Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 8 Sep 1955, p. 7

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WM Plans Underway For First Annual Track And Fieid Plans have now been under, way for some time for the first annual Richmond Hill Track and Field Club meet to be held on Saturday. September 17. at the athletic field Richmond Hill Dis- trict High School. Entries for th events. which begin at 1 pm. est entries will not be accepted, however. sub- stitutions may be made on the day of the meet. No entry fee will be charged. Contestants may compete in only one class and ribbons will be aWarded to First, Second. Third. Fourth and Fifth places in an events. Five classes for boys of all ages will be open to contestants. The meet is sponsored jointly WATER IS A MUST A popular hand-me-down in sports lore is the the- ory that athletes should de-hydrate themselves before a game or track meet, and that they should not be allowed to drink water during a workout. But nothing could be farther from the truth. - ’ One of the chief opponents of this out-moded prac- tice is Dr. S. E. Bilik, author of the famous “Trainer's “Withdrawing water from practices and games is not only stuid, it’s criminal," Dr. Bilik says. “In com- petitive athletics there is constant and severe loss of bodily/fluid and salt and denying participants from re. lief because of mystic tradition or theory is not only hindering the efficiency and endurance of. the athlete but taking a chance with his good health." . This is a ’point that is particularly important to athletes during the hot summer months. Sports Coll- ege conducted numerous tests and founcl that the ath- lete performed more efficiently, with greater endurance, concentration and rrlorale. V. 1 wvnwvuu; Mvnv- «.n. The water shou‘ld be taken in small amounts and should be cool but not cold. Sucking ice is not a good practice because of its intense cold. Best results were obtained in these tests when a small amount of salt and the juice of an orange or grapefflrB-i‘t _\\"as added. 1-. uuv , v... “u SMOOTH OUT‘YOUR BASEBALL DIAMOND A cheap and easy way to keep the surface of your baseball diamond smooth is to get an old mattress, at- tach a rope to either end and use it as a drag. If you pull it! over the diamond before you mark out the base- lines,,you'll find it will do an excellent job of smoothing out the rough sports, ‘ “To getofidv‘of stones have a team contest once a week. Give a prize to the player who collects the most stones from the diamond.__ _ uvv..v.. -- - These two stunts will help you develop better in- fielders. since they will get down to ground balls with much more confidence when they know there’s not go- ing to be a bad hop. ' EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT - 8.30 p.171. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 1'1, 8:30 PM. ADULTS $1.00 ATTENTION Richmond Bowl has re-opened after its extensive annual renovation â€" For the finest 'in bowling conditions and pleasure combined, come by your- self or with a party on Saturdays and bowl. Richmond Bowl Yonge 8., Richmond Hill TU. 4-1212 WANTED Men or reliable boys to set pins. Pleasé call in person at Richmond Bowl 50 -- LAPS -- 50 CANADIAN CHAMPIONSHIP Open Bowling Thursday, Sept. 8, Fri., Sept. .9 till 9 p.m. YOU’LL BE GLAD YOU DID omen] Department of Sports College Conducted by Lloyd Percival by Richmond Hill District High School Board. the Lions, Rotary and Kinsmen Clubs. The Richmond Hill rink skipped by \A1. White won the J. 0. Little Lawn Bowl- ing Trophy played for at Newmarket on Labour Day. Rink members were Mrs. A1 White and Miss Marion Scrivener. Mfs. Jim Grainger ' VAt {he mixed doubles tour- nament at Beeton on Satur- day winners were Mr. and Win J. 0. Little Trophy CHILDREN FREE Imsmct 5mm NEws Hope Ball Club Takes Series First Time In Club History For the first time in the his- tory of Hope Ball Club. the troâ€" phy for top team in the Maple and District Men‘s Ball League was won by Hope. With the defeat Vof Vellore last Thursday's game and Pete Hope took the final series 4-2 from its opponents. Thursday's game was the first one in thei six playâ€"off series in which Charâ€" lie Mashinter was not in action for Hope as a fielder. Glen Turnbull pitched thrillâ€" ing ball for Hope throughout astl Thursday's game and Pete Jones did his usual good job as catcher. The line-up for the winning team was -â€"â€" First Base Albert Orr. Second Base Bill Clubine. Third Base Frank Mashinter. Shortstop Ed. Mash- inter, Right Field Mason Flet- cher, Centre Field Len Brown, Left Field Bill Robertson. Norm Roberts pitched good ball for Vellore with Jack’Burns putting in a stellar performance as catcher.’ Don-\Busby was Almost half of Thailand’s extensive forest area, much of it inacces. sible, has not yet been exploited. To help the Thai Government open up more of these forest lands and to reap the greatest benefit from those areas already being worked, the U.N. Food and Agricul- ture Organization has a three-man team in the fieldâ€"a team con- sisting of an expert in sawmilling, one in forest industries and another in forest culture. The picture shows what is still the most common “machine” in Thai forestsâ€"â€"the elephantâ€"shifting logs at the direction of the young driver or “mahout” perched on his back. With the advent of the ‘duck and goose hunting season a few timley reminders for hunters have come to mind.. The Can- adian Wildlife Service of the Department of Northern Affairs and National Resources have made a thorough study of water- fowl migration and point out the following facts. Skillful Sport Forestry Dept. Offers Many - Helpful. Hints For Hunters Each year waterfowl hunting‘ provides thousands of Canadians with the‘ opportunity of getting, out into the open and seeing and enjoying their own country. To the hunter the flash of wings against an evening sky, the wild, lonesome cry of migrating geese, the companionship of man and dog, and the pride that comes with the scoring of a difficult shot are thrills that are unsurpassed in any other sport. At times it may seem to the individual hunter that the water- fowl supply of North America is limitless. That is not so; Indis- criminate shooting could reduce the numbers of ducks and geese to such an extent that they would be faced with the possibility of extinction. What an incalculable loss. the disappearance of our waterfowl would be to Canadians. Every waterfowl hunter im- proves his own chances of sucess by observing the hunting laws, by being a good sportsman, and by helping game management in every way possible. ' Hunters Hints /1 ' Know the range of, your gun: A good sportsman knows the range of his gun (generally 50 yards) and is careful to shoot only within it. By so doing he keeps down the number of birds crippled and lost and ensures that, in the long run, he will have better bags. I Use the most suitable size of shot: Sporting magazines often give very useful information as to the best size of shot to use for different kinds of game. Use dogs for retriéving: A well- traiged dog may be as valuable Mrs. Jack Warwick, Hunt’s Lane, south of Richmond Hill. recently won several awards with her two entries in the CNE Cat Competition with the showing of Rosalie of Allington and Admiral, an offspring of Rosalie. Rosalie of Allington won the Best Blue Champion Award in the All-Breed Show, and her kitten. Adâ€" miral took two seconds in the Blue Male Class. Mrs. Warwick plans to en- ter the pair in the coming Cat Show at Montreal. It Takes Elephants To Do It Cats Win ‘.N.E. Awards Vellore's best fielder and made several catches that looked to be going but of the ball park. ’lfh‘é scores of the six. game senes were ~â€" First Gain Vellore 10, Hope 9; second ga 8 Hope 5, Vellore 3; third game Vellore 6, Hope 5: fourth game. Hope 3, Vellore 2; fifth game Hope 5,’ Vellore 4. sixth game Hope 3, Vellore 0. ,The clubs would like to thank the umpires who did a fine job throughout the semi-finals and final series. Umpires were Tom Mashinter from Richmond Hill: Allen Orr, .Victogia Square: and Stan Foster.-who hélped in the sixth‘ game at King. There will be an All-Star game at King. tonight, Septem- ber 8. with the best players from Hope and Vellore teams combin- ed against King. ‘ Hope and Vellore boys wish to thank the ball fans who support- ed the teams so faithfully duping the season. to the hunter as an expensive gun. He is a faithful companion under all conditions and a tire- less servant. One of the great pleasures of hunting is to watch a well~trained dog work in the field. Many crippled and killed birds. which otherwise would be lost, are added to your bag if you have a good dog with you._ Know the‘ game laws and observe them: The laws regulat- ing hunting are made to ‘protect your interests. When you break the game laws, you are hurting not only yourself but future generations of hunters who are such as you now enjoy. Know your birds before shoot- ing: Correct identification is al- ways desirable but becomes par- ticularly important where certain species, in danger of extnction, migrate with more abundant game birds. Sale- of confiscated firearms in the Lake Simcoe District, will be held at the District Forester’s Office. Maple, ,on September 19. 20 and 21. Guns will be on dis- play during these dates and seal- ed bids will be accepted. Details will be annouced shortly. We also make RAILINGS â€" inside & out VISIT OUR SHOWROOM SAVE 50% Carrville Rd.’ & Yonge St. Richvale Iron Works ORNAMENTAL IRON FURNITURE INSIDE & OUT Budget Plan SALE OF GUNS King To Get Trophy Sat. ‘A dance to mark t e closing of the ball-season for the York- Peel Men's League will be held this Saturday. September 10, at Maple Community Centre. As a climax to the final ser- ies which w‘as just recently com- pleted. the trophy. awarded to the winning team. will be presen- ted to the King Club which this year came out on top of the Leaâ€" gue. In the deciding game of the series, King defeated Rich- mond Hill in the bottom of the 11th to bring them into top pos- ition. Mdsic for dancing will be pro- vided by Ernxe Ruttan and His Novelty Ranch Boys. Sale of confiscated firearms in the Lake Simcoe Disfrict. is being held at the District Office. Maple. on September 19. 20 and 21. 1955. Some 90 guns are being offered for sale. Included in the assortment, are a large num- ber of .22 rifles in single shots, repeaters and automa- tics; se’veral high powered rifles; single and double bar- rel and repeater 12 ga. shot- guns and a few single and double barrel 16 and 20 ga. shotguns. Hours of sale will be from 10 am. to 9 p.m.‘on each of the above dates dur- ing wl' r those interested may examine the firearms and post sealed bids. success- ful tenderers will be notified shortly after the closing date. Teams Bowling from 9 to 11 are â€" Captains Ann ham-1e. Doris Coopér. Jock White and Jean Calder. ’ r Teams Bowling From 7 to 9 are â€" Captains Hilda Quintin. Det Palmer, Bert Ingram, Vi Home. Notice To Creditors AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE of John Pear- son Ash. late of ther villgge 9f All persons having claims ag- ainst the estate of John Pearson Ash, late of the village of Rich- mond Hill in the County of York. who died on or about the 215t day of December, 1954, are hereby notified to send particu- lars of same to the undersigned on or before the 15th day of Oc- tober. 1955, after which date the estate will be distributed with regard only to the claims for which the undersigned shall then have notice, and the undersign- ed will not be liable to any per- son of whose claim they will not then have notice. Begins Monday, Sept. 12 A Newmarket rink won the A. E. Glass, E. T. Stephens, Cieorge Walwin Memorial Lawn Bowling Trophy which is played for annually at the Richmond Hill greens. 'On August 31, Bert Budd and rink took top place over 20 other rinks which vied for the cup. DATED at Richmond H 25th day of August, 1955 HEBER 'DENTON McCAGUE & IVAN E. SISLER. Executors, by their solicitor, Joseph Rabinowitch, 65 Yonge St. 5., Richmond Hill Second for three wins was W. Sonley and rink from Runnymede, third for three wins, 1);. Wheeler, Balmy Beach. high for two wins Gar Yerex. Sid Brown and Pete Savage of Richmond Hill club, high for one win J. Hurst, Balmy Beach. . 24 Hour Service . EVERY PASSENGER FULLY INSURED NEW CARS LOW RATES Weddings, Funerals, Out- of-town Trips R’i’ohmon'd Hill in the County of York, gentleman. deceased. JIFFY CABS DATED : N ewmarket Takes Trophy Sale Of Confisqated , Firearms Richmond Hill "TU. 4-17 31 MAPLE LADIES BOWLING $50 Grant To Pool In order to aid in the fine work being accomplished by the Unionville Swimming Pool. ' Markham township counéil Monday made a $50.00 grant to the pool. . The money will be used to help defray expenses of op- erating the pool. Open Season For Rulfed Grouse L. Simcoe District Ope‘l seasons fo'r Ruffed Grouse (Partridge) recently announced by Dept‘ Lands and Forests, apply as follâ€" ows in, the Lake Simcoe Dis- trict: October 8 - November 19, both inclusive. in the Lake Simcoe District excepting 'regulated Townships in the Counties of Peel, York and Ontario. where season da es are October 29 to November 5, both inclusive. Bag limits in Regulated To‘wnships are 3 per day and in the bhlance of the Lake Simcoe District 5 per day with a possession limit of 15. HOME REPAIR (Roofing, Eavestroughing Chimney Brick & Cement Work, Caulking, Painting. Drain, General Repairs of all kinds In all kinds of leaks. Work Done Immediately SEN-cleansing â€" stays white. One coat does a perfecf'twoâ€"coot job on previously painted surfaces in reasonably good condition. Cut! labour in halfâ€"saves point, too. Centractor SPECIALISTS "One-Coat” White Written Guarantee TU. 4-3344 HOUSE PAINT 1.79 6.40 QUART THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ont. Thursday, September 8, 195 GALLON NOTE: Our New Phone Number TUrner 4-1196 CANADIAN LEGION BOWLERS CLUB (B.E.S.L.lBranch 375 Richmond Hill) will commence to bowl at the ABC Bowling Alleys, Richmond Hill, on 8 am. - 5 pm. Phone ‘After 5 pm. Maple 104 - AV. 5-1598 FOR THE SEASON Will teams wanting to bowl get in touch with MAPLE; BOWLING ALLEY THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15. Early bowlers start at 7.15 pm. late bowlers at 9.15 am. This is the night. to register for a season of happy bowling. All Bowlers and Beginners are welcome. Last year‘s bowlers given a preference. H. C. TOMLIN PARCEL DELIVERY 'AND *LIGHT CARTAGE ‘ AKMAVA \II-voa van-.7- . from the "overspray and reliduo" at the finest appliance enamel: a: used on refrigerators, automatic washers, etc. Contains "titanium", tho long-wearing "whitest white". Spe- cially blended to produce a tatillactory house point, at an exceptionally low price. Also available in Cream, Bright Red, Tile Red, Medium Grey, Dark Green, Dark Brown, Aluminum, Interior White and In- Mrior Flat Whiteâ€"all at the same low price. "ARMADA" GLOSS OUTSIDE WHITE HOUSE PAINTâ€"Made luâ€" oh. "musan and yuidu." of the finest appliance "PENETROLf’ Stops Rust ..... 1.79 GLOSS OUTSIDE WHITE Alex Strachan, Maple 174W Quart 89c PAINT BARGAIN GET AN EXTRA YEAR BETWEEN PAINT JOBS Lets you palm ovor rum surf: For window serum, ply“, .98 SEPTEMBER 8 â€"â€"- '0 'â€" TINTING TUBES . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Outside Gloss Whife, Shutter Green, Bright Red ontracts Welcomed GALLON will open 1.59 SUPER-LRSTIC "HOME DECO- HATCH" HOUSE PAINT â€"- Laboratory tested raw materials -â€"rich. full-bodied pigments. expertly mixed to produce a weather resistant finish that gives greater beauty and extra surface protection. Your choice of 72 attractive colours. This Spring get the best that money can buy . . . at Canadian Tire's savings! 1.45 .05 OUART GALLON surfacesâ€"make! a perfect bond Jpn, car body, bumpers, etc. QUART UGALLON ____-_13c .. 38¢ GALLON 5.65 55

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