W. S. COOK, Editor With municipal elections still a good two months away, the time is ripe for front-end residents of Vaughan Township to introduce a strong conten- der for a seat on the 1956 Council. In the recent years of rapid development in the front section of Vaughan, there has been little representation from the large number of small-holders which make up the greater portion of the township population. The present Coun- cil represents a single element in the community, the farm interest, and while it cannot be said that the present Council is not cognizant of the prob- lems of the front end, that township legislation has not been for the inclus- ive beneï¬t of the Yonge Street area, there is, nevertheless, a crying need for representation in the'front end. The advent of municipal water and possibly natural gas service in the Yonge Street area combined with the rapidly expanding population in the subdivided area of the ï¬rst concession serves to emphasize the needs for and the value of representation which com- pletely understands and lives with the’ problems of the small householder. 1-,1,J__ 1. ........ .. In El‘ersenting a candidate, however, residents of the front end of Vaughan October 1-8 is National Newspaper Week for Canada’s over 700 weekly, twice-weekly, and tri-weekly news- papezs; . 1 ~1IS,L____ L‘"- rwr-_... Their editors and publishers have fostered this week not in the hope of soliciting tributes from citizens of nat- ional or local import, but rather as an occasion to explain more fully the role of Canada’s non-daily newspapers in the life of this country. Perhaps because “weeklyâ€'sounds like “weaklyâ€, many people, especially those in the metropolitan areas, have come to‘ look upon the newspaperrs which serve the towns, villages, and rural areas of Canada merely as small sisters of the big city dailies â€" rela- tively unimportant‘auxiliaries to the mighty metropolitan press. The truth, of course, and it is rec- ognized not only by the readers of The Liberal, but by the big city d'ailies them- selves, is that Canada’s weekly news- papers perform an entirely different function than do their urbén contem- poraljgas. The daily newspaper, published miles away in a large urban centre, would, for example, court bankruptcy if it attempted to record and interpret as fully as does this newspaper the life of this area. Indeed, even within larger cities, weekly newspapers have found it proï¬table to offer to a particular district a more comprehensive coverage of news and views than is available to city dwellers through their large circu- lation dailies. The truth of the matter is that, the bigger a newspaper becomes, the more dfficult it is for its staff to cover all the news, and to discuss editorially all the issues of concern to its readers. And there lies the strength of the week- ly press. More and more Canadians are suf- fering from the effects of hay-fever every year. From this time of year on until the snow flies, many hay-fever sufferers join the handkerchief brigade, and experience constant discomfort and because of an apparently harmless weed known as Ragweed. The Roads Committee of Metro- politan Toronto has announced a plan to give hay-fever sufferers in the Metro area a degree of relief by eliminating Ragweed from along the borders of all main roads. It has been suggested that Boy Scouts may be enlisted n the campaign, scheduled to start next year. Many residents in the area around Richmond Hill and surrounding dis- tricts, also suffer from the effects of this noxious weed. In some cases they have found it necessary to go north during the Ragweed season. In fact, National Fire Prevention Week will be observed in this area from Oc- tober 9 to 15. Residents are urged not to let this nationally recognized week w an... on... -__c 7, pass without making a, deï¬nite effort to reduce potential ï¬re hazards in their homes and places of business. Figures show that more and more lives are lost every year through ï¬res started through carelessness, such as neglected faulty wiring, cigarettes, unâ€" attended furnaces and children playing- with matches. Officials of the Fire Marshall's Office point out that the on- ly way to reduce hazards of ï¬re is by careful periodic checks at a11_possible danger points. With this in mind, Fire Preyention Weelg brings the matter to THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ont, Thursday, September 29, 1955 W An Independent Weekly: Established 1878 Subscription Rate $2.50 per year; to the United States $3.00; 5c Member Audit Bureau of Circulations Member Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association J. E. SMITH, M.P., Publisher Yet the weekly newspaper has an- Telephone TUrner 4-1261 “Authorized as second class mail, Post Office Department, Eb: liberal ront End Canadidate Hay Fever Problem ire Prevention Week Small But Big must realize that it is necessary, ï¬rst to pick a well-known candidate in whom the voting public can place conï¬dence. A split vote is the second item to take into consideration for while it is a good sign“to .have a healthy number of can‘ didates, a flock of front end candidates each with his own following, presents little pbssibility for success. In the third place, a successful contender should have proved his capability for public office by being a success in his own work and community. And above- all, he should get around to the voters in lots of time and letxhis intentions be known. Few voters support a person about whom they know little- or noth« aAao In brief, the front end, its ratepay- ers organizations and private citizens should start a drive now for one or more strong candidates. They should be well known, successful and capable persons, be well publicized, and particul- arly they should make themselves and their platforms well known. ing. In the front end of Vaughan Town- ship is to have the representation it needs and deserves, solid plans will have to be laid now, not on nomination day. " other vital'function. It is the commer- cial market place of the community. Through its columns both national and local advertisers ï¬nd the most efficient, fastest, and most economcal means of acquainting potential customers with the goods and services they have to sell. And the advertisers are natur- ally anxious to see the newspaper they use go into the largest possible number of homes in the trading area. Canada’s weekly: twice-weekly, and tri-weekly papers are now V‘read each week by 2,392,400 families, a mar- ket three times as big as Toronto and Montreal combined. . And those newspapefs in 1954 carâ€" ried nearly eight and a half million dollars of local retail display advertis- ing, and just under one million dollars of classiï¬eds. This is not unusual either when one realizes that Canada’s Weekly news‘ papers are read regularly and thor- oughly by an average of 85% of fam- ilies‘in the markets in which they are published. It is questionable if there is any other advertising medium which can even approach such a density of coverage. I The circulations of weekly news. papers in this country have been stead- ily climbing too. The number of week- lies serving 2,000 homes or more has increased by one-third in the past de- cade, and there are many weekly, twice- weekly, and tri-weekly papers which serve more homes than the smaller dailies. Weekly journalism has been a. growing factor in both the editorial and advertising life of Canada and the staff of this newspaper is, on the oc. casion of National Newspaper Week, proud to be listed among the 5,000 Can‘ adians who earn ther livelihood writing for and printing weekly newspapers. in this area, the complaint reaches al- most epidemic proportions every rFaIl. In view of the fact that the effects of ragweed are being so widely felt in this locality, it appears that municipal- ities will have to follow the Metro lead in exterminating this weed to the best of their ability. Whereas campaigns against such weeds as Yellow Bed- straw and other farm pests have been comparatively successful, it now seems that the area municipalities will have to extend their work to include Rag- weed. Easily deï¬nable by its large yellow flower head, Ragweed spreads quickly, but can be stamped out if a thorough campaign is started among Road Committees and local residents. However, a campaign must be well or- ganized and publicized and above all must be started early enough in the year to prevent maturing of the flower. A regular check of furnace pipes, automatic heating systems, appliance cords, house wiring and faulty switches is a good safeguard to be combined'with careful attention to outside ï¬res, ï¬re- places, and cooking areas in protecting your home from ï¬re. The placement of matches deserves particular attention in a home where there are small childâ€" ren. the attention of the Canadian Public once a year. Every modern home should be equipped with ï¬re extinguishers in such important ï¬re potential areas as the kitchen, the basement near the fur- nace, the living room for ï¬replaces and Qhristgas trees and the garage. ‘ 'ALVERNA SMITH, Associate Editor $3.00; 5c single copy lutuun‘ _uorr ,mcuunqfls Ottawa’ UREAU Richmond Hill War Memorial Dear Mr. Editor: Editor,‘ The Liberal Sir â€" I was pleased to note by last week’s Liberal that Councillor Jones will move to enlarge Richmond Hill Council. A larger village should by all means have a larger council and I would suggest that at the ï¬rst opportunity the ratepayers elect a woman as a member of coun- cil. We are glad to have a woman as a Public School Trustee, and we should have a woman councillor. The next time you are pass- ing our War Memorial located in front of the public school on Yonge Street take a sec- ond look at it and observé. the beautiful landscaping that has been done around it by our Horticultural Society. What more appropriate drap- ing could there be around such a Memorial than the lovely evergreen spruce and pine trees suggestive of the importance of keeping ever green in our memory the sacrifice that was made in two World Wars in‘ the struggle for freedom. This symbolism is intensified by the red barberry planted in the foreground, suggestive of the blood that was spilled by those who made the supreme sacri‘ fice in our behalf and to safe- guard the freedom of our child- ren’s_ children. Whep these spruce and pine trees grow to their full ma- turity and stately grandeur one can easily visualize the effect it will create. Our cenotaph will be etched against a deep background of evergreens and become a focal point of inter- est and‘reflection for all who pass by, as indeed it ought to be. Some there be perhaps who want to obliterate memories of this kind, but is it wise. is it. kind, is it gracious? Despite appearances now and then of a thaw, in the cold war, surely ‘it must be evident to every thinking person that these are only appearances and very superficial. The essential ingredients that make wars possible are still present round about us and throughout the world today â€" greed, envy, malice, hunger. the lust for power and more serious and more dreadful than all of these. the rejection of the spirit of Almighty God. We tend to get complacent about these things, lulling and comforting ourselves in the be- lief that these evil forces lie in some vague way outside of our- selves tor which we are not LEGEND FROM INDIA There is a legend in India about a traveller who wished to ford a river, but was unable to swim and did not know the river's depth. He said to a mathematician: "What is the average depth of the river?" The man replied: “The average depth is two feet.’ That made the traveller feel safe; he en- tered the river and was soon drowned in a deep hole. The simple lesson is that what we have to prepare for is emer- gencies. ' The average experience is not very trying; we may go al- ong for months or years with- out any great strain, but upon us then suddenly something happens which severely tests us. Jesus once told of two builders; one who built upon the sand; the other upon a rock, and no doubt for some time the houses looked alike. Henry Ward Beecher once said a house built upon the sand is as good as a house built on a rock -â€" as long as the weather is ï¬ne. It is the storm which reveals the truth. Sooner or later testing times come to all of us; they may come slowly or swift as light- ing, but they do come and we 5 and revealed even to oursel- ves. John Ruskin wrote: "No nation which, in times of peace, has neglected its inner moral resources can suddenly he at its best." That was a wise and. profound observation. We can- not suddenly pull ourselves to- gether and be at our best. Re- ligion is not to be an occasion- al, spasmodic frame of mind, but rather permanent and abid- ing. Too many of us use relig- ion as sailors used old-fashiom ed pumps - to be used only in case of emergency. They tell a story in Scotland of a ï¬erce storm which tested the simple dwellings. When a terriï¬ed family gathered to- gether, the father said: “Thank God, I thatched my house in ï¬ne weather." His foresight was rewarded. One of the best loved hymns in our language is: “Abide with. Me"; it has brought peace to millions. There is a' story about this hymn and its message to some lonely men near the South Pole. “When the time came to make a dash over the moun- tains to the South Pole, Shack- leton divided his men into three parties. By this time carrying provisions and other necessary equipment had be- come a ï¬ne art. Experience had taught him that only what was absolutely necessary could be taken on trips which were ex- ceedingly dangerous and ex- hausting. He took some har- dy Manchurian ponies because they were easier to manage than dogs; besides, in an ex- tremity they could be eaten. Beiore he left England Shackleton’s friends had pres- ented him with a small phon- Should Have A Woman On Council Dear Mister Editor CIVIS responsible and about which we can do nothing. True, as individuals we think we are impotent to do anything about the matter. We think our tiny little voice and our behaviour has no significance at all in settling the world's ills. But reflect for a moment and consider that the world is made up of single individuals like the grains of sand on the sea shore. A tiny match light- ed in the vast arena of dark- ness is a small thing but‘ when another is lighted and another and another these millions‘- of lighted tiny matches produce a flame and a glow of exquisite loveliness, especially if we re- gard them as individual ex- pressions of love, mercy, truth, justice, forebearance. and un- derstanding. These become the mighty torch that our hon. oured dead have flung to us to hold aloft that all the world and all generations might see. AlpineBreadMakingFolIOWS‘ Century - Old Traditions These are the thoughts that should be engendered in our minds as we look at our ceno- taph. It is not a dead thing â€"- but a living thing â€" a constant reminder of our duty‘to our- selves. to our fellowman and to God. (By Cicely Thomson) A life that might have been a thousand years removed from our time was dramatically pres- ented to the Curtain Club on Monday evening when John Stocks showed a new document- ary film “Alpine Breadâ€. The Horticultural Society has rendered a great service to‘ our community in the work it has done and we are grateful to them. We understand the planting was done by Bob En- dean of the Endean Nurseries and they are to be congratulat- ed on a beautiful piece of land- scaping. Crawley Films’ treatment of their subject was eminently suited to their theme of the stark life of Les Hautes Alpes. They did not ask us to pity the hardy people who endured al- most incredible hardships to wrest a living from the mount- ainous terrain. Scene after scene, vividly presented against the towering grandeur of pitiless peaks, brought home to ‘this western audience the agony of the ploughing, the painstaking conservation, the everlasting husbandry of these people. Mon- ey, wages, were not mentioned once, because dollars do not con- tribute to the richness of their way of living. It is a pity our local council could not have seen its way to implement certain structural changes recommended to it by the Horticultural Society which would have further enhanced the appearance of our ceno- taph, for example, the removal of the inharmonious metal standard lamps from the front of the structure to the flanks with reflected light playing on the cenotaph, the removal of the gun and losing it some- where in a bottomless pit and in its stead placing the stone column at the south end \of the structure on the dais whereon the gun now stands. In the panels of this column the Soâ€" ciety suggested the insertiou of bronze plaques on which the names of those who made the supreme sacrifice in World War II could be engraved, which names do not yet appear anywhere on the cenotaph. So high is this little village set that shortage of wood for fuel makes it necessary to bake a year's supply of bread at' one baking (and how proud they are that their bread keeps so well!) in the communal oven. The cerâ€" emony that decides the order of each family for the oven, the special roles‘fulfilled by the children, the fancy baking of the women that “only lasts a month", the ritual of the men in making leaven and forming the four-leaf clover in the six-foot ‘long dough . . all these things showed the comfortable audience how work patterns in each cult- ure are woven into social pat- Various other suggestions were made by the Society that would undoubtedly improve the appearance of the cenotaph and it [is hoped that some day these improvements. may be implemented. ograph, so smai very little spa had provided truced records have, amid hi oneliness, th‘ music. On that last On that last dash he decided to take his phonograph and one record â€" he hadn’t room for more. The record was that of a well-known hymn which tells of the companionship of God: “Abide with Me.†We can think of that brave man â€"- thousands of miles from home and friends and within 97 miles of the South Pole, lis- tening to these words: Abide with“ me, fast falls the to t one for 1 of a tells God: can Help )n that last take his p record â€" more. The a well-kno s of the c Ourvquotation today is by Oliver Cromwellzr "'Trust in God and keep your powder dry." comforts, the help small that space. I 1e helpless‘ with me.†W. Fergugon 101 Centre St., his the that it took ‘ Also t] specially-ca that he mi hardsips .' Inspiration flee ‘bide; fail ‘ok up they '-cons- might and on of abide Lord and (mummumummul\lnmmmmuununummnumunuummnmm Randy Howell ‘ Modern educationists tell us that education, its methods and approaches have changed greatly in recent years. How- ever one member of the rising generation feels that even the basic facts of education are un- dergoing a rapid change. A story related to the Liber- al recently went as follows â€" Six-year-old Mary was quite impressed by her ten-year-old friend and commented to her grandmother one day, "Grand- ma, Liza is ï¬ve years older than me". "Oh no," corre ed grandma, “She is only f ur years older". But the six-year- old persisted. Finally in exas- peration the youngster assert- ed, “Look Grandma, I've just completed ï¬rst grade and I should know". “I went to school, too. you knowâ€, replied the somewhat disconcerted grandmother. “Oh yes. t that was a long time ago an things have changed", concluded the youngster, quite conï¬dent that she had won her point â€" exit glue slightly confused grandmo- er. Editorial Comment and BRAMPTON 2385W12 muuuummum“lmml\uumnmnuummmmmmmmm terns. These eople lived in their‘ strong fa ily ties, in their awareness of the ‘contlnuity of living. ' Steep slopes must be kept fer- tile. “We have not very much soil, and it is not very good soil, but it has served us for hund- reds of yearsâ€; and the weary man loads once'more the little cart with the earth from the bottom furrow of the field, and the protesting horse makes many many trips up to the top of the field, and once more the precious earth is not permitted to run off down the valleys. Excerpts from the ï¬les of The Liberal Home paper of the Richmond Hill district since 1878 The showing of “Alpine Bread" followed a business meeting at which the President, Mrs. Malcolm Thomson announ- ced an arrangement with the Lion's Club, whereby the Curt- ain Club would hold two meet- ings a month in the Lions’ Hall and would present two plays a year there for three nights each. SEPTEMBER 28, 1926 » At the annual fall tourna- ment held at the local bowling green, J. Pears of North Tot- onto, won the W. D. Scott cup and the accompanying prize of four motor rugs. The first play, which is already in rehearsal and will be shown to the public November 10, 11, and 12 is what the author Jer- ome K. Jerome, calls an Idle Fancy, “The Passing of the Third Floor Back". Rex Sevenoaks of Toronto who is directing the cast of twelve, has set the date in the eighteen sixties, while Mrs. Ruth Rabinowitch is giving the play an imaginative set design where stairways will enhance the flow of the period crinolines and add interest to the first floor front of 13 Bloomsbury Place. Bob Little is Production Manager, Gordon Lewis, Stage manager and Trav Hutchinson Director’s Assistant. Gid Moodie - prqudly boasts sweet pea vines in his garden measuring 7 ft. 7" and Wm. McKay, Unionville, reported dahlias 7 ft. 3% inches in height. Both cases are certi- ï¬ed by Reeve Lunau. On September 7, the Salva- tion Army will Commence op- erations in Richmond Hill. ‘ The Council of Markham has awarded the contract for the Harper Bridge' on concession 2 near Morgan Ave., V to EC. Lewis of Toronto. Miss Marguerite Boyle, elo- cutionist, has resumed teaching at Homewood Hall,‘ Thornhill. Building permits in the Township of North York are on the increase. From the ï¬rst of September to the 15th, per- mits totalling $66,300 were is- sued. an increase of $43,050 over the ï¬rst two weeks of 1926. SEPTEMBER 30. 1926 The annual ï¬eld day of the Richmond Hill High School was held in the town park; on Wednesday last and the win- ners were: Jr. des Champion, Nelson Graham _35 pts., La- verne Wright 24 pts., runner up. Sr. Champion A. ‘Whlte, 26 pts., S. Battersby. 22 pts. runner up. _ Election of officers of the Richmond Hill W.I. resulted as follows: President Mrs. A. A. Eden; lst vice p’resident. Mrs. Mrs. Osrr Mrs. Phi Endean; son, Mrs. Langstaff‘ Gee won at the a the local Thursday. Way B ack When Heating 8: 24 H01 and cleaning Dealer for 1 The Southern vs: President : lst vice p‘x‘ Cook; 2nd vi Osmond Wrig Phipps; tre Chatco 1d in the town sday last and ere: Jr. de5 C Graham _35 1 Wright 24 pts‘ r. Champion A ,, S. Battersby. TU. 4-1904 rink 1 the J annual directors, Plewman bowling skipped Electrical Furnaces Pressure officers of 1 l W.I. resulted dent Mrs. A. e p’resident. M 1d vice preside Wright; secret: treasurer, M tped by ( A. Greene tournament green lent, Mrs. president. secretary Systems Work ', Miss Mort- Lillian Geo. cup last telephone TUI-ner 4-121: 1 “" ' FREE PARKING REAR 0F THEATRE Show Times 7 and 9 pm. Continuous from 6 pm. Saturdays and Holidays ONLY Sat. Matinee, Oct. 1, 2 p.m. ONLY; ‘ GENE AUTRY in ‘3’)" , A5, iw . mm»; Wmmrs or “a nun chm mm... , '5‘". " ' A MIGHTY STORY OF ‘ OVER- POWERING FAITH... i. A coll-n pkM as still...- Wk...nuM'-g...ll navy-landma- Ianaol In Wmvhnhmhhd... Iolon...lo~0v...~ilhloithl ' D33“ _ .â€" : KAYWALSH Emffï¬ 8831?? "(SERVED 81 WE l. ARTHUR RANK ORGANIZHION m aciamvntyAMmI/mélm 2-. MA...“ UANEPOWELL-EDMUND PURDOM- " DEBBIE REYNOLDS . \nc DAMONE. LOUIS CALHERN VRESENIED 81 W! l. ARYHUR RANK ORGANIZATION Wedneéday, Thursday â€"â€" October 5, 6 Friday, Saturday â€" Sept. 30, Oct. 1 “PACK ' TRAIN’ ’ Monday, Tuesday â€" October 3, 4 mmvblhmhu... Iohn...lo~ï¬v...wilhloilhl