' THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ont, Thursday. September 22. 1955 lithe liberal An Independent Weekly: Established 1878 OK IRCULATI Subscription Rate $2.50 per year; to the United States $3.00; 5c single copy I Member Audit Bureau of Circulations Member Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association J. E. SMITH, M.P., Publisher . ' ALVERNA SMITH, Associate Editor Telephone TUrner 4-1261 W. S. COOK. Editor “Authorized fps second class mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa†A Poor Showing Fewer than eight per cent of the ’voters in East York cast their votes in a by-election Saturday to ï¬ll a vacancy on council. This was a most disap- pointing exhibition of democrcy at; work, and while East York ratepayers may receive good municipal adminis- tration, they do not deserve it. In Saturday's by-election in East York fewer than eight per cent of those qualiï¬ed to vote took the trouble to go around the corner to a polling booth to cast a tote to determine who would be elected to transact the public business of the municipality for the balance of the year. , Unfortunately the apathy of East York ratepayers is typical of a trend, 0 and public spirited citizens must take action to foster more interest in muni- cipal business or be prepared to reap the consequences. The consequences of such apathy as displayed Saturday in East York easily could be very costly to the rate- payers.l If people don’t care who ad- ministers their public business, they are not likely to care more how it is administered, and those elected to of- ï¬ce are apt to assume the same attiâ€" tude. Municipal business is important to every ratepayer and voters should con- sider exercise of the franchise as the ï¬rst necessary step to obtain good ad- minidtration. Thornhill separate School Site It is hoped that as a result of last week’s joint meeting the question of a site for the new Thornhil'l Separate School may ï¬nally be settled. This joint ‘ meeting saw representatives of the Village Trustees, School Board, Markham Township Planning De- partment and the Department of Edu- cation, discuss the problem in an amic: able fashion and agree on a 5 acre site owned by Mr. V: Grainger. The propâ€" ,ery in question fronts on Dudley Street and is opposite the new Thornhill High School. Last week’s meeting was the ï¬nal gettogether in a long series of nego- tiations between the School Board and municipal officials. It is a credit to the community that the whole matter was handled in a spirit of friendly dis- cussion and understanding. When dif- ferences do arise between public bodies then the only sensible way to settle them is through discussion and negoti- ation. It is always hoped that intelli- gent men and women can reach a de- cision which is mutually acceptable to all concerned. » Both the Village Trustees and the Markham Planning Board had frowned on the original twoâ€"acre site located close to the church on the grounds that it simply didn’t meet the requirements of good planning. This decision was reached after a careful review of the site and the anticipated future growth in the area. It is the duty of any ‘Plan‘ ning Board to encourage good planning and to fearlessly insist that both indi‘. viduals and organizations abide by the rules of planned development. The dction of the Provincial govâ€" ernment in adopting a hands-oif policy after Markham Planning Board refus- ed to be influenced by its suggested ap- proval of the site, meant that the mat- ter if,it was to be settled at all. would have to be handled on the local level. Both the village trustees and the township Planning Board while main- taining the principles of good planning have attempted to assist the School Board in ï¬nding a suitable location for the school. The Board on their part have responded to the overtures and have entered/into the negotiations in a spirit of co-operation. Motorists Drive With Cane ' n- A combinaton of heavier traffic, plus more schools and increased enroll- ments in Richmond Hill and surround- lng areas has brought out the need for constant vigilance on the part of both \tillage and township police to prevent Serious accidents in the vicinity of the local schools. , 'Recent years have seen such thor- oughfares as Yonge Street, No. 7 High- Way, the Don Mills Road and Keele St. crowded with heavy, fastanoving traf- fic. Yet despite the fact that there is usually bus transportation arranged for pupils, there still remains a certain percentage of youngsters from public and high schools who must walkby these busy roads. The need for apprehendng speed- ers in these marked school zones cannot be too strongly emphasized. Parents in Maple, Victoria Square, Jefferson. and a host of other communities in the area have expressed grave concern for the safety of school children. A programme of safety instruc- tion for schools, com ined with a crack- down on careless mo orists who fail to exercise caution when school children are walking on the roads under the sponsorship of local police departments would be a welcome step in thhe right. direction towards reducing the acci- dent hazard in school zones. .I‘rigidnire Specials 5 . THE THRIFTY THIRTY â€"â€" RV 35 Range ' Reg. $299.95, Sale GIANT OVEN -â€" RT 35 Range Reg. 299.95 Sale $229.00 bâ€"‘â€"___â€"_â€"__â€"â€"_ .APARTMENT SIZE â€"â€" RT 4 Range Reg. $239.95 Sale $199.00 b_â€"_â€"â€"'â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"nâ€"q DELUXE ELECTRIC DRYER DV 35 Model, all porcelain, rust protection inside & out Reg. $269.95 so. $229.00 HR 9.2 CU. FT. FOOD FREEZER .V ery popular model, compact 9.2 cu. ft. â€" 322 lbs. cap. Only, one in stock. Reg. $429.95 Sacriï¬ce Sale Paris Auto Supply Ltd. RICHMOND HILL TU. 4-1541 3 equipment and . road. { ‘AHD ALWAYS woo - ‘oug on. F0? FUEL/’1 Re: Trains Still Hold Fascin‘ ation Dear Mr. Editor: I don‘t think there is a boy (or a girl eitherl between the ages of ï¬ve and ninety-ï¬ve, who does not thrill to the sound of train whistles which are heard frequently in Richmond Hill as diesels and steam en- gines with their strings of cars and coaches go thundering through on their way to distant places in the north and wcsl. In our pie-occupation with the traffic hazards of Yonge street, we are apt to overlook the fact that less than half a mile away, another road. the Canadian National Railway is carrying a large volume of freight and passengers every day of the week. A visit to the CNR. depot, particularly on a Sunday even- ing is a rewarding experience for every member of the fam- ily. And you will not be alone there. In fact 't is one of the most popular p aces in the vill- "age from approximately 7 to 8.30 pm. During that.time the Transcontinental and the Norihland pass through with their quota of passengers. and â€"rcccive train orders by means of the 'hoop.’ if you are very fortunate one of them may stop for a few seconds. Sometimes, too. a large steam-drawn freight will be ‘hufling‘ away on the passing track. Among the onlokers. you are always able to ï¬nd some well- informed person who can an- swer your questions on the rules of the The railroads are still play- ing an important role in the development of our country, and I am happy to see that they still retain an appeal for the younger generation. If you wish I to treat your children. grandchildren, the neighborhood youngsters (and of course yoursch to the thrill of a train ride, it is possible to board a comfortable passenger train at the/Maple station for a 50-minute ride into the Union Station. Railway Fan ___,_____ Thanks Kind Motorist Dear Mr. Editor: I would like through the pag- es of your widely-read paper to relate the following incident: On Saturday afternoon my car stalled on the grade north of Thornhill and there I sat help- less and not knowing exactly ELGIN MILLS Dear Mister Editor OUR GARAGE Licensed Mechanic Repairs To All Makes Of Cars Specializing In English Automobiles _ Tune-ups 753 Texaco Products {,7 Towmg Serv1ce what to do. Many cars passed. Finally one stopped at the top of the hill and realizing my predicament. backed down the hill and pushed me to my des- tination, the distance of a mile or so. I never got a chance to thank him nor did I have the sense to make a note of his license num- ber. However he did remark ihai he was going to Richmond Hill. so I am writing this letter in the hope that it will come to his attention and assure him of my warmest thanks for his kindness. H. M. Tandy. Unionville. East Vaughan Needs Representation Editor, The Liberal Sir â€"â€" I read your interesting edi- torial in last week‘s paper headed “Serving Your (‘om- munity", and 1 look forward to reading more about those who serve us in the various com- munities in public office. I agree that too many rate- payers iakc altogether too lit- tlc interest in municipal affairs, either at election time or throughout the year. Your editorial was thought- inspiring, and I was amazed on looking for the relative inform- ation that all the members of the 1955 Municipal Council in Vaughan township live west of the sixth concession. My prob- lems naturally are concerned with the' Yonge St. area where I live. and I frankly was aston- ished to learn that no member of the council lives within sev- cn miles of the built-up area where all the development is taking place. I suggest, Mr. Editor, that ratepayers’ associations and citizens generally in Vaughan township should concern them- selves with this problem and at the next election see that this part of the township, rcprcs~ enting such a large percentage of the assessment. has repre- sentation on the council. It miglit be possible that a ward system of representation should be planned for the fu- ture, but right now this great part of the township should be, represented on council. Trusting. to \hear from other Vaughan ratepayers through the columns of your excellent paper, I am, Sincerely yours, Vaughan Ratepayer. TU. 4-1773 ; Serving Richmond Hill 83‘ District in all visual needs for 14 years. SEPTIC BA. 1-8000 won corous'ss‘rr *‘ war. FIGHTA oust, “\Ll- F. L. Lowrie, R.O. Now in a modern office in The Northern Building Every Monday & Friday and Every Wednesday Complete Optical Repair PUMP!!! and'CLIiAIIED Complete Septic Tank Repair Service Accurate Septic Tank Service FRANK PASSER ,R. R. 1 Willowdale 5i.l.â€"D.RAM E R c530" ' mum“? :qulvoflâ€"fBUILDEBSUPPLIES-FEEDSW WTURNER 4-1313 ‘: . Optometrist 31 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill from 7 pm. to 9 p.111. 9 am. to 12.30 noon Eyes Examined \ Glasses Fitted Service TANKS MA. 1313 Steady homing is right. Ask us about our budget plan for spaced fuel oil delivery. Good Prices. At Clubine Sale If The auction sale last weekâ€" end at the farm of Lorne Club- ine, Con. 2 Markham. is report- ed to be one of the largest auc- tion sales in the area in recent years according to -Ken and Clarke Prentice, auctioneers for the day. The selling which was run from two rings started at 1.110 sold the last item at 5.30. Prices were reported gener- ally good with a ï¬ve year old tractor bringing $965. The high price for cow and calf was $200. ewes brought $15 each, lambs $16 and a ram 337. Oats commanded 65¢ per bushel, hay brought 500 a bale and chop sold for $2.00 a hundredweight. Household items brought good prices with glassware, china and silver selling particularly well. Reserve Decision 0n Selkirk Agreements After a lengthy three-day hearing held during the lat- ter part of last week the Municipal Board reserved decision on he validity of the Selkirk subdivision ag- reements. The agreements concerned were made be- tween Markham township and the Selkirk ï¬rm. The hearing which saw a large number of witnesses called by both sides was presided over by Commissioners R. L. Kennedy and R. H. Yeats of the Municipal Board. For the main part the Toronto legal ï¬rm of Tim- mins and McDiarmid who represented Mr. Selkirk ob- jected to paying the $218.00 per lot administrative fee on 120 lots of the 210 lot sub- division. . The Selkirk firm would also have to make a. contribution towards the proposed water area. Indications are if the Board rules in favor of Mr. Sel- kirk, Markham will appeal the decision. The township was represented at the hear- ing by Donald Fleming, Q.C. and J. D. Lucas. - â€". He arrived REFRESHED bus ..by You may not go in for Water skiing but y0u will feel fit and refreshed for any activities at your fo- vorite resort if you go by bus “ ' FLORIDA . Circle Tour! (Seasonal Rates) 14 Daysâ€"$133.68 (From Toronto) RETURN FARE Sightseeing and Hotel Room (Double) IO night: Ask your Agent for downs of this or other Package Tours ~ LOW ROUND TRIP IARIS New Orleans $48.90 Los Angeles $91.65 Miami . . . . . . $61.85 (FROM TORONTO) Tickets and Information at MALTBY’S RICHMOND HILL and the two auctioneers Telephone TUrner 4-1213 FREE PARKING REAR OF THEATRE Show Times 7‘ and 9 p.111. Continuous from 6 pm. Saturdays and Holidays Thursday, Friday â€" September 22, 23 ' Will-BIKER BROS. m sunnmc REX vain: ROBERT DOUGLAS JOHN TWIST HENRY BLANKE Saturday, mortal FROM SIR WALTER Scorr's ‘THE nLISMAN' f2 GINEMA5¢6PE WARNERCOLOR m. §TEREOPHONIC SOUND LAURENCE lilillllSllN ° MAYO ' SANDERS I HARVEY VIRGINIA GEORGE SCREEN HIV IV "onUC(° av MU‘IC :1 In: urn-Ian eptember 240nly The Lion- Hearted and The Leopard .. meet in mucvm IV DAVID BUTLER A - 5 Brought back to thrill you again Monday, Tuesday â€" September A tender. tense and topical story which is' deï¬ant daring forget the emotion which surges W In Guam mm m noun when 'oImm o, Am, Asquith mm 191 um, unman- . Wednesday, Thursday â€"â€" September 28, 29 7.2.2» DAVID IIIVEII mvxcr STATION mm... mm..- W CO-SIAIRIKG lllAlBAll 'JllllN H000 ill. lllï¬llllWl-Mlfll and introducing and different. You will never from the screen. MEETING ODILE vrnsms [3; DAVID KNIGHT Joseph Iomelty - David Iossott A l mm mm wamiu Humme- H/«A‘Z/rm Pveienh 7',- Direcled by Adult Entertainment LI'I "Best British Film of the Year!" LONDON DAILY TSLEGRAPH ANTHONY ASQUIIH “iqualian' 'Broniinglemon’ Introducing "In New Sensation Noelle . "k ,L 1"