mmuumuuuumunmummmmmmunmmmummmmmunanmmmmmmmmummwuuuummmInummuwnu 93 Yonge St. S. - Richmond Hill - TU. 4-2791 1\\ll\“m|ll“l\\lll\llllllllllllll““llulllllllllllmlllll|llllNull“ll“lllullllllllllllllmllllllllm“llullllllllllll“ll“llllllllllllllllll\llllllllllllllll“Nlllllllll 3' Or. on the other hand. you have to cock your head in suspic- lon when the speedometer says 25.000 and there are BRAND NEW rubber treads on the pedals. For, if a cal-dealer makes a mis- take in taking in a trade-in car there‘s one person he's going to try to pass the mistake on to â€" the customer. ‘ When you‘re in the car business you have to know how to sell cars. granted. Just as important, you have to know 7 how to BUY cars. You can then give a fair priceto the per- : son who’s trading in and keep his business. And you’ll be f able to sell the car again. also at a fair price. That. I think. ~ is why we‘ve been staked out at the same place. in the same business, for so long. l I've always been intrigued with one idea they have in Switz- kjland. At every blind intersection there are huge mirrors set at a 45 degree angle so that a driver has a clear View of what's coming from the side. In London; cars don't use their headlights at night, just parking lights. You really don‘t need anything more on a well-lighted street and headlights just add to the glare. All the road signs in Europe are standardized; you don‘t even have to know the language of the country you're in to under- stand them. “ I One of the signs of real intelligence is the ability to learn gram the experience of others. not to be pig-headed about our own ideas and to accept the good and reject the bed from other Tpeople and other places. ‘ There are "signs" you have to know in the our business. too. When a car comes in for trade you have to think “Could as car with pedal treads worn that much really have only 25,000 miles on it?“ ‘ Some of the ways of European driving we could very well adopt over here. ‘ DUTCH BULBS OPEN EVENINGS ENDEAN NURSERIES We take time to get friendly and acquainted. We ï¬nd the expression characteriatic of your youngster. Then we capture it in the lively moment that gives you a portrait that lives! . Make your child’s portrait appointment now. Posing a child? “’3 like keeping a cat in a shoebox: you can’t - unless the subject wants to ooopei-ate. THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, October 13, 1955 We ï¬tted the 5/1, to Jimmy's Evergreens, Shrubs, Trees, etc. agerquist studio LIMITED ' YONGE STREET 1 mile north of Richmond Hill TU. 4-14.91 Chisels 1 Babcock Milk Tester. complefle' Number of good Cotton Gnain Bags Number of Sacks‘ 1 Stable Feed Carrier on caster wheels Number of Carpenter Tools Number of old Antique Carpen- ‘ _ _ ter' tools Numerous lot of other useful and antique articles not mentioned Furniture , Extension Dining-Room Table Antique Glass Kitchen Cup- board Chesterï¬eld Bed Kitchen Chairs Dresser with mirror Brass Bed, springs, mattress real old antique book case and secretary Wooden Bed, springs and mat» tress Spool Beds, antique Rope Beds. antique Stone Crock Churn, daisy type Butter Bowl print and ladle Extra Old Chair, antique Number of other antique Chairs Number of Jugs. eathenware 1 Camp Bed. springs and mat- HHHNN H HHHUIH HH Millikan, phone AX. 3-5987 Mamuam I'.U., pnone Mark. 346 1 antique Mortising Machine 2 Circular Saw Blades, quantity 2" steel shafting. quantity 1" steel shafting, with pulleys & hangers Emery stand with number of emery wheels ‘Cistern Pump 2 Tarpaulins Fence Post Driver Steel Bench Vise Quantity of Red Oak 4" Lumber. Quantity of Elm 2" Planks 1 House Door with frame and H HHH hinges 1 Door Clamp for making doors Number of Wooden Planes and tress Numerous lot of other articles Terms Cash. No reserve. Sale at 1 mm. piles 2 Good Dog Kennels Number of Other Implements Number of Working Plows Miscellaneous 1 Set Platform Scales, 2000 lbs. 1 Set Sniall Scales, 240 lbs. 1 Set Beam Scales 1 loo-Gal. Gasoline Tank, with pump , . . 1 40-Gal. Gas Barrel 1 Set Team Harness 3 Iron Kettles 1 Large Meat Grinder 1 Cream Separator. DeLaval, large size 1 Power Meat Grinder on stand Milk Pails and Strainers, etc. 1 25 ft. antique Oak Ladder 3 Ladders, various lengths 1 Steel Wheelbarrow 1 Pig Scalding Trough l Lawn.Mower 1 Electric Brooder, 500 chick 1 Coal Burning Broader Stove, 500 chick No. of ropes, pulleys. blocks & tackles 1 Antique Mortising Machine. complete ' ‘ 1 ,Iron Safe 1 Fanning Mill, Chatham, with bagger 3 Turkey Shelters, 16x22 Number of Drive Belts, different sizes 1 4Arlijtique Boring Machine, with its 2 Cross-Cut Saw Blades 1 Speed Jack Number of Logging Chains 1 Extra Heavy Logging Chain 1 Electric Fencer with insulators Number of Steel Fence Posts Number of Anchor Posts, cedar ; Implements 1 10x20 IHC Tractor on steel, 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 good , M-H 11-tooth stiff-tooth Tracâ€" tor Cultiuator: powerlift trac- tor hitch - _ Wilkinson Blower Cutting Box, complete with pipes Vessott Grain Grinder M-H Cutting Box with short carrier M-H Mower, 5 ft. International 7' Grain Binder M-H Dump Rake, 10’ Set 3-section Spring Tooth Harrows M-I-I 13-Hoe Grain Drill Set 4-Sect. Light Drag Harrows Set 4~Sect. Light Drag Harrows 1 Steel Wheel Farm Truck Wagon 2 Good Hay Racks 1 Set Bob Sleighs 2 Cutters, one antique Number of poultry feeders and fountains 1 Wooden Wheel Farm Wagon 1 Light Platform Spring Wagon 1 Hay Tedder 1 Scuï¬ler, complete Quantity of Old Iron. several FARM IMPLEMENTS, IHC TRACTOR Household & Antique Furniture The property of ELMO SNIDER Lot 19. Con. 5. Vaughan Twp. South of Maple Sideroad SATURDAY, OCTOBER 22 KEN 8: CLARKE PRENTICE, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wood, Spruce Avenue have returned from a trip to Brockville. Ottawa and vicinity. They took’ their little granddaughter Marion. with them and she was thrilled to have her picture taken with the Mountie on duty at Parlia- m‘ent Buildings. ‘ Almost every bone in his arm was broken and an operation was necessary. Eddie is still in To- ronto General Hospital. and un- certain of when’ he may return home. He and his famliy are very grateful for the assistance friends and neighbours gave‘him at the time of the accident. and the kind thoughts since. Personal Mrs. H. Gottschalk has been receiving treatments in the Or- thapaedic Hospital, Wellesley St., for the last 10 days. and will be having a cast put on this week, best wishes are extended to her for a speedy recovery and return h'bme. Eddie Owen. Oak Avenue suf- fered a very badly’ broken‘arm a week last Sunday when he en- countered a broken limb on the tree he was climbing. Deepest sympathy is extended t9 the family of Mr. Wm. Kauf- mann, who passed away last Fri- day in his 94th year. AUCTION SALE CORRESPONDENT: MRS. R. 1’. PAUL TU. #2800 RICHVALE NEWS In keeping with th occasion, the Sunday School pupils enjoy- ed a ï¬lm strip on “What we should be thankful for", shown by Mrs. Freeman Barker. Headford Church was beautiâ€" fully decorated with flowers and fruits of the harvest on Sunday for the Thanksgiving service. The minister had a special mess- age and among the visitors were Mrs. James Coulter, Mr. and Mrs. John Simpson. Ruth and Noreen. of Richmond Hill,.Miss Barbara Deverell, and Joan Cur- tis of Newmarket, the last named being a week-end guest of Mar- garet Brodie. Many folk from our commun- ity attended Woodbridge Fair on Monday. Perfect Weather made the attendance there a record. Mr. and Mrs. Mel Jones were Thanksgiving guests with Billy and Melvin, of Hal and Mrs. Ac- reman, when on their way back from closing their cottage at Franklin Beach. The Kitchenette Lorraine and Murray Acreman were Thanksgiving visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Beck- iord at Havelock. While there, they \found the ï¬shing at Cordova Mines quite good for the season. Elisabeth Barker was guest of her aunt, Miss Emma Barker, in Toronto over the week-end. The Semi-Annual meeting is to be Held October 20 in Aurora United Church Mrs. M. N. Buch- nick is gue_st speaker. -._... yrvvuy. . "Mrsâ€",â€" fiirk and Mrs. Wood‘ as- sisted Mrs. Baker and Mrs. Ness with refreshemnts. Mrs. Baker read an Invitation from Maple W.M.S. to attend the thankoï¬ering meeting on Octo- ber 19. Their speaker is to be Mrs. A. E. Armstrong. Theme of the meeting which was .conducted by Mrs. Baker. was Bread of Life. Miss Shep- herd read the scripture John 6: 28-35, and gave the explanation. Mrs. Baker read an article writ- ten by Dr. Pidgeon, and an item on Thanksgiving Today in Can- ada. Carrville United Church Wo- man’s Association met at the home of Mrs. J. Baker October 5, when 15 attended. Mr. and Mrs. David Barton en- tertained Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ash and Bill of Edgeley and Mr. and Mrs. J. Barton and thn at Thanksgiving dinner on Sunday evening. ‘ Correspondent: Mrs. Bert Middleton Telephone Maple 130123 Person’als April Darlene Hough, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ken- neth Hough. Richvale, was bap- tized at Carrville United Church on Thanksgiving Sunday by Rev. E. B. Eddy. Gretfa Middleton spent Thanks- giving Day with her cousin. Hel- en Oliver of Richmond Hill. We would like to express sin- cere sympathy to Dr. Brock Walker in the death of his old- est sister. in the West. Dr. Walk- er’s two sisters in Richmond Hill flew out to attend the funeral. Hoyvitt. won the Senior Boys Championship. and John Moor- head, Richvale, tied for Junior Boys Champiopship. The next meeting of Richvale Guide and Brownie Mothers will be held on Thursday, October 20 at the home of Mrs. H. Jarman. Spruce Avenue at 8:30 pm; Mothers of the new Brownies and Guides are invited to come to the meeting and meet the other mothers. School Field Day ' At ‘the Area Field Day. which took place on Wednesday Octo- ber 1. Charles Howitt school placed 3rd. and Richvale school 4th. Dennis Millard, ’Charles Howitt. won the Senior Bovs Saturday, October 13 is Apple Day. This is the one day of the year when the boys may assist in raising funds for the move- ment and they hope for the fine support again this year, which they have always received from the community. Both Langstaff and' Richvale Cubs and Scouts will be out on Saturday and the mothers will be serving hot co- coa and cookies and assisting the boys wherever possible. Langstaff Cub pack had their meeting outdoors last week and enjoyed an evening of games. They are planning to visit the Observatory in the {near future. Richvale Guide and quwnie Mothers . The October meeting will take place in the school. Monday 0c- tober 17 at 8:15 sharp. The Area Supervisory staff and Area Psy- chologist will be present at this meeting. Cub and Scout Apple Day Mr. R. Paul has spent the last two weeks in Montreal, Three Rivers and Quebec and Ottawa. Richvale Home and School The Richvale Cub Pack is clos- ed to new recruits for the time being and leaders are still great- ]y needed. Mr. and Mrs. J. Allen, Mr. and Mrs. F. Bigley and children spent Thanksgivlng weekend at Algonquin Parlg. DELI CA TESSEN & HOME BAKING Delicious Cakes & Pastry Reasonable Prices HEADFORD NEWS Mrs. H. Amman Correspondent: % R. R. 2 Gomley. Ont. Ti Phone TUrncr 4-2236 Yonge near Steeles AV. 5-1871 WE DELIVER CARRVILLE Vancouver 89.7 (FROM TORONTO) Tickets imd Information at St. Louis .. Sault Ste. Marie MALTBY’S SERVICE STATION menuonn am. Next Sunday. October 16. be- cause of Anniversary services being held at Brown’s Corners United Church, Sunday School at Victoria Square will be held at 9:45 a.m..followed by Divine Worship at Brown's Corners at 11 am. therefore there will be no church service at Victoria Square. The guest speaker at the Anniversary service will be Rev. Douglas Davis. Stouï¬ville. at 11 am. and the Young People will take charge of the service at 7:30 pm. when the guest speaker will be a third year student in Theology in Emman- uel College. Toronto. Sunday School Association The members of the Executive of the Markham Township Sun- day School Association are ask- ed to meet Monday evening, Oc- tober 17 at 8 pm in the base- ment of the Lutheran Church, Unionville. Teacher’s Meeting .. .. On Wednesday evening of last week a group of the Sr. Women‘s Institute visited the John Mad- sen School at Cherry Hill Farm. Unionville.. Here we saw class- es in Woodworking. Leather- work, Ceramics, Art. Metal- work. Oil Painting. and last but not least the Folk Dancing. These classes were all very in- teresting. Following the visi- tation the group returned to the home of Mrs. Reid Brumwell for a short business meeting and refreshments. Mrs. H. McCague \vaS‘appointed as a delegate to attend the ' Women's Institute Convention bein'g held at the Royal York Hotel. Toronto on November 2, 3 and 4. It is re- quested that as many of the ladies attend as possible. Children’s Meeting On Tuesday evening. October 18 at 8 pm. the teachers and the assistant teachers of the Victoria Square Sunday School are asked to meet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Mumberson to Sr. Women’s Institute He' arrived REFRESHED bus On Saturday morning of last week four car loads of children from our community attended the Children's meeting conduct- ed by the Billy Graham Crusade held in the Coliseum, Toronto. Sunday School (Pram Torbn’o) RETURN FARE Sighfsceing and Hdel Room (Double) 10 night: Moimtatn ctimbing is not a sport for any amateur, but stop-overs for sightseeing in the mountain regions are an enioyable feature of bus travel. Ask your A90»! for details of this or other Package Tours LOW ROUND TRII' FARES CALIFORNIA Circlq Tour 16 paysâ€"$145.46 TUrnez 4 - 0001 CORRESPONDENT: Mrs. W. Sundle. Vlctorin Squire Telephone Gonnley 5421 __ VICTORIA SQUARE NEWS n o tn) $27.40 . 29.00 . 89.75 The‘ regular monthly meeting of the W. A. will be held on Wednesday evening, October 19 at the home of Mrs. Clarence Stong. 6 King's Crescent, West- on. Mrs. Martin Styrmo will be the speaker. There will 31 o be a shower of fancy cups an sau- ers for the chm-ch kitchen. so please bring one. A bus will furnish the transportation, and those wishing to go are asked to be at the corner by 7:30 pm. All the ladies in the community are invited to attend. Neighbourhood Notes Mr. R. E. Sanderson and Miss Mabel Sanderson had Sunday evening dinner with Mr. and Mrs. William Wilson in Toronto. make plans for Christmas in the church school. W. A. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mortson and family entertained the fol- lowing to dinner on Saturday evening, Rev. A. Huston and Betty. Mr. and Mrs. Rolph Boyn~ ton. Mr. and Mrs. V. Westbrook. Mr. R. E. Sanderson and Miss Mabel Sanderson, Mrs. R. Perk- ins and Miss Coral Perkins. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Boyn- ton spent the holiday weekend with friends at Midland. Friends are sorry to hear that Mr. Roy Bovair is in Toronto Western Hospital where he will undergo a skin operation on his leg. which he suffered severe burns to this summer; also that Mrs. Percy Bassinger is in the St. Michael’s Hospital, Toronto. Birthday greetings to Louis Mortson who will be two years old on October 11' to Mr. Percy Bennett for October 15: to Mrs. Kenneth Stephel’fson for October 18; to Lawrence Boynton for October. Mrs. S. DeFoe and Mrs. H. Collard spent a few days last week in Buffalo. ' A speedy recover); is Wiéhed f0}; them. Cohgratulations are exé’ended to Mr. and Mrs. Ross Co ie on thgibirth of their second son. Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Ford of Winnipeg, Manitoba spent a day last week with Mr. and Mrs. L. Knapp and Irene. Mr. and Mrs. L. Knapp and Miss Irene Knapp had Sunday evening dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Empringham and fam- ily. Mr. Tony Roman of the On- ta rio Agricultural College, Guelph spent the holiday week- end at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Nichols. Miss Vera Nichols and“ Mr. Wil- ford Anderson spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Helm- kay at Creemore. Mr. David Boynton of the Onâ€" tario Veterinary College, Guelph spent the holiday weekâ€"end at his home here. Miss Mary Siberry, nurse~ln- training at the Toronto Eeast General Hospital spent the holi-~ day weekend at her home here, ’Always ask For Steady controlled heat from your living room I. D. RAMER 8: SON Ricnuoun HILL -- Phone TUmeH TM 'bluo eonl' T E M P - M A s T E R with It: 1mm: Eya' Thermostat changes lurnaca tonirol: Momaflcally . . . ands wastetul ovar- heating '0 affectlvoly cut fuol bills. Sm: stepsâ€"saves Hmoâ€" soon pay: [or use". Phone today M l he: demonstration. . .-;it can "3335! you money! -‘blue Write or Phone HARRY CHARLES, Richmond Hill, TUmer REPRESENTING Licensed Mechanic Repairs To All Makes Of Cars Specializing In English Automobiles Tune-ups 5‘3 Texaco Products if Towing Service ELGIN MILLS TU. 4-1773 and persons installing or altering Plumbing, Drainage, or- Private Sewage Disposal systems in the Villages of Markham, Richmond Hill, Stouffville.‘ Woodbridge and_ Sutton, the Townships of Markham, Vaughan, Whitchurch, North Gwillimbury and East Gwillimbury and the Town of Newmarket. PLUMBING ANi) SEWER installations and altera- tions must conform to the Regulations under the Pub- lic Health Act respecting plumbing and sewers. '- PRIVATE WASTE DISPOSAL systems must con: form to the requirements of the Regulations under the Public Health Act, and any local municipal by- laws in eï¬ect. Before commencng any work on plumbing, sewer, drainage or waste disposal installations or alter- ations. APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL STOUFFVILLE Brillinger Bldg. SHOULD BE MADE at the nearest office of the York County Health Unit, located at: â€"- NEWMARKET RICHMOND HILL ATTRACTIVE TOWN & COUNTRY PROPERTIES FOR SALE ESTABLISHED OVER ‘ 50 YEARS 16 Doris Avenue Lansing 1 A- \X/ILLOUGHBY 126 Main St. A Complete Household Moving Service' EXPERT APPLIANCE MOVERS In Richmond Hlll Please Contact our representative JOHN McKINNON. 101 WOOD LANE This famous fuel is deep-“mined hard coal â€"â€"carefully graded from start to ï¬nish. It gives you the clear full flame that means better heatâ€"thrifty heatâ€"safe heat. Thousands of Canadian families rely on ‘que coal’ for steady, healthful heat. So don’t be colour-blind when you coal. It pays to order ‘blue coal’. Don’t just order coalâ€"insist on ‘bluo coal’. __ ‘blue coal’ is colour-marked for your guarantee of heating satisfaction. PUBLIC NOTICE to Plumbers, Drain'Layers, Contractors MOVERS HEAD OFFICE: 46 Egllnton Ave. B. OUR GARAGE Phone TUmer 4-1313 N. HANSEN BA. 1-2514 coar 50 EXPERIENCED SALESMEN 50 Yonge St. N. AND SONS SUTTON High St. buy 4-1872