Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 11 Aug 1955, p. 9

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CANADIAN TIRE SAVES Y0 v' £1.50 a gallon munmmnummunuunmmummmmm 23 YONGE ST. SOUTH Richmond Hill All Hours TU. 4-1812 mmmmmummmmmmmm CUT FLOWERS, - FUNERALS, WEDDINGS RICE'S- FLOWER SHOP SAME DAY SERVICE Victor Draper Open 7 am. - 12 Midnight DAILY Oak Ridges Ontario TU. 4-3181 EM. 8-9559 RELIANCE SERVICE STATION SUPER-LASTIC "HOME DECORATOR" INTERIOR GLOSSâ€"A sanitary, easy Io apply gloss finish lav walls and wood- wark, aspeclally in kitchens and ball!- loomsâ€"ideal let any interior trim. Ono coat ample lor mast iobs. Odouflas: alkyd. 12 attractive colours. SUPER-LAST": "HOME DECORATOR" UlCK-DRYIN . ENAMEL â€" Odourlen Ikyd. Durab waterproof beauty lor Iurm'lure, woodwork, wicker and motel surfacesâ€"in your home. Self-levellingâ€" flows smoothly and leaves no brush marks. 72 making colours. Tinflng Baseâ€" ‘A-P" .52 99- 1.69 G“ 5-98 Finishing White, Chlneso Rad, Black Vz-pt. .59 Qt. L35 Gal. 8.75 SUPER-[ASTIC "HOM! DECORATOR'“ SEMI-GLOSS ENAMELâ€"Use (his odour- loss alkzd soft-sheen finish on walls, woodwor and furniture. Finger marks, dire wash right a". Made in 72 do!!!» able colours. FLOWERS FOR EVERY OCCASION Tlnflng Baseâ€" Finishing Whiteâ€" TELEVISION Radio â€" Washer Repair Service Flnkhlng White-â€" Tinting Base-â€" Qt. 1 Conversion To 60 Cycle Super-Lasiic Odourless Alkyd Finer Finishes Agencies Q'- 1.45 SUPER-LASTIG ODOUHLESS-ALKYD HOME DEGOBATOB FINISH ES are “colour-controlled" tor perfect nutohâ€"You get exactly the same shade of colour in Odourless Alkyd Flat. SomI-Gloss or Fast-Drying Enamel. Of course, you can also “mix-match" or harmonize your home colour-scheme readily heoeuse you choose from 12 exciting new shades . . . and they're so easy to use. Qt. 1.59 Gal. 5.65 or. 1.59 Gal. 5.05 1.45 Many friends called through- out the day to offer best wishes. One of these of special interest was Miss Karen Stewart of Ball- antrae, nine years of age, who brought a gift for her great- great-great aunt. on the occasion of her 90th birthday. About 65 members of her immediate family enjoy- ed a picnic supper together on the lawn of the farm home where she resides. Among those present were eight of her ten children, Levi. Annie and Clare who live on the home farm: Clarence, Mrs. Alvin Winger. Mrs. Roy Brillinger, all of Gormley; Mrs. Roy Wideman, Unionville, and Walter of Bar- rie. One son. Elmer of Fort Erie, and one daughter, Mrs. George Sheffer of Stayner were unable to be present. Twentyâ€" two of the 35 grandchildren and 19 of the 36 great-grandchildren attended. Mrs. Steckley has‘ been confined to her bed follow- ing a stroke thfee years ago which left her partially paralyz- ed.‘ She has a keen mind, en- joys reading and visiting. Dur- ing the evening when the '19 great grandchildren entered her room and sang “Happy Birth- day," it was interesting to note that-she could call each one by name. The family presented their mother with an electric oscillat- ing fan which should bring com- fort during the heat waves. A very happy event took place at the home of Mrs. Joseph Steckley on ‘Thursd§y_ evegiRg A. J. BARRACLOUGH Store Fixtures Frames King Sideroad SUPER-LAST“: "HOME DECORATOR" FLAT WALL FINISHâ€"Now you can paln! your walls in odou'lass alkyd “Flat” Io erfeclly match Semi-Gloss or Hi h loss (rim and furniture. 72 wonder ul colours. Tinting Base, (and Finishing While) UNDERCOATINGâ€"Comblnatlon Prim", Interior and Exterior Tinting Base. oooumss PAINT THINNERâ€" "- .59 °'- .75 6‘"- 1.98 9!. 1.45 Gal. 5.05 "HOME DECORATOR" PAINT COLOUR- ANT TINTING TUBES- For Vzptâ€" . . . A . . . . . . . . .13 to .28 For Quanâ€" .13 to .38 For Gallonâ€" .........-. .14 to .18 No pain! odour. The "Scrubbabla" palm that dries in minutes. Contalna R-U-B-B-E-R M provide an extra- scrub-I'ough surface Chat can be washed and washed again. Apply VIN! roller or brushâ€"over wallpaper, plas'ev, wallhoards and mos? other lnhrlar surfaces. leas a so“ shun In lovely decovator-cndaned dramatic CORRESPONDENT: MRS. CHAS. MILSTED Phone Stouflvme 871M RUBBER BASE “SATIN” an 1.45 fiUPER-LASTIC HOME DECORATOR GORMLEY Kitchen Cabinets OAK RIDGES Gal 5.05 Mr. and Mrs. er and Richard visited relatives days. Mr. apd Mrs. John Petrie and family of Pickering had supper Monday nightwith Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brillinger. Miss Ruth Henderson, Mrs. Jos. Wideman, Mrs. Allan Wide- man and Mrs. E. J. Steckley are spending a week at Chesley Lake Park. ' Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Boyn- ton have returned after three weeks honeymoon in Western Canada and the United States. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hoov- er and Richard of New Dundee visited relatives here for several Miss Helen Schlicter enter- tained her friends recently on the occasion of her birthday. Mrs. S. N. Doner is confined to bed because of phlebitis. A number from here attended Kitchener Camp Meeting on Sunday. A number from Heise Hill Church attended the ordination service for Mr. Lorne Lechte at Kitchener on Sunday. Mr. Lechte is going to serve at the North Star Mission in Saskat- chewan. Rev. and Mr. C. E. Hunking are on holiday for two weeks. Mr. George Cober spent week-end with relatives in Kitchener district. A packed church greeted the teachers and pupils of the UM. S. Vacation Bible School Friday night. A fine programme was presented by the pppils. Mrs. Allan Pope is spending a week with her mother, Mrs. E. Fennell at Glen Orchard. Sash General Woodworking ES TU. 4-255. SUPERVIL/ASTKI SUPEBEISTK,{ TU. 4-2550 I. on Gal. 4.80 TINTINB . BASE 1 .39 the the Given in marriage by her bro- ther, Tom Gibson,' the bride chose an original gown of white Swiss embroidered nylon styled with boufiant 'skirt over blush pink. Her petalled headdress held her finger-tip veil of tulle In announcing Dr. Taylor’s ap- pointment, the Cancer Society's national president, R. B. Buck- erfield of Vancouver, stated - “We selected. our man with the greatest care because the direct- or plays a most vital role in the fight against cagcer. He helps to co-ordi te the work of the two voluntee organizations - lay and Fellow 0f Royal College Of Physicians Directors of the Canadian Cancer Society and the Nation- al Cancer Institute of Canada have announced the appoint- ment of Dr. Robert M. Taylor of Deep River as executive direct- or of both bodies. He succeeds Dr. 0. H. Warwick of Toronto who recently joined the staff of the new Ontario Cancer Instit- ute. Dr. Taylor, who is a graduate of Toronto University. is a tel. low of the Royal Collage of Physicians of Canada. Until re- cently he has been director of the medical division of AtOmic Energy of Canada Ltd. in Chalk River. HINES-GIBSON The garden of Summit Farms. Richmond Hill,’ the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gibson, was the setting for the wedding of Elsie Gibson, daughter of Mrs. Gib- son and the late Mr.'Henry Gib- son, and Clarence Hines, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Hines. Rev. W. G. Brown officiated. The marriage took 'place on Thurs- day, August 4. Clan Re-Union Dr. Robert M. Taylor New Director Of Cancer Society V‘s... --y --.--__ The second annual reunion of the Gilmour clan was held on uly 28 in the park on the farm of Harvey Houck, at Cashel, and was attended by ‘20 of the 275 living descendants of Jas. Gilâ€" mour, his wife and family of one son and five daughters who came from the United States and setâ€" tled on lot 24, concession 2. Vaughan Township in the early part of the 19th century. Taking part in the program were Rev. A. C. Huston, who Taking part in the program were Rev. A. C. Huston, who gave an informative address, Miss Betty Huston a requested solo, readings by Miss Lois Per- kins, and John Perkins, short addresses -by Charles Lewis, Peter Jackson, Floyd Perkins, Percy Puterbaugh, R. F. Boynâ€" ton, Harvey Houck and Mrs. Percy Puterbaugh. Clarke Lewis suggested that he felt an organization would be helpful and all concurred, re- sulting in the election of these officers for 1956: President, Charles Lewis; vice-president, Harvey Houck; secretary and treasurer. Louis L. Nichols; committee to assist, Mrs. Floyd Perkins, Douglas Gee and Mrs. R. F. Boynton. Church News Remember the church service for Sunday, August 14. Sunday School will be held at Victoria Square at 9:45 a.m., followed by a joint church service at Brown‘s Corners United Church at 11 am. Guest speaker will be Pro- fessor John McPherson. The regular monthly meeting of the WA. will be held Wednes- day evening, August 17, at 8 p. m. at the home of Mrs. Lloyd Canning. ~ Neighborhood Notes R. E. Sanderson and Miss Ma. bel Sanderson; Mr. and Mrs. Rolph Boynton called on Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Stephenson and family of Oshawa last week. Miss Olive Glover is visiting with friends in Victoria, British Columbia. She went pm the new C.P.R. train, “The Canadian." Miss Charlien Hill of Isling- ton has been visiting with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Jarvis. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Boyn- ton (nee Audrey Bovair) arrived home Friday evening-from their three weeks honeymoon which took them to the United States and Western Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Sanderson of Richmond Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Boynton spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. William Boynton at Port Bolster, Lake Simcoe. Birthday greetings are extend- ed to David Harmon who was nigg year§ o_lg1 on August 7. Mr. and Mrs. John Empring- ham, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Ben- nett and Ray, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wilson and family, Miss Rose- mary March are spending this week holidaying in the Halibur- ton District. Mr. and Mrs. Meredith Ash, Mr. and Mrs. Fred McRoberts attended the “Old-Time Fiddlers Contest." at Shelbourne on Sat- urday. STOUFFVILLE : Anna Mae Wideman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Wideman has recent- ly been assigned to work at the children’s home, West Liberty, Ohio. by the Mennonite Relief and Service Committee under a voluntary service programme sponsored by the Mennonite Church. ELGIN MILLS - JEFFERSON NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. B. G. ROBERTSON Brookside Road. Telethono TUrner 4-1396 illusion and she carried a cas- ' cade of pink roses and bouvar- dia. The maid of honour. Miss 'Margbaret Jennison and the jun- ior ridesmaid, Miss Betty-Lou HINES'GIBSON. Gibson, niece of the bride, wore ‘ garden 0f Summlt Farms' blush pink Swiss embroidered 10nd Hill? the home Of Mr- nylon and carried crescents of Irs: Arthur Glheon. was the pink earnatlons and_ blue mums. ,n 1514.. CORRESPONDENT: Mrs. W. Sandle. Victoria Square Telephone Gormley 5421 VICTORIA. SQUARE NEWS professional - who are leading that fight and he provides valâ€" uable advice and guidance." The Cancer Society, which is made up of thousands of lay vol- unteers,has division in each of the ten provinces and more than 700 units'in local communities. It conducts a programme of lay education and welfare for cancer patients and raises money for this work as well as for vital cancer research. Last year it raised and spent for these pur- poses over 2 million ’ dollars. The National Cancer Institute. which is made up of doctors and research people across Canada, supervises a nation-wide cancer research programme and pro- vides for the‘ training of cancer specialists. For information regarding the services provided by the local unit of the cancer society, call Richmond Hill Turner 4-3291; Thornhill Ave‘nue 5-1365; Maple Avenue 5-2908; Unlonville 239. Dudley Sherwood was best man and Keith Hines. Wilfred Gibson and Arthur Gibson ush- ered. Bud Wright of Forward Baptist Church was soloist and sang “Bless This Hour" accom- panied by Mrs. A. Speirs of Cal- vary Gospel Church. The bride’s mother wore mauve faille with yellow roses and the groom‘s mother a blue silk dress with pink roses. Aft'érrvthe réception in the grounds of the Summit Farms, the couple left on a motor trip. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bovair and Bobby. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Boynton visited Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Boyn- ton, Grace and Donald. Miss Judy and Master Terry Hart are visiting with their aunt and uncle. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hill at Islington. ‘ é'eoonwm USED CARS 1955 BUICK SPECIAL RIVIERIA HARDTOP â€"- BA. 1-9388 1953 DODGE SEDAN â€" 3953 BUICK CUSTOM SEDAN â€" 1950 STUDEBAKER SEDAN â€" 1954 PONTIAC SEDAN DELIVERY â€" 1951 CHRYSLER CONVERTIBLE â€" 1954 MERCURY 1/2 TON EXPRESS 1953 PLYMOUTH DeLUXE SEDAN â€" 1952 MERCURY SEDAN â€" Tu-lone paint -- white wall tires -â€" back-up light: â€" undercoat â€" wind- io-lone paint â€" white wall fires -â€" back-up lights â€" nndercoa: -â€" wind shield washers. 3000 miles by one owner. A real buy at his price. Dynaflow transmission â€" undersea! heater among other extras Automatic transmission â€"' automatic 10p â€" custom udio Many other extras. New truck condition. 4 brand new fires â€" new battery Custom radio â€" heater â€" in excellent condition Priced to sell quickly. In showroom condition. Gays Mrs. E. Acreman Correspondent: R. R. 2 Gonnley, Ont. Pho_ne TUrner 4-2236 Birthday congratulations are extended to William Leuschner, who has a birthday on Friday. _ Weekend visitors at the Acre- man‘s included Mr. and Mrs. Stan Beckford and Mr. and Mrs. Mel Jones of Toronto, and the “ii/I}. and Mrs. Elm'er Leek and family were present last week at a gathering held at the home of Mrs. F. Doust. h'IiSE-NfafiymEvans spent an af- ternoon last week with Mrs. Elmer Leek. ~ Sunday School will be held at Headford at ten o‘clock next Sunday, instead of the usual eleven. Combined Church serv- ice will be in Brown's Corners. A The Elmer Leek's, taking ad- vantage of the Church vacation in effect last Sunday. had dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Leek of Gormley. â€"Mé;é3fet Brodie is home from Camp Ahshunyoong where she spent ten days as camp counsel- lor. The water temperature is“ a little more enjoyable for ones daily swim, after H18 “soupy” warmth‘ of the past couple of weeks. However, the weather has been very co-operative in the matter of cleaning up the harvest. Emergency Service lull-Innnlllnlllll QIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Specializing in Alterations and Repairs_ For your fuel needs Call JONES COAD CO. TU. 4-1851 Richmond Hill We also carry tile- brick, lime, cement HEADFORD NEWS Plumbing & Heating Engineers ANTHRACITE or BITUMINOUS BASIL FOX TUrner 4-1547 Drainwork THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, August 11, 1955 9 Repairs To All Makes 0f Cars Specializing In English Automobiles Tune-ups i3 Texaco Products i} Towing Service ELGIN MILLS Will Install Your Plumbing & Heating Also Cover Renovations Low Interest Rates Available Laying Program The Master Laying Program has always been a big money-maker for many of Canada’s success- ful poultrymen. Now it’s better than ever. Improved Red Head Krums, together with Im- proved Master Laying Pellets and Master Green Pellets is a feeding program that will increase your profits even more. Actual tests have prov- en it. New MASTER 10% DOWN Plumbing & Heating TU. 4-2268 B. BAILEY OUR GARAGE Licensed Mechanic $2995fl0 51095-00 31195-00 $189530 31395-00 51495-00 $395.00 $139530 $11951m BA. 1-6-133 TU. 4-1773

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