A certain mail carrier, Mrs. Lll Bryce and her husband, Tom Bryce, start their second holi- day in 10 years by hooking up a trailer and heading north. Mrs. Hilda Quinton will take over Mrs. Bryce's duties until she re- turns. Rev. and Mrs. A. G. Donald and Miss Marian Donald recent- ly attended the Stratford Shak- espearean Festival and witness- ed the performances of Julius Caesar and the Merchant of Venice. Beginning July 25 something will be missing foi- a couple of weeks on the 4th and 5th con- cession of Vaughan. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Man- ning of Guelph spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Wel- drlck. Members of Vellore Sr. Insti- tute and their families. 53 in all, enjoyed a picnic held near Nashville at Woodside Park on Tuesday. July 5. They were also celebrating the 40th anniversary of the institute. Maple 8: Surroundinq Districts Three Classes â€" senior Groups -â€" Groups in “Gay Nineties Costumes and Junior Group -â€" No entry fee THE FAMOUS BRADING DANCERS will give an exhibition of Square dancing. For further information please contact â€" Fred M. Wilmot, A SMITH UPHOLSTERING Free Estimates ‘ AV. 5-1682 .. . So in addition to saving Weight and work in a thousand everyday and special applica- tions, aluminum may prove a major factor in saving lives, too. ALUMINUM COMPANYl 01;" CANADA. LTD. (ALCAN) The slick surface of wet asphalt roadways has sent many a mo. torist limping to the garage with flattened fenders and shattered headlamps. But new research engineers have come up with something that sharply reduces this accident hazard. When their special aluminum oxide abrasive is applied to the road surface, it cuts down by more than 30% the stopping distance of your car when you apply the brakes at 30 m.p.h. SQUARE ‘DANCING COMPETITION The Liberal is always willing to publish interesting items regarding people and events contributed by its readers in Maple and surrounding communities. Our representative In Maple is Mrs. Donnld Allen, telephone Maple 191; Edgeley, Mrs. Raymond Stuart. Maple 11033. "W (Including materials) 5 Year Guarantee A $10.00 Down - 2 Years to Pay Specgal Prices On Commercial Work Over 25 years experience in the Better Shops in Toronto THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thurswlgy2 iJuly7174, 1955 SUTTON AGRICULTURAB SOCIETY FAIR THURSDAY EVENING, AUGUST 4th, 1955 at 8.30 pm. in front of the Grandstand. Sponsored by Canada Packers Limited Maple Socials Special Offer SMITH UPHOLSTERING F. L. LOWRlE R.0. or'romn'nus'r be at The Northern Building, 31 Yonge St. North WEDNESDAY, JULY 20 From 0.30 mm. to 12 noon and the lat and 3rd Wednesday of each month Broken Lenses Replaced Optical Repairs Prescriptions for Glasses Filled Home on. 3242 Yonge Street Opp. Park Theatre BU. 8-8949 2 PIECE CHESTERFIELD RECOVERED For as low as $65.00 EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED Mrs. Anna P. Lewis Ev'ven, dir- ector Women's Institutes, F.W. 1.0., presented Miss Eves with the Scholarship and Miss Bors- trum, County Home Economist, cited Miss Eves’ many accomp- lishments and high calibre of work which made her an out- standing Club girl. Miss Eves is planning to use the $85 award to further her education in music. Ken Higgs, ï¬eldman for the Humber Valley Conservation Authority outlined the history of the museum barn and spoke of future plans for the park and the Humber Valley Watershed. He Marian Eves Presented Anna P.Lewis Scholarship It was the lst rally of the new- ly organized county group and the ï¬rst public function held in the park since it was established a year ago. Presentation of the York County Anna P. Lewis Women’s Institute Scholarship to Miss Marian Eves of Queensville was witnessed by 173 people at the York County Women’s Institute Rally held at the Dalziel Pioneer Park on Thursday, July 7. It was reported that, with a number of visits still to be made the insured objective of $30,000 had been exceeded by a consid- erable amount and reports in- dicated that the local church budget would be increased by over $1,000. Members of the Canvass Com- mittee of Maple United Church. who have been engaged in Ev- ery-Family Visitation of the congregation in the interests of the building fund for the erec- tion of a new religious educa- tion building. met July 6 for a Victory Banquet, to mark the close of the campaign. V Dr.'R. A. Bigford, chairman of the Canvass Committee, pre- Maple United Exceeds $30,000 Building Goal Weddings, Funerals, Out- of-town Trips Secretary, P.O. Box 117, Sutton West, Ontario 24 Hour Service . EVERY PASSENGER FULLY INSURED ' NEW CARS LOW RATES JIFFY CABS Richmond Hill TU. 4-1731 Mrs. Bernard Kayes of Gorm- ley was appointed York County W.I. representative on the board of the York County Children’s Aid Society. During the afternoon, Mrs. Clarence Graham and Mrs. Kearney of Burwick W.I. led the group in community singing. Elders Mills Homemaking Club presented a skit on nutrition, based on one of their projects. Mrs. Jesse Bryson and Mrs. Ar- chie Cameron of Vellore con- ducted a series of contests, the winners of which were Mrs. Lang of the Mary Grave Branch, East York and Mrs. Duff of Vellore W.I. Oldest Member Attending .compared farming and conserva- tion methods of pioneer days with those of today. Election of Officers This being the annual meeting the following officers were e1- ected for the next twelve months: President Mrs. Chas. Agnew. Edgeley; vice-presidents Mrs. E. Reddick, Centre York; Mrs. A. Sedore, North York; Mrs. Bruce, East York; Mrs. C. Kellam, West York; secretary- treasurer. Miss Helen Atkinson, East York. Mrs. Banks, charter member and life member of Richvale W. I. received the prize for being the oldest member in attendance. It was decided to hold the ral- ly in a different place in the county each year. The site for next year's picnic and rally has not yet been chosen. sided at the banquet and mess- ages were brought from Wilfred Keffer and M. J. Kinnee, team captains. Rev. A. G. Donald. George Saunderson, Warren Baillie and Hamilton Johnson. A vote of thanks was extend- ed to the ladies who acted as Hostess Chairman and Chair- man of Arrangements during the campaign. Mrs. Ernest Hemphill and Mrs. Leslie Laver and to the members of their cémmittees who provided lunch for the canvassers and arranged for the Victory dinner. The report of the Canvass Committee will now be consid- ered by the Church» Board and future policy decided upon. Schomberg Branch received a prize for having the greatest nu_mber ir_i a_t1_:er_1giange»(A26}. Paul D. Snider presented Mr. Leach with the gift on behalf of the congregation. Mrs. T. Bush, on behalf of members of the Elia Wom- en’s Association, presented Mrs. Leach with a pen. The Chest X-ray sponsor- ed by Maple Lions will be held at the Maple United Church on Thursday, July 21, from 2 to 9 pm. Parents are advised not to bring children under six years of age. Prior to his departure to a new charge near Owen Sound, Rev. Cyril Leach of Downsview, Was the recip- ient of a wallet and sum of money from the congrega- tion of Elia United Church. Tues. & Wed. JULY 19. 20 DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE (Technicolor) Muriel Pavlow Dirke Boque COSMIC VENGEANCE Commando Cody Cartoon Cartoon Cartoon Sat. Mon. JULY 16. 18 MR. MUSIC Bing Crosby WAR OF THE WILDCATS JothVayne Free Chest X -Rays Presentation Thurs, Fri. JULY 14, 15 THUNDER PASS BLACK GLOVE Dane Clark Andy Devine Alec Nichol News News Norma Lorene PooIeWed To Stanley MackHarrison ' At a candlelight service in the Edgeley United Church, with Rev. A. G. Donald officiating at the double ring ceremony, the marriage took place of Norma Lorene Boole, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. George Poole of Con- cord to Mr. Stanley Mack Har- rison, son of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Harrison of Maple. Mrs. Allan Bagg played the wedding music and Mr. Bert Boyd sang “The Lord’s Prayer" and “Through the Years.†The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore floor-length gown of white brocade taï¬â€˜eta. fashioned in Empire style with a cathedral train. The bodice was styled with a deep V neckline. studded with crystal beads and her long, close ï¬tting sleeves ended in a point. She wore a three-quarter length nylon tulle veil with flowered crown studded with beads and pearls and she carried a cascade of red roses. Carson Beadle of Toronto was best man and the ushers were Kenneth Poole and Ross Mall- ory. The reception was held at Maple Community Hall. The bride’s mother received wearing a turquoise lace and net gowni pink and white accessories and a Corsage of pink roses. The groom's mother assisted, wear- ing a navy terylene dress, white accessories and a corsage of pink roses. The bridesmaids, Mrs. Ken- neth Poole of Concord, sister-in law of the bride and Miss Lois Harrison of Maple, sister of the groom, were gowned alike- in waltz length gowns of embroid- ered nylon over pale blue tafetta and they wore matching picture hats and carried cascades of pale pink carnations and blue corn- flowers. Miss Betty Ann Bagg. cousin of the bride! was flower girl. She wore an embroidered dress of white nylon over pale blue taffeta and a blue sash. Mrs. Harold Drewery, Mount Albert. was matron of honour for her cousin. She wore a waltz length gown of embroidered nylon over matching blue taf- etta with a matching picture hat, and carried a. cascade of pale yellow Carnations. She wore a mhtching bonnet and carried a basket of mixed colored flowers. During the afternoon the members presented Mrs.'Doug- las Cossey with a zippered steamer rug. Mrs. Cossey and her daughter, Mrs. Jack Ander- son of Concord left for Ireland, July 12, to visit Mrs. Cossey’s people. Trip To Ireland The July meetiqg of Elia W.A. took the form of a picnic at the ho e of Mrs. R. J. Darlington, Ed eley, on July 5. Mrs. Percy Snider and Mrs. Fred Carlson were in charge of recreation. Elia WA Makes Presentation $1000 per acre is an easy mark at prevailing prices. if you plant government-certiï¬ed raspberries, and care for them in a scientiï¬c W3.“ The largest grOWer and dealer of certiï¬ed raspberries in Ontario is sending a specialist in raspberry-grow- ing to call on interested pI‘OSPeCtiVC gTOWGI'S- Ex‘ planation of modern growing methods. Also recom- mendation to canners and dealers for crop marketing. Plants at commercial rate. Term payment. no interest to approved planter of one acre. Only a limited acre- age available for Fall planting 1955. All replies must be mailed to Box 400, Campbellford, Ontario, on or before July 19. Yugo Stun At Woodward Ave-u (Jut North of Steele’s Cor-en) Thornhm. Ont. AV GAR-DEN AVE. R. R. 2 Maple FARMER - GRDWER See Love For Lovely Lumber John C. Love Lumber Company, Ltd. ATTENTION! HENRY SEARLE P I T R U N G R A V E L CONCRETE SAND & GRAVEL SAND FILL TOPSOIL HAROLD 8: II! BURNS Plumbing & Heating 'AV. 5-1691 For travelling, the bride chose a pale blue crystalette dress, matching duster coat. white ac- cessories and corsage of pink roses. Mr. and Mrs. Harrison have returned from a trip to Northern Ontario and are living in Maple. The Sacrament of Infant Baptism was observed in Maple United Church on Sunday, July 10, when the following child- ren were received into the mem- bership of the church by Rev. A. G. Donald â€" Infant Baptism Maple United Catherine Ann Pile. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Pile. Maple; Judyth Grace Beck and Roger Douglas Beck, children of Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Beck, 3rd concession of Vaughan. Rev. Donald was assisted in the ceremony by Dr. R. A. Big- ford, secretary of the Maple Church Board, representing the Church Session. mammummmummmm\mnmnmummmlmmu 23 YONGE ST. SOUTH Richmond Hill All Hours TU. 4-1812 mmmmmunmn“mmnmnummmmmummmm CUT FLOWERS, FUNERALS, WEDDINGS RICE’S FLOWER SHOP We Give Your Car 3 ‘Brake’ To Depend On Don’t put up with faulty brakes. Let us check your car’s brake system - Lining, fluid level, linkage. If re- pairs or adjustments are needed, we quickly make your car 100% brake-sure! Hunt 8: Cook Motors GENERAL REPAIRS 178 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill FLOWERS FOR EVERY OCCASION LANGSTAFF TU. 4-3151 Phone 54R2 AVenIo 5-1143 Rev. F. Hilliard Begins Charge Rev. Foster Hilliard took over his duties as minister of Downs- view and Elia United Churches on Sunday, July 3. The induction service held at 8 pm. Thursday evening, June 30, in Downsview United Church was conducted by J. L. Gragan, Rev. A. C. LeGrow read the lesson and Rev. Gordon Legge preached the sermon. Rev. Gar- net W. Lynd of Port Credit, a former minister of Downsview United Church presented the new minister. Previously at Flesherton. the Rev. Mr. Hilliard is a graduate of Victoria College, University of Toronto and of Union Sem- inary and Columbia University. New York. He has studied at New College. Edinburgh, and at the London School of Econom- ics. He has taught and preach- ed in Japan and Trinidad and in ï¬ve Canadian provinces. IF YOU LIVE IN THE COUNTRY . OPEN TILL 9 MONDAY T Year Make Model 1954 Monarch 4-Door 1954 Chevrolet 4-Door 1953 Pontiac 4-Door 1953 Chevrolet 4-Door 1952 Chevrolet 2-Door 1949 Monarch 4-Door 1949 Chrysler 4-Door 1949 Dodge 4-Door 1947 Oldsmobile 2-Door 1946 Ford 4-Door Options Radio, W/walls, sigs., etc. Heater Radio, sigs., etc. . . . . . . . . Heater & Sigs., Two Tone Radio, Sun Visor, etc. . . . . Heater, Sigs. Radio, Sigs., A/T, etc. .. Radio, etc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . A/T, Heater . . . . . . . . . . . . Heater . a u u n . . o . n u u . n u - I . . . - n . ..ooa BARGAINS IN REGULAR TIRES T00! Goonï¬â€˜VEAn PATHFINDER 5‘ I 15* (size 6.00 x 16 (size 6.00 x 16) Size 6.70 x 'lSâ€"S'I4.65‘ [we 01mm Mom. For a sunny Sunday drive or a weekend at the beach you’ll want a car on which you can depend. That's why we’re so pleased to be able to offer you such a good selection. Listed here are ten exceptionally good used cars . . . and there are many more avail- able for you to see. Come early, while the selection is at its best. And naturally we’ll arrange terms! FOR SUMMER FUN! KING.0NTARIO.TELEPHONE50 Buy one, or a compleTe set! Size 6.70 x 15 now cnly COUNTRY . YOUR CAR IS VITALLY IMPORTANT TO YOU I 9 MONDAY TO FRIDAY AND SATURDAY T0 6 RM. CHEVROLET. OLDSMOBILE o FRIGIDAIRE Will Install Your Plumbing & Heating Also Cover Renovations Low Interest Rates Available PAT DECIANTIS Radio, sigs., etc. .' . . . . . . . . . . . Heater & Sigs., Two Tone . . . . Radio, Sun Visor, etc. . . . . . . . . Heater, Sigs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .‘ Radio, Sigs., A/T, etc. . . . . . . Radio, etc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A/T, Heater . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Heater BUILDING REPAIRS and ALTERATIONS DRAIN and CONCRETE WORK FLAGSTONE WALKS and WALLS VI \- ‘VIllrlvlv vv-v 15* Alsoâ€"Six. 7.10 x 15 only $23.30' DECIANTIS - RICE 0 Made with Goodyear’s exclusive 8-‘1‘ cord and Grip Seal constructionâ€"increases blow- out resistanceâ€"reduces puncture delays. 0 White sidewalls also available at slight extra cost. 10% DOWN WW, Iv/waus, 5155., cw. ll-Dirac-IUIIIIIIOIOIIIII. igs., etc. : Sigs.,Two Tone m Visor,etc. Sigs. . . . . . . .....-.o....--'. ‘igs., A/T, etc. :ater Plumbing & Heating TU. 4-2268 General Contractors B. BAILEY TUrner 4-2741 ‘and your recappablo tin $1995.00 $1695.00 $1595.00 $1295.00 $1195.00 $595.00 $1095.00 $995.00 $395.00 $495.00 JIM RICE Price