Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 6 Oct 1955, p. 7

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" ': ~ We LOVELY: » : Lunar-R; / MEMZE F. L. Lowrie, R.O. Optometrist Now in a modern office in The Northern Building 31 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill Every Monday & Friday from 7 pm. to 9 pm. . and Every Wednesday ‘ V ' ‘ 9 a.m. to 12.30 noon Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted Complete Optical Repair Service Serving' Richmond Hill 8; 9 District in all visual needs for 14 years. For HOMEGRAFTERS ’0 ‘ BIG 44 PIECE * ELECTRIC DRILL KIT WORTH $29.75 2 I 9 5 You save $6.80 at Canadian Tire I [ANDY COWLETE HOME WORKSHOP for the homecraiter. This Is the most versatile, most complete kit we've seen at anywhere near Canadian Tire'a extra low price. And it's quality construction through- out. This mum-purpose M" Electric Drill Kit drills wood and metal. sands, buffs. sawsâ€"even mixes paint. DRILL FEATURESâ€"-Bigp-power 1,4" Elbotrle Drill; aluminum alloy rustproot frame; Trigger Swrtch; Hand- “ 'l'ite Chuck. Noâ€"ioad speed 1,600 rpm; full-load s eed 900 rpm: PLUS a, a bi selection of the most needed accessoriesâ€"inc udlng Grinding \Vheel, “'Tre Brush, Stones. Sanding Drum. Buffing Wheel. Polishing Bonnet, Bench Stand. Metal Carrying Case and other useful items that add up to 44 pieces in all. Wonderful value! ASK TO SEE THE FAMOUS “MALL” DRILLS AND OUTFITS Powerful 8'-Inch Ball Bearing I mm a" CHROME " MCKELL 5 conmmmou BLADE . (Less Extensions)‘ ASTEBOBAFT “PROFESSIONAL QUALITY” 8-INCH BALLBEABING ENCH SAW â€" Handles all cuttiu Jobs with finest accuracy: readily adaptable for Dadoing. Extra big tab e. Precision machined top, size 16%” .‘ x 14" (with extensions 24%" x 16%”). Table tilts to full 45 degrees; speedy cutting depth adjustments up to full 2%”. Complete with Mitre Gauge. Rip ll’encle, Saw Blade Guard, Splitter and 8" Combination Blade. Excep- tiona va ue! As illustrated, including extensions u............................ 43,40 HEAVY DUTY 8" TILT-ARBOR. BENCH SAWâ€"Ball bearing. 8" blade tilts 05 degrees: cuts 2%" vertically; 8" of table in front of saw; rip fence may be used for right or leitnhand sawing. Big table 13” x 15” (with ex- tensions 35" x 13"). Flontlng motor drive. - 4735 A CTO IanP-IO‘IIISI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... Set of I extensions (each ‘18" x 6"). pain........................ 10.65 POWER GRINDER SPECIAL VALUEâ€"Bench Grinder com- plete with two 4" x bi" Wheels. Heavy castin‘. titted with tool rests and oil wells. 2" pulley and belt guard. 8" threaded spindle, iii.” diam. turned down at working ends to V2". Complete with two I madame e" GRINDERâ€"Heavy fastâ€"cutting 4" medium grit wheels .............. duty model 11.93 NOTE: OUR NEW TELEPHONE NUMBER TUrner 4-1196 25 YONGE ST. NORTH I Richmond Hill Phone TUrner 4-l56l IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Isrnc spun new I ’Poison’ Takeda Appears At Aurora Next Monday at the Aurora Memorial Gardens, the local fans will be able to see the fab- ulous “Poison Cam Takeda" in action. This is the Jap grap- pler who we all have been wait- ing to see all season. and match- maker Tom Nelson expects a sell out crowd. This great wrestler has been cutting quite a swath through the Canadian heavy- weight ranks and last week at the Guelph Gardens defeated Les Lyman. Canadian Heavyweight champion. Lyman, no mean wrestler himself. as all the fans know, says he has never met an opponent as fast or as vicious as this Jap. Small, by heavyweight standards he nevertheless has been undefeated here in Canada, and Tom Nelson is hard put to find any of the locals who will climb into the ring with him. His flying tackles and spectacular aerial work keep the fans in a constant uproar and extra pol- ice are needed to restrain the more bloodthirsty fans. Two weeks ago in Windsor. he put Roy McCluskey in the hospital with a concussion and in doing so eliminated a strong contender. Herb Ioinn Tops Combines League Standing to date. after three weeks of bowling at the Rich- mond Bowl, for the Combines League is as follows: Rose Kings 17. Littles 14. To'pnotchers 14, Try Hards 12. Squares 10. Hill~ billies 6. Lucky Strikes 6 and Yags 5. In last Monday's bowling. Herb Joslin led the men and had top high flat score, 329, 280. 160, and high triple score of 769. Irene Mashinter won the high ladies‘ flat with 240 and high triple with a score of 618. The league will. not bowl on Thanksgiving Day. Thursday Nighters The Thursday Nighters Leag~ ue opened its season on Sept. 29. Team scores were: Tigers 5. Bombers _5, Cards 5, Red Sox 5. Strikeouts 2, Kingpins 2, Indians 2, Handicappers 2. Top scorers for three games were Ruth Cowan with 621 and Harold Ground with 673. Individual high scorers for the ladies were: Ruth Cowan 268. Shirley Broderick 248, Minnie Ground 242, Isobel Savage 231, Ann Reid 205, Ruth Gould 206. High single game scores for men were: Floyd Pratt 269. Eric Charity 254. 202. Fred Bovaird 250, Harold Ground 240. 237. Ben Thompson 220. 216, Vic Bro» derick 220. Willie Beresford 217, Cam Cowan 217. 202. Bill Hall 212. Jack Hall 212, Dick Mills 202. On Oct. 10 Matchmaker Nelson is trying to get Ed Mangotich. the rugged Slavic wrestler, to take on the Jap and if this match is made he can be sure of a sell-out crowd. Semi-Final Eddie Saxon. the very popular English grappling ace, will clash with Jack Flicker .in the Semi- final event and this promises to be a real battle. The English boy is fast and clever and Flickâ€" er is the rough and ready type. The fans are assured of a real fight to a finish with no quarter asked or given. No other out- standing events are being _ar- ranged by Nelson who promises the outstanding card of the fall season at the Aurora Memorial Gardens. So if you plan on be~ ing there you had better get your ticket early. 1 Greenhouse League High Singles: Al Baker 290. W. Mills 239. 'I‘ed Bennett 221, Reg. Baker 204, N. Bowen 217, W. Baker 212, F. Leech 280, E. Cook 230. Mrs. Robbins 213. A. Everett 214. 233. I. Everett 213, R. Robbins 277. High Triples: Al. Baker 642, F. Leech 615, W. Mills 619. Richmond Rollers E. Carlisle 237. E. Hastie 229, E. Dale 212, W. Yonge 206, S. Stundon 206, F. Littleford 281, G. Battier 232. . BETHESDA : The United Church here is celebrating the 100th an- niversary of the building of the church. - WANTED ASSISTANT TO THE ASSESSOR I Applications will be re- ceived by the undersigned, for the position of Assist-- ant to the Assessor, for the Village of Richmond Hill. State fully, experience ‘& qualifications. October 15. Full particulars duties at this office. Russell Lynett, Clerk Richmond Hill Village as to it PLANTS ’3 g 57.5 a s E g a E =-' g as E .. g E .. a E . g E E as g g E Nurseries at Elgin film“IIililllliIlllilllllllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIliIIIIIIIiIIIIlIIlIIIIlIIIlillIllillIIIIIIIIIllllllllllllIlliIlllIIlllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII'IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII * SHRUBS * EVERGREENS WHOLESALE & RETAIL _*_._ Jones Gardens Visit our stall at the Farmers’ Market, Thornhill I RICHMOND HILL Figure Skating Association Annual Fees Are Now Due Please mail to: MRS. N. GIBSON, 172 Centre St. W., Richmond Hill New, applications accepted SKATING STARTS OCTOBER 26 â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"'â€"___.__._._____ .innsunnomnmmmmrnnmmnmimnnnum“munInnuIummnrnmnnnmmnmmmmuw: lliililllllilllllllih IllillllllilliiilllllllliliilIlilIii\lliilllillllllli'iIlliIIlllhliiiii\lliilll'illilliIiillillillllilllllllillllill (ti Mills TU. 4-1662 h' WOODBRIDGD PAIR DCTDBIIB 7 - 8 - 10 $9,000 IN PRIZES Saturday OCTOBER 8 SECOND DAY Western Horse Show POny Races Beef Cattle Hogs Championship Berkshire Show Rabbits and Cavy Show Children's Specials Square Dancing, 2.00 p.m. Exhibit Hall Open At. 1.00 p.111. ADMISSION: Adults 50c Cars in the Grounds â€" 50c GATE PRIZES BOTH DAYS MONDAY (Thanksgiving Day) OCTOBER 10 ' THIRD DAY Harness Races Horse Show of Hunters Jumpers. Harness POn-‘ ies. Heavy 8; Light Horses Sheep Show Dairy Cattle Show Poultry Show Lorne Scots Band Children Free “The biggest rural fair in the Dominion" ' Oak Ridges Bowling Team standing: Willows 11, Champions 8. Swampcrs 8. Strik- ers 8. Happy Wonderers 7. Tree Tops 5. Axe Handles 5. Strike Rites 5. Three Strikes 5. Wild- cats 4. Royals 3. Portsiders 3, Ladies high 3: Kay Walacc 548, Eve Creror 534. Marge Smith 527. \‘erna Roertier 510. Men's high 3; Bill Haanpaa 645. Bill Fuller 626. Max Gra- ham 622. Card Rowe 609. Ladies high single: Eve Crcor 256, Kay Wallace 235, Harriet Mgrgerum 232, Verna Focrtier 21 . Men‘s high single: Sid Shel- drake 283, Bill Haanpaa 279. Bill Fuller 255, Max Graham 254. Friendship League Friendship League Tuesday afternoon scores: Peggy Ripley 232 219; Gladys DeFoe 277; Maud Benjamin 231; Jessie Grainger 208 209: Ruth Charity 224: Emily Bunker 220; Ann Reid 220; Gladys Bennett 215; Beth Rice 215; Eleanor Lccuyer 213; Ruth Cowan 207; Jean Sims 207; Dot Turner 206; Lorraine Acreman 205; Vi McLatchy 200. 10% THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday. October 6. 1955 7 Water Levels May Effect Water Fowl The effect of fluctuating water levels on waterfowl populations has been noticeably demonstrat- ed this year, from reports re- ceived. Those marshes with eith- er natural or artificially main- tained water levels have produc- ed a normal to above normal hatch of migratory birds and may be expected to provide fine duck hunting on opening day. Accord- ing to H. R. McCrimmon. District Biologist at Maple. marshes trib- utary to Lake Simcoe and Geor- gian Bay. where water levels have dropped appreciably since last year have below-average produclion of ducks and in view of the considerable dried out arâ€" ea they could hardly be expect- cd to provide as good hunting as last year. Maple Bowling Results for Maple Ladie's Bowling League for Monday. Oc- tober 3 are: High single Hilda Allen 239; high triple Catherine Johnson 556. Other good scores were: Betty Rumble 234; Det Palmer 230; Ethelwyn Gudat 227; Clara Erck- hardt 223; Helen Calder 222; Jean Larivier 215 209; Doreen Ofiert 210; Catherine Johnson 210; Mary Robson 207; Betty Edgell 203; Hilda Quentin 202. DOWN Will Install Your Plumbing & Heating Also Cover Renovations Low Interest Rates Available B. BAILEY Plumbing & Heating TU. 4-2268 ' You Cn Save or: DA’S WORII a week with a 4 f Norge Automatic Diver First Applications to be in by ._ ATTRACTIVE TO PROPERTIES FOR SALE Write or Phone HARRY CHARLES, Richmond Hill, IUrner 4-1872 REPRES J. A. W|LLOUGHBY AND SONS ESTABLISHED OVER I so YEARS HEAD OFFICE: FATHER'S HAPIW. MOTHER'S GAY. cure on. IS IN THE TANK . RA Idl- I II..omow runon- BUILDERS “in Surveys if: Save'ironing time â€" clothes dry wrinkle free, ready to fold and store 72; Save sprinkling time -â€" with damp-dry control 3;} Save energy you now use in lugging wet clothes and tugging at clothes lines 7!? Save wear and fading of clothes 72? Wash when you wish â€"- no need to wait for good drying weather '= “ CHECK THESE FEATURES: 1. 4-way Selective Drying - Tumbling action - air or air & heat Static action Most dryers - air or air & heat Most other Dryers ONLY fea- ture one way of drying 2. Giant Size Blower Fan Dries Clothes without excessive heat to 7” fan. The Norge features a 21” pressure fan. 3. Large Door Opening 4. Knee action door release 5. Interior Light 6. Porcelain Top ONLY have a 6” 7. Stationary Rack - for safe still drying of delicate fabrics & syn- thetics. ' We are sure you’ll decide that Norge is the Automatic Dryer for you â€" the only Dryer guaranteed SAFE forgall washable fabrics, even delicate synthetics. DeLuxe Model may be purchased with a down payment 0f only Down : We still have a few Standard Models left at \ --:=sl of iUMBLING4 AIR ‘ Foreccnomrcaldry- ing oi plastics and oiher maienals that can‘t sland heal. HEAL. AIR+ TUMBLIIIG For rapid drying oi collons.Imens.eIc.. In the convenlronal manner. and monthly payments of ' $8.00 $179.95 Yerex Electric TU. 4-1552 Richmon MER‘ESON M 'MaJLLA. wean. 3W; Monogram/21m!wa A way I02 imYKW/fi OFKABk/c WN & COUNTRY ENTING 50 EXPERIENCED SALESMEN 46 Eglinton Ave. 8. Have us fill vour tank with Then do You‘ll be com- high quality fuel oil. let the thermometer what it will. fortable. SUPPLIES-FEEDS - In All Consumer FAN-BLOWN AIR ONLY for super-genus dfylilg oi delicate, lacy Irber: and bulkyprllows. HEAT-r AIR To dry loosely- w ven wool: or 3| Iedioyswrlhoui shrinkage or mai- 1105;. 6. Hill

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