Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 23 Jun 1955, p. 5

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‘1 .. RICHMOND HILL . . 5. Skull articulates with ver- tebral column by single condyle. Only male toads sing. Their never present in ’any phase of life. 3. Eggs are usually laid in wa- ter. 4. Young undergo a gilled larval stage between egg and ad- ult. 5. Skull articulates with verta- bral colum by two condyles. Reptiles W 1. Skin is scaly and dry. 2. Eggs are enclosed in more or less calcified shells. er. 1. Skin is devoid of Scales and is moist or slimy. 2. Eggs are enclosed in soft, membranous skin. Toads are amphibians. The name “Amphibia” is derived from two Greek words â€" “am- phi" meaning both and “bias” meaning life. This means that this type of animal spends part of its life in water and part on land. Amphibians are cold- blooded, air-breathing verte- brates (animals with a back- bone). Cold-blooded, as in con- trast to warm-blooded means that they cannot maintain a constant body temperature. Birds and mammals are warm- blooded. There are five basic differences between “Amphibi- ans” and "Reptiles" namely:â€" Amphibians By Richmond Most people have seen toads in their gardens and on their land but don't know their habits or good they do. It is estimated that each adult toad is worth five dollars a year to a farmer and more to the gardener in its des- truction of cutworms and other farm and garden pests. He is the son of the late Rev. and Mrs. J. D. Cunningham, minister of the local Presbyter- ian Church in the 1930's. Rev. Gordon and Mrs. Cunn- ingham and two boys from Re- gina. Saskatchewan, renewed ac- quaintances in the village Tues- day. Rev. Cunningham is at- tending the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church .be- ing heldAthls week in Toronto. , The annual Church and Sun- day School Picnic for St. Mary's Anglican Church is being held on Saturday afternoon at Cedar Beach Park. Musselman’s Lake. Busses and private cars will leave from the Church at 1 pm. Mrs. J. R. McAlister. secretary of the Richmond Hill District High School Board attended the convention of the Associated BusineSs Officials of Secondary Schools held at Bigwin Inn. Pupils of Mrs. F. S. Har- wood, presented a recital in the Sunday School room of Rich- mond 'Hlll United Church last Thursday afternoon Members of Victoria L.O.L. and Empire L. O. B. A. will at- tend Divine worship at the Pres- byterian Church next Sunday at 11 am. Members of Richmond Hill Women's Institqtqugre egjoying day) Miss Ann Webster left today for Digby, Nova Scotia, where she will be employed at the Dig- by Pines Hotel until the middle of September. _ ; bus thfiYJ'Orillia, Graven- hurst and Midland today (Thurs- Mrs. Sutter of Clinton is visit- ing her daughter, Mrs. R. P. Robbins, Chief Robbins and children Reeve W. J. and Mrs. Taylor are attending the Mayors and Reeves Convention being held this week at North Bay. 3. Eggs are never laid in wat- GARDEN AVE. K4ir Conditioned for Your Comfort 30 Yonge St. South RICHMOND HILL' TU- 4-2141 No metamorphosis Town Inn Restaurant HENRY SEARLE FINE FOODS FULL COURSE MEALS Specialty Chinese Foods Take Out Fish & Chips Banquet Rodm CateringTo PRIVATE PARTIES The Liberal I: dun glad to receive social and personll Items lot hit me and a can to TUmer 4-1261 will receive courteous attention. N newspnper will also welcome new reports “0.: church organmum .woneu’l and men's nod-Cu. lodges md other groups. While cop! will be .9. canted up to Wednesday 0! each week. It I. dun-.5]. to have It la eltller fl pot-ible to m “a mu. cation. Plumbing & Heating Nature Notes and Mrs. Taylog AV. 5-1691 Gills Mr. and Mrs. Goren has been married less than two months and did not have a car. Mr. Coren Is now taking driving less- ons. Ex-Reeve of North York and namesake of Mitchell Field, George Mitchell, drew Mr. Cor- en’s ticket out of the drum at 11 pm. Hill Naturalists Toéds lay eggs in a long transparent spiral tube in July. The growth of each embryo can be watched through a magnify- ing glass. The eggs are laid earlier in the South or if there is an early Spring in the North. A toad lays between 4000 and 7000 eggs a season. Few of these attain adulthood as snakes, birds, salamanders, etc., eat the eggs, or young toads. William J. Coren of 213 fink- lin Ave, west Toronto, won the North York Lions Buick Riviera in the draw at their annual carnival at Mitchell Field on Saturday, June 18. A Tree-Frog or Tree-Toad is a chameleon type of animal in that it can change from brown to green to match its surround- ings. There is a vacuum cup on each toe to enable it to cling to any surface. It can jump 40 times its own length of about one inch. WJ.CorenWins Lions Buick Car Presentation of the Certifi- cates will be made at the Morn- ing Service this Sunday to the following. Karen Coulter, Eliza- beth McLeod, Anne Dewsbury, Shelagh Robinson, Wayne Bet- tridge, Jimmy Anderson, and Lois Loughridge. trilling in the Spring can give a mental picture of them sitting submerged to their elbows. The results of the Sunday School examinations have been announced by the Diocesan Board of Religious Education for the Diocese of Toronto. All the children of St. Mary's An- glican Church Sunday School who wrote these examinations were successful in passing the required standards with many receiving honor standing. at o t t The Staff of Richmond Hill District High School held a luncheon on Thursday in honâ€" our of those members who are leaving the staff this year. Pres- entations were made to Mrs. D. Watts, Mr. Charles Dee, Mrs. J. Gardner. Mrs. M. Millard. Mr. g. H. Jenson and Mrs. M. Laven- er. The Sugar and Spice Club held its annual out-door pot luck supper at the home of Mrs. A. Blackburn, Yongehurst Road, on June 9, when 12 members of the club were present. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Fox were guests last Saturday of the To- ronto Star’s Quarter Century club executive at a garden tea on the beautiful grounds of Shorewood, the Oakville home of H. C. Hindmarsh. president of The Star Publishing Co. Congratulations to John Leech son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Leech, Richmond Street, who graduated from Radio College of Canada as a Radio and Tele- vision technician. Members of Richmond Hill Presbyterian Congregation and Sunday School will picnic at Glen Nevis Park, Frenchman’s Bay on Saturday. Cars and a bus will leave the church at 1.30 pm. sharp. LANGSTAFF Porley an‘d Rosie Butt as the featured dancers. (ed. note: We suspect these two performers were using noms de dance). Miss Butt, dainty in a white- satin tutu was at her best in her arab- esque, save for the great leap Then the Sadlers Smells Bad- ly! â€"- the company on Monday night presented “Charazade” complete with a delicately ex- ecuted pas de deux with Maul Before Miss Edna Iuard as master of ceremonies introduced the feature entertainment of the evening, Mrs. 'Dorothy Boyer was presented with a special decora- tion of merit for her contribu- tion beyond the call of duty, that is to say, slicing the onions for more than fifty people to put in their hamburgers! After the serious business of making the chefs feel that they really were necessary in their work, and that each and every pie and tart was the best ever tasted, the President, Mrs. Mal- colm Thomson took the oppor- tunity to thank Mr. and Mrs. Lewis and the hostesses for the evening, Mesdames Rabino- witch, Edmunds, Boyer, Ander- son and Little, and those comp- anies that had so generously do- nated beverages, and the rain for stopping. And it was an occasion â€"- for this was the time for Richmond Hill’s “theatre folk” to relax from the tense business of choos- ing and then casting their first Fall Play. Literally the light- hearted evening was sandwich- ed between long nights of read- ings in the Club rooms as mem- bers tried-out for parts. Cicely Thomson Wearing chef’s hats in white and green, Bill Hall, Walter Smith, Bob Little and Stuart Parker took over the delicate business of sizzling the hamburg steaks at the Curtain Club Pic- nic on Monday evening June 20. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Lewis had opened their home and grounds to the Curtain Club for this oc- casion. Against a background of white peonies and blue delphiniums, the bride wore a gown of white crystalette over faille, fashion- ed with a moulded basque, lily point sleeves, and a portrait neckline outlined with sequins and seed pearls. The full skirt fell gracefully over hoops into a cathedral train. Her elbow- length illusion veil was held with a crystalette coronet decor- ated with sequins and seed pearls, and she carried a white orchid surrounded by sprays of stephanotis. Attending the bride were her sisters, Mrs. Gordon Walker, matron of honour, Miss Barbara Delf, Miss Dorothy‘Delf, junior bridesmaid, and Miss Doreen Mitchell, sister of the groom. Their matching gowns of hya- cinth-blue crystalette over faille featured a tucked fitted bodice, Curtain 'Club Leaves Off Casting For Gay Picnic The marriage of Alice Eliza- beth Delf and Bryan Napier Mit- chell was solemnized in a candle- lit evening ceremony in St. Ma- ry’s Anglican Church, Richmond Hill, with Reverend A. A. Chote officiating. Alice Elizabeth Delf Weds Bryan N. Mitchell Ville. Mrs. Cottrill is the former Pauline Marie Watson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Barney Watson of Richvale. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. George Cottrill of Hunts- Mr. and Mrs. Howard B- Cottrill are shown signing the register following their marriage in Richmond Hill United Church, June 4. (under new ownership) " THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL Susie Gordon All Elastic Bathing Suits Range Sizes â€" Colours in black, red, white & blue 78 RICHMOND HILL (McLatchy Block) THE PATTI - LU SHOP TU. 4-2961 “Goods Satisfactory or Money Refunded” Under the bright lights, with the spell of the magic of the oak and ash and thorn did any of those players or audience hear a high trilling laugh, where high in the leafy branches per- haps Puck himself was rocking back and forth with mirth at the antics of these mortals on Mid- summer's Eve? The delicate execution of their individual performances and the personality that shone through their evocative costuming . . the studied simplicity of mime as they interpreted choreograph- er Penee Rarker’s intention brought them a standing ovation from the rapt spectators. Around this piece de resist- ance -â€" called out again and again to take their bows â€" was woven a variety show from the Godfrey's, Kaye’s, Lillie’s and Ives of the Curtain Club mem- bership. One more highlight was offered by Mrs. Ruth Rabin- owitch as, setting up her easel on the outdoor stage. she made charcoal caricatures of many of the artists in costume. delight- ing the attentive audience as her quick bold strokes brought life to the sheets of Awhite paper. at the climax when she cleared the hedge in a great graceful bound the audience was forced to think upon that old master Nijinsky (since dead in a ment- al home). Maul Porley danced with skill and technical grace, perhaps the best moments be- ing when he supported la Butt in her pirouettes. The persons of the corps de ballet were anonymous, mas- querading under the general title of CHARS. Eagerly antici- pated by the crowd, they entered to cheers. In the best slapstick tradition they scrubbed and mop- ped the bright lawn grass with rhythmic circular motions, be- fore the music of Hyra Mess brought the dancers to their feat (ed note: Feet?) to fall into a nymph like dance that might have been taken from an ancient Greek vase. After the reception held in North'York Memorial Hall, the bride donned a charcoal-gray suit with shaded white and gray box jacket, white hat and black patent leather accessories, and white orchid. On their return from Atlantic City and New York City. the bride and groom will reside in Islington. Mr. Donald Graham was best man and the ushers were Messrs. Gordon Walker and Jas. Britten. The bride's mother wore a daytime frock of rose crepe and lace, with a navy hat and acces- sories and a corsage of pink roses and mauve sweetpeas. The mother of the groom chose a frock of toast faille with cream- coloured hat, brown accessories and a corsage of Joanna Hill roses. three-quarter sleeves and oval necklines. They wore coloured headbands with opalescent se- quins and veiling. and carried small sprigged bouquets of sweetheart roses, purple pansies, and stephanotis. g REV. MORLEY R. HALL I wish to extend sincere thanks to my many friends for their kind enquiries and ‘good wishes during my illness; all are deeply appre- ciated. NOW IS THE TIME TO SPRAY YOUR FIELD WITH 2-4-D From the Jersey herd of Don Head Farmers Ltd., Richmond Hill, Ont., Edgeley Silver Dora ~164535- has been awarded a 4,000 lb. certificate. Producing in eight lactations 81,586 lbs. of milk and 4,200 lbs. of fat, Dora is classified Very Good and is also a Ton of Gold cow. She is bred by James Bagg & Sons of Edgeley, Ont. I wish to thank my friends. neighbours and “The Maple Fire Brigade” for their prompt assis- tance when my gas tank was struck by lightning. I feel sure their promptness saved an explosion which might have caused great damage. Again I say Thank You. COOK â€" In loving memory of my Grandma Jane (Denton) Cook, and Mother, Harriette (Jackson) Cook, who passed away, June 21 1925 and 24, 1951 respectively. You're away in body, but your memory and soul linger in my heart. Ever missed by grandson and son Jackson. c1w52 CARD 0F THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Roy A. Bovair of Gormley, Ontario announce the engagement' of their daughter, Audrey Pauline, to Lawrence Charles Boynton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Boynton of Victor- ia Square. Ontario. The marriage will take place on Saturday July 16, 1955 at 3 o’clock in Victoria Square United Church. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gould, Richmond Hill announce the en- gagement of their daughter. Helen Joyce Millen, to Mr. David Carter, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Carter, Weston, the marriage to take place July 16. at Richmond Hill United Church at 3 oclock. SAVAGE â€" Milton 5: Olive (nee Books) are happy to announce the arrival of a son, John Ed- ward on Sunday, June 19, 1955, at York County Hospital. New- market, a brother for Patricia and Douglas. clw52 LAUGHLIN â€" Jack and Helen I«aughlin announce the birth of a daughter on Thursday, June 16 1955 at York County Hospital, Newmarket. ‘ *lw52 MADALENO â€" Mr. and Mrs. D. Madalenc (nee Evelyn Russell) are happy to announce the birth of a son, June 17. at York County Hospital. New- market. *1w52 and Increase Your Crops PHONE BA. 1-8620 In memoriam AT 3 pm. â€" Adult Bible Class 7 pm. â€" Evangelistic Service Pastor R- H. Galbraith at 11 a.m. â€" MORNING WORSHIP SERVICE Our Evening Services continue through the Summer (Engagementg FAR MERS ’. E. SMITH, M.P. MISSIONARY SUPERINTENDENT OF THE FELLOWSHIP 0F EVANGELICAL BAPTIST CHURCHES IN CANADA Will be Guest Speaker At Richmond Hill Baptist Church SUNDAY, JUNE 26 / 4,000 LB. COW Gordon R. Murrayl ' .l‘i’ mmmmmumunmuuummnnmmmmw Masonic Hall, 15 Yonge St. N. c1w52 *1w52 WILCOX GOSPEL CHURCH Wildwood Ave, Wilcox Lake Pastor Allan Mack SUNDAY, JUNE 26, 1955 11 am. -â€" Morning Worship 2.30 pm. â€" Sunday School 7 p.m. -â€" Evangelistic Service Midweek Prayer & Praise â€" Thursday 8 pm. CARRVILLE UNITED CHURCH limiter, Rev. E. E. Kent. “.9. SUNDAY, JUNE 26, 1955 Closing Service For Ministry of Dr. E. E. Kent 2.30 p.m. â€" Divine Worship 5 Old Orchard Grove, Toronto SUNDAY. JUNE 26, 1955 11 am. â€" Worship Service and Sunday School. United Services during Summer The Baptist congregation will unite with the Thornhill United and Presbyterian Churches dur- ing July and August. July 3, 10. 17 ih United Church Vacation Bible School, July 11- 22. (2 miles south of Maple) SUNDAY, JUNE 26, 1955 Sunday School . . . . . . . . 10 a Morning Service . . . . . . 11 a THOBNHILL UNITED CHURCH Minister Rev. E. E. Kenc. Th. D. 8 a.m. â€" Holy Communion 11 am. â€" Morning Prayer Is. 54:13 7 pm. â€" Evangelistic Service Speaker â€" Rev. M. R. Hall Missions Supt. of Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches in Rev. Earl S. Bull, Minister Church of the Light and Lilo Hour. CHML 9 mm. Sundu SUNDAY, JUNE 26. 1955 3 p.m. â€" Sunday School 7 pm. â€"â€"- Worship Service A ladies’ trio will sing Message by the minister Wed., 8 pm. - Prayer Meeting Canada. Masonic Hall 15 Yonge St. N ALL WELCOME THOBNHILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. C. H. Chambers. B.A.. B.D., SUNDAY. JUNE 26, 1955 11 am. â€"- Morning Service Pastor â€" R. H. Galbraith SUNDAY, JUNE 26, 1955 11 am. -â€" Morning Worship 3 pm. â€" Bible School “And thy children shall be taught of the Lord" RICHMOND HILL nu METHODIST CHURCH Corset o_l Elmwootl am! Buggies mm" ANGLICAH CIUICI 3rd After Trinity "Come ye yourselves apart and ' rest awhile" 9.45 am. â€" Sunday School Promotion Sunda 11 am. â€" Morning Prayer Certificate' Presentation Rev. A. A. Chote 11 a.m. -â€" Junior Congregation 4 p.m. â€" Holy Baptism 7 pm. â€"- Holy Communion The Rector NOTE â€" The annual Sunday School and Church picnic will be held Saturday afternoon at 1 pm. Busses and private cars will meet at the Church at 1 p.m., leaving for Cedar Beach, Musselman’s Lake. â€"' RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. G. Higginson. B.A., 3.1).. Minister SUNDAY. JUNE. 26. 1955 10:30 am. -â€" Sunday School as~ sembles. 11:00 am. â€"â€" Congregation and Sunday School worship together. SUNDAY, JCNE 26. 1955 11 am. â€"â€" Worship Service L. 0. L. and L. 0. B. A. Church Parade Sat. Picnic at Frenchman's Bay THORNHILL BAPTIST CHURCH range Street, Stop 17 Minister, Rev. Percy C. Buck, RICHMOND HILL BAPTIST ilCflMOND BILL 8T. MARY'S CHURCI (Anglican) Rev. A. A. Chote. 3A.. B. 111.. SUNDAY, JUNE 26. 1955 ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. N. Hepburn. Minister I. a. a. n. "m. II.“ W SUNDAY, JUNE 26, I935 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, June 23, 1955 NOBLETON Phone Bolton 2275 or TU. 4-1124 (Stan Troyer) the ideal method for pre- paring ground for new lawns, either seeded or sod- ded, mulching weeds in gar- den and berry patches, kill- ing twitch. All orders executed prompt- ly by TOM BALDING & SONS picnic is Saturday, June 25. ‘Busses and cars leave the church at 12.30 p.m. for Musselman's Lake. 11 am. â€" Morning Worship Major Christian Responsibilities: Final Sermon “Growth”. Drive-In Church, 7.30 p.m. Loblaw’s at Steele’s Ave. Bring the whole family. Sit in the comfort of your car and en- joy this inspiring service. The adult choir will sing. Mrs. A. Rowatt will be special soloist. Attend with your family! Anglican Sunday School Langstafl-Richvale District We invite the parents and new- comers of the Community to have their children attend our :Mission Sunday School. We meet at 9.45 am. every Sunday morn- ing at the Charles Howitt School Every child should come to know the Lord Jesus and be giv- en good solid Christian Instruc- tion. ‘Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is older, he will not depart from it." 0n Madawaska Ave.. Stop 12A Pastor Rev. F. Vaughan, B. Th. BA. 1-4767 SUNDAY, JUNE 26. 1955 9.50 am. â€" Sunday School The church and Sunday School Oak Ann-o SUNDAY, JUNE 26, 1955 9.45 am. -â€" Breaking of Bread 11 am. â€" Sunday School and Adult Bible Class 7 pm. â€" Evening Serv1ce Mr. Ben Risi Tues., 8 pm. â€" Bible Study Wed, 8 pm. â€" Women‘s Prayer Meeting You are cordially invited to these serviced NOTE â€" The St. Barnabas' Mis- sion Picnic is being held on Wednesday afternoon at the Thornhill Park. Private cars will leave from the Charles Howitt School at 1.45 pm. LANGSTAI'I BAPTIST CHURCH SUNDAY, JUNE 26. 1955 Speaker: Rev. D. Clark Services Sunday. 11 am. â€"- Bible School classes for all ages 7 pm. â€"â€" Gospel Service Tues., 8 p.m. - Young Peop- Ie's meeting Wed.. 8 pm. â€" Prayer Meeting Thurs., 2 p.m. -â€" Women“: Missionary meeting Maple 10.15 a.m. â€" Sunday School 1130 a.m. â€" Divine Worship Edgeley 9.30 a.m. â€" Divine Worship 10.20 a.m. â€" Sunday School Hope 9.30 a.m. â€"â€" Sunday School 10.30 a.m. â€" Divine Worship MAPLE CHARGE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. A. G. Donald, M.C.. Minism Meeting in Concord School House Each Lord's Day evening at 7 p.m. Gospel Message Tune in CKEY (580) at 9.15 am. Matthew 15:13 â€" Every plant which my Heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up. - - For Service at its Best - a Try Your Friendly Local Dairy RICHMOND HILL DAIRY (Rotoygfiion Specialists) DR. R. S. IDESON Announces the transfer of his office to the NORTHERN BUILDING 31 Yonge St. N. (Rear ofiice main floor) effective June 13 K mommx m 3! BMW“? M1890! 0-. Block In! of I... SUNDAY. JUNE 26, 1955 SUNDAY. JUNE 28, 1955 ROTOVATING CHURCH OF CHRIST RICHVALE CHAPEL 3rd After Trinity TELEPHONE TURNER-44622 H 58! I Self Serve RICHMOND HILL Local Lettuce CRISP SOLID HEADS OAK LEAF FANCY Sockeye Salmon :2: 37c N0. 1 ONTARIO New Cabbage MORLEY’S Fancy Corn Margarine Cantaloupes Jumbo 45's c Ea YORK BRAND CALIFORNIA NO. SUN BRITE LIBBY’S DEEP BROWN Beans 19c DOLES FANCY SLICED Pineappie 22,.“ 35c Braised Steak GOBLIN SPECIALS 6001) FOOD 1 lb, Ctn. 16 oz. Heads Large Heads " 27c 37c 25c 23c Each

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