I the Metropolitan 2 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, July 21, 1955 ________________________â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" illbe liberal An Independent Weekly: Established 1878 _-_ MEMBER UDlT or lRCULATl 5 Subscription Rate $2.50 per year; to the United States $3.00; 5c single cony Member Audit Bureau of Circulations . CWS ers Association . , . . required in klndei'gartensi and Member Canadian Weekly N Pap article 30“ qullshed .9“ “"5 kindergartens have hencï¬tted “LY 19 1894 SubJeCt' I “rue ‘0 gue 3°†from this grant in 1945. ' Telephone TUrner 4-1212 J. E. SMITH, M.P., Publisher . ALVERNA SMITH, Associate Editor Telephone TUrner 4-1261 W. S. COOK, Editor Hope To Clear The Air TTC men to drive autos to sysmm' . . miles. - ' ' the wa do a reat deal to foster both co-orâ€" . . _ Briefly, the Richmond Hill . V Dissatisfaction over Y 8 “01k School 5mm“ momma, grant l‘hree school boys appeared Planning Board con- dination and cooperation so necessary ‘1 Dear Mister Editor Re: Means of Transportation Dear Mr. Editor: I read your Editorial “Watch out for Hitchhikers" lJune 30. 1955' and remember a previous the other side of this matter. I ï¬rst rode up \‘onge St. on the Metropolitan Street Railâ€" way on July 14. 1907, to take but TTC men tell me they had the present 40 minute service 30 years ago. We get the kind of service that forces even The busses speed where the educational grant in exactly the same way as do grade classrooms gulth the exception of the grant, for text books and reference books. which are not Let me refer you to the pam- phlet “General Legislative Grants under the Dept. of Ed- liament Bldgs.. Toronto. or the writer would be pleased to loan her copy to anyone un- familiar with the present grant education is Way Back When Excerpts from the ï¬les of The Liberal Home paper of the Richmond Hill district since 1878 Facts about Toronto: Toronto has a population of 185.000. There are 245 miles of wa- The acreage of the city in- cluding the harbour and marsh is 14,000 acres. The city covers 22 square before the mayor in Newmark- FREE PARKING REAR OF THEATRE Show Times 7 and 9 p.1n. ' ' ' nt Ottawa†‘ob at 50¢ a da‘~ .i n ucation Act", where these rcg- . . . , . Lontinuous from 6 pm. Saturdays and Holida Bl “Authorized as second class mail, Post Office Departme . tahéfl'l‘rï¬agl the eighbhom “when umions are clearly 881 form ;::\eil‘tisalitrllsthoaig‘iltVZZI miles of y twiée the same day. I forget This pamphlet is obtainable at Tth are 70 'ï¬mes of Nib how often the cars ran them the Dept. of Education, Pai- way mick. AIRâ€"CONDITIONED For Your Comfort ._._*.__.. PLEASE NOTE: During July and August . . . - - ‘ - for elementary . . . . ~ - . sful future de\e10 merit: traffic is light, that is from y~ _. et last week char ed With trols planning 1:1 félnge mgilelccépdlgiltek? igrtï¬gzrigcces p Richmond Hill to Steeles. so Caulgljgebï¬aghlgig 3319?â€: smoking cigarettes.g They Matinee w d d 2 s - - en10us su - . . th ne it is nece.‘ 't a " 1 ~ ~ - v v ‘ has been a (.011 If Metro Plannmg Board Is to have :olocva/ gt 1235‘ 10 minuzesssairtyth: accordance with the popula_ \ieie proven guilty but were e p.m. Thursday, Friday â€" July 21, 22 ‘ Vaughan Township ever since Metro came into being. The action .of the Provincial Government in creating the Metro Area with all its subSidiaries has virtually reduced the status of local such strong powers over the develop- ment of areas outside of the Metro boundaries, then it is the responSibil- ity of Metro to assist mun1c1pal coun- stops. I have seen them get to the city limits seven minutes ahead of schedule. which they used to use in the restaurant. Are the passengers they left tion, and as the population iii- crease. the grant decreases. e. g. with a population of 2500 to 2999 the grant will be approx- imately 44'}. With a popula- tion of 3000 to 3499. the grant allowed to go on suspended sentence after being severely reprimanded. The mayor ex- plained that the lightest ï¬ne he could impose was $10 and costs or 30 days imprisonment. ' ' ' . boards CllS and planning boards in forming behind to freeze supposed l0 , . , The person who sold the cigar- munic1pal COUHCIlS and plannlng . . . - s . . . - 40 - t f 1 t Will be approxtmately 41’}. , . - - v -- s which w111 avert the pres- wait mmu 65 or he nex .. y ., ettes to the boys was also ii- to very limited powers. Reeve Mai baSlC pollcw bus? Approved cost means the but the lads would not shall McMurchy summed up the feel- ing of Vaughan Township Counc11 when he said at a recent meeting, “Whether we like it or not, we have lost the authority over own own plan- ently resulting conflict of decisions em- anating from the two levels of plan- ning. _ Municipalities in the fringe area are sick and tired of being scape-goats Returning at night I have had to be pushed in so the doors could be shut. When a booze artist is aboard the stink of beer and peppermint would sicken a dog. The driver has total of the disbursements made from current funds by a board during the preceding year according to certain reg- ulations laid down by the Dept. of Education. There is a grant able, tell where they go hem. tot-it JULY 27. 1950 A new branch office of the Canadian Bank of Commerce . . -' f’l - {$1600fo 'h 'lfi- ' the critICism." f01 the dec1510ns of both'the Provinc1a far too much to do handhng a o . ' r etc pupi 0 at nmg’ bUt w'e Sh“ get an dation by and Metropolitan agenmes- For too two man job and what with stage (18113: attendance during “1535 befinfpef‘e‘il.“ be We“ Foucwmg a recommen being jerked. jolted. trampled the Precedmg Yearsv two half t we 335 “ee ‘V' the new Reeve McMurchy, council has now in- structed the township clerk to arrange long, critics of the municipal govern- ments have failed to recognize the fact; that many municipal actions and de- and stopping at every post, the ride is more of an ordeal than The horse busses days in kindergarten counting in the same way as one day in a grade classroom. bank will be under the direc- tion of Manager Barney Brye don. . - '. . leasure. ' ‘ ‘ a meeting between the Minister of ‘ . h t t a p ‘ . § _ g . . . A ï¬nal dme 15 bemg made . '. Op leV€1 of Queen Victorias time had The“? ‘5 a provmmal grant - evelo merit the Chaii- c1s10ns are .contingen on . H b. resmems of Richv 1e for Planmng and D p ’ rulings and in same cases not the true two men to operate them and Pald ‘0 boards for the con “Ends ta man of the Metro Planning Board and Vaughan Council. “We’ve got to Sit down and get these things ironed out before we go any further 'in our devel- opment,†said the Reeve in presenting his proposal. . Vaughan Council is to be_com- mended for taking the ï¬rst step in at- tempting a closer liaison With the Provincial and Metropolitan planning authorities. It is a step which should convictions of the voters’ representa- tives. Other municipal bodies and taxâ€" payers in general will be watching, with interest, the outcome of this con- ference which is intended to iron out: many of these difficulties and griev- ances which have arisen through a lack of sufficient foresight in setting up a powerful new government agency. How Your Body Can Beat: The Heat So efficient are the human body’s cooling units â€" a system of sweat with a wet handkerchief in very hot weather. The sweat-gland capacity of many a ride I have enjoyed on them. I have thumbed my way back and forth downtown hundreds of times and never had to stand. I meet very nice people and enjoy the ride. When thanking the driver he has also thanked me and said the drive had been a pleasure. We have frequently passed the bus I missed and left it away out of sight by the time we got to Eg- linton. There is enough room in the autos going downtown and back for all the passengers the TTC carries. I am willing and able to pay for a ride. I was told there is a system of pay- ment for auto accommodation struction and equipping of new classrooms and kindergar- ten rooms tup to the amount of $20,000 per room for construc- tion and equipment.) The De- partment of Education will pay the same grant on a kindergar- ten table and chair as on any grade seating uriit and both of these. to receive the grant, must be included in the $20,- 000 allowed as a maximum per classroom. No grant will be paid for the later reâ€"modelling or converting of rooms, parti- tioning, tackboard space, or tables and chairs, in urban municipalities with a popula- tion of over 2500. The grant for kindergarten teachers' salaries is calculated on the same basis as grade tea- to complete the Com- muniy Hall. To date, $3000 has been raised for the project. The Oak Ridges Lions Club is holding a carnival this year, the ï¬rst big carnival sponstor- ed by this club. R. D. Little was honoured at the Lions International Con- vention in Chicago recently when he was presented with a gold pin. Completing his term as District Governor, Mr. Lit- tle will now become a perman- ent International Counsellor. The Lake Wilcox South Road is being completely rebuilt. Several counts have shown an average of nearly 3,000 cars per day using the road during the summer season. .\ «{3}. ,IMI‘ i .. V HOWARD HUGHES presents . inn SIMMONS he couldn’t say NO! ' ' small children is limited in the States. Some official , u “ glands’ a network 0f bIOOd vessels and Eligiizfofdlihe are more vulnerable tc; System 5‘10"†be inaugural“ Che†salari.es' {is an .ap‘ . . . . WM WWI“ oHMlRBE loll“ ‘Mmuflu “mm a x a, layer of insulating fat â€"â€" that a man y here, The motorists took care proved cost are instruction- AUGUST 10, 1950 “m - “mg I can survive in an oven that would cook a' steak placed beside him. So states in article in the August Reader’s Di- gest. Few of us expect to enter ovens but all of us can help beat the summer heat by heeding six rules offered in heat exhaustion. 6. Avoid too much exposure to the sun at one time; it can lead to sun- stroke. Humidity is much more exhaust. ing than heat, says the Digest. Student volunteers performed heavy labor for of us during the strike. The lurid horrors of hitchhiking you stress could very easily be eliminated. What about the colds and disease spread by disgraceful overcrowding, not to mention the discomfort of open air waiting. a1 salaries not exceeding $75. for each pupil of average daily attendance" for the preceding year. The Dept. of Education pays as well a grant on principal, in- terest and other charges due in that year on debentures and capital loans. If present plans to incor- porate the Ball and McMahon subdivisions into the police village of Thornhill are ap- proved, the village will then cover some 700 acres. Radical changes are being made for the moving of Trin- ' I . . - - t 122 degree F_ Public Ownership is Social- - - itv Anglican Church Thorn- the Digest article. SIX hours “.1 drd alr’ a - ' ism inaugurated to provide soft In 1953’ 60'730 Children m hill ' ' ’ ' ' . - - ‘ m - - ~ t it t . O 1 ll 1. Drink plenty of liquids. Don’t but in humid air the sa e work quwk jobs for incompetents_ It in Ontarlo attended klndergart- 1 0 S new 51 e rgina y rely on thirst as a guide, for sometimes it lags behind the actual need. 2. Increase salt intake slightly to replace salt lost in sweating.‘ . _ 3. Relax. Muscular act1v1ty is a. rimary producer of heat. ' _ p 4. Use fans, but don’t sleep With a fan aimed directly at your body. - 5. Keep your child's head mOist FRANK’S GARAGE REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES 0F CARS Specializing In Ignition Work, Electric & Acetylene Welding 1y exhausted them if the mercury rose above 90 degrees. Man’s ability to withstand extreme heat is sometimes amazing. A research project volunteer stayed for 26 min- utes in 240 degree heat. The Digest article points out that a club steak in an oven at 240 degrees will be ready to eat in 26 minutes. ROTOVATING ________________________.__.._â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"a # the ideal method for pre- becomes writers who can glide around in comfort to discour- age motorists willing to do a geod deed for the victims of the TTC. Yours truly, Senior Citizen Re: Public School Kindergarten Dear Mr. Editor: I take this opportunity of correcting a statement given prominence in your issue of June 30, quote “There is no provincial grant on kindergar- ten rooms.†Kindergarten rooms share in the provincial ens. There were 40 more boards operating kindergartens in 1953-54 than in 1952-53. Seldom are fees charged, or kindergartens closed. In view of the above facts. Allencourt parents may well question a decision for a doub« le kindergarten room in a ten- rom school remote from them. and no kindergarten in the 12~ room school under construc- tion beside them. Why pay taxis as well as taxes? Yours truly, (Mrs. J. A.) Barbara Langston. 106 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill it was planned to move the building in sections. but the Department of Highways has refused permission and conse- quently the church is now be- ing entirely dismantled to be re-erected on the new site. Sam Ireland. for 24 years a constable in Vaughan Town- ship, has resigned from the township service to go into re- tirement. Dr. Frederick W. Routle of Maple, former National om- missioner of the Red Cross. has been awarded the Cross of Chevalier of the Legion of Honour by the French Govern- ment. Saturday, July 23, Only paring ground for new lawns, either seeded or sod- ded, mulching weeds in gar- den and berry patches, kill- TUNE-UPS z4-noun TOWING SERVICE STOP 24 A YONGE ST., Richmond Hill TU. 4-1242 Editorial Comment M‘mdab Tuesday â€" July 25. 26 TOWNSHIP of VAUGHAN PROCL AMATION3 ing twitch. ly by TOM BALDING & SONS (Rotovation Specialists) NOBLETON All orders executed prompt- “is STORIES OF CHILDREN I like to think that some who erybody on our street has a hose," he complained. One of the most frustrating aspects of modern telephone communication is the "Wrong Number" caller. Now wrong numbers in themselves are not such an offence; most of us at some time or other have dialled a wrong number. But. the thing that is the hardest to take is the person who. having called NW FRIIM WARNER BROS... THE STORY BASE†0N EDNA FERBER’S PllllTZER PRIZE NOVEL C Phone Bolton 2275 read column higmetime; I Quite aknitijmher of ykears agrp. thle qung nurfnber, holds the; give a resses o c l ren an was as e o spea at t e p one or a ew minutes 0 or TU' 4'1124 (Stan Troyer) to them, I would give a word Sunday School anniversary of suspended silence. perhaps ‘ of advice â€" don‘t ask questions a church in Toronto. I had gives a light frustrated sigh or ‘ It is hereby proclaimed by the Township of of children in public â€" be- been there several times so I a disgruntled snort and hangs d A t 1 1955 will be cause you never can tell what thought I would draw a picture up. vaughan that MOI" fly, “3‘15 a ’ they will say. Here are a few of a sailing ship on a black- A pleasant, “I'm sorry. I observed as 8 Civic Holiday, illustrations intended to warn board and. talk about ships. must have dialled the wrong you. Frankly. I am no Rembrandt. number," does much to sooth t" Citizens are requested to govern themselves A friend of mine was in admire artists, but art work the shattered composure of a . l church recently where the min- is beyond me. The church busy housewife who has rushed accordingly. ister was warning the children cgreï¬akerdgot ogtfa boaï¬-d and in from the garden or up from a ainst bad habim Th he c a an so, e ore t e ser- the basement or calm the tir- MARSHALL McMURCHY JAS. MCDONALD a§ked some questions an? got vice, I drew my ship. When ed office man with stomach ul- Reeve Clerk the expected replies about the time came for the address, cers. kinds of bad habits _ drink, I said to the audience. " What We hear this week, however. profanity, anger, etc. The com is it that I have drawn on the that there are a few people in gregation was impressed and Board?" To my dismay, no the area who are using the telâ€" quiet unth one lad put up his one spoke up. I was horriï¬ed. ephones as a medium for their hand. “welh my little man" I knew youngsters would do a distorted sense of humour. A said the minister, “What evil lot for a dime so I said; "1 local resident received very habit do you know?" uEaung have a .dime for the ï¬rst one distressing news about her peas oï¬' a knife_" the lad re_ who will "speak up and say family over the ’phone recent- ‘ I plied and some members of the what it is. . - 1y only tollearn a few minutes PRESENTED 5" ‘ , ‘ congregation didn‘t get serious A lad'put his hand up and later that it was only the work WARNER - : again, Ishadhhim coIme ta) theI fliiont. cg sgme prankster. Rdesidents BROS, .k ' J. . A man I know wa - 0 “ pea" up", sai . “e us 0 t e area are urge to be "a". " ‘ " For Vdcatl0ns & weekends get the idea across sthtgglï¬g‘ï¬e what it is.†He said, “I think alert when calls, seeming ST 6 held on to 60¢ we might Slip it is a mudâ€"turtle." strange, are received. A prank- but He would not let us fall. That happened a long time Ster _°f tins, 50“ Who is trap- ! He told of a man and his boy ago, but a friend of mine who Pad 1“ hls J°ke 50°“, “.3595 his . ‘ . ., ~ 4 walking on slippery ice. The was there has not forgotten it. ,Sensfless [Gail‘s-t ,‘5 1mer95t' ' - ' ' lad fell two or three ti ‘ at He often sa 5. “Archer, are mg 0 “0 e la 1 15 a Serlous Alarlon and Willard Slmpson , , last he took his father‘glelisand. you still dlaiving ships that Offense t°_“59 Canada's Phones . i ‘ “What happened then?" asked look like mud-turtles?" for anything bl“ legitimate Lake of Bays BaySVllle Muskoka moan the S‘Pegkerib A little lad spokg When the poet Francis Thom- “115- Wednesday, Thursday â€"â€" July 27, 28 9 ’ , sail 8y†:ngilgtgletgedggg' psonhloverdof clirilldren. was dy- - c t c - ing. e sai to t ose near him. i W B an ï¬xings 33mm!an & Volley Ball .ro-F EXTRA .A grandfather told me that “When you get to heaven, look Just how determined some SWimm “5 A ° “3 's' “ kl & M ! ~AVALUE ; 111115 hgrandson. caged Six. follow- for n}: in the nurseries â€" you Canadians are was evidenced Modem and Olde Tyme Danc ng 'ee y ov cs . , e im aroun , watching his will nd me among the child- recently at a village pay phone. 1AM I I Sh r Lunches {h Excellent Food every'move when he was clean- ren. A storm had knocked out the . ° e m‘ . . ing his false teeth, he was fas- phone connection and tele- . em more dalgemus MN IS I brunet“! Shuï¬leboard :1: Tennis st» Golf at Bigwin or Huntsvrlle c1nat)ed.h “lira; are you doing Wmnummnmmg phone officials had not arrived a WEEKLY DAILY - now‘." e me as grandpa reâ€" i , . , to repair the dama e. _ . .4- 00 $7 -0 come In and moved his plate. then slipped it 2 our qumatmn red“ 15 g The ï¬rst fewg customers Single Adult . e a. we will give you back into his mouth. The lit- a by Gipsy Smith, “gave, 2 tried â€" failed to get the dial . ‘ ' Single Adult. . . . . . . . . . . . . $35.00 $630 ' f “ , f , , tle fellow thought it over, then 5 tone â€" smiled weakly at § I 9 in room _ U "1 ormatlon. asked: Haveuyou got a saucer g boy and you save a mul- passersby. and left. Then came I . u n_ _ in there too? tipiication table." a determined individual who a , coimm Single Adult . . . . . . . . . . . . $00.00 $6.00 3 A K E s A lime had. now an Officer was more persistent. After re- HER W _ m i 3 or more in 1.00m in the an- fol-C6. was to have a mummmmummmmi peatedh tries1k itzothe thine of 0 H . â€" party on his sixth birthdav. It somel mg i 8 Cl t is in- Twm Beds $40-00 $t-00 SALES & SERVICE was in August and there‘had dn-idual ï¬nally gave up and “mm " SPECIAL CHILDREN’S RATES Write or phone Dealer big day came it rained without mic strength lies in industrial Vice- Tille payoff fcame. how; 7 v -‘i . "Well, never ' d" i - . . . ever. \vien. even a ter an “ou \0\GE ST 59.3:le , mm ' pants. rail transpOit systems, ., . . . ‘ ' .aid Bills mother. “God sends - . p N _ of order sign had been install- I ior TU' 4' RICHVALE TU 4-1114 lhe rain." Bill was in no agricumue‘ “aural, detomceg ed over the coin slot, another Enterta‘nment ' mood for such explanations. and the 9909195 ablllt)’ and customer attempted to remove V . V . . . . Authorized Studebaker been several weeks of grand weather â€" ideal for an out-of- doors party. but alas, when the “God ought to know that ev- VEST POCKET EDITORIAL A nation‘s wealth and econo- willingness to work. proceeded to another phone, presumably to give the tele- phone company some free ad- the sign to use the phone. . M-G-M's sensmou m FIERY com or TECHNICOLOR! --