"RICHMOND HILL . . Miss Evelyn Watling has 1 turned home ater spendmg week in Manna Sinai hospital Miss Eileen Devitt of Lindsay spent a week's holiday with her friend, Gail Sheardown. +...a.n Gunnar Soderberg been conï¬ned to be past week with a h is progressing favoul butt. Mr. and Mrs. Hugn mute. and family from Mitchell, Ont., are holidaying until the end of the week with Mr. and Mrs. Har- ry Stanford, Mrs. W. F. Carter and Miss Marion Carter. ï¬t I" i 1“ Mr. and Mrs. Bill Moore and family of Youngstown. \Ohio. vis- ited during the past two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Stan Ransom and Mr. and Mrs. John Moore. $ I! O I Mr. Frank Aitchison of Tor- onto, formerly of Alliston. Ont., is a holiday guest at the home of his niece. Mrs. Robt. P. Ross, Centre St. West. The sympathy of the commun- ity is extended to Mrs. W. H. Mylks whose sister, Mrs. J. M. Millen of Toronto passed away recently. She was laid to rest in Arthur, Ontario. The annual J. A. Mabley Re- union Picnic is planned for July 24 at Greenwood Park. Mr. C. B. Mabley has been president of the group for the past year, while Mr. C. C. Mabley has been treasurer REG. $1.25 THE.REXALL STORE 33 Yonge St. S. TU. 4-1521 Richmond Hill SPECIAL JALE Wight’ s Pharmacy Gunnar Tailoring will be closed for holidays from July 25 to 31. As renovations to the premises are planned for this time customers are urged to pick up cleaning and tailor- ing work before July 25. STAN’S BARBER SHOP To Our Customers and Friends: Stops perspiration and odour effectively and safely, without harm to your clothes. Pleas- ant to use . . . creamy and delicately scented. " AUGUST 1 TO AUGUST 7 The Liberal h alwan glad to receive social and personal item- for this me and a all to TUrner 4-1261 will receive eourteoua attention. N newspaper will also welcome news reports abom church organization ,woinen’l and men's moieties. lodges and other groups. While copy will be .e. cepted up to Wednesday of each week. it ls dean“. to have it in earlier if possible to ensure it; pub“. roderlierg who has ed to bed for the with a leg infection ng favourably. 1 I! 1 II Mrs. Hugh Carter from Mitchell, Ont. ng until the end of th Mr. and Mrs. Har- . Mrs. W. F. Carter larion Carter. cation We wish to let you know your barber shop will be closed from Other years. the shop has remained open while each member of the staff took his holi- day. This year, we are holidaying together. We sincerely appreciate your patronage and friendship and look forward to seeing you again on “015‘: NOTICE It’s Holiday Time! RICHMOND HILL AUGUST 8 Mrs. W. R. Reilly and Miss M. E. Harrison, accompanied by Miss E. Lang and Miss N. Good- win of Toronto spent last week at the General Brock Hotel. Ni- agara Falls: They also visited Buffalo and Niagara Falls, New York. Rev. and Mrs, C. G. Higginâ€" son and Miss Nancy Higginson have returned from a holiday to Eastern Ontario, where they vis- ited Mi'. Higginson’s parents. Following this they spent a week in Maine. Rev. Mr. Higginson will resume his pastoral duties on July 31. A number of the members of the Curtain Club formed a the- atre party last Thursday evening to attend the John Madsen Players‘ production of “1 Re- member Mama," at Cherry Hill Farm. Prior to‘attending the play, the group was entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Parker, Centre St. West. Members of the Curtain Club were treated to an evening of ï¬lms on stagecraft at the regâ€" ular meeting of the club last Monday. Shown by John Stocks. the ï¬lms included a special ï¬lm produced by the National Film Board of Canada showing the operations of the Canadian Repertory Theatre. The annual visit of the Arch- deacon of York, the Rev. F. J. Sewers, to St. Mary‘s Anglican Church, Richmond Hill, will be on Sunday morning at the 11 a. m. service when he will be the guest preacher. Archdeacon Sawers widely known around the Diocese has many friends in this area who will be happy to renew his acquaintance again. Members of the' maintenance and office staffs of the Richmond Hill Hydro attended a farewell dinner at the Ridge Inn last Fri- day evening in honour of Nor- man Chatterley who is leaving Richmond Hill to become branch manager of the hydro office at Sutton. Following the dinner a presentation was made. During the afternoon. the office staff at Richmond Hill made a presen- tation to Mr. Chatterley. Mr. and Mrs. A1. Rice were At Home to their friends in the community, July 9, to mark the occasion of their 25th wedding anniversary. Pouring tea during the after- noon was Mrs. Len Rice, wife of the Rice’s best man, and in the evening. Mrs. Guy Hunt, who was bridesmaid, at their wed- ding 25 years ago. Many gifts and cards of con- gratulations were received by Mr. and Mrs. Rice to honour the occasion. Among those members of Rich- mond Lodge, who, with their families, attended the Sunday Centennial of Grand Lodge of Canada in Ontario, at the ON. E. grounds in Toronto were Harry .Sayers. R. Phipps, Peter Savage. Harold Ince, John Mun- roe and James Hamilton, Delegates from" Richmond Hill attending the Grand Lodge Convention on Monday were Harry Sayers, Master;' Senior Warden Harold Ince and Past Masters J. R. Harrington, Rand Phipps and Peter Savage. ' The Daily Vacation Bible] School held again this year in} St. Mary‘s Anglican Church was well attended with an average daily attendance of over 75 chil- dren. Christian Education Handcrafts, and Recreation per- iods rounded out the program enjoyed by the children of the community. Those assisting with the leadership of the school .in- cluded Mrs. W. White. Mrs. A. .H. Anderson, Mrs. A. Snaith, Mrs. G. Purnell, Mrs. F. Redel- meier, Mrs. N. Holder, Mrs. W. S. Poclmell, and Miss Donna Wainwright. Standards of pink and white gladioli formed an attractive setting in the Richmond Hill United Church on Saturday, July 16, at 3 p.m., for the mar- riage of Miss Helen Joyce Mill- en, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. Gould, Richmond Hill, to Mr. David Donald Carter, son of Mr. and Mrs. J, Carter,_Weston._ R.ev. J. O. Totton was the officiating clergyman for the double-ring ceremony. Mr. H. G. Fowler played the wedding music, and the soloist was Miss Carol Babâ€" cock. who sang “The Lord’s Prayer", and “Becauseâ€. LLuJyL , u», Given in marriage by her stepfather, the bride was gown- ed in white angelskln silk tafâ€" feta, made on ï¬tted lines with a sweetheart neckline and long sleeves. Her Three - quarterâ€" length veil was caught to a se- quinned bandeau. She carried a bouquet of white gladioli and baby red roses. Mrs. Anna Simpson of ’Rich- Margaret Isabel Scotchmer Passes In Her 74th Year Margaret Isabel Drysdale Scotchmer, a resident of Rich- mond Hill for the past 15 years, passed away July 12 at Stouff- ville in her 74th year_ Mrs. Scotchmer had been ill for the past three years. Born at Lanark. Ontario, on December 12, 1882, she was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Dry§dale of that town. “ Prior to 1912 she had attend- ed Queens’ University at Kings- ton, later teaching school in the West. She was married on Ap- ‘ril 12, 1912, at Moosejaw, Sask- atchewan, to Mr. F. G. Scotch- mer. Coming to Richmond Hill in 1940 from Toronto, the Scotch- mer family took up residence at 63 Roseview Avenue. Mrs. Scot- chmer was a member of Rich- mond Hill United Church and Nolan -Weaver NuptaEs Donlands United Chmch The marriage of Laurie Ger- aldine. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Alva Weaver of Toronâ€" to, formerly of Richmond Hill, to Benedict Francis Nolan. Richmond Hill, formerly of Markham, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Francis Nolan, took place at Donlands United Church on June 25. The bride chose a full skirted white dress of silk organdy with lace edging in scallop design. Inside each scallop were pale pink and blue rosettes, and she wore a pale blue cummerbund at the waist. A satin and pearl edged cap held her elbow length veil, and she carried a bouquet of pink and white roses touched with blue bachelor but- tons. Maid of honor was Miss Dor- othy Nolan, Richmond Hill, sis- ter of the groom, wearing a pink nylon dress and a headpiece of pink roses. She carried a bou- quet of pink and white carna- tions. ' Miss Marion Weaver. Toronto, and Mrs. C. A. Taggart of Elgin Mills, both sisters of the bride, were bridesmaids. Gowned in blue and yellow full skirted ny- lon dresses with head-pieces of erd roses. they carried bouquets of white and pink carnations. Miss Dale Taggart, niece of Helen Millen Weds David Carter mond Hill was her sister’s matron of honour, and wore an orchid silk taffeta dress. with ï¬t- ted bodice and floor-length skirt. Mrs. Eleanor Preston, Scarboro, the bride’s aunt, wear- ing pale pink; Mrs, Jacqueline Carter, sister-in-law of the groom in pale yellow, and Miss Beulah Baskerville of Richmond Hill in light green, were the bridesmaids. Their dresses were made on similar lines to that of the matron of honor. The junior bridesmaid was Miss Sandra McClennan. cousin of the groom, from Huntsville. Her dress was of orchid taffeta. All attendants carried bouquets of matching gladioli. .. . n "r A“. ....... Ronald Carter of Weston was his brother's groomsman, and the ushers were Robert Simp- son and Ronald Millen of Rich- mond Hill and Ronald Rich- mond, uncle of the groom, of Weston. was affiliated with the Woman's Asmciation of that church. Surviving are her husband, two sons, Rev_ George Scotch- mer and Douglas Scotchmer, both of Galveston, Texas‘, and a daughter Catherine of Willow- dale. The funeral service was held Friday, July 15, from Wright & Taylor Funeral Chapel with: in- terment following in Richmond Hill cemetery. Rev. J. O. Totton conducted the funeral service. Pallbearers were Reg. Macey, Maple. Alfred and Chas. Scotch- mer of Bayï¬eld, William Scotch- mer of Egmondville, Thomas Scotchmer of Guelph and Del- bert Haw of Dundalk. The Liberal joins with the community in expressing sym- pathy to the family in their be- reavément. i‘véï¬g'generations of the bride’s the bride. of Elgin Mills, flower girl. She wore a skirted yellow nylon dress carried a bouquet of pink white carnations. The groom's brother, Thomas Nolan of Richmond Hill was best man and ushers were Eric. Cruickshank offlï¬viichmond Hill alt/111% C. Allan Taggart of Elgin 1 s. The reception was held at the home of the bride’s parents, where the mother of the bride received the guests in a grey and coral dress with grey acces- sories and a corsage- of coral and white roses. Mrs. E. Greetâ€" ham of Toronto, the groom's aunt, received in a dress of r0.\'- al blue, and her corsage\was of pink and white carnations. Out of town guests were Mrs. Attina Johnston and Miss Elaine Johnston of Iroquois; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lyall, Mr. Reg. Lyall and Mr. and Mrs. D. Grant of Beaverton. Following the wedding, Mr. and Mrs. Nolan left for Niagara Falls for a week‘s holiday. For travelling. the bride chose a coral tissue faille suit with white accessories and a corsage of white roses and carnations. _ They are now living at. thelr They are now living new home in Toronto. her sister’s , and wore an dress. with ï¬t- 1 floor-length was full and and family attended the wedding and the reception which followâ€" ed at the Graystones, Aurora. The bride’s mother received ,the guests wearing a dress of pale blue silk with white accessories, and a corsage of pink gladioli. For her son's wedding, Mrs. Carter chose a navy sheer dress with matching accessories. and wore a corsage of red gladioli. For the honeymoon trip to Huntsville, the bride donned a two-piece mauve suit dress with pleated skirt, white accessories, and a corsage of white gladioli. â€"â€" photo by lagerquist BRENAN. Florentine Ann - At the home of her daughter. 22 Greenview Ave.. Willowdale, Saturday, July 16, 1955. Flor- entine Ann Perazzo of Thorn- hill, widow of Thomas M. Brenan, dear mother of Mrs. Fisher (Winnifred), Kitchener, Mrs. Benedict (Mary), Boston, Mrs. Bishop (Dorothy), Will- owdale and Thomas of Thorn- SIMS. BIERNES â€"- In memory of our dear son, Clarence John Bier- nes who passed away July 26, 1953 in his 24th year. Nothing can ever take away The love a heart holds dear Fond memories linger every day rRémembrance keâ€"eps him near â€"â€" Sadly missed by mother, fa- ther, Joyce 'and Allan. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. D. Bost wishes ‘0 thank her friends for their kind enquir- ies, letters and cards during her sojourn in hospital. c1w3 CARD 0F We would like to thank our neighbours and friends and Dr. Ideson and Dr. Cowan for their kindness during our recent be- reavement. *1w3 hill. Service on Monday, July 18. at 3 o’clock from Wright and Taylor Funeral Home. Interment York Cem- etery. c1w3 CARD 0F THANKS We wish to express our sin- dere thanks to our kind friends and neighbours, also the Lions Club, Thornhill, for the wonder- ful gifts and sympathy to our family in the loss of our darling granddaughter and niece. W. Bellamy, c1w3 George and Dorothy In memoriam MS. Florence M. -- At her} late residence. 51 Roseview Ave., Richmond Hill, Monday, July 18, 1955. Florence M. Hopper, widow of the late Frank E. Sims, in her 82nd year, dear mother of Mrs. R. Dibb (Mabel), Lewis and Mrs. E. Mans’bridge (Mildred). Res- ting at Wright and Taylor :Funeral Home. Service on kfl‘hursday at 2 o'clock.‘-Inter- "merit Richmond Hill Ceme- tery. ' c1w3 CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank our relatives friends and neighbors for their many acts of kindness and ex- pressions of sympathy shown us in the loss of a beloved wife and mother also for the beautiful floral tributes. CARD 0F THANKS Words are inadequate to ex- press our gratitude to our friends and neighbours and the Lions Club of Thornhill for the wonderful kindness. help and sympathy in our recent bereave- ment, in the loss of our darling daughter, Mary. . Mr. and Mrs. Joe Allen. c1w3 Green Lane. Thornhill Fred G. Scotchmer and family 78 YONGE ST. S. %eatb5 Mr. and Mrs. C. Gilroy, Richvale, Ont. TEE PATTI - LU $80? CUSTOM BUILDING Langstaï¬ BRUCE MOUNTJOY THANKS SUMMER CLEARANCE UP TO 25% REDUCTIONS c1w3 Late Mrs. Florence Sims Was Lifelong Resident Of Vi||age TU. 4-2961 The community was saddened to hear of the passing of Mrs. Florence M. Sims, who slept quietly away on July 18. at her home on Roseview Ave; Rich- mond Hill. She was in her 82nd year and had been ill for several years. ~ - - n ,,L. Mrs. Sims. who was formerly‘ Florence Hopper was a lifelong resident of the village and for years was a familiar ï¬gure to many as she helped her husband, the late Frank Sims, in his store on Yonge Street. Mrs. Sims was a member of the Methodist con- gregation in the village and later of Richmond Hill United Church. She took an active part in the W0â€" mans Association where she held an executive position for many years. "SUNDAY. JiJLY 24. 1955 11 am. -â€" Worship Service RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. G. Higginson, B.A., 3.1).. Minister SUNDAY. JULY 24. 1955 11 am. â€"â€" Morning Service RICHMOND HILL '1‘. MARY'S CHURCH (Anglican) Rev. A. A. Chote, B.A., B. 111.. SUNDAY, JULY 24. 1955 7th After Trinity “I sought the Lord and He heard me" 8.30 am. â€"â€" Holy Communion 11 am. â€" Morning Prayer Archdeacon F. J. Sawers Guest Preacher SS. 8.: Jr. Congregation 4 pm. -â€" Holy Baptism 7 pm. â€"- Evening Prayer RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. N. HepburntMVigiis‘ter Rev. A. A. Chote ’ All power to Christ is given, He ever reigns the same; Salvation. happiness, and hea- ven, Are all in Jesus' name RICHMOND HILL BAPTIST Pastor â€" R. H. Galbraith SUNDAY, JULY 24. 1955 11 am. â€"â€" Morning Worship 3 p.m. â€"- Bible School â€" classes for all ages 7 p.m. â€"- Evangelistic Service Special numbers in song by â€"- Mrs. Wm. Layzell â€"- Mrs. E. LeMasurier From Langstaff Baptist Church Temporary Location Masonic Hall, Yonge St. N. ALL WELCOME RICHMOND HILL FREE METHODIST CHURCH Corner of Elmwood and Eagle! Rev. Earl S. Bull. Minister Church o! the Light tnd Llfe Hour. CHML 9 a.m. Sundly SUNDAY. JULY 24. 1955 No Sunday school or evening service on this ï¬nal Sunday of the Pine Orchard Camp Meet- ing. Wednesday 8 pm. â€" Prayer Meeting TRINITY ANGLICAN CHURCH ‘ Thornhill Rev. S. A. R. Wood, B.A., Rector SUNDAY, JULY 24, 1955 8 a.m. â€" Holy Communion 11 am. â€"- Morning Prayer THORNHILL UNITED SERVICES United services during July and August , SUNDAY, JULY 24, 1955 ‘ Baptist Church Rev. Eddy, Preacher THORNHILL BAPTIST CHURCH Yonge Street (Stop 17) Minister. Rev. Percy G. Buck, B. Th. 5 Old Orchard Grove. Toronto 12 HU. 1-3142 SUNDAY. JULY 24. 1955 United services will be held in the Baptist Church for Sundays, July 24, 31, August 7. Rev. E. B. Eddy, minister United Church, preacher. Give Mr. Eddy a hear- ty welcome to Thornhill by at- tending these united services. ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH (2 miles south of Maple) SUNDAY, JULY 24, 1955 Sunday School . . . . . . . . 10 3,1 Service . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 11 a.. CABRVILLE UNITED CHURCH SUNDAY. JULY 24, 1955 2.30 pm. â€"â€" Divine Worship Guest Preacher: Rev. C. H. Chambers. minister of the Thoanhill Presbyterian Church WILCOX GOSPEL CHURCH Wfldwood Ave.. Wilcox Lake Pastor Allan Mack SUNDAY. JULY 24, 1955 11 am. â€" Morning Worship 2.30 pm. -- Sunday School 7 pm. â€" Evangelistic Service Midweek Prayer 8; Praise â€" Thursday 8 pm. Fstimates & References Gladly Furnished AV. 5-1867 RICHMOND HILL THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursdiy, July 21, Mrs. Sims is survived by a bro- ther, Fred Hopper of Whitestone. one sister, Mrs. J. H. Lever of Blackwater. two daughters. Mrs. R. Dibb (Mabel) and Mrs. E. Mansbridge (Mildredb, and one son Lewis of Richmond Hill and three grandchildren, Eleanor Mansbridge and John and David Sims. The funeral service was held today (Thursday) from the Wright and Taylor Funeral Home at 2 p.‘ m. Interment was in Richmond Hill Cemetery and the service was conducted by Rev. C. G. Higginson. Pall bearers were John Stalli- bras. I. D. Ramer, Bert Cook, Jack Dibb. Floyd Perkins and Peter Savage. CHURCH OF CHRIST Meeting in Concord School House Each Lord's Day evening at 7 pm. Gospel Message Tune in CKEY (580) at 9.15 am. Matthew 15:13 -â€" Every plant which my Heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up. MAPLE CHARGE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Rev. A. G. Donald. M.C.. Minister Maple 10.15 am. â€" Sunday School 11.30 am. â€" Divine Worship Edgeley 9.30 am. â€" Divine Worship 10.20 am. â€" Sunday School Hope 9.30 am. â€" Sunday School 10.30 am. â€" Divine Worship SUNDAY. JULY 24, 1955 Sunday, 11 am. -- Bible School classes for all ages 7 p.m. â€"â€" Gospel Service Guest Speaker: Nelson Trafford Wed., 8 pm. â€" Prayer Meeting Our new minister, Rev. Wm, Hiltz will commence his minis- try on September 4. 0th Ave-Io SUNDAY, JULY 24, 1955 9.45 am. â€" Breaking of Bread 11 a.m. â€" Sunday School and Adult Bible Class Mr. Fred Peer 7 pm. -â€" Evening Service Tues, 8 pm. â€" Bible Study Mr. John Mair “God hath in these last days spoken unto us by His Son. whom He hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds. (from Heb. I: 1-2) Therefore we ought to give the more earnest heed to the things which we have heard, lest at any time we should slip away from them. Heb. II: 1. One Block M 0! Inc. On Madawaska Ave.. Stop 12A Pastor Rev. F. Vaughan, B. Th. BA. 1-4767 SUNDAY. JULY 24. 1955 9.50 am. â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€"â€" Morning Worship The Pastor will preach 7.30 p.m. â€" Drive-In Church At Loblaw’s, Steeles and Yonge. Come with your family just as you are. Relax and enjoy the singing of Baritone Frank Johns, the Trio, and the familiar hymns of the Faith. The \Pastor will preach on the subject, “God’s Cure for Loneliness." Comfort- able chairs for those who walk. A hearty welcome is extended 1 to all. 4 CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY Richmond Hill & District Unit For information call Richmond Hill TU. 4-3291 Thornhill AV. 5-1365 Maple AV. 5-2908 SUNDAY, JULY 24, 1955 WONBIOOK 3m RICHVALE CHAPEL LANGSTAI’I' BAPTIST CHURCH - - For Service at its - Try Your Friendly Local Dairy RICHMOND HILL HAIR AI :13 naucwus 5557/ “M Dr. R. S. Ideson, 31 Yonge St. Richmond Hill, will be absent holidays from July 16 to 31- Unionville 239 Services NOTICE TELEPHONI‘. TURNER-44622 SUNBRITE SPECIALS Margarine MAPLE LEAF Cooked Ham Pink Salmon :1: 25¢ PINK SEAL MIRACLE WHIP Salad Dressing 8 oz. Jar CARNATION EVAPORATED Milk 2:21: 25c KOUNTRY KIST Peas NABISCO Shredded Wheat SWIFT’S Prem Bananas GOLDEN RIPE CALIFORNIA UN KIST Oranges U. S. N0. 1 NEW GREEN Apples MORLEY’S Self Serve RICHMOND HILL 24 024 Tin Size 288': 29c}? 47c *' $1.63 llb Ctns 15 oz. Tins Pkgs. lbs. for 21. 1955 29c: 49c 37c 19c 29c 23c 43c Dom