TELEPHONE TU. 4-1261 Baptist Mission Circle The ï¬rst fall meeting of the Women’s Mission Circle was held last Wednesday [and was well attended. After the install- ing of new oï¬icers, the president Miss G. Stevens presided. Mrs. Twine and Mrs. Bowyer render- ed a duet entitled “I Heard the Voice of Jesus" and after a ses- sion of prayer for the various 'mission ï¬elds, Mrs. Calvin Chambers, who was guest speak- e’r, inspired all to greater miss- ionary endeavour as she told of the fear and darkness in which the people of Angola live. Many interesting objects were shown which the women use in cook- ing and cultivating the land. ' The centrepiece at the refresh- ment table was a lovely birthday cake made by Mrs. Twine to cel- ebrate the circle's third birthday. At the October meeting pictures of Kltlmat will be shown and ev- erybody will be welcome. i Mr. and Mrs. Willard Simpson returned from Lake of Bays. Muskoka over the Labor Day week-end following the closing pf Idylwylde Lodge. They re- turned agaln briefly to bring pack with them a couple of their employees who enjoyed a pleas. ant fisit in Toronto and area. Special Cu_b Meotlng .- n ,1, 1-.--1. wyvvuu -__ _ I A special meeting of Cub Pack A, Thornhill, took place last Thursday to honor cub Dun- 'ean McLaren, 12, who leaves shortly to attend Trinity College School in Port Hope. The event took the form of a corn and wein- er roast, received a good turn- ‘put and was thoroughly enjoyed by all. Duncan. who is a Senior Sixer in the cubs was given the pack cheer and led the group in the Last Grand Howl. ' Cub Leader Vic Palmer re- ports that the pack is moving into new quarters for future meetings. The new quarters )vhere the pack will meet every Thursday will be the auditorium of Thornhi’ll Public school. They formerly met at the hut in Thornhill park but this was too hard to heat and rather cramped for spage. Mr. John Lennox. Arnold Ave. Thornhill, suffered a brief heart attack last week but is fully re- covered now. His many friends wish him the best of health. The many friends of Mrs. Tom Jackson, Mill street. Thornhill, will be sorry to learn that she is now a patient at St. oJlm’s Con- valescent Home at Newtonbrook. It is rgported she went in last FROM â€" THE BASEMENT TO THE ROOF House Repairs & Alterations week Oxford St., Richmond Hill TU. 4-1810 M. ‘CANNON Sr. rl‘hornhill, Ont. Chinese Telephone TU. 4-1650 THORNHILL SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS Experienced women or trainees 5 Day Week â€"- Clean Modern Plant L. C. TOBIAS CO. LTD. 29 Wellington St. W., Aurora . PArkview _7 427 5 HEDGES FOR YOUR (HOME THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ont: Thursday, September LADIES’ CREPE SLIPS $1.98 LOVELY FULL FASHION NYLONS, 15-51, 89c Doncaster Nursgry‘ NEW WORK -- ALTERATIONS â€" REPAIRS Thornhill Socials inese Elm & Privett at reasonable prices 7 Evergreens, Flowering Shrubs, Shade Trees \ ’ FALL SWEATER SPECIAL Ladies Cardigans All Wool (Aurora Knit) ROGER PRUULX Reg. $7.98, SPECIAL $6.98 THE ADA-LANE SHOP PLUMBING 8: HEATING Free Estimates Gladly Given CALL ANY TIME AV. 5-1688 Stop 14A Yohgé St. I Trustees To Meet With Councils Work May Start Soon On Paving Thornhill Park Road Trustee George Giles reported at last Wednesday’s Thornhill trustees meeting that in order to transfer additional funds to the reserve fund by-law as per the agreement with the Lions club. an additional by-law would have to be created for each transfer made. He also stated that the Community Centre Committee had_been requested to transfer the $6,500 they were holding into the fund. but as y_et no official notiï¬cation had been received that the transfer had """~. He added that un- officially he had heard that the «70-...-u to making the transfer of the funds until such time as they had read the by- m Kn estimate of $211.80 was re- ceived from W. J. McIntosh, of Richvale for the coinstructiflon ‘of law a three-foot sidewalk on Centre street. The suggestion was made that the sidewalk be built in con- ju‘nction with the building of the new highway. The contractor was advised to wait until notiï¬ca- tion from the trustees. The trustees learned that both Markham and Vaughan township councils were ready to meet with the village trustees to discuss an agenda which would include ï¬re, water, garbage col- lection, etc. The secretary was asked to notify the councils that a meeting could be arranged at their convenience. ‘â€" Two quotations were received for the paving of the road at the entrance. exit and ‘back of the Thornhill park. Included in the job would be the removal of trees. sodding, excavating and lay_ing of tile drain, the move- ment of a hydro pole and the cutting back of lilac’bushes.‘ The two quotations were from Beamish Construction, $6,950 and Warren Bituminous. $7,178. The Beamish Construction Com- pany quotation was accepted sub- (Held over from last week) Dr. George Kelly, Sr., had a slight accident recently which resulted in a serious eye opera- tion. While he was clearing brush in the ga'rden, a stick flew up and hit him in the eye. At the time it did not bother him a great deal, but later a case of acute glaucoma developed and ,. ,1 L___ A“ uyuuv a .. -___ he was rushed to hospital for an emergency Operation. Fortun- afely his sight was not impaired and he is recovering nicely, we are glad to report. Jack Stephenson has gone out west for a visit with his family. While Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hood are on a trip to California. Mrs. Lloyd Grove is staying with the children. Charles Barker, son of Mr The Liberal is always pleased to publish items 0! Interest contributed by its readers in the Thornhlll area . . . In order that your items may appear in The Liberal slm‘ ply phone TU. 4-1261. 221 Lawrence Ave. Richmond Hill CORRESPONDENT : MRS. F. B. LEAF R. R. 2 Gonnley â€" Phone AXminster 3-6188 var frnm last week) [and Mrs. George Barker: vyho BUTTONVILLE NEWS AV. 5-2535 It was reported at the meeting that the Ontario Departmext of Highways would take over the construction job of raising the corner of Mill Rd. and old Yonge street. The Highway de- partment had originally request- ed that Old Yonge street be clos- ed. but to do this Mill Road would have to be raised and im- proved. In addition. property owners in the area requested that something be done to make the corner more safe. ject to approval of the Ontario Dept. of Highways: H ' Fall Meeting Of Trinity W. A. The ï¬rst fall meeting of the Woman's Auxiliary of Trinity Anglican Church was held at the Rectory on Thursday. Septem- ber 8. Rev. S. A. R. Wood open- ed the meeting with prayer. Re,- ports were read by officers of the W.A. It was decided that the last meeting in May would be a set date for the W.A. annual pic- nic. Arrangements have been made for a travelogue “The Golden Empire of Peru," to be shown October 19. Members were reminded to put" aside any good used clothing for the bale Which will be sent to the Mission settlement in Collinton, Alberta. the latter part of October. Rev. Wood gave an interesting talk on the study book for the new. year. Two new members were welcomed; Mrs. J. N. C. Hill and Mrs. R. J. Spanton. Refreshments were served. Hostesses were Mrs. W. Robinson land Mrs. J. Spanton. The next meeting will be held in the church hall at 10 am. Thursday, September 22. , for the past two years has been a member of Alfred Perry’s woodcarving class at the John Madsen Folk School,,was aWard- ed ï¬rst prize for his entry (3 hand carved salad bowl and ser- veer at the Canadian National Exhibition. Charles is the ï¬rst pupil of Mr. Perry’s ever to en- ter this competition. Miss‘Lena and Mr. Tom Frazer of Toronto were guests at the home of their sister and brother- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Craig, last week end. With Labour Day week-end, church services on the Victoria Square charge were back on schedule. Rev. A. C. Huston again occupied the pulpit and many of the regular attendants who have been away through the summer were back in their usual places. â€" Miss Audrey Scott was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. James McQuay last week-end. ‘ When Mrs." Major of M-H Farms returned home from a trip to Edmonton, she discovered that her son Raymond had spent the time with his foot in a cast. The day after she left for the west, he fell off the tractor and broke his ankle. Sorry to hear that so many were afflicted by the flu bug lately â€" among them Mrs. John Wilkins and Bob, and Wesley Fierheller. While Mrs. S. .1. English was away last week, she visited rela- tives in Chatham, Ridgetown and London. On Sunday she at- tended ,the church where Rev. Mr. Currey preaches in London. Sympathy of the community is extended to Mrs. James Mc- Quay. whose sister Amy. Mrs. Leonard Blackler of Oshawa, passed away on Wednesday of last week. Mrs. Blackler was a frequent visitor at the McOunv home. and had been in poor health for several years. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Burns who lived in the S. R. Patterson place before moving to Leaslde several years ago, are now living near Alliston. Misses Nancy and Jean Vau- ghan of Cannington visited Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Vaughan last week-end. While here, they paid their ï¬rst visit to the ONE and had their ï¬rst subway ride. Until the new addition to Butâ€" tonville school is completed, ap- proximately three week from now. classes for all the ildren except beginners will be held in the old school room, with the tea chers working out a schedule to suit the conditions. There will be no swing shift. Neighborhood Notes Bob Miller has returned from Vancouver where he worked on a C.P.R. boat this summer. Bob will go to 'Guelph next week-end to register at O.A.C. Merilyn Magee, Mary Hooper, Donald Tribbling, Bruce Putnam. Jacqueline Johnstoin, Judy Hard and Gail Steï¬ler all boarded the school bus for RHDHS last Tues- day morning. High school stu- dents from this section still at- tend the session which begins .at l noon. When school started last Tues- day, Mrs. Walter Craig was back behind her desk again. Mrs. Craig has not been able to teach tsJince her accident last Novem- er. 15, 195 Asks For Rat'epayers’ Assent Trustee Sumner Refuses To Sign Park Agreement With Lions Club A meeting of historic signiï¬cance took place last Wednesday night when the Thornhill Village Trustees met with members of the Thornhill Lions club to sign the much discussed agreement which leases the Thornhill Park to the Lions Club to care for and maintain. Trustee George Giles started the meeting by explain- ing the deletions made at the previous Trustees’ meeting and veriï¬ying the fact that the Lions Club was in full ac- cord with the alterations made in the agreement. He then read the agreement clause by clause so that all could fully appreciate 1t. Lions president Hal Harley stated that the agreement had been discussed on numerous oc- casions at various club meetings and that the club as a whole was in full agreement with it. Trustee Alan Sumner question- ed the statemnt that the Lions Club was in full accord, stating that he had heard of dissenting voices and knew of some Lions that were luke-warrd on it. He pointed out that unless the club was in unanimous accord, the agreement couldn’t be signed. Mr. Harley reiterated his pre- vious statement, saying that the club was in full accord and that they as representatives of the club had come to the meeting with the understanding that the agreement was ready to be sign- e . Objected All Along Trustee Sumner stated that he had objected to the agreement all along and would not sign it. His objection was in not allow- ing the ratepayers to have a voice in what was done with the park in as much as it was their park. He made a verbal motion that he objected to the agree- ment and would not sign it until some formal assent is received from all ratepayers. Mr. Harley answered, say- ing that trustee Summer's objec- tion to the agreement was an in- ternal matter for the Trustees themselves to work out and did not oï¬ect the Lions Club. Since a majority of the trustees were in favor of the agreement, there was no valid objection to going ahead with it. The sum of $2.00 was given to the trustees by the Lions club and the agrement was signed. Trustees Giles and MacNeil sign- ed for the village and president Hal Harley and secretary Dave Booth signed for the Lions. Wit- nessing the égreement for the Lions Club were Messrs. Jack Bentham, Gordon Davis. Mc- Taggart-Cowan. and C. Spwdon. After the signing of the ag- reement, Trustee Giles clariï¬ed Thornhill HorticUitural Society Wins At C.N.E. The baskets were arranged by Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Smith, Mrs. Percy Bone and Mr. Allan Sum- ner. on behalf of the society. In commenting on this splen- did achievement, Mr‘ R. C. Poul- ter, president of the society, said. “Naturally we are extreme- ly pleased and we offer our con- gratulations and thanks to the loyal members who repared and entered the baske s. and- to those who contributed flowers for. them. In the four competitions for baskets entered by horticultural societies in Ontario, Thornhill swept the boards by capturing four ï¬rst prizes. An enviable record was estab- lished by the Thornhill Horti- cultural Society at the Canadian National Exhibition Flower Show. “The preparation of these ex- hibition baskets requires con- Siderable talent. and also a great amount of time. The winning of these four awards has brought honour to our society." The only member of the soc- iety to enter as an individual was Mrs. L. J. Smith and she won one ï¬rst, two seconds and two fourth prizes for floral arâ€" rangements. Takes Four First Prizes STOUFFVILLE : For the con- venience of residents ‘in the east end of the town. a large unit containing individual mail boxes has been installed. On Monday night. the Vaughan Twp. Planning Board approved a plan whereby a section of land on Number Seven highway, at Thornhill,‘ a quarter of a mile east of Yonge street would be made into a wild life sanctuary. The land con- tains a small pond, surround. ed by bullrushes and is of- ten a haven for birds and water-fowl who rest there during their periodic migra- tions. Plan Wild-Lif e Preserve the point in regard to whether the trustees had authority to go into an agreement without con- sulting the ratepayers. He stated that the matter had been fully investigated and found to be pos- sible. ' Continuing. Trustee Giles sta- ted that the Lions Club is assum- ing a terriï¬c responsibility and only the future can show wheth- er the agreement was best. A spokesman for the Lions group stated that they were fully aw- are of the responsibility they were shodldering and intended to carry it out to the full letter of the agreement. Lion president Harley added that their intention was to tie in the various people interested in the park into an active organiza- tion to beautify and maintain it. He said that the Lions had no in- tention of acting as a dictatorial group but rather as a coâ€"ordin- ating group in working with oth- ers. Synopsis of Agreement The agreement calls for the payment of the sum of $2.00 by the Lions club to the trustees. The Lions Club also agrees to assume full responsibility for the operation and maintenance of the park and buildings on it. Any al- terations, additions or major changes in the park or buildings must ï¬rst be approved by the Nillage- trustees. As of January 1, the Club will manage the park, including the swimming pool and may employ the A.R.C. to supervise the re- creational programing. All mon- ies received in the operation of the park will be paid to and conâ€" trolled by the club which will pay to the trustees on Decem- ber 31 of each year $2,500.00 or the net revenue from the swim- ming pool whichever is the less- er.- The trustees in turn will transfer the rent money paid by the Lions Club to the reserve fund previously set up until the fund reaches a balance of $11,- 000. ‘ The fund can be drawn on Next Horticultural Meeting “Flower :Arrangements’ will be the subject of a talk and demâ€" onstration to be given by Mr. Percy Bone before the Thornhill Horticultural Society at their nextvmeeting on Tuesday. Sept. 20. Mr. Bone has been an active member of the Thornhill Society for many years and is a past president of the society and the Ontario Horticultural Associa- tion. He is a director of the Canadian National Exhibition and chairman of the Exhibition Horticultural Division. The September meeting will also feature an interesting flow- er show, at which Mr. E. Kohler and Mr.-Phillip Delf will act as judges. Cartoon Cartoon Cartoon (Technicolor) Loretta Young Jeff Chandler TRIAL WITHOUT JURY Robert Rockwell SEPTEMBER 17, 19 Sat" Mon. FAIR WIND T0 JAVA (Technicolor) Fred MacMun-ay Vera Ralston RIDE THE MAN DOWN (Technicolor) Brian Donlevy Ella Raines SEPTEMBER: 15, 16 Thurs.. Fri. TEXAS RANGERS (Technicolor) George Montgomery Gale Storm STAGE T0 TUCSON SEPTEMBER 20, 21 Tues.. Wed. BECAUSE OF YOU Rod Cameron Wayne Morris News News News When the reserve fund is fully built up, the revenue derived from thyswimming pool will be used by the club on a 50-50 has- is half will be invested in the recreational facilities in Thorn- hill and the other half will be invested in an area bounded on the south by Steeles. on the east by Bayview, on the west by Bath- urst, and on the north by No. 7 Highway. by the Lions Club with the ap- proval of the trustees. but if the fund drop‘s below the $11,000 level it must be built up again. The agreement can be term- inated by either party on six month‘s notice and expires on the 3lst of December. 1960. Phone TUrner 4-2881 WWW STUART PAXTON Electrician WIRING LINE WORK Thornhill Pharmacy C. E. Stoneburg Chemist & Druggist AV. 5-2503 Yonge St. the idea] method for pre- paring ground for new lawns, either seeded or sod- ded, mulching .Weeds in gar- den and berry patches, kill- ing twitch. All orders executed prompt- ly by (Rotovation Specialists) NOBLETON Phone Bolton 2275 ' or TU. 4-1124 (Stan Troyer) At a meeting of the Thorn- hill Library Board held last Thursday night it was decid-, ed to give notice to the land- lord of the present quarters that the Library intends to vacate. Although negotia- tions are still under way, the library plans to move into their new quarters at the L’- Aventure home by the ï¬rst of October. The L'Aven- tures are expected home early in October, and it is hoped the lease can be sign- ed then. The Library Board feels the move into the new quar- ters is a wise one and looks forward to it with interest and excitement. The new li- brary quarters will have plenty of room for expans- ion and have the advantage of housing the proposed Bart Edwards Memorial Li- brary room. Library To Move October Ist TOM BALDING & SONS Max Factor Cosmetics Prescription Service ROTOVATING View-Master Reels Expert Drug Service WAR ON MUD AND POT HOLES.’-.---- 'AVENUE 5-2211 THORNHILL‘ SAND GRAVEL CRUSHED STONE LOAM FILL NEW EQUIPMENT Why not let us call and survey your requirements? Thornhill Vitamins Convenient Monthly Payment Plan Available HAVE YOUR DRIVEWAY PAVE!) ! THE COST Is SURPRISINGLY LOW ON ‘ ASPHALT PAVING L. W. REID EXPERIENCED STA FF Official Plan Markham Township , That was a bit rough on the poor fellow who couldn’t buy a new carâ€"but thank goodness the old 1aw\ot supply and demand has come back and everybody gets, a better break. The new car buyer is king these days, he’s getting the best' deals in decades, and the used car buyer can take advantage of the normal depreciation on cars to get his good deals. A lot of things have changed in the u?:i car business in the 1~ast few years. But these days a station wagon, now that'they’ve got steel bodies, depreciate in just about the same way as a sedan. -' ‘ They’re ideal for the large family, or the family that likes country outings with lots of camping and holiday gear around. They’re a godsend for the handyman who may be carting lumber and tools around, or the' suburban family that stocks up on a lot of supplies or the gardening family that packs fertilizers, tools and plants around. BOB’S ESSO SERVICE STATION Markham Township ratepayers are invited to attend meetings at which the proposed official plan for Markham Township will be presented at the following places and\dates: Perhaps you remember in the 1940’s and oven in the early 1950's how a lucky motorist could buy a new can drive it around for a year or so, and sell it used for almost what he paid for it. But some of the old bugbears remain. Maybe you’ve heard. ior instance, that station wagon: are \an outsiand~ ing buy as used cars because they depreciate faster than ordinary cars. Well, that used to be true when station wagon: had wooden bodies outside and the paint soon cracked and peeled. More and more people are turning to station wagons. though, as the ideal family car (and this makes them a good buy either new or used because their popularity makes them no more a risk for future trade-in than any oihet car.) Most people 111210 day: could find a use for I good station wagon. E Specializing in Minor Repairs and Lubrication Henderson Avenue School, Henderson, Wednesday, September 21, 8.30 pm. Chen-y Hill Farm. No. 7 Highway at Con. 7 Markham Tuesday, September 27, 8.30 pm. NOW UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT ANNOUNCING Thornhill YONGE AND ARNOLD WORK GUARANTEED