuals or disregarding the common cour- tesies expected, can easily jeop- ardize farmer and sportsman co- operation. For instance, failing to clear up the ground after pic- nics, trampling down fences, and m01e§ting livestock are a few of the common complaints which should be avoided. Further, the most common cause for break- ing down the spirit of good will. is trespassing on private lands without thought of the owner. What concerns many sports- men as well as members of our own staff, is that a complete dis- regard by certain individuals of the courtesies extended, can eas- ily result in cancellation of priv- ileges for a great number of people. I The Department of Lands and Forests is continually being questioned about the rights of fishermen to ‘enter on unposted Sportsmen Urged To Respect Rights Of Property Owners The midgets were on at Thorn- hill Farmers market Tuesday night and brought down the house with their antics. Referee J-oe Greenfield had quite a time as the little skidgets flitted about the ring, flung each oher all over the place and cut up in general. They also. cut up Greenfield’s shirt, at least they tore it right off his back, and did the fans love it! These little nip- pers certainly were entertaining and will be welcome back at any time. Tommy Tucker managed to pop on top of Big Inch for the fall. Vicious Ring Tactics Midgets Bring Down HoUse WithWiId Antics Thursday, June 2 â€" Richmond Hill at Schomberg Monday, June 6 -â€" Richmond Hill at Nobleton Thursday. June 9 â€" Richmond Hill at Woodbridge Monday, June 13 â€"â€" Richmond Hill at King Thursday,( June 16 â€" Humber Summit at Rich. Hill Tuesday, June 21 â€"- Schomberg at Richmond Hill Thursday, June 23 â€" Nobleton at Richmond Hill Tuesday, June 28 â€"- Woodbridge at Richmond Hill Thursday, June 30 â€" King at Richmond Hill Monday. July 4 â€" Rich. Hill at Humber Summit Thursday, July 7 â€" Richmdxid Hill at Schomber’g Monday, July 11 -â€" Richmond Hill at Nobleton Arts. crafts, games and sports will be fitted to suit all age groups. Hoops and nets for basketball and swings have yet to be. installed. Supplies for the handicrafts must be maintained through the summer. Plans for the summer activities of the Charles Howitt Recreation Association are almost complet- ed and the Association hopes to name the supervisor next week. The Assocation plans to hold a dance at the school this month to accomplish its aims. The Maitland crew visits A1- liston Friday for the Athletics’ first game of the season. Coach Norm Gair hrid the last practice before Friday’s jaunt on Monday night at the Anton arena at 8 p.111. “T... Bill Campbell, Leo Teatro, Steve Kapasky and several other former senior players have lined up with the Aurora Maitlands in the OLA's intermediate boxla loop this season. Plans Underway For Playground Aurora Maitlands In Boxla Loop Tiger Ale} Jensen»again used Peel & York County Softball League 1955 Schedule weights in Harold Van Dyke and popular Bobby Davies. These two had an exciting match here two weeks ago and have been brought back to thrill the fans 'with their fast and furious acttion. Two other action-packed bouts will complete the card. Bobby Pryor, that fast-improving young heavyweight star will be in there against that very powerful weightlifter. Jim Spittles. The other match is of interest to the local fans as it brings together Tommy White. the pasting postâ€" man. who will try to post Basher Billy Foster, the Brampton La- crosse starl All in all it looks like a real attractive ,card, so get there ear- ly and get your guess in the bal- lot box. Maybe the mystery man will get his at the hands of Tiger Jensen. The team match was a real scorcher from start to finish with the team of Chivo Ward and Jack Flicker taking the fall from Bobby Davies and Billy Foster. The fans enjoyed this one as the lightweights flew ab- out the ring with reckless aban- don. Davies shone in this one and is fast becoming a favorlto with Thornhill fans. in the Lake Simcoe District is across private lands and certain- ly the best advice is-to contact the owner wherevervpossible and obtain his blessing. Legal Rights Insofar as legal rights are con- cerned. property owners have the right to lay charges under the Petty Treasons Act and the Game and Fisheries Act. The following, by way of information, is quoted from the latter Act. Section 62a (2): “No person shall hunt or fish or with any gun or sporting implement. fishing rod or tackle in his possession go upon any enclosed or unenclos- ed land or water after he has had notice not to hunt or fish there- on by the owner either by word of mouth, in writing, or by pos- ters or signboards so placed that they may be observed from any poipt of access to the land." Section 62a (4): “Nothing, in this section limits or in any way bfiects the remedy at common law of an owner for trespass.” land as well as whether it is ilâ€" legal to fish and wade in streams. While there may be some legal rulings in some cases depending on the navigabillty of the stream, there is no do‘ubt that in nearly all cases access to such waters his vicious ring tactics on Sciss- ors Greenfield and won the odd fall out of three to take the match. Bennedetto Lima real- ly bulled Jack Dennis about to win the Semi-Final and although Benny did win he had quite a time of it. Thursday, July 14 â€"- Richmond Hill at Woodbridge Monday, July 18 â€"â€" Richmond Hill at King Thursday, July 21 â€" Humber Summit at Rich. Hill Tuesday, July 26 â€" Schomberg at Richmond Hill Standings Standings to the en‘d of May in the Mapleâ€"Klelnbung-Pine Grove-Concord Public School Softball League are as follows: P W L Pt. Concord Pine Grove Maple . . Kleinburg To build house in Richmond Hill in exchange for house and lot in Toronto in full or part payment for same. City house is located on quiet street and is convenient to park, school and direct car lines to downtown. It is semi-detached and has 6 rooms â€" 3 of the rooms and hall have hardwood floors. Iron Fire- man Vortex oil heating with hot air. automatic gas hot water. All windows including basement (ex- cept two) supplied with storms. Laundry tubs and lawn water tap. Building in good repair with new chimneys. Builder’s design, prefabrk ed or sectional material may used for house required. Dr. W. J. HARVEY. I 709 Spadina Ave., Toronto WAlnut 2-1771 GENERAL CONTRACTOR HOUSE BUILDER WANTED Domestic & Industrial OAK RIDGES TU. 4-3075 Softball Alterations THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill, Ontario. Thursday, June 2, 1955 igh. prefabricat- material may be required. HARVEY. 00K PEEWEE LEAGUE June 1 â€" 7 p.m. Oak Ridges at Newmarket June 4 â€" 2 p.m. Aurora at Oak Ridges Newmarket at Richmond Hill June 6 -o- 7 p.m. Newmarket at Aurora June 8 â€" 7 pm. Richmond Hill at Newmarket June 11 â€"- 2 p.m. Newmarket at Oak Ridges Aurora at Richmond Hill Oak Ridges at Aurora June 13 â€" 7 pm. Oak Ridges at Aurora June 15 -â€" 7 p.m. Aurora at Newmarket June 18 â€" 2 p.m. Oak Ridges at Richmond Hill June 20 â€" 7 p.m. Richmond Hill at Aurora June 22 â€" 7 p.m. Oak Ridges at Newmarket ‘ ‘June 25 â€" 2 p.m. 1 Aurora at Oak Ridges l Newmarket at Richmond Hill lJune 27 â€" 7 p.m. Oak Ridges at Aurora June 29 â€" 7 p.m. Richmond Hill at Newmarket BANTAM LEAGUE June 1‘â€" 7 pm. Stoufiville at Aurora June 2 â€"â€" 7 pm. Newmarket at Richmond Hill June 7 â€"â€" 7 pm. Newmarket at Stouffville June 8 â€" 7 pm. Richmond Hill at Aurora Jung 9 â€" 7 pm. PINECRES'I' SPEEDWAY 4 NIGHTS ONLY â€" RAIN 0R SHINE WED. THURS, FRI” SAT. JUNE 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th - 8.30 p.m. Stoufivme' at Newmarket Bobby Davies All Seats 75c Real Cowboys & Girls â€" Many from the Calgary Stampede â€" Riding Wild Buns _ Wild Horses _'- Steer Wrestling -- Bronc Busting -â€" Roping -- ‘ Clowns, Etc. ' THE CRIPPLER OF THE RING Tommy White VS Basher Foster RODEO AT LAST! No. 7 ngy. - 2 miles west of Dufl’erin St. Adults $1.50; Children 75c under 12 years North ’York Minor League Baseball Schedule ALEX JENSEN MYSTERY WRESTLER 20 CHEROKEE RANCH W I L D W E S T Mr. ‘X’ BIG ACTS â€" 20 By Request VS. ‘TIGEI’ Aurora at Richmond H!!! ' June 13 â€" 7 pm. Richmond Hill at Stoufi‘vlllo June 15 â€"- 7 pm. Newmarket at Aurora June 16 â€"â€" 7 pm. Aurora at Newmarket Stoufiville at Richmond Hill June 21 â€" '7 pm. Newmarket at Stoufivlllc Jungzz â€"- 7 pm: Richmond Hill at Aurora June 23 â€"â€" 7 pm. Stouflville at Newmarket Aurora at Richmond Hill June 28 â€" 7 pm. Aurora at Stoufivllle June 29 â€"- ’1 pm. Newmarket at Aurora June 1 ~â€"- 7 pm. Newmarket at Richmond Hill June 6 â€"â€" 7 pm. Richmond Hill at Newmarket . June 7 -â€" 7 pm. .‘ Newmarket at- Oak Ridge: June 8 â€"â€" 7 pm. Oak Ridges at Richmond Hill, June 13 â€"â€"~ 7 pm. Oak Ridges at Newmarket 3 June 14 â€" 7 pm. ' Richmond Hill at Oak RidgesE June 15 â€" 7 pm. Newmarket zit Richmond Hill: June 20 -â€" 7 pm. Richmond Hill at Newmarket; Jupg 21 â€" 7 pm. L Newmarket at Oak Ridges. June 22 â€" 7 pm. Oak Ridges at Richmond Hi": Save this schedule for handy reference Bobby Pryor Jim Spittles VS MIDGET LEAGUE Free Parking Harold VanDyke

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