1 GaNanlzed Smoke Stack TERMS CASH. N0 RESR} ‘1 Fence Stretcher, heavy , Quantity of 2" oak, elm plank, 2" x 12 ft. Several pieces oak, elm, white ash. 3†x 12 ft. ‘ Several pieces of oak. 2x8x16 ft. Quantity of Used Pine Plan'k, 17’ 1 Pile Used Lumber Quantity Used Pedlar Shingles Quantity Used 1" and 1%" Pine 1 Hand Corn Planter, new 1 Draw Rope, 200 ft. Number Iron and Wood Pulleys 1 Circular Saw and Mandrel, on wheels 1 Hay Fork, trip ropes and bun- dle ropes 1 110’ 3,1“ Rope, new 2 Gas Barrels 1 Set Pea Harvesters 1 Set Grain Lifters 1 Truck Body and‘ Stake. 7’x12‘ 1 Line Shaft Several Belt Pulleys 1 Drive Belt, 6", 35 ft. 1 Drive Belt. 7“, 30 ft. Several Small Belts , ,,g_ 2 Dozen Hame Straps Several Halters 1 HHHHHH HH p-ai-‘HHD-IH Hï¬â€˜HIâ€"IH H H H 1 Pr. Bridles W4 International Tractor, pow- er take-off pulley, lights, near new International Ace Bottom Plow, 2~furrows Stiff Tooth Tractor Cultivator, M-I-I Spring Tooth Tractor Cultiva- tor .- Spring Tooth Horse Cultivator Tandem Disc Harrow, M-H Hay TedderpM-H 13-run Disc Drill, M-I-I International Tractor Manure ,Spreader, rubber tired, near new Steel Land Roller Rubber Tired Wagon and Rack 2 Walking Plows Set Diamond Harrows, 5 sec. Set Harrows. heavy. 4 sec. Set Spring Tooth. 2 section Set of Bench Sledghs Democrat Wagon 1 Buggy Fanning Mill with screens and bagger Mc-Deering Binder. 6'. good Mc-Deering Horse Mower Scufller, M-H Iron Kettle 1 Potato Duster Hand Corn Planter, new Draw Rope. 200 ft. Number Iron and Wood Pullevs 1 Set Team Harness ‘ Number of Horse Collars, pipe 4 Horse Blankets 2 Buffalo Robes 1 Cart Harness Nulnber of Cotton Grain Bags Cattle 1 Holstein Cow, 4 .yrs., milking, bred June 5 1 Holstein Cow. 3 yrs.. milking bred June 10 1 Holstein Cow. 3 yrs., milking. bred June 12 1 Holstein Cow, 4 yrs, milking, bred April 21 1 Holstein Cow. 3 yrs... due Sept. 11 J ~ 1 Heifer, Holstein, fresh 1 Holstein Heifer. due Sept. 7 1 Holstein Heifer, due Sept. 17 Holstein Heifer, due Oct. 12 Holstein Cow, fresh Holstein Cow, fresh Holstein Cow, fresh Holstein Heifer, bred May 2 Holstein Heifers, 18 mos. Holstein Heifer. 18 mos. Holstein Heifers, 20 months Holstein Heifers, 7 months Fat Calves Roan Heifer, 12 mos. Holstein Bull, 10 months Sheep ‘ 1 Reg. Suffolk Ram. 2 yrs. old 12 Grade Suffolk Ewes 12 Fat Lambs ‘ Implements HHQNQHMHHHHH 8 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ont, Thursday, September 8, 1955 I.H.C. TRACTOR, FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, SHEEP, HAY, GRAIN, ANTIQUE & MODERN FURNITURE ' The Property of MOUNT ALBERT : Missing the Miami Beach turn while south- bound on County Road 12, Bill Morton, local auto dealer and head of a construction ï¬rm last week missed death miraculously when he was pinned under his own car. He was taken to York County Hospital with head and chest injuries. On August 31. nearly 75 peopâ€" 1e of Zion Lutheran Church. and friends gave the blr‘ide-to-be a miscellaneous shower at the groom’s home. Many gifts were received for which the couple expressed their thanks. Miss George entertained at a trousseau tea on Monday and Tuesday evenings at her home. A speedy recovery is wished for Mrs. Kenneth White who is returning home this week from Private Patients Pavilion ToronA‘ to General Hospital. In honour of Miss Jean George whose marriage to Elmer Mc- Kinnon of Maple will take place this Saturday, September 10, in Sherwood Lutheran Church. St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church. Ancaster gave 21 miscellaneous shower at the home of Mrs. My- ers at Ancaster on August 26. Mr. and Mrs. D. Allen. Brian and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Walk- er spent the long week-end with Mr. and Mrs. R. D. MacNaugh- ton at their summer cottage near Gravenhurst. Mr. and Mrs. A. Forrest of Lindsay visited with Mr. and Mrs. Blake Yake last week. ‘ hangers Maple 8: Surroundinq Districts Milliken, Ont‘ The Liberal is always willing to publish interesting items regarding people and events contributed by its readers in Maple and surrounding communities. Our representative in Maple is Mrs. Donald Allen, telephone Maple 19.1; Edgeley, Mrs. Raymond Stuart; Maple, AV. 5-1934. ’ E. L. Clubine LOT 32. CONCESSION 2, MARKHAM TOWNSHIP 1V4 Mlles East and 1% Miles North of Elgin Mills SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 17 Door track rollers and sed Pedlar Shingles sed 1" and 1])2†Pipe litter carrier track 8: SH. NO RESERVE. FARM SOLD D. Goulding 8.: J. Smith, Cl KEN. & CLARKE PRENTICE‘ A Maple Socials Important Auction Sale Of D. Goulding & J. Smith, Clerks I. & CLARKE PRENTICE, Auctioneers '0, pk. AXmlnster 8-5987; Markham P.0n DAIRY CATTLE on rack Set sleigh bells and Medicine Cabinet Jacket Heater, near of Elliott and Dickens Quantity of bedding, linens, cur- tains, etc. Large antique walnut buffet, with mirror 3 Brass Jardinieres Brass and Silver Candelabras. Daisy Churn Small glass churn Number of pictures and frames 2 Oil Lamps Several Table and Pin-up lamps Brass Dinner Bell 2 Wooden Butter Bowls, ladies and print Cape Cod Lawn Chair No. of House Plants Number of crooks and jugs . Quantity of Dishes, Glassware. cooking utensils, sealers, etc. 1 Set Curtain Stretchers Ferneries I Flower Baskets Small Lawn Mower Other articles Silver Cruet, antique Antique Sugar Bowl with Spoons good Red Rug. 9'x12', good Several Antique Clocks (running) Antique Hanging Lamp Antique Hall Lamp Electric Grate and Fireplace No, of books, including full\ set mirror Sectional glazed bookcase =3". Iron Bed, spring and mattress Dresser with mirror Walnut Tea Wagon Buffet 2 Wash Stands Carpet 9’x12‘ Walnut Parlour Table Sand Tone-on-Tone Rug. 9'x12’, cover, drapes Number 1†Iron Rods Small wardrobe Large wardrobe Various small tables & stands Antique Dressing Table Small open bookcase Chiï¬orobe Walnut Console Victrola Walnut organ case, antique Number of Odd Chairs Square Extension Table Antique Fern Stand, walnut Antique gilded French pier glass '2 Wire gates 14' 2 Wire gates 10‘ Number of tongues, new 3 pieces 2x5x17 ft. oak Quantity Angle Iron 2 Iron Oat Boxes 1 Jamesway Oil Brooder, 500 chick capacity 2 Electric Fencers' Quantity Barb Wire Quantity Snow Fence Number Cow Chains 2 Hay Knives 2 Bag Trucks 3 Chop Bins Anchor Posts Number of Cedar Posts Number of .Poles 1 Pile Firewood 3 Cant Hooks 1 Boring Machine Planes No. Pean Ball Hammers No. Wrenches 2 Large Pipe Wrenches Number of Blacksmith Tools Number of Bolts, new and used Several Heavy and Light Chains Post Hole Spoon and bar 1 Set Block & Tackle, with rope I Set Electric Clippers, with sheep-shearing attachment 2 Chain Binders Number of Cotton Grain Bags 1 Press Drill Forks, Shovels, Hoes, Rakes, number of other useful artic- les too numerous to mention Hay & Grain About 500 bales of Hay, mixed About 50 bus. Ajax Oats 1 Mow Loose Straw 1 Part Barrel Molasses Half Tub Cattle Mineral Furniture 2 Rocking Chairs 1 Iron Pump Vanity Dresser and bench Arm Chair with ottoman, vslip ie, and regular services on the Maple Charge 6f the United Church will be resumed next 'Sunday, Edgeley at 9.30 a.m.. Hope at 10.30 am. and Maple at Rev. and Mrs. A. G. Donald returned to their home in Maple on Wednesday. after a vacation spent at Washago on Lake Cou- chiching, and in Sault Ste. Mar- Sunday School will be held at the same hour as church to all- ow parents to bring their child- ren with them, church and Sun- day School concluding at the same hour. Holy Communion will be cele- brated on the fourth Sunday each month in the evening, and on St. Stephen's Anglican Church, Maple. as announced last week. will be holding morning services in future. at 11 am. each Sun- day, starting this coming Sun- day, Septemberrll. United Church Services Resume Next Sunday Third Year Divinity Student To Conduct Morning Service 11 A.M. Service St. Stephen’s ‘. SALE 12.30 SHARP P.0.. ph. 348 new Open bells with Spoons We also carry tile' brick, lime, cement Call JONES COAL CO. TU. 4-1851 Richmond Hill For your fuel needs ANTHRACITE to be,‘trained in topographicai and survey drafting. ‘Gr. XII maths useful. Fair pay. thorough training and opportunities for advancement are offered success- ful candidates. THE ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS REQUIRES Junior Draftsmen The regular meeting of Maple Women's Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. M. Palmer on Wednesday evening, Septem- ber 14, at 8 pm. Roll call will be "Do it yourself, show or tell.†Committee in charge wilAlmbe Mrs. F. F. Jackson, Mrs. Victor Orr, Mrs. G. Watson and Mrs. E. Wade. . Anniversary services in the Maple Church will be held on Sunday, October 23, when Rev. Harold Young, D. D. of Toronto, Secretary of the Committee on Students & Colleges will preach at the morning hour, and Rev. W. Stuart MacLeod, B.A., S.T.M. of St. John’s United Church, Stratford, will be the visiting preacher in the evening. He will bring with him the distinguished senior choir of St. John’s, which so delighted those' who attended Maple anniversary last year. This choir is under the direction of Gordon D. Scott, A.C.C.O., and has won the highest award for church choirs for the last two years at the Toronto .Music Festi- Do It Yourself W.|. Roll Call Miss Anna Orr will give a de- monstration on table setting and Miss Ethel Thomas will show pictures _of her trip to Europe. Sunday, September 25. services will be held at Edgeley at 11 a. m. and 7.30 pm. Rev. J. A. H. Hodgson of Woodbridge will be the morning preacher, and in the evening Rev. Martin Jenkinson of King City will occupy the pul- pit and the choir of Teston Un- ited Church will assist. Anniversary services on the Maple Charge have been arrang- ed as follows: Hope. Sunday. September 11, at 11 am. with Rev. Alex Forrest, a native of Maple and recently appointed Editor of the United Church Ob- server, as guest preacher. The choir of King City United Church will lead in the service of praise. val. Mr. Donald's theme at all the services will be “Lakeside Re- flections." At the service in the Maple Church. the sacrament of infant baptism will be observed. 11.30 afn. Apply to Personnel Branch, 9th Floor, _East Block, Queen’s Park, Toronto Mr. Robinson has recently qualiï¬ed as an Army Chaplain at a course for Chaplains held ‘at Camp Ipperwash. Services will be conducted each morning bx Mr. Thomas Robinson. a third year Divinity student, who is looking forward to ordination next spring. the second Sunday in the morn- ing with the exception of next Sunday. September 11. when'the service will be Morning Prayer. All services in the evenings will be as usual at 7 pm. OIL BURN ERS CLEANED & SERVICED Yearly contract may be obtained BITUMINOUS RANDY HOWELL TU. 4-1904 Phone es. They carriedVbrouiquets a; yellow and bronze flowers. Miss Ruthie Bryson, niece of the bride, was flower girl in a long shrimp taffeta gown fashion- ed with puff sleeves and round neckline m'th scalloped frill yoke. At the reception held at the home of the bride’s parents, the bride's mother received the guests wearing a navy ï¬gured crepe dress and lilac pink acces- sories and a cog-sage of pink ros- es circled with gold lace. The groom’s mother assisted wearing a navy and peacock blue ï¬gured dress. peacock blue accessories and corsage of yellow roses. Master Ronald Orr, in grey trousers and blue flannel blazer. was ring bearer and the ushers were Pete Turner and Allan Orr. away-J. For traV'eIIing' VtHéflbride chose a navy blue wool suit trimmed with white accessories and her corsage was part of her bridal bouquet. ‘ Mrs. Allan Orr, sister of the bride, was matron of honor and Mrs. Jack McGregor was brides- mala. They were dressed alikd in ballerina length embossed pale green taffeta frocks and their elbow-length gloves and crown headdresses were made of the same material as their dress- The bride. given in marriage by her father, wore the same wedding dress and veil that her three sisters wore at their own weddings. The white' embroid- ered marquisette gown was fash- ioned with a gathered scoop neckline trimmed with pearls and the floor length skirt came' to a point at the bodice. Her embroidered net ï¬ngertip veil was fastened to a small crown made of the same material as the dress and she carried a cascade bouquet of pink roses and stephâ€" anotis. At -a‘ double ring ceremony in Zion Lutheran Church, Sher- wood, on Saturday, September 3, Reta Catharine Kefler, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roland G. Keffer, Sherwood, and Arthur Edmund Moore ,son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Moore, Toronto. ex'- changed wedding vows. Rev. E. J. Fischer officiated at the cere- mony against a background of pastel gladioli. Mrs. Charles Grubbe played the weeding mus- ic and Mri Arnold Peterv égï¬Ã©, "0 Perfect Love†and the “Wed- dirlg .Songâ€. Among those who entertained in honor of Miss Reta Keï¬er of Sherwood prior to,‘ her marriage on Saturday to Art Moore of Toronto, were Mrs. Jack Mc- Gregor, a miscellaneous shower at the home of the groom’s par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Moore of Toronto. and Mrs. Chas. Grubbe, Mrs. Allan Orr and Mrs. Jesse Bryson. a kitchen shower at the home of Mrs. Orr, Victor- ia Square. Mrs. David Barton of Carrville entertained at a personal shower and the girls at the township of- ï¬ce, Maple, held a personal shower at the home of Zion Lu- theran Church held a corn roast at the home of Mrs. Earl Boeck- ner at which they presented Miss Ket‘fer with a copper flower hold- "er. A Sherwood community shower was held last month at Four Generations Represented At Moore - Keffe'r Wedding Mr. Bagg. 3 ONE exhibitor for 51 years, was chosen Monday as guest of the fair at the evening grandstand show. On Monday night, the man who walked to his ï¬rst Ex leading cattle for competition, rode to the front of the grandstand in a shiny new car with Ed Sullivan, star of the show. He was introduced to the crowd that jammed the grand- ‘stand, then escorted to a seat to watch the rest of the show. Wins 33 Ribens The dairy cattle show at the CNE ended Monday and beef an- imals were moving into the ring, but the show wasn’t over for Alf Bagg of Edgeley. Reta Keffer Honoured!Prior _To Marriage Last Saturday Edgeley Stock Breeder Saiuted At Grandstand For 51 Years In Show Ring For Alf Bagg. it was quite a night, but his appearance in Fraserdale Rex's Honey Bloom was Junior Champion Female and Fraserdale Rex’s Harp was Reserve Junior Champion. Fras- erdale Jeweller was Junior Champion Bull. Second prizes were won in the Graded Herd and the Dairy Herd groups. Adding an interesting and. Fraserdale Farms. Concord, was represented with a ï¬ne entry in the Guernsey Show at the Canadian National Exhibition. The awards which Jack Fraser received numbered 7 ï¬rsts, 9 seconds, 3 thirds, 3 fourths, 2 ï¬fths and 1 sixth prizes. Wins 33 Ribbons At CNE Show Fraserdale Guernsey Heifer Presented To Ed Sullivan Farm Entries Take 24 Awards County App. Co. Ltd. We specialize in Sales & Service to the following: Admiral ' RCA General Electric Westinghouse Phillips Hallicrafter Marcon'i Electrohome ‘ Fairbanks-Morse Factory Trained Technicians 90% of all repairs made in the home Present at the wedding was a representation of four genera- tions on both sides of the family. On the groom’s side were Mr. and Mrs. Moore and their great- granddaughter. Joanne Mc‘Greg- or and on the bride‘s side were Mrs. J. Jackson and her great- grandchildren, Ruthie Bryson, Brian Grubbe and Ronald and Anita Orr. On their return, Mr. and Mrs Mo_ore will yeside atVKing. In the evening Mrs. Arnold Peter of King and Mrs. C. J. Horan of Toronto presided at the tea table. The assistants in- cluded Mrs. Chas. Grubbe, Mrs. Jesse Bryson and Mrs. Allan Orr, the bride’s sisters and Mrs. Earl Boeckner and Miss Lorna Mcâ€" Kay. Also assisting were Mrs. John Guest, Mrs. L. Keï¬er, Mrs. Harry Jackson, Mrs. J. Rodick and Miss Elizabeth French. Presiding at the tea table in the afternoon were Mrs. George Jackson of Downsview and Mrs. Ross Keffer of Gormley. They were assisted by Mrs. Bob Mc- Quillan, Miss Pat Knowles and Misvaarjory Knowles. the church Mrs. R. G. Keï¬er entertained at a trousseau tea in honor of her daughter on Monday after- noon and evening, August 29. front of the grandstand didn’t give him more pleasure than the recollection of ribbons tacked up around the stalls where his Jeré seys have been on display. i With 25 animals entered in the Jersey Show, Mr. Bagg ahd Sons received 33 ribbons, together with the -Premier Breeders Ban- ner and the Premier Exhibitors Banner. Included in their winnings were 7 ï¬rsts, 12 seconds, 4 thirds, 2 fourths. 3 ï¬fths, 2 sixths, 2 sevenths and 1 eighth. Edgelea Beacon Monopoly was Reserve Junior Champion male. Edgelea Beacon Jester Prin- cess, a four year old cow, milk- ing, became Senior and Grand Champion of ’the show. On behalf of the Guernsey Breeders, the ï¬rst prize Senior Yearling Heifer. Fraserdale Fore Janice, from the farm of Jack Fraser was presented to Mr. Sul- livan. pleasant climax to the Guernsey Show, Ed. Sullivan, newsman and TV personality, who is em- ceeing the grandstand show at the CNE. presented the banners and trophies to the top award winners of the show. Mr. Sulli- van is himself the owner of a ï¬ne herd of milking Guernseys on his dairy farm in Connecticut, USA. AV. 5-2149 BA. 1-1384 Service Call $3.50 SERVICE WILLOWDALE 6186 Yonge St. Edgelea World Beacon 3rd. which was 2nd in the two year old bull division has been sold to an Australian buyer. In the groups, Mr. Bagg had the\ best Junior Herd as well as the top Get of Sire, Junior Get of Sire, and Progeny of Dam. Hé also received 2nd prize with his Progeny of Dam group as well as his Graded Herd. Recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Godfrey were Mr. Godfrey’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. George Godfrey of Owen Sound. and rM. and Mrs. Allan Jibb, Janice and Murray of Bal- timore. ‘ The Edgeley Stock and Dairy Farm Trophy donated by Rich- ard McCleary, ‘Edgeley, and aw- arded annually to top winner in the Guernsey Groups competi- tion at the CNE was awarded this year to Ernest Crossland. New- market and was presented by Ed. Sullivan. emcee of the TV variety show, Toast of the Town. Mr. and Mrs. Nels Peelar re- turned' home September 7 after a week long motor trip to Min- demoya on Manitoulin 15., where they' paused half a day to ï¬sh in Lake Manitou. They also visited Espanola and other lakehead points before returning home. Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. George Bagg on the occasion of their 39th wed- ding anniversary, September 6. Happy birthday wishes are ex- tended Mrs. Alex Hunter. who celebrated her birthday Septem- ber 7. - ~ THERE'S" A LOT OF! DIFFERENCE IN mswe‘ .To THE TOP AND some! ' UP‘IN THE AiR.’ You can have an EXTENSION telephone anywhere in your home “i... less than ::;In the basement laundry, workshop or playroomâ€" EXTENSIONS are convenient, morning, noon and nigh?! ;;.in bedroom, hall or guestroomâ€"from attic to garage-â€" EXTENSIONS save time, steps and energy; provide privacy. Edgeley Socials (all our Telephone Business Office for an immediate installation //â€"E BE SAFE AND SAY â€" "THE TORONTO lAUNDERERS’ WAYM 63 Yonge St. SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED and CLEANED Complete Septic Tank Repair Service Accurate Septic Tank Service BA. 1-8000 We will pick up and deliver anywhere in Toronto Metro area. $.73 ! Telephone anytime, day or night. ’M LOCAL AGENT ~ 5,; HEATING & APPLIANCES Oil Burners Installed & Repaired Furnaces Vacuum Cleaned FRANK PASSER THE LIBERAL Over 25 Yearé In Business R. R. 1 Willowdale J. FOX & SON TU. 4-1610 TU. 4-1261 If you have Mo or more extra telephones put in your home at the some time, you are only thurged for on installation. a day «111 Richmond Hill \MA. 1313