‘ RICHMOND HILL . . muwuumglndbmhonodfl meanings Birth LUNAU â€" Mr. and Mrs. Gren- THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ont, Thursday. September 22. 1955 5 m. M an ‘. JONES-ABRAM The bride. given in marriage V1116 Lunau wish to announce “‘1 Para?! mm “:0 mlu'°.“l&l N On saturday, September. 17, by Mr. Harold Crook, chose a the birth of a son in Netrvmarh . P nor will also welcome new: report about 1955v m 5" Palms Angle?“ floor length gown 0f White net et Hospital on September 18. RICHMOND HILL mcox GOSPEL CHURCH newâ€! Juneau “a m... “a.†Church, Perrytown, Ontario, over satin and ace. Her three- a brother for Avrilv David and UNITED CHURCH w“de Ave†church organisation- lodsea and other nonvi- While copy will be no- Janet Elizabeth only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. Abram, R. R. 1 quarter length veil was caught to a headdress of orange blos- Mother and baby both very well. clw12 Beverley. Rev. C. G. Higginson, B.A., B.D. SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 25. 1955 Wilcox Lake l'astor Allan Mack Liquid Detergent i an“ “’“Wmem’ 0' "eh '“thd u. Richmond Hill, was united in soms and she carried a white ' V V , to have it In earlier It poniblo to ensure It “bli- marriage . to Gerald Edward bible crested Wm, pink and white 'â€"'â€"_ 9.45 a.m. -â€" Sutnday School Pro- Sit:Dï¬AILSEETXEiMEEJRoEï¬'gSS “an Jones, elder son of Mr. and Mrs. rosebuds and white satin stream- 11 a m _ Ragga“: service 230 __ Sunday Schooi 24 m. Janice Elizabeth, infant dau- Chairman V. P. McMullen. Q. E. A. Jones. Toronto. The cere- ersr.he bride_s attendant Mrs. 230 pm. _ Beginner’s and Pri_ 7 pm. _ Evangelistic Service Tin c mony was performed by the Rev. . the R' hmond Hill District , - .- . . - __ ghter Of Mr. and APE/:Snueceowgi lqlig'hf Schoolchoard and Mrs, Mcâ€" W. F. Wrixon, former rector of Tracey of Collingwood wore AINSLIE. John Bryce -â€" Sud- 7 margpmmotguï¬ M‘d“ee}1‘.h§rr:§:; 88“) 5:31“ Mcp.ha“' Lensnoxd morning at Mullen have returned to the vill- St. Mary's Anglican Church. yellow net over satin with white denly on Tuesday, Sept. 20. Pm â€"‘ ‘emng “’1‘â€? ' ' CUDNEY CHOICE [Raphiheoï¬idafl ayPresbyterian age after a vacation to Cabot Richmond‘Hill. accessories. and carried a nose- 1955. at the home of his dau- ST “mlcmv LANGSTAFF Chcurch by Rev. J. N. Hepburn. Trail, Cape Breton Island, the The bride is a graduate of gay of Talisman roses. ghter Mrs. W J. Brodie, R. R. - CHIYRC‘“ BAPTIST CHURCH .Mr. and Mrs. McPhail were for- Maritimes and Portland, Maine. Richmond Hill High School and Mr. B. Tracey of Collingwood 4. Souflrille, in his 77th year Richmond Hill Minister Rev. Wm. H. Hiltz, B.A. Peaches .. ,. _ a c a u the Toronto General Hospital was best man and Mr. Barry JOhn Bryce AinSiie- beim'f‘d . rv _ i o 0-- merly amllated‘ “lghurscth AOIiZ- Dr Helen Sawyer Hogg of School of NUrsing. Lloyd, Toronto, usher. husband of Beatrice Mona Rev“ A‘. A' (hOte'BB'A" B'E‘s's 2:33:3’ SEPTEMBER '5’ has drews PreSbytenan ' Richmond Hill has left for Mr. Jones is entering his ï¬nal Miss Muried Gostick, Toronto, Lane, dear father of Mrs. W. SUNDAL SESTEMT 25‘ Sundav 11.00 am 20 oz tawa‘ * g ,, ‘1 Washington, Dc†where she year at the Unversity of Toronto played the wedding music and J- Brodie (Eva). John. Edith. HAvalgq, kg?“ [EEE‘VVICES Bible school for all ages T' . c . - ~11 will head 3 us, government Faculty of Medicine. They will Mrs. Wm, Hoskin sang 0 Perfect Mrs. Wm. Cook (Isobelv of Tor- ,‘é h k ‘ ‘t ‘ {I L .d Geopoi Service 700 pin m A rare-commute†Seivme “"8 scientiï¬c program He;- sons reside in Toronto. LOVE and The Lord's Prai'er- Id?“ and Mrs Thomas KraCk gne t an '5 Iâ€) 0‘ 1e" 01 ' Our Pastor will speak at both be held this Friday night at h James and David have taken up' t 0 e t A reception was held at the iBeairiCel Of New York Cily. for He 151$‘%C‘°“5 - sen-meg QMITH’S PURE p-m‘ at the.Pm5byterian Chum residence at Queen’s University home Of Mr- and Mrs- George Resting at wright and Taylor's 8‘30 a'm' â€" Hey Lommumon Music' Keelsdalc Ladies' Trio k in preparation. ‘0’ “‘9 “mmun' this week In the hm,le ab_ HOLINGSHEAD . HATWOOD Lloyd, Toronto. Later the bride Funeral Home, Richmond Hill. 9'45 “11- f Suï¬da-V 5€h°°1 Wed 8' pm ‘_ Prayer Mpetmg ion serv‘ce thls sunday' m sence Dr.' and MrS. Peter Wen- The United Missionary Church and groom left for a trip to Funeral service Friday at 2 a? flaw???“ in;er Th ' ' ' ‘ on sunday' ocwber 2-'h h e man ’and sons Hansâ€"Peter and Toronto. was the scene of the Kentucky. The bride chose a pin. Interment in Richmond 9 “C ‘ fan" -' ' ' MAPLE CHARGE Nursery DPPartment' M“? “is Christian of Hamburg Germanv wedding of Edna May Hatwood. gown of ice blue dacron with H1“ cemeieF-‘V 01Ҡ2 “Te†magi}; C1 LNITED CHURCH OF CANADA been held m the paSt' duruilg be will reside in the Hogg home oh Toronto and Milton Holingshead, white accessories and corsage of * * " * “rm _1 een‘afgeh ‘Rec Mags Rev A G Donald MC 31mm“. 12 oz 11 a'm' Church semce w†8 Richmond St Dr Wellmann is Collingwood. Rev. Arthi’ir Walsh pink and white rosebiids. They REILLY, Louisa J. â€" At Rich- Corp- H0 man 0 t .9 ‘ ' ' ‘ gUï¬DAY' SEPTFMB'EE 25 f955 ' c resumed under the -c°nven°r' a visiting professor at the David officiated. will reside in Collingwood. mond Hill, Saturday, Septem- 4 P-m- â€" H0131 Bapllsmv hope ’ ‘ ' Jar 9 ship of Mrs. J. A. Latimer. 1 Oh t d t the her 17. 1955, Louisa J. Ham 7 p.m.‘â€" Evening Prayer '_ 'I I V I * ‘I I. t _ Dun ap serva ory a risen, widow of William R ‘Thank you, God: Service withdrawn Department of Astron my at the Over 200 Attend The Rector Maple ONE CHOCOLATE J- E- Smith» MP- ‘5’ NM“ University of Toronto Rem-‘3 “"9 0‘ Denver C0101" s d s h l 1015 In re k on a ' ad ‘ ‘_ . - ‘- NOTE â€"- On Sunday, October 2, ~ Em, 3y VC 00. - 3- - , York is in Ottawa this “ e ' ‘ ‘l . Haorrigggr Sgteï¬ifgmlgéï¬uiï¬ï¬. at 7 pm. we will see and hear by Divine Worship 11,30 a.m. 8‘ ONE GOLD business trip. It * It It The ï¬rst Fall meeting of the WA. of the Presbyterian church St. Mary's Catholic Church . Funeral was from Wright and sound and picture. the Sod-Tur- ning Service that took place in Mr. Royal Mou-lton, Toronto Edgelcy MONARCH Mr’ and Mrs' H' 1“ Begg M was held at the home of Mrs M Tai‘or's Funeral Home on Sep- V , , ,' ~ . ' ' . , 1; .' . 11 am. 8; 7.30 pm. â€"â€" Anni ei- Vancouyer, B.C.. and Mrs..F..R. H. Burnie_ Mm Rd†on Septem_ tember 21 at 2 p_mv_ to Rich- “It “£511Vggehgxliï¬dvour ( sary Services I a e 2 Kelly 0‘ Slmwe are “5â€â€ her 15. Mrs. H. H. MacKay read mond H111 cemeteri. Rev. C. - - Guest Preachers 9 this week with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hoover of Roseview Ave. Malloy on “Faith in the Mlnis_ the service. brid ______ g6 Both MES. and NIL. are a t n The October meetin , PI‘ . v. 1 . SiSteI‘ and bmther 0‘ Mrs. Hoo' ry' g Mary's Catholic Church, with Paul Simpson and Jim RICHMOND HILL 15‘ 1“ Ganloch' “oodbrldge’ For c ver. t ‘ t at Mr. and Mrs. Peter Savage have left on a ten day motor trip to Washington, D.C. n It 4- a Mr. Anthony Wilson of Engle- a paper prepared by Mrs Neil be held at the home of Mrs. E. Boyle. t t it 0 The Evening Auxiliary of the Presbyterian Church met Sep- tember 14 at 18 Lorne Ave. Miss Mary Dawson showed colored slides of the Gaspe. Arrange- St. Richmond Hill held its first an- nual picnic and pilgrimage last Sunday to Marylake at King with over 200 in attendance. The picnic was organized by Wm. Leonard, Joe, Lanagan, E. Short- er, R. Vollmer and assisted very Ids First Annual Picnic Lytle captains of the teams. The older boys (20 to 45) organized a game. with Jack Lanagan and Chuck McLean as captains and Wm. McQuillan as umpire. The results of these games were: Jim Lytle 23; Paul Sampson 13 E. Higginson had charge of (Engagements Mr. and Mrs. Charles Edward Little of Richmond Hill. an- nounce the engagement of their second daughter, Miriam Kath- leen, to Ronald John Cowan, son pocket that makes you thankful. it's what you have in your heart" PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. N- Hepburn. Minister SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 25. 1955 11 a.m. â€" Worship Service Holy Communion 10 a.m. â€" Sunday School Adult Bible Class Sept. 23, Friday. 8 pm. â€" and Rev. J. A. H. Hodgson, Wood- Guest Soloist Rev. Mai-tin Jenkinson, King City Choir Teston United Church ST. BARNABAS‘ MISSION (Anglican) Rev. A. A. Chote, B.A.. L. Th. RICHVALE- LANGSTAFF FOOD SAVER Wax Paper hart. formerly 0f Carerlle. 1'? merits were made for supervis- ably by Rev. Father F. McGinn. and Chuck McLean 15; Jack Lan- f. _ . . AREA new“ acquaintances in the diS‘ ion of the Nursery Department Prize money was contributed by agannlz. Both of these games Ema/1112‘ Dingorg/[nrtsé gargulggrgiggg Pre Commufliol‘jirvme Meets every Sunday morning at 100 Ft- trlfl this Week- for the fall and winter months. Father McGinn as well as priz- were thoroughly enjoyed by the ' » RICHMOND HILL BAPTIST 945 am. in the Charles Hewitt R0“ t... The Liberal is equipped to supply the very ï¬nest in printed *tii: The Rev. Maurice Flint. well- known Toronto Clergyman and as for races etc. ' Since the parisï¬oners With cars volunteered to drive anyone women and children who watch- ed from the spectators benches. At 4 pm. Benediction was will take place at three o'clock Saturday afternoon, October 15, in the Richmond Hill Presbyter- ian Church, Richmond Hill. Ont. Pastor â€" R. H. Galbraith SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 25. 1955 10 a.m. â€" Bible School School SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 25. 1955 Harvest Thanksgiving ROYAL INSTANT 01' EHETEVEd Stationery for WBd' Rector of Trinity Church will be without a car it was decided that conducted by Father Luke of the ,, __ - r - i “Come, let us ive thanks unto ' dings and all social events. The the guest preacher' on, Sunday a bus was not a necessity. AugustinianPFathers. After Ben- o a o o “VIZ 11 amTh: Rigginmgllï¬vggï¬gsy' the Lord“ 8 quality is the best and the sav- morning at St. Mary's Anglican Organize Ball Games ediction races were conducted by Mr. and Mrs Ernest Joseph _'F0r mgwhole familv 9.45 a.m. â€" Sunday School 1'18 is SUbStantiei- Church. Richmond Hill, when Mr. Leonard and Mr. Lanagan George Sampson and assisted by Roberts of Richmond Hill am 7.30 pm _ Evangelistic Sérvice . classes " "' "‘ " the annual Harvest Home Ser- asSisted the younger, boys in Father McGinn and his assistant nounce the engagement of their _ Stouï¬'vule YIF'C. Choir will 11 a.m. & 7 pm. -â€" Services in Mr. Norman Bradshaw, Cen- vices will be heldi There will be getting a baseball game startled Father Gagne. Prizes were daughter, Bernice Edith, to Mr. sing special numbers St. Mary‘s Anglican Church, 2 21c tre Street WESLJSDEM the WFER- an early Celebration of the Holy giv n out by ‘Mr. Lanagan. Bruce - v _. .- Richmond Hill end at his home here. Mr. Brad- Communion. at 8.30 a.m. and ser- . ‘ \E’inners of races were: Boys Rev, an%ecll\i[1-5Davplgï¬gi§: (331-32: 'ITehrPipEPSigr thclagbham NOTE â€"' A“ the Children Of the shaw was recently appomted vices at 11 and 7 O‘clock. ’ over 10â€"Jim Lytle, ’Raymond Davis of Stou'ï¬vme The map Masonic “an, ‘15 Yonge St N_ Richvale-Langstaff area are in- NEW INSTANT dism“ mani‘ger “PAP? Chrys' * * * * II Zimmerman. Peter Schenseama- riage will take place on Satur- “Where welcome is more than a med to attend this MiSSiQn Sun' 191‘ Corporation at Winnipeg and The family of Mr. and Mrs. E. Girls over IOâ€"Geraldine Can- day‘ October 15‘ 1955, at four word" day School- shortly will take up residence there. The Bradshaw home at 92 Centre Street has been .pur- P. Leno attended a dinner party at their home in Richmond Hill on Sunday in honour of Mrs. GOURLIE â€"- In loving rememâ€" brance of a dear son and bro- ther, Sapper D. J. Gourlie, cilla, Margaret Swarbeck, Jackie Bettles. Grade 1 boys, John Shannon. o‘clock. in Richmond Hill United Church. *1W12 RICHMOND HILL FREE METHODIST CHURCH Special Harvest Home Servic- es are being held at St. Mary's Church, Richmond Hill, this Sun- Quaker Oats chased by Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Leno’s birthday. B25507 Royal Canadian Engin- Ed .ard Ca 113 T- 0th Ho _ . d . Yerex and they expect to take * * * It _ eers. age 23. killed in action in “3‘23 Greg? 1' gigs, {mange C0333:ï¬aglgï¬ggg’aréngzflles Py _..â€"___. 2 Sum“ ‘1 posse551°n OCtOber 15} ' MI‘. D. Little and IVII'. Don France, September 22’ 194.4- Cichocki‘ Beverley Jackson, Ger- Church of the Light and NEWTONBROOK BAPTIST Pkgs' ‘ * * * "‘ Little of Richmond Hill are in Eleven years have PaSSEd‘ Since emv , H111, BO 5 743-9.me ’ CHURCH . , . . 3’ Hour CHML 9 a.m. Sunday The lMens Club of St. Mary-s Detroit attending the annual the sad day Davis, Bmv Ganv‘ Anthony Bate I i SUND'AY SEP’TEMBEï¬ 25 1955 One Block East of Yonge Anglican Church Will hold its meeting of the Canadian Federa- The one we loved was called Gir1s 7-3-9-Joanhe Lytl‘e Betty 3 m ___' Sunda. sch 1 ' On Madawaska Ave.. Stop 12A ORANGE PEKOE TEA. ï¬rst meeting this fall on Thurs- tion of Automobile Dealers. ' away; _ Wan‘ Jane Marsha“. ' 7 p'm‘ __ Evan :usticooRau Pastor Rev. F. Vaughan. B. Th. ‘ day. september.29. when a spec- - Hr ii in a God took him home. it was his Pre SchooLBruce Sampson Thpe' 'astor wingbe reachiny and BA. 1-4767 ial guided tour of the Dunlap The sympathy of the commun- will. Camile Natalie, Michael Decan: LOUISA J- REILLY MrSpBuu Wm hm? a megssa e SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 25,1955 e Observatory Will be taken. The ity is extended to Mrs. Ken Tom- But in our hearts he liveth still. Us, Molly Hopcraft‘ Marv Kath- _ . . ' in son g g 10 to 10 â€" Sunday School Rally men Will return to the Church 'lin whose mother, Mrs. Henriet- -â€" Ever remembered by Moth- arine Taylor, Theresa Mbriarity, Louisa J" Reluey' a res‘dent 0f Wednesda 8 pra Day . for their fellowship hour follow- ta Earle of Toronto, passed away er. sisters .Marjorie and Bernice, High School 30534.31“ samp_ tile Villaged frOI‘ ti“? tFaStt £911 “3:1 Biblep'siud: yer A11 enrolled scholars urged to 8 oz. ing the visrt to the Observatory. recently. broth? Bill and sister-£11113; 50.“. Jim Davis, High school £12311)â€: Ii’zsï¬ichï¬ggdq‘ï¬lï¬l 3:): SEE: rally andOsee the. Moody Science Pkg- ‘ Domt y. )0: 1k It :- Gl$iDla§£e Bettles' ‘ tember 17. The late Mrs. Reilley THORNHILL UNITED CHURCH Fungamï¬notr gage lyour w. LEATHERDALE â€"' In lovmg everyghe hSd 113:5? inwfli: piPC‘r/iei: was the former Louisa Harrison' MmiSt" 133* B. Eddy' 11K and PIâ€"0 Rev IIy Gc Azams FANCY GRADE memo ofa dear Mother and . . daughter of the_ late Mr. and - u - - . ' ‘ .' ' BE SURE TO HEAR THE , Grannryy, who passed away at 33ml“; yang“? taupphed by Mrs Wm. Harrison who were SUNDAY- SEPTEMBER 25,1955 %?.ZVErJ§S.£ï¬fffï¬â€˜f;Sid‘rfo°§°£oï¬f' . - Maple. September 26- As oriesor thria cgntgsrtss' at the early Semi?†in the-Village' 11 am' $3403?â€ng hwoirShlp vetted Mgnks and P1325“ “’“i c ‘gline years havle paissed $291 gone picnic a jar of beans was taken veIP’IrE-ogggï¬ Â£15151 Zlivigaifsl fl speak at both the morning and . ince you we ove so . ' . . e m v. ‘ I , FROM STOUFFVLLE Y-F.C. Were taken from our home on El‘nraoiilangchnwartilcie cfftleesstang wit/Ir: if, mgwiig t(f) llilcmiiiinbchnldmiyon TRINITY Agggiliï¬iilN CHURCH WP: “SSE-51269550 £3:ng 3:32; 6 Qt. c earth a k d t e 9" 1.0 9“ 5 m- and riest will til i hi lif Bskt. Sunday, Sept. 25, p.m. at ‘With Jesus Christ to dwell. bsea‘hs iri) age}: th'Ie‘hemilvrilnbifgr Si Rï¬glyoflnmlcgï¬Ã©onasï¬fn“gin: p V and convgrsioon. S e ‘ i a ' r r r , - I. em 1' - ' ! Rlchmond Baptlst Church The flowglrzvze Place upon lour 35hr;isléfaagitif‘fl]opictgggieavasl ed Church. Mr_ John Day THE FRIENDLY CHURCH N0 1 GRADE . \ “Where welcome is more than a word†11;“? t‘g’m‘ler a“? decay'h 1 The °°rr°°t numb; was 1353" I hePePistteor “Riggi‘MlerE piiilr’iigsoiï¬ filainm.__H1h41;mClgrgnn€triPiigh RICHVALE CHAPEL ' . r u eoveo ouwosees . -- ' . You are also invited to attend ‘ ' ' i beneath y p M RiChmond Hm' u a-M' â€" Mommg Prayer SUNDAY gig; AE‘PTHEER 25 1955 P â€" v , . ‘ The funeral service was con- W ' ‘- ’ . Shall ne er fade away. . 9.45 a m â€"- B eaking of Bread -â€" Bible School â€" 10 a.m. Classes for all. â€" Irene. Stan and children. R D H P A t ducted at the Wright and Taylor THORNHILL 11 mi ‘â€" Rally Day Sunday . This is Family Sunday . *1w12 - n r n U Y Chapel on Sept. 21 at '2 pm. by (Ygleznsst'r egngggnl†' ' school 10 lb. c' a. a. a a . the Rev. C. G Higginson and in- re ' G . - r . . ‘ . ‘ . . . Rev. Percy G“ Buck; B.A_ B. Th uest Speaker. Mr. DaVid Smith Bag . __ . MC UARRIE _1n10vm mem- A I T terment was in Richmond Hill , . r i » b ' _ . - _ Mormng. worsmp 11 mm. PaStor PreaChmg . oryQof a dear son-in-Iawg, Isaac cemEieI‘Y- Pallbearers were Lau- Mung" 7 pm Eyfiréleng GOSpel ser Temp- Location . ‘ who passed away at Maple der Glass, Albert Hmv Russell (5 Old orChard Grove’ Toronto Youn Peo les Grou fro 011 N0 1 GRADE ' ' L t Bob Crai ie Reid M - 12rHU-1-3142) g p p m ' ' , September 20, 1954. The second annual tour spon- War 3 - C SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 1 5 vet Masome Hall, 15 Yonge St. N. Nothing can ever take away ï¬nchdl by the Rouge, Duflin, Allster. Jr sunda’y School 39:} Music by the Sunday School i ,’ 4 The love our hearts hold dear. is and and Petticote Conser- ' ' ‘ ' ' ' ‘ ' Son ster RAYMOND H. GALBRAITH, Pastor . I Fond memories linger every day vation AUthOl‘ity iS being Plan- CARD 0F THANKS §§n§jay Sfcmigl gihmriery llfa‘T' Tues†8 pm, : Bisble Reading n n s Remembrance keeps you near, ned for September 23. The 3:5 fofrre ent:;:eqireJes‘f:l 5 led by Mr. Colin Anderson ‘i =5: i ___'â€"_â€"â€"-__â€" Florencei and Luke Aucklla‘nldz. $315130; Sï¬gigglegqggkéifle ti: The McDonald family would ‘ p ’ Wed. 8 P.m.tâ€" VfVomegi's Prayer lbs- c _ ' ' mi like to express their sincere ap- THORNHILL pRESBYTERIAN mee ing 01‘ t e For . . it: it a it 1:15 sharp to follow an interest- ' ' ' ' BILLY GRAHA . , . , preCiation to their many friends M CAMPAIGN Betty Oliphant School of Dancmg MfglAlngIaE gal-1111332111218- 1mg; logisggtoinptyrng throughout the and who.“ for the kindness Rev. c. n. REESE; an. 13.0. On Fridgy egenigg, See} 23. da â€"- ' ' . ' ‘ , - . extended to them durin their SPECIB US 35 99“ C artere . ' » Under the direction at and uncle. Isaac. who passed The tour will commence With recent bereavement in tie 1055 SUNDAY’HSEgTEMBEI-P 25’ 1955 and 35 seats reserved for any , ' t M l S t b 20 a Visit to Mr] ’ D d h . , Ra y ay SerVIce . , I I S T D $3533 a 3P 8. €13 em 61‘ . across to thengcskhaarlgl 82b“: 6“ of a lovmg mother and dear 515- 11 am. __ Sermon > mshirég to attendThthebBillyIIGrla- , o . . . . - . . . r. on ten Th 13- m. ampaign. e us w1 e . C D T A Sweet .memones Wm linger for She farncii Col. F. H. Deacon. The McDonald Family The b0eys aigéeggpsezksogogiiday 1eav1ng the Chapel, Oak Ave., at o c o o ' ever, ’ b secon istoric area Will then and Miss Jeï¬â€˜rjes School will meet with us for the 6 pm. All 12 years of age and - t R o t . . Time cannot change them, its e ViSited when the members if“ c1w12 service over are welcome. There Will be e egls ration, Monday Sept. 3.6 true, Will tour Bruce‘s Mill. Conserva- - no charge . ’ ’l ' ' Years that may come cannot 59v- tion sites for reforestation in the 7‘30 p'm' -â€" Adult Bible Study “Incline your ear. and come unto Classes in Ballet (Ce h “I M “1 yd ' er RingWOOd area and a dam site at CARD 0F THANKS ‘ m the Manse - Me" Hear and our soul will cc e 1 e o ) , r . , ‘ . . . Doctrines of the Presbyterian ’ ’ . 5:. . . Our lovmg remembrance .of you, Claremont are included in the Mattie E. Harrison Wishes to Church live. '. Leading to the Impala] Society Examinations _ Stan, Irene and familiriwiz tour. The balance of the itiner- thank the many friends and nei- Friday 7 Dim. _ Happy Hour Isaiah 55:3 Pre-Ballet work for younger children. For further information before the 19th please l l I - 92 Community Swing~ goes back to the Yonge Street son yman and family and dau- . h' h H 1' F th Pl : ghtei‘Beth. * * ‘t * I"1w12 It’s A Fashion Show :otlcplariiigedgeéiflri 3[be Pooigdhiit: i ' ‘â€" SMITH â€" In ever loving mem- It's A. lli e To Y0 'i..n-'-ll.-lll--' *MZP-W’" . V ’- an and cry of my dear husband. Will- G d ur ‘ - 8-10 P.M. REGISTRATION FEE $1.00 â€".â€"-â€"- We welcome new members and STARTING SEPTEMBER 26 J ‘ttt SMITH .â€" In ever loving mem- ory of our dear father. Will- We never could have said good- bye To a Dad we loved so well. It's lonesome here without you, . Dad, There's such a vacant space, For we never hear your footsteps Nor see your smiling face. At night the silent stars look down On a grave not far from here Where sleeps the one we can‘t forget, The one we loved so dear. Lovineg remembered by iam Elgar Smith. who passed away September 22. 1954. I often sit and think of you, And think of how you died; To think you could not say good- bve Before you closed your eyes. My heart still aches with sad- ness, My eyes shed many a tear, God alone knows how I miss ary takes in a visit to that part of Duffin Creek at Pickering subject to flooding and comes to a conclusion with a visit to the ghbors for their many kind thoughts and deeds which were deeply appreciated. We especi- ally wish to thank\ Rev. C. G. 2nd Richmond Hill Girl Guides We’re Having A Real “DANDY DO’_’ SATURDAY, OCTOBER 29 Masonic Hall It’s 24 Bazaar! Christmas Shopping! so start putting some of your grocery money aside NOW. Will you telephone at least 4 friends right now and make up a party for the event . . . tea. tool!!! . we're serving We guarantee to cut your Christmas expenses one- third. if you‘ll just give us the chance! Sat. 6.30 â€" Young Life Club An evening with the Billy Gra- ham Crusade CARRVILLE UNITED CHURCH Rev. Earl B. Eddy, B.A., B.D., Minister SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 25. 1955 2.30 pm. â€"- Worship Service CHURCH OF CHRIST , Meeting in Concord School House Each Lord's Day eveninr at 'I pan. Gospel Message Tune In CKEY (580) at 9.15 a.m. Matthew 15:13 â€" Every plant BASIL FOX Plumbing & Heating Engineers TUrner 4-1547 Specializing in Alterations and Repairs A. J. BARR/ACLOUGH Kitchen Cabinets . jam Eigar Smith. who passed Historic Reesor House, Lapp’s Higginson for his words of com- . . telephone Main Studio, Toronto, WA. 2-1623 may September 22v 1954- MԠand Rees†M°nume“t- f0†and Dr- J- F. “15"†f†“‘5 zigi‘liligs’rgflï¬iaï¬fcggligu Store Fmtures sash . We were not there to say good- The tour will end with 8 din- great help at the time of her be- SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 21; 1955 Frames General WOOdWOI'm It wa "hinge ï¬st a u. ner at Markham Veterans Hall. reavement. Sunday school 10 am. King Sidemad OAK RIDst m. *2“. 5 P J s we ' Church Service 11 a.m. // 1»? :-‘r I , “\\-. ‘Iâ€"D' . -l\ .urRâ€"s/‘r ".7 a. : / I// //// For Service at its Best - Try Your Friendly Local Dairy TU. 4-255. P beginners As it .ni'é’ii... ï¬rst. long year. FaShionsmcgufit.iy°§h150belHemand Drainwork . i I RicggMOND HILL DAIRY ' ,â€" Dearlij loved and sadly a l “ 0†Emergency Semce TELEPHONi: IURVER-4-1622 missed by his wife Laura. *1w12 IIIIIIIIIBEBEIII h Tiff:â€" ’ HALL 3 0 00 TAR“ NG TIMI: 8 P M ICIIMOND HILL LIONS B I" G s o . 3 ii . . . " 1' " ACKPOT " N 11 (1 Monday, Sept. 26 J‘ 52 umbers a e . . D h