Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 9 Jun 1955, p. 9

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CorrespOndent: Mrs. Guy Frazer Telephone AV. 5-2467 The executive of the Thornlea Home and School Assoc. met'at the home of Mrs. A. Hunt on John Street recently. It was decided to hold the an- nual picnic on the Leitchcroft picnic grounds on June 29th starting at, 2:30 pm. Every family is asked to bring a picnic lunch and a tea pot. Boiling water will be provided. During the afternoon a scholarship and pins will be presented to the graduating class. The sports committee is planning for games and races for old and young with suitable prizes. Nursery School - - «77.. win...- A “lay-.7 v ...... The pupils and teacher. Mrs. G. Gage, of the Thornhill Nurse- ry School, accompanied by sever- al mothers, visited the Master Ill IIIULHCL a, why-u... Feeds Farm on Monda§imorning. The parents and children were delighted with the different an- imals. I Mrs. Wm. Frazer formerly Jo- an Condon is convalescing at the home of her husband‘s mother, Mrs. Frazer. We are very sorry to hear of a most unfortunate accident, when Bobby Tutt fell from a tree and fractured both his wrists. His small friends wish him a speedy recovery. DISCONTINUED AUTOMOTIVE PARTS & ACCESSORIES County App. Co. Ltd. SERVICE AV. 5-2149 BA. 1-1384 THORNLEA NEWS Sacrifice at Half Price Phone Name Cartoon PARIS AUTO SUPPLY Richmond Hill TU. 4-1541 Cartoon Cartoon JUNE 11. 13 Sat" Mon. STARS AND STRIPES FOREVER machine! Let us demonstrate . . <2; the Merry Txller way to easxer gardening. Call us today! (Technicolor) Ronald Reagan Rhonda Fleming ALONG THE GREAT DIVIDE Kirk Douglas Virginia Mayo Bob Castelletti 6186 Yonge St. WILLOWDALE JUNE 9, 10 Thurs., Fri. TROPIC ZONE JUNE 14. 15 Tues.. Wed. CROSSWINDS John Payne Rhonda Fleming (Technicolor) Clifton Webb Debra Paget News News 8W5 5 - 1076 5r. Langstaff Recalls The Good-Old-DaysaniIlage Lots Of Activity “Being of the older generation it might be of interest to recall something of our loeal history and how we put in our time in the “Good Old Days":â€" Brick Yard Several months ago, the Liberal carried an interesting item written by Dr. Rolph Langstaff of Richmond Hill in which the writer reminisced about the old days in Rich- mond Hill. The article received much interested com- ment from the readers and the Liberal is pleased to pub- lish a second collection of reminiscences of the “Old Days”. Dr. Langstaf’f is a descendant of one of the oldest pioneer families in this area, and at 86 is. still a very keen and ac- tive citizen. I well recall a brick yard we had 75 or more years ago. The land was on the east side of Trench St.. for its full length. The clay was taken out of the south-west section, moulded into bricks and taken on large flat wheelbarrows to the east, facing on Richmond St.. where it was built up into large kilns. The kilns were about the size of a two storey houses. There were hollow channels in the bot- tom and spaces running up through to the top, for the heat to travel. Cord-wood was burn- ed in the hollow channels and the heat travelled to the top thus baking the bricks. My recollec- tion is that it took about ten days to bake the bricks. It was quite a sight to watch the kilns glow- ing on a dark night. When the kiln cooled off the bricks were teamed away, while a fresh kiln was started burning. These bricks were used quite extensively in this locality. On Yonge St. between Wright St. and the Dairy are four houses built of these bricks. The Pres- byterian Manse was another house ,also a house or terrace across the road from the Manse. which has since been torn down. I am of the impression that the two churches, the Presbyterian and the Methodist, built in 1880 were built with these bricks. Churches I understood that the contract price for the Presbyterian church was $8,000. and for the Methodist $18,000. The contractor for the Presbyterian church failed to build for the contract price and had to ask the congregation for more money. The Methodist church was built within the price set. . “Mordecai Kicked Me” I well remember the old frame Methodist church. I attended Sunday school and church at the Presbyterian church in the morn- ing and the Methodist Sunday school in the afternoon, where I belonged to a class of small boys. We sat on broad steps, one above the other ,so that a row of boys had a row of feet at their backs. One day a boy amused himself by kicking me in the back. At each kick my temper went up about 20 degrees. When it got around the boiling point I kept‘ one eye on the teacher and when he turned his head away I wheeled quickly and gave the boy a swift punch on the nose, with my fist. My timing was bad and I was ordered to leave the room immediately. I went down the aisle quite crest-fallen but when I reached the door I called back to the teacher that Mordecai had been kicking me in the back all afternoon. The teacher called” me back and told me to take my place in the class. Now we have the large. con- gregation in the morning. In the old Methodist church the large attendance was in the ev- ening. especially with the young people. “Sunday Romeos” There was a wide sidewalk from the church to the street. After the service and when the people were coming out there would be -a line-up of young men standing along each edge of this walk. These young men were waiting for the young lad- ies to pass. First one young man would step out and then an- other to join‘ up with a young lady until the line was about ex- hausted. The young people were apparently quite as con- cerned with matrimony as they were with the saving of souls. I attended the fire when the old church burned down. I was ten years old and considered it quite a wonderful fire from a boy's standpoint. It was bitterly cold day. below zero. I was so interested in the fire that I for- got to turn my head and had one of my ears quite badly frostbit- SALES 8- SERVICE ten. I remember my father say- ing that he drove nearly 50 miles that 24 hrs. in his practice. Locked Out Speaking of churches: -â€" At‘ one time the Presbyterians and Methodists used the same church. One day the Methodists carried off the key. no doubt forgetting to turn it in. When the Presby- terians assembled for worship they found themselves locked out. As the story goes the Pres- byterian minister got a bit hot under the collar and going down to his shed he returned with a heavy instrument and broke the door in, with the remark that he wished the “Dom” Methodists iwould pay more attention to What th.e'yâ€" were doing The Tannery Another company I have not heard mentioned was the tan- nery at Elgin Mills, run and own- ed by James and Andrew New- ton. They employed from 25 to 40 men, most of whom lived at Richmond Hill. There was a three-foot wide sidewalk from Richmond Hill to the Elgin for the use of these men. The tan- nery was burned down twice. I attended the second fire as a boy and enjoyed the excitement. u...‘ v VJ-.. V, The tan ery was a long build- ing just est of Yonge St., it faced south onto the side road. All along the front upstairs was a long table where the men work- ed shoulder to shoulder prepar- ing the leather. The wives of these men were said to be very fortunate because theirâ€"husbands passed the news and gossip up and down the line, going home loaded to pass it on to their wives. The Old Fashioned Cane ‘ We had four schools situated where the older public school now stands. These schools were strung along in a row like a train of cars. When in the fourth book. now the 8th grade, we were taught some Canadian history. The tea- cher would explain and we were allowed to ask questions. One day when he was speaking of Indians and settlers I asked him what seemed to me to be a sen~ sible question. I asked what was going to become of the Indians on Judgment day? To my sur- prise he became angry and gave me quite a calling down. For a little while I thought I would get the cane, an instrument with which I had more than a bowing acquaintance; however he soon cooled down and all was well. Indians Doomed On No. '7 Highway, out from Langstaff, there were some huts containing Indians. These seem- ed to be a simple inoffensive lot of people. This may have prom- pted me later to ask my Sunday school teacher the same question I asked my day teacher. My Sun- day school teacher was a farmer, an elderly man, with a very ev- en disposition. He gave me a direct and definite answer. He said that all people who were not of our religion would “Perish without the law.” Since there were about 3/1 of a billion people in the world and they had been ‘coming generation after gener- ation for countless centuries, the number to perish became enor- mous, since those of our religion were a small minority. I ran out of figures and gave up. Another thing that puzzled me was the fact that the white man who had robbed the Indian of his country, had destroyed his hunting ground, had introduced fire wat- er, small pox and T.B., and had all but exterminated him was go- ing to Paradise while the Indian was going to perish. Before the advent of the mo- tor car people walked a great deal more then than now. Now walking is not without danger. When I attended High School‘ one lad lived on Bayview. oppos- ite Thornhill. He walked nearly 10 miles return. Another walk- ed from the 5th of Markham, round trip 12 miles. Another walked from Victoria Square and so on. A friend of mine, a Ro- man Catholic, told me that when there was no church here it was not uncommon for parishioners to walk to Thornhill on Sundays to attend Mass. Mr. Dan . . . . . . who generally drove a small team of mules, boasted to me that he could walk from here to Tor- onto market in four hours flat â€" 16 miles. When rather a small boy I used to walk to my uncle‘s who lived on the farm at Lang- staff where the hospital now stands. this farm being our old homestead. The Crow One day, when at my uncle's. my cousin who was pretty well grown up and quite a wag of a fellow, explained to me how he had discovered a way to trap crows without doing them any harm. In proof of this he took me to a pen over the driving shed and showed me about two dozen crows he had trapped. They were cawing and flapping about. I had always wanted a tame crow. I explained this to my cousin adding that I had no mon- ey. My cousin said that if I would bring him a couple of nice chickens he would give me my choice of any crow I liked to pick out. days were short and it was now very dark. I became quite timid about walking home alone. My uncle solved the problem by tellâ€" ing us to ride Fan. the old grew Before many days I returned with two nice chickens (they were not 70c é pound then). I remained for supper. had a vis- it, we got a biscuit box, cut holes in it and collected the crow. The mare. I could ride north as far as I wished, turn Fan around and she would come home and walk up into her stall. I rode up to nearly the foot of Richmond Hill. dismounted, turned Fan ar- ound and she was soon out of hearing. - - .. nu.“ When I arrived home the fam- ily had gone to bed. This did not matter as the doors were left unlocked at night. I placed the box behind the big wood stove in the front hall and went to bed. My father was up in good time and sat in the front hall putting down entries in a large day book. He turned and saw the box. 14" v“. “-.. ...... Had my mother seen the box first it would have been difierent. With feminine intuition and ob- servation she would have noticed the holes in the box. This coup- led with mother love, would have made her wonder what kind of pet her darling boy had brought home this time. With a man it is different. My father picked up the box, off with the lid. out flew the crow. cawing loudly and circling the room near the ceil- ing. About the second time ar- ound over the day book the crow dropped his trademark squarely on the open leaf. This seemed to enrage my father. He opened the door and shooed the crow out. He then asked a ques- tion in a rather loud voice. and as there was no one else in the room, it sounded as though he might be invoking the Almighty. He wanted to know what that “D” boy was likely to do next. Old Friends A farm and its associations that hold 0 good deal of interest for me is the one consisting of 200 acres, extending from Yonge St. to Bayview, and now occupied by the Dunlap Observatory. When younger and driving horses in my practice I used the lane through this farm as a short cut. The farm was owned and operâ€" ated by Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Marsh for many years. These people were special friends of my parents. They had one son who married and lived on the farm and raised a large family. Mrs. Marsh also raised two nieces. John Boyle married one of these. They lived for many years on the farm now owned by the Redelmeiers, sit- uated on the corner of Yonge St. and Maple sideroad. Scott MC- Nair married the other niece. and in their home on the 2nd of Vaughan raised three children“ Mr. Harry Carroll, brother of my wife, Dr. Lillian C. Lang- stai‘f, married one of the Boyle girls, moved to Montreal and there raised two daughters. One of these is married and living in Toronto, and has two children. Thus, using the Alexander Marsh farm as the springboard, so to speak. and emanating from this directly or indirectly there were about two dozen children, quite a percentage of whom, as family physicianI I assisted into the world. When Mr. and Mrs. Alex Marsh retired 64 years ago, they came to live with me in Richmond Hill in the house where Dr. James Langstaff now lives and where I had been practicing for a short time, Mrs. Marsh keeping house for me. The grandchildren 'at- tended school in Richmond Hill and I saw a good deal of them. Mr. Alex Marsh bought the old Presbyterian church, which pre- ceded the present one and stood just a little north-west of the present one. He had it moved to his farm and it was set up just East of where the Observatory now stands. It was used as a barn, with the old pulpit still in it. This old church was a large frame building. It had old fash- ioned pews with doors on them. The family would enter and close the door behind them, not very inviting for strangers entering. The preacher spoke from a high pulpit, up about six steps. The precentor sat in a small box like cubicle at the base of the pulpit. The Preacher Our preacher was a dear old man, beloved by all. He would announce from the pulpit a list of the people he intended calling on that week and the time he would arrive. When‘ he would marry a couple he would finish off with some good sound advice. I remember he would tell the young lady to_ be a good house- wife. Being of the oppOSite sex I forget what he told'the young men. The next preacher was an Ir- ishman. The women said he was‘ always sure to call Monday morn-1 ing when they were at the wash- ing. One busy day when the farmers were hauling in the grain. the preacher called. The daughter came running out to the field : â€" “Father, the prea- cher is here”. The father (a thrifty Scot} ,replied. “I can’t stop the team, send him out, there is a fork sticking in over there, and we need help.” Our precentor was Mr. Mood- ie. He would strike the note on the tuningfork 'and lead off in a clear tenor voice. Later, when we got an organ, some of the old: er men held Sunday‘ service at Temperanceville for a while, but this soon fell through. It is said that a preacher speaking from one of these high pulpits announced his text â€" “Now you see me and in a little while you will not see me". Presently the stool slipped and he went back- ward out of sight. An item of interest to me was related by Mrs. Marsh. She said that wfien they built their farm house, which' stands near the Observatory, it was built of bricks manufactured on the pre- mises. Bumps Read In the earlier days Phrenology was thought to have a scientific background and was used to guide people as to their future calling. ' Along with the custom I had my “Bumps” read. The phrenol- ogist advised that I be trained for the Ministry and become a preacher. Later when talking to a friend. one of our leading sur- geons, I mentioned the advice handed down by the phrenolog- ist. My friend’s retort was that the phrenologist certainly had quite a keen sense of humor. SOMETHING TO RENT FOR BEST RESULTS TRY A LIBERAL CLASSIFIED Phone TL'rner 4-1261 Shown in the phqto above are members of the Rouge. Duffin’s, Highland and Petticoat Creeks Conservation Authority. The group meets monthly at the Gra~ ham House, Markham. Formed a year ago. the Authority is mak- ing good progress in laying plans for flood control. preserva- tion of park lands and general conservation in the respective SAT., JUNE 11 â€"â€" Auction sale of farm implements, Woods threshing machine, Co-op tractor, farm machinery, furniture, etc. at Lot 20, Con. 3, North York Twp., on Finches Ave., 1/2 mile west of Duficrin St. Property of W. J. Buchanan. Sale at 1 pm. Terms cash. No reserve. Farm sold. Ken 8: Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. SAT.. JUNE 18 â€"â€" Auction sale of two properties and house and household furniture, electric stove. Findlay cook stove, piano, dishes, antique articles and gar- den equipment at lotrll, rear Con. 2 on No. 7 Highway at Con. 3 Markham Twp. The property of W. C. Gohn. At same time and place will be offered for sale, subject to a reserve bid, part will be offered for sale subject to a reserve bid, part of lot 11. Con 2 east consisting of two 1/4, acre lots with 105 ft. 6 inches frontage each, on curve at Con. 3, with two dwellings of six rooms each. One with double garage and one with single, plus other outbuildings. Will be of- fered separately. Possession on one immediately, the other can be arranged. Ten per cent of the purchase price on day of sale. half cash within 30 days.‘ Balance can be arranged. These proper- 0F HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS; DISHES, «TOOLS. ANTIQUES, ETC. AT LOT 11, CONCESSION 2E, HHHDâ€"‘H HODWHI-‘ph N Cor. No. 7 ngy. and Con. 3 Property of WESLEY C. GOHN , SATURDAY, JUNE 18, 1955 1 o’clock pm. Heintzman Piano and bench, mahogany, in good condition 3-drawer Steel Filing Cabinet, legal size, near new Findlay cook stove, near new Duo-Therm Oil Space Heater, and ZOO-gal. tank, near new Westinghouse Electric Stove, 4-burner & oven, good condi- tion Quebec heaters, new Kitchen chairs Odd Bedroom chair Dresser 1 Chest of Drawers Washstands Old Pine Fruit Cupboards Antique Walnut Rope Bed and L_.4_ one nearly springs 1 trums Several small odd tables 1 Walnut finish Simmons steel double bed, spring and spring- filled mattress ‘ Steel Bed. spring and spring- filled mattress Antique Pine store counter Antique pine post office desk Commode Chair 1 Mail Box China Toilet Sets Bird Cage & Stand Walnut Hall Tree Antique Walnut What-not Antique Walnut Buffet with marble top 1 Pine Chest Walnut, Vanity Dresser, with full length mirror Tone-on-tone Blue Broadloom rug 6'9” x 9‘ Tri-Lite Floor Lamp Child's Steel Cot 56-piece Set Antique Havilland ‘ Limoges dinner set 1 Lawn Mower 2 45-gallon steel oil barrels A Number of window flower boxes No. of Mirrors 1 Scythe 1 Copper Boiler HHH H H HHHHNHHH H AUCTION SALE 1 Set Butter Scales 1 Washtub and 2 tub stands Nu ber of good lace curtains 1 air horse clippers Quantity antique glassware and 1 Blacksmith's Anvil 1 Iron Vise 1 Electric Grinder 1 Extension Ladder Quantity Used Lumber 1 Wheelbarrow 1 Venetian Blind . Dishes, pictures, pots, pans, crooks. garden tools, fruit jars and other articles too numer- ous to mention. At the same time and place will be offered for sale, subj ct to a reserve bid, two houses a5? lots, part of Lot 11, Con. Each property consists of_ two odd pieces 1 Wire Garden Gate 1Apacre lots which are adjoining, and with 105’ frontage on Con. 3, and one with 105’ frontage on No. 7 Highway. on which is sit- uated two sixâ€"room dwellings, one with double garage and one with single garage plus other outbuildings. Properties will be offered separately. Immediate possession of one house and pos- session of' the other can be ar- ranged. Ten per cent. of purchase price day of sale, one half cash within 30 days, and balance to be arranged. These properties have a potential commercial val- ue. Properties will be offered for sale at 3 o'clock p.111. day of sale. Terms cash. No reserve as own- er is moving away. ALVIN S. FARMER.~ auctioneer SALE REGISTERS Bed and 1 trunk watersheds. Hurricane Hazel and the resultant flood damage has added tremendously to the problems that face the Author- ity. This year the Authority has purchased a tree planter which may be rented for a very small fee. Farm ponds [is another pro- ject that is creating interest among many farmers. ties are valuable in that they are on the corner of No. 7 Highway with excellent service station or commercial possibilities. Prop- erties to be sold at 3 o'clock on day of sale. Terms on chattels cash. Sale at 1 pm. A. S. Far- mer, auctioneer, phone Stouffâ€" ville '5311. WED” JUNE 22 â€"- Important auction sale of registered Hol- steins and Guernseys, fully ac- credited, vaccinated, R.O.P., im- plements. M-H tractor No. 44, power mower, binder, side rake, tractor spreader, plow, double disc, fertilizer grain drill, Surge milker, milk cooler, electric oat roller, silo, Beatty stable equip- ment, dairy equipment, litter carrier, feed carriers. etc. (see bills for details), at Elhara Farms on lot 11. con. 4, North York. Don Mills Rd.. 1 mile south of Sheppard Ave., property of Har- ;ry J. Addison. No reserve. farm sold. Terms cash. Sale at 12.30 pm. Sellers & Atkinson. auc- tioneers, phone Agincourt AX. 3-4771. L. Turnerrclerk. WED., JUNE 22 â€"- Auction sale of 6-room house, hydro, hard & soft water; lot consisting of two acres of land, small barn; situ- ated in good community on high~ way close to school and store; also household furniture inc.: oiano; dining room suite, dishes, bedding, bedroom furniture, cooking utensils, garden equip- ment, at Lot 33, Con. 8 Mark- ham Twp.. the Estate of the late Truman Grove. Sale of chattels 1 p.m. D.S.T. Sale of property 3 p.m. Terms on property 10% day of sale, half cash within 30 days, balance left on first mort- 1gage. Lloyd Turner, clerk. A. S. \Farmer, auctioneer. c2w50 SAT., JUNE 25 â€"Auction Sale of household furnitureI Chester- field suite. refrigerator, electric stove. dishes, cooking utensils, bedding, in the Village of 601m- ley, the property of J. Jones. No reserve as giving up housekeep- ing. Sale at 1.30 pm. A. S. Far- mer, auctioneer, phone Gormley 5311. 1mmnummum\\tu\umun\umumumtmmmmuuummmn ffi: RURP. Watershed cov- CUT FLOWERS, FUN ERALS, WEDDINGS RICE’S FLOWER SHOP ummmmummuun\mmummmmmunnnummuuunmm 23 YONGE ST. SOUTH Richmond Hill All Hours TU. 4-1812 FLOWERS FOR EVERY OCCASION COSTS LEASTâ€" HAS HIGHER RESALE! 178 Yonge St. N. Hurricane Hazel THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursdfiy, June 9‘ 1955 ‘ Hey Folks! Tune in Disneyland on CBC-TV. See TV listings for Tim. and Channer GWIII Dixm Prumiul HUNT & COOK MOTGRS onservation Members ers an area of 312 square miles and includes two townships in Metropolitan Toronto. five addi- tional townships, three villages and one town. Front row, left to right: John Mills, Ajax; Milton Burk, Mark- ham; E. L. McLean, Scarboro; E. Purcell. Chairman of the RDHP Authority, Scarboro; W. H. West- ney, Pickering; E. Logan, Whit- Ticavating 71‘: Grading Front-End Loaders & Trucks For Hire 61 Crosby Ave., Richmond Hill BA. 1-4144 TU. 4-1764 New Work Plumbing & Heating SOIL INVESTIGATIONS and TESTING LTD. Free estimates on soil borings and diamond drilling anywhere in Ont. HEAD OFFICE - 5 Yonze St. 5., Box 741, Richmond Hill TORONTO AREA OUTSIDE ABBA TUrner 4-2751 Dial 110 and ask for Richmond Hm ZEN‘T“ 331°“ Mobile Unit w. J. 3-1955 WEED SPRAY SCHOOL WEDNESDAY, JUNE 15,10 u.m. D.S.T. Speakers & Panel Discussion on Weed Identification Trop Spraying Spray Formulation New Sprays Types of Sprayers Sprayer Operation Motion Pictures Demonstration on Weeds & Brush Farmers & Custom Operators Welcome W. M. Cockburn Frank Marritt Agricultural Representative SAND * STONE * GRAVEL fOAM * TOP SOIL * FILL vv : Uluu .._.__._ TORONTO AREA D' | 110 d k f TUrner 4-2751 R an as or Richmond Hill “NY” 331°“ Mobile Unit w. J. 3-11 B. H. WILSON, Vice-President 8; General Manager Dept. of Agriculture, Newmarket ANDREWS 8 GRAY TU. 4-3151 DALTON HICKS Richmond Hill, Box 206 Phone TU. 4-1879 Alterations church; W. Graham, Secretary, Back row: A. M. Campbell. Scarboro. Department of Plan- ning and Development; G. D. La- tomell. Department of Planning and Development Harry Purvis, Pickering Village Don Raymore. Markham; R. L. Nesbitt. Ux- bridge To‘wnship; W. Timbers, Markham Township. Richmond Hill, Weed Inspector DEALER Repairs

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