Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 15 Sep 1955, p. 5

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‘ RICHMOND HILL . . FAIRWAY GARDENS LTD. ' STOP 24 - 'YONGE ST. - TU. 4- 2861 ‘ RICHMOND HILL LIONS’ HALL Monday, Sept. 26 The sympathy of the district is extended to M.'s J. H. Rice. of Richmond Hill, in the 1955 of her mother, Mrs. Helen Pooley. who passed away last week at the Stoufiville Nursing home. The late Mrs. Pooley was laid to rest in Little Lake cemétery at Peterboro. L Mr. and Mrs. Jack W'oodheau and Kenneth returned to Mont- real via TCA after spending two weeks with the former’s parents. Mr. ’and Mr's. Les Baker, of Wright Street. . o e at 3 The Harvest Thanksgiving Ser- vices for St. Marys Anglican Church. Richmond,Hill, will be held Sunday. Sept. 25. There will be an early Celebration of Holy Communion at ‘8.30 Recently an attr: iron handrail has on the steps from the sidewalk at S glican church. 1 t t pathy to Ml‘S- 1 Richmond -Hill of her father. 1 Mr. ‘and Mrs. I to the village ‘ cently t0 ViSi Plaxton‘ Mr away at the Pl suffering 8 he Friday night- Mr. and Mrs. J. Stewart and family of Lawrence Ave. have recently returned from an ex- tensive summer trip to the West where they attended the Calgary Stampede. The return trip was made via Los Angeles and through the United States. ' Mrs. J. J. McCabe. Lawrence Ave. has returned home after an enjoyable trip to the British Isles and Western Europe. Dur- ing her trip, Mrs. McCabe visit- ed relatives, in Ireland and while in Italy. obtained an audience with the Pope. _ The Teacher Training Course for the Sunday School staff of St. Mary’s Anglican Church will begin its fall classes this Sun- day evening after church at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Don Fet- tes, 99 Lucas St. mm. and morning and evening services at 11 am. and 7 pm. The Rev. Maurice Flint. well- known Toronto Clergyman will be the guest preacher at the 11 um. service. The community Registration Monday, Sept. 19, 3-6 pm. Classes in Ballet (Cecchetti Method) Leading to the Imperial Society Examinations Pre-Ballet. work for younger children. For further information before the 19th please telephone Main Studio, Toronto, WA. 2-l623 Betty Oliphant School of Dancing HILDA BRINTON, M.I.S.T.D. - C.D.T.A. )mmunity' extends sym- Ml‘s. Donald Plaxton of :1 -Hill. on the passing Ither, Mr. C. B. Palmer. Mrs. Palmer had come illage from Windsor re- 0 visit Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Palmer passed the Plaxton home after a heart seizure last lut-w- -..-.. lewwnper will also welcome new: report; gm: church orzmmflm ,wom’a and men‘s “defies. lodges and other groups. Whlle copy will be ae- cepted up to Wednesday of each week, 1; 1. ammo to have it In elrller 1! possible to ensure he publi- cation. an attractive wrought The Junibr Choir Of St. 1ail has been ereCLed I'y'S_Anglican Church has resu )s from the street to ed Its regular weekly practi Lk at St. Mary's An- on Wednesday afternoon at 4 The Liberal ls always glld to receive social Ind. personal Items for flu: page and I call to TUner 4-1261 rwlll reeclge com “union. 1"“. ,L__- Jack W‘oodheéd Under the directiofi of The Junibr Choir of St. Ma- ry‘s Anglican Church has resum- ed its regular weekly practices on Wednesday afternoon at 4. Dr. H. H. MacKay is attending an International Wildlife con- ference in Augusta. Georgia, this week. ‘ Mrs. J. N. Hepburn and son Kenneth. left Tuesday morning for a weeks vacation in Buffalo. Mrs. David Hill and Mrs. S. A. Devitt called on friends this week after a delightful cruise on the S. S. Norgama from Owen Sound to Killarney, Little Cur- rent, Gore Bay, Sault Ste. Marie. Whitefish Bay. and Lake Super- 101'. Sympathy is extended to Mel- ville P. Maltby who was bereav- ed last week by the sudden pass- ing of his brother Albert Slan~ ley Maltby who died Sunday, September 4. in Edmonton Gen- eral Hospital as a result of in- juries received ln 2: motor acci- dent. ~The funeralewas held in Toronto on Friday. September 9. and interment followed in the Brampton cemetery. Mrs. J. W. E. Newbery. daugh- ter of Mrs. D. Bost, Centre street. Richmond Hill. has been delayâ€" ed for six days by .the dock Shrike in New York City in her efforts to return to her home in Trinidad. At present, She is try- ing to arrange to fly back to join her husband who is head of the Theological college in Trinidad. Mr .and Mrs. Norman C. Chat- terley will be moving to their new home at Jackson's Point on Friday. Mr. Chatterley recent- ly was appointed manager of the Sutton Hydro district. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Beresford will be moving into the Chatterley home, at 89 Yonge St. The regular monthly meeting of the Richmond Hill Veteran's Auxiliary was held at the home of Mrs. Donald Andrews on Sep- tember 12. The memhers regretâ€" fully received the resignation of Mrs. Derek Andrews as Secret- ary. Reports were received on the annual tea held in June and the picnic which was held in August. The monthly draw was won by Mrs. Donald Andrews. The meeting ended with euchre and refreshments. Euchre priz- es were won by Mrs. R. Mad- docks and Mrs. G. Paterson. KERSWILL â€" Bruce and Mar- ion are happy to announce {he birth of their son, James Nel- son. September 7. 1955, at Newmarket I brother for Frances. *lwll SMITH â€" Mr. and Mrs. Donald Smith, nee Margaret Brown, are happy to announce the birth 9f 3 daughter. Donna Su- zanne, Monday, September 12, 1955 at Grace Hospital, Tor- onto a baby sisteb for Bryan. Mr. and Mrs. C. Turnbull, of Richvale. wish to announce the engagement of their daughter Norma Helen to Mr. William Finlay Sim, son of Mr. and Mrs4 Colin Sim, Steele's Ave. clwll Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Howden, Richmond Hill. Ontario, an~ 'nounce the engagement of their daughter, Eva Leona Heather to 'Harold Ross Druery. son of Mr. and the late Mrs. .George Druery, Newmarket. The wed- ding will take place Saturday evening at 7 o'clock. October 8, in Richmond Hill United Church. *lwll In memoriam MCQUARRIE â€" In loving mem- ory of Dad and Grandpa, Isaac McQuarrie, who mssed away September 20. 1954. His weary hours and days of pain. His troubled mghts are past. And in our aching hearts we â€"-â€"Lovingly remembered by son Don. daughter-inâ€"law Freda and kiddies. c1w11 MCQUARRIE â€"- In loving mem- ory of a dear husband and fa- ther, Isaac McQuarrie. 'who passed away September 20, 1954. Somewhere back in the sunset, Where loveliness never dies, He dwells in the land of glory. With the blue and the gold of the skies, And we who have known {and ‘ loved him ‘ Whose passing brought us tears, Will cherish his memory always, Down Athrpugh the passing yeags. â€" Lovinély rememberâ€"ed ai‘id missed by wife Myrtle and fam- ily. clwll The September meeting of the Women‘s Institute of Richmond Hill. was held Thursday. Sep- tember 8. in the Presbyterian church. The guest speaker, Norman Todd, a well-known Richmond Hill lawyer, was introduced by Mrs. Taylor. Mr. Todd spoke on the subject, “Laws Governing Wills." He explained many points in the Law. Mr. Todd .3150 gave a very interesting re- viey of the Millar Will. Mrs. Davis gave a report on her five day Institute holiday at Guelph. Mrs. Phipps showed an Institute Pin brought to her by a friend visiting the Scottish Women’s Rural Institute, Island of Gigha,‘Argyleshire, Scotland. know. He has found sweet rest at last Norman Todd Addresses W.|. At the Markham Fair this year, the institute plans three entries in Modelling Old Time Costumes. The Institute is also sponsoring a hobby display at the Markham Fair. Ladies plan- ning to display hobbies are re quested to bring their displays to Mrs. Pollard not later than Wednesday, September 23. VHMrsT Purcell sang a solo ac- companied by Mrs. Harvey dur- ing they program. QEngagementg MAN WANTED For full particulars of duties, et'c., apply to RUSSELL LYNETT, IApplications will be received by the under- signed up until Mon-I day, September 26, for a position on the main- tenance staff of the Village of Richmond Hill. State full particu- lars of experience. Clerk. Richmond Hill The Richmond Hill District of the Canadian Girl Guides Assoc- iation is resuming activities for the fall and winter season. All girls within the village limits are invited to join the movement. Girls 8-11 are Brownie age and may apply to the‘Packs listed be- low. Girls 11-15 are welcome in the Guide Company. Former Guiders,“ mothers and “g00d neighbors" are urgently needed to help in the various groups. For information please call. Dis- trict Commissioner, Mrs. E. Red- elmeier, TU. 4-3224. Richmond Hill GuidesAnd Brownies Resume Activities The Girl Guide Company meets each Tuesday evening at 7 o'clock in the Lions Community Hall with Mrs. John McCague as Captain. The Guides are plan- ning a fall tea and sale of work, and mothers and friends will be hearing about this event soon. This year. the Brownie Packs have been re-divided as follows: all Brownies at Yonge Street School and at Walter Scott School will be attending meet- ings at the Lions Club on Thurs- day afternoons at 4:15. with Mrs. Thomson as Brown Owl and Mrs. Meade as Tawny Owl. Any Brownies “on shift" at Walter Scott school will meet with Mrs. Thomson on Tuesday mornings John Thibert - Valena Chester Take Vows At Fort McLeod Baskets of mum-colored glad- ioli decorated Trinity church, at Fort McLeod. Alta. August 20. for the wedding of Valena Mae Chester, daughter of Mr. arid Mrs. M. G. Chester of Fort Mao- leod, Alberta. and John David Thibert. of Medicine Hat. son of Mr. and Mrs. Midas Thibert. of Richmond Hill. The REV. J. Muir officiated at the double ring cer- emony. and the wedding music was played by Mrs. A. McLean. The bride was escorted down the aisle by her father who gave her in marriage. Her ankle" length gown of white lace and' net over satin ’featured a fitted bodice with lilypoint sleeves, and, two rowsof velvet flowers cen-‘ tred with rhinestones outlined the portrait neckline. Her fin- gertip nylon net veil was held in place by a pill box hat of white lace; studded with rhinestones. She carried deep red baby rose- buds, arranged on white satin streamers. falling from a lace centrepiece. The bride‘s only sister. Mrs. Kaye Chester. was the brides- maid. Her ankle length gown of powder blue satin had a flower- ed net overskirt. and was worn with a short-sleeved bolero jacket. Her matching headpieca was a halo with rhinestone trim and a short veil and she carried a colonial bouquet of white car- nations and white gladioli, with lace ruffle and satinbows. The best man was Mr. Tom Gunter of Medicine Hat and the ushers were Norman Clarke and Leoinard Chester of Fort Mac- leo , ‘ /, On Sunday. September 11, a small group from the Richmond Hill Naturalists spent a reward- ing morning at Bond Lake through the courtesy of the qwn- ers. Their quest was for mi- grating birds and although not too many were seen, they had the big thrill of the day in a pair of ospreys. soaring and diving over the lake. Ospreys ,are also known as “Fish Hawks." These birds are large -â€" some have a wingspreaq up to six feet and have been known to fly at a speed of from 25 to 30 miles per hour. They are mainly fish eaters and when they have caught one are partic- ular that the fish is kept in One particular position while the bird is in flight. The plumage of this large bird is rather oily which imparts a special odour. Their feet are covered by small scales, while the soles of the feet are rough with many small horny spikes. There are no basal webs between the toes. Nestling ospreys have a brownish pink patterned down that is unlike other hawks. Ontario is a logical mace as a home for ospreys, as the many The Richmond Hill Lions Club met for the first megting of 1955â€" 56 on Thursday, September 8, at the Lions Hall with the new Pre- sident Lion Howard Jackman in the chair. A busy year was in- dicated by Lion Howard in his inaugural speech. Announcements were made by the three vice-presidents of the various committee chairmen and personnel under their jurisdic- tion. Bingos, which proved so popular last season, will be held weekly in the Lions Hall begin- ning Monday September 26. A new member was introduc- ed. Lion Orie Gilmore, 76 West- wood Lane, R. R. No. 1, Rich- mond Hill. Lion Orie is a teach- er at Forest Hill Collegiate. season Alternate business aid enter- tainment meetings will be held twice monthly throughout the The reception was held in the Nature Notes By Richmond Hill Naturalists at 10 until time tables are back to normal. All Brownies attending the MacKillop School will meet in the kindergarten room there on Thursdays at 4.15 with Mrs. A. Ripley as Brown Owl. Miss Pat Ball is continuing as Brown Owl of the pack which meets on Saturday mornings at 10 a.m. in the High School gym- nasium. Former members of this pack, and Brownies with activi- ties conflicting with their séhool pack meetings, will attend these meetings. " The York Division Ranger Co. invites ex-Guides and other girls 15 and over to join the Senior branch of the movement. The Company meets in Richmond Hill under Mrs. Philip Rumney and Mrs. John McCa‘gue (TU. 4- 1505). The first fall meeting of the Local Association takes place Wednesday evening, Octo- ber 5, at the home of Mrs. Jas. Langstafl. This association is a group of representative women in the community, interested in maintaining the activities of the movement in the village. We hope that 1955-56 will be a ban- ner year for the Girl Guide A:- sociation in the village. both in numbers and in enthusiasm. United church hall, which was beautifully decorated with pink and white streamers, andzvases of mixed summer flowers. The bride's table was centered by a four-tier wedding cake. .Mr. A. A. Neddow was master of cere- monies and the toast to the bride was proposed by her great- uncie, Mr. Cyrus Chester of Lethbridge. The bride's mother wore a two- piece dress of navy blue, with white accessories and a corsage of red roses. The mother of the groom chose a gown of dusty rose, with névy accessories. and her corsage was of yellow roses. Telegrains were read from Barrie apd Galt, Ont., and from Medicine Hat. The honeymoon is being spent at Waterton Lakes. The bride travelled in a suit of navy blue, with white accessories and wore a corsage of red roses. The young couple will reside at Medicine Hat, where the bridegroom is a radio announcer, with station CHAT there. Among the guests were the bride’s grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Chester, who will soon be celebrating their 60th wedding anniversary. The bride was born in Fort Macleod and received her edu- cation there. She later graduated as a nurse from Medicine Hat hospital: and served there for two years, later joining TCA as a stewardess.‘ Out-of-town guests were from Natal, Kimberley and Kitchener, B.C., ,Medicine Hat and Leth- bridge. It isn't until May as a rule that the birds return to the north from their winter homes in the Gulf ‘of Mexico region. Their call is shrill, being a “pee-a, pee- a, pee-a" sound. They often re- turn to their previous nest and add to or repair it. It is some- times noted that an osprey re- turns to the sa.‘ne nesting year after year. These bird homes are usually found at the top of some dead giant tree trunk ov- erlooking the surrounding for- est. lakes provide plenty of fish Ospreys usually lay three eggs. whitish tor tawny in colour and heavily marked with brown and drab. The latest fall date. noted of their migration to the South is October 22. Sanitary .Contractor C. STUNDEN Richmond Hill TU. 4-1245 Drains Cleaned & Repaired HOME REPAIR Roofing. Eavestroughing Chimney Brick 8; Cement Work, Caulking. Painting. Drain, General Repairs of Septic Tanks Pumped SPECIALISTS In all kinds of leaks. Work Done Immediately 24 Hour Service $ 300.00 STARTING TIME - 8 P. M. EACKPOT “ 52 Numbers Called Contractor Written Guarantee TU. 4-3344 all kinds RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. G. Higginson. B.A.. B.D. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 18. 1955 9.45 am. â€" Rally Day in the Sunday School 11 am. â€" Morning Service 7 p.m. â€"â€" Evening Service RlCHMOND HILL ST. MARY'S CHURCH (Anglican) Rev. A. A. Chote. B.A., B. TIL. SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 18. 1955 15th After Trinity “If thou canst believe. all things are possible to him that believ- eth" 8.30 am. â€" Holy Communion 9.45 am. -â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€" Holy Communion An Interesting Letter Rev. A. A. Chote Junior Congregation 2 pm. â€" Teen-age Bible Class 7 p.m, â€" Evening Prayer The Rector NOTE â€"- Harvest Thanksgiving Services will be held Sunday, September 25 Lord, we expect to suffer here. Nor, would we dare i‘epine; But give us still to find Thee near And own us still for thine. RlCHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN ‘ CHURCH Rev. J. N- Hepburn. Minister SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1955 11 am. â€" Worship Service 10 am. â€" Sunday School and Adult Bible Class RICHMOND HIL’L FREE METHODIST CHURCH Rev. Earl S. Bull, Minister Corner of Elmwood and Ruggles Church of the Light and Life Hour. CHML. 9 a.m.. Sunday SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER. 18. 1955 3 p.m. â€" Sunday School 7 pm. â€" Evening Worship The pastor's theme will be Christian SteWardship Wednesday 8 p.m. â€"â€" Prayer and Bible Study Pastor â€" R. H. Galbraith SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 18. 1955 10 am. -â€" Bible School This is “BRING ONE SUNDAY" in our Sunday school contest 11 am. â€" Morning Worship -â€" The Gideons in charge 7.30 pm. â€"â€" Evangelistic Service â€"â€" The Gideons ' â€"- Special music Temporary Location Masonic Hall, 15 Yange .St. N. “Where welcome» is more than a ' word" THORNHILL UNITED CHURCH Minister Rev. Earl B. Eddy. SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 18, 1955 11 am. â€" Morning Worship Church School TRINITY ANGLICAN CHURCH Thornhill Rev. S. A. R. Wood. B.A., Rector SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 18. 1955 v Mr. John Day 11 am. â€" Morning Prayer 8 am. â€"â€" Holy Communion 11 3M. â€"â€" Morning Prayer THORNHILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. C. H. Chambers. 3.11.. 3.0. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1955 11 am. â€"â€" Sermon ‘ ,' “Mountains and Mustard, Seeds” 7.30 pm. â€"- Adult Bible Study ‘ in the Manse Studies in fiesbyterian Doctrine Friday 7 p. . -â€"- Happy Hour Saturday, 7.30 pm. â€" 'Young Life Club Corn Roast THORNHILL BAPTIST CHURCH (Yonge Street, Stop 17) Rev. Percy G. Buck, B.A., B. TIL, Minister (5 Old Orchard Grove. Toronto 12, HU. 1-3142) SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 18, 1955 Hear Rev. Donato Saldias. Coch- amba, Bolivia. S.A., speak on Missions in that country 11 a.m. Sunday School Rally .. ll. a.m. “O taste and see that the Lord is good: blessed is the‘man that trusteth in Him’ 105th Anniversary 2.30 p.m. ~â€"â€" The Minister 7.30 pm. â€" Rev. M. J. Aiken, Ngwmarket, Ont. The Choir of Maple Church SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 18. 1955 (2 miles south of Maplef SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 18, 1955 Harvest Home Sunday School Morning Service TAKE NOTICE that all per- sons having claims against the Estate» of ARTHUR WADE. late of the Village of Richmond Hill, in the County of York. deceased, who died on _or about the 24th day of February. 1955. are re~ quired to send the same to the undersigned on or before the 6th day of October, 1955. after which date the undersigned will pro- ceed to distribute the assets of the estate having regard onlv tn the claims of which they then shall have notice. Dated the 12th day of Septem ber, 1955. J. ROY HERRINGTON. Executor c/o Norman A. Todd. Box 169. Richmond Hill, his solicitor Vespers RICHMOND HILL BAPTIST CARRVILLE UNITED CHURCH Rev. Earl 13. Eddy. B.A., 3.1)., Minister ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH School . . . . 10.30 g Service . . . . 9530 Holy Communion T0 CREDITORS NOTICE THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ont, Thursday, September 1‘5, 1955 7.30 CHURCH OF CHRIST Meeting in Concord School House Each Lord's Day evening at 7 run. Gospel Message Tune in CKEY (580) at 9.15 am. Matthew 15:13 â€" EVery plant which my Heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up. WILCOX GOSPEL CHURCH Wildwood Ave.. Wilcox Lake Pastor Allan Mack SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 18. 1955 11 am. - Morning Worship 2.30 p.m. â€" Sunday School 7 p.m. â€" Evangelistic Service Midweek Prayer 8: Praise - Thursday 8 p.m. LANG-STAFF BAPTIST CHURCH SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 18. 1955 Minister Rev. Wm. H. Hiltz, BA. Services Sunday 11:00 am. Bible School for all ages Gospel Service 7:00 p.m. Our Pastor will speak at both services Music: Keelsdale Ladies‘ Trio Wed. 8 p.m. -- Prayer Meeting Rev. A. G. Donald. M.C..‘ Minister SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 18. 1955 11 am. â€"- Anniversary Service Hope United Church Guest preacher â€" Rev. A. C. Forrest. B.A.. B.D., Editor of The United Church Observer Service of praise by choir of the MAPLE CHARGE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA . KingCi'ty Unitéd Church Services at Edgeley and Maple ' withdrawn Meets every Sunday morning at 9.45 a.m. in the Charles Howitt School SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 18, 1955 15th After Trinity 9.45 am. â€"â€" Sunday‘School Fall Opening 11 am. 8; 7 pm. â€"- Services in St. Mary‘s Anglican‘Church, Richmond Hill NOTE â€" All the children of the Richvale-Langstafi area are in- vited to attend this Mission Sun- day Schoo]. Interested parents who are willing to teach Sunday School are asked to contact Rev. Chote (TU. 4-1394) NEW’IDNBROOK BAPTIST CHURCH One Block East of Yonge 0n Madawaska ’Ave.. Stop 12A Pastor Rev. F. Vaughan, B. Th. 1 BA.‘ 1-4767 SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 18, 1955 10 to 10 â€"- Sunday School Study God's Wbrd with us. 11 am. â€"- Morning Worship Exposition of the Epistle to the Romans. V Junior Church and Babyland in charge of Trained Nurse. 3 pm. â€" Billy Graham Crusade Cars leave the church at 12.45. Free transportation to all. 7 p.m. â€"- Evangelistic Service Bright Gospel singing and music by the Oakwood Male Quartet. THE FRIENDLY CHURCH RALLY SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 18, 1955 9.45 a.m. â€" Breaking of Bread 11 a.m. â€"- Rally Day Sunday School Guest Speaker: Mr. David Smith 7 pm. -â€" Evening Gospel Ser- vice ’ Young Peoples Group from 01i- vet Music by the Sunday School Songsters Tues, 8 pm. â€"â€" Bible Reading led by Mr. Colin Anderson Wed. 8 pm. â€"- Women’s Prayer meeting for the BILLY GRAHAM CAMPAIGN On Friday evening, Sept. 23, a special bus has been chartered, and 35 seats reserved for any wishing to attend the Billy Gra- ham Campaign. The bus will be leaving the Chapel, Oak Ave, at 6 pm. All 12 years of age and over are welcome. There will be no charge. “Incline your ear. and come unto Me: Hear, and your soul will live." Rev. A. A. Chote, B.A.. L. Th. RICHVALE- LANGSTAFF AREA A. J. BA'RRACLOUGH ST. BARNABAS' MISSION Fumes King Siderold - For Service at its Best - ; Try Your Friendly LocaI Dairy RIC MON!) HILL DAIRY RICHVALE CHAPEL Store Fixtures Oak Avenue (Anglican) TELEPHONE TURx'ER-4-1622 Isaiah 55:3 Kitchen Cabinets Sash General Woodworking OAK RIDGES TU. 4-255. Sliced Bread DEMPSTER’S SPECEMS SUNBRITE Margarine CLARK'S Pork & Beans ROSE BRAND SWEET MIXED Pickles INSTAN‘I‘ COFFEE MAPLE LEAF LUNCHEON MEAT Nescafe 59c Soap Flakes Prem or Kam :1."- 390 WHITE SWAN Toilet Tissue CALIFORNIA CRISP GREEN PASCAL Oranges Celery EATING OR COOKING Wealthy Apples 2 23c Self Serve RICHMOND HILL MORLEY’S SWEE'I JUICY Jar 24 01 Ctn. 11b 16 oz. Jar Large Pkg. 20 oz‘ Tins Rolls Large Stalks 33c $1.79 29c 15c 34c 23c TU. 4-2550 25c 29c Dozen

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