Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 9 Jun 1955, p. 14

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Aurora Horse Show a 'E'own 5E: - Saturday, June 11th Hi-Test Gas â€"â€" Low Price .dege Street Richm‘ The balance of our Automobile Insurance rates are comparatively lower than standard rates. Our Policies are issued by a Stock Company through Li- censed Agents. Call or write K. H. Doyle_ 83 Westwood Lane, Richvale, AVenue 5-2067, or Ontario Insurance Service, '62 Richmond St. West, Toronto, EM. 6-9628 Total ... . . . . . $39.95 The above rates are to cover 1954 Chevrolet, Dodge, Plymouth, Pontiac, or any vehicle in this price range operated by a driver over 25 years of age, and with no claims in the past three years. Compare, These Rates With Those You Are Now Paying â€" Public Liability & Property Damage 5E10§1 . . . . . . . . . Collision $100. Deductible . . Fire & Theft . . . . . . . . . . . . R. R. 2 Maple AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Williams’ Sunoco Station THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, June P I T R U N G R A V E L CONCRETE SAND & GRAVEL SAND FILL TOPSOIL HAROLD 8: HM BURNS JUMPING STARTS AT 1 RM. MIDWAYâ€" MUTT SHOWâ€"NEWMARKET BANDâ€"LADIES’ SECTION Richmond Hill Phone 54R2 . $15.30 . $22.10 $ 2.55 $39.95 Mrs. Gunn. told the girls and mothers how glad she was to at- tend their banquet and congratu- lated them on the progress they had made in the last five years, since their inauguration. Rich- vale Guides have won the North York Area Division shield for three consecutive years and the Brownies also won the shield two years ago. The groups have en- larged greatly from the original few who joined Brownies and We also carry tile- brick, lime, cement er and Margot Martin gave Tawny Owl a cup and saucer on behalf of all the Brownies. Call JONES COAL' CO. TU. 4-1851 The Guide Companies made presentations to the Commission- er, Mrs. J. Kirk, on behalf of the girls. Mrs. R. Paul present- ed Mrs. Kirk with a gift on be- half of all the mothers for her untiring efforts through the year and Mrs. H. Morningstar thank- ed the leaders on behalf of the mothers for all. they had done and asked them to accept a small token in remembrance of their busy year. Mrs. H. Gottschalk was presented with a gift from the mothers at the last Auxiliary meeting. The little Brownies had taken up their own private collection to try and show Brown and Taw- ny Owl how much they thanked them for the happy year they had all had together and at camp, and Mary Parker presented Brown Owl with a cup and saucâ€" For your fuel needs After the Brownie grace, said by Mrs. Kirk dinner was served, and at the conclusion, the guests at the head table were introduc- ed to the girls and their mothers. Mrs. Smith proposed the toast to the Queen and Brown Owl made the toast to the Brownies and Guides, Mary Parker, Brownie answered. Guide Elaine Gordon toasted all the mothers and Mrs. R. Miller responded, with a few very fitting words, stressing the necessity of good health, spirits and fairness on the part of the girls in all phases of life. ‘ Donna Wainwright was toast- master for the Leaders, to which Mrs. H. Gottschalk replied, tell- ing the girls what pride their leaders had in them, and the sense of accomplishment all fet at the end of a hard year. At the head table, decorated with blue and gold trefoil place cards and backed by the Comp- anies‘ flags were Mrs. J. Kirk. District Commissioner, Mrs. D. R. Gunn, Area Commissioner, the Brownie and Guide Leaders, Mrs. F. Bigley and Mrs. F. Nor- man, Brown and Tawny Owls, Mrs. H. Gottschalk, Captain 2nd Richvale Guide Co., Mrs. M. Lawson, Capt and Mrs. M. Jar- man Lt. of lst Richvale Guide Co. The guests were Cubmaster Mrs. C.' Smith and her assistant Mrs. M. Millard, Mrs. J. Allen, Mrs. Taylor Snr. and Mrs. Harold Taylor, President of the 2nd Guide Co. Mothers’ Auxiliary, Mrs. W. Adams Snr., Mrs. H. Skippon and Mrs. F. Millman. Mrs. D. Sim was unable to at- tend. One hundred and eighteen Brownies, Guides, their mothers and guests gathered at the Rich- mond Theatre Grill, Richmond Hill, 0 11 Thursday June 2 to hold their mother and daughter ban- quet. The Richvale girls defeated Charles Howitt team last Friday afternoon at the final game in the northern series. held in the Thornhill Park. They are now the northern champions and are looking'forward to their best two out of three series with Thorn- hill girls, the winners in the south, to see who gets the cup for the area. Richvale boys lost to Lang- staff. making Langstafl the vic- tors in the north. Gil-ls" Ball Team The girls beat King last week and will be playing a home game on June 10 at Richvale school at '7 pm. Their opponents will be Vellore and the coach and team hope supporters will be on hand to encourage the girls. Chas. Howitt Rec. Assoc. The association is pleased to announce that Mrs. Parker. Oak Ridges. will be the supervisor for the summer program. Mrs. Parker has advanced some ex- cellent new ideas for entertain- ing and teaching the children. She has hopes of a band, folk- dancing, puppet and net-making. basket-weaving ,and physical training. If plans continue dev- eloping opening day will be Mon- day, July 4. Further information will be available before then. 118 Attend Richvale Troop Mother & Daughter Banquet ANTHRACITE Richmond Hill BITUMINOUS 9, 1955 CORRESPONDENT: MRS. R. F. PAUL TU. 4-2800 01‘ RICHVALE NEWS announces the moving of their office from 41 Yonge St. S. to 31 Yonge St. North as of June 11. A house numbering committee was also formed, as there seems to be a great deal of confusion the way the houses are number- ed by lots at the present time. )Ir. A. Snowden and Mn J. Taylor will make a survey from Carrville Rd. to Edgar Ave. and Avenue Rd. to Yonge St. Mr. Bailey has no news on the water situation at the present time and the next meeting will be held in September. The present condition of roads was mentioned and the unbear- able dust problem which is a result of this situation, and it was suggested that there may be oil put on in the near future. A motion was passed that Pear- son Ave., be continued North to Carrville Rd. At the present time Council owns -a lot between Oak and Edgar Ave., but as yet it has not been decided where to make the road_ through from Oak to Spruce to Carrville, the motion will be presented to Council for consumation. The program was brought to a close by an excellent display of magic demonstrated by Mr. Jim Nelson, a teacher of Forest Hill school. who was introduced by Mrs. D. Gilmore. The girls were fascinated by Mr. Nelson's tricks and assisted him in many of them. It was a very happy and enjoy- able evening for everyone who attended and many thanks are given to the Legion, Branch 375 who were kind enough to show their “Lend a Hand" spirit, by supplying the tables and benches for the banquet, without which, the mothers and daughters would not have been able to meet for this memorable occasion. Consider Street Numbers Richvale At the last meeting of the sea- son, the Richvale Ratepayers Asa sociation discussed many points of interest to be followed up in the fall. Guides, some of the first Brown- ies are now Guides of high stand- ing and the girls in general are a great credit to their leaders and community. After the banquet some of the mothers defeated the girls in a bowling competition. The Guides and their Captain Mrs. H. Gottschalk. Mrs. J. Kirk. Commissioner, Mrs. Taylor, Mrs. Morrison and Mrs. Gordon had a wonderful evening of bowling in Richmond Hill a week last Tuesday. After which they gath- ered at the home of Mrs. Gottsâ€" chalk for refreshments and the Guides gave their captain a set of matching jewellery in com- memoration of their happy and eficcessful year together: V They would like to thank all who sup- ported their recent bake sale. Social Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ince and Mrs. M. Webb attended the Specialty Dog Show at Locust Hill last Sunday and won sever- al prizes. Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Paul had dinner with Mr. and Mrs- Harold Howden, Oakville, last week, and attended the performance of the Country Girl at the Garden Cen- tre Theatre, Vineland. Mr. and Mrs. N. McDermott and family spent the week-end at Alcona Beach. ’ 2nd Richvale Guide'Co. At the recent rally held by the Guides, Mr. and Mrs. Har- old Taylor were presented with Guide Thanks badges in apprec- iation of all the work they have done for the girls. PLAXTON and DEANE CARL E. HILL, M.D., M.O.H. A Toxoid Reminder Third Immunization treat- ments and reinforcing doses for Diphtheria, Whooping Cough and Tetanus will be given during the period June 14 and June 20. These will be on the same day of the week and at the same hour in your school as the previous doses. The initial treatment con- sists of three doses followed by a fourth dose one year later and a booster or rein- forcing dose every two years thereafter until 12 years of age. Be sure that your child is fully immunized. DONALD G. PLAXTON DEPT. OF HEALTH TWP.'0F NORTH YORK NOTICE of the firm of 1Howitt Home-Sch. Stresses Importance Of TB X-Rays “Inn: 4 - 1552 At the final meeting of the year. of Charles Howitt Home and School the guest speaker Mr. A. S. Patterson. Field Secre- tary‘for the National Sanitarium Association stressed the great need for cooperation of the gen- eral public in regards to the vast facilities offered by the As- sociation. Free X-Rays are avail- able to everybody and degrees of prevention and cure were dem- onstrated in the fine film “In- side Story”, shown to the aud- ience. TB. is definiely not heredW ary, as proven by the maternity wards in me SauitdLle, mothers suffering from tuber- culosis have their babies. which are immediately taken away from them and are born with no sign of tth disease. In the film. which is narrated by a Doctor, it is shown how the bacillus is ’carried by the air. through coughing, etc.. and the germs may be picked up by many people. Healthy people may throw off these germs or they may lie dormant, but 3 weaken- ed condition may make the germs (two adjustable) ° .Garden Green interior, with copper trim Sale Price --â€" GENE ELECTRIC APPLIANCES Cube ice trays .Full width chiller tray OThree chromed-steel shelves pers with stacking features .Twp _Redi-cube and one Jifiy; “Spacious, economy-priced re- frigerator with over 9 cu. ft. of food storage space .Styled with many deluxe fea- tures normally found only i111 much higher priced mod- e s .The perfect, big-family re- frigerator with years-ahead styling .Across the top freezer holds 39 lbs. of frozen foods “Star-a-door shelves .Big, sliding vegetables 'cris- ELECTRIC MODEL J BL92L at City Pricés YOU CAN BE SURE OF SERVICE IF YOU BUY FROM $29.00 Down Payment YEREX ELEE’ERIC ' The election of officers took place next and the following are the executive for next year: Mr. Gilmore. president; vice-presi- dents. Mr. Hansen and Mr. A. Peck; Recording secretary. Mrs. Le Roux; corresponding secre- tary, Mrs. J. Coghill: treasurer. Mrs. Brash and the executive consisting of 5 members, Mr. J. Coghill, Mrs. E. Hall, Mrs. Oliver Mrs. Webster and Mrs. Sheridan. Mrs. Toogood, president of the York Simcoe Home and School Council installed the officers and presented Mr. Gilmore with the gavel of office. The next meeting will be held in Sept. active. Therefore it cannot be stressed too strongly that regu- lar X-Rays be taken, and good general health habits carried out. Mr. Patterson advised everyone to take advanage of he ravelling medical unit when they visit their communities. Mr. Patterson was introduced by the Health Convenor, Mrs. R. Swindle, and thanked by Mr. Sheridan for the interesting and important talk and film. $20.00 Down Payment MODEL RSB42 â€" SIMILAR TO R842 With standard oven units, but without light in oven. REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES OF CARS Specializing in Ignition Work, Electric & Acetylene Welding TUNE-UPS 24-HOUR TOWING SERVICE STOP 24 A YONGE ST., Richmond Hill TU. 4-1242 EM. 6-5373 Here is the Finest Range Value in its Field ' Sale Price â€" SPACEMAKER MODEL R842 .Pushbutton Surface Unit Controls .Large Spacious oven .Famous Extra Hi-Speed Calrod Surface Unit .Master Oven with 3,000 watt Fo- cused Heat Broiler, 2500 watt Calrod Bake Unit 05-Heat Hi-Speed Calrod Surface Units “Full width Storage Drawer “Deluxe copper and chrome auto- matic oven time‘r, clock and full width lamp available at small additional cost Regular Price $235.00 MAPLE BLOfiK 8: TILE Opposite Theatre ~ Sale Price FRANK’S GARAGE PLANT : MAPLE, ONT. $199.95 6 Only Limited BLOCKS - BACK-UP TILE $16995 7‘; CONCRETE MAPLE 6 * CINDER * SLAG

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