Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 11 Aug 1955, p. 6

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'6 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario. Thursday, 'Au'gust 11, 1955 Elaine Armitage. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. GeOrge Armitage, Springhill Road, had a party re- cently to celebrate her tenth birthday which was on July 31. Among her young guests at the party were Jane Abrahams, Lynn and Lee Scott, Barbara Billings, Judy.Gamble, Rosemary David- son, Dlane Wallace, Anna Dew, Jane Walker and Shirley Knight. Mr. and Mrs. William Will- oughby and son Paul, Dennison Ave., are ‘vacationing this week at Sundridge at the home of Mr. Willoughby’s parents. Fire chief David Glass, his wife and fam- ily are spending this week at their cottage at Whitefish Lake near Parry Sound. Roger Rawlings, King City. mo- tored to Hines Creek, Alberta, last week with Captain Clarence Babcock of the Anglican Church Army. Captain Babcock‘ of Kingston. is stationed at I-linesv Creek. Afteg spending two weeks there Roger will go to the Child- ren's Special Service Mission at Norway Bay near Ottaw‘a where n E COOK GENERAL cofiTRACTOR YONGE ST. RICHVALE TU BAKERISFSâ€" SA LESS: SERVICE Domestic & Industrial like geifing money V from a rich unde... Cartoon Come in and we will give you full information. Authorized Studebaker Dealer OAK RIDGES TU. 4-3075 King City Notes Alterations Technicolor Louis Jordan Debra Paget King City, Lake Wilcox TU. 1-1114 News he will be a worker for a fort- night. Roger, after a two weeks holiday at Timagami will begin a two year course at the Church Army Training School in Tor. onto. Eversley Presbyterian , Rev. . E. C. Shepherd preach- ed,at the morning service at Ev- ersley Presbyterian Church on Sunday, August 7. Members of Strange congregation were also present for the service; Rev. Shepherd sang a solo entitled "‘My Prayer." He was accom- panied on the piano by his dau- ghter Mae. He will preach at Eversley again next Sunday at the morning service at 11 em. before going on a short holiday. Janie Walker, Springhill Rd.. celebrated her eighth birthday on August 7. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hobson, former residents of Keele St, King City, are leaving their home in Van Nuys. California to motor to Toronto this weekâ€"end. While in Toronto they will be staying with their son and dau- ghter Phil and Allison and from there Mr. and Mrs. Hobson will visit their friends in King City. Their daughter Allison returned from Van Nuys last spring to take up residence in Toronto with her brother. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cprtis. of King‘ City, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Thompson, Miss 'Helen Thompi son, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lloyd were holidaying last week at a cottage at Island Grove near Keswick. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Tetley and sons, Robbie, John and Petâ€" er, Kecle Street, King City. re- turned Saturday, August 6, from a week's holidays at a cottage at Deer Lake. September ‘1. T (veek on Wednesd 7, more than 200 ers and 4-H Club King City Firemen held their fire. drill and monthly meeting August 2 with nine firemen pre: sent. Fire equipment and hyd- For more than 30 years, the Canadian National Exhibition has been host to Ontario’s Erural boys and girls as they come to Toronto to take part in the var- ious judging competitions. Ap- proximately 135 4-H Homemak- ing Club girls from Central and Western Ontario counties will be guests of the CNE on Wed- nesday, August 31 and Thursdav rants Park. On his return home, and after numerous inquiries he got 1n touch with Mrs. J. D. Smith, wife of the president pf this or. ganization and explained he had a piano he wished \to donate to the Centre. Many thanks goes to this gentleman for his gesture to the Oak Ridges Community Centre committee. - At the meeting the firemen agreed to a request that they H. A. Phelps of Jefferson while shopping in Oak Ridges, heard through a resident that Oak Ridges Community Centre was looking for a piano. Firem‘an- Lions Baseball Game stand by with their equipment at the King City Lions Barn Dance at Kingfield Farms on August 12.! It was decided to challenge the King~City Lions to a softball game on Friday, Aug- ust 19, in King City Memorial Park. The entertainment com- mittee will be in charge. The committee is compose of Vic Doner. Jim Sim and Donald Mcâ€" Callum. The Firemen’s W.A. will look after the sale. of the re- freshments during the evening. , King City Lions accepted the challenge to play the Fire Bri- gade. The proceeds from the game will be used for fire equip- , King City challenge to gade. The game will be ment. Emphasis On Mechanization At (NE Junior Farmers’ Competition Future Of Farm Horse â€" Strictly For Sentiment Danates Piano Community Centre We Meet All City Prices EASY TERMS were >tested in Heritage Aw; on Wed- and Thursday He 'following ‘3’. September Juniof‘ Farm- members will The Liberal is always pleased to publish items of in- terest regarding people and events in the Oak Ridges- Lake Wilcox and King City districts. Our news corros- pondent in King City is Mrs. Donald McCallum. telephone King 132M. and in Oak Ridges and Lake Wilcox, Mrs. J. Armstrong. telephone TU. 4-3312. Oak Ridges No Further Action From Objectting Estate Owners Objections to a speedway in King were voiced by a dozen men who had as their spokesman Major-General Churchill Mann at King township council meeting at Nobleton on August 2. The men appeared as a deputation Opposing the Maple Leaf Autq Racing Club plan. They laid be- fore council a petifl'on on which were approximately 70 signa- tures. The petition ‘asked that approval for the proposed auto race t‘tack be deferred pending a referendum of the property owners of King Township in or. der that all concerned may have an opportunity to expressi their ’opinion upon a matter which may affect their property values and which may ‘establish an un- desirab’le precedent. If the Maple Leaf Automobile Racing Club meets our require- ments we have no reaon to "hold it up any longer said Reeve El- ton Armstrong. The Township Planning Board has raised no objections and has‘ given its ap- proval. Therefore Township council cannot give or ~withhold approval to operate a race track in the township because we have no by-law covering such a prop- osition. ObjeétATo Race Track The speedway which was under discussion for two hours is to be erected on 700 acres north of the Schomberg-Aurora roakl near 400 Cloverleaf. ' The eouncil members adopted a resolution to instruct the township solicitor to proceed with an agreement with the' R307 ing club to cover pints concern- ing the cost of extra traffic p01- ice, deeding of land for widen- 'There have also been changes in contestants‘ qualifications. The senior division, formerly restricted to farmers and far- mers' sons under 26, is this year open to all contestants, both boys and girls, living on farms and between the ages of 18 and 26. To encourage younger con- testants, the Junior Division has "been restricted to qualified mem- bers of 4-H Clubs in Ontario be- tween 15 and 17 years of age. "This Junior Day program is naturally one of the highlights of the year for Ontario's farm youth. More than that it is a tribute to the contribution these young ‘people make to agricul- ture and its importance to On- Mr. and Mrs. George Bayford, South Rd. Lake Wilcox, had their two sons, wives and fam- ilies as house guests for a week They will find their efforts well rewarded as prizes are more generous this year than ev . The CNE is offering close to 1,300 in prizes for contest- ants in the Junior Farmer and 4-H Ju'dging Competitions as well as the usual prize money for the 4-H Homemaking Club program.» Mr. and Mrs. F. Baron with Gloria, Mrs. J. Armstrong spent a holiday week-end at Pine Beach, Lake Simcoe, , visiting friends and relatives. Dr. .and Mrs. D. Gunn with Cathy and Ross ‘of Dunrobin, Yonge St., spent a pleasant week travelling to Algonquin Park, Manitoulin Island, 'North Bay and Sudbury. A - ' Twenty Oak Ridges Rangers. with their capLain bid Sheldrake and J. Kendall, George Wright. Vern Sheldrake and George Lott are spending a camping trip at Diamond Lake ‘for two weeks. Mrs. V. Shel’drake, King Side: road, Oak Ridges, had her dauâ€" ghter‘ and sonzinJaw. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Cox of Saskatéhew- an visiting her for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Cox have rented their farm in Saskatchewan and have taken up residence in Tor- onto. . s.'C. LaCrOix, South Road, Lak Wilcox, with her family is planning to .join- her husband Charles in Princ Albert, Sask, in the next wee . r The flamin home was sold .and they will make their new home out west“. 4 Bobby-Clarke, South-Rd, Lake Wilcox celebrated his eighth bjrthday recentlygfle had -seven guests to help him make this a hanny occarion. ‘ Oak Ridges” Lake Wilcox Socials King Township clerk Harold Rose said nothing had been re- ceiVed at his office from either side in regard to the dispute since the meeting. Major-General Mann said on Monday of this week nothing had been done by those oppos- ing the speedway up to that moment. However, it is still being discussed among the es- tate owners who live near the proposed speedway site. ing the road on Con. 6, fire pro- tection, etc., which the club will have to pay. ‘ Seven Scouts of t e 151: King City Scout Trop ret rned‘ from a wonderful and exhilarating week' at the Toronto District Scout Camp, Camp KennaWay, north of Haliburton on August 3. The Scouts were Tom Knight, Bill Cairns, Barry Wallace, Donâ€" ald Gordon, Jack Wallas and Peter Watson. Assistant Scout- master Stan Rodts drove the scouts to and from the camp. When they .arrived at camp, the boys Were left’ in charge of Mervin, Wilcox of Ottawa who acted as their counsellor.’ The King City Scouts were called the Loon patrol with Scout Tom Knight as patrol leader. 4 King Scouts At Camp Keenaway While at â€"camp theffit-riéd nu- merous tests to qualify for bad-‘ ges. The tests included swim- ming, canoeing, firefighting and botany. Assistant Scoutmaster Stan Roots said the’boys accom- plished a great deal while at camp. Colonel Spooner who was in charge of the camp and the camp doctor, complimented the assist- ant Se‘qutmaster on the fine, healthy King City Scouts who showed so much enthusiasm and ability as they went about doing their scout tasks. Renovations both inside and out of All Saints Anglican Church are nearing‘completion. Last week eavestroughs we‘re painted green, wood trim cream, main doors and belfry brown. In the early spring a new wing was added to the north end of the building to house a vestry and beneath it a furnace room and two washrooms. Since the old furnace has been removed the parish room in the basement is larger. The kitchen has been re- modelled and is fitted with con- venient cupboards. ‘ Now that their camp stay is over for this year the‘ boys are lacking forward to the Camp Re- union which: win be held in Massey Hall this,wintgx; when Scouts from Camp Kenneway and Cannibai will attend. I Captain Ross Prendergast, Oak Ridges, was the preacher at All Saints Anglican Church, King .City while Rev. D. C. H. Michell has been on holidays. Work At ,All Saints N early Complete GENTS $1.00 Friday - August 12 9 pm. Vince Mountford and His Orchestra BARN DANCE Entertainment a Bingo Games - Refreshments A Brading Square Dance Team Will Be Present Proceeds For Boys And Girls Work at KINGFIELD FAR-HS [in new barn] KING CITY LIONS 'CLUB 1’; Mi. East, - 1!; Mi. South of King City (Follow The Arrows) Hydro Cutoff Three Hours Hydro was cut off for three hours on August 4 for a 35-mile radius which inc;uded Lake Wil- cox, Bond Lake and Oak Ridges following a car accident on High way 11 at Bond Lake. Traffic was held -up for over an hour to evade sparks which were shooting across Yonge from an 8,000 volt power line which was down. The accident was caused when George Fairey. 65, of Mulock Ave, Aurora, fell. asleep‘ at the wheel of his car. The car plung- ed down a ditch. went up the opposite bank, clipped the hy- dro pole, throwing part of it 50 feet. A hydro repair crew was rushed in to clear the mass of tangled wires. Annodnce Winners 0 at Competition 'The Woodbridge Agriwltur- al‘Society has announced the first five winners in the Field Crop Competition for Oats. The competition was sponsored in conjunction with the Provincial Department of Agriculture. The first five winners were as follows: 1. -â€"'McCIeary Farms, (Fred Hendry), Edgeley. 2 -â€" R. J. Darlington, R. R. No. 1, Maple. 3 â€"â€" George Snider, R. R. No. 1'. Maple. 4 -â€" Howard B. P‘lunkett, R. R. No. 2, Wood-‘ bridge. 5 â€"â€" Grant Boyce, R. R. No. 3 Woodbrjdge. ‘ AURORA : Council has approv- ed the extension of the munici- pglpffiicgs at an estimated cost 6f $28,500 We also make_ ‘ RAILINGS â€" inside & outl VISIT OUR SHOWROOM SAVE 59% Carrville Rd. & Yonge St. ORNAMENTAL IRON FURNITURE 1NSIDE & OUT First naval vessel to circle North America is HMCS Labrador, which recently made its way through polar seas from Atlantic to Pacific, We're proud that the three specially built landing craft she carried to ferry men and supplies to Arctic shore bases were made of welded aluminum éand that they did the fab. Aluminum is active in the patrol and defence of our coasts, skies and northern wastes. So it is good to know that Canada is the world’s second largest alu- minum supplier with five pro- ducing plants in Quebec and British Columbia. ALUMINUM COMPANY OF CANADA, LTD. (ALCAN) Budget Plan Richvale Iron Wo’rks LADIES 50c Elaine, Ann, Jimmy and their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Paxton were guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Forester on Sunday. Temperanceville residents ex- tend heartfelt sympathy to all members of the family of the (Held over from last week) Personals Mr .and Mrs. I man, Jackie, Susie, Linda and ois are holi- daying in New Brunswick. Rev. Mr. Moddle, who passed away Friday. July 29. Mrs. Nelson Thompson is feeling much better after her recent hospitalization at Wom- en's College Hospital. Misses Donna Jennings and Patsy Macklin received their Junior Swimming Certificate on Saturday, July 30 at Thornhill Swimming Pool. Miss Jean Macklin, Agincourt. spent this past week holidaying at the home of her cousin Patsy Macklin. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Cunning- ham are spending two weeks va- cation in Nova Scotia. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hare and Joan visited Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Ash of Foxboro near Belleville on Sunday. GET OUR OK BEFORE YOU GET GOING! Temperanceville Socials Off on a trip? Our serviceman’s “O.K." means safe, economical motoring for you! Have us go over your car from A to Z. Our service is prompt and thorough â€"â€" our prices are right! Hunt & Cook Motors GENERAL REPAIRS 178 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill TU. 4-3151 [AKE WilCflX RECREATIONAL CENTRE Give Last month, a group of public spirited citizens formed the Lake Wilcox {eel-eational Centre to meet the acute needs of the'community by provid- ing a centre where youngpeople of the district may learn healthful and enjoyable sports and crafts. 1 THE CONTINUED SUCCESS OF THE RECREATIONAL CENTRE DEPENDS ON SECURING THE FOLLOWING THINGS: Donations or offers of material towards the building of a recreational hall on land which is already available. Cash dohations of any amount (may be deposited at the Oak Ridges branch of the Bank of Nova Scotia.) Equipment (not necessarily new) for every type of sporting and re- creational activities. I Your Generosity Will Bring Happiness! FOR YOUR COMMUNITY AND YQUR CHILDREN Write or Phone L‘” HARRY CHARLES, Richmond Hill, TUmer 4-1872 REPRESENTING ESTABLISHED OVER 50 YEARS ATTRACTIVE TOWN & COUNTRY PROPERTIES FOR SALE\‘ 161- Main St., NEWMARKET FREE DELIVERY J- A- \X/ILLOUGHBY Bl" Sflkiflfl'fiifl/i us: )1” no +cnoss mum sum snvncss TUmer 4-0001 RICHMOND HILL “Space contributed in the service of tho HEAD OFFICE: 46 Eglinton Ave. I. John Labatt Limited” -+he warm 19mg! Enioy the healthful outdoor vocation activities at one of Ontario's popular resorts â€"- and a restful bus trip there and back community by Midland . . . . . . $4.60 Collihgwood .. $4.50 Wasaga Beach $4.00 (Round Trip by Bus) 50 EXPERIENCED SALESMEN AND SONS

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