v driving, News From Next Door TOUFFVILLE : Members of Istichardson Lodge celebrated the official opening of the new Masâ€" onic Temple last week. The lodge has been in operation for the past 95 years. U II, t . AURORA : Gardner Lloyd is be- ing es has called for tenders for the completion of the addition to the Aurora District High School. Work was halted when the orig- inal contracting company failed. a a t It URORA : Mayor Henderson has hold the town planning board that Council is not interested in hav- ing little bits of land for parks dotted in every subdivision. Re- ferring‘to the ruling that each pubdivider must dedicate 5Iper cent of the land to the muniCipal- ity, the Mayor said that council was more interested in the $300 cash lot fee. a o c c AGINCOURT : Charged with armed robbery after he alleged- ly forced his employer at gun point to walk into dense_bush and left him gagged and tied to a tree, Gordon Muir, 17-year-old farmhand. was arrested at gun- point by Scarborough police last week. a a a a NEWMARKET : County Coun- cil has approved the issuing of $570,000 debentures to cover the cost of additions to high schools in Newmarket and*Sutton. e a NEWMARKET : Frank Prest, a resident of the town for more than 40 years passed away re- cently. ‘ ‘l I. I. HOLLAND MARSH : The body of‘a Bradford man was found in the canal here last week. It is thought that he fell into. the wa- ter while washing. 0 t O O BALDWIN : One of the oldest residents of‘York County. Tom Smith, passed away recently at the age of 96. U 0 t O NEWMARKET : In recent weeks, an interesting experiment has been carried out at Newmarket High School as boys transferred from shop work to-the home ec- onomics classes for a few weeks while the girls in turn moved into the shop to learn about household repairs.» # t t O - SUTTON : There will be no Sut- ' ton Green Sox ball team playing in the Tri-County Circuit this year. Sutton players will shift to Sunderland this year. Â¥ # t * NEWMARKET : A chase through Aurora at. speeds up to 80 miles ‘an hour ended Saturday night with the arrest Saturday night of Robert Patchell 23, of Lake Wil- cox... He is charged withleaving the scene of an accident, drunk driving while his ~li- cause ,was suspended and having Ii nor in an illegal place. atchell, driving a light truck, struck 'the left fender of a car he was-overtaking on Highway 11 near Thornhill about 7 p.m. Saturday, police said. He sped may from the scene, turned east on Morgan Ave. and disappeared. :- it it a AURORA : William F. Grant, 23, of R. R. 3, Newmarket, died at York County Memorial hospital, Newmarket, last Sunday of in- juries received Saturday when his truck Went out of control and rolled twice on the Aurora side- road near Ballantrae. Police said the truck skidded 186 feet onto the‘soft shoulder. Vaughan Police 78 Cases The monthly police report presented to Vaughan Town- ship council last Monday showed 78 cases prosecuted by Vaughan police during the month of June. Of these 78 cases, 69 convictions were made, 62 of which carried ï¬nes valued at $1213.‘The majority of ï¬nes were lev- ied for traffic violations. Eightyâ€"seven summonses were served. A .total of 125 warnings was given re the Highway Traffic Act and 180 trucks were checked for overload- ing. Whitchurch Sets Mill Rate 29.5 'Whitcliurch Township Coun- cil struck their 1955 tax rate on Thursday night at 29.5 mills, one and a half mills higher than last year. The final xyiissage of the tax rate came afte lengthy six hour council session. The new general mill rate will be based on an assessment of $3,- 496,369.18. The county rate for this year remains much the same at 10.7 mills for a levy of $37,305.06. In the field of education the Aurora High School rate re- mained the same as in 1954 â€" 10 mills to raise $14.013. The Newmarket-Sutton levy is down .2 mills to 6.5 while Stouffville High School rate is up 21,5, mills to 10.5 for a levy of $16,473.50. Additional levies are as fol- lows: Statutory public school grants, $18,801.52; Public School truS- tee rates, $661,775.47; Public School debentures $27,461.49; Separate School rates $305.12. ‘ sought by police in connec- tion with the alleged theft of $225 funds of the Oak Ridges Bowling Club. a a t a AURORA : The Board of Trus- (1014:!1 Oh June 1 1905, Rev. Harold Everitt Wellwood and Miss Amy Alberta Ball were united in mar- riage at Warminster, Ontario, by the father of the groom, Rev. Nathaniel Wellwood. On June 1 1955 on the occasion of their golden wedding anniver- sary, Rev. III. E. and Mrs. Well- wood were “At Home" to their relatives and friends. During the afternoon and evening almost 200 guests called, many of them from charges where Mr. Wellwood had been stationed during his min- istry. These included Chats- Coming EVERY MONDAY â€"- Bingo held at Community Hall, Spruce Ave. Stop 22A Yonge St., Richvale,, at 8.15 p.m. tfc38 a a: a a EVERY ‘THURSDAY -- Bingo. sponsored by L.O.L. 2368 in the Orange Hall, Richmond Hill at 8 p.m. sharp. Lucky draw night. a a o - tfc 2 JUNE 13 â€" Monday. Meeting of Thornhill L.O.L. No. 91 at the Masonic Hall, Thornhill. clw50 U 0 t 3 JUNE 13 â€"- Monday. The Lawn Bowling Club will openithe sea- son. Games start at 7.30 p.m. clw50 e a It c JUNE 14 â€" Tuesday 7 p.m. Clos- ing meeting of St. Mary’s Angli- can Evening W.A. will take the form of a Pot Luck Suppear at the home of Mrs. Jack WhartOn of 210 Richmond St. For trans- portation call TU. 4-2105. clw50 a: a: * * JUNE 14 â€" Tuesday. Rummage sale for Thornhill and District Association for Retarded Child- ren at. Richvale Community Hall, at 1.30 p.m. clw50 O O O O JUNE 14 â€" Tuesday. The regu~ lar quarterly meeting of the Oak Ridges Board of Trade will be held at the Windmill Inn at 8 p.m. All members are urged to attend. clw50 a a a o JUNE 15 â€"â€" All you can eat for a dollar. Come and bring your friends to the Thornhill United Church Lawn supper at Domico Farms, Stop 14A Yonge St. 5-8 p.m. Supervised play for the chil- dren. Music by Ernie Kent and the Don Valley Ramblers. Tick- ets still available. Children 10 and under 50c. a a t a JUNE 16 â€"â€" Thursday 8 p.m. Monthly meeting of Thornhill & District Association for Retarded Children at Charles Howitt School at 8 p.m. Speaker -â€" Mrs. D. Bowman. Refreshments. Evâ€" eryone welcome. clw50 Ill >6 Ill It JUNE 17 â€"Friday, 8.30 p.m. Charles Howitt Recreational Asâ€" sociation Dance. Admission 75c. At Charles Howitt School. c2w50 l It i I JUNE 18 â€" Saturday 1 p.m. Bazaar and Tea at Ash’s Booth, Lake Wilcox, sponsored by the W.A. Church, of St. Paul’s United Oak Ridges-Lake Wil- cox, also Rummage Sale, Fish Pond for the children, sale of home baking, aprons, and baby’s clothing. c2w50 0... JUNE 18 â€"- Saturday. Richmond Hill Naturalists will meet at Wright 8: Yonge Sts. at 2 p.m. for a botany trip to McNair's Farm, to study plants. Birds too! F. Redelmeier. flowers and Leader Mrs. clw50 . o o c JUNE 18 â€" at 2 p.m. is the date arranged for the joint basket pic- nic of York Pioneer and Histori- cal Society and York County Women's Institute at Sharon Temple, Sharon, Ont. The pro- gram will consist of a Tableau of VOLUME LXXVI. NUMBER 50 c1w50‘ . Tihrral. "In Essentials, Unity} ‘ worth, Flesherton, Sunderland, Aurora, Collier St. Barrie, Cent- ral Church, Weston, Kingston Road Church, Toronto. Their daughter Evelyn (Mrs. W. A. Campbell) of Belleville and their son Mac Wellwood of Toronto, and two of their three granddaughters were present. Mr. and Mrs. Wellwood were the recipients of many telegrams greeting cards and gifts. Among these were two veranda chairs and a pinâ€"up bed lamp from their neighbours. â€"â€" photo by lagerquist Events Four Phases of Pioneer Life by the York County Women’s Insti- tute and music. So, for an en- joyable afternoon, come and en- joy'this historical event. clw50 # t O 3 JUNE 21 â€" Tuesday. Strawberry Festival to be held in the Victor- ia Square United Church Sunday School room. Served from 6.30‘ to 8 p.m., followed by a Variety Program in the Community Hall. Adults 75c, children 12 years and under 35c. Sponsored by the Couples Club of the church. ' c2w50 *rlrlkfl JUNE 22 â€" Wednesday. Straw- berry Festival Teston United Church. Supper served 5-8 p.m. Adults 75c, children 40c.-c2w50 =0! 4‘ it It JUNE 23 â€" Thursday. Carrville United Church Strawberry Fes- tival, $1.25 adults, 75c children, 6-8 p.m. Cold turkey, salad plate, hors d’oeuvres, strawberries and cream. *4w48 * * a * JUNE 25 â€" Saturday. Our Lady of Grace Church, Aurora, Gar- den ,7 Party and Turkey Supmr, from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. Bingo and games. c3w50 JULY 5 .Tdegd; â€"â€" y, 8.15 p.m. The Ladies Auxiliary of Canad- ian Legion Branch 375 Carrville Rd. is beginning a Series of Enâ€" chres to be held the ï¬rst Tues- day of each month in the Legion Hall, Carrville Rd. Refreshments. c4w50 Constable Still In Hospital P.C. George Clayton of Mark- ham Township Police Force is still in Toronto General Hospital as the result of an accident last weekend in which he suffered the loss of two toes and the mangling of another when his right foot slipped under his ro~ tary mower. Clayton was mowing the boule- vard in front of his home when the machine got away from him. He grabbed for it, wheh his foot slipped and went under the mow- er. He was wearing rubber boots at the time. Police Chief Wideman report- ed he did not know when Clay- ton would be back on the job. Resigns From Area Donald McTavish, who has been Psychologist for the School Area for past three years, has issued his resig- nation to the Board. His res- ignation will come into ef- fect at the end of this month. Mr. )lcTavish has accept- ed a position with the Ont- ario Department of Educa-, tion. in Non «no» (ials. Uh cm} In 0†Things. Charity. †RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 1955 Third Druggist Requests Closing Hours 35 Years’ Experience Vaughan Hires R. Mosher Chief Twp. Police Force Vaughan Township Council accepted the application of Richard C. Mosher, Sutton West, for the position of Police Chief of Vaughan Township Police Force last Mon- day afternoon. 20 applications for the position. Mr. Mosher was chosen from more than At present, he is Chief of the Sutton-Georgina force in which capacity he has served for 15 years. In selecting Mr. Mosher for the position, Council considered his experience in police work would be valuable in the expan- sion of the force. For more than 30 years, he was a Detective-ser- geant on the Board of Commis- sioners of Police and prior to that had served with the Canad- ian Army. The new Chief will receive $4500 per annum and the regu- lation 9c per mile rate. Tenders - Council accepted the tender of Kamlee Construction Co. for the erection of a new bridge on the Langstan sideroad. The tender prices ranged from $27,- 045 to the Kamlee low price of $17,200. The additional cost of handrails, steel and grading will bring the cost to $22,000 in line with engineers’ estimates. Bids on the Cockburn bridge in the west end of the township were not so successful, however. Twel- ve bids ranging from $39,600 to $45,000 were received but with the added cost of steel and grading etc., the cost would run, even with the lowest tender, to at least the $74,000 mark. Council felt that the cost was too far out of line- and instructed the consulting engineers to call for a new set of tenders. Council passed an amendment to the by-law regulating lot siz- es to permit smaller lots in the Uplands Gardens subdivision where there will be a municipal water supply. Residents Protest Two residents of Crestwood Avenue. Percy Forester and G. Konsmo, met with Council to air a number of grievances. Both men criticized the township pro- cedure in securing options for land for well test-drilling and Mr. Forester was particularly critical of the action of Interna- tional Water Supply not drilling on his property, and of the town- ship for not entering into an ag- reement with him enabling the well drillers to drill on his land. One of the conditions of Mr. For- ester's agreement was that the Council should approve the div- ision of his lot. Enquiring about the road pro- gramme for Creswood, Mr. Kno- smo suggested that the township road department tear out all the unsatisfactory culverts on the streets, replace them with stanâ€" dard ones and charge the cost to the individual owners. He further suggested that Council should immediately make evic- tions where more than one fain- ily is occupying a single family dwelling in contravention of the by-law. Both were also critical of sanitary inspections made by the Health Unit in the area. Mr. DeMorris and Mr. Cramp- ton, property owners on the El- gin Mills sideroad west of Duff- erin, met with Council to dis- cuss garbage being dumped on their property and the parked cars which cause a nuisance. Council agreed to have police make checks on the road which is a dead end road. Charles Thomas was appoint- ed Weed Inspector. 53.3c Of Markham Tax Dollar- Education'Costs A summary of how each tax dollar is being spent is being enclosed with Markham Township tax bills now be- ing prepared forthe ratepayers. The summary is being sent in order to give a report of how these‘ dollars are be- ing spent. Largest item, 53.3c of every dollar, will go for edu- cation costs. Of this amount public school education costs are $236,235 and high schools $90,329. In addition to this, provincial grants are pro- vided amounting to $200,000. Township roads require 14.3c of every dollar. The report states that the heavy damage done last fall and winter makes it imposs- ible to put the 160 miles of township roads in proper repair on the total budget of $165,000 and for this reason plans are be- ing develOped for a major im- provement program costing ab- out $250,000, the cost of which would be spread over a ten year period. The County' will take 12c of every dollar and is a statutory The total cost is $326,564. levy'set by the county and not directly under‘council control. General township purposes require 10.5c in the amount of $64,722, and cover the cost of administration with a small am- ount for grants and relief. Police costs are $36,500, tak- ing 6c of every dollar. The force has been expanded from four to eight men and in addition two cruisers were purchased and 2- way radios installed. Fire costs take 1.2c of the tax dollar, costing $7,300. Stouffville, Markham, Unionville and Rich- mond Hill involve an expendi- ture of about $1,500 a year for maintenance, the balance being required for paying the ï¬remen. AWhitchurch Asks Halt Govt. Licenses To Swill Feeders A request is going to the Do- minion government from Whit- church Township asking that no further government licenses be issued for pig-swill-feeders until a bylaw can be prepared by council to regulate these op- Erators. Garbage Tenders John E. Storry was awarded the annual contract on Thurs- day night for the collection of garbage at the three lakes within the township. Total price of the contract was $5,000. This figure included $3,800 for Wilcox Lake, $1,000 for Mussel- man's Lake and $200 for Pres- ton's Lake. An account was payment in the $100 for a heifer dogs, the property Richardson . Road Accounts Road accounts for the month passed for payment amounted to 511.000. Council discussed com- plaints on the progress of the work being done on Gravel Hill on the east townline, a project undertaken some time ago by Stouffville Sand 8.: Gravel. Road Supt. Davis stated that represen- tation had been made concern- ing the temporary hydro and telephone line and some answer passed for amount of killed by of Geo. W. should be sought on how the work could be speeded up. Council agreed that Mr. F. mrritt, County Weed Inspec- tor, and Constable Mulholland should confer on moves to be made to clean up weeds on small lots, said to be very prevalent in the township. Council agreed to a $25 grant to the Upper Holland Conserva- tion Authority which would en- able Newmarket to benefit by a 37% government grant towards the restoration of the dam at Fairy Lake, damaged during Hurricane Hazel. Markham ' Construction Reaches Three Million Mark 'Value of building in Markham Township during the month of May is valued at three quarters of a mill- ion dollars. Thirty-two per- mits were issued. Residential building, ten houses and six alteration jobs amounted to $101,000. The new High School at Thornhill is valued at $800,- 000. Commercial and in- dustrial building included two service stations, one ac- cessory building, two build- ing additions and two signs, valued at 831.450. Total for all building was $744,900. Job Printing . . . Done Right! Priced Right! The Liberal TUrner 4- 1261 ______â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"_â€"â€"â€" HOME PAPER OF THE DISTRICT SINCE 1878 SecondPensionPIan Considered-Village Richmond Hill council Monday night reviewed a sec. Financial Campaign The congregation of the Richmond Hill United Church recently agreed'to begin a ï¬nancial campaign to raise money for an ex- tension to the present Sun- day School building. . Further details regarding the campaign will be forth- coming at a later date. Vaughan Approves Carrville WeII Last Monday, Vaughan Town- ship Council approved the devel- opment of the Carrville Rd. well by International Water Supply. The drilling ï¬rm advised coun- cil that the well was capable of producing a 250 gal. minimum, and a 700 gal maximum. and gave a price of $26,750 for de- veIOpment to 250 gal. and $37,- 100 for 700 gal. per minute. The actual committment when work begins will be $9,000 for mater- ials. Work will start as soon as materials can be moved to the site and the company guarantees the well-flow. ‘ Reeve Marshall McMurchy told Council that the International drilling rigs were on the last test hole in Crestwood Rd. area and as yet had not been success- ful in locating a sufficient flow. Council agreed, however, that Crestwood Rd. should be includ- ed in the water area being form- ed at present, in view of the fact that nearly $6,000 had been spent in the area in search of water. It was felt that water should be available in that area by next year. Councillor W. Agar suggested that International Water Supply should 'be‘ asked to sink 'a few holes in the Concordyarea to see what possible water~sources are available there. If a good sup- ply was indicated, it would be advantageous to the township in encouraging industry to set- tle in the area around Concord set aside for industrial develop~ merit. Elect New Legislature Today With the weatherman promising excellent weath- er, a record number of vot- ers are expected to go to the polls in today's voting for the members of .the On- tario Legislature. In the riding of York North, the people will select their forthcoming legislative members from candidates representing the three ma- jor political parties â€" Lib- eral, Conservative and QC.- F. Voting hours are from 9 am. to 8 p.m. daylight saving time. Voting in the advance polls which were held for three days, June 2, 3 and 4, was light. Only 9 votes were recorded in Richmond Hill, 14 in Aurora, 27 in New- market and ï¬ve in Button- ville. Results will be provided by the Liberal tonight. Phone TU. 4-1261. Missing , Five Hours Jimmy Hudson, 4-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. G. Hud- son, 43 Trench Street, Rich- mond Hill, was missing for ï¬ve hours Monday. Follow- ing an extensive search by local police he was located on Bathurst Street. Jimmy had tricycled out to the 2nd of Vaughan and was found with the help of A and B Scout Troops of the village. He was last seen around his home at 11 am. and was not located until 4.30 later that after- HOOD. Vaughan Bldg. Nearly % Million Vaughan Township Build- ing Inspector, Tom Gillings reports that the value of building in the township during May‘totalled nearly 3; million dollars. 78 per- mits were issued for build- ings valued at more than $700,000. In Maple alone there are some 60 homes nearing com- pletion or under construc- tion. into Holy Orders. Father McGinn was assistant in many parishes throughout the Toronto area. starting at St. Brigid's Church in Toronto. For four years he was 0nd pension plan for village the town approximately employees which would cost $2500 per annum. Council left the plan in the hands of employees who’ are to report back to council‘next meeting. To take care of back payments $3741., of which the Village would pay half, would have to be paid over a lO-year period. Closing Hours . G. C. Mainprize of Islington, who will be proprietor of the drug store to be located in the new Medical Centre on Yonge Street north, requested counCil for the establishment of follow- ing closing hours â€" Sunday 12 noon to 6 p.m.. Monday through Saturday 8.30 to 9 p.m. Mr. Mainprize stated the store would be operated by Walter Murray, 47 Roseview Avenue, graduate pharmacist. I . Council held the suggestion in abeyance as was the request last month of the Clarke and Wight Pharmacies for speciï¬ed closmg hours. . n It was the general opinion that no merchant in the village shbuld be told when he must op- en and close his place of busi- ness, particularly when the mer- chant sells public necessities. No Word On Lawsuit No word has been received on the outcome of the lawsuit in- volving the village and the E. T. Stephen's Co. Ltd. The Stephens ï¬rm has alleged that the vill- age's sewage disposal plant has polluted the stream which runs through the Stephens’ property. Licensing of Bicycles Council passed the by-law for the licensing of bicycles in the village. Before it can come into effect, however, the by-law must ï¬rst be approved by the Ontario Municipal Board. Park Clean-Up Councillor Jones“ asked the the village park be given a gen- eral clean-up, pointing out it was in a not too desirable con- dition forvpeople who make much use of it. He pointed out that little work had been done on it to date to make it attractive and suggested work be started as soon as possible. Council agreed to his request. Levy Service Charge On a motion by Councillor Jones and Deputy-Reeve Tomlin, all builders will be levied a ser- vice charge of $2.00 per house for water consumption. This move was made following com- plaints that water was being wasted by the builders. $15,000 Proï¬t Reports of the North Yonge Bus Lines for March and April show total operating proï¬ts for the two months of over $15,000, marking great increases over corresponding periods last 'year. The report states a net oper- ating proï¬t of $5,766 was tabled for the month of March, com- pared to a proï¬t of only $611. for March of ’54. For the ï¬rst three months of the year, the operating proï¬t was $13,994, compared to a pro- ï¬t of $1,584 for the correspond- ing period last year. Passenger revenue for March ’55 amounted to $40,187 comparâ€" ed to $30,538 for March ’54, an increase of $9,648 or 31.5 per cent. Operating expenses for March of this year were $34,421 compared to $29,932 in ’54, an increase of $4,488 or 15 per cent. Mileage in March totalled 64,â€" 933 as against 54,409' in March ’54, an increase of 10,524 or 19 per cent. The statement for April shows a net operating proï¬t of $9,868, compared with a proï¬t of $5,044. for April ’54. For the ï¬rst four months of this year, the operating proï¬t was $23,862, compared to a pro- ï¬t of $6,628 for the correspond- ing period in ’54. Passenger revenue for April ’55 amounted to $40,297 compar- ed to $35,368 for April ‘54, an increase of $4,928 or 13.94 per cent. . > ' Operating expenses for April equal $31,270, compared to $30,- 324 last year, an increase of $946. or 3.12 per cent. Mileage in April was 61,545 as against 54,830 in April ’54, an increase of 6.715 or 12.25 per cent. Father F. M cGinn Local Pastor Celebrates 25 Years In Priesthood Members of the congregation of St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church, Richmond Hill will be joining with the Reverend Frederick McGinn P.P. next week in the celebra- tion of his silver jubilee as a member of the priesthood. It is 25 years ago, June 14, that Rev. McGinn was ordained assistant to the late Monsignor Felix Smyth of St. Catharines and was then transferred to St. Michael’s Cathedral, Toronto, where he served under the pres- ent Archbishop Martin Johnson Father Frederick McGinn of Vancouver, and the late Fath- er Gregory Kelly. Prior to as- suming his duties in the parish at Richmond Hill, he was assist- ant under the late Monsignor Michael Cline at Holy Name Church, Toronto. It was in 1942 that Rev. Mc- Ginn received his ï¬rst appoint- ment as parish priest, being ap- pointed to St. Mary's Parish at Richmond Hill where he succeed- ed the Rev. Edward Keane who is now parish priest at Weston. Rev. McGinn was born in Tor- onto and attended De La Salle and St. Michael's Colleges. Foll- owing family traditions, he chose Holy Orders and studied theolo~ gy at the St. Augustine Semin- ary, Toronto. A sister of Rev. McGinn, Sister Mary Callisto, is in charge of the accounts ollice at St. Michael’s Hospital, Toron- to, and a nephew, Rev. Gerard McGinn, is a scholastic of the Basilian Community. Looking back on the thirteen years that Rev. McGinn has ser- ved as Parish Priest in Rich- mond Hill, members of the con- gregation can look with pride to his lasting accomplishments, out: standing among which are the establishment in 1948 of Our Lady of Fatima School in Rich- mond Hill, and Our Lady of As- sumption School at Oak Ridges, dedicated only last year. At the time he arrived in the parish, only one Mass was celebrated each Sunday. Now ï¬ve Masses are celebrated regularly each Sunday. As part of the jubilee services, Solemn High Mass will be cele- brated at 10 am. on June 14 for the children while the entire con- gregation will join together for the celebration of High Mass on June 19 at 9 am. The Marian Guild is holding a reception in Rev. ME-Ginn‘s houâ€" our on Sunday, June 19, at the rectory. The Liberal joins with the cit- izens of Richmond Hill in ex- tending congratulations and good wishes to Rev. McGinn on this happy occasion. Wednesda Y Night Bingo 8 PM. - Jackpot, June 8, $225.00 LEGION HALL - STOP 23 Carrville W I .6