Ken & Clarke ‘ Prentice . { AUCTIONIIBS Licensed and Authorized for the Counties of York and Ontario ‘ Farm Stock. implements, House-“ .5 hold Furniture. Real Estate Sales * a specialty l At Fair and Reasonable Rates ‘ Dual service for the price of one Milliken P.O., ph.,Agin. 52W3 9 Markham P.O.,_.,_vh. Markham 346 .Craig, Norman & Co. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 28 Egllnton Ave. W. . MA. 0791 CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 1s HIGHLAND PARK BLVD» WILLOWDALE AV. 5-1167 ’ G. HARQLD CRAIG, Thomhill AV‘ Let us do your spring Painting now. _\ Take advaï¬tage of our ex- ! perts and low sprung prices. Rates for insertion in this section are available at The Liberal oï¬ioe, phone TUmer 4-1261 Clubine 8: Alexander P L A S T E R I N G CONTRACTORS Maple 541-33 Coarse gravel for new roads or driveways. Painting, Paperhanging, etc. ‘Your home deserves the Best†All kinds of carpenter work, kitchen cupboards a specialty. TU. 4-2384 RICHVALE M. Beryl Barrow ï¬8"s'&1e too 'lilE IT’S SPRINGTIME G. Chassie BUILDER Speculative or Custom Homes or General Repairs TU. 4-2049 Richmond Hill BUILDING TRADES W. J. Smith & Son Painting Gerry Van Beers GRAVEL J. BENEDICTUS Painting & Decorating PHONE MAPLE 101R33 ACCOUNTANTS RICHVALE. ONTARIO Paper Hanging Spray Painting A. Rollinson Phone TUmer 4-3191 213 Oak Ave., Richvale DECORATING 420 Elmwood Ave. Phone TU. 4-2587 AUCTIDNEER FREE ESTIMATES Interior and Exterior Call DeFerrari‘ & Muylaert Maple 54R12 E’ROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY Phone -V foo small} AV. 5-1723 AV. 5-2441 Plumbing - Heating and 7 Dr. J. M. Dryer DENTIST 78 Yonge St. 5.. Richmond um TUrner‘ 4-1463 DENTIST 55A YONG! ST. SOUTH TUrner 4-1511 Richmond Hill OAK RIDGES, ONTARIO Phone TU. 4-2911 If no answer. cal! TU. 4-3300 Sheet Mâ€"étal Work Dealer for Esso Oil Burners Falrbanks - Morse Pressure Systems Ambulance Service RICHMOND HILL TUrner 4-1311 FUNERAL DIRECIORS AMBULANCE SERVICE Dentist Anstey Building, Yonge Street THORNHILL TUrner 4-1701 Richmond mu WRIGHT AND TAYLOR New Work, Alterations, Repair: Free Estimates 23 GRANDVIEW AVE. AVenue 5-2090 WILLIAM H. DOCKMAN Plumbing and Heating RAVE ST ROUGHING Sheet Metal Work Dr. M. J. Walker BUILDING TRADES Free Estimates FURNACES INSTALLED CLEANED & REPAIRED DON 8: WILP’ S Funeral Directors SAND and GRAVEI. Crushed Stone Loam and Fill Arthur G. Broad, Dr. W. J. Mason Prop. H. Scaife Carl-ville & Bayview TU. 2486 Landscaping 8: Sodding Gel‘aniums, red. pink and white. Cannas. Annuals. all varieties SCHOOL DAYS: . Leave Maple 7.15 a.m. Leave Richmond Hill 9.15 an Leave Maple 3.30 13.111. Leave Richmond Hill 5 pm. K azipur Nurseries GENERAL BUSINESS Building Trades (cont) 21 Bedlord Park Ave. Richmond um TUrner 4-2062 3: Appointmem CHIROPRACTIC 66 May Ave. Yongehurst P.0. TU. 4-2641 Langdon’s Coach Lines Ltd. Coaches For All Occasions Telephone King 56 E. CHARITY AVenue 5-2181 DENTAL TU. 4-2486 Richvale Auto Body Body a; Fender Repairs Complete Reï¬nishing If you haven’t heard of our re- putation, enquire from your friends All work guaranteed. 1“ Spruce Ave.. Stop 22A Yonge St" Richnle For appointment. pa. TU. 4-2811 Custom jobs a Spec- ialty Masonry & General Contractor For All Occasions Phone orders delivered anywhere in North Yonge St. District £518 Yonge St. ( at St. Clements) Telephone MAyfair 1145-6 Helen Simpson Lynett. SALES - SERVICE Richmond Hill TUrner 4-1124 GENERAL BUSINESS Drains, etc. Weeper Beds Water Line Excavating for Septic Tanks Phone 'Stouffville 195 collect Toronto Ernie Brock & Son General Insurance J. ' Roy Herrington TBENCl-IING ETC. R. D. M acN aughton Lawn 8; Garden Equipment NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCER GENERAL INSURANCE (Fire, Automobile, Etc.) Richmond Hill, Ont. TUrner 4-1551 Savage Insurance Services GENERAL ' INSURANCE Fire. Automobile, Plate Glass, Automobile Financing. do. Lilo (Confederation Lilo Assoc- ‘ iation) Oflice 55A Yonge St. South Residence 19 Centre St. West, Richmond Hill TU. 4-1219 Richmond Hill RICHVALE P.0. TU. 4-2218 E. l. HANSEN elephone 11 Maple, Ont. LIFE AND CASUALTY Accident and Hospitalization FOR FAST RESULTS USE LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS CALL TURNER 4-1261 BETTER INSURANCE PROTECTION AND‘ SERVICE GENERAL INSURANCE Fire, Automobile, Farm, etc. PRES ESTIMATES ORDFR HELEN SIMPSON FLOWERS Roy V. Bick Complete Insurance Service 24 Adelaide St. W. K. W. BETZ 25 Grandview Ava Thornhill AVenue 5-1375 INSURANCE (continued) Maple 71J EM. 3-0311 Tomenson, Saunders, Smith & Garf at Limited INSURANCE GENERAL INSURANCE Life, Fire. Automobile, Liability, Hail, Accident and Sickness. Farm Insurance a Specialty King City Telephone 28 MacNeil Building, Thornhill AV. 5-2273 BA. 1-3724 G. E. L’AVENTURE Floyd E. Corner, 0-0- Barrister, Solicitor, and Notary Public Aurora, Ontario Telephone: Aurora Office PA. 7-5052 Residence, Aurora, PA. 7-5046 Toronto Office EM. 4-3652 Barristers, Solicitors, N ouï¬ea N. Mathews, QC. K. Stiver, B.A. I. E. Lyons. BA. Jos. Vale. QC. 100 Main St.. Newmarket, Ont. Phone 12!. 220 Bay St., Toronto, Ont. Phone Wa. 23434 Jack Walkington Bruce Martin, BA. MaoNeu Block Th Phones AV. 5-2273 BA. 1-3724 EM. Burkter, Solicitor. Notary Public 98 Yonge Street Richmond. Hill Residence: 23 Highland Park Blvd. [very Thursday afternoon TUrnor 4-1551 ‘ Richmono Hill Toronto Oï¬ice â€"- 18 Toronto St. Phone EM. 3-5877 85 Centre W. THOBNHILL 1A Colborne AVez Oï¬ice Hours 9 mm. to 5 p.m. Open evenings Banister, Solicitor, Notary Public 0510. Hours: Dub 9 mm. to Innings by Appointment Richmond Theatre Block 65 Yonge St. 8., Richmond Hill TUrner 4-2084 J. Rabinowitch, BA. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Barristers, Solicitors, etc. John F. Walsh Fergus P. Walsh 85 Richmond Street West EM. 6-8929 _ Thursday morning, Richmond Hill 65 Yonge St. S. TUrner 4-1652 Thursday afternoon. Maple Mathews, Stiver, Lyons & Vale James H. Timmins Barrister. Solicitor. Notary Public Branch oï¬ice of Plaxtou & Deane THORNHILL 'AVenue 5-3165 By appointment and evenings Stuart P. Parker BARRISTEB, SOLICITOR, 'PEOTAï¬Y PUBLIC RICHMOND HILL Kennedy & Ross Burister. Solicitor & No“ Public 55 Yonge St. South Hammond Hill, Ontario Oï¬ice TUmer 4-1780 Residence TUrner 4-1868 Ofï¬ce Hours: 9.30-5 1nd by appointment Insurance (continued) Banister and Solicitor 15 Toronto Street TORONTO EM. 6-6021 Walsh and Walsh Norman A. Todd, T. C. Newman Barrister, Solicitor, etc. RICHMOND HILL THORNBILL INSURANCE Richmond Hill Oï¬ice TUrnet 4-2071 Thornhill Office BA. 1-6981 AVenue 5-1846 lEGAI. ‘. Campbell AVenue 5-1417 TUrner 4-1543 EM. 6-6256 Thom!!!“ Neighbourhood Notes Mrs‘ S. J. English accompanied Mrs. K. C. Gray and Jimmy on a trip to London last week-end, visiting Mrs. B. A. Bartram and Miss Johann Gray while there. Mrs. John Black, Bobby and Billy were guests at Fergus last week. Mr. and Mrs. Donald MacGreg- or of Owen Sound were recent guests at Braedoon. ,,_:_L_.1 Miss Nancy Brown assisted with the music at Brown’s Cor- ners Church last Sunday morn- ing, in the absence of Mrs. Eng- lish. Mr. Jack Cough and Miss Mary Gough sang a duet. Rev. A. C. Huston preached a Memor- ial Day service, and a special offering was dedicated to the cemetery funds. Among those who attended the Open House of the United Church Training School for Wo- men, last Friday, were Mrs. Douglas Hood. Mrs. John Donald- son. Mrs. Norman Reid. Mrs. Walter Brumwell, Misses Rhea MAPLE I! unpointmcnt 22 Centre St. E. Richmond 11m Ofllce TUmer 4-1271 Residence TUrner 4-1303 Dr. Cameron Cowan 2 Morgan Ave., Stop 14A OFFICE HOURS: Daytime: Monday to Friday ’ 1 pm. - 3 pm. Evenings: Monday to Thursday, 6 pm. - 8 pm. Or by appointment I'hornhiu AVenue 5-1311 BY APPOINTMENT 31 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill Northern Bldg. ‘Ottice: TUrner 4-3121 Oak Ridges: TU. 4-1182 Dr. J as. R. Langstafl' Dr. John B. Wynne Dr. Allen J. Smith Oflice hours 9 am. to 6 pm. also day 8: evening appointments 106 Yonge St. N., Bricyljnond Hill 22 Centre St. E. Richmond Hm By appointment TUrner 4.1422 Dr. Quentin Hardy Office Hours Wed. & Fri. Sat. . . . . . . . . Dr. R. A; Bigford Registered Nurse Available for 8 hr., 12 hr., or 24 hour duty Dr. E. A. Crawford Office Hours 12 to 2 pm. and 6 to 8 pm. by appointment APLE PHONE 3 Thomhill Obstetrician & Gynecologist Formerly of Gerrard Heintzman Work guaranteed, Free estimates REAL ESTATE Farms, Suburban Properties, etc INSURANCE Fire, Automobile, etc. TUrner 4-1671 VETERINARY SURGEON Telephone Centre Street TUmer 4-1432 Richmond Hill Dr. W. Allan Ripley REASONABLE RATES WILLING TO GO ANY- WHERE TU. 4-2773 Phone 82 Marguerite Boyle Dr. R. S. Ideson Dr. J. P. Wilson Elocntlon, Public Speaking Platform Department Dramatic Art "HOMEWOOD HALL" PIANO TUNING and Repairing S. Hoffman Dr. R. J. Steele Dr. J. T. Sheppard . REAL ESTATE VETERDIARY SURGEON and by appointment Telephone King 149M Phone Liberal Oflioe ' TUmer 4-1261 MEDICAL CORRESPONDENT : MRS. F. H. LEAF R. R. 2 Gormley â€" Ph. Agincourt 335.12 mod Notes . Scott and Mary Rodick. and Mrs r anï¬sh accompamed Wm. Rodick. 'TUrner ‘4-1154 R. H. Kane VETERINARY MUSICAL KING CITY BUTTONVILLE NEWS Keele St AVenue 5-1667 .. 7-9.30 p.m _. 9-11.30 a.m‘ Maple, Ont “Mr.â€" and Mrs. Ted Cough and Debbie are now in their new home in Buttonville. Congratulations to Ray Don- aldson who placed second in stock car races at the C.N.E. grounds recently. Brown's Corners W.M.S. Mrs. Harold Steffler enter- tained members and friends of Brown's Corners W.M.S. at her home on the occasion of the June meeting Wednesday of last week. ' An interesting programme had been planned beginning with the “Call to Worship" read by the president, Mrs. Wm. Rodick. A hymh was sung and the roll call and minutes read and ap- proved. Mrs. Edgar Fuller and Mrs. Steï¬ler read the scripture and Mrs. Stefller told the group htat the new “missionary for prayer" Miss E. Ratz. had formerly been her school teacher at Elmira, Ont. A letter from Mrs. Louise Col- ello thanking members for the bale which had been received, was read. Mrs. McHattie of the Centre Presbyterial' executive gave an inspirational devotional. and Patricia Patterson sang while the offering was being re- ceived. Mrs. Wm. Rodick introduced the speaker of the afternoon, Miss. Bishop, 3 missionary-at- large for the W.M.S. Miss Bishop had an interest- ing story to tell of her work with the volunteer visitohs corps and their work with shut-ins. ‘ Mrs. Ross Hord tendered cour- tesies at the conclusion, and the meeting was closed with a hymn and Mizpah Benediction. Tea was served by the hostesses. Mission Band Picnic Next Saturday, June 11, Miss Ellen Boynton will entertain members and friends of the Da- vidson Mission Band and the Cradle Roll at her home on No. 7 Highway. (Held over from last week) Mrs. Don Pearson and Tommy (nee Margaret Scott) were guests of Mrs. L. Scott last week. Un- fortunately Tommy contracted measles before his departure. Massey Harris Farms person- nel is doing some travelling these days. Mr. and Mrs. Major leave for Chicago on saturday. and Mr. and Mrs. Anderson are spending a few days in Harris- burg, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Roberts are on a motor trip to Vancouver where they will attend the we‘d- ding of their daughter Shirley. Congratulations are extended to Marilyn Barber and Harvey Brown who brought honour to their school R.H.D.H.S.. at the field day held at Pickering Col- lege last Monday. Marjorie is Senior girls champion and Harv- ey won the pole vault and came second in another event. A group of Buttonville W. 1. members attended the special event held to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Stouff- ville W. I. on Monday. From this area Mrs. E. Hill, Mrs. Garnet Francy, Mrs. R. Pralet, Mrs. Oakes. Mrs. Stonehouse, Mrs. Wilkins attended. George Felgate has returned from Queen’s University and will spend the summer working with an engineering firm in Toronto. Two June brides-to-be were honoured at a miscellaneous shower recently. Last week Mrs. Eldon Jones, Mrs. Gordon Vau- ghan and Miss Yvonne Magee entertained at Buttonville Hall for Marian Walkert Her mar- riage to Gordon Prentice takes place in Brown‘s Corners church on June 18. On Monday, a shower for Rena Miller, whose marriage to Paul Mingay of Markham takes place in Victoria Square United Church on June 25, was held in Brown’s Corners church. While the crowd gathered, Mrs. N. Reid and Mrs. J. Donaldson showed col- oured pictures of local interest. Hostesses were Mrs. Wm. Rodick and Mrs. F, H.Leaf, assisted by Mrs.‘ M. Sherman, Mrs. S. J. English, Mrs. N. Reid, Misses Dorothy Hood, and Mary Rodick. Congratulations are extended to Miss Sylvia Easton who will graduate from the Toronto East General School of Nursing June 11. ' HOLLAND MARSH : Last week members of the Christian Re- form Church at Springdale cele- brated Restoration Services. .It may be recalled that during Hur- ricane Hazel the church was al- most completely submerged un- der the swirling flood waters. Emergency Service IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Specializing in Alterations and Repairs Painter Decorator AW. HEARD Sunworthy & Suntested WALLPAPERS Plumbing & Heating Engineers Established 1935 87 Ross St., Aurora BASIL FOX TUrner 4-1547 PA. 7 4951 Drainwork THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, June 9, 1955 WW EELECTRIQ 2WIRING Telephone TU. 4-1650 Evergreens - Flowering Shrubs - Roses Shade Trees Fruit Trees 5 Grass Seed & Fertilizers Open 8 a.m. - 9 p.111. TU. 4-1491 0 USED 0 _ FARM EQUIPMENT NEW WORK â€" ALTERATIONS â€" REPAIRS 1 Massey-Harris Pony Tractor 1 MASSEY-HARRIS No. 44 Tractor (Gasoline) 1 10-20 International Tractor 1 Massey-Harris 4-foot One Way Disc 1 International One-Way Disc 1 Massey-Harris Clipper Combine (with motor) 1 New Holland Baler ( with motor) 1 International Baler (with motor) ENDEAN NURSERIES Careful feeding before calving means higher milk yield, better calves, less of the uual'fresh- ening troubles. Master Dry & Fitting Feed will bring your cows through the freshening period with high vi- tality, good general condition. ..Actual results have proven this â€" successful dairy farmers will vouch for it. one mile north of Richmond Hill invite you to visit Metropolitan Toronto’s largest Sales Station For Healthy Freshening . Feed Master Dry ‘ 8c Fitting ' Massey-Harris 20-tooth Cultivator Cockshutt Plows Serving this area for 40 years ROGER PROULX PLUMBING & HEATING Free Estimates Gladly Given YONGE STREET CALL ANY TIME 221 Lawrence Ave. Richmond Hill