EM. 6-5373 The balance of our Automobile Insurance rates are comparatively lower than standard rates. Our Policies are issued by a Stock Company through Li- censed Agents. Call or write K. H. Doyle_ 83 Westwood Lane, Richvale, AVenue 5-2067, or Ontario Insurance Service, 62 Richmond St. West, Toronto, EM. 6-9628 Compare These Rates With Those You Are Now Paying â€"â€" Public Liability & Property The above rates are to cover 1954 Chevrolet, Dodge, Plymouth. Pontiac, or any vehicle in this price range operated by a driver over 25 years of age, and with no claims in the past three years. Damage 5:1021 . . . . . . . . . Collision $100. Deductible . . Fire & Theft . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total ..... . . . . . . . . Ilï¬'illa-Z’Wfl' AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE L ONSTRUCTION CO. CONCRETE WORK â€"â€" DRAINS 126 Elmwood Ave., Richmond Hill TU. 4-2612 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thu_rsday, Junglï¬, 1955 MAPLE BLOCK 8: TILE Ell G.M. Condition-aim heater -â€" Right hand sun visor ~ Deluxe steering wheel â€" per- manent type anti-freeze â€" Tuâ€"tone paint â€"- 5 wheels and tires â€" All standard factory equipment â€" license â€" tank full of gas. 1955 Pontiac Laurentian Coach MODEL 201 ID . ...- 1955 Pontiac Station Wagon MODEL 2263F FULL NEW CAR WARRANTY PLANT : MAPLE, ONT. Serial Number 802430 Serial Number 615224 Limited BLOCKS - BACK-UP TILE MAPLE 6 CONCRETE * CINDER * SLAG $15.30 $22.10 $ 2.55 $39.95 r . LIST PRICE $2782.75 BA. 1 " Mom 44“ Undersea’c heater â€" Dlrecti Dyna-flow transmission â€"â€" YOU SAVE 482.75 discs â€" permanent type an 3% 6167 YONGE STREET ALL CARS LICENSED AND SEE VICED LIST PRICE ' 2647.00 YOU SAVE 447.00 SALE PRICE â€" 2200. LIST PRICE $2521.00 YOU SAVE 421.00 SALE PRICE â€" ERichvalé Pupils Present ‘ pOutstanding Variety Night From the tiniest participants in the Rhythm band. to the older group of girls and boys, the per- formances were excellent. Mr. Hugh Martin was in charge of the singing and must also have been very proud of the results of his teaching. Levels 1. 2, 3. 4, and 5 took part in the Rhythm band. They were dressed in blue and gold costumes and were led in selec- tions by Wayne King. Their in- tentness added to the enjoyment of their timing and music. The pupils and teachers at Richvale School are to be highly commended for a most outstand- ing evening of entertainment presented Wednesday June 8 A, Levels 6. 9, 12 and Grade 4 presented a delightful singing sketch entitled the Lemonade Stand. The girls and boys per- formed like seasonbd actors. with clear speech, expression, tuneful songs and two well ex- ecuted dances. In between numbers, Gary Skippon entertained the audience with two examples of his elo- cution. Grades 5. 6, 7 and 8 put on a minstrel show called The Spooky Minstrels. The chorus entered as ghosts. and later shed their shrouds to appear in colourful costumes. The end men were The Keego Pack of Langstaff Cubs attended their first rally last' Saturday with Cubmaster Mrs. Perry at Thornhill Park and were awarded an “A†pen- nant for their work. There were only two A pennants in the nor- thern section so Keego Pack may well be proud of their ef- forts. Keneu Pack were just a few points behind and won a “B†pennant which made them and their Cubmaster Mrs. Goodâ€" win very happy. This was the annual York Central. rally for cubs. North Richvale News fine Cub Rally PLAXTON and DEANE announces the moving of their office from 41 Yonge St. S. to 31 Yonge St. North as of June 11. It is to be hoped some of the DONALD G. PLAXTON black-faced comedians, the NOTICE 0f the ï¬rm of CORRESPONDENT: 2100. RICHVALE NEWS Underseat heater â€" Directional signals â€"- Whitewall tires â€"â€" Chrome wheel discs â€" Dyna Flow transmission â€" permanent type anti-freeze â€" W paint â€" license ‘- tankfullofgasâ€"Swheelx andï¬resâ€" all standard factquy equipment. 1955 4-2800 soloists also black-faged and the interlocutor in evemng dress. The story was well carried through and interspersed with songs. The jokes were perfectly timed and the spirit of great fun and enjoyment of the performers was paSSed on to the audience. Congratulations were extended by all present to the Interlocutor, Pauline Paul. Barry played by Bobby Blackburn, the end men Ga‘y Lewis was Mistress of ceremonies and introduced each number. At the conclusion of the show, she called the teachers to the stage and also MrS. R. Wood Pianist. who had helped the children so much with their songs and presented Mrs. Wood with a bouquet of roses in ap- preciation of her kindness. Donna Wainwright accompan. ied the chorus, at the piano dur- ing one of their numbers and the older girls and boys helped a great deal with stage and scen- ery, Mr. W. Downing did a splenâ€" did job of sound and lighting effects. Linda; Bakér and Doug Sykes and the soloists Helen Burns and Gail Lewis. Many proud parents, relatives, former teachers and friends think it was the finest concert ever put on by the pupils and hope they will repeat it next year. northern residents will glance at this column and learn that their correspondent Mrs. M. Black~ burn. accompanied by Mrs. E. Lambert and Mrs. G. Fenwick, is spending a week in Buffalo, for a well-earned rest. Save all your news for next week, when Mrs. Blackburn returns. Social Dr. and Mrs. A. D. McAlister and Mr. and Mrs. F. McIntyre from Dundalk. were weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Kirk. Mr. McIntyre is editor of the Dundalk Herald. Girls Softball League Richvale girls had two victories last week when they beat Oak Ridges and Vellore. They are now tied with Vellore for top position in the league. There will be a game against Maple girls, in Maple on~Friday night, May 17. Richvale School Grades 6, 7 and 8 will be tak- ing an educational tour to Orillia Midland and Midhurst on Wed- nesday June 22 for their annual class trip. The girls’ baseball team played the first game in the play-off series against Thorn- hill, on Monday in Thornhill Park, and were the winners. Tuesday and Wednesday will be the‘deciding games for the cup in the Area. MRS. R. F. PAUL Serial Nilmbér ‘800658 Buick Special 4-hour Sedan MODEL 4469B PRICES THESE The regular monthly meeting of the Junior Institute was held at the home of Mrs. C. Jones. Boyle Drive. The president, Mrs. B. Pattison, called the meeting to order with the usual opening cermonies. Roll call was “Bring a Spring Flower" and ten members answered. Final plans were made for the Tea to be held shortly. The first prize for the June Tea will be a quilt, hand made by'the members. Other valuable prizes will be given‘ There will be no meetings during July and Aug- ust. The baseball finals were play- ed off last Wednesday and Thurs- day, and Henderson Avenue School were the victors, Qvinn- ing over LEngstaff-two games to one. The house league games have fleenplayed also and the winners in the boys were the Wolves- captained by John Kerr, and in the girls-the Canaries captain- ed by Glynis Mackean. The date for the Open Air Concert has been set for June 22nd. It is expected that all the children will be taking part and all the parents are invited to at- tend. Grades 6. 7 and 8 are plan- ning a trip to the Department of Lands and 'Forest. Maple. and other points of interest close by and we will be reporting on this next week. The children will be bringing home notices re the swimming lessons given every summer at the Thornhill Pool for the school children. When we read of all the drownings that occur every summer. we realize it is a won- derful thing for the boys and girls to be given an opportunity‘ to learn to swim. ‘ The sympathy of the commun- ity is extended to Mrs. R. Mcâ€" Arthur, Yongeview Avenue, on the death of her mother. Mrs. Lillian Jane Muir, of Toronto‘ Mrs. K. Palmer has returned home from the Hospital and is recovering from her recent ill- ness. Birthday greetings to Mrs. A. Watt, Sussex Avenue, who cele- brated her birthday, on Monday of this week. ' Mrs. G. Clayton. No. 7 High- way. is‘leaving Langstaff to take up residence with her son, P.C. George Clayton, Richmond Hill. Best wishes of her friends and AUTOMOTIVE PARTS & ACCESSORIES Sacriï¬ce at Half Price DISCONTINUED PARIS AUTO SUPPLY Richmond Hill TU. 4-1541 LANGSTAFF NEWS LIST PRICE 3346.15 YOUSAVI ,» 546.15 Sale Price -- CORRESPONDENT: MRS. M. J. ROY y of the commun- :l to Mrs. R. Mcâ€" view Avenue. on her mother. Mrs. Phone AVenue 5-2496 2800. .‘n-L} CUT FLOWERS, d {1y 1 FUNERALS, WEDDINGS 12;}RICE'S' FLOWER ,SHUP PONTIMS AND BUIflKS neighbours go with her Mr. and Mrs. J. Honor. Morgan Drive, attended the 50th wed- ding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Roy. Toronto, on June 4th. with Mr. and Mrs. M. Roy and S. J. Roy. Toronto, on . with Mr. and Mrs. M. ] family. Mrs. Honor is of Mrs4 Roy Sr. Still Fishing Champion A grbup of Sussex Avenue neighbours, Ken Stiver. Bruce Mountjoy. and Stan Lockhart. have been making an annual ï¬shing trip to Haliburton for the past few years, accompanied by Cord and Walter Manning bro- thers-in-law of Mr. Mountjoy. This year‘s outing took place on the weekend of June 4th. There is keen competition among the group as they give their all in friendly rivalry to reel in the largest fish. This year. again, Bruce Mountjoy. hooked the winner and maintains his status of champion and holder of the cup. - SCARBORO : Township police cracked down on election candi- dates who used sound trucks and who posted signs on telephone and hydro poles. «mmumuu1mmuuuuuunlmmuuumumumunuummunumuu munmmluumuuuuuummummuumuuummumnnnuuumum 23 YONG-E ST. SOUTH Richmond Hill All Hours TU. 4-1812 FLOWERS F OR EVERY OCCASION W’s mag Fug] Oils Our trucks are equipped. with Government Inspected 4 Printo-Meters for your protection. RICHMOND HILL G.M. condition-aim heater â€" permanent type anti-freeze -â€" 5 wheels and tires â€" license â€" Tank full of gas â€" All factory standard equipment. 1955 Pontiac Deluxe Sedan MODEL 2019 Underseat heater â€"- Directional signals â€" Dyna-flow transmission â€"â€" Chrome wheel discs â€",permanent type anti-freeze -â€" Tu- tone paint â€" Special interior trim â€" Lic- ense â€" Tank full of gas‘-â€" All standard factony equjpment; WITSWiIBBâ€"Dualhomâ€"pem- mWWâ€"MWW 0N BRAND NEW 1955 Buick Special 4-Door MODEL 4469B 1955 am: 1st Series 1-Ton Express MODEL 9434 LIST PR1 MI. MINER PARTS 8: SERVICE, Serial Number 610451 Serial Nmnber 801509 SeriaI Number 10117~ a sister TRADES ACCEPTED IF YOU NEED ['1‘ WE CAN BUILD IT 216 Essex Ave. Excavating 723 Grading Front-End Loaders & Trucks For Hire 61 Crosby Ave., Richmond Hill BA. 1-4144 TU. 4-1764 New Work qumbing & Heating SOIL INVESTIGATIONS and TESTING LTD. HEAD OFFICE - 5 SAND * STONE * GRAVEL LOAM * TOP SOIL * FILL TURNEB’S WELDING SERVICE TORONTO AREA Dial 110 and ask for ZENITH 33100 Free estimates on E. H. WILSON, Vice-President 8.: General Manager ANDREWS 8 GRAY DALTON HICKS Gov. Certiï¬ed Richmond Hill Fabricating, Erection 85 Repairs to Tanks, Smoke Stacks, Breechings, etc. Richmond Hill, Box 206 Phone TU. 4-1879 Alterations 1 soil borings and diamond drilling anywhere in Ont. Yongg St. 5.. Box 747, Richmond Hill A OUTSIDE AREA PHONE TU. 4-2061 llST PRICE 2471.00 YOU SAVE 421.00 SALE PRICE â€" 2050. Lm we: ‘,_, 3377.90 YOU SAVE 547.90 SALE Hue! â€"- 2830. LIST PRICE 2393.75 YOU SAVE 548.75 SALE PMCE â€" TUrner 4-2751 Richmond Hill Mobile Unit W. J. 3-2965 IF YOU BREAK 11‘ WE CAN WELD IT 1850. TUrner 4-1591 Repaifs