Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 18 Aug 1955, p. 1

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AURORA : Service clubs in the town are arranging a Safe Driv- ing campaign and will be se- lecting the best driver of the year. Bud Gilbert, chairman of the Chamber of Commerce Safe- ty Committee has been chosen to spearhead the campaign of the town Traffic Safety Council. STOUFFVILLE : The town has experienced in recent months its biggest building boom in history when 39 new homes were erect- ed in seven months. Value of buildings for which permits have been issued for the first part of sith year total more than half a million dollars. o t nu t AURORA : Lightning struck a transformer on Mosely Street last week causing a hydro black- out for nearly an hour. UXBRIDGE : Two farmers in the district lost a total of 40 sheep tg dogs" within the past A”..- _._I.._.I month. at $800 A‘URORA : Small businesses in town will be able to offer group insurance to employees in the near future. The Board of Trade is completing arrangements whereby small businesses in town will be able to have the insurance through the Board of Trade itself. MOUNT ALBERT}: Threshing in the district has moved from barns and farm yards to open fields after a Zephyr farmer lost his entire crop, much stock and implements plus buildings when sparks from a tractor started a fire NEWMARKET : The auction sale at the Hoffman Machinery Plant here last week failed to bring a new industry to the town. The highest bid was $100.- 000 which the owners turned down saying they would not con- sider anything less than $200,000. Equipment in the plant brought more than $100,000. E. GWILLIMBURY : The mun- icipal council has used subdivis- ion fees to defray costs for a police radio system. KESWICK : North Gwillimbury has approved the purchase of a siren and hose drying racks for the fire brigade here. MARKHAM : Council is consid- ering widening a portion of Maln Street while cables are being laid by the Bell Telephone. SUTTON : A memorial gateway was dedicated at the recent centennial of the Sutton Agri- cultural Show. NEWMARKET : Dr. William Creighton Graham. principal of United College. Winnipeg. until retirement in June, died recent- ly in hospital here. He was 67. BOLTON : The village is again without a policeman. With the resignation of Cameron Weller. the Council is ,again advertising for a policeman. BOLTON : Work on the villag sewage disposal plant is t ~ weeks ahead of schedule while the laying of sewer pipes has fallen behind. SUTTON : The Toronto and Yorks Roads Commission‘ has retarred and stoned County roads in the district recently. MINDEN : A new unit of the Red Cross Outpost Hospital Di- vision has been opened here. The building cost $69,000 and has eight beds. ‘ SUTTON : The local fire brig- ade followed by the police cruis- er racéd out of town one night recently to attend a reported big fire at Black River, only to find on their arrival that it was a false alarm. MARKHAM : The village water supply has held up very well under the drought. New test wells are being sunk to locate an additional supply. EVERY MQVNDéYflâ€"iBiugo held at Community Hall. SpruEe Ave. Stop 22A Yonge St., Richvale,. at 8.15 pm. tfc38 EVERY THURSDAY -â€" Bingo sponsored by L.O.L. 2368 in the Orange Hall, Richmond Hill at 8 pm. sharp. Lucky draw night. tfcl AUGUST 22 â€"â€" Monday. Regu- lar monthly meeting of Victoria L.O.L. 2368. in Masonic Hall. Richmond Hill. at 8 pm. All members urged toattend. c1w7 AUGUST 26 -â€" Friday. Bingo. at the Newmarket Arena at 8.30 pm. 8750 and Share the Wealth. Admission 50c for Swimming Pool Fund. c1w7 AUGUST 23 â€" Scouts of Rich- vale are starting their winter ac- tivities. Anyone interested in Scout work or anyone wishing to join is asked to attend a meet- ing on Tuesday. August 23. at 8 pm. at the Legion Hall, Carrâ€" ville Rd. W. The Hall has been donated eaeh Tuesday for this purpose by the Canadian Legion. so let‘s have a good turn-out. WEDNESDAY NIGHT News From Next Door “-5- The animals were vaiued Coming Events town has c1w7 Mrs. Stephens Awarded $500 Damages In Case Against Richmond Hill Village May Appeil Judgment in favor of Mrs. Annie 1. Stephens in her legal action against the municipality of Richmond Hill, arising out of the effluent from the sewage disposal plant, was handed down this week by Mr. Justice J. Stewart. Mrs. Stephens last September started court action against the Viliage of Richmond Hill asking an injunction restraining the municipality from polluting the waters of the creek running through her property, and claiming $50,000. damages. 1n The judgment handed down this week stated there would be judgment for Mrs. Stephens for $500. damages, and the injunction was granted to be effective September 1, 1956. Judgment also stated that the municipality should pay the costs involved in the action. Village solicitor J. D. Lucas. Q.C.. and special counsel R. Wilson, Q.C., are considering the judgment and will confer with Reeve Taylor and members of council at an early date when a decision will be made relative to an appeal. While Reeve Tay- lor or other village officials would not make any definite comments at the present time it is considered that very likely the court decision may be ap- pealed. _ The Richmond Hill sewage disposal plantnwas copstrugted in 1952 according to the plans of the village engineer and ap- proved by the Ontario Depart- ment of Health. This year an addition to the plant to take care of village expansion started in the spring and will be com- pleted next month at a total cost of more than $110,000. When completed the plant will be one of the most modern and efficient operating in the prov- ince, ~according to leading Health authorities. Up-To-Date Radio Communications Assist Vaughan Township Firefighters Police Office Central Fire Agency Recent revisions of firefighting communications made by Vaughan Township Council and the Township Fire Chief George Bailey have resulted in one of the best sys- tems of immediate fire coverage to be found in the north suburban area. Under the new system, residents of the three Fire Areas into which the township is divided are as close to their own fire brigade as they are to their tele- phone. The whole matter started" some time ago. when increased development in the township be- came apparent. Until that time, the south-western area of the township had' been adequately covered by the volunteer brig- ade manned by employees of the Robinson Cotton Mills at Wood- bridge while Woodbridge itself maintained a volunteer brigade for village protection. But al- though the Robinson brigade earned an excellent reputation as a volunteer group. problems arose during the summer months when there was no one on 24- hour duty seven days a week at the Robinson plant boiler room as was the custom in the winter. During this 48 hour stretch in the summer months, there was no regular person to answer fire calls leaving the telephone operator to take the call over the switchboard. Problem Grows This, situation.did not present such an acute problem in past years when the area served by the Robinson brigade was prin- VOLUME LXXVII, NUMBER 7 cipally rural. Recent rapid de- velopment presented a more pressing Situation, however. A person calling for help might not give precise enough direc- tions. and sometimes, operators at the Bell switchboard were not familiar enough with the locale BINGO * The creek in question is a tributary of the Don River and has its origin some distance north .of Richmond Hill. It flows through the easterly section of the village in the vicinity of the CNR and then south of the vill- age passes through the Stephens property for a distance of about a quarter of a mile. Mrs. Stephens in her action claimed ‘that since 1952 the vill- age with its sewage disposal plant has polluted the stream and that the water has since been foul, noxious and unfit for use. In 1953 Mrs. Steprens made application for approval for a housing subdivision on her and the application was refused by the Ontario Municipal Board. and one of the reasons given for the refusal was “the effect of the creek running through the plan of the proposed subdivis- ion, which carried open effluent from the disposal plant of the Village of Richmond Hill. to know which of the three bri- gades on the Woodbridge switch- board to call. In addition to the fact that the Bell Telephone Co. objected to this practice. it proved highly unsatisfactory when a Vaughan township bri- gade would attend calls outside the township through lack of correct phoning and vice versa. The cost of maintaining a man at the Robinson boiler room on 24-hour week-end duty would have amounted to about $800. annually. This situation led Vaughan Township council to seek a more centralized method of handling fire protection in the township. Investigate Radio It was at this time that Vau- ghan officials investigated the possibility of installing a radio frequency to handle such calls through the police radio receiv- er. The first step was to secure a Woodbridge telephone/in the Vaughan Township Police of- fice. Then the General Electric company was engaged to install the necessary radio equipment to do the dispatching. Call Method In calling brigades at the Robinson Cotton Mills and at Maple, the Vaughan police at Maple receive the fire call via either the Maple 113 or Wood- bridge 633 numbers. The police officer on duty takes particulars from the party calling and then presses a button which starts the siren blowing for the re- quired brigade by remote con- trol. thereby signalling the bri- gade members. In the case of the Robinson brigade. a second button tunes in to the radio on the fire truck for 20 seconds to ensure that the siren is working while at Maple the siren is with- in earshot of the police office. The first person to reach the fire truck tunes the truck radio into the police frequency to learn the details and location of the fire. More than a year ago, Wood- bridge brigade installed a radio system to call members of the brigade. With the recent in- stallation of a radio for fire purposes at Maple, on the same frequency as the Woodbridge system, Vaughan Township council extended the opportun- ity to AVoodbridge Council to join the system and have all their calls relayed from the police of- ' '1» Essentials, Unity: ‘n Non-essentials. UBcrtw' In of! Things, Charity. fice at Maple. Recently, Wood- bridge agreedrto the $800. per annum fee and now‘ there are three brigddes being despatched from a central call point. To keep police calls confidential, the Vaughan police frequency has been altered. Calls for the first concession of Vaughan are handled by Richmond Hill fire department on the TUrner 4 ex- change. Can Be Extended The fire station installed by Vaughan carries facilities for 99 relays which will enable further brigades to be included in the system which will eventually form a network connection ac- ross the entire township. These calls received by the police would be relayed to the proper brigade to serve the area from which the call is made. Fire Areas Chief Constable R. P. Robbins reports that in re- cent weeks more than 70 people have been summons- ed for speeding on village streets. The Speeders who were doing an average of 40 to 45 mph in a 30 m.p.h. zone were checked by a timing device. hiking last Tuesday al- one, village police caught 30 Speeders. ' The division of the township into Fire Areas is as follows: Fire Area 1 which is served by the Richmond Hill Fire Depart- ment (TUrner 4-1323) covers that area from Steeles Ave. north to the North Town Line (Continued on page 3) Other than traffic viola- tions Chief Robbins reports that Richmond Hill has not had any crimes or serious accidents during the past week. Want_ Permission To Cross Property The Scouts of the Rich- vale district announce the start of their winter activi- ties. A preliminary meet- ing for those interested in Scout work and those wish- ing to join is being held this coming Tuesday evening at the Carrville Legion Hall. Markham township Council will on behalf of the Board of Trustees of School Area No. 1 MarkhamNaughan petition the Roman Catholic Episcopal Corâ€" poration of Toronto for official permission to allow school area children to cross the Roman Caâ€" tholic cemetery property. at Langstaff while going to and from school. To Dance Grandstand Show The hall has been donated every Tuesday by the Can- adian Legion for Richvale scout, meetings and a good turnout is expected for this very important phase of community activities. If permission is forthcoming it will help to cut down on transportation costs as well as providing a safe avenue of travel for children attending the Lang- stafi‘ School. Catch Over 70 Village Speeders 'As a means of determining future traffic control at the cor- ner of No. 7 Highway and the 4th Concession the Department of Highways will take a survey of the number and types of mo- tor vehicles using the intersecâ€" tion and then file a report with Council. Miss Muriel Bobyk, a forâ€" mer resident of Richmond Hill, now of Toronto, will be among the dancers in the Grandstand Show at the C. N.E. this year. Miss Bobyk. who is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Bobyk, was born in the village where her father operated a shoe store on the site where Harold Mor- tson's store now stands. Markham feels it is not in a position financially to act on a suggestion by North York town- ship that the new bridge to be erected on Steeles Avenue East replacing the one destroyed by Hurricane Hazel be built to al- low for further expansion‘ Markham already has to issue debentures to cover its share of the total cost of the proposed span. Scouts Start Winter Season. @FAOND HILL, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 13, 1955 $100.00 .MUST GO nvm wannzsmv mom: 85 Per Cent Grade Thirteen Papers Successfully Passed Scholarship Winners Announced Moves To Langstafi Bldg. Langstaff Practice In New Location After 106 Years The beginning of this Week saw an event of historic significance take place in Richmond Hill as the medical practice of Dr. James Langstaff was moved from the family home at 106 Yonge Street North to the new Lang- stafi Building at 48 Yonge Street North. This week is the 'first occasion in 106 years that there has not been a doc- tor‘s office located in the old Langstaff home. It \vas_in'1849 that Dr. James leave his home early in the L. Langstaff moved from the morning with a horse and buggy homestead at Langstafl, the ot make his rounds not to return community which still bears unt'yl 11'at night, and it was not ' ‘unusual for the doctor to stay overnight. particularly if I the drive was long or the weather '. cold. In his early days, “Dr. Rolph" as he is known to his many friends had a hospital in the house and even performed delicate operations here. How- ever. the demands of the rural practice made a decision between surgery and general practitioner necessary. Dr. Ralph chose to continue ih his father's footsteps and did so until 1938 when his son James Langstafi graduated and took over the practice to be- come the third generation of It \va5‘_in'1849 that L. Langstaff moved homestead at Lang community which 5 {fitness to one of its- first settlers. to Richmond Hill. In this year. he bgilt the lovely colonial home which still shelters his descendants. In addition to pur- suin’g an active medical ‘career _L‘.m in the village, Dr. Langstaff found time to serve his commun- ity as Reeve in 1880. ‘ Second Generation In 1890, Dr. Rolph Langstaff who is now retired and who lives on Church Street, gradu- ated from the University of Tor- ontoand proceeded to Edinburgh for post graduate work. The untimely 'passing of Dr. James Langstaflf appeared that the re- cord of the practice would be broken but two cousins of Dr. Rolph Langstaff. themselves Drs. Langstaff, filled the gap until the son returned from Edin- burgh to assume his father‘s practice. ~ .. i.,Ap_ , ........ In the old days, the tasks of a medical practitioner were far different from the present day conditions. A ‘doctor might Markham’s Water Committee Recommend Subdividers Start On Water System In3 a written report presented to Markham Township Council Monday by its Water Committee (Councillors V. Griffin and D. Deacon) ‘ and Consulting Engin- eer Scriviner the committee rec- ommended that the owners of six proposed new subdivisions all located in the south-west corn- er of the township be permitted to proceed at their expense with the constrcction of a water sys- tem for these subdivisions. These new developments for the main part lie between Yonge and Bay- view Avenues south of No. 7 highway. Part of the a'rea ef- fectéd also lies east of Bayview. Total area to be serviced con- tains 362 acres and 1252 lot each with a frontage of 60 feet. It is estimated the area when fully developed will have a popula- tion of over 4,500. Mr. Scriv- iner has set the cost of such a system at $659,000. The first stage which will be handled by the subdividers will be followed by the construction of a water system in the present- ly existing areas i.e. Highland Park; Doncaster, Thornhill, and Langstaff. The cost of this system is estimated at $395,000 and will be borne by the rate- payers. Debentured Over 25 years it will cost approximately 6.0 mills per annum plus 1417'; cents per foot frontage. DR. JAMES LANGSTAFF V'il‘réchnical details yet to be stage which will be the subdividers will by the construction report prgsentefl Dr. James i from the gsta‘ff, the still bears Langstafis to serve the commun-l ity. Dr. James Langstaff con-4 tinued to carry on the practicei in his home until the momentous moving this past week. Attractive Building In the attractive new Lang- stafif Building. built by Markay Construction and Opened this Week there is a complete floor devoted to the medical practice of Dr. Langstaff and his assoc- iates, Dr. John Wynne and Dr. Allan‘Smith. ‘In addition to in- dividual-consultation and diag- nosing offices for each of the doctors, there is an attractive reception room and nurse’s of- fice, a utility kitchen, store rooms, Xâ€"ray room with dark- room an‘d an operating room with facilities for light surgery and accident cases. All the rooms are equipped with attrac- tive up-to-date fixtures and ac- cessories and are done in pleas- ing colours. The whole building is air conditioned. ‘ ing Also located in the building at present is Mainprize Drug Store and offices of Markay Construc- tion. It .is reported that Dr. Philip Macfarlane of Maple. will open a dentistry office on the third floor and in addition an optometrist and a finance com- pany plan to locate in the new building. It is also reported that the York County Health Unit plans to move into larger quarters 'in the Langstafi Build- worked out include the installa- tion of treatment and pumping equipment, construction of a res- evoir and mains. and a local dis- tribution systems. All the work will be under the strict supervision of the muni- cipality and will have to confirm to rigid standards. p “, ..°.u -..-_7..v, v, Recently Council approved of the development by the subdi- viders of the townships two wells located at the corner of John Street and Don Mills Road. Total cost of developing the wells has been_ estimated at $50,000. Inâ€" ternational Water Supply esti- mates that the wells will produce a million gallons of water daily. A reservoir will be built to hold 200,000 gallons. Before actual work can begin an agreement setting out the terms as between the municipal- ity and subdividers will have to be signed. This agreement will then be subject to ratification by the Municipal Board. NORTH YORK : When at 2:50 pm. last week there was still no quorum of Township council at a meeting scheduled to convene at 2 p.m., Reeve F. J. McMahon adjourned the meeting for lack of a quorum. The Reeve com- memed that “this nonsense of wandering in at anytime has got to stop". He stated 15 minutes would be allowed for a quorum at the next meeting. v HonorStanding Achieved Two-Thirds Of Pa pears. At the recent Upper School examinations held at the Richmond Hill District High School 85.1 per cent of all papers written were successful. 0f the successful papers written over two-thirds achieved honour standings. The following pupils deserve special mention for attaining high honoprs -â€" . .. . ‘ iiéniiés Hogg â€" eight firsts and one second; wieéh Higginson â€" seven firsts, one second and one third; David van der Bent â€"â€" six first, two seconds and one cred- "Peer Norgaard â€"- slx firsts, two seconds and one credit; “johh Elson -â€" five firsts, three seconds and one credit: George Bishop â€"â€" five firsts, three seconds and one credit; Catherine Frazer â€" four firsts, four seconds and one credit; Richard Fiechner â€" four firsts three seconds and two thirds; >Peterr Gutowski â€" four firsts. two seconds. one third and two credits; Over 100 Attend Three Richmond Hill District Teachers Attend Principals’ Special Course At McMaster 8 p.m. - LEGION HEW. - Siop 23 CARRVILLE RD. 7W. - Three teachers from Richmond Hill district'attended the School in Supervision and Administration conducted by the Ontario Public School Men Teachers’ Federation at McMaster University August 7175. o .1? n ,_ Auniunuo u“. u A They were Nathan“ IA v v._.,.-_, Scott, Public School, Richmond cliavidson, ,principal of Walter Hill, Allan F. Martindale, principal Henderson Avenue Public School and Richard A. Colvin, assistant principal of Henderson Avenue school. The local teachers are among 119 teachers from 59 communi- ites throughout the Province. The School which lasts for two weeks. is designed to prepare teachers for greater supervisory and administrative responsibil- ities and particularly for the post of public school principal. Now in its third year, the School is the only one of its kind in Ontario. Men Teachers' Federation has frequently expressed its policy that teacher qualifications must be maintained at a high level. Federation President F. C. Mac- Donald of Port Arthur in com- menting on this School said “In taking the initiative of starting this School by assuming all costs and by providing a highly quali: fied staff we are matching our words with action. We are meet- The School which lasts for two weeks. is designed to prepare teachers for greater supervisory and administrative responsibilâ€" ities and particularly for the post of public school principal. Now in its third year, the School is the only one of its kind in Ontario. The course of studies cover- ed a wide range of topics includ- ing Functions and Qualities of the Principal. General Trends in Education Developing Teacher Potential and Reporting Pupil Progress. Treasurer Reports Markham Well Within Its Budget Markham Township Treasurer D. Ryder reports that the muni- cipality has kept well within its budget during the seven month period ending July 3lst. In a financial statement tabled with Council Manday, the treasurer reported that departmental ex- penditures are with one except- ion well below the budgetary figure set for 1955. Only the expenditure for the consulting Engineer has already exceeded the budgetary figure. The sum of $5,000 was set aside for the fees of 3 Consulting Engineer while actually $5,970 has been spent to date. However of this total figure $2,475 is re- coverable in the form of a Pro- vincial subsidy from the Depart- ment of Highways. Any work done by the Consulting Engineer on foéasrand bridges-is subject to Provincial subsidy. A breakdown of some of the expenditures sh_ows_that_§o dgte in the case of the, Planning Board that body has spent $3.- 180 of its total outlay of $10,000. Part of the Planning Board bud- get is recoverable from the ad- ministrative fees now being charged from potential subdivid- ers. Other expenditures to date include general administration budget $33,000 expenditure $14.- 945; hospitalization budget 36,- 000. expenditure $2.308; relief budget, $4.000, expenditure $2,- 902; police budget, $36,500, ex- penditure $24,662; Fire budget, $7.500, expenditure $2,232. John. Eschenlohr e five firsts ’i‘i‘ewantario Public School HOME PAPER OF FIE DISTRICT SINCE 1878 Upper School Results Richmond Hill District High School On Page 3 two seconds The prize lows: Richmond Hill District High School Board General Proficien- cy $25 prize was awarded to James Hogg: Honourable men- tion, Jean Higginson. Dr, Frank Hogg Memorial Plaque 1which includes a cash prize of $10.00! for highest standing in the three-mathemat- ical subjects. Physics and Chem- istry, was won by James Hogg; Honourable mention, John El- 5011 The Morley Kinnee Plaque for highest standing in- English was awarded to Jean Higginson. James Hogg had an equal stand- ing the two English papers, but only a maximum of two special awards can be held by one stud- ent. ing a veryrreal need in Ontario's educational system. “This school will provide both the prospective principal and the new principal w th knowledge that he cannot acquire in the normal course of school room teaching.” A summary of receipts are as follows. Dog tax, estimated $3.- 500 collected $1,706: License and permits. estimated $3,000 collected $2.973; Fines estimated $2,000, collected $2.701; Penal- ties. estimated $4,000 collected $577. SCARBORO : Township police are seeking a man in connection with the recent shooting of the caretaker of the Scarboro House Hotel. Local TV viewers may have recognized young Ian Hunt when he appeared over a Hamilton TV station last Saturday evening. Ian. who is the 10 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Hunt. 85 Hunt Avenue, was appear- ing on a public service pro- gram telling of the work being done at the Crippled Children's Camp at Lake- wood on Lake Erie . Funds raised by the an- nual sale of Easter Seals finances the splendid work being carried on at this camp with children from all across the province. lan who is a student at the Richmond Hill Public School returned home this week after enjoying three weeks vacation at the camp. Local Lad 'Appears On TV. and one credit. winners are as fol-

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