' RICHMOND HILL . . Mr. William Savage arrived last Thursday from Newfound- land and will spend a short hol- iday in Richmond Hill.‘ Mr. and Mrs. J. Koning, San- dra and Wayne, Roseview Ave., returned last week from a three week motor trip to west coast where they spent some time at Vancouver and Victoria. Miss Beverley Jean Russell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. Herbert Russell of Cowlesville, New York, was the guest re- cently of her aunt, Mrs. H. A. Nicholls. Miss Russell graduat- ed from Attica Central High School at the recent Commence- ment Exercises in June. Gordon Taylor, William Cos- grove and employees of Oak Ridges Farm wish to thank the Richmond Hill Fire Brigade, the Aurora Fire Brigade, and also the many kind friends and neigh- bours who were so kind and gen- erous in the recent loss resulting from ï¬re. c1w2 Been h lidaylng? We'd 11 e to report it in our social and personal column. Tel- ephone TU. 4-1261. CARD OF THANKS 24 Yonge St; S. Richmond Hill, Ontario Phone TU: 4-2101 SOD-TURNING SERVICE FOR THE NEW PARISH HALL Bishop G- A. Wells, C.M.G., M.A., D.D Special Preacher and Officiant We wish to announce that we have pu‘fEï¬dé’éHVWright & Taylor’s Ambul- ance Service. For quick, efficient Am- bulance Service â€"â€" call “R†CABS â€" TU. 4-1403 “B & Y†CABS â€" TU. 4-1590 You can’t buy a better outside whiteâ€"any- where! It is of a consistently high quality. That’s why Sturgeons No. 1 Outside White is, the favourite outside white paint of so many 1 gal. - professional painters and homeowners. Each year our stock of Sturgeons Outside 1 qt. I White Paint sells fast. So you’ll be sure to get the supply you need, We suggest you come in todayâ€"while we, have complete stocks. ' RICHMOND HILL HARDWARE 0 FAST DRYING 0 EASY TO APPLY 0 WONT BUBBLE 0R CRACK 0 FUNGUS AND MOULD RESISTANT NOW IN STOCK! 0 STAYS WHITE LONGER No.1 OUTSlDE WHITE PAINT We welcome you and your friends St. Mary’s Anglican Church Richmond Hill Sunday â€" July 17th â€" II a.m. The Liberal is always glad to receive social and personal items for this page and a call to TUmer 4-1261 will receive oourteeu attention. 'l'xh newspaper will also welcome news reports about church organizations .women'a and men's mietioa. lodges and other groups. While copy will he ae- cepted up to Wednesday of each week. it is desirable 0.0 have it in earlier if possible to ensure its publi- cation. A very pretty wedding took place July 2 at the home of the Rev. J. O. Totton of Richmond Hill when Frances Louise Beat- ty. Eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Beatty. Richmond Hill, became the bride of Albert Elmer Orr. only son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Orr of Maple, R. R. 2. The†Rev. Totton performed the ceremony. Frances L. Beatty Weds Albert Orr Given in marriage by her fa- ther, the bride wore a waltz- length gown of white lace and tulle over taffeta. Her veil was held by a coronet of pearls and she carried white carnations and rose buds and pink gladioli. Her bridesmaid was Miss Alice Mihorean who wore a light blue tulle over taffeta gown and car- ried pink and white carnations and blue corn flowers. The happy couple left for points north. On their return they will reside in Maple. Mr. Peter Jones. cousin of the grgqm was b_est man.‘ U The reception was held at the home of the bride's parents. EDMUNDS â€" Mr. and Mrs. Robert Edmunds (nee Bernice Cook) wish to announce the arrival of their daughter. a sister for Neil. Born in Mont- real July 8, 1955. Mother and baby doing well. c1w2 O’BRIEN â€"â€" Mr. and Mrs. Ter- ence O'Brien announce the birth of a son. at York Coun- ty Hospital. Newmarket, Wed- nesday, July 1-3, 1955. *lwl BLACKBURN â€"â€" Marge and Al. and boys are happy to an- nounce the arrival of their bhosen daughter and sister. Dehorah Kathleen, “Debbie.†WHITEâ€" Mr. and Mrs. W. J. White, 127 Mill Street. Rich- mond Hill, wish to announce that they are adopting their nephew, Gordon Howard White. clw2 Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ash, Edgeley announce the engage- ment of their daughter Jean Mae to David James Barton, son of Mr. and Mrs. John J. Barton, CarrvilleI the marriage to take place on Saturday. July 30, at 2 hm. in Zion Lutheraï¬ Church, Sherwood. 4.;4‘... Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Garner wish to announce the engage- ment of their youngest daughter Eleanor to Mr. Peter Ward, son of Mr. and Mrs. P. Ward of Langstafl’. c1w2 Mr. and Mrs. John McLean of Richmond Hill nounce the engagement of heir fourth daughter Jacqueline Estelle to Robert Harold Lloyd Milne. son of Mr. and Mrs. William Milne of Winnipeg. Marriage to take place at the Richmond Hill Pres- byterian Church ‘on Saturday, July 23, at 4 pm . clw2 Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Smith of Elgin Mills wish to announce the engagement of their daugh- ter, Joyce Emily May, to Mr. Harry Gooding, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Gooding, Oshawa. The marriage to be announced at a later date. c1w2 STRACHAN â€"- 1h loving mem- ory of Dad, James Strachan, who passed away July 13, 1953. We cannot clasp your hand, dear father, Your face we cannot see, But let this little token Tell that we still remember thee. â€"- Sadly missed by Alec & Flo. c1w2 CARD OF THANKS Mr. George Magvas, Yonge St, wishes to thank the many friends and neighbors for flow- ers and kind messages during his recent ilness. He is now home from the Hospital and feeling much better. We would like to thank our friends and neighbours for the many cards and lovely flowers I have received while in hospi- tal. They have been greatly ap- preciated. CARD 0F THANKS (Engagements In memoriam ghuptiuns Mrs 181%th H. Simmers 8; family c1w2 All persons, 12 years of age and over in Richmond Hill will be given the opportunity of safe- guarding their health by having a free chest X-ray when a com- munity X-ray survey begins on July 18. The survey will be promoted by the Richmond Hill Lions Club and conducted by the National Sanitarium Assoc- iation. 'Alice Elizabeth Delf, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Delf, Richmond Hill, was married June 11 to Bryan Napier Mitchell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick N. Mitchell of Is- lington. O’the bride and groom are cutting the wedding cake at the receptiion following the Ceremony at St. Mary’s An- glican Church, Richmond Hill. Lions Plan T.B. Survey Richmond Hill July 18 ‘ The announcement was made by Lion President Howard Jack- man, who expressed the hope that every resident of Richmond Hill would take advantage of this special opportunity. The Unit will be located at the Municipal Hall and will be in operation from 2 pm. to 9 The Richmond Hill survey is' part of the war on tuberculosis begun in 1945 by the National Sanitarium Association to ï¬nd this disease in its early stages. An X-ray will take only a few moments of each person’s time, Mr. Jackman pointed out. It is free, the cost is borne by the proceeds from T.B. Christmas Seals. Clothing removal will ,not be necessary. The most up- to-date equipment,‘ which uses 70 mm. ï¬lm and can handle 100 persons an hour will beiused. Chartered Accountant Opens Office InNew Northern Bldg. Another new business for ex- panding Richmond Hill Village comes with the opening of the professional offices of Mr. Philip Swan, Chartered Accountant, who will be on July 15, moving into his new modern premises in the new Northern building, on the ground floor at the rear of the Royal Bank of Canada. The establishing of Mr. Swan’s prac- tice will be, we believe, the ï¬rst opening of a business offering Chartered Accountant’s services ,in the village, which marks one more step in the progresss and development of rapidly growing Richmond Hill. Born in a small Western town in Saskatchewan, where he re- ceived his early education and later moving with his family to Pt. Arthur, Philip, who is 29 years of age, served in the RC. N.V.R., during the last war, en- tering the University of Toron- to. following his discharge. from where he graduated in 1949. with the degree of Bache- lor of Commerce. Associated with the well- known prominent ï¬rm of Thorne, Mulholland, Howson and McPherson, Chartered Account- ants, from 1949 to 1954, Philip received his ï¬nal degree as a Chartered Accountant in 1952. In September of last year, Phil- ip opened his own practice at his Toronto office, 1041 Avenue Rd, and even prior to that time was intensely interested in the potential development of the Northern suburbs and particui- PHILIP SWAN These .miniature plates, when read by experts compare favour- ably with the full size x-rays. Tuberculosis of the lungs, if found in the early stage and treated, is, almost always com- pletely curable. Nevertheless. nearly as many Canadians died from this disease during the war as were killed by enemy action. More persons die from Tuber- culosis in Ontario than from all o’Qer infectious diseases com- bined. a Many of these were needless deaths Mr. Jackman stated. Tu- berculosis is a disease than can be controlled, but it is highly communicable, and too often it An attendant of Deer Park nited Church, he is a member of the Deer Park Men’s Associa- tion, as well as an usher during services. is not discovered until it has reached advance stages. Only the X-ray plate can discover the disease at the early stage. Further plans regarding the Richmond Hill survey will be announced as they are comâ€" pleted.‘ In the meantime, pub- lic health officials are most an- xious that everyone give the project their whole-hearted co-operation..With this co-oper- ation they are convinced that Richmond Hill will be well in the forefront of Ontario com- munities in the prevention of Tuberculosis. arly that of Richmond Hill Vill- age. Philip is a member of the Tor- onto Board of Trade, the Tor- onto Granite Club and the Can- adian Progress Club, as well as many other community organi- zations. An ardent golfer and badmin- ton enthusiast, Philip expresses some doubt as to his possible free time in the immediate fu- ture while establishing his new practice. An enthusiastic booster of the many desirable attributes of Richmond Hill Village and the continued desirable develop- ment of the area, Philip is wel- comed by us all, as well as all the local businessmen, who wish him well. Mr. Swan has taken up residence at Yonge and Vau- ghan Road in Richmond Hill. A. J. BARRACLOUGH Frames King Sideroad Give The Ladies In the Hot Summer Weather, the women welcome the opportunity to get away from the kitchen. THE RICHMOND THEATRE GRILL Gerdie and Karl Bruenjes have prepared attractive summer menus to tempt even the most jaded appetites. For Summer Dining Pleasure Try: Theatre Block Store Fixtures reat . Kitchen Cabinets OAK RIDGES Rev. Earl S. Bull. Minister Church of the Light and Lilo Hour. CHML 9 am. Sunday SUNDAY, JULY 17, 1955 3 pm. â€"- Sunday School No evening service during Pine Orchard Camp Meeting July 15-24 RICHMOND HILL FREE METHODIST CHURCH Corner of Elmwood 1nd Rugglel RICHMOND HILL BAPTIST Pastor â€" R. H. Galbraith SUNDAY, JULY 17, 1955 11 am. â€" Morning Worship 3 pm. â€" Bible School â€"â€" classes for all ages â€" Adult Bible Class 7 pm. â€" Evangelistic Service Soloist â€" Mrs. A. McKenzie Hearty Congregational Singing A warm welcome awaits you. This is "Building Lot Sunday†Temporary Location Masonic Hall 15 Yonge St. N. TRINITY ANGLICAN CHURCH Thornhill Rev. S. A. R. Wood, B.A., Rector .SUNDAY, JULY 17. 1955 8 am. â€" Holy Communion 11 am. â€" Morning Prayer THORNHILL UNITED SERVICES SUNDAY, JULY 17, 1955 United services during July End August July 10 8c 17. in United Church, Rev. C. H. Chambers, B.D., preacher All children welcome THORNHILL BAPTIST CHURCH Yonge Street (Stop 17) Minister, Rev. Percy G. Buck, B. Th. 5 Old Orchard Grove. Toronto 12 HU. 1-3142 . SUNDAY, JULY 17, 1955 Thornhill United Churm 11 a.m (2 miles south of Maple) SUNDAY. JULY'17, 1955 Morning Service 9,30 a Sunday School .... 10.30 a CHURCH OF CHRIST Meeting in Concord School House Each Lord’s Day evening at 7 pm. Gospel Message Tune in CKEY (580) at 9.15 am. Matthew'15213 â€" Every plant which my Heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up. SUNDAY, JULY 17. 1955 11 am. â€" Morning Worship 2.30 pm. â€" Sunday School 7 pm. â€" Evangelistic Service Midweek Prayer 8: Praise «- Thursday 8 pm. 'MAPLE CHARGE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. A. G. Donald. M.C.. Minister Maple 10.15 am. â€" Sunday‘ School 11.30 am. â€" Divine Worship Edgeley 9.30 am. â€" Divine Worship 10.20 am. â€" Sunday School Hope 9.30 am. â€"â€" Sunday School 10.30 am. â€" Divine Worship WILCOX GOSPEL CHURCH Wildwood Ave.. Wilcox Lake Pastor Allan Mack ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH SUNDAY, JULY 17, 1955 Sash General Woodworking Richmond Hill THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, July 14, 1955 TU. 4-2550 TU. 4-255. Oak Ava-Io SUNDAY. JULY 17, 1955 9.45 am. â€" Breaking of Bread 11 am. â€" Sunday School and Adult Bible Class Mr. Ross Rainy '7 p.m. â€"â€" Evening Servxce Tues., 8, pm. â€" Bible Study Mr. John Mair “God hath in these last days spoken unto us by His Son, whom He hath appointed heir of all th' gs, by whom also he made t e worlds. (from Heb. I: 1-2r Therefone we ought to give the more earnest heed to the things which we, have heard. lest at any time we should slip away from them. Heb. II: 1. 0n Madawaska Ave.. Stop 12A Pastor Rev. F. Vaughan, B. Th. BA. 1-4767 SUNDAY, JULY 17, 1955 9.50 am. â€" Sunday School Never clos’es. Classes from Tod- dlers to Adult 11 am. â€"â€" Morning Worship The pastor will pr ach on “Neglecting Our Sa vation" 7.30 pm. â€" Drive-In Church At Loblaw's, Steeles and Yonge. Last Sunday a large number was in attendance This Sunday, the Senior and Junior Choirs will sing. The guest soloist will 'be Mr. Carl Johansen. Come as you are and bring your family. You will enjoy the warm welcome and bright service! Richmond Hill & District Unit For information ball *- Richmond Hill TU. 4-3291 Thornhill AV. 5-1365 Maple AV. 5-2908 ’52 CHEVROLET TUDOR ’53 HENRY J. TUDOR 11,000 miles, one owner car Radio, Heater, Whitewalls, 20,000 original miles One-owner car MOHBOOK um DODGE 8: DE SOTO RICHMOND 111th TU. 4-2091 DEPENDABLE WM. NEAL CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY ’47 DODGE SEDAN Good running car ’53 DODGE SEDAN ’52 DODGE SEDAN - - For Service at its Best - -, Try Your Friendly Local Dairy RICHMOND HILL DAIRY Used Cars Dr. R. S. Ideson, 31 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill, will be absent on holidays from July 16' to 31- Radio & Heater Sun Visor One-owner car Unionville 239 NOTICE TELEPHONE TURNER-44622 AYLMER FANCY SPECIALS Rosebud Beets TALISMAN NEW PACK Strawberry Jam :1,â€- 43c FOOD SAVER GOBLIN Waxed Paper Braised Steak :32- 37c ALL SWEET WHITE SWAN 0R PUREX Toilet Tissue Margarine KELLOGG’S Evaporated Milk 2 :21: 27c Cornflakes . 2 33c CARNATION LUSHUS RIPE Watermelons FRESH LOCAL Raspberries NO. 1 LEAMINGTON Tomatoes Self Serve RICHMOND HILL MORLEY’S 100 Ft. Roll 1 lb. Ctn. Large Size Pint Box Rolls 29c 27c 99c ‘ 27c 19c 25c