‘10 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, June 9, 1955 Window Cleaning SERVICE Richmond Hill & District Experienced Workmanship Prompt Service 'Regular meetings will be dis- continued until September. Guest speaker at the monthly meeting of Maple and Commun- ity School Club was Douglas Boyd of Richmond Hill Horticul- tural Society. Mr. Boyd spoke on the pleasure derived from gardening and showed slides of many flowers. It was decided there will be no picnic this year and to hold in its place. closing day exercises at the school with treats for the school children. YES! WE SPRAY ORCHARDS Services at Hope and Maple will be conducted at the usual hours of 10:30 o'clock and 11:30 o’clock, with Sunday School ses- sions preceding the worship ser- vices. The summer communion services will be held at Maple on Sunday. June 19 and at Hope on Sunday, June 26. A special service will be con- ducted in Edgeley United Church next Sunday morning when a memorial will‘ be unveiled and dedicated to the memory of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Poole. for many years valued members of Edgeley congregatipn.‘ The memorial, which has been installed by the Poole family. will consist of a pulpit lamp and will be received on behalf of the congregation by the minister of the charge, Rev. A. G. Donald. Douglas Boyd Guest Speaker R. P. Donald of London who was a commissioner to the Gen- eral Assembly of the Presby- terian Church meeting in Toron- to was a week-end visitor with his brother. Rev. A. G. Donald and his family of Maple. Sympathy is extended to Mrs. 0. Dahl in the death of her brother Mr. A. Berg of Cedar Valley, who was killed when his tractor overturned. Unveil Memorial Sunday, June 12 Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Bateman of St. Claire Shores, Mich., spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Allen. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Walker of Agincourt were visitors' on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. D. Allen. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Padgett and Arnold. of Lindsay and Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Gillespie, Ann and Bonnie of Grand Valley were visitors of Mrs. J. Pollocks on Sunday. Maple & Surroundina Districts Reserve Us Now To" be sure of some good fruit next fall J. BENEDICTUS HU. 9-1126 TU. 4-2775 City & Suburban Delivery Washing Machines, Radios, Vacuum Cleaners & Small Appliances REPAIRED BY EXPERTS Television Aerial Parts Radio and TV Tubes PARIS AUTO SUPPLY LTD. Richmond Hill TU. 4-1541 DON GILES Phone TU. 4-2892 RICHMOND HILL COAL 6L WOOD LTD. See Its Quality! SAFE SOLID FUEL («R w DOMINION O The leeral ls always willing to publish interesting items regarding people and events contributed by its readers in Maple and surrounding communities. Our representative la Maple ls Mrs. Donald Allen, telephone Maple 193; Edgeley, Mrs. Raymond Stuart. Custom Spraying MAPLE R. R. 1 Phone Maple 101R33 Maple 110113. No Colour Added It’s Natural Black Maple Socials Miss Patmore is Superintend- ent of Sunday School in the home, by mail and air, of The United Church, and as such. is head of the largest Sunday School in that particular denom- ination. She is responsible for sending to families who are not within reach of any church or Sunday school, the regular week- Illustrating her talk by the use of a large map of Canada and by many interesting stories about light-houses, logging camps. and isolated homes of the Dominion. Miss Gertrude Pat- more of Toronto held the atten- tion of Maple United Church Sunday School, parents and friends at the annual Sunday School anniversary services held on Sunday, June 5. The door prize, donated by MrS‘.‘ Jas. Spencer. was won by Mrs. C. H. Boake. Mrs. Lachow- ski. Mrs. Game Keffer and Mrs. Spencer were winners of the “In- dian Giver" contest conducted by Miss Whitmore. Mrs. Bert CookiMrs. R. J. Darlington and Miss Whitmore were the social committee for the afternoon. Rally At Dalziel Park Ken Higgs. ï¬eldman for the Humber vValley Conservation Authority, will be guest speaker in the morning. A good repre- When Concord School opens in September there will be a new classroom and a‘ new teacher. The grades will be divided among ï¬ve teachers. Mrs. Wear- ing will teach the youngest child- ren and Miss Dalgleish will teach Mrs. Chas. Agnew and Miss Whitmore displayed the ï¬nished hooked rug which they had de- signed as a W.I. project to be displayed this month at. the Dis- trict Annual meeting. Edward Wells of Willowdale has ben engaged by the school board to begin his duties with the opening of school. Mr. Wells graduated from Teachers' Coll- ege two years ago and since then has taught at Kettleby Pub- lic School. The monthly meeting of Edge- ley Women's Institute was held at the home of Mrs. Bert Cook, Thursday afternoon, June 2, when Mrs. W. Maginn. Mrs. Frank Locke and Mrs. Bert Cook were appointed delegates to the annual meeting of West York District W.I. President Mrs. James Spencer was chairman of the meeting and Miss Ella Whitmore, conven- or of Citizenship and Education was in charge of the program. The motto “Privileges make Responsibilitiesâ€. prepared by Miss Whitmore, was read by Mrs. R. Stuart and Miss Whit- more gave a short paper on the topic. Mrs. Bert Lackowski became a member of the Institute bring- ing the rmembership tp 25. _ _ In lieu of a meeting in July, the members will attend the York County W. 1. Rally at Dal- ziel Pioneer Park, July 7. This rally will mark the closing of the inaugural year of the York Coun- ty Women’s Institute and the a’nnual meeting and election of officers will take place at 10 a. lso!ated Parts Dominon Get Lessons By Mail Increase In Registration Concord Sch. Next Sept. Addition Made To Staff W.|. Appoints Delegates District Annual Meeting After 40 years service as Gen- éral Superintendent of Edgeley United Church Sunday School, Frank Bagg resigned last week, submitting his resignation at a meeting of the church board. The resignation was accepted with regret and the hearty ap- Superintendent Retires After 40 Years’ Service York County Rally Dalziel Rgrlg Scholars of the Sunde and a junior choir unde rection of Mrs. Roy C‘ suitable music for t" sary occasion. Mar accompanied Mrs. was at the organ l_ piano. At the close of, the service, Norman Lund, assistant superin- tendent called‘ the attention of the congregation to the fact that Mr. Kinnee was completing 25 years as their leader, rendering effective and helpful service for a quarter of a century. On beâ€" half of the Sunday School Garry Palmer presented Mr. Kinnee with a suitably inscribed silvc" tray and Donna Reed presev“ Mrs. Kinnee with a bouqur 25 red roses. Rev. A. G. Donald was in charge of the service. assisted by M. J. Kinnee, general superinâ€" tendent. 25 Years’ Service In her talk to Maple Sunday School she read interesting and amusing letters from her sch!“- ars. scattered in the far north and on islands on Canada’s coast lines, and asked youngsters to remember their fellow Sunday School members, in their prayers and with their gifts. 1y lesson aids and story nanors With the help of two Sunday School scholars from lorunw, she broadcasts special stories and messages over 21 radio sta- tions in Canada. sentation from all 55 branches in the county is desired. All wom- en in York County are invited to attend the rally whether hey are institute members or not. Each person will please bring her own basket lunch and a cup. To Present Scholarship Grade 2. Mr. ‘Wells will take Grade 4 and Miss Dorothy Duke will teach grade 6. Mr. McWhir- ter will instruct grades 7 and 8. It is~ undecided yet who will teach grades 3 and 5, but it is expected these grades will be apportioned to the present tea- chers. An important highlight of the afternoon will be the presenta- tion of the York County Ann P. Lewis Ontario Women's Insti- tute Scholarship to Miss Marion Eves of Queensville. Established two years ago, the scholarship is awarded annually. and Miss Eves is the ï¬rst York County girl to receive it. To oualifv. Miss Eves, a North York 4-H Club member, was required to successfully complete six or more Homemaking Projects and to show steady improvement and deï¬nite personal progress dur- ing the course of club work. She was also required to give leader- ship and carry on club work of a high quality. Miss Eves’ work was of exceptionally high calibre. Picnia ct Sharon Temple The joint picnic of the York Pioneer and Historical Society and the Women's Institutes of York County will be held at the Sharon Temple in the afternoon of June 18, with the W.I. provid- ing the program. A series of tableaux depicting pioneer life will be presented with Mrs. R. H. Neil, Thornhill, as director. W. 1. Holiday Deadline for all hpplications to Mrs. Guild is July 10. The registration ï¬gure last September was 145. This year it will be 160, In order to accom- modate the increased attendance it will be necessary to use the last spare classroom in the new addition, built last year. Women’s Institute members from all parts of the province are invited to attend the 7th an- nual Women’s Institute holiday to be held at the Ontario Agri- cultural College, Guelph, .July 18-22. All reservations are made through Mrs. Loren Guild, Rockwood, Ont. This is a holi- day and members are at liberty to attend as much or as little of he program as they wish. 7 preciation of all church officials for a job well done was express. ed. Albert Mitchell, assistant superintendent was appointed to fill the vacancy and A. W. Gent was asked to take over the duties as assistant The annual Sunday School pic- nic was arranged for July. at the who Tenders will be received by the Richmond Hill Public School Peard for painting and decorat- the auditorium in Yonge St. )0], two coats .of paint re- .red. Lowest or any tender est necessarily accepted. Ten- ders closed June 15. JAS. GRAINGER, _Sec.â€"Treas Richmond Hill Public School Board The ï¬rst baseball of the sea- son was played on Wednesday night, June 1, with the StJAns- gar League of Toronto and re- sulted in a score of 35-5 in fav- or of the Sherwood-Unionville League. A busy year was reported and included sewing neckerchiefs for the cubs and scouts and as- sisting at the Father and Son banquet. A successful progress- ive euchre party was held in January. Mrs. Gardner from headquarters was guest speaker at one meeting. The group is at present purchasing some equipment for the boys, includ- ing a ï¬rst aid kit. There were many beautiful floral tributes. The flower bear- ers were Harold Ambrose, Albert The auxiliary will begin its second year with a meeting in the autumn. History Of Hymns Topic Luther League Twenty-three young people at- tended the Sherwood-Unionville Luther League meeting at Union- ville on Sunday evening, June High scorers were Mrs. Ross Perciva} and student pastor Har- old Lindeman. Mg. and Mrs. R. G. Keï¬er assisted Mr. and Mrs. Earl Boeckner in serving lunch at the Boeckner home in Maple following _the bpwling. The members' decided to have a picnje and annual meeting on Juhe 26‘ Other ofï¬cers include Mrs. Ruth Thomson, vice-president, Mrs. Norma Spearlng, secretary and Mrs. Verna Saunders, treas- urer. Lorne Smith led the decotions and Harold Lindeman took for his topics “The Brief Hisory of Our Hymns†and “The Histor- ies of Isaac Watt and Charles Wesley.†Bali Season Opens Possessing a very friendly dis- position, he made many lasting friends. He is survived by a brother Edgar, and sister Alma. The funeral was held from the Undertaking Parlours of Mrs. A. W. Lawrie, Maple. Wednesday June 1 and was largely attended by relatives and friends. Rev. A. G. Donald conducted the serv- 1ce. The May meeting of the Coup- les’ Club of Zion Lutheran Church took the form of a bowl- ing tournament at the Richmond Bowl, Richmond Hill, on Tues- day evening, May 31. Mrs. Ruth Mills Pres. Auxiliary Mrs. Ruth Mills was re-elect- ed president of lst Concord Cub and Scout Mothers' Auxiliary at the ï¬rst annual meeting of the group held at the home of Mrs. Saunders, Concord, on May 30. Couples’ Club Ends Season Mr. Puterbaugh’s school days were spent at Vellore and Edge- ly Public Schools. During the early part of his life, he attended Zion Lutheran Sunday School and in laten years became close- ly connected with Edgeley United Church, a former Meth- odist Church. Alvin Puterbaugh Life-Long Resident Vaughan Township Alvin Puterbaugh. a native and life-long resident of Vaugh- an Township, passed away sun- day evening, May 29, in his 82nd year. He had been in ill helath for several months. Members and families of Maple Women’s Institute are invited to the Department of Lands and Forests Stat- ion at Maple on Monday, June 13. Cars will leave the Post Office at 7.15 pm. Zion Lutheran congregat- ional picnic will be held June 24 at Sherwood church. The women of the church meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Eric Winter, Thornhill, on June 14. Plans are underway for a picnic in J uly Lutheran Picnic June 24 TENDERS Visit Lands And Forests TUmer 4-1116 ‘Fora’ Moharch EMpire 6-3166 memma mm In the race against darkness, the demonstrations were con- ducted promptly under the guid- ance of John E. Bradshaw. auth- or. radio and TV authority. The correct selection and planting of annuals was a fea- ture studied by district farmers and gardeners at two twilight demonstration meetings spon- sored'by the Vaughan Federation of Agriculture on June 2. Held at the farms of Norman Bagg, Edgeley, and Orland Downey, Sherwood, it is the ï¬rst demonstration. of its kind held in the township. For the plant- ing, Mr. Bradshaw chose scarlet zinnias, white petunias and deep purple and white alyssum and demonstrated the proper planting Enethods to achieve the best ef- ect. Interment took place in Zion Lutheran Cemetery at Sherwood. Robb. Active pallbearers were Wesley Stong, Daniel, Clarence, Ernest, Arthur and Oliver, cous- ins of the deceased. Mitchel], James Marwood, Percy Usher and Earl and Russell DistrictFarmers See Planting Demonstration The 4-H Garden Club of Elgin Mills. with their leader, Miss Gladys Foster. was on hand to view the demonstration. Make sure it's SHORT-STROKE give you true, gas-saving, short-stroke overhead-valve V-8 engines in every series in the line! . ‘A : Ford Trucks for i55 bring you the gas-saving, money-saving power of short-stroke overhead-valve V-8 engines right through the entire lineâ€"from light delivery trucks to mighty “Big-Jobsâ€! This great new line of Money-Makers offers you ï¬ve proved short-stroke V-8’s. Remember, with longer life and greater gas economy, short-stroke engines are money-makersâ€"so don’t be talked into an old-fashioned long-stroke engine in the next truck you buy. Make sure of money-making power by going FORD! Your Dealer invites you to drop in and talk trucks any time! E SEE YOUR FORD-MONARC Before you buy any new truck, look under the hood and be sure you're getting the kind of power the whole trucking industry is gradually turning toâ€"true Short-stroke power. Only if the stroke is as short as or shorter than the bore, are you getting a true short- stroke engine. Check the speciï¬cations and be certain! Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bisson of King High Drive entertained at a supper party on Tuesday evenâ€" ing, May 31 for relatives they had not seen in 36 years. Those in whose honor the supper party was held were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Beauchamp of Edmonton. Alberta; Mr. and Mrs. Bill Morris of Calgary and Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Burks of Glendale, Cali- fornia. Later the party visited Mrs. Alfred Hounsome of Hamil- ton. In honor of Miss Norma Poole whose marriage to Stan Harris- ton will take place June 25, a community shower was held Friday, June 3 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Poole. the bride-to-be’s parents. Mrs. Alf Bagg convened the shower. Mrs. R. G. Keffer of Sherwood and their son-in-law and daugh- ter, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Grubbe of King celebrated their wed- ding anniversaries June 8. Warren Eberschlag was among those who had a birthday on Sunday June 5. ~ Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Gillespie of King High Drive celebrated their 20th wedding anniversary on Saturday June 4 with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Higgins who were celebrating their 2151: wedding anniversary at their home in Scarboro. Mr. and Mrs. Oman Bowes and Mr. and Mrs. George Snider cel- ebrated their wedding anniver- saries on Sunday June 5. Mr. and Mrs. Maddill observed their second wedding annivers. ary on Monday June 6. - Among those who visited Mr. and Mrs. George Edgar of King High Drive during the past week~ end were Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Brown of Birchmount Rd., Scar- boro and Mrs. Avis Edgar of Kitchener. Mr. Edgar‘s mother. and Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Devries of Robina Avenue. Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Price of King High Drive spent the week- end in Simcoe, visiting Mrs. Price’s mother. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Palmer observed their sixth wedding an- niversary June 4. Miss Patsy Miller celebrated her fourth birthday on Tuesday, June 7. Concord Socials E STANDARD SIZE UNITS H DEALER No need to use costly. time-consuming building materials when you Cam get your home erected quickly with CONCRETE BLOCKS â€" too. you’ll ï¬nd its lower maintenance returns sub stantial savings through the years. Eormley, Ont. Thomhill. Out. Jol’m C. Love Lumber Company, Ltd. GORMLEY BLOCK CO. Yonge Street A: Woodwud Avenue (Just North of Stee'e': Corners) See Love For Lovely Lumber . CONCRETE BLOCKS . CINDER BLOCKS . BACK-UP TILE build your home quickng MEETS All. A. S. T. M. SPECIFICATIONS LIMITED Phone Gormley 5300 AVenu 5-1143