Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 28 Jul 1955, p. 10

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' N. J. Glass, Richmond Hill N. W. Greensides. Newmarket 3- Marvin Hunter: King City J. L. R. Beii. Newmarket John 8' 'walkin‘ton' King City E. Garfield Wright, Newmarket Ken Prentice, Markham , _ Alex D. MacLeod Agency. Thos. Birkett & Son, Stoufiulie Markham Fred M. Pugh, Stouffviiie Corner Insurance Agency, ‘ James Rattle. Milliken Aurora Victor B. Ryder, Kieinberg 10 779mm” esa VILLAGE OF RICHMOND HILL Civic Holiday Proclamation SEPTIC TANKS roman and CLEANED Complete Septic Tank Repair Service Accurate Septic Tank Service BA'. 1-8000 TENDER FOR EARTH MOVING. ROAD CON- STRUCTION & CHANNEL IMPROVEMENTS FOR TURNER BRIDGE Will Install Your Plumbing & Heating Also Cover Renovations Low Interest Rates Available RUSSELL LYN E'I‘T Village Clerk Sealed Tenders. addressed to the Clerk. Town- ship of Vaughan. will be received at the Township Office. Maple, Ontario. up until 1:00 pm. Tuesday. August. 2nd. 1955 (E.D.S.T.) for the Earth Moving, Road Construction &'Channel Improvements for the Turner Bridge. lot 11, Concession 7 W.Y.S. Plans and Specifications for these works may be obtained from the,ofiice of the Consulting Engineers for a fee of $5.00 non~refundable. ~ The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted and n0 award will be made until approval is received from the Department of Highways. Duncan Hopper & Associates, Consulting Engineers. 38A Mattson Road. Downsview. Ontario Marshall McMurchy, Reeve J. M. McDonald, Clerk TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN Protects the property of more Canadians than any other Company L ONSTRUCTION co. CONCRETE WORK â€" DRAINS 126 Elmwood Ave., Richmond Hill TU. 4-2612 FRANK PASSER will be observed as ‘ CIVIC HOLIDAY FOR THE VILLAGE 0F ‘3”! RICHMOND HILL Citizens are requested to govern themselves acc‘ordingly. Hull’s Domestic Fuel Oils THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hiu, Ontario, l'J."hiursday, J ulyr 28,771955 RICHMOND HILL‘ MONDAY, AUGUST Isl, 1955 our trucks are equipped with Government Inspected Printo-Meters for yozgt protection. TUAL SEE YOUR Lo'CAL AG~ENT 10% no w N OIL BURNER PARTS 8: SERVICE Plumbing & Heating TU. 4-2268 It is hereby proclaimed that R. R. 1 Willowdale B. BAILEY INSURANC W. J. TAYLOR MA. 1313 Reeve ANY PHONE TU. 4-2061 Continuing hot. dry weather throughout the month of July has produced high fire hazard conditions in many areas. Sur- face conditions were extremely high and browning of vegetation was very noticeable. Special pre- cautions were taken by the Lake Simcoe District Staff to alert all persons to the fire danger and warnings were issued to trav- ellers in forest areas. Depart- ment of Lands and Forests staff at County Forests and other field offices were kept close to headquarters to meet any emer- gencies.» Most children like to have small res onsibilities and to help around t e home. While the small daughter wouldn't be al- lowed to dry Mother's best dish- es, there are lots of less import- ant duties that can be relegated to the small fry. And a little praise for the way the job is done, with plenty of tolerance for mistakes. will help the child to enjoy a part in the home pro- gram. A serious situation developed on Indian Reserve Lands on Georgina Island in Lake Simcoe, south of the Fire District, as a result of a fire breaking out July 13. Aided by strong winds the fire covered a considerable area in the central and northern parts of the island and for a time threatened Indian families liv- ing on the western shore. Men and equipment from various De- partment headquarters including Vivian, Uxbridge, Midhurst For- est Station. Angus Seed Plant and Zone Office at Maple active- ly assisted volunteer fire fight- ers. Royal Canadian Mounted Police and Ontario Provincial Police in taking control meas- ures. Two of the Conservation Officers also gave help. Fire Departments from nearby towns and villages, Hydro Electric Power Commission crews and others also fought the efâ€" forts to bring it under control. Considerable credit is due to Regional Forester Addison, Zone Foreman Hollidge and other Forestry stafi who fought the blaze day and night for many hours. Department equipment used included four pumps, 11.- 000 ft. of hose, relay tanks and 25 hand fire pumps. Fire Fighters Busy In Lake Simcoe District With the highways enticing the motorist out to the country. it is a good idea for drivers to read up on traffic and driving manuals. Even the good driver of long experience can often do with a refresher on the subject of courtesy. signalling and speed hazards. After years of driving thousands‘ of miles. a driver may automatically drive well but it pays to check up once in a while and not be overconfident. Industrial accidents are usu- ally due to someone's careless- ness or neglect, often on the part of the employee who does not avail himself of the protect- ive devices designed for his job. Goggles and guards for the eyes are intended to prevent injury from flying particles or from too intense glare. Regulations are planned to make the worker conscious of dangers in his job and to prevent him from being injured. If gloves are advisable they should be worn. If the fe- male worker is advised to wear a cap when working around ma- chinery, it is for her own protec- tion. Septic Tanks A welcomeirain on the morn- ing of July 15 ended the long battle and Indians on the Island Sidewalks The public is asked to note that the firm of William H. Dockman Plumbing, 23 Grand- view Ave., has been merged un- der the partnership name of Willowdale Plumbing of the same address. So call AV. 5-2090 with all your plumbing requirements and problems. We are now able to give even better service than before. POST GRADUATE DRIVER N. J. CARTER NOTICE FOR SAFETY’S SAKE MOTHER'S HELPER TU. 4-1050 RICHMOND HILL Trenching Drains took over subsequent patrol For sheer devotion to duty, top honors go to Bruce Hough- land and Mient Weirsma of the Uxbridge and Vivian Forest staff. Hours after fire fighters had been withdrawn from the Island and the Provincial Police boat, used for transportation, had returned to Barrie, Depart. ment officials were still looking for the two men who had been fighting the blaze during the night. A ’phone call to Chief Lorenzo Big Canoe resulted in a search by the Indians who found Bruce and Meint still Working in the middle of the Island gath- ering up equipment and looking for smudges. Apparently, a fell- ow fire fighter had left them in the morning to get further in- structions for them but unfor- tunately failed to return. Another serious fire was re- Fire protection officials warn that the brief rainfall would on- ly temporarily ease the situation and requested that every pre- caution be taken with smoking materials. camp fires or rubbish fires to avoid more serious out- breaks. ‘ Another serious fire was re- ported by the Orillia Air Service on the morning of July 14, on lot 20. Concession IX. N. Orillia Township. The outbreak, prob. ably caused by blueberry pick- ers, had a good start and spread rapidly in the tinder dry scrub and marshy terrain. Rangers from Severn Falls and Coldwat- er with extra fire fighters had fire lines around much of the area when showers fell the fol- lowing morning, effectively checking any further danger. During the week Department staff at Severn Falls, Honey Har- bour, Midhurst Forest Station, Angus, Hendrie and Vivian fought a number of smaller out- breaks on private property which threatened forest areas. For- tunately prompt action kept ar- eas small and hazard was tem- porarily eased when showers fell July 15. ' The fire had burned over ap- proximately 500 acres and was particularly dangerous lying a few miles west of Sparrow Lake and numerous surfimer cottages. It was the first taste of fire fighting for some eight Junior Rangers who were rushed over from their summer base at Six Mile Lake with Deputy Chief Fred Atkinson. The boys gave a good account of themselves. muumummmmumlmmmuummmuumummmmu CUT FLOWERS, FUNERALS, WEDDINGS RICE’S FLOWER SHOP 23 YONGE ST. SOUTH Richmond Hill A]! Hours TU. 4-1812 mmmmumnnImmummn\mumummmuunnmnununnmun FLOWERS F OR EVERY OCCASION RICflMfiND HELL, Ontario You'll deal for a Sorry to hear that two of our would-be farmers have had ac- cidents this summer. Bruce Put- nam broke a finger while work- ing on a farm near Peterbor- ough and is now at the family cottage at Stoney Lake. Walter Magee, who has been helping with the harvest at the ‘Denby farm near Port Perry, fell dur- ing a ball game and broke his ,arm. Personals Mrs. Belle Glendinning has returned to Mount Dennis after a recent visit with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Craigie and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Boyington. Mrs. Lauder Hamilton was in Buttonville last week, and when she returned home. Janet Craig accompanied her or a few days vacation at Colgan. Mrs. James McQuay, who un- derwent surgery at the Toronto East General Hospital early last week. expected to be home eith- er Monuay or Tuesday of this week. We are happy to know she is orogressing so well. Mr .and Mrs. Joe Easton, Syl- via and Cynthia have returned from a motor trip west, which took them to the Calgary Stam- pede and to Regina to visit Joe Jr., who is stationed there with the RCMP. Mrs. Robert Baker of London was the guest of her sister, Mrs. John Black last week. Have you noticed the progress being made on the new annex to Buttonville School? As of last week-end, the brickwork was al- most completed. Sunday. August 7, is vacation week-end on the Victoria Square circuit. There will be no servic- es on the charge that day. On August 14, the service for the three churches will be held at Brown’s Corners Church. , Congratulations to the Button- ville ball team who recently chalked up six straight wins af- ter a losing streak early in the season. _ W. 1. Picnic Thursday of last week a bus- load of WI. members, their fam- ilies and friends set out at ten o‘clock in the morning for the annual picnic, which this year took them to Birdseye Centre Park at Port Perry. The group enjoyed a day of boating, swim- ming and games. For the small fry there were slides. swings and teeterâ€"totters. The picnic lunch and supper were laid on tables For your fuel needs ’ ANTHRACITE Call JONES COAL CO. TU. 4-1851 We also carry tile' brick, lime, cement Richmond Hill BITUMINOUS R. R. 2 Gormley â€" Phone AXminster 3-6188 CORRESPONDENT : MRS. F. H. LEAF ’BUTTONVILLE NEWS Wium REAL under the tall trees of the park Vacation School The Victoria Square Circuit vacation school which was held last week at Headford United Church had an all-time high at- tendance of 113. The children, ranging in age from 3 to 13, ar- rived at 9 o'clock for worship and a sing-song. after which there was a period of Bible Stu- dy. At recess time they went from the church to Headford school grounds where cookies and freshie were served. and then back again to classes for their handwork. Sessions ended with all the children gathered together in the church auditor- ium for a closing hymn. The staff and Rev. and Mrs. A. C. Huston are to be congratulated on a fine school. Roofing, Eavestroughing Chimney Btick & Cement Work, Caulking. Painting. Drain, General Repairs of all kinds HOME REPAIR Away back in 1922, a young man by the name of Arthur Bourke joined our company. Little did he realize that his childrenâ€"all six of them -â€"would follow in his footsteps to careers at the Bell; Today Mr; Bourke would be more than proud of his handsome family. We know we are! The Bourkes, like all telephone people, know from their own experience that the Bell is “a good place to work”. They have found pleasant associates and In all kinds of leaks. Work Done Immediately The Bourke family in the Bell cafeteria (left to ri ht): law-M 21, Toll Testing. Montrealâ€" Ilugum, 24, Toll Operator. Montreal-Lucie, l7, Steuographer. ontrealâ€"Ouy, 23, Central Office, St. Lambert Plantâ€" Suzanne, 20, Stenographer, Montrealâ€"Ocslon, 25, Toll Testing, Montreal. ‘ Contractor SPECIALISTS Written Guarantee TU. 4-3344 With Motion-Design for The For- ward Look, Dodge is years ahead in styling. With the longest car in the lowest priced field, Dodge is way ahead in roominess. With a wide range of rainbow hues inside and out, Dodge takes top honours in the colour parade, too. Even a glance tells you that Dodge is no ordinary automobile. Just a few minutes on the road will show you that Dodge is also the standout car for performance. Whether you chOOSe a thrifty Power- You can be sure when you deal for a used car here. Sure of honest value for your money. Your Dodge- De Soto dealer has a big selection of one-owner, late- model cars of almost every make. Every one ready to go. Every one priced low for quick disposal. T196 Bourées all work at the Bell .’ Don't buy iusI any used car . . . get a DEPENDABLE USED CAR at your Dodge-De Soto dealer‘s good place to Work”. They d pleasant associates and service” you find in Bell wherever you meet them. 1:2 ' THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA PHONE: TUrner 4-2091 EM. 6-5373 8 a.;m. -'5 pm. Phone After 5 p.m. Maple 104 . AV. 5-1598 H. C. TOMLIN PARCEL DELIVERY 'AND' LIGHT CARTAGE BLOCK 8: TILE Capo. Contracts Welcomed A brief talk with your Dodge- De Soto dealer will convince you: never before could you et so much car for so little money. our Dodge- De Soto dealer is ready to deal. He’s offering top-dollar trade-in allow- ances that will save you real money! So come in today, or phone for a demonstration drive. Take advan- tage of this opportunity now, at your Dodge-De Soto dealer’s. Flow 6 or dynamic Hy-Fire V-8, you enjoy instantly responsive power, long life, mileage-boosting economy. PLANT : MAPLE, ONT. MAPLE interesting work at good wages. They have also found satisfaction and opportunity in serving the public in an essential business. And this is as it should be, for good tele- phone service depends upon people who like their jobs, and convey this feeling to 011'! customers. This is the feeling that is largely responsible for “the spirit of § service” you find in Bell employees fl wherever you meet them. Limited BLOCKS - BACK-UP TILE * CONCRETE MAPLE 6 * CINDER SLAG

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