w. s. COOK. Editor The business of hiring teachérs in Ontario is fast becoming a vicious cir- cle as one board after another raises salary schedules in an attempt to grab the best of the limited number of tea. chers available: It is not an unc0m< mon thing for school boards, both elem- entary and secondary to up schedules by several hundred dollars as an added induceemnti _to _teachers. Schools in «- f‘nnnrlo’q Iliuuvvv ...... less desirable locations in Canada’s north are offering twice as much as Southern Ontario Boards are able to, in order to secure teachers, as an ex- ample. Only last week, members of the Richmond Hill District High School Board heard a recommendation to raise salaries by as much as $400 to compete on the open market in the Metropolitan Area. If such a recommendation is accepted, only Forest Hill and Etobi- coke will offer a higher salary schedule in the entire Metro Area. The local Board deferred the measure until the recommendation can be further investi- gated. 1A Boards are not considering such wide-scale increases without trepida- tion. They realize that school taxes are already an unbearable load. How- ever, theirs is the unhappy lot of having abuse heaped on them for not supplying top rate teachers while at the For some time now there has been controversy over the duties 0f the P01- ice Force in Richmond Hill and with the action taken last week in regard to an accident on Yonge Street North in which a child was struck down, we feel the matter deserves greater considera- tion by council and the Police Commis« sion. Councillors, at different discus- _sions at their regular Monday night meetings, have more than once urged the police to use their judgment in dis- iribution of duties and handling of cases to correspond to the size of the municipality and the importance of the offence. When an outside force is called in to cover an accident, as was the case in the village last week, there is a deï¬nite In an effort to reduce the terrible toll of summer. drownings, the Ontario Red Cross is sponsoring Water Safety Week from June 19 to 25. In order to accomplish this important task, Red Cross branches in all communities are taking an active part in the safety pro- gramme. Both children and adults will bene- ï¬t from the plan which has been ex- tended into the schools. Pamphlets have been given to all school children urging the utmost care when vacations Canadian towns and villages are showing Canadian cities the way to greater traffic safety. By far the smallest number of accidents occur in towns and in villages and at rural in- tersections, the National Highway Saf- ety Conference concludes in an analys- is of road traffic accidents. Using a special study of the Dom- inion Bureau of Statistics, the Nation- al Highway Safety Conference points out that in Ontario during 1953, 10 per cent of road accidents occurred in towns and villages, compared with 41 per cent on county and township roads. More th two-thirds of these accidents occurre in clear weather when the road was dry. ’ There ie nothing in the road acci- dent record to encourage complacency, I For Canadians planning a vacation, the Canadian Tourist Association points out that Canadian holidays are not just for visitors but for Canadians too. Inter-provincial travel is a remark- able eye-opener, and a vacation in Can- ada will enhance the pride which Cana- dians already have their country. The Canadian Tourist Association set up a‘committee at its annual meet- ing in October to study the develop- ment of inter-provincial travel. This seemed necessary because closeness of United States cities all along our southern boundary is a potent attrac- tion. Canadian travellers spent $2931153 million in the United States in 1952. Interest is growing, too. in telling Canadians about the year-round vaca- tion possibilities we have. Every month can be a holiday month in this country; there is no reason for clinging to the old-fashioned idea of a twelve week va- THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Onfario, Thursday Subscription Rate $2.50 per In, y‘llvv- Telephone TUrner 4-1261 “Authorized as second class mail, Post Office owns, Villages Enjoy Best Traffic Record 7 An Independent Weekly: Established 1878 ulncuu‘nyu ion Rate $2.50 per year; to the United States $3.00; 5c single copy Member Audit Bureau of Circulations Member Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association J. E. SMITH, M.P., Publisher ,__- . . , fl ‘oor Disti'ibution OF Duties min {max}! Your Canadian Vacation Need Better Balance Water Safety Week in Canada’s as much as same time being criticized for not keep- ing down educational costs â€"- again the vicious circle. It is an acknowledged fact that teachers have been exploited in years gone by and it is felt that the teacher is just coming into his own. However, the present “price war†On teachers, as it may be called, is a Bonanza to the teaching profession, but is at public ex. pense and cannot be continued too much further. As government agencies decide a fair ceiling for staple commodities and strive to maintain a fair level of con- sumer prices and supplies. so now, is it the responsibility of the Department of Education to see that there grows up Post Office Department, Ottawa†a reasonable balance between supply and demand in the teaching profession. With things continuing at present rates without some sort of economic stabiliza tion, the taxpayer will be bled more and more as school boards ï¬nd it necessary to ï¬ght for an adequate teaching staff. Unless there is some sort of modâ€" eration from the province on the soar- ing teachers’ salaries, unless there is a. levelling out in the entire ï¬eld of edu- cation and an effort made to increase the supply of teachers, taxpayers will ï¬nd their representatives competing for teachers in the business executive salary bracket, a ï¬eld where there seems to be no limit. need for readjustment (if police admin- istration. Richmond Hill has a three-man force, quite adequate for a town of this size, and which should be able to handle cases forthcoming. We cannot see the wisdom of call- ing in Vaughan Township Police to do our men’s work and we question the feelings of Vaughan in the matter. There is enough ground in the town- ship to cover without taking on extra duties in Richmond Hill. Court cases are one phase of police duty, but such should not overshadow other aspects of the job to the extent of leaving no officer on duty in the vill- age. More judgment should be used on such matters and the police should realize their position in such a case. That is what we are paying them for. are spent near the water. Every year, hundreds of lives are lost across Canada through accidental drowning. With the trend towards spending a holiday in the lake country, the potential hazard is increasing every year, making it more and more essen~ tial tocarry out thorough water safe- ty programme. Whole-hearted support for the campaign is the obligation of everyone. The broader the safety-education pro- gramme, the greater will be the decline of the present mounting death toll. the National Highway Safety Confer- ence points out. “The record of our losses in human and material resources amounts to a. national problem which only the con- certed action of all of us can solve.†,A_LWVERNA SMITH, Associate Editor Canada’s ï¬rst National Highway Safety Conference was held in Ottawa last month, with delegates in at- tendance from all of the ten provinces. Agriculture was represented by a. large contingent. H. H. Hannam, president of the Canadian Federation of Agriculture, was chairman of the delegate division on agriculture; vice- chairman was J. Ferguson, president, Ontario Federation of Agriculture; secretary, Colin C. Groï¬', Canadian Federation of Agriculture. cation period. There are some beneï¬ts to be had from taking a holiday in winter rather than in summer. Many industries and businesses offer their employees a two- week vacation, but three weeks if the vacation is taken in November to April. This offers an opportunity to emplOyees for an extra week of holiday, and to resorts for an extension of their busi- ness if they make out-of-season holiday- ing interesting. But whatever type of vacation you are planning this year, give serious consideration to the great possibilities of an all-Canadian holiday this year. All ten provinces across the breadth of Canada are publicizing their parks, their historic sites and their other tourist attractions in an attempt to make Canadians more conscious of the wonderful holiday potential in this country. ‘, June 28, 1955 mman‘ .uon’ lmcuu‘nqfls UREAU Condemned Man Lifted To Seqï¬old Workshop Serves As Monument For Murderer Trial Of Strength Ends In Fatal Disaster Before the advent of civiliza-' tion in the village. long before Richmond Hill had acquired a local habitation and a name, the two miles immediately to the south was marked on the orig- inal map of this locality as the Black Ash Swamp. Subsequent- ly divided by Yonge Street into east and west. surveyed into lots in the early part of the century, it began to open uh for ‘settlers. -. ~-:,_.__ For many years these lots and the town of Little York were reached by a corduroy bridge nearly a mile long, which trem- bled under the loaded team and in the rainy season sometimes floated in sections in the mud of its swampy bed. The north part of our vicinity was settled by the French Refu- gees; the south by the United Empira loyalists. By years of clearing, draining, cultivation and hardship scarcely realized. these pioneers developed from the most miserable surroundings and cheerless circumstances the splendid farms their successors now enjoy. As has been seen in a former series of sketches which have appeared in The Liberal of early pioneer life, these lots and early settlers have not been without their historic incidents, amusing, pathetic and instructive. Nor has the comedy in the history of the south end been without its trag- edy. One day during the latter part of August 1814. there were seen four men engaged in cutting and binding oats in a ï¬eld on lot 38, in the township of Markham. once owned by James Russell, well-known agriculturist and stock-raiser. One was a hired man of the name of Betts, another a wander- ing Frenchman called Bulger, the proprietor of the farm, and a neighbor who owned the farm opposite. On the temporary cessation of work caused by the completion of a job. the neigh- bor invited the others to his house with the promise of a treat. Cut Down On Heavy Trucks Ruining Roads Says Deputy Deputy-reeve Legge summar- ized the opinion of Whitchurch Township Council members when he declared at last Thursday’s meeting that they should not permit trucks to carry heavier loads on township roads. Under new provincial legislation, per- missable loads on Class A roads are reduced, but this lower lim- it may be increased upon pay- ment of additional fees. Mr Legge pointed out that heavy trucks were ruining township roads now, and all members agreed that the township would oppose any heavier load limits. Council decided that no town- ship roads were class A, so that the new licences would apply only on county or provincial roads. Whitchurch would then be the goat, as township roads would be used only as links be- tween the other roads. Council- lor Waliwork thought it was a ‘scheme to get money from the truckers, who would be paying more to be able to carry greater loads, but would not be able to get from gravel pits, for example to the roads where their permits were valid. , Council considered a letter re- questing information on a pre- vious request to build a subdi- vision, Greek Orthodox church. and a cemetery near Bogarttown. A by-law was passed to author- ize establishment_of the ceme- tery, members feeling that fur- ther requests following this ap- proval could be met with as they were forwarded. Edward Noble Receives M.D. Degree Three Generations Of Noble Family |n Medical Profession The graduation last week of Edward J. G. Noble, 24. marked the entrance of a third genera- tion of the Noble family into the medical profession. He receiv- ed his M.D. degree from the Un- iversity of Toronto. His family owns Magiscroft Farm on the second concession of Markham where they have lived for a number of years. His grandfather. Dr. Robert T. Noble, graduated from the same faculty in 1895, and today at the age of 84, the senior Dr. Noble is still carrying on an ac- tive practice in Toronto. In 1925. 30 years later. his son. Dr. E. Clark Noble won his MD. from the same university. Dr. Clark is now district medi- cal officer for the department of transport, a medical oï¬icer with the Prudential Life Insur- ance Co. of America and in pri- vate practice. Dr. Edward Noble will intern at Toronto General Hospital for one year which will be followed by- post gragl_uaï¬e study. His grandfather is registrar and secretary of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of On- tario. As registrar, the senior Dr. Noble issues the license to practice to his grandson. He is also a past president of the Acu- demy of Medicine and the Alum- ni Federation 'of the University of Toronto. Was Group Captain Dr. Clark Noble .served as director of medical services for the RCAF overseas in 1944 and 1945, attaining the rank of Group Captain. He was decor- ated with the OBE and ED. for his wartime achievements. Ear- lier. he worked with Sir Freder- ick Banting and Dr. Charles H. Trials of Strength Those were tâ€.- day: of trials of strength, sports and athletics. For ï¬lling up the “ensure nour the daily paper was a thing un- known. and a book from the Public Library a thing undream- ed of. At any gathering. large or small, in village or ï¬eld, with nothing special to attract atten- tion, a challenge to a test of strength. speed, or agility, was always popular, and a pugilistic encounter was no unusual occur- ence. The two young farmers, the chief characters in this sketch. were athletes; one a sturdy son of brawn and muscle, good tem- pered in victory or defeat; the other his equal in size and strength. whole-souled and gen- erous in many respects, but pas- sionate and impulsive. The two young men were in the prime of manhood. They were rivals in the sports of that day. At the neighbor’s home a wrestling match took place resulting in the defeat of the owner. War of Words After a preliminary investiga- tion, the accused murderer was committed to await his trial at A war of wards ensued, irri-‘ tating still more the rising tem- per of the defeated athlete. A threat to shoot met with a dar- ing defliance. The ever ready) rifle was brought into requisi- tion for its deadly service. The two men. thinking matters look- ed serious. fled for protection to a place of safety. The young farmer also sought safety in re- treat. While endeavoring to clear a low fence he received the fatal bullet in his left side and fell. The perpetrator of the ter- rible crime was arrested by a constable by the name of Dye. who took his prisoner before Captain James Fulton. Esq., U. E. Loyalist, a hero of Brandy- wine and Bunker Hill. Squire Fulton was the ï¬rst Justice of the Peace, and at the time owned the Vanderburgh homestead. stead. Performance Bond Building regulations were strengthened with passing of a byâ€"law providing for a perform- ance bond to be completed be- fore a building permit will be issued. This bond~ is to be in the amount of $200, by cash or bond, and is refundable on com- pletion of the building. Recreation Centre The clerk informed council1 that the recreation centre at Lake Wilcox was to be deeded to Whitchurch Township, and the deeds were being completed. This enabled the township to take steps to prevent further damage to the building. Coun-l all was undecided as to uses for the building, and was pleased to hear a delegation headed by Mr. Cliff Lacey of Lake Wilcox. The group had formed a Recrea- tional Committee, and proposed to tear down the badly-damaged building to construct a shed for sporting goods. The grounds would be used for sports activi- ties, and later the committee hopes to build a community hall. Council advised that they would help the group as much as pos- sible, and advised the committee of meetings of the Community Centre Board to be held soon. Council approved payment of general accounts amounting to $47.72, and road accounts in the amount of $1,071.97. Payment of $1,000 to S. S. 10, Blooming- ton, was authorized by by-law, to enable the school to carry on until next fall. Best for a year, following their discovery of insulin. Embracing 60 years of,mediâ€" cal history, the two senior mem- bers of the family have witness- ed many changes in their prof- ession. The disappearance of the fam- ily physician and the corres- ponding increase in the number of specialists strikes me as the greatest change." said Dr. Rob- ert Noble. “1 was a horse and buggy doctor’, when I started out. and I am still a family physician.†To Dr. Clark Noble the out- standing features of his years in medicine have been on the scientiï¬c front. “The advance in medical science â€" insulin. liver extract. a multitude of antibio- tics and public health measures â€"â€" have been amazing. There have been perhaps more advan- ces in the past 30 years than in any comparative period in med- ical history,†he remarked. . "Consequently, students to- day have to learn far more and know inï¬nitely more when they graduate than they did in my day," he said. “I know it certain- ly helped me to have a doctor for a father when I was study- ing. I would like to think I was a help to my son as well." Adding to the medical tradi- tion of the Noble family, one of Dr. Clark's brothers, Dr. Robert L. Noble, is director of medical research at the University of Western Ontario. And two of his daughters are graduate nur- ses. Susanne completed her training at Wellesley hospital this spring. Her older sister. Mrs. Strachan Heighington, graduated from Toronto Gener- al Hospital three years ago. the assizes at York, now Toron- to. On the way the prisoner had to pass his home. He re- quested the privilege of going in for something he needed. Once inside he locked the door. leav- ing the constable on the outside. For some time he was successful in holding the fort. Just at this juncture. there passed a detach- men of soldiers on their way from York to Penetanguishene. then the northern headquarters of the military. Dye induced some of the soldiers to make a charge on the dwelling. They entered the door with ï¬xed bay- onets. The prisoner was recap- tured. At the assizes on a Saturday afternoon, the prisoner was brought for trial before Chief Justice Scott. found guilty of wilful murder. and sentenced to be hanged on the following Monday. Scaffold Primitive Aflalr The scaffold was a most prim- itive affair. It was erected on the street in front of the old jail.In those early days there were no arrangements for the modern and more scientiï¬c exit of such unfortunate violators of the law of God and man. All executions were in public and thousands flocked to the scene to gratin a morbid curiosity. On Monday, the guilty man was brought from his cell to suf- fer the demands of justice. and was requested to ascend the lad- der for that purpose. Not liking the appearance of the arrange- ments above him, he ï¬nally re- fused to do so. The late Rev. John Stachan, Bishop of Toronto. who from frequent pastoral visits to the early settlers in this vicinity, must have known both of the un- fortunate young men. was then Prison Chaplain. To instruct his ward in the way he should go. the Chaplain mounted the ladder several times. His ward's perceptive faculties were some- what slow in comprehension. Ultimately to facilitate the ends of justice, Sh riff Ridout got four strong m to lift the doomed man up to the fatal vnoose. Swinging into eternity he paid the penalty of his dreadful crime. Discover Coffin In 1869 some men digging a cellar in the locality of the 301 yard, Toronto. came upon a ox about three feet below the sur- face of the ground containing a human skeleton. One of the Toronto newspapers, suggested that it might be the remains of the murderer of the young far- mer of lot 38, Markham, near Richmond Hill, 55 years before. This elicited from the late Mr. Geo .Munshaw who resided here a correction of the supposition. Mr. Munshaw was a near neighbor at the time and was on the ground a few minutes after the tragedy. He was drawn for the jury, but was challenged by the prisoner. He witnessed. the execution Mr. MunShaw stated that im- mediately after the execution the condemned man's wife obtained the remains of her husband from the authorities and that they Were buried on the farm in the garden a few rods from Yonge Street. The farm subse- quently fell into the hands of Mr .Thomas Harris, builder. At that time the sunken burial spot, without headboard or stone, had become a nest for thistles. Each year the wild grass grew rank and tall above it. The murder- er’s resting place was fast be- c‘oming obliterated. Early in the ï¬fties, to save the surface from the plowshare, Mr. Harris placed over it a large workshop which stood as a mon- ument to hide from the public gaze an ignominious grave. Editor’s Note: lhformation contained in this article was tak- en from the writings of William Harrison, local historian. Await Agreement Selkirk Subdivision Markham township council and the Solicitors for the long' dormant Selkirk subdivision in Thornhill have yet to reach some agreement on a re-subdiv- ision of the area. Solicitors Timmins and MacDiarmid, repre- senting Mr. George Selkirk and Mr. R. F. May representing the builders waited on council Mon- day in an endeavour to deter- mine if there is to be any change in policy regarding the subdivision. The majority of Council is still ï¬rm in its refus. al to allow the development to proceed along the original lines. Under the original plan the to- tal development was to contain 145 homes east of the railway tracks which passes through the property and 65 west of the tracks. Approximately 90 homes were started when operations ceased. Under the terms of the original agreement certain roads were to be graded and paved and an administration fee of $750. per lot was to be charged on all lots opened up over the ï¬gure of 100. Recently Council agreed to re- duce the $750. per lot fee to $218., prpviding Mr. Selkirk would agree to go into the pro- posed new water area. The Sub- divider is objecting to the fee of $218. per lot on top of the expenses of joining the water area. Council also wants sever- al of the roads paved as part of any new agreement. Council has approved subject to certain minor changes the plan of subdivision for the three- acre Grainger subdivision locat- ed in Thornhill. The develop- ment lies between Seccomoe Ave. and the bed of the Don River. As part of the subdivis- ion agreement, the developer has agreed to pay the township a $400. admimtration fee per lot and also to pave the roads. If; Telephone TUmer 4-1212 FRIDAY, SATURDAY â€"'â€"JUNE 24, 25 MONDAY, TUESDAY â€"â€" JUNE 27, 28 WEDNESDAY, THURS. â€" JUNE 29, 30 FREE’PA’RKING REAR 0F THEATRE Show Times 7 and 9 pm. Continuous from 6 pm. Saturdays and Holidays RICHARD BOONE AM By popular request A return engagement of cum: WN BUB Adult Entertainment =° "JACK WEBB (Im- «son-AMARK VII Ullmouucnou éï¬ï¬fï¬hï¬m DISWIIUVID “WARNER BROS.