GARDEN AVE. Mortgages â€" Mortgages â€" Mortgages Firsts and Seconds $3000. FIRST MORTGAGE, repayable $30 monthly including 6% interest for ï¬ve years. No risk invest- ment price $2700. $5000. FIRST MORTGAGE, repayable $50 monthly, including 6V2% interest for ï¬ve years. SELLING PRICE $4200. For these Richmond Hill bargains and other City Mortgages, call Mr. Mintz, REdfern 2656, Special Machinery General Repairs Steamï¬tting LENO’S MACHINE SHOP GLENGABRY INVESTMENTS LTD. Smith Crescent, Thornhill AV. 5-2211 Sand -â€" Gravel â€" Crushed Stone Loam â€" Fill HENRY SEARLE ASPHALT PAVING Driveways, Parking Lots, Tennis Courts, Sidewalks 73 CENTRE ST. EAST L. W. REID Plumbing & Heating RICHMOND HILL TU.4.2132 1742A Avenue Road. AV. 5-1691 F. 'L. LOWRIE R.0. OPTOMETRIST be at The Northern Building. 31 Yonge St. North WEDNESDAY, JUNE 29 From 9.30 mm. to 12 noon and the lat and 3rd Wednesday of each month EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED Broken Lenses Replaced Optical Repairs Prescriptions for Glasses Filled Home on. 3242 Yonge Street Opp. Park Theatre EU. 8-8949 LANGSTAFF Welding Temperanceville W.|. Members Highest Points Aurora Show Temperanceville W. I. -â€"b$ Temperanceville W. I. won the award of $500 for the highest number of points received by members in the Ladies’ Section of the Aurora Horse Show. Con- gratulations to those exhibitors who brought this honour to the organizatign. â€" « 77,7, “3‘.l_ In the Domestic Science Divisâ€" ion, Mrs. Everett Phillips receiv- ed ï¬rst prizes for the following: tea biscuits with fruit, tea bis- cuits with cheese; 1 pintyof can- ned pineapple and one of orange marmalade. dark fruit cake, ap- ple pie for which she won the Canada Packers special. The Aurora Belle Special. a silver relish dish was the spec- ial award for half dozen cup cakes made by Mrs:_Philllps. Second prizes won by Mrs. Phillips were for bran muï¬â€˜lns. butter tarts. sponge cake. angel cake and orange chiffon cake: She won the Magic Baking Pow- der special for a single layer white cake also the hamper of Standard Brand products. A third prize was won for a white cake. and gave her the Canada Mrs. Fred Boys will attend Sunday School on June 19th as Missionary Superintendent. Chil- dren are requested to bring extra collection for the M 8: M Fund. Rev. Victor Wood conducted the service June 12th. Mr. War- ren will be the speaker on June 19 at 11 am, The Jr. congrega- tion for children twelve and un- der is being conducted by Mrs. Cunningham in the month of June. Personals Pickers Spï¬ecial‘ ï¬'iéï¬e’kil’éei rolled rir'n bowl was the Rank special won for the most points in qlasse_s ‘12-1.8. For the most points in the Domestic Science Division was the Simpsonâ€"Sears special, an entree dish. I EEK-1:3}; Palmer spent the week end as a guest of Audrey Her- rema. Misses Janet and Joan Burns, Betty Beynon and Susanne Lev- ison, members of the Toronto and North York! Branch Pony Club, are leaving on Wednesday June 22nd for Mont Gabriel Club Piedmont, Quebec, near the Lau- rentians. to attend the Pony Club Rally. Misses Marion Simpson, Judith Paxton and Greg Anderson were among the children who took the trip to Midland June 7th. They visited the Shrine, the Indian Site and Springwater Park. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Levison and children spent Sunday pic- nicing at Barrie and visiting Mr. and Mrs. Sanderson of Shanty Bay. County App. Co. Ltd. 1 6186 Yonge St. snnvrcn Av. 5-2149 BA. 1-1384 CORRESPONDENT: MRS. ED. PAXTON, R. R. 3. KING __.____â€"â€"â€"â€"- Phone TU. 4-3059 WILLOWDALE TEMPERANCEVILLE NEWS Mrs. Phillips also was a win- ner in the Ladies' Wear receiv- ing ï¬rst for practical kitchen ap- ron and ï¬rst for men's fancy summer socks. Mrs. Maurice Beynon won the following ï¬rst prizes: brown bread, fruit bread, parkerhouse rolls; 2nd prize for white bread, hot cross buns. These won for Mrs. Beynon a china plate. the Abso Pure special given by the Aurora Milling Co.. Another prize was won for pillow cases with crochet edge. ' Mrs. Nelson Thompson won ï¬rst for lnvalid’s tra‘y. hot cross buns; 2nd for fruit bread and parkerhouse rolls. She received a hand bag donated by M§her:s. Miss Betty Beynon won ï¬rst in biscuits and 2nd in muffins. Miss Beatrice Rasmussen won lst for blouse and lst for apron. Mrs. Wm. Turner. received 2nd for garden flower arrangement suit- able for dining room table and 2nd for large basket garden flow- ers suitable for platform. Mrs. Joseph Levlson received lst for pumpkin pie and 2nd for fruit Other Temperanceville exhib- itors were Miss Janet Burns. 2nd in pony club equitatlon and 3rd in equitation class of 12 yrs. and under. Teddy Levlson Won 3rd In saddle pony class and 4th in equitation. Susanne Levlson won 4th in the saddle pony class. Approximately ninety mem- bers of the Rumble Family at tended the family fe-union held at Stanley Park. Erin on Sunday June 12th. Mr. and Mrs. Wil- bert Jennings and family were among those who enjoyed this gathering. -- ... thAJ pie “Mr'éf'ï¬â€™Ã©ck Macklin conducted the Sunday School service in the absence of the Superintendent on Sunday. Tï¬ose M10 were guests of the Kettleby W. M. (S. on Tuesday June 7 were the Temperanceville W. M. S. president, Mrs. Wm. Turner. Mrs. Howard Clark, Mrs. Ray Jennings, Mrs. Lorne Cun- ningham, Mrs. Stewart Paxton, Mrs. James Gillham, Mrs. Frank Wilkins, Mrs. Jack Macklin, Mrs. Albert Folliott,. mefahd Mrs'. Harvey Mashint- er and Peter were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Erik Thomen of Co- bourg on Sunday. ETC. AT LOT 11, CONCESSlON 2E, Cor. No. 7 ngy. and Con. 3 Property of WESLEY C. GOHN SATURDAY, JUNE 18, 1955 1 o’clock pm. 3 Heintzman I’iano and bench, mahogany, in good condition 3-drawer Steel Filing Cabinet, legal size, near new Findlay cook stove, near new Duo-Therm Oil Space Heater, and ZOO-gal. tank, near new Westinghouse Electric Stove, 4-burner & oven, good condi- tion Quebec heaters. one nearly new Kitchen chairs Odd Bedroom chair Dresser 1 Chest of Drawers Washstands Old Pine Fruit Cupboards Antique Walnut Rope Bed and springs 1 trunk Several small odd tables 1 Walnut ï¬nish Sflnmons steel double bed, spring and spring- ï¬lled mattress 1 Steel Bed, spring and spring- ï¬lled mattress 1 Antique Pine store counter 1 Antique pine post office desk 1 Commode Chair 1 Mail Box 2 China Toilet Sets 1 Bird Cage 8.: Stand 1 Walnut Hall Tree 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 HH H r-‘r-A' ‘HWWHDâ€"‘h N Antique Walnut What-not Antique Walnut Buffet with marble top 1 Pine Chest Walnut Vanity Dresser, with full length mirror Tone-on-tone Blue Broadloom rug 6’9†x 9’ Tri-Lite Floor Lamp Child‘s Steel Cot 56-piece Set Antique Havilland Limoges dinner set 1 Lawn Mower 2 45-gallon steel oil barrels A Number of window flower boxes No. of Mirrors 1 Scythe 1 Copper Boiler 1 Set Butter Scales 1 Washtub and 2 tub stands Number of good lace curtains 1 Pair horse clippers Quantity antique glassware and odd pieces 1 Wire Garden Gate 1 Blacksmith’s Anvil 1 Iron Vise 1 Electric Grinder 1 Extension Ladder Quantity Used Lumber 1 Wheelbarrow 1 Venetian Blind . Dishes, pictures, pots, pans, crocks. garden tools, fruit jars and other articles too numer- ous to mention. At the same time and place will be offered for sale, subject to a reserve bid, two houses and lots. part of Lot 11, Con. 2E. Each property consists of two lit-acre lots which are adjoining, and with 105‘ frontage on Con. 3, and one with 105' frontage on No. 7 Highway, on which is sit- uated two six-room dwellings. one with doublé garage and one with single garage plus other outbuildings. Properties will be 'oï¬â€™ered separately. Immediate possession of one house and pos~ session of the other can be ar- ranged. Ten per cent. of purchase price day of sale. one half cash within 30 days, and balance to be arranged. These properties have a potential commercial val- ue. Properties will be offered for sale at 3 o‘clock p.m. day of sale. Terms cash. No reserve as own- er ls m0ving away. 0F HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS, DISHES. TOOLS. ANTIQUES, ALVIN S. FARMER, au'ctioneer AUCTION SALE Sr. Women‘s Institute The regular monthly meeting of the Sr. Women‘s Institute was held last week at the home of Mrs. Arnold Mortson.. The mot- to. was taken by Mrs. Reid Brum- well. Mrs. F. McRoberts gave a report of the Institute Rally held in Agincourt recently. Mrs. F. Barker showed pictures of flow- ers on her View-Master. Baby Band Party The Annual Baby Band Party was held in the Sunday School room on Saturday afternoon. The members of the W. M. S. and the Mission Band and the mothers of the Baby Band were also present. Karen Chadwick and Barbara Empringham gave recitations; Margaret Gee recited the 23rd Psalm: Mrs. R. Boynton told a children‘s story. Mrs. D. Gee ledrin prayer‘ to the Mission Band. Douglas McIntOsh. Mary Matthews. John- ny Wilson. Margaret Parsons and Dawn Muir, were to graduate too but were absent. Sunday School Anniversary Mrs. H. McCague. president of the W.M.S. introduced the guest speaker. Mrs. J. G. Lundy, lead- er of the Baby Band of the To- ronto Centre Presbyterial. Mrs. Lundy gave a message to the mothers. then told the children a story. The Baby Band Gradua- tion included Barbara Empring- ham, Sally Connell. Judy Mort- son. Sharon Boynton, Karen Chadwick, David Buttle. Garry King. Ronald Orr. Terry Hart. Norman Gee, Frank Gerace and Gordon Hampton, who graduated The annual Sunday School Anniversary service will be held on Sunday, June 19, at- 2:30 pm. The guest speaker will be Dr. E. R. McLean of the United Church Publishing House, Toronto. Special music will be given by the Young People who will form the choir. The evening service has been withdrawn. Neighbourhood Notes Belated birthday greetings to Miss Margaret Canning who cel- ebrated her birthday June 4; Mrs. Harry McIntosh June 18, Miss Vera Nichols June 19. Mrs. Dou las Gee June 21, Sammy Sni er June 22, Mrs. Cecil Nich- ols and Donald Nichols June 22. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Angus Valliere who on June 19 will be celebrating their 48th Wedding anniversary and to Mr. and Mrs. Louis Nichols who on June 20 will be celebrating their 48th wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. William Boynton of Toronto visited Saturday even- ing with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Boynton andyfamily‘. Mr. and' Mrs. thn Empring- ham visited Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Percy Bennett. Mr. and Mrs. 'Jim B0ynton, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Canning vis- ited Sunday evening with Mr. Bill Drimmvater CT-BSSC CORRESPONDENT: Mrs. W. Sandle. Victoria Square Telephone Gormley 5421 New concealed safety stepâ€" An important safety feature â€" steps stay clear of ice and mud. Out of sight when doors are closed. New Overdrive â€"Saves gas, cuts engine wearâ€"you can have Overdrive on I/2-ton models. A real value {or its extra cost. King cat? VICTORIA SQUARE NEWS your money can .611] and Mrs. Stanley Boynton and family. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hol- brough of Orlando, Florida, visited Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Harmon. Mr. and Mrs. Rolph Boynton and Miss Mabel Sanderson at- tended the Centennial Services at Peaches United Church Sun- day evening. L. Stouténburgh , spent Sunday with Levi Heise. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Climenhag at Stevensville. Mrs. F. Walker and Freddie and Johnny Nigh spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Apple- ton and family at Fort Erie. Lovell’s Tee-Vee & Radio Service All Work Guaranteed Tee-Vee Service Warranty City Prices YEREX ELECTRIC the ideal method for pre- paring ground for new lawns, either seeded or sod- ded, mulching weeds in gar- den and berry patches, kill- ing twitch. All orders executed prompt- why TOM BALDING & SONS NOBLETON _ ' Phone Bolton 2275 or TU. 4-1124 (Stan Troyer) I Year (Rotovation Specialists) 0n Appliances at ROTOVATING Richmond Hill More durable framesâ€"0f 34- inch smndard width, with com- pletely parallel side members â€"built to lake tough going. Truck Hydra-Muï¬c-Is unbeat- able for stop-and-go driving. Available at extra cost on all half, three-quarter, one-ton and forward-control models. 51 HALL ST. TU. 4-3290 TU. 4-1552 A GENERAL rmrgrons VALUE $50.00 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, June 16, 1955 Richmond Hill TUmer 4-1312 GEO. McMURRICH SONS LIMITED 24 Elizabeth St. N. Richmond Hill INSURANCE My grateful thanks to all those who gave me their Vote on Election Day, Thursday, June 9th â€" to the many who worked so hard and faithfully in my interests â€" to those who have sent kindly messages. I shall try my best to justify their confidence and I shall continue to work for ALL the residents of York King-size 'I2-volfleleeiricul systemâ€"Count on quicker “arts even in cold weather, and still have a husky reserve of North in this, my fourth term in office. ppwer. Power brakes-They’re slan- dnrd on heavy-duty models, op- tional on some other models. Power brakes greatly reduce driver fatigue and eï¬ort; add to safely. CUSTOM SPRAYING it? ORCHARDS €17 WEEDS 7k BRUSH WHITEWASHING * Eave‘sfroughing * Asphalt Rooï¬ng * Window Cleaning * Painting & Decorating PHONE MAPLE 101R33 HERBERT R. BUTT JOHN BBNEDICTUS Phane King so . A. "Lex H Mackenzie ' M.P.P. FOR NORTH YORK Dependable Associated With Service Telephone The latest in cab comfort and safeiyâ€"More durable con- struction; softer seat action; many new conveniences. New panoramic windshieldâ€" For a broader, safer view of the road. And there’s more glass area all around. Power steeringâ€"Makes driv- ing very much easier. It re- duces turning eï¬on as much as 80%. Available as an extra cost option on certain models. CANADA’S NO. I ‘I'RIJCK 4 Wellington St. E. ' Toronto Toronto EMpire 4-3317