Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 28 Jul 1955, p. 7

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flnlsmm SPURT NEWS John Richards pitched nine innings for King City, being re- lieved by Gord Orr who struck out six of the Woodbridge stalâ€" warts in five innings. King City Men’s team defeat- ed Woodbridge 12-11 in a 14- inning battling ball game at King City, Tuesday night, July 26. The game was all tied up at the end of the ninth 9-9. There was no further scoring until the top half of the 14th when Wood- bridge scored twice bringing the total to 11-9. In the last of the 14th, King City scored three runs to win 12-11. Stan Foster drove in the winning run with a double Next home rgéme and last of the regular schedule is Thurs- day night against Nobleton. “fin/i133}? flax-flat again pitch- ed good ball for his fifth win ag- ainst one defeat since joining the club. A _ u Bob Barringer and Lorne Mc- Lean each had two hits includ- ing one home run apiece and Sil Steffan had a pair of doub_1es. Hill Wins 5th Straight Game Richmond Hill Men’s Softball team defeated Schomberg 8 to 3 Tuesday night, to gain their fifth straight win to move closer to a playoff berth. , ,:L_1_ King Wins 12 T011 In 14-lnning Game 24 Hour Service . EVERY PASSENGER FULLY INSURED NEW CARS LOW RATES Weddings," Funerals, Out- of-town Trips R. R. 2 Maple Enjoy smooth, Safe Driving Open 7 am. - 12 Midnight DAILY Victor Draper 03k Ridges Ontario TU. 4-3181 EM. 8-9559 SAME DAY SERVICE Drive your auto prob- lems into to us â€" and leave them here for GOOD!‘ Our reliable workmanship is your best guarantee for safe, smooth motoring. Hunt 8. Cook Motors GENERAL REPAIRS JIFFY CABS RELIANCE SERVICE STATION Richmond Hill 178 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill TU. 4-3151 TELEVISION Radio â€" Washer Repair Service PIT RUN GRAVEL‘ CONCRETE SAND & GRAVEL Y SAND FILL TOPSOIL Conversion To 60 Cycle TU. 4-1731 Agencies HAROLD 8: HM BURNS E VE R Y M O N D A Y AURORA ARENA - 8:45 pan. WRESTLING DON’ T FORGET The meet proved an encourag- ing one for members and coach, Bill Babcock. who had to estab- lish two extra classes to accom- modate some younger boys who showed up. The first step in the would-be water skier’s education is a dry run on the beach. Place the skis on the sand six to nine inches apart, and slip your feet into the bindings. Then sit down on the skis, with your upper legs ag- ainst your chest, ‘and grasp the tow rope held by an instructor. This is the proper position you'll assume later in the water, and it's your-first lesson in water skiing. When the instructor pulls, Richvale girls fastball team seems to be doing right well for themselves in the King, Whit- church and Vaughan ball league as they smashed out a convinc- ing win over Oak Ridges last Wednesday night in the last game of a double header. Richmond Hill Track and Field Club will enter the Ontario Open Midget Championships to be held next Wednesday. August 3 at Varsity Stadium it was an- nounced at the club‘s first meet last Friday. Skipping across the waves on a pair of wooden slats at 30mph looks difficult, but as nearly a million water skiing enthusiasts have found out, it’s really very easy. Resultsiof the meet are as fol‘ lows: 60 yds. (under 11) 1 Simpson, 2 Morrow. 75 yds. (under 14) 1 Lovell,, 2 G. Kozak. 100 yds. (under 16) 1 Large and Passmore 3 Wood. 100 yds. (under 20) 1 Roberts, Z Almstead. 3 Carton. It was heads up ball for the Richvale group as they played good steady ball and capitalized on their opposition’s errors‘ to rack up a 19 to 7 victory. r r Carol Hirtz, the Richvale chucker. pitched no hit ball for five innings and looked a real big league hurler as the Oak Ridges team was mowed down one after another. Greta Dahl In the first half of the double- header played at K'mg City Mem- orial Park on July 20 in the K. V.W. league, King City Girls Softball team defeated Maple in a closely fought. well played game. The score ended 6-5. Since there were few errors, the game went seven innings. Lorna Ailles hit a home run to tie the score for King City in Track & Field Club To Enter Ontario Midget Championships Richvale Pitcher Throws No-Hit Ball For 5 Innings Water Skiing Orginated In Switzerland In 1929 King City Ousts Maple In Closer Fought Game Good Entry At First Mega; Two lawn bowling tourna- ments at Allandale and Markham last Wednesday afternoon were participated in by Richmond Hill rinks. Morley Hall and A1. White won the men's doub- les tournament at Allandale and Dr. R. K.-Young, Floyd Perkins and Gar Yerex placed high for one win in the men’s trebles tourney at Markham. Also bowling Wednesday at Allandale were Warren Hall and Jim Grainger, who took a high for one win. Bowling Results Phone 54R2 There'll be spills, of course, but this is part of the sport also. You won’t get hurt if you let go of the tow rope when amishap occurs. When you come sputter- ing to the surface, take off your skis.‘and rest your weight on them until the boat comes back to pitk you up. Some beginners however. instinctively hang on to the rope when they lose their balance. Immediately they as- sume the role of human submar- ines, can take on water, get a rope burn -â€" or even worse â€" lose their swimming suit if it is not anchored securely. Learning the rest â€"â€" all the tricks and maneuvers â€"â€" is mere- ly a matter of experience. Soon you’ll be jumping wakes, single skiing, slaloming. and trick ridâ€" ing‘ BOLTON : A fine of $35 and costs was charged against Doug- las Bell of Woodbridge for hav- ing liquor in an illegal place in Bolton. Constable Wellar laid the charge and Brampton court passed sentence. Water skiing began in Swit- zerland in 1929. and was popq- larized in the 30's along the Riv- iera. The sport was adopted in this country, and has grown in popularity ever since. 220 yds. 2 Large1 der 20) Johnson The second club meet will be held this Friday. July 29, rain or shine. The following events will be featured: Under 12-60 yds.; 75 yds.; Running Broad Jump. Under 14-75 yds.; Shot put. ' was installed as catcher and did a fair chore behind the platter, and. as usual, the big bat of Betty Garner boomed out a few more home runs for the Richvale Ramblers. Don't sell this Oak Ridges team short because of the score because they certainly showed flashes of very good form and when they started to connect in the sixth they drove in their seven runs. This lassie Jackie Hutchinson played a nlce game for the Igidges team and accord- ing to arm Heintzman who is looking after these young ladies they will be heard from later in the season. Under J6-220 yds.: 120 yds. low hurdles. Under 20-880 yds.; 120 yds.; low hurdles Everyone who is interested and who is a student or a graduate of Richmond Hill School is most welcome to attend and to take part in all events in this meet. Shirley Jones was the pitcher all the way for Maple while Len- ore Robb pitched six and two- thirds innings for King City. With two out and one to go, she Was relieved by Helen Robson. Catcher for the King City team the seventh, and Lily Rolph, an- other star hitter for King City, collected a circuit clout in the sixth and a triple in the seventh. was Helen Peck. (under 16) 1 Passmore, 3 Kozak. 880 yds.. (un- 1 Roberts, 2 Wood, ,3 880 220 yds FIRST AID ON THE SPOT The kitchen where so many cuts. scratches and burns are ac- quired. should have a well-stock- ed first aid kit, kept in a handy spot. Even a small scratch may become infected if it is neglect- ed. With the kit there should be a first aid instruction book -â€" knowing what to do in case of accident may save an injury from becoming more serious -â€" it may even save a life. TheSports Clinic BILL HAMILTON Sweet William is Guelph’s main contribution to stock car racing and Pinecrest’s most eli- gible â€"- and best looking -â€" ba- chelor. At 24,-Hamilton is one of those chaps who never gives up. It took him 25 tries to win his initial feature (1953) at the No. 7 highway track just two miles west of Dufferin St. How- ever, last year he had four main event triumphs. including a pair over the Labor Day week-end. He hasn‘t had any in the first five meets this term but is coming closer all the time. Even at that, he is right up in the Carling point race. Bill has been driving five years. In both 1953 and 1954 he wrecked his car just before the championship at the same spot in the fence. He borrowed a buggy, though, and competed. Hamilton drives car No. 37 and tows it back and forth from the Royal City each Saturday. Hamilton and other stock car champs can be seen each week at. Pinecrest. Gori Mangotich added another to his string of victories as he downed Tough Harold Van Dyke of Richmond Hill. Van Dyke seems to get a little better every time out and last night was no exception as he extended the famous Mangotich to the limit. Mangotich said afterwards that However Jack wasn't so .be- wildered he couldn‘t rack’ up the first fall with a clever bit of mat work to pin Osborne with a standing crotch hold. Ossie came backlto get the second fall with a series of drop kicks and never looked better. Jack Flicker, the Oak Ridges mat man, was disqualified mon- day night in the main bout of the regular pro wrestling show at Aurora. Flicker was in there against Wildcat Ron Osborne, who cert: ainly lived up to his name as he flew around the ring like a cir- cus acrobat. He seemed to have Honest Jack bewildered most of the time. In the last fall with Flicker rapidly running out of gas, as he usually does, he resorted to some off colmj stuff and was quickly thumbed to the showers by referee Joe Greenfield. Flicker, Oak Ridges Mat Man Disquaiified In Main Bout If your batting weakness is missing the ball, you will be interested in the results of a SUrvey of what actually happens when {better swings and misses. Investigation showed that the batter swings over the ball 72 per cent of the time in hardball. He swings underneath 22 per cent and the ball goes past the end of hisAbat six per cent. Check carefully to see how you are missing. Then you can adjust your swing accordingly. Most players interviewed in this study hadn’t the faintest idea how theyiwere missing the bell.“ ‘ Incidentally, in softball the average batter swings under the ball. Survey showed that this was respon- sible for his miss 84 _per cent of the time. Softball players should hold their bats higher than usual in the ready-to-hit position so that they swing along the ball’s line of flight instead of through it. For example, an athlete who takes 12 seconds to run 100 yards can probably improve his time by six or seven tenths of a second by working on various types of speed work. No matter what he does, however, it will be impossible for him to run the distance in class sprinting time. This does not, of course, refer to pub- lic school age sprinters Who have not yet matured physically. HEREDITY VS. DIET HABITS Medical authorities claim that heredity plays a very small part in overweight. ‘ If you’re an athlete and you’re carrying too much fat, it’s probably because you don’t exercise enough will power at the dinner table â€"â€" not because you were born that Way. What you do develop through the inâ€" fluence of your family is the appetite for foods high in calories, or the habit of eating more ,than is needed. Everyone, regardless of how slow they are, can improve their ability to move quickly. But unless the athlete {has the type of muscle and body structure de- signed for speed it is impossible to turn a slow runner into a top sprinter. It is wise to remember that improvement in speed can be a great help to the athlete. An improvement of one-tenth of a second over 10 yards would mean two or three feet in distance â€" often enoughto make 01‘ break a play in baseball, tennis, football, etc. ARE YOU A STRIKEOUT ARTIST? An Official Department of Sports College Conducted by Lloyd Percival SPEED COUNTS ‘ In the other two bouts, Rock ‘Bowley a very popular matman bwon over Stoney Brooks via the disqualification route and Big Jim Krotcher put the squeeze on Doug Brock of Malton, an erst- while fighter who should have stayed at the fight game. it was one of the toughest he has had since returning from Eur- ope. TRUCKS ! Stop 225, Yonge Street .- RICH-[VALE - TUrner 4-1232 OPEN EVENINGS TO SERVE YOU BETTER GOOD BUYS ON ALL OUR 1955 FORD TRUCKS Lawrence Motors Ltd. TRUCKS! TRUCKS ! Hi|| Downs Summit 4-1 Richmond Hill Men's Softball team, going all out for a playoff berth, stepped out and defeated the league-leading Humber Summit Club 4-1 to mark up their fourth win in a row. Harry "Windy" Howlett pitch- ed a masterful game, striking out] seven men. Although lack- ing his usual control, he was tough in the pinches as he had men on bases every inning. Bob Barringer who appears to have really found his batting eye had three hits. Bennett hit his first home run of the year for the "Hill". The Club wishes to offer a sincere vote of thanks to the Lions Club and the Richmond Hill Arena Commission. who donated the arena and Lions Hall for a dance held Wednes- dlayb night to help finance the c u . - The Peel and York Men’s Soft- ball League game held recently at Nobleton ended in a 9â€"9 tie for the King City and Nobleton teams. G. Samson scored the tying run for Nobleton in the seventh. Bob Arbuckle waS‘on the mound all the way for King City while Tom Dobson pitched for the op- position. Bill Hoover and Catcher Ed Dobson hit homers for the Nob- leton team. Ron Bonham hit a triple and Johnnie Dew a doub- le. bringing in two runs for King City. Chuck Shields was another star batter for King City. In King City Peewee League last week, Montreal twice de- feated the Buffalo team. On July 19 Montreal defeated Buffalo 19-17 and Havana de- feated Richmond 17 to 3. Peel & York'Game Ends In 9-9 Tie Buffalo Downed Twice By Montreal On July 22 Montreal again defeated Buffalo 14 to 12. Rich- mond,_ however. defeated Hav- ana 15 to 12. The playoffs for the Peewees start on Tuesday, August 2 and playoff games are also schedul- ed for August 5 and 8, weather permitting. On August 16, members of the Peewe‘e league will be_taken to Toronto Maple Leaf stadium by King City Lions to see the game between Toronto Maple Leafs and Montreal. THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, JuIy 28. 1955 7. \r GARDEN AVE. “ragga/cs DOW/vim HENRY SEARLE Plumbing & Heating AV. 5-1691 You’ll reach your Savings goal with plenty to spare when you call on our coal to heat your home. Save $1.00 per Ton on Coal delivered in June and July LANGSTAFF

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