Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 8 Sep 1955, p. 12

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12 DINING ROOM suite, dark oak. AV. 5-1714. LLOYD Baby7Carriage, good condition, $20.00. Phone AV. 5- 2530. clw10 SCOUT UNIFORM, complete, excellent condition. fit 14 to 16 yrs. TUrner 4-3287. c1w10 GIRL'S BICYCLE. 18", like new, $20.00. AV. 5-1789. *1w10 .WCORD GRAPES. 50¢ a basket. Elmer Orr, MapIe 54 R13. clwlO “KELL AND CULVERT TILE. Phone 5 to 6 p.m. AV. 5-1562. *6w6 rchest of drawers $4. TU. 4-2734 after 6 mm.“ clwlo GRAVITY FEED furnace and pipes, good condition, heat six 'l‘ooms. BA. 1-7213. *1w10 GEARY enamel gas stove. as new, $15. 211 Lennox Ave, ‘TU. 4-2835. ‘ *3\\'8 LAWN MOWER. rubber tired. like new. reasonable. Phone ‘TUrner 4-2806. c1w10 W’METAL BED and springs. Good condition $8. TU. 4-2358. clwlO SECTfaNAL bookcase desk. hall seat, music bench, two door wardrobe dresser. ‘AV. 5-2513. c1w10 DAWBUL Seed Wheat. Cleaned and “treated, grown from regis- ter‘ed seed. Allan Hoover. Gorâ€" mley. phone Gormley 5432. *1w10 FOUR WARNER LP. gas brood- ers. completely automatic. near new. Maple 58R21. David Win- ger. *2w10 1b. freezer. G. E..e (new. lawn mower motor, door chimes. fixture. outdoor Chr [our 1,. h.p. 6191 three 600x16 tire wheels. Acme coal, with high shelf. AV DOG KENN‘ELS, nglv. “Pr‘iced ;eiasronablc. Apply TU 4-2977. SWEET GARDEN CORN for canning, freezing or corn roasts. Call BA. 1-8522. I clwlo HOWARD Gem Rotovaxor. in good condition. Real money- maker. Phone after 6 pm. AV. 5-3078. clwlO EGYS BICYCLE. good condi- tioh. one‘new tire and tube, $20. Phone TU. 4-1466 after 5 pm. tfclO COLEMAN OIL SPACE Heater CHILD'S baby carriage. good condition and child‘s high chair, reasonable. Phone AV. 5-1785. ' ‘ c1w10 REGISTERED and Commercial Cornell 595 Wheat. Mâ€"H Farms, Millikan, Ont. Phone CYpress 3- 5201. c1w10 CAR FRONT axle and spring as- semblies. Ideal for trailers. Also used 600x16 tires and wheels. 650x16 tires, also 710x15 tires. Phone TU. 4-2236. tfcafi GENDRON Convertible baby carriage. washing machine, Norge 8% cu. ft. refrigerator with 10 1b. freezer. G. E..eiectric kettle tnew‘, lawn mower with electric motor, door chimes... new kitchen fixture. outdoor Christmas lights, {our 17‘ h.p. electric motors. three 600x16 tires, tubes and wheels. Acme coal. wood stove. with high shelf. AV. 5-1954. BABY CARRIAGE and ‘play pen. also two aluminum vepetian blinds, 62" wide. , Apply 421 Rockport Cres. 5.. Richmond Hill. ‘ *1w10 SEWING MACHINE SALES 8: SERVICE Free Estimates on repairs of any make of sewing machine. Satis- faction guaranteed or double your money back. Phone Gunner Tail- oring Co., TU. 4-1362. Richmond Hill. tfc23 LIFETIME all metal Venetian Blinds. aluminum or steel baked enamel finish. any colour tapes. Kirsch Drape tracks and drape arms. free estimates and install- ations. Phone 755 or write box 496. 40 Ontario St.. West. New- market. Ont. Please reverse phone charges. “(:34 BOATS New marine plywood boats, 8 ft. prams. 12 ft. car-top, 14 ft. runâ€" abouts ..$65 and up. Best ma- terials used, no down payment necessary. All boats guaranteed not to leak. No. 11 Highway 1 mile N. of Richmond Hill. Free delivery within 50 miles‘ Also boats for rent. TU. 4-2731 tfc5 TAILORED SUIT, small grey and brown check. size 14. good Condition. $2.00: two coats. school girls‘ size 9310 yrs; real good shape. both for $3.00; lad- ies dark red shortie coat, per- fect condition ,size 14-16‘ $5.00; 1 large platter. xccllent 'for Xmas fowl. $1.00. AV. 5-3278. RUGS, save up to one half on new reversible broadloom rugs made from your_ olr’ woollens. clothing. carpets, etc. TU. 4- 2582. l th7 CHRISTMAS TREES, 10.000 sel- ected Spruce trees, whole§ale on plantation. 30 miles north of Thornhill. Trees have been prun- ed for perfect shape. Also ideal for your evergreen planting this fall. Phone AV. 5â€"2155. c4w9 CAI! RATES, first insertion 30 per word, min. chute .. Second and subsequent insertions i! wording unchanged, 30 per word min. chum. . . . . . . . .. I'OE IOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of . . COMING EVENTS NOTICE: per type line 101: min. chute CARD.“ 0" THANKS. IN MEMORIAMS. DEATH. ENGAGEMENTS, MABBIAGES, per Insertion BIRTH NOTICE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Classified ndyerfisemengafisould be in an early in the wee] r A._ n1_.l__-_l__.. ARTICLES FOR SALE THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Opt, Thursday, September 8, 1955 Vailfirtlsemem die-Id be in u only in the week as pou‘ble but not later than noon on Wednesdays. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING W. Graham. (>2w10 9 piece, c1w10 clwlO clwlo a1 CLEAN DRY' firewood, slabs limbwood, bodywood, fireplace logs cut to desired length. Free delivery. Taylor’s Sawmill, TU‘ 4â€"1581. *4w10 1953 CHEV. 1-2 ton pickup. like new. terms possible. Apply 64 McKay Drive. Stop 21A Yonge SL, AV. 5-3114. *1w10 NEW 5-ROOM‘ Bungalow $2500. down. Private sale. 224 Lennox Ave.. Richmond Hill. ‘ tfc2 SEED WHEAT Cornell 595 and Dawbul JSeed Wheat, Commercial No. ] grade, $2.00 per bushel (treated). Mas- ter Feeds Farm. Thornhill. phone AV. 5-1730. c2w10 1943 MORRIS 4 door sedan. $75. or best offer. Also box trailer on 600x16 tires, fine condition, $85. Phone TU. 4-2808. *lwlo 54 FORD SEDAN. Make offer. No down payment necessary to responsible buyer. May be seen at White Rose Garage, Rich- mond Hill or phone Newmarket. 438W4. *leO 37 Dodge Sedan $45.00; 50 GMC 1 ton Panel $175.00; 49 Austin Coach $275.00: 51 Aus‘in Stat- ion Wagon $195.00: 39 Ford Se- dan $25.00. Call TU. 4-2407 after '7 p.m.‘ *lwlo USED CARS AND TRUCKS 1938'HUDSON, fair running con- dition. Phone AV. 5-2988. c1w9 1933 BUICK SEDAN. running Order, make offer. AV. 5-1484. BUILDING LOT for sale. Briggs Avenue. 125' feet by 123 feet, adâ€" jacent to school. $2500. Phone AV. 5-2390. c1w10 TOW TRUCK, 4-wheel drive. Power winch. AV. 5-0002. tfc2 PLEASANTVILLE, 6 room ‘bunâ€" galow. attached garage, com- plete with everything. .for a good deal, see builder. AV. 5-1867. AV. 5-1595 IN VILLAGE OF MAPLE â€" 2 storey. ,7 room house, large lot, good gm‘age. D. Jarrett, Rich- mond St., Maple, phone Maple 117J. c1w9 $6,500 or best offer, 4 room frame dwelling on large corner lot. 82% ft. frontage. fruit trees and berries, near ‘Yonge Street, in Ribhvale. ‘I‘Urner 4-2324. c1w9 TRANSPORTATION wanted lea ving Municipal Hall or vicinity arriving King and Strachan 8.30 a.m.. leaving 5-5.15 p.m. TU. 4-1606. c1w10 TRANSPORTATION wanted. leaving Richmond Hill about 7.30 am. returning from down- town 4.45 pm. or from Eglinton Subway 5.00 pm. Phone; TU. 4- 2103. leo TWO Building Lots, each 100‘ frontage. 200’ deep. Well drainâ€" ed. Apply evenings R. Warren, corner Seccomoe and Clarke Aves., Doncafler. Phone AV. 5- 1560. . cZwlO TRANSPORTATION wanted from Stop‘ 25 to Willowdale mornings arriving at or before TRANSPORTATION wanted. ar- riving before 9 am. Avenue Rd.. returning 5 pm. Phone TU. 4- 1760. *lwlo $9,000 FULL PRICE. Asbestos shingle 3 bedroom bungalow. Near schools. transportation and shopping. 4 piece bath. oil heat- ing, full basement. 108 Lucas ‘St. TU. 4â€"2119. ' c1w10 9 am. TU. 4-1501 TRANSPORTATION required, Langstafi and Yonge to busineSS section of Weston. leaving morn- ings 8 a.m.. returning 5 pm. AV. TRANSPORTATION available from Richmond Hill. leaving at RELIABLE young mother will baby sit. AV. 5-3270. (~2w10 EXPERIENCED woman willin to look after family in mother‘ absence; also baby sitting. TL 4â€"3158. “('4 7 for downtoWn Toronto. r ing 4.30 pm. TUrner 4-197 ‘RAN SPORTATION MARRIED LADY wishes FOR SALE cont. tore 1780 REAL ESTATE ~FOR SALE EMPLOYMENT WANTED Apply Box 32 The Liber- *ZMJIO BUY FENN SELL FENN REAL ESTATE BA. 5-2411 tfcl return- c2w10 *lwlfl c 1 w-l 0 clwlO clwlO TU. tfc43 \\\ HIRE WILL DO odd trucking jobs in the evening with one-ton pickup. TU. 4-2368. tfc2 FURNACES cleaned. installed and repaired. All types and makes. Phone TU. 4â€"2641. tich SAND 8: GRAVEL. stone. loam, manure and fill. L. Willis, TU. 4-2096. tfc51 ANYTHING 'in/ painting. paper- ing. decorating. Phone A. Rollin- son. TU. 4-2587. tfc13 KITCHEN Cupboards, partitions, alterations. etc., call M. Davis, TUrner 4-2357. c8w6 For sand, gravel, manure, loam and fill. TU. 4-3341. ficl R. H. REID, Delivery Service. Pickup and delivery, light movâ€" ing. TU. 4-3391. t1c3'7 BLOCK LAYING and concrete work, footings, basement floors, etc. Fred Flood, Richmond Hill. TUrner 4â€"2311. tfc49 MISCELLANEOUS PAINTING, interior and exter- ior, reasonable 1‘; tes. free estim- ates. D. Gordon. AV. 5-3378. c3w8 SAND AND GRAVEL, crushed stone, loam and fill. E. Charity, Richmond Hill, TU. 4-1701. 7 CUSTOM PLOUGHING, discing, cultivating. also front-end load- ing. backfilling and grading. Lance Willis. TU. 4-2096. tfc41 UPHOLSTERING and repairing. Apply F. Graham, Lake Road, Oak Ridges. Phone TU. 4-223]. ‘ tfc27 CARPENTER WORK. Alterations and repairs. TU. 4-2896 evenings. Ruben Lahn. Richmond Hill. SAME DAY TV and Radio Repair Service. Reasonable. Victor Draper Agen- cies, Oak Ridges. TU. +3181i OIL BURNER SERVICE Have your oil furnace and burnâ€" er cleaned and adjusted now‘ Merl Graham. TU. 4-3269. tfc5 HOUSEHOLD alterations. plas- tering repairs. Guaranteed work, reasonable prices. No job too small. PA. 7-5353. . tfc51 CARPENTER, alterations repairs. kitchen cupboards recreation rooms. G. Carson 5-1931. ABBEY ELECTRIC House wiring, alterations. water heaLel‘, recreation rooms. R. Abbey. AV. 5-3551. tfc2 CARTAGE ' , MOVING, Packing and Storage, pick-up and delivery service, anywhere. anytime, reliable. TUrner 4-2613. tfc53 Plumbing. heating and"sheet me- tal. All types of furnaces install- ed, cleaned and repaired, eavesâ€" troughing. TU. 4-2641. tfc53 AV. 5-1595 General home and garden reâ€" pairs and altel‘ations, fiagstone and cement york, driveways, fences, etc. C. L. Knappett, TU. 4-2368. (fed: CALL US for your sand, gravel, fill. top soil and black loam. Prompt delivery. Reasonable rates. DeFerrari and Muylaert. Maple 54R12. tfc'l ALTERATLONS ‘arld repair work. Sidewalks, cement work. septic tanks, soft wate; cisterns, car- pentry work. For prompt service, call Walker and Mitchell, AV. 5- 2526. A tfc45 Chimneys cleaned, built and re- paired. Free estimates. Expert workmanship. Phone Walker and Mitchell, AV. 5â€"2526. tfc15 FOR FAST, eflicient service and repairs on your washing machint, electric motors, ranges. vacuums, polishers and all small applian- ces. please call Ground Electric, 90 Yonge St. N.. TU. 4â€"2722. tfc15 EDYTHE DRESSMAKING â€" ladies’ and children’s clothes. Also alterations. Mrs. Warwick, 24 Hunt's Lane, TU. 4-3206. CUSTOM BULLDOZING Basement excavating and back- filling. grading. digging ponds, and cleaning fence rows. D. Pickering, Victoria Square, ph. Gormley 5522. ffc15 TREE SERVICE For quality workmanship in pruning, treating. planting and removing "trees. Consult us. 30 years experience. Free estimates. Johnson Tree Service. TU. 4- 1320. tfc51 SEPTIC TANKS . We are now in a position to in- stall your septic tanks and weep- ing beds by machine at lowest possible prices. Murray Baker, phoner Newmarket 651. tfc37 DEAD STOCK removed from your farm promptly for sanitary disposal. Telephone collect: Tor~ onto EM. 3-3636 or Woodbridge 6.]. GORDON YOUNG LIMIT- Dual ( for Ric roundil Pick-up Service Thorough Instructors laI Controls, reasonable rates r Richmond Hill and ALL surâ€" unding districts. Call TUrner 4-2781 Thompson’s Driving School A. MILLS & SON Richmond Hill Plumbmg and Heating TUrner 4-1711. â€" DON FURSE â€" LEARN TO DRIVE LANDSCAPING BUY FENN SELL FENN REAL ESTATE ERIC FISH CHIMNEYS BA. 5-2411 11017 c51w27 tfc42 tic34 and , AV. tfc49 flcls “cl? tfc40 and ticé'l ROTAVATING. Apply E. Gra- ham. TUrner 4-2884. tfc46 CUSTOM ROTOTILLING. TU. 4-3 153. c4w10 CUSTOM Chain Sawing. Phone Markham 197. tfc49 PIT RUN GRAVEL. concrete sand and gravel. Sand fill. Top- soil. Harold and Jim Burns. R. R". 2 Maple, phone 5482. tfc49 Rapid delivery of quality loam. Sod delivered and/or laid. Phone BA. 1-9877. *19w1 Highest quality work done by ex- pert. Texaco Station, Richvale Motor Sales. Stop 22A Yonge St. TU. 4-2081. tfc13 ALL KINDS FURNITURE re- pairs. upholstering, cabinet work, wood carving. Estimates given. N. G. VanDyke. 96 Hunt Ave., Richmond Hill. tfc ROOF REPAIRS ROOF, Eavestgough, Chimney brick work. painting. general re- pair wOrk of all .kinds. prompt service. Phone TU. 4-3344. tfc22 DECIANTIS-RICE General Contractors. Building, Repairs and Alterations, Drain and Concrete Work. Flagstone Walks and Walls. King 240 tfc3 , WELL DRlLLING George's Well Drilling and re- pairing; pump installed & repair- ed. George Adams. Woodbridge R. R. 2, Maple 67.113. tfc45 ELSA HUNTER Recently from Jaeger House. England, will undertake expert alterations for ladies ani child- ren. Tailored .suits a specialty. Phone for appointment. TU. 4- 1712. c2w10 MISCELLANEOUS (continued) HILLVIEV‘V ASPHALT PAVING CO. Driveways. parking lots, etc. Prompt service. Free estimates. T.U. 4~3158 *1w10, tfcll Cleaned on premises. Wall to wall carpet a specialty. 25% dis- cOunt on all church work. 10% discount on halls, theatres, and all jobs over 500 square feet. Phone King 33R23. tfc7 OIL SPACE HEATERS & FLOOR FURNACE SERVICE‘ Now is the time to have your space heater and floor furnace cleaned and adjusted before the big rush. Special low Fall prices. For guaranteed night and day service. phone Harold Van Dyke, TU. 4-1086 Free estimates. th7 PIN BOYS for Maple Bowling Alley. Apply Mr. Alex Strachan. 174W Maple. ‘ c1w10 GIRL to work in flower shop. Apply Rice’s Flowers, Richmond Hill. *lwlo WAITRESS wanted for day‘s. good wages. Phone BA. 1-0059. c1w10 EXPERIENCED farm hand. sinâ€" gle. J. W. Stephenson. TU. 4- 2295. *1w10 LABOURERS WANTED. Apply Richmond Sod. TUrner 4-1812, BOY WANTED for drug store, full or part time. Hal Harley. Thornhill. ‘ ’clw.10 WAITRESS wanted for days. Ap- Apply Langstafl‘ Clearview Rest- aurant. AV. 5-2601. clw10 WOMEN to clean by the hour or day. Apply Mrs. Tyson. 48 Leis- ure Lane, Pleasantville, Rich- mond Hill. *1w10 2 MEN -â€" should be experienced truck drivers and feed mill op- erators. W. R. Dean. Yonge St., ThOrnhill. AV. 5â€"1344. tfclo WAITTRESSES, experienced, top wages. days or nights. Apply Thornview Restaurant, Thorn- FULL TIME waitresses wanted for days and nights. Apply Mr. Bruenjes, Richmond Theatre Grill. c1w10 and light housekeeping. Minimum three days per week. Paid hour- 1yy.P icked up and returned by car. Box 18 The Liberal. c1w9 OFFICE CLEANER wanted for light work two mornings week- ly 8 to 10 am. TU. 4-1417. c1w10 hill MAN WANTED for Rawleigh business. Sell to 1500 families. Write today. Rawleigh's Dept, 1- 351-SA, Montreal, P.Q. c1w10 HELP REQUIRED with children OPERATORS WANTED Power machine operators‘ for dresses and sports wear. Experi- ence preferred. Apply Mayfair Mfg. Co.. 78A Yonge St. S , Rich- SERVICE STATION attendant wanted. full time. no experience necessary. Apply Esso Service Station. Yonge at Carrville Rd., Richvale. c1w10 mohd Hill MEN who are handy with tools can secure seasonal m; part time work in ornamental metalwork- ing shop. Also are required ex- perienced ‘workers in welding, blagksmithmg and fitting. Also driver for light delivery truck. Apply to Mr. MacMillan, Metal- smiths Co. Ltd.. Spruce Ava. Stop 22A Yonge St, or write Richvale P.O. c3w8 Hill; TU. 4â€"1603. Glen-El-Tee Kennc Yonge St. N.. R‘ R. 1 HELP WANTED NORTH YORK SODDING RUGS & UPHOLSTERY ELECTRIC WELDING LIVESTOCK FOR SALE DOGS BOARDED R. 1 Richmbnd flcz c1w10 c1w9 tfc9 6 ROOM HOUSE to rent. Phone King 134R12. *leO 3 LARGE ROOMS, unfurnished, and bath. Call TUrner 4-2688. APARTMENT to rent. in Rich- mond Hill, available October 1. Apply Box 33 The Liberal. clwlo FREE ROOM in return for day care of school age child. Box 34 Liberal. c1w10 THORNHILL PROPER. a furn- ished bedroom, conveniences. at bus stop. AV. 5-1633. c2w9 FLOOR SANDER to rent. Phone AVenue 5-2101. fic22 CEMENT MIXER ELECTRIC FLOOR SANDER. Richmond Hill Hardware. TU. 4- 2101. ,thI5 mower. AV. 5-1238 4 ROOM self contained apartâ€" ment, Thornhill district. AV 2506 or BA. 5-2961. *1 ELECTRIC FLOOR Polisher for rent. Richmond Hill Hardware; TU. 4-2101. tfc18 TYPEWRITERS for rent by day, week or month. TU. 4-1745. SELF-CONTAINED 3 room up- per apartment, 3 piece bathroom. Elgin Street, Thornhill. Phone AV. 5-3512. cZwB BACHELOR apartment. furnish- ed, equipped kitchenette. bath â€"- ideal for teacher or business perâ€" son. Large grounds. Aurora PA. 7-5597. " ‘ tfc9 FRONT furnished apartment, av- ailable middle of September, living room. bedroom, equipped kitchen. private bath adults, large grounds. Aurora. PA. 7- 5597. tfc9 LARGE. warm recreation room. reasonable. Suitable for single or business couple. Board op- tional. Transportation to city if necessary. TU. 4~2630. c1w10 OFFICE FOR RENT â€"- 300 sq. feet, ground floor. completely renovated, private washroom. off street parking. Apply at Clarke‘s Pharmacy, Richmond Hill, TU. 4-1201. tfcl LOVELY bed sitting room'or bedroom. kitchen privileges, bus stop, Thornhill, business person. AV 5-2535. c1w10 APARTMENT. self - contained, heated 4 room:1 and bath: built- in cupboards a d hot water. Ap- ply Simpson's Dry G’ods, TU. 4- 1651. c1w10 UNTIL MAY 1, brick farmhouse north of King City, immediate possession, new oil furnace, modern conveniences. reason- able. Box 28 The Liberal. *1w10 heavy; floor seal, 1 and 12 hrs. drying; hand 5” disc and vibra- tor sanders ,for furniture, metal. plastic and pIasterr Bob’s Smoke Shop, 55 Yonge St. N., open 7 days till 10.30 p.m.' 1;ch FLOOR SANDERS, light and AURORA â€" Unfurnished bach- elor apartment, first floor, private entrance, apartment building. Built-in bunk beds off living- room, kitchenette and bathroom. Aurora, PA. 7-4359. clwlo RICHMOND HILL â€"- business couple, two unfurnished rooms, privéte bathroom, heavy duty wiring, heat and light supplied, $12. per week. TUrner 4-2758 or Toronto ORchard 7666. c1w10 CARS & TRUCKS wanted ‘for wrecking. Phone TU. 4-2236. TWO CARPENTERS. Must be first class. VTU. 4-2830 or BA. 1â€" 9261. c1w10 131 Yonge St.; Richmond Hill. Phone TU 4-1523. *1w10 PARTNER to run large farm, with or without stock.'Commun- icate Ozark Farms Ltd., Oak Ridges. c3w8 5 MONTH OLD PULLETS. ready to lay. 70 laying hens. '70 roos- ters. Heavy breed. S. Smith. TU. 4-1719. Thursday or Saturday. TEN GALLON stone crock. Leno 15 FULL GROWN GEESE. $50. AV. 5-1380. c1w10 ROOM & BOARD "for "two men. Apply 190 Markham Road. TU. 4-1797. ‘ c1w10 ROOM AVAILABLE in Rich- mond Hill for Christian student or business person, Reasonable. Board extra. Box 35 Liberal. ROOM & BOARD Agricultural Service Ltd. No. 11 Highway South of Orange Home ' TU. 4-1602 ’(‘omplet‘ely decayed to fine mellow texture. [deal for lawn dress- ing and flower beds. 65c per bushel. PHAT MOSS POULTRY FOR SALE TO RENT WANTED OTTO PICK Power lawn c4w10 c1w10 *lwlo c1w10 c1w10 tfc28 tfc36 WED. SEPT. 14 â€" Extensive auction sale of 30 head of Hols- tein and Durham cattle. near new Cockshutt “30" tractor. new IHC baler, new Papec hammer mill, farm stock, implements, hay. grain. standing corn. etc.. also the 130-acre farm of good clay loam never failing creek, good pasture. 4 acres bush. good build- ings. Property of Jas‘ Brignall, lot 27 and 28, Concession 10. Markham Twp. 2 miles south of Stoufiville. Sale at 1 pm. sharp. Terms cash. No reserve. except on the farm. which will be offer- ed subject to a reserve bid. 10% of purchase price on day of sale. Terms on balance made known day of sale. Terms on tractor and baler, half cash. balance 6 mos. credit on approved joint notes. Ralph Faulkner, clerk. Ken & Clarke Prentice. auctioneers. SALE REGISTERS FRI.. SEPT. 16 â€"â€" Auction sale of farm stock. implements, in- cluding sheep, potato digger and planter. horses. furniture. hay, grain etc. on lot 29. Concession 4, Scarboro Twp., on Kennedy Road. south of Millikan. Proper- ty of Frank Rivers. Sale at 1.30 pm. Terms cash. No reserve. Farm sold. James Smith. clerk. Ken & Clarke Prentice. auction- eers. FRI.. SEPT. 16 -â€" Auction sale of 40 head of Registered and Fully Accredited Holstein Cattle, Vaccinated and blood Fresh Cows and springers; Heif- ers and calves; at Lots 17 and 18. rear of Con. 10 on Markham- Pickering Townline. 1 mile North of No. 7 Hg\\'y.; the prop- erty of Ray Seebeck. Selling herd due to ill health. Terms cash. Sale time 2 pm. DST. Lloyd Turner. Clerk. A. S. Farmer, auctioneer. Phone Gm’mley 5311. ._ SAT., SEPT. 17 â€" Auction sale of household furniture, property of J. Russell. at 129 Centre St. W., Richmond Hill. Sale to com- mence at 1.30 p.m. Terms cash. No reserve, house sold. Gordon Sellers. auctioneer, Agincourt, AX. 3-4771. c2w10 SAT.. SEPT. 17 â€" Auction Sale of farm implements, tractor, full line of implements, grain, house- hold furniture at Lot 22, Conu4. Vaughan, just north ‘of Maple. The property of W. J. Hodge. No reserve, farm sold. Terms- cash. Sale at 1:30 pm. DST. Alvin S. Farmer, Gormley, auctioneer, ‘phone Gormley exchange 5311. SAT., SEPT. 17 -â€" Extensive auction sale of farm stock. imple- ments, etc., including herd of! dairy cattle blacksmith tools, hay, grain, household furniture, etc.. on lot 32 concessitxigi 2, Markham Twp. Property of . L. Clubine. Sale at 12 noon Jsharp. Terms cash. No reserve. Farm is sold. This is a Very large sale and will start on time. See p05â€" ter and list in papers. D. Gould- ing and James Smith clerks. Ken & Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. SAT.. SEPT. 24 â€" Auction sale of farm implements. cattle. e- quipment, household furniture and effects etc.. on lot 9, conces- sion 5, Vaughan Twp. north of Edgeley. Property of, W. Atkin- son. Sale at 1 pm. Terms cash. No reserve. Farm ‘is sold. Ken 8; Clarke Prentice auctioheers. TUES.. OCT. 4 â€"â€" Auction sale of Farm Stock. Implements, hay, grain .straw. half ton Mercury pick-up truck. M-H 102 Junior tractor, fertilizer drill, side rake, one way disc etc., on lot 15, con. 5 Markham Twp. half mile north of Uniomville and half mile west’ Property belonging to Dean Hughes Sale at 1 pm. sharp. Terms cash...No reserve, farm is leased. Jas. Smith, clerk. Ken 8: Clarke Prentice auctioneers. THURS., SEPT.‘ 29 â€" Exten- sive auction sale of farm stock, implements. horses. herd of dairy cattle, Case tractor. hammer mill. threshing machine, hay, grain furniture. etc., on lot 31. concession 5, Vaughan Twp., 2 miles north of Maple and 11/2 miles west. Property of Albert Rumble. 'Sale at 12.30 ‘noon. Terms cash. No reserve.’ Farm sold. ‘Ken & Clarke Prentice, auctioneers. . WED., OCT. 5 â€"- Auction sale of dairy cattle, International W4 and Case VA tractors, IHC baler. 'M-H combine. tractor imple- ments. hay, grain, hogs. poultry etc. Property of Estate of the Late Harry Rawluk. lotr25, rear concession 5. Whitchurch Twp. i114 miles south and 1 mile east of Pine Orchard. Sale at 1 pm. sharp. Terms cash; half cash on tractors and baler, balance six months. Noreserve. Leslie Har- per, clerk. Ken & Clarke‘Pren- tice, auctioneers. GOLDEN Labrador Retriever. 6 month.old puppy. Lost vicinity of MacKillop School. Answers to name of "Brandy". Reward. Phone TU. 4-2803. *lwlo In All persons having claims ag- ainst the estate of the above- named deceased.’ late of the Township of Vaughan, in the County of York. who died on the 4th day of June, 1955, are here- by notified to send to the under- signed Solicitor for the execu- tors on or before the 22nd day of September. 1955, their names and full particulars of their claims. Immediately after the said date the estate will be disâ€" tributed having regard only to the claims of which notice has been received. DATED at Aurora, thi§ 29th day of August, 1955. FRED BAGULEY, Executor. by Lorne C. Lee. Q.C.. 1 Aurora. Ontario. his Solicitor herein T0 CREDITORS the Estate of David Henry Ireland, Deceased NOTICE LOST CAPONS. masters and fowl. highest prices paid. Don’t sell until contacting W. S. Appleton. Oak Ridges Poultry Grading Sta- tion, phone TU. 4-2643. tfc17 ARRANGE your first or secdnd mortgage. quickly ‘through the Willowdale Mortgage Service. BA. 5-2731. _ 05w6 'JIIIIIIIIIHEIIIIII GENERAL CONTRACTOR Emergency Service III-Inllllln-nuail Snecializing in Alterations and. Repairs SOMETHING TO SELL . LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS '.. BRING QUICK RESULTS USE LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS CALL TURNER 4-1261 ' D. E. COOK Domestic & Industrial R. R. 2 Maple nacx ana pen on 1runL up to 6x ' L Chenille Bedspreads, d bl b d ' ," . ggely aendegoslldze m green‘ Ladies Rayon Night- , l d 1 4 goggllntl, , aaegi’gllshgllezn $1.98 JUST IN! Ladies Win- ter Coats, asst’d styles and shades $29.95, $39.95, $43.50 SIMPSON’S DRY GOODS SIMPSON’S'DRY GOUDS 12 Yonge St. South Richmond Hill '] SHOWROOM AT 4884 YONGE ST. Sell me your car then you buy your new car Without a trade and take advan- tage of the BARGAIN PRICES being Plumbing & Heating Engineers ‘ OAK RIDGES TU. 4-3075 Selective Cars of Quality MORTGAGES FOR SALE BASIL FOX Ladies Moccasins Blue Leather with fancy trim and neolite sole Boys’ Grey Flannel Trousers, elastic back and belt on'front up to 6x ' L Chenille Bedspreads, double bed size,‘ in green grey and gold ‘ Ladies Rayon Night- gowns, lace and nylon WILLOWDALE BA. 1â€" 2082 ' trim,rasst’d. shades JUST IN! Ladies Win- ter Coats, asst’d styles and shades $29.95, $39.95, POULTRY WANTED VIC BAIRD LTD. We are stocking our Used Car Lot advertised by the new car dealers PIIT RUN GRAYEL CONCRETE SAND & GRAVEL SAND FILL TOPSOIL " TUrner 4-1547 Alterations HAROLD 8: HM BURNS Drainwork CLEAN warm rUBm with board for elderly lady. Thornhill or Willowdale. Reasonabe. TU. 4- 2158. c1w10 SMALL furnished apartment with electrical conveniences, wanted in Richmond Hill by sing- le business man. Garage desir- able. ’The‘Liberal. Box 31. c1w10 SELLING? We are now in the midst of the active selling season. Due to our unprecedented volume we are in need of houses and building lots in all price classes“ and dis- tricts. Our salesmen, fully quali- fied and equipped' with the Toronto Real Estate Board‘s most advanced services, are available at your conveni- ence. David McLean Ltd. We ofior a friendly. effec- tive. confidential service, without obligation. _CALL AV. 5-1176 or BA. 1.1121 Head Office Thornhill WANTED TO RENT Phone 54R2 TU. 4-1651

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