AURORA : Town Councillors received a shock when they op- ened tenders for the extension of the municipal offices recent- ly. The Ontario Municipal Board had approved debentures totall- ing $45,000 to provide for build- ing and furnishing, but the low- est tender on the building alone was $44,460. The proposed ad- dition was to accommodate the York County Domestic Relations Court at a rent of $125 monthly. Council expected that they would have a 10 year lease, but it is becoming apparent that the lease could be terminated on six months’ notice. No tenders were accepted and the matter has been deferred to the next meeting. STOUFFVILLE : The town tax rate has been set at 80 mills, an increase of seven mills over last year. A...‘.. nu: llua u-.. to the famoifs 'lrï¬aï¬dite Temple known as the Sharqn Temple. CLAREMONT : During a recent storm, 19 sheep and one horse were killed by lightning on the farm of Arthur Derusha. SHARON : A new drive-in the- atre has been ogengglnhere next ____I- AURORA : The School Board has decided not to ask for school sites in two new subdivisions be- ing opened in town. MARKHAM : Village Council has been assured that there is a sufficiently large supply of wgter in the village to accommodate the proposed new Pond's plant, to be Markham's first big indus- try. 0 U 0 O SCARBORO : The Marino Con- struction' Co.. working on the Highland Creek sewer project has had to continue the job des- pite their claim that they made an error of $44,000 in the $212,- 000 contract. Council to the company that unless the jo was completed at the tendered price, they would forfeit their deposit. MARKHAM : The Public School Board has instructed a ï¬rm of architects to prepare prelimin- ary plans for a 10 room one sto- rey school. NEWMARKET : Council has ap- proved $4,000 towards removal of silt and weeds for the rebuil- ding of Fairy Lake. ORCHARD BEACH : 16 year old Judy Cansï¬eld, a summer resident here swam from Belle Ewart to Orchard Beach in two hours. 45 minutes, recently, through choppy waters.. Two suspended Pickering constables, Roy Morden and Grant ThompsonE convicted the day before of assaulting Chief Hill, are awaiting sentence. They also resigned. OSHAWA : Police Chief of Pick- ering Township. Lester Hill, handed in his resignation this week. v Junior Choir Boy Master David Agg is seen as he passes the ceremonial spade to Bishop G. A. Wells dur- ing official sod-turning ceremonies for St. Mary’s An- glican Church new Parish Hall. ‘ At an impressive ceremony quence a noble tradition from held Sunday the first sod was paternity to posterity and, thence officially turned for St. Mary’s to the guardianship of the Anglican Church’s new $85,000 church. Parish Hall. The hand»: of tho oprpmnnia‘l A highly significant ritual marked the ocassion when the Peoples Warden, Harry Stanford representing the present congre- gation passed the ceremonial spade to junior choir boy Mast- er David Agg. representing the future generation who in turn. passed it on to the Bishop. Thus’ is passed on in unbroken seâ€"q‘ Following morning prayer the congregation assembled at the site of the new Parish Hall at the rear of the church where Bishop G. A. Wells C.M.G., M.A., D.D. of the Cariboo assisted by the Rector the Rev. A. A. Chote and lay representatives official- ly turned the sod to start the building of the Parish Hall. WEDNESDAY NIGHT News From Next Door Sod Turning St. Mary’s Anglican Church Subdividers To Pay CosE Markham To Proceed Development Of‘We‘lls Committee (Councillors D. Deacon and V. Griffin) as fore- cast earlier has recommended that the township proceed with the development of its wells at the corner of the Don Mills Road and John Street, providing the subdividers are willing to put up the $50,000 necessary to ï¬nance such a development. The money is to be forthcom- ing from the subdividers once their proposed subdivision plans have received draft approval by the Department of Planning and Development. It' is understood three subdividers are included in the plan. In a detailed-report for Water Are; No. 1 made public Monday Markhamr_fcown_shig’s Plumblng any“ Sanitation 11v».- This was one of ï¬ve recom- mendations contained in the lengthy report which received the unanimous support of Coun- cil. Participation in both the water and sewer scheme will be limited to a certain set number of subdividers in order to insure that there will be ample supply of water for the present proper- ty owners. A proven reserve of pumping capacity 50% in excess Bf the 'estir'nated requirements of the present residents will be maintained. A municipal water system will be developed for the exist- ing communities in the water area while the subdividers will at their expense introduce both water and sewers into the new subdivisions to be developed as part of the _agreement. Each local community, e.g. Highland Park, Doncaster, Lang- staï¬ and Thornhill must indi- cate by either petition or through their local ratepayers associa- tion if they are prepared to come into the water system. No actual vote of the people is planned. If a vote is required the committee estimates it would hold up proceedings for another year. On instruction of the commit- tee the township‘s consulting en- gineer H. Babcock has designed and estimated the cost of a municipal water and sewage sysâ€" tem to serve Highland Park and Doncaster, as well as the pro- posed new subdivisions Under this co-operative plan advocated by the committee, it was agreed that the basis of division costs as between the township _and_ the subdividers would be the num- ber of feet frontage to be served ly the system. The engineer The handle of the ceremonial spade was banded in sterling silver and inscribed as follows: “To the Glory of God -St. Mary’s Anglican Church Parish Hall, July 17th, 1955. For this congregation and future genera- tions this instrument is passed by Master David Agg to Bishop G. A. Wells, M.A., C.M.G., DD., (Officiant). Bishop F. H. Wilkin- son, M.A., D.D., (Diocesan), to start the building of the Parish Hall. The Glorious Majesty of he Lord our God be upon us to rosper the work of our hands. quence a noble tradition from paternity to posterity and, thence to the guardianship of the church. Reverend Arthur A. Chute, B.A., L.Th., (Rector). Mr. H. Stanford and Mr. T. P. Henry, Churchwardens, Mr. R. D. Lit- VOLUME LXXVII. NUMBER 3 BINGO at has estimated there would be 20,000 feet in Highland Park and 25,000 feet in Doncaster. The subdividers contributiori is to be in the form of 20% in cash on entering into the agree- ment with the balance guaran- teed by bonds payable when the system is completed and in op- eration to the edge of the sub- divisions. However the Committee re- ported that as a result of a ser- ies of meetings held with the ratepayers in Highland Park and Doncaster, the question of costs made sewers unlikely at this time, and that the scheme might be reduced to just a water sys- tem in Doncaster. The actual costs of extending the plan at a later date to in- clude other parts of the munici- pality cannot be accurately es- timated at this time. Any exten- sion will require additions to the plant capacity and new trunks. In the discussion following the tabling of the report the Committee assured the Council that the donations from the sub- dividers will in no way jeopar- dize the prior rights of the pres- ent property owners. Reeve A. LeMasurier insisted that the whole of Water Area No. 1 (Highland Park, Doncaster, Thornhill and Langstaff) be de- veloned simultaneously. ME mmm Bishop Wells who has served the church in Western Canada for 21 years chose a selection from Nehemiah for the text of his sermon delivered at the morning service. Using Nehe- miah's life as a reference, Bish- op Wells stressed the great need for dedicated leadership in church affairs as well as in our Civic, Provincial and National life. A minor prophet, Nehe- miah was a ï¬ne soldier, preach- er, and patriot who gave the people of Jerusalem badly need- ed leadership during a period of great stress. He fought the en~ em with one hand and rebuilt the walls of Jerusalem with the other. However any leader must also gain the active co-operation of his people if any project is to be a success. Following a request from Vaughan Township Council for a meeting with officials of the Metropolitan Plan- ning Board, an invitation has been accepted by both the Vaughan Council and Planning Board to attend an informal dinner at the Thornhill Golf Club Thurs- day evening (tonight) as guests of the Metropolitan Planning Board. Vaughan Meets Metro "In Essentials, Complete Vaughan Humber Valley Expropriations Vaughan Township Council has completed the land expro- priation program in the Humber Valley it was announeed at the meeting on Monday, July 18. A letter from the township solicitor containing deeds for 21 proper- ties was received. The expro- priation program was started after Hurricane Hazel made it apparent that various low areas along the Humber Valley in the Pine Grove and Woodbridge area were unsafe for permanent residence. After earlier negotiations and arbitration, a final purchase price was decided on for each individual property and now the deals have been closed. The total value of the 21 properties is $103,800. Legal fees to be paid by the township amounted to $991. Notice will be forward- ed to those who have not vacate- ed the properties Rev. Chote on behalf of him- self, and the wardens. thanked all those who helped in any way with the preparation of the ser- vice. Special thanks were ex- tended to the choirs and their leader; Mrs. C. Harding, Sides- men S. Tinker and D. Higgins and their assistants. Sexton W. Scrivener, the Chancel Guild members. and Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Storms. Mrs. P. C. Hill and Messrs Harry Stanford and Ted Mans- bridge have completed ‘ history of the church. In Non-essenti3ls, “Barty; 'n all Things, Charity. A costly expenditure will result, and the situation is considered under the em- ergency status, since the mo- tor is used in case of power failure to keep the water pressure ‘up. It is expected the motor will cost around $6,000. ' The motor exploded Mon- day afternoon while Cec. Mabley of the village, who had been called in to do re- pairs, was working over it. No injuries were sustained by Mr. Mabley. Richmond Hill council may call an emergency meet- ing tonight to consider the purchase of a new diesel motor following breakdown on Monday of the auxiliary gas motor at the Mill St. pump house. The old motor has served the village for the past 34 years, ‘being installed in 1921. Local representatives for the area for W. C. Becker Co., distributors for Gener- al Motors Diesel was in con- tact with village officials Tuesday and it is expected his company with Fairbanks. Morse, will issue quotations for the sale of a new motor. May Call Emergency Meeting RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 21, 1955 $100.00 MUST 00 EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT Council’s Request ignored Poice Chief Criticized The Richmond Hill Public School Board has bestowed a well-deserved honour upon one of its principals, Walter Scott, pictured above, in voting unanimously at last Thurs- day night’s meeting to name its third school the Walter Scott Public School. The new twelve-room building which will bear Mr. Scott’s name is now under construction in the Allencourt Subdivision near Bayview Avenue. It is planned to have the school ready for occupancy in Septem- ber. ‘The Board's action was taken in recognition of the outstanding contribution Mr. Scott has made over a period of some thirty years to the education of this community’s children. It was in December, 1924 that Mr. Scott first assumed the principalship of Richmond Hill Public School, a position which he has filled with distinction continuously since that time. Back in 1924 the village’s one public school had seven rooms. with an over- flow class being held in the Mu- nicipal Hall â€" a sharp contrast to to-day’s school attendance of over 1,000 quartered in 32 class- rooms. in Cornwall Model School was brought to an end by his enlist- ment in the artillery in 1915. In .due course he went to France and played a part in every major battle fought by the Canadians from the Somme to the end'of the war. Mr. Scott was on leave in Paris when the armistice was signed on November 11, 1918. His teaching career continued after the war with two years at a school on the Fifth Concession of Markham and then, in De- cember, 1924, his appointment EVERY MONDAY â€" Bingo held at Community Hall, Spruce Ave. Stop 22A Yonge St.. Richvale.. at 8.15 p.m. tfc38 EVERY THURSDAY â€" Bingo sponsored by L.O.L. 2368 in the Orange Hall, Richmond Hill at 8 pm. sharp. Lucky draw night. tfcl JULY 25 â€" Monday. Regular monthly meeting of Victoria L. CL. 2368. in Masonic Hall, Rich- mond Hill, at 8 pm. All mem- bers urged to attend.‘ c1w3 the principalship »m school at ere he stayed for session of a con Cornwall Model Coming Events )n a farm at Victoria he went to School Sec- 6 on the Fourth Conces- Markham. From. there on to Richmond Hill 1001, to Jarvis Collegiate ort time, and finally to School‘ in Toronto. His 001 was on the Third 1am, where he spent four earning a rapid promo- such a short experience stayed for th of a couple Honour Principal e1 School was . by his enlist- ary in 1915. In ent to France in every major the Canadians to the end'of ee years. of years to the‘principalship at Richmond Hill. The past few years have been difficult ones in the educational life of this community. Mr. Scott as principal of the public school, had many problems to face in organization and administration created by an everâ€"expanding school population and inadequate accommodation. These problems are gradually being overcome, but the community is grateful to the man who persevered during these difficult times. Mr. Scott is now principal of the new ten- room 0. M. MacKillop Memorial School, completed in the spring of this year. In addition to his duties as principal, Mr. Scott has found time for other activities devoted to the welfare of his fellow men. He is a Past Master of Richmond Lodge A.F. & A.M., an elder in the United Church, and at vari- ous times has helped with Horti- cultural Society activities and the Library Board. One thing of which he is especially proud is the fund-raising activities of the children under his charge, which have resulted over the years in such worthâ€"while ac- complishments as the furnishing of a room at Sunnybrook Veter- ans Hospital, the aiding of war victims overseas. and similar activities. Richmond Hill 1 answered two calls I one in the village ‘ second in Thornhill A trailer belonging to a motorist passing through Richmond Hill caught ï¬re and it is thought a cigarette butt was the cause of the blaze which started in some bedding resting on top of an ice box. Minor damage re- sulted. A tire tube in the Cadill- ac car owned by Mr. Walm- sley, King R. R., caught ï¬re while Mr. Walmsley was passing through Thornhill. The tube was gradually go- ing flat and it is thought thé heat of the day and the pressure on the tube caus- ed the friction. The bus which normally runs each Sunday morning to St. John’s Church, Yonge Street at Jefferson, and which circles Wilcox Lake, to pick up worshippers for the morning service, has been discontinued for the holiday season. It will commence'opera- tion the ï¬rst week in Sep- ber. Bus Service Discontinued Trailer Catches Fire Firemen Monday, and the 8 p.111. - LEGION HALL - Stop 23 CARRVILLE RD. W. Prohibits Yonge Stopping Against Council’s Wishes As an aftermath of Chief Constable Robt Robbins’ action last Sunday in prohibiting the stopping or parking of cars on Yonge Street in the village, contrary to instruc- tions of council, he has been asked to appear at the next regular meeting to explain his disregard of council’s wishes. The matter was brought to the attention of Monday night's meeting by Councillor Wesley Middleton, a‘member of the Police Committee, who forcibly pointed out that Chief Robbins was aware of council’s feelings on the matter of prohibiting parking along Yonge to facilitate an additional lane to expedite the flow of week-end traffic through the village. ‘I told him I was opposed to it," said Mr. Middleton in re- ferring to the incident, “and then I hear the signs went up again last Sunday. We tell him what we want done and he won’t listen to us. I've also heard from reliable sources he says, ‘No Police Committee’s going to tell me what to do." ' Députy-Reeve Ken Tomlin, also a member of the Police Committee, said Chief Robbins Richmond Hill Public School Rd. May Set Retirement Age For Local School Teachers The Personnel Committee (Trustees Mrs. Margaret Southwell and Stan Tinker) of the Richmond Hill Public School Board were instructed at the July meeting of the Board held Thursday of last week to prepare a report on the advisability of establishing a retirement age for the teaching staff of the three schools under the Board’s jur- isdiction. The report is to be presented at the Septem- ber meeting of the Board. Mrs. Southwell who introduc- ed the topic felt that it would be a deï¬nite step in the right dir- ection to set an age limit for all staff members. Citing today’s attractive salaries, Chairman James Pollard agreed that there was a temptation to carry on as long as health permits. The Toronto Board of Education sets the retirement age of male tea- chers at 65 and women at 60. Kindergarten Registration With kindergarten registration for the 1955-56 school year al- ready standing at 113, Trustee Tinker advocated that the Board impose a maximum ï¬gure on the number of kindergarten students to be accepted. “I feel we should not overtax our facilitiesâ€, stat- ed Mr. Tinker. “We are not bound to‘accept more than we can handleâ€, added the speaker. The present registration date as set by the Board states that all children ï¬ve years of age be- fore the end of the present year will be accepted. Chairman Pollard was of the opinion that between the two kindergartens (Yonge Street School and Mac- Killop School) a total of 150 children could be accommodat- ed. “Once this ï¬gure has been reached, I suggest the Board ob- tain a letter from the inspector stating that we are unable to handle any further registrationâ€, stated Mr. Pollard. The Board, Thursday, selected Mrs. Lucille Wiseman, a resi- dent of the Village, from among four applicants as the new kin- dergarten teacher for the Yonge Street school. Mrs. Wiseman was hired at a salary of $3100. She has had eight years kinder- garten teaching experience in schools in Toronto and Fort William. Mrs. Wiseman's ap- pointment brings to three the number of kindergarten teach- ers employed by the Board. The Board has engaged the services of Mrs. M. Howarth to teach Grade 1 in the new school in the Allencourt Subdivision. She will commence her duties at a salary of $2700. Also hired to start in September was Mr. Matti Kinnari. a graduate of Teachers‘ College. A resident of Porcupine. Mr. Kinnari will teach Grade 5. He was engaged at a starting salary of $2300 plus an additional $100 for sports direction. Safety Measures As a safety measure for the children attending the new school in the Allencourt subdiv- ision the Board will request the Village Council to consider the construction of a cinder path on HOME PAPER OF THE DISTRICT SINCE 1878 Job Printing . . . Done Right! Priced Right! The Liberal TUrner 4- 1261 was well aware of the feelings of council on the matter. Coun- cillor Jones retorting. "We ar- gued about it with him for an hour.†‘Is he going to run us?" asked Mr. Middleton. “If he is. I might as well be off the Pbllce Committee as of now.†Council voiced objections to other incidences when members had asked the Chief to carry out certain wishes and their re- quests were not considered. “We should tell him to clear up these matters within a cer- tain period of time. and if our wishes aren’t carried out, de- mote him to constable," said the Deputy-Reeve. Council decided to have Chief Robbins attend the next regular meeting of council to explain his actions. Markham Road. The Board is also anxious to know if the width of the bridge on the Markham Road is safe enough to allow children to cross it. children to cross it. The Council will be asked to consider the posting of a cross- ing guard on the railway tracks which cut across Markham Road. The Trustees are in the pro- cess of negotiating with the pro- perty owner concerned to secure permission to build a cinder path from Oxford Street into the new MacKillop School. Purchase New Equipment By a majority decision of the Board members have authorized the purchase of 140 senior and 280 junior student desks and 8 teachers’ desks as well as a tab- le for the teachers’ room for use in the new school in the Allen- court Subdivision. Also included in the order were 34 kindergar- ten chairs and 15 kindergarten tables. The total cost of the equipment was $9,019.56. It was purchased from the Standard Tube and Steel Company of Woodstock. The question of whether to equip the school with new desks or use the ones available free of charge from the Toronto Board of Education was the sub- ject of a long debate at a spec- ial meeting of the Board held recently. On a recorded vote, Trustees Pollard, Mrs. South- well. Ross and Mills favoured the purchase of new equipment, while Trustees Tinker and Mab- ley voted to obtain the used desks from the Toronto Board. The largest account passed for payment at this regular meeting was the bill of Norman E. Bone for 3436941 to cover the cost of fencing around the new Mac- Killop School. Mr. W. Hulse, Toronto, has been awarded the job of removing the partitions in the auditorium at a price of $100.00. Mr. W. N. Norris, of Bolton, has been awarded the contract to paint the auditorium at a ï¬gure of $2665.00. The Purchasing Committee (Trustees Ross and Mills) has completed arrangements with Jack Hood School Supplies, of Stratford, to have that ï¬rm handle the supplies for the Board‘s three schools. The ten- tative contract price for the com- ing year is $4,000.00. A room in the Yonge Street School will be set up as a supply room. , SHARON : Council has set up a committee to investigate tenta- tive costs 'of both a municipal water system and a sewerage system for the town.